Decisions and Sacrfice Six

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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chapter six



Decisions and Sacrifice


Whipblade ([email protected])

*** Part Six***

The exhaust fumes dissipated along with the fading roar of engines. The lone figure laid on the empty laboratory floor bleeding. A weak groan whispered from the rat grew louder as his long pink tail twitched slightly. Opening his beady eyes he stared at the dark spinning room. Warm sticky liquid ran down his snout, the taste of blood in his mouth got Rat-Stein motivated to sit up. The task itself made the spinning room warp and wobble. Reaching up he took hold of a nearby table edge and hoisted to his feet.

The room now filled with bright white stars exploded rippling the walls like a puddle.

"Need ... Lee....use.. lab.... heal.." he choked out before coughing violently. On unsteady limbs he stumbled in pain to the transporter.

Deep red oozed out of various points over his body, he could feel his strength slipping away, he couldn't think to curse the mouse, the pain was far too excruciating. With blood stained hands, Rat-Stein grasped the transporter control stick and brought it down as his body slumped against the machine, his breath coming in labored gasps. He coughed up blood "to heal.." his hoarse voice managed to rasp.

The transporter activated, its noise and light caused Angel Lee too look up and focus on the creature crawling out, Rat-Stein.

She couldn't help but smirk as the rat oozed his way out and then fell. Lee watched, waiting. Soon she realized he wasn't going to move on his own again, the rat she had once idolized lay soaking in a pool of his own blood. She smiled bitterly, unable to feel sad at his demise, she was curious as to who dealt the final blow. Angel Lee found herself changing from young and naive to a more harden woman the longer the body laid there and the more she reflected her time spent in the confines of the laboratory.

** Space Dock #45 : Plutark **

Four tall Plutarkians dressed in high ranking official uniforms made their way into the main governing complex.

The last of the group slipped her long pink tail back under her coat before anyone noticed.

The trip from the space dock to the lab was short considering a lone flight of stairs. The hallways seemed cloned as each appeared exactly like the previous. As the four walked they received gasps from other lower ranked Plutarkians who moved aside for their passage. Not one of the four accepted or initiate the traditional Plutarkian greeting as they made their way towards the laboratory.

The four heard the screams of a victim echoing from somewhere in the complex. They ignored the poor soul who was most likely receiving a painful death. Upon reaching Ward 'A' laboratories, the four separated.

The tallest strode first, his sagging belly a counterpoint to an otherwise graceful frame. He entered the research wing that held all of the genetic material collected from various planets. Stealing a small sample of each, he stealthy destroyed the remaining hazards. "When your _chips_are down, you raise the stakes." he chuckled, his voice like an old vice. About to leave he noticed a note book sitting on the counter. With quick movements he slipped it into his pocket.

The smallest of the set seemed to be more arms and legs than anything. She made her way into the bio-chem wing. Carefully taking samples of the potential weapons Plutark could make to erase a planets sentinel beings and take the un contaminated land. The small Plutarkian set a small box in the center of the corridor. With all the lab doors ajar, she opened the box, a small puff of orange speckled powder rose up misting the floor before it floated along into the air ducts, aided by the A/C and vents. "Turning yet another page in Plutarkian headache history." she giggled slipping away.

The remaining two continued down the corridors until they reached room 493. Strolling into the chilly room the tallest of the pair walked directly to the computer and logged on.

"Name" the computer chimed.

The fish manually typed.

"Disabling Voice Recognition. Please proceed manually." The computer fell silent.

Inserting a disk the screens images dissolved into a bright blue field. "Lance Virus installed." he stated.

The second Plutarkian however paid little attention as he checked over the rat laying before the transporter. "Dead rat." his scratchy voice said.

"One of ours?" The first Plutarkian asked walking over to the body.

"No, our objective."

"It still leaves us with a traitor to catch." The obvious leader stated. Hearing a small gasp he looked around the room. His brown eyes spotted the lone prisoner, trying to cover her all too exposed parts. He grabbed a nearby lab coat to cover her nakedness.

Angel Lee watched as the two Plutarkians approached the cell. They looked around before the bars retracted back into the ceiling and floor.

"Here, put this on." The leader said handing Lee the coat.

"Are you hurt?" The second Plutarkian, one with a blue and a green eye asked.

