The secret adventures of Tails Prower IV

Story by Sky Pro on SoFurry

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#4 of The secret adventures of Tails Prower


~~~Chapter Four: Secrets Revealed and Consequences Sealed~~~

Walking through a forest, Tails strolled along seemly free of any troubling thoughts. There were pleasant sounds from the birds and from the swaying of the trees in the wind. Observing his surroundings, Tails perked his ears as he heard a faint sound of laughter in the distance. The laughter got closer and closer. Then from behind a tree, appeared a child: an orange, two-tailed fox. The child greeted him with a cheerful and friendly voice, "Hi there. My name is Tails. What's yours?"

Tails just blinked in confusion.

"Not much for talking huh?" Laughed and smiled the child while saying so, "Come and help me look for my father. I think he is playing hide and seek. I still haven't found him. He must be really good at hiding."

Tails followed the child not knowing what to expect, but then the sky turned dark and the trees died away in an acid-like fashion. Looking around at the frightful sight, Tails turned back around to face the child, but he was no longer there.

The sound of laughter returned, though it wasn't the sound of a child laughing, but of a sinister mad man. Tails spun around once more in search of the source of the evil laugh, but it silenced and instead he found Evil Tails standing right in front of him. Tails began stepping back in fear, yet the reply from darker version of himself was unexpected, "Help me. Help me help you. Please, I beg you."

"Help you? Help me? I don't understand. What do you want from me?" Tails replied.

Suddenly Tails was grabbed from behind and the sound of a mad man laughing returned. Evil Tails held up a mirror to show Tails who had grabbed him: It was Robotnik himself. Tails struggled with all of his might but all he got in return was the voice of Robotnik, "This is the end for you Tails. T-A-1-7-5, Tails is your enemy. HE is responsible for all your pain. Destroy him!"

"No." Replied Evil Tails while shaking his head.

"Destroy him now, I command you!"

"Please don't make me!"

"You have no choice!"

"But he is my... Argh!"

Evil Tails dropped the mirror on the ground and it smashed into oblivion. Then he placed his paws around Tails neck and began to strangle him. While doing this, Evil Tails' eyes were ablaze with red as he yelled out, "I AM YOUR FUTURE!"

Robotnik had moved into Tails' view while dragging Sarah behind him. Sarah yelled out in distress, "Tails!"

Then every thing began to fade and echo for Tails as he continued to be choked, "I AM YOUR FUTURE!"






Waking up. Tails' struggled to breath and his sight darted around franticly. He felt himself shaking, not from his own causes but because he was being shook by some one. "Tails! Tails! Wake up!" Sarah exclaimed in distress, "We have to get out of here!"

Tails still in a haze from his sleep, glanced around and sighted the re-breather gauge that glowed an intense red as it showed it had just run out of oxygen. The air was thin inside the womb of the orca; that the two fox siblings rested inside of for several hours. Tails was barely able to sit up, then noises began to blur and his paws went numb. Sarah fell beside him before every thing blacked out and the noises ceased.

The next thing Tails heard was calm and constant waves rushing into a beach while a cool breeze whipped back and forth. The swaying trees swished and creaked in the wind. Tails felt soft sand sink between his paws as he began feeling his surroundings. Finally opening his eyes, he saw an azure sky above him with a couple of white, fluffy clouds slowing floating pass, as well as a few coconut trees appearing in the corner of his eye. Sitting up, he could see the white sandy beach and the glistening reflection of the morning sun in the clear and tranquil water.

Tails looked around and saw no one in sight. Rubbing the back of his head before standing up, he questioned himself in confusion, "How did I get here?"

Behind him was a tropical rain forest as he realised once he had turned around to face it. Noticing a trail leading into the rain forest, he entered into the lush tropical area through what seemed to be a dirt path that was recently walked upon.

Sunlight began to flicker upon Tails as he walked through the rainforest. It was similar, yet different to the forest that surrounded Knothole. Various colourful birds squeaked and squawked from every direction while flying back and forth through the trees. Insects creaked and chirped in the shrubs and hollow logs that filled the rain forest floor with the exclusion of the trail he walked upon. The combined smell of fresh, sea air and rotting vegetation were evident and somewhat soothing.

