Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 4

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#4 of Unicorn's Destiny

<I am really tired of this food.> Ben stared down at his plate with as much disgust as a unicorn could show at the mixture. <You'd think we could get something better.>

<I like it alright, it's a bit like my mother's salads at home.> Lance leaned over the table and delicately picked up a cold slice of chicken marinated in some tangy spices.

The food was really the last of his worries. After nearly a week of being here, he had found that he knew less about unicorns than he had ever imagined. He had always assumed that he knew a good deal about them, they did shows after all, but he hadn't been prepared for this place. He couldn't do so many things that he was used to doing, picking things up for instance, or opening doors that didn't have specially made door knobs, but that wasn't what was the most distressing and humiliating thing he couldn't do. In the past week the other colts had happily partnered up, not in romantic relationships, but for... relief. A fact that disgusted and intrigued him all at once. None of them seemed to have the problems that himself or Ben were having. They seemed entirely at home using their muzzles on one another, and it was... distressing beyond belief.

_As if they can't tolerate doing without for a few weeks. _ Lance tilted his head to look at the two worst offenders, a pair of young stallions that had made a game of showing off in the middle of the night.

It wasn't that he wasn't suffering, it was getting worse, his struggles to calm himself down were painful feeling to the point that he had stopped and thought about the device that he could have used. It was too degrading, he wasn't going to give into it, but he didn't know how to control his body sometimes. He found his dreams growing more and more erotic every night, he couldn't stop them. He woke up throbbing and trembling, his heart hammering against his chest and his haunches quivering with need. During the day, when it was bright out and he had other concerns he could forget about the need and pain combining together, but at night it was all too real and it was made worse with the colts that played their games.

It was accepted that they'd do it, Ulysses had even encouraged them to find a friend they were comfortable with to enjoy more intimate relief. The stallion had been open and honest about the fact that one of the things they had to learn about was how different their bodies were when it came that aspect. He had been... graphic of what stallions had done in the past when they didn't understand the size difference between themselves and females. Not that they all had to partner up or behave in such a way, there were other options, but none of them were appealing. The idea of mounting the barrel shaped stand with the AV to get relief was abhorrent to him, especially since it wasn't exactly in a secluded and private area. He was grateful for his friend, Ben was just as horrified at the idea as him so he had someone to rely on, someone to talk too. Even if it was about the food.

<I hope Ulysses doesn't want to go through culture again.> Lance continued to pick out the chicken in his salad as he spoke, marveling in being able to continue a conversation even with his mouth full. <I didn't get much sleep again last night.>

<I know.> Ben lifted his head to glare across the table briefly. <But at least it's interesting, better than household chores.>

Lance laughed, a whickering sound of amusement before shaking his head. Cultural heritage that he had never possessed was now being taught to him, and he learned just how much he missed on what unicorns were. They had an entire lifestyle that he knew nothing about, a hierarchy on how they lived and what they did, a history of famous figures that he was learning to admire. Ulysses was a good teacher, passionate about the past and able to make it interesting, but it was hard to keep awake when one had been awake all night long due to randy colts. The other part of their lives were taken up on how to take care of themselves and their new bodies so that they could live on their own. That's where telekinesis came into play, something that he was slowly starting to learn. He could even lift things with his horn, briefly, but he could do it.

There were parts of his life that were all out shape, all wrong and strange feeling when he tried them. Such as eating, he couldn't use utensils so he was reduced to eating off the plate with his lips, though whoever was cooking for them worked at making sure that the food was easy enough to manage that way. Unicorns didn't have to eat just vegetables, though he had a stronger urge for them than he used to have when he had been human. The meat was normally white meat, he wasn't sure why, but chicken, duck, turkey had all been high on the menu along with some variations of fish. There was also the fact that he was eating far more, his embarrassment at eating like a dog with a bowl was offset by the fact that he was ravenous by mealtimes, even when they came four times a day. He wasn't sure how much he was eating, but there was quite a bit more he was taking down than he was used to managing.

Grooming was something else that he was uncomfortable with, though he was struggling to be more alright with it. The showers that he took were like gym showers, he could walk under the water and have it hit him, but he had to rub to get clean. They had invented tall broad stands that had bristles on them, he only had to rub against to work the soap, the harder he pushed, the more soap was dispensed and worked into his coat and mane. The stiff bristles were strangely pleasurable against his tougher hide, often he found himself enjoying it a bit too much as he fought to reach places that were hard to get. And that just brought him back to the same problem that he was disdainful of the other stallions about, the fact that his body was no longer reacting in any sane manner. Even as he ate he could feel his thoughts going towards the rather sensual feel of the lathered soap against his hide, the warm water dribbling down his belly.