"" Lee stuttered fearful these two would take her to the same fate as the Martians.

Four Plutarkians and one rat prisoner boarded the Plutarkian battle cruiser. The medium sized ship took off before the real Plutarkians knew what had hit them.


Peeking around the large white column, she watched in horror. One hand over right ear as she attempted to block out the noise in vain for it echoed in her memories mind. She could hear all too well the sound of leather and steel against flesh, the hoarse screams that had came from her. Watching the victims head rear back in a painful scream as whip cracked down over his already welted hyde. Her blue eyes widened in terror at the sight. It wasn't just a kin that was on the floor, it was a bro. "Throttle..." her dove-like voice not above a whisper.

To Throttle's and Harley's relief sires interrupted the session. Knowing it was only a matter of time before the situation would be under control and the camera crews would arrive. The bulky high-chairman ceased his heinous activities to investigate further into the irritation. Harley knew when Camembert returned he'd be accompanied by high ranking Plutarkians to further torture her bro in front of the pay-per-view crews. She moved quickly and stealthily once the coast was clear.

Throttle was in obvious pain as his tail worked the lock that bound the choker to the floor. Shrugging her cape off, Harley carefully placed it along his ravaged fur. "Shh, its over now." she gently cooed moving his tail aside. Using a pick, Harley undid the lock that bound him. He was frozen in fear, unable to move quickly, but tense enough to try and fight.

"I wont hurt you." Harley reassured helping him to his feet.

Throttle grunted in pain squinting at the female mouse.

"I know it hurts." Harley said taking the most of his weight on to her shoulder "I've been there myself." slowly she lead him out of the room and down to the pool room. "Let's get you cleaned up. Red is just not your color."

The light golden furred female Martian mouse helped Throttle ease into the water. His muscles seemed to unwind once encased in the warm liquid. Passing him a washcloth Harley left him to his own doings while she raided her stash of hidden garments from behind the drying tube.

He knew her, he just couldn't place her, heck between his static filled vision and the fact that he was on Plutark made identifying any mouse difficult. For all he knew, the one helping him could be Modo! Throttle winced slightly as he dabbed the cloth along his whipped shoulders.


Charlene Davidson sank deep into the battered old couches pillows. Her head spun with questions as she reflected the past couple months. How could they not even question Vinnie's accusations? Were they so used to hearing Karbunkle experimenting, that they never even question Throttle's appearance? story of escape? or even his lack of apparent damage? Not even the resentment the two had for each other after being reunited. She wanted to scream at her own ignorance. She kicked at the Scoreboards floor.

Rimfire seemed more confused then ususal as the past month was relayed to Stoker, Carbine and himself. He couldn't understand how his uncle could choose one bro over the other.

Stoker hung his head, he understood, even with Vinnie still refusing to explain how he knew.

Carbine's tail twitched sharply, she didn't care how it happened or why. All she wanted was Throttle back in her arms and off Plutark. Talking about the past wasn't getting them anywhere! "Look! We need a plan. We can't just blast our way into Karbunkle's lab and use the transporter without being stuck on the stink planet. But we can't exactly go blasting our way into an enemy strong hold either." She said, her voice hard and military.

Stoker could hear the slight quiver of deepening worry in her voice. "Carbine's right, for once. We need a plan."

"I dunno, blasting into Karbunkle's lab sounds like a pretty good plan to me." Vinnie admitted from across the room. As the others sat around the sofa, Vinnie stayed planted near his bike.

Stoker looked over to the white mouse who seemed to be fussing over nothing in particular. "Well punk, how do you plan to get back?"

"Remote control for the transporter, or.....a space ship." Vinnie smirked.

"Been there, done that." Modo complained.

"The bikes will need remodifications in order to withstand the acid like atmosphere." Charley girl said walking towards the A.I.'s and the freedom fighter cycle "With the parts from the Stench Carrier it should be a snap." walking past the cycles she headed towards the disassembled Plutarkian vessel, or .. what remained of it.


"You sure your staying behind?" Carbine asked over her radio. The group was enroute to Limburger tower.

"Positive, I need to keep the transporter open and guarded." Charley girl replied as she rode on her black motor cycle.

"Rimfire, stay with Charley-ma'am." Modo ordered as they started to climb up the tower.

