Decisions and Sacrfice Three

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#4 of Decisions and Sacrifice Fic

chapter three



Decisions and Sacrifice




Pushing back her hair, the white and black rat sighed as she once again bent over to peer into the depths of the microscopic world. Reaching over, her long dainty fingers turned on the recorder.

"Sample number 15320-b. Male DNA, sent by Rat-Stein's current project partner Karbunkle." she read off in her soft simple feminine voice.

"Sample matches previous sample, number 15319-b, findings. Martian Mouse: Healthy, Male, Fertile and in his prime sexually. Disease and drug free." Pausing, she leaned back to rub her eyes and change slides.

"Sample number 15321-b, blood DNA. Characteristics similar to previous two samples, concluding same donor of all three." studying the slides she searched for irregularities in the cells.

"Donar would be a very prime example of his species. Still disease and drug free, nothing indicating genetic in discrepancies. Further analyzations on several more samples need to be completed before a full .." she was cut off by the beeping of her pink watch. "Shit!" she hissed clicking off her recorder. Pushing back from the counter she quickly turned off the microscope and headed out the door.

"I can't believe I forgot about the set up." she belittled at herself as she hurried down the metal corridors. 'Got to remember to write up my report on the latest samples.' the reminded herself as she pushed open a large door marked Ward 'A'.

The coldness of the Autopsy wing sent a chill right threw her thick white and black fur. It would be her first time in this section. Her blue eyes stayed focused ahead as she made her way quickly to room 493. Rat-Steins personal office. 'Got to remember to wander around in this section now that I got clearance.' she noted to herself.

As she passed threw the doors a whoosh of warm air washed over her from above. The room wasn't what she expected. Instead of a desk and chair, she found herself between a wall of small cages and two large cages meant for something the size of a human. The stainless steal room, huge compared to any lavish office, was decorated with various tables, six in all.

Each had leg, arms, wrists and tail restraints. There were subtle differences with the equipment surrounding each of the six tables in its own station.

The first station looked as if was a standard hospital exam table with typical doctor supplies surrounding it.

The second station looked more intimidating with sirups and various fertilization supplies surrounding it, for both implanting and extracting.

The third table had more sinister devices .A head brace dangling above it, the metal clamps with very tiny alligator ends, long metal poles and electrical wires, she shuddered involuntary.

The fourth table had more of a surgical appeal. Various packs filled the plastic drawers' housed in the tables base. She could see a couple of packs from the entrance of the room already set up beside the table on a suspended tray. It looked similar to a plastic surgeons tools.

The fifth table looked like something out of a horror movie. Electorates and other monitoring equipment surrounded it, wires carefully bound out of the way and some more interesting supplies such as wraps, gauze and casting material.

The sixth table was nothing more than an autopsy table, morgue supplies surrounded it and lined the wall above it.

Casting a look towards the cages she took a jittery breath before fully entering the room. Her in steady strides she walked to the large computer station in the center of the room next to the transporter.

Perching herself upon the stool she clicked on the keyboard, a ping sounded as a computerized voice prompted her. "Enter ID"

"Angel Lee."

"Angel Lee" The computer repeated. "Voice analysis confirmed. Welcome Angel Lee."

She sighed before continuing to set the fields Karbunkle had requested. Her soft slipper like shoes rested on top of the small refrigerator under the desk.

"The chill box is meant for storing medical samples, not resting feet upon." The computer reminded Angel Lee.

"Shut up you arrogant tin can." She hissed, her feet remained propped.

"Incoming transmission." The computer chimed.

Rolling her blue eyes she keyed the video.

"Ahh, Angel how is the set up progressing?" The strange head of Dr. Karbunkle appeared on the screen. It reminded her of a turnip with carrot peelings strewn about on top.

"Everything is going according to instructions, sir." She replied with a false smile.

"Excellent. Proceed with Rat-Steins orders than." Karbunkle ordered.

"Yes sir. Shall I expect you at Oh eight hundred?" Angel Lee asked.

Karbunkle checked his watch as if debating with himself. "Ahh, no." he stated before ending the transmission.

"Irritant lackey." she sighed. "I'm going to miss my morning coffee over this project." Her fingers drummed harder against the key pad.