Tails soon found himself at a two way split in the trail after following it fairly deep into the rain forest. He decided to go with his gut feeling and pressed on to the left. His worry for getting lost soon increased as the flicker of sunlight slowly dulled until he was walking in shadow. Again he was faced with a split in the path and this time there were three ways to go. Feeling it was best to take a route he could easily remember when backtracking, he took the left once again.

The path he took began to curve around a low hanging tree. Just as he was about to walk around the tree, he froze as he heard a twig snap. Looking around to see where the noise originated from but he saw nothing but absolutely still vegetation. As if the rain forest wasn't already giving him the creeps, Tails' imagination went wild as he began to think of what could be lurking around him.

If it weren't for a hissing sound that came from above, Tails wouldn't have noticed the large, green serpent hanging from the tree he was about pass under. Looking up just at the right time to see the serpent's mouth wide open and leaping towards him. It missed and bounced back like a bungie cord as Tails did a backwards roll to avoid being taken by the reptile multiple times his size. The snake hissed angrily at Tails before darting its head side to side in mid air, wondering if the two-tailed fox dared to make another pass, but he did not.

Tails ran back down the trail he had come from. He was gasping as he bolted as fast as he could through the rain forest before he gets caught in the eyes of another predator. Looking behind him to see if any monsters created by his own fear-induced imagination were following him. Leaving him blind to what was in front of him, as he slammed into some thing soft and furry.

Tails yelped out as he rebounded to the ground and the other creature he had bumped into, sounded a growl. He didn't look to see what he had bumped into as he ran off in attempt to escape from the rainforest and its dangers. He didn't get far as the creature caught up to him, jumped on his back and forced him to the ground once again. Tails placed his paws over his face as he rolled onto his back with the creature still on top of him, then he yelled out, "Leave me alone!"

"Tails! What's wrong with you?!" Replied the creature with a very familiar voice.

Tails slowly removed his paws that obscured his view to find out who was upon him, "Sarah?"

"Who else did you think it was?"

Tails gave a sigh of relief, "No one."

Sarah stood back up and allowed Tails to do the same before speaking again, "I was looking for you all over, you sleepy head. Then you rudely bump into me, and started running off again. What was that all about?"

"Sorry Sarah. A snake tried to grab me! I was trying to escape until I accidentally ran into you. I wasn't looking. I thought there were more coming after me."

"Well okay. We should be safe now if we stick together."



"I was wondering. Could you explain to me how we got here?"

"Oh, you don't remember?"

"Last I remember was that we were still inside that orca."

"I guess you collapsed Tails, just as the orca pushed us both out into the cold sea. I had to keep us both afloat and eventually we were swept up upon the beach. Then I left you to rest on the beach as I went to explore the island. Took me a whole day to walk around the island."

"I was unconscious for a whole day?!"

"Yes. Once I came back though, you were gone. I'm just glad you left footprints going into the rain forest, or else I probably would of walked around the entire island again, looking for you."

"I think I was more happy to see you after being attacked by that snake."

"Oh Tails." Sarah giggled and sighed, "Any ways, we better get some thing to eat. I'm starving and I bet you are too."

As they moved off, Tails noticed the half a dozen sacks that were tied all around on Sarah's cloth belt. They dangled every time she made a step, hinting they contained some thing to weigh them down. It wasn't long until Tails' curiosity finally got the better of him and began to question Sarah, "What's that all around your waist Sarah?"

"Oh these?" Sarah felt one of the sacks as she replied.


"They contain the Chaos Emeralds we have. I thought it might be useful to bring them along with us."

"But you have six of those sacks. We only have five of the Chaos Emeralds."

"That's right, I forgot. While inside that orca, I found a sixth Chaos Emerald. It was sitting inside its womb and we didn't even notice. Until it was pushed out with us."

"You're kidding, right?"

"Not at all."


"I agree. It's a funny place to find one of these. Makes you wonder what strange place the last one will turn up."

"I'm afraid to find out."

Sarah just chuckled in reply as they continued down the trail.