As a human he had often reacted to random thoughts and stimuli. It wasn't that odd to get a little plump thinking about a girl or a kiss or whatever was going through his mind, but that had been hidden by his pants and clothing, now he had nothing to hide it. All of them had that problem, they couldn't control themselves, no matter how embarrassing to have a few inches of his shaft droop down from his sheath, he was starting to learn to deal. It horrified him he knew exactly what every other colt here boasted, there was no getting around it, he'd seen them running in the mornings with most of their cocks hanging out, he just tried to ignore it. His own problems were, at least, improving a little bit as he learned to control himself. Or rather he was learning how to control himself in public, he hadn't gotten fully hard in public in two days so far, something that he felt both ashamed and proud of. He gave his head a rough shake back and forth, clearing his mind of the thoughts when he realized that the rest of the table had started in with the conversation.

<Actually, medical today.> Tyler, one of the other stallions spoke up. <We're all supposed to get a check up, at least that's what Jon said.>

<A doctor's appointment?> Lance twitched his ears a bit. <Well, that means we're out of chores. A good thing, I really don't think I want to try being in the kitchen until I learn how to hold things properly.>

<Yeah, I heard a while back someone caught their tail on fire.> Ben teased, grinning before going make into his meal.

It wasn't all bad here, he still didn't like this life, but it was easier with a friend that he could communicate with and who shared some of his values. It wasn't as bad as he thought, he could see the older unicorns going through life quite easily and able to do nearly everything for themselves. The inventions that had been created to help them cope with a lack of hands were truly interesting and amazing. He didn't know if he could afford all of them, but he was learning, slowly. He set back into his meal, his ears twitched up as he relaxed. The one worry still loomed over him, still darkened his thoughts even when he felt the first rise of confidence in his abilities. Emily hadn't visited yet, he'd been told she couldn't, not for some time yet. He didn't know if she was really waiting for him, if she was going to return to him, he couldn't even call her. Soon, he just had to feel comfortable with himself and then he would be able to try and win Emily back to him. He just had too... he couldn't lose her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sound of the engine cooling down kept ticking as Emily gripped the steering wheel and tried to get the courage to get out of the car. She slowly forced her hands to relax as she leaned back in the seat and stared out over the hood of her car. The church and grounds were quiet, but that was to be expected for a Thursday afternoon. That's why she'd come here, because it was quiet and she knew that there wouldn't be any real chance that her meeting with Father Blanchard would be interrupted. She had to talk to someone, she had to figure out her own mind before she went insane. She couldn't talk to her family, her father was disgusted and angry she hadn't broken up with Lance already, she couldn't talk with Lance's family, his mother kept giving her near pleading eyes. But another unicorn? A priest? Perhaps she could sort her mind out that way.

The sweat began to trickle along the back of her neck as she looked out at the neat manicured lawn of the rectory. The Lance that she knew was gone. She rolled that thought through her mind, trying to come to terms with it, but even thinking it made her cringe away from it. She didn't couldn't' drag his name into her mind without seeing his human face, his lively features, his bright eyes and tousled hair. It still seemed like some strange dream, something that she should wake up from, but it was reality. She had felt his fur beneath her hand, the warmth of his body, heard the sound of his voice in her mind. He hadn't tried to force an answer out of her, but his large golden eyes had silently pled for her to understand, to at least try. She would have tried no matter what, but she still had no idea about her own feelings on the matter.

She had always loved unicorns, their magic, their ethereal nature, but she had never considered having one as a lover. They were too animalistic, too strange, so far beyond anything she had expected out of her love life. They could, and did, have an ongoing history of mating with deer and mares in an attempt to keep their species alive, or perhaps simply because they had animalistic urges. How could she accept a lover that wasn't designed to fit with her? They weren't human in that way, she'd never thought of them as sexual creatures, but it wasn't just the desire for sex that had brought her to Lance. If it was, she would have let him go, sadly, but let him go, but it went so much deeper than that. She loved him, she would always love him, she loved the way he talked and his excitement, she loved the way he would get lost in a book for hours on end and loved the way he never seemed to need to watch TV like so many other boys.

I love him_, not just his body, but I don't know if I can handle the entire package. _ She licked her lips, tasting a bit of sweat as the cool air from the AC was lost in the heat pounding down against the car. I don't even know why I think this will help...