Upon ending the transmission, Karbunkle turned to the cage holding the leader of the Biker Mice.

"Recovering well?" he asked in an overly friendly voice.

Throttle tried to glare at his tormentor, but he couldn't see anything but black and white static.

"Oh yeah, feeling great. Thanks ,I never really wanted to see."

The scientist couldn't help but hear the sarcastic anger in his victims voice. "Ah not to worry. I shall repair them shortly." he wheezed before heading to the transporter. Leaving the lone mouse confused.

Vanishing from the Earth in a flash of blinding white light and a crack of thunder, Karbunkle appeared on a very different world, a world he detested.

'Nothing but rodents on this dirt ball.' Karbunkle thought gravely. 'Only the mice are worthy test subjects. My favorite among the many I've dealt with. Such interesting and unique biology.' he chuckled to himself before stopping in front a large door.

The underground complex was huge with vast rooms and red rock walls. The lighting inside the complex was generated by an advanced solar station on the surface not far from the complex. Karbunkle knew that small inapt detail as he had been amazed to find Earth technology on Mars only years after the occupation ended. He had also learned that the Stalkers had given the information and technology to the race known as Sand Raiders.

He entered the conference room. Holding nothing more than a table and three drooling dog like humanoids. Sand Raiders had a knack for hunting mice, and it was that knack Karbunkle was depending on.

"I want this mouse captured alive and relatively unharmed." Karbunkle stated in his nasal like voice. A black glove entered his breast pocket pulling out a photograph, he then passed it to the lead Sand Raider.

"You want this mouse?" The large well rounded figure stated in surprise as he eyed the picture. His long brown rabbit like ears being held up by a green sweatband.

"Yess, is that a problem?" Karbunkle hissed.

"No, not at all. Are you paying us in gold-gills or slaves?" The Sand Raider leader asked as he passed the photo to his colleagues.

"What ever payment you desire. After the mouse is mine." Karbunkle stated firmly emphasizing mine.

"Deal." The Sand Raider said. "It'll be a pleasure to capture this vixen." taking the photo from his colleagues the meeting concluded.

Leaning on the stone railing, Carbine gazed at the beautiful Garden of Hope in its full bloom. A light wind that wove around the military complex tossed her long black hair. Letting out a sigh the General couldn't help but think of her distant love. Throttle.

'How long has it been?' she thought turning her eyes to the red hued sky and the distant planet Earth. 'What are you doing now handsome? Saving Earth from the Plutarkians? Living it up with Modo and Vinnie? Thinking about me?' her body slumped. 'Its been so long since we last seen each other, since our last rendezvous, been years since we just sat down and talked.'

The terrace doors opened with a gentle whoosh getting her attention.

"Sir?" Rimfire's voice called from inside her office.

Straightening up, Carbine strolled into her office. She didn't say a word just tilted her head in curiosity. The young officer was recently promoted. Beside Rimfire was the security team trainer and commander, Stoker. The two had been using her office to communicate with the incoming Plutarkian cruiser.

"That ship you and Rimfire brought back is coming in handy." Carbine commented to Stoker. "Not only can we pass threw the Plutarkian blockade unchecked, but we can slip into their own storage bins and gather what we need." she rested her hip against the central table littered in topographical maps, star charts and survey pictures and soda cans.

Stoker shrugged although his broad smile gave away his appreciation of the praise. "It was either that, or walk to Mars." he chuckled. "The ship may have an assortment of food, medicine, spare bike parts and water. It's just a matter of getting to them now." he said clearing his throat.

"What do you mean? Getting to them." Carbine asked, her warm brown eyes and relax posture tensing slightly.

"Well, there seems to be a slight flaw with the landing quadrants. Sir." Rimfire stated nervously.

"What a surprise." she muttered before pausing. There was something the two were keeping from her. "How slightly flawed?" She nearly growled, her irritated eyes moving slowly over Rimfire then Stoker.

"They've received the quadrants in reverse, they'll be punching down about 20 miles south of us." Stoker said.