"But...." the youngest mouse started to protest.

"She's going to need help keeping the goons at bay." Stoker agreed.

"Yes sir." Rimfire said with a less than excited attitude.

High up in his office, the Plutarkian over seeing the slow destruction of Chicago became alert as a red light flashed sounding an alarm.

"What now!" Limburger snapped turning around only to see four motor bikes roar up past his window. "Can't those flea bitten rodents leave me alone just once!" the fish disguised as a human grumbled. "GOONS! ATTACK!" he ordered as he flipped on his computer monitor to view the happenings on the roof.

It was, as always. Predictable. As the goons rushed forward the mice attacked making short work of the buggies and their drivers.

The four bikes then crashed their way through the roof.

"Oh, my..." Limburger said as he tip toed to the door. The sound of angry motorcycles erupted in the hallways. Limburger slammed the door and ran behind his desk instead.

The door splintered into millions of pieces revealing the Freedom Fighters.

"Don't bother getting up Cheese butt." Modo smiled as he zipped past the Plutarkian before blasting a hole into the office floor.

"Yeah stink breath, we're only visiting! AHAHAHHAOOOO!!!" Vinnie hollered shooting wildly at random objects. He popped a wheelie before rocketing down the crater Modo created.

"AAHHAAHH!" Limburger shouted as he took cover behind his desk chair.

"We'll be back though." Rimfire waved as he too disappeared downwards.

"But, here's a present for the mean time." Stoker laughed as Carbine tossed some Martian land mines at the desk.

"Please do forget to write, you reeking pork butt." Charley said as she followed the mice.

From the lab, Karbunkle heard the three loud explosions that rocked the tower slightly. "Ahh, yet another annoying visit by those pesky mice. No matter, I have a surprise for them." The mad scientist said, but before he could reach his latest invention, a laser blast came from the right, vaporizing it.

"AHHHH!!!" Karbunkle screamed as he ran away from the six.

"Going somewhere doc?" Carbine asked in a cruel voice as she cut the scientist off.

"Don't you know it's rude to leave a party when its just starting?" Modo asked, his eye glowing a bright red. Rimfire hopped off Lil' Darlin'. Grabbed a hold of the doctors white jacket, the youngest Freedom Fighter dragged the protesting Karbunkle away.

Charley girl hopped off her bike and quickly started up the transporter. "Guys!"

Stoker jumped from the back of Vinnie's bike and onto Charley's vacant ride. "The 'porters hot! Let's ride!" Stoker yelled zipping into the Transporters yellow beam. Vinnie followed Carbine with Modo not far behind.

Rimfire smiled with twisted glee as he tied Karbunkle up to a invention that resembled a big lightening rod.


Throttle looked up at the female offering him some rather dull clothing. Sliding them on was more of a challenge than he cared to admit.

"Don't worry, the sirens are going to keep most of them busy for a while." She said softly.

"Harley?" Throttle asked squinting at the female mouse.

"Yeah, it's me." She said helping him into a long sleeve khaki jacket. The khaki cargos hugged his legs. "Come on, we best keep moving." Harley said as she headed for the far door.

"How long have you been here?" Throttle asked worried that all this time she was here and they never knew it.

"I don't know. Less than a year, I guess." The blond mouse said with a shrug. "I've been a lot of places, this is just another stop."

"Wh... " Throttle paused unsure if he wanted to know the answer. "What about Mace?" he swallowed hard.

"Now is not the time." She said simply as the two traveled down a long corridor.

Throttle watched the beautiful mouse his bros had tried to find for a long while before heading back to Mars and it's war. Her left ear, a metal one, drooped slightly because of it's weight. He couldn't believe they found her.


The Plutarkians who had escorted Angel Lee onto the space ship, pulled on their faces, stretching until the masks pulled off, revealing three rats and a dog.

"Who are you?" Lee asked looking from one rat to another.

"I am Lance, commander of Duo Scythe." The black and tan Doberman said with a smile. "These are my officers. He pointed first to the smallest rat that looked like a gangly teen all knees and elbows, "Lieutenant Paige, " the brindle rat bowed to her. "That's Lieutenant Ma'ze, and Officer Clip" The tallest and oldest rat nodded regarding her coolly.