Father Blanchard wasn't her priest, but he was a unicorn, he was the only one that she could think of that she could really speak too. He was celibate, it wasn't like she was going to be sitting with a unicorn that was thinking about trying to seduce her or lure her away. Even Lance's parents had commented that their priest would be happy to listen to her, and suggested she come to visit. She looked up at the rectory nervously, and tried to get the nerve to open the door. The house was a small one story home with a ramp built into the front, bushes were cultivated to make a high hedge all the way around to partially obscure the windows and allow for privacy. There were flowers as well, all sorts that formed splashes of color against the green, colors that seemed so normal. Everything seemed normal about the little home, from the neatly brushed walkway all the way to the cheerful colored door. There were just small things that showed that it wasn't a human's house. The handle of the door, the ramps, the windows that were set a bit lower than normal.

Emily swallowed and finally opened the car door, stepping out into the heat of the afternoon sun that pounded down against her, but the breeze cooled the sweat on her cheeks. It was a beautiful summer day, one that she would have been happier with if she hadn't had her mind so filled with worries and concerns. She would have enjoyed the heat, perhaps gone to the lake or pool with Lance, or even helped him settle into his new home. She had looked forward to that, a place they could relax together and not worry about parents or siblings. It might have even been their first home together. As she walked up to the front door she moved her hand down to touch her bare ring finger, she hadn't put the ring on, she didn't feel it was appropriate while her mind was still so confused. She was so distracted by her thoughts that she nearly missed the soft sound of hooves on the walkway as she approached the door, almost, but not quite.

<Emily? It is Emily isn't it?> A cheerful mind voice echoed into her consciousness as the snowy white unicorn stepped around the side of the house. <Welcome! I've been expecting you for days now.>

"Father Blanchard..." Emily gave a little dip of her head as the unicorn tilted his head to look up at her with brilliant sapphire eyes. "I hope I'm not intruding."

<Not at all, child!> He stepped to the door and neatly tapped his horn down on the handle, pushing it downwards. <Come in and make yourself at home, I'm sure you have many questions. I hope I can answer them and put your mind at ease.>

She moved to hold the door for him as he stepped into his home, the length of his tail held up and carefully out of the dust on the front porch. The blast of AC hit her, chasing away the heat of the summer air while she stepped into the modest home and carefully closed the door behind her. She was shocked to find that the home has furniture, she had never been inside a dwelling meant for unicorn, but the ones on TV were always entirely designed for the comfort of their four legged denizens, with human comforts coming after. The home had a couch and recliner, a desk sat in one corner with a laptop open and there was even a table set in the dining room. Everything was a bit lower than normal, the counters in the kitchen, the TV set on the stand, but those were incidentals.

<Have a seat at the table, I'll get you some refreshments so that we can talk.> Father Blanchard turned his head to offer her a strange parody of a smile, his pale lips quirking up so that she had to answer with a smile.

"Let me help you, I know my way around the kitchen." She followed behind him as he moved to the country themed dining room and kitchen, but he merely flicked his tail.

<I can manage, besides, you are my guest.> His hooves hit the tile with a sharp clicking noise, leaving her to settle nervously down at the kitchen table. <I can do well enough on my own. I hope you enjoy iced tea, in weather like that I enjoy it to cool down.>

"Yes, I like tea." She sounded awkward even to her own ears as she took a seat at the table, watching with abject curiosity as the priest opened the door by gripping a bit of a towel tied around the handle and pulling.

It was a bit strange to see Father Blanchard move around the kitchen, though he seemed entirely at home as he made them drinks. It was less about watching how the horn worked and more about how the kitchen was set up to help him. There was a small rolling table that he guided to the fridge where everything seemed to have rubber handles attached to them, such as jars and the like, or were easily picked up with the horn. The drinks were in sideways containers with a little push button to dispense liquid into the cups he'd placed on the little rolling tray. It was interesting, and strange, even the simplest things were done in new ways to allow for his lack of hand. She found it hard not to watch him, especially when his long tail was used to often close things, or move light things about. His horn could balance things, or even lift them, it was a form of telekinesis that extended from their horn as she understood it.

She'd never really watched it in use, but she realized that it was far more versatile than she had assumed it would be. And more powerful. She used to think it was just used for balance or to pick up small things, but he easily moved his horn beneath the rolling tray and lifted it up. It was like watching a circus pony, an impossible feat, but he managed it as he trotted across the kitchen. He must have seen her watching him because his eyes brightened a little bit while he curved his neck enough to show off how the tray automatically shifted and balanced instead of tipping to one side like it should have. She flushed a little bit and ducked her head down with embarrassment at being caught.

"I didn't know you could do things like that." She mumbled softly as Father Blanchard placed the tray on the table and pushed it across the table with the tip of his horn.