Walking back towards the beach along the dirt trail, the siblings began inspecting the vegetation on either side. Feeling their way through the shrubs and plants to see if there was any thing edible on them. Sarah broke off a branch to have a closer look at some seeds. Although it didn't have any thing edible for her, it certainly attracted a bird or two to land on the branch she was holding and had them feed upon the seeds.

By the time they reach the beach again, the Prower siblings almost gave up hope for finding food. Until Tails spotted a half-broken coconut resting on the ground near by, which still contained the edible part unlike all the rest of the coconut shells scattered all over. He approached the coconut, picked it up and eyed it closely. He then turned to Sarah, who was still looking through some plants when he called her over, "Sarah. Come have a look at this."

"What is it Tails?"

"I found some thing."

Sarah came over to see what it was, and then looked at Tails as she questioned him, "You think we can eat it?"

"I don't know. I'll try." Said Tails before licking and gnawing upon the white section of the coconut. "It tastes funny, but kind of nice."

"You think there's more up there?" Sarah pointed to the coconut trees with hanging coconut balls above them.

"I dun know. I'll go and check it out."

"Be careful."

Tails spun his two tails until he was suspended in mid-air. Hovering up to near the coconuts, he was attempting to carefully pick a single coconut from the tree. All of a sudden the sound of low-flying jet roared across the island and took Tails by surprise. He ventured too close and whacked the entire lot of coconuts with his rotating tails; causing them all to fall to the ground. Sarah had to duck for cover while Tails lost balance and clutched unto a coconut as he fell to the ground.


Sonic and Sally were seated upon the pilot and co-pilot seats of the shuttle they had stolen from the sea base earlier. Sally looked towards the island they flew over at incredible speeds. Sonic seemed laid back at the extreme velocity the shuttle was travelling while Sally had a more concerned look upon her face, "How are we suppose to find Tails and Sarah when we're going this fast Sonic?"

"No problem Sal. Tails will see us fly over and he'll use his communicator."

"What if Tails doesn't have his communicator with him?"

"Then flying over the past three islands has been a big waste of time?"


"Okay, okay. I'll go slower. But at least we found Bunny, Anton and the others. So it hasn't been a total loss."

"Hopefully the site we dropped them off at will be safe until we return. Though, with that dark Tails gone, we should be in no danger."

"Yeah. For once we have no one coming after us. It's kind of boring don't you think?"

"Don't you worry. We still have to take out what ever destroyed Knothole. It would be very dangerous in the wrong hands."

"You want me to stop the search for Tails and head on up there?"

"Since this is going no where. We may as well and then come looking for Tails later."

"I think some one wants us to do neither."

"Why is that Sonic? Wait. What is that?"

Through the front screen of the shuttle, Sonic and Sally saw a squadron of twenty robotic gliders, spread out in a delta wing formation and were heading straight towards them. All twenty of the gliders trickled laser fire towards the shuttle, as they were a fair distance away. Sonic manoeuvred the shuttle to avoid most of the incoming fire but struggled a lot with the flying brick he controlled. Sally called over to Sonic, "Does this thing have any weapons at all?"

"Let's find out." Sonic replied and tapped random buttons until one of them showed a noticeable function: It ejected Sally's seat.

"Soniiiic!" Screamed Sally unimpressed as her seat threw her sky wards from the shuttle.

Sonic sighed and made a comment as Sally's ejection seat parachute released and slowly descended to the ground, "Ah gees, I'm never going to hear the end of this."

Twenty of the gliders continued to spew out a steady stream of laser fire towards the shuttle as they drew closer. The twenty became nineteen, then eighteen after transforming into violent explosions and falling towards the sea. Sonic cheered from the inside of his shuttle as he had worked out how to activate its weapon systems, "Guess this isn't a defenceless bird after all."

The battle continued for thirty seconds more and the gliders received heavy losses, but on the flip side, the shuttle had taken heavy damage as well. Missiles whooshed passed and lasers lined the sky. It wasn't long before the gliders over whelmed the shuttle until it lost control and spiralled towards the ground with a fiery, smoke trail behind it.




"Get up silly."

"What happened?"

"Some thing flew by and you knocked down all the food. Then you fell."

"Ow. I can feel it too."

Sarah giggled, "You're such a clown. Are you alright though?" Then she took his hand to pull him to a standing position and giving him a peck on the cheek, "I can kiss it better if you like."