"That's Sand Raider turf!" Carbine snarled clearing the surface of her table off in one swipe of her tail. Soda cans and documents went flying to the floor, slamming her hands onto the edge. She studied the map of the immediate area etched into the tables top. Carbine switched to General mode. Her brown eyes cold, her face and voice hard. "We'll need fighters to secure the area and to guard the transport of the shipment. We'll need a team to get that ship moving again."

Stoker smiled at the way the female mouse handled things, yes his mud puppy had chosen well.

"How long do we have till the ship enters Martian atmosphere?" Carbine demanded from Rimfire.

"3 hours." Rimfire replied after rechecking the monitor.

"Than we got 2 hours to get everything prepared. Lets move." She ordered leaving the room.

Stoker smiled at the young officer. "You did upgrade those bike weapons?" he asked flopping an arm over Rimfire's shoulder.

Rimfire chuckled. "You bet, coach."


Throttle's eyes where clinched shut, his teeth crunched down on each other as Karbunkle once again manipulated his body. Electrodes attached to his antennas sent electric shockwaves threw his entire body, enticing the nervous system and sensations. As much as the tan mouse protested, his body responded to Karbunkle's touch.

"UUAHHG!" Throttle screamed as he came.

"Once again you give up your genetic material so easily." Karbunkle ribbed as he left the mouse on the table again.

"I told you." Throttle huffed exhausted. "Mice and Rats can't breed."

"Keep believing that, rodent." Karbunkle smiled as he returned to the transporter.

Throttle laid on the table tired and well spread. 'Couldn't I go back to the cell just once?' he thought. 'On the bright side I can see better on my back.' a chuckle escaped his maw.

'Man, what's taking my bros so long? They should've been here already, surely they don't think that rat is me'. Dismissing the very notion, Throttle sighed. The fall of heavy foot steps approaching got his attention. Craning his neck he tried to see who was there to torture him further.

"Well, well. If it isn't the leader of the Biker Mice. Having fun are we?" The voice of Limburger taunted as he came into view.

Throttle's eyes narrowed. "No." he snapped.

"Pity." Limburger said off handedly as he quickly changed the subject. "Camembert will be pleased when I present him you, at his re-election party." Limburger said as he continued on his way out of the laboratory.

"High Chairman Camembert? Oh no, no! I am not going to Plutark again." Throttle growled flicking and wiggling, determined to free his tail. Concentrating strictly on getting at least one piece of him free, he failed to notice the transports activity or Karbunkle's shadow falling over him.

"Trying to escape my pretty?" The raspy voice of Karbunkle teased putting his cold gloved hands on the mouses tail. "We can't have that just yet. oh no, no no. Ahhh let us see how your nervous system reacts to a little shock therapy."

Before he could even protest, pain rippled throughout his entire body. He couldn't hold back the scream any longer, much to Karbunkle's twisted, perverted pleasure.


Charley had been keeping an eye on the guys while repairing Vinnie's ride. Everything seemed normal in the kitchen then it changed in a moments request.

"Throttle, pass the hot dogs would ya?" Vinnie asked in an annoyed tone.

"Get them yourself, you white runt." Throttle snapped back.

Vinnie went and slugged Throttle.

"That wasn't like him" she thought perplexed, watching in disbelief as Throttle punched back, deliberately hitting Vinnie's injured jaw. The youngest bro was on the floor, holding his snout, obviously in a considerably amount of pain. Modo pushed Throttle back from Vinnie who slowly rose. He stood up, whimpering and staying well away from both his bros.

That really got Charley's attention. Modo seemed to side with Throttle, but she couldn't help but wonder why the normally calm leader would strike out at such a delicate spot. She never had seen any of the bros fight dirty like that.

Vinnie peered over his shoulder at his bike. His jaw neither bled not swelled, but he was in pain and wanting to leave.

"Give me a second." Charley smiled as she turned on the air gun and tightened the wheels lug nuts. "There you go, hot shot." She said stepping back from the red racer. "Take it easy, there are still no weapons."

Vinnie winked as he mounted his bike. Watching him go, Charley turned to see Throttle and Modo settling down but watching their brother's departure with hard eyes.


Vinnie flopped down onto the battered brown couch. His tail lazily reached across the coffee table and flicked on the TV before retrieving the remote off the table.