"Anna Lee." She said looking around the small air lock.

"Welcome Ann Lee." Lance said as he stripped out of the rest of his disguise, revealing a deep blue and black uniform. "To Duo Scythe, a Class 8 Vindicator. Built by the last residences of Wrangler 5."

"Wrangler 5?" Lee questioned.

"Once a G class planet now a desolated ice rock floating around Plutark." Ma'ze explained. "It was populated by beings looking much like really big, uhm emus." he finished with a smack of the lips.

Lee nodded. "I know of them. But their planet was renamed to Moon 95."

Lance smiled. "Yes it was, but only by the Plutarkians."

Overwhelmed Lee leaned again the cold steel wall, finding it more warm than cold.

"Come on, you look cold, hungry and abused." Ma'ze said tenderly leading the female rat towards the infirmary.

"You have no idea." She muttered following Lance and Ma'ze.

In the cosy infirmary large enough to accommodate several casualties at one time along with enough equipment and surgery rooms to preform 5 at a time. There sat a small office just off the side surrounded by Plutarkian glass steel enabling the patients to see the doctors at work and the doctors to work while still observing the patients.

Lee sat down in the office. Warm tea sat before her as Lee wrapped her robe tighter around her. With her mind spinning she thought out loud. "I should have known better." She sighed. "I should have at least questioned where the samples came from, why they were testing chemicals and why those Martian mice were on Plutark." Lee leaned back in the chair.

"If you did all that, then you wouldn't be living Ann Lee." Lance stated gently taking a seat behind the small desk. "Would you care to tell me about yourself? Please." Lance encouraged.

"I rather hear about you first." Lee said quietly.

Lance gave a knowing smile before nodding. "Well, I was born and raised in the Outer Rings, my parents both worked on Space Station #1, thus where I spent most of my life before I went to the Space Station #3 academy to study aviation and became a Space Ship Commander, then I accepted a proposal from my academy room mate to attend a secret meeting by a group called the Cadets of Ikkywara. Since joining, I've been running trade routs aboard Duo Scythe, trading information along the way and pulling little Ops that you've became part of." Lance said.

Lee shook her head. "Are you out of breath?" She asked, still absorbing the info.

"No, I actually can carry on for several run on sentences in concession." Lance smirked. "Now, about yourself?"

"I've been working in the company headed by Rat-Stein for several years." She sipped her tea, mulling over her next words. "He brought a Martian mouse into the lab, and I was then used as an experiment." Lee shrugged. "The mouse was dragged away and you found me." She took another sip of her tea, looking down.

Lance frowned. "Do you believe in Rat-Stein's creed?"

"Rat-Stein, Plutarkian, creeds are the same thing." Lee gave a shrug "Until a few days ago, I thought I was working with just samples. Tissues collected from deceased victims. Now, I don't know what I believe anymore" she sighed.

Lance looked up past the white and black furred female. A doctor motioned he was ready to examine Lee. Setting his tea down and standing Lance smiled. "Ann Lee, you have all the time you need to think about what you believe and where you wish to go. We'll do what we can to help you. After all, us rats need to stick together." Lance said strolling to the office door and opening it. "However I do believe the doctor wishes to examine you right now. If that is alright with you?"

Lee stood and padded out the door being held open. "Thank you, but a little turn and cough is nothing new." she said with a wink to Lance before acknowledging the rat in green scrubs.


The Martian Freedom Fighters stormed into the Plutarkian laboratory like there was no tomorrow. Carbine lead the way blasting through the main bulk of the Plutarkian guards that seemed to be swarming the room. "Eat hot laser you rotting bottom feeders!"

Vinnie popped out of the 'porter. "AAAHOOOOOOWWWHHOOOOO!!!" he laughed while blasting at the Plutarkians that were far from mere guards but looked almost police like. "Hey look! Purple Moo-Moo CSI workers!" He laughed.

"I dunno bro, I just see purple Moo Moos." Modo shuddered his arm canon firing at the equipment behind the cowering fish.

"Take them all out bros!" Stoker hollered as he whooped past the down fish.

"AAAWWWWWHOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Vinnie's wild cries bounced off the walls as his laser took out more Plutarkian scum bags in their funny purple moo moos and *shudders* spandex. "Make way for Vinnie Van Victory! Baddest Martian Mammer Jammer in the Universe!" he called out still firing his lasers.