<It takes practice, but eventually Lance will be able to be just as mobile. Though, sadly, it only works with what my horn can touch which means I don't have the range I would have with hands.> He gestured with his head towards the glass on the tray. <Have you seen him yet?>

"Yes, I visited with him," Emily shifted and looked down at her glass. "He proposed to me that day, at the park. He asked me to marry him."

<Ahh...> The priest twitched his ears up. <It is unsettling to know someone so well and have them Change. Have you ever known a unicorn well?>

"No, I mean, I've read about them, but I didn't grow up around them." She took a sip of the tea, trying to stop herself from squirming. "I don't know if I can be the wife he wants now that he's a unicorn, I know what sort of lives they seek out. A-and-"

<Not all unicorns choose to have harems, Emily.> Father Blanchard twitched his ears backwards. <Many prefer to live lives as they would as a human. I never took a wife, though I was quite in love when I was Changed. If you are worried that you will be replaced, I think that you could speak honestly with Lance about your concerns. He would listen to you.>

"Would he?" She looked down at her hands. "What made you not want one? Don't you feel the urge to possess one?"

<At first.> The priest carefully used his horn tip to coax a cookie onto his plate, neatly nibbling it, but he continued to speak. Emily almost smiled at that, at least telepathy had it's uses when it came to eating while conversing. <It's strange in a new body. We don't recall our early years, but you learn how to do things simply, step by step. You learn how to speak, walk, you learn how your body reacts and acts in situations so slowly that you don't really think about it. When I was Changed it was so strange, I had parts that I never had as a human and they worked differently. The urges were all different and harder to control, at first.>

"So he will want a harem." She felt her stomach sink. "H-he could probably find girls that are more comfortable with a unicorn easily enough."

Father Blanchard flicked his ears back as he watched her, making Emily want to squirm in place in reaction to the way he was looking at her. She didn't want to continue, he was a priest, he wouldn't really understand how she felt about his body. How could he?

<He will feel the... attraction, it is normal. I feel the same draw, but you will notice that I am not giving into it.> He inclined his head slightly and she flushed hotter, her cheeks burning. <I heard that he's being taken under the wing of other unicorns? Yes?>

She nodded her head in agreement, trying to keep the flush from her cheeks.

<I went through much the same, they will help him understand about his body. It is... not the most comfortable situation because they are very plain and honest. He'll learn how to control the urges that come with his new body, just like he learned how to control the normal urges that any young man, or woman, has. > Father Blanchard twitched his ears back slightly before they swung forward, his dark blue eyes expressive. <He loves you, obviously, if he has saved himself for you there is nothing to say he will leave you just because he has Changed. He won't try to gather others, he just needs to understand what the changes mean and how he reacts. And they will teach him that. The largest worry are those that want to try and learn themselves, that often means that they patch things together in pieces instead of understanding it all. Quite a few unicorns leave and prefer only one wife, and they are happy!>

"I just.... I mean that I'm not sure that I'm alright with everything." She squirmed in place, there was no way she could stop as she shifted her hips back and forth. Her cheeks were a bright hot red. "He's not a human and..."

<Ah.> The unicorn lowered his head, the blue of his eyes seeming to darken with sympathy as he finally seemed to pick up on her worries. <I think I understand your hesitation.>

"I love him, I truly do, Father. I just don't know if I can be alright with... all of it."

<That is a choice that you will have to make, it will take time and effort. When I Changed my girlfriend didn't know what to think, but I like to believe that she would have stayed with me if she could. I sometimes wonder if the cards had been laid out differently if I would have possessed a wife of my own, a family.> The stallion turned his head, focusing to one side of her briefly before shaking his head roughly back and forth, calling himself back to the present. <But that is neither here nor there. You have time, Emily, both of you. Do not make rash judgments now, take your time learn to accept who he is and what you want out of life. It will be weeks before Lance feels comfortable enough with his new form, use those weeks.>

"I guess.." She shifted in her seat, dropping her hands into her lap. These weren't the answers she wanted, she wanted assurances that it would be alright, that she would grow to love him just as deeply in his new form as his old one.

<I cannot promise you a happy ending, child, but I can help you as much as I am able.> The unicorn stepped forward to lightly touch her hand with his soft muzzle. <Come and visit me, help me with my duties here at the Church, come and speak with me. I am not Lance, but I am a unicorn, see how I live my life and perhaps you will see that the young man you love is not gone, merely changed.>

"I hope it is that easy...." She breathed out the prayer more to herself than to the priest.

<Love is never easy, Emily, that is what makes it worth fighting for.>