His gut grumbled demanding something that would qualify as food. Picking up a bottle of root beer, he used his tail to guide the straw to his mouth. He sipped in an attempt to calm his hungry gut. Holding the bottle in one hand, his tail holding the straw, he surfed the channels.

Coming upon the discovery channel he paused. Not one to really care about the Earths natural wildlife, he couldn't help but be somewhat intrigued by the strange creature on screen with the word MOUSE underneath it.

The tiny white and brown patched fur ball wasn't even big enough to fill a child's palm. It's small head and short little legs, its high pitch squeak, the way its long thin whiskers twitched as it climbed up the child's arm before being placed in a wooden maze. The little creature ran one way then the other only hitting two dead ends. Upon reaching the middle, the mouse was rewarded with a small slice of cheese.

Wrinkling his nose at the prize Vinnie was about to flick when the narrated started to speak.

"The Mouse is an intelligent animal, able to make its way to a food source by avoiding obstacles. These creatures are relatively calm and can be trained easily. Their unique gene structure is the main reason for their value in research."

Vinnie's ears twitched. 'he just say research?'

The picture on the TV switched from the mouse in the maze to mice in over crowded tiny cages, small test tubes, and spread open on an autopsy platform.

"These mice are the most valuable thing in the cure for cancer. The drugs being tested on these creatures will help scientists understand the .." Flipz

Vinnie shut the TV off. 'The rat was right, humans are sick! They use mice for.. for...' Vinnie shuddered trying to get the image of all those mice in the cages and the dead ones with their skin pulled back exposing the guts.

"Told ya so." A rusty voice hissed.

Vinnie froze at the sound. He knew that voice! The same voice he heard over and over in his mind ever since Harley had been taken! Glaring hard at the rat he trembled in rage.

"Vincent, you have always been so gullible." The rat said as he walked to the couch taking a seat beside Vinnie.

"I bet your trying to place my voice aren't you? Let me give you a hint." Rat-Stein grinned wrapping his arm around Vinnie who quickly shoved it off. The rat shifted his face, his snout becoming shorter, long hair growing as antennas wiggled from his crown. The dark scruffy fur became soft, long, rusty fur.

Vinnie's red eyes widened in horror.

"Remember me Vinnie? I took your little sweetheart Harley. She made a fine slave for the Plutarkians." The Martian mouse, Mace provoked before shifting back to Throttle's form. "But this is just our little secret right bro? We don't want anyone to think your crazy. I mean after all Karbunkle was messing around with your head." Throttle's face lit up with a wide evil grin. "Who knows what he did while I was blind."

Vinnie couldn't stand it anymore, he was shuddering with rage. 'How dare this rat imposter his bro! How dare the rat punch him in front of his friends! Turning them against him! Vinnie lashed out tackling the tawny mouse; that was so not his bro, to the ground.

The two flipped over the sofas arm and onto the floor with a thud. Root beer splashed over the two as the bottle broke.

Vinnie decked the rat-mouse hard in the snout before delivering a harsh left hook to the mouse imposters jaw. He than kneed his target hard in the diaphragm causing air to escape Throttle's mouth with an oof. Jumping to his feet, his tail wrapping around the rats neck.

Rat-Stein didn't even have a chance to deliver a sucker-punch.

Throttle gasped for air, his head reeled with pain, the tail slowly cutting off his air intake wasn't helping.

Vinnie straddled the rat-mouse continued to pummel him with hard violent blows. The slight jerk on his tail didn't register.

Throttle raised his arms to block a punch to the face, grabbing a hold of Vinnie's tail, he pulled hard.

Vinnie squealed out in pain, his tail unraveling from Throttle's neck.

Throttle took the opportunity and belted Vinnie.

Vinnie lost his footing with the force of the punch, he landed hard on his rear at the rats feet.

Not missing a beat, Throttle flipped up tackling Vinnie, the two skidded across the waxed floor, only to be stopped when Vinnie's head rammed into the wall.

Rolling over with a groan, Vinnie moved just in time to miss a blow to the face. A surprised whimper echoed deep in his throat as his arm was twisted around his back.