Before long the group slammed on their breaks as they hit a two-way fork in the hallway.

Stoker's shadow fell over the approaching red cycle and white mouse. "Take the red carpet punk, Carbine go with him. Modo, with me, let's roll out!" Stoker ordered as he barreled up the stair case.

Modo veered left, taking the ramp and heading to parts unknown. Beside him, Stoker laughed while firing his guns hitting everything and nothing, but causing damage none the less.

Vinnie lead the way as Carbine on Throttle's cycle followed. As they rode, they realized the red carpet met up with elegant curtains, that ruffled in their wake and gold lace trimming along the walls, blasting open a large gold door, the two came to a skidding stop in side the vacant throne room.

"Looks like we missed the party." Vinnie muttered breaking by the large chair.

Carbine put her foot down, almost slipping in goo. Looking down she couldn't help but gag. "Good thing, I doubt I stepped in puke." she sneered.

"GROoooOSE!" Vinnie declared as he pressed a button on the side of his visor. His visors blue tint darkened until the only thing Vinnie saw were splatters all over the floor, walls, stairs and ceiling. Vinnie pressed the button again and shuddered. "Maannnn, these Plutarkians just keep getting grosser by the second!"

Carbine nodded as she also took in the sickening sight. "These are all old." she muttered lowering her head, green appeared on her visors screen. "We got fresh blood." She said flipping up her visor and eyeing the splashes of crimson against the white tiles.

"Well, that means something alive, don't it?" Vinnie gaged eyeing the steel whip covered in blood.

Carbine flipped her black hair over her shoulder as she followed the trail of blood. "Yeah it does and bleeding pretty bad too." She noted.

Vinnie drove to Carbines side. "Think it was more than one?"

Carbine followed the trail of blood. "Maybe, there's two sets of bloody tracks. Only one is barefoot."

"Man, these fish are beyond disgusto" Vinnie summed up as he followed Carbine's lead.

"Not to mention interesting interrogation techniques." Carbine muttered running over the cat-o-nine tail whip.

Throttle stayed close to Harley's heals as they made their way silently down the halls. His lack of shoes was annoying as he continually slipped on the wax floors, his fur being damp didn't help his footing either. Perking his ears, Throttle thought he heard something familiar, but dismissed it quickly."Where are we going?"

"It's a small place in the basement. The fish-faces don't know I live there, yet." Harley replied looking over her shoulder.

"Your kiddin' me? You hide out in this slush bucket of a planet?" he seemed amazed and yet appalled.

"Yeah, I do. I can't get out of this place without being caught. I've tried and still I have failed. Sometimes I think these fishes don't hunt me down because they enjoy the 'cat and mouse' game." With a heavy sigh Harley paused. "Do you hear that?"

Throttle stilled, his ears twitched trying to catch what ever she heard. The faint rumbling noise sounded from the way they had just came. "Sounds...."

"Like a motorcycle!" Harley's eyes widen as her breath caught in her throat. "That's Vinnie's and your motorcycles!" Harley couldn't believe her ear. "I never forgot the way those beauties purred." She gasped.

"We better stay here and wait for 'em. Don't wanna get caught in the cross fire." he suggested.

"Good point." Harley nodded as they leaned up against the wall waiting for their rescue or Plutarkians.

The two Freedom Fighters followed the blood trail that lead them into a large room with a big pool that had blood swirling around on the top foam. A blood stained robe laid in a discarded heap beside the pool.

Vinnie paused as he looked over the robe, tan fur clung to the frayed edges. Dropping it, he didn't mention the fur.

"Find anything interesting?" Carbine asked.

"Naw, just more blood." Vinnie said carefully maneuvering his bike on the slippery tile.

Stoker and Modo met back up where they had split up from the others. They looked down the hallway where Carbine and Vinnie had went.

"Should we follow?" Modo asked as he watched the silk curtains flutter slightly with the air conditioner.

"If they get into trouble they'll radio us." Stoker assured. "or their bikes will, if they get hurt."

"That's an enlightening thought." Modo frowned. The two waited impatiently.


Next Issue: #7


January 29 2004

[email protected]