Tails smiled before he rubbed the back of his head and replied, "Yeah. I'm okay. But do you know what flew by us?"

"It sounded like that flying thing Sally was piloting."

"You mean the space shuttle?"


"They could be looking for us!"

"But they passed over us and didn't stop."

"Do you think they were looking for a place to land on the other side of the island?"

"I don't know Tails. We could go see if they did, but we better have some thing to eat before we go."


Sarah felt around the hard surface of the coconut before asking, "How do we get these things open?"

"Easy." Said Tails as he picked up two, threw them into the air and used his two tails as baseball bats.

The two coconuts smashed into the tree and were broken in two or three places. The edible white parts of the coconuts were visible and the twin siblings made no hesitation in nourishing themselves with the exotic produce.

The Prower twins eventually had their fill of the coconuts by the time the sun had reached its midpoint in the sky. The two then set off into the rainforest along the muddy trail; figuring it would be quicker going through the middle of the island instead of going around to get to the other side. Taking the pathways to the right this time, it seemed to be an uneventful walk through the lush, green area.

Eventually the path Tails and Sarah took, led to what seemed to be a dead end. Solid rock blocked their way in front of them; it was over grown, tall and stretched for a mile. But the most unusual thing was that it seemed as if this large rock area was placed here. Old and rotten trees were knocked over and the trail looked as if it continued straight through the solid rock.

Tails didn't simply turn back at the sight of the dead end, as some thing not quite right and his instincts seemed to urge him to move closer towards the rock side. Just as he did, an invisible energy barrier sparked and threw him backwards. Tails landed on his back and Sarah ran over to him before the invisible barrier suddenly shimmered and disappeared once again. Then the seemingly solid rock began to part at the point of where the trail ended and stepping out from inside the rock were two specially marked SWAT bots.

The alerted machines scanned the area before raising their laser-attached arms and opened fire. A terrified monkey fled the area as high explosive laser bolts struck in its direction. The monkey darted behind a tree and the machines ceased fire because they had lost their target. Briefly the monkey popped its head out from behind tree to stick out its tongue and then ran back down the trail, disappearing for good.

The machines stood as statues for a good two minutes outside the exposed entrance to the rock side and scanned the area for extra intruders. It was just as they were about to turn around and go back inside when Tails and Sarah swung on vines, feet first towards the two robotic guards. Together the twin siblings knocked out the two SWAT bots as they kicked both their heads in. The junk-pile worthy machines slumped into the muddy forest floor as the Prower twins quickly made their way inside the parted rock doors.

Tails and Sarah continued on running down a hallway, finished with a metallic sheen. Artificial lighting lit the entire way. Soon after, the invisible shield to the doorway shimmered once again as a sign it was reactivated and the rock doors slid shut. The Prower twins looked back just as doors had closed and Sarah began to panic, "We're trapped!"

Tails went over to see if there was a device to re-open the doors but found none, "Looks like there's only one way to go now."

"Wait. I think there is some thing down here we are being drawn to."

"What do you mean?"

"It's fate. I bet there is some thing that has led us here and now we must find what that some thing is."

"If you say so. Though it looks like some kind of disguised bunker. It's kind of obvious some thing is down here that no body wanted us to find. It was kind of lucky we found it I must admit."

"There's no such thing as luck, Tails."

"Well, I don't really know that Sarah. But what I do know, is if we don't get moving: more guards will come."


Meanwhile on the other side of the island, Sonic had just woken up after he was knocked unconscious after the shuttle he was piloting, crashed into the sandy beach. The front windshield was smashed and the left wing had been severed. The shuttle was damaged beyond repair and if Sonic didn't have enough problems, three shuttles filled with specially marked SWAT bots landed and poured out onto the beach. Sonic looked up at the army of SWAT bots headed his way and sighed. Shaking his head before grumbling to himself, "They just don't give me a break do they? Don't they know their head honcho is gone?!"

The army of machines surrounded the downed shuttle. One of them approached the hatch just as it flew open and whacked the SWAT bot out of commission. Sonic spin-balled out and the usual stream of lasers and explosions followed him as he zipped around amongst all the machines. SWAT bots fell in a heap, left and right due to friendly fire. But soon enough, they began to overwhelm Sonic with their continuous laser-fire and it became too much for him. Retreating into the rainforest, Sonic dashed around the dense vegetation at the speed of sound, so the metallic pursuers fell behind and eventually lost sight of him.


Back at the bunker, Tails and Sarah had explored the entire area inside. There were no guards, save the two they previously encountered. It seemed to be a secret living quarters for a very important person when King Acorn ruled. There was a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and a technical room; that surveillances the entire island, gives status readings of the shield and power generator as well as radar for detecting any thing with a military code. Once the twin siblings were certain they were alone, they began to ticker with the nick-knacks and see what else the bunker had to offer.

Tails was right into all the gadgets contained in the technical room. Briefly studying all the displays that filled the room. Eventually he configured the radar to look for SWAT bots. He was shocked to find out that SWAT bots were crawling all over the island. Sarah came into the room at that moment and instantly asked Tails, "What's wrong? You look surprised."

"I don't think it's a good idea to leave the bunker. There are SWAT bots everywhere!" Tails exclaimed.

"What about Sonic and Sally? The robots must be after them!"

"I've worked out some of the functions and sent out an encoded distress call to their communicators. It should lead them here. These SWAT bots are nothing they can't handle. So don't worry. They've been in tougher situations."

"What about the doors that closed on us?"

"It looks like we can open them from here. If we are also not in the room, a loud alarm will sound to let us know some one is outside the door. That's what alerted those SWAT bots guarding the door."

"So what should we do now?"

"I guess it best to lay low until Sonic and Sally get here."

"Okay, I'm going to see what's in the other rooms."

"I'll be right here. I just can't get over the technology." Tails continued to ramble on, even after Sarah had left the room.

A moment later, Sarah called out from a different room, "Tails! Come quickly!"

Tails didn't hesitate and hurried to see what was wrong with his sister. Appearing from around the corner was Sarah and she was wearing nothing but a seductive grin on her face. Tails was puzzled by what she was up to, "Sarah, what are you doing?!"

"They have showers here. We really need one after what we've been through. I was thinking we both could step into one."

"But this isn't our-"

"It seems to be a luxury hide out, and you did say we had to 'lay low' here. Might as well enjoy it while we can."

"Okay. Okay. You win." Said Tails with a smirk.

Stepping into the shower cubical, Tails searched for some thing to active the showerhead yet there was nothing. Eyeing the showerhead closely as he inquired, "How do we-" Just as water shot out and splattered on Tails' face.

"It has some sort of automatic sensor." Sarah added and giggled as Tails struggled against the water. Then stepping in with Tails to give him a sweet kiss before speaking again, "I love it how you make me laugh even when you're not trying. And I love you."


Tails looked kind of silly with one of his ears flopped due to the jets of water spraying against it, but it didn't bother him. He didn't even give a spoken reply to Sarah's compliment, just smirked and returned the kiss to his loving sister. Water trickled down them both as they were in each other's arms and now passionately exploring one another's muzzle. The two soon began to get carried away with their pash and then Sarah took it further by placing her legs around Tails' waist, while he was standing.

Tails knew what Sarah wanted to do and he complied willingly. Moving over to one of the cubical walls so he could support his sister's body between him and wall. Being so excited and turned on, his shaft was erected to its full length already. His shaft pointed against his sister's vagina and she went to spread her legs even further. With little resistance, his shaft parted her vaginal walls until she was a perfect fitting glove over his entire fox meat.

Tails bent slightly down before thrusting back up inside Sarah's depths. Then the steady rhythmic motion of Tails bucking his hips against his twin sibling's body followed. Sarah wrapped her arms around her brother's neck and embraced his muzzle with hers. Her body was being pounded again and again by Tails, being filled up to the starting point of her cervix with each inward thrust of his shaft. Tails broke off from their pash and began to nuzzle Sarah's neck. At the same time, Sarah tilted her head up with her maw slightly open to release the sounds of her pleasure.

Sarah sped up the pace by bucking her hips and using gravity to force herself down upon Tails' shaft. The two horny foxes had their groins impact quickly upon one another with each thrust and made yiffing noises