"Give me one reason not to break it, cheese eater." Throttle's venomus voice sneered amused at the white mouse trying to fight back. Stepping on the white tail Throttle grinned. "Can't give me one can you? Let's see, what excuse could we use now?" The imposter hummed in thought. "Maybe you fell off your tricycle? Naw not enough scratches. You were rough housing with me and moved the wrong way? That could work." He looked at the red angry eyes. "Maybe you just didn't watch where you were walking when following a pretty little blond? Yeah, that's more like it." The tawny mouse grinned then frowned notcing the healing scars. "But you'll be talking in a few days anyways." He pouted tossing Vinnie against the wall. "Just don't tell them about me mouse, or I'll make that mechanic very very sorry you did." he smiled leaping fluidly back from Vinnie who was getting to his feet.

Before Vincent could tackle the imposter, the rat was gone on Throttle's bike.


With laughter Modo tugged on his bros ears. "Com'on bro. As my dear gray furred mama used ta say ' patients is a virtue best learned by listening'."

Vinnie rolled his eyes causing Modo to chuckle.

Flopping his metal arm over his white furred bros shoulder. "Charley ma'am said those wires be comin' off today. Stop fussing Vin-man."

Vinnie shrugged off his bros shoulder. He tried so hard to tell Modo what and who Throttle is, or was, or who was trying to pretend to be Throttle. But his point was obviously overlooked. With a mute sigh, his body slumped in disappointment.

Charley stood down stairs along with Modo. The wires had been off for only five minutes and the only thing that Vinnie could think to do was brush his teeth and use probably her whole bottle of mouthwash. "You'd think he'd wan to eat or say hi first?" Charlene commented.

"I dunno Charley ma'am. Vain is Vinnie." Modo smiled.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." she chuckled.

"AHHOOOWWWHOOOOOOOO!!!" Vinnie howled from up stairs.

"Great, just what we need, the ego back." Throttle muttered as he stepped off his bike. Holding a bag out to Charley girl. "I think I got everything for ya, babe." he said flashing a flirtation grin.

"Thanks Throttle." Charley smiled back taking the bag. She almost blushed when the tawny mouse held her hand for a moment before letting her take the bag, almost. 'It's so odd. It's like he doesn't care about Carbine.' she thought walking into her small office.

"Come on bros, lets go trash Limburger's tower! I'm dying for payback!" Vinnie hollered skipping the stairs.

"No." Throttle firmly stated with a grin irked Vinnie.

"What?!" Vinnie stood in shock looking at the rat imitating his bro, his mouth free, and so was the rat. Vinnie clenched his fists.

"No." Throttle repeated, the smug smile silently daring Vinnie to do something.

"That's what you say you rat!" Vinnie screamed as he tackled the tawny mouse. Throttle was pinned on the floor as Vinnie raised his fist, only to have Modo grab it in mid-strike.

"Easy bro!" Modo grunted pulling the furious white mouse off Throttle who, continued to remain clam.

Charley stood in shock, the bros never attacked each other, not out of hate.

Vinnie continued to struggle while Modo held firm to him. "Let me go! That rat is going to suffer!" Vinnie screamed.

"I'll be at the score bored." Throttle said turned away from the squabbling Vincent. Retrieving his black and silver helmet, Throttle mounted his bike. "Karbunkle did more than I thought." he muttered roaring out of the garage.

Charley frowned having heard Throttle. She didn't know what to say or do, Throttle was acting so cold and distant from all of them, and Vinnie was completely hostile towards Throttle. It just wasn't like either of them. She sighed, it didn't help any that both Martians were about as dense as a brick wall when it came to talking about their feelings.

"Easy Vinnie, settle down!" Modo ordered. "Calm down!" as he shook Vinnie hard, keeping a firm grasp on his bros arms.

Vinnie took a few deep breaths as the rat left. Shrugging off Modo's hands Vinnie glared at the entrance.

"Vinnie, what's going on? What's wrong?" Charley asked stepping closer to Modo. Vinnie's tail continued to lash wildly.

"What's wrong?" Vinnie repeated, his body becoming completely still. 'How do I answer that and keep Charley safe?'



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January 3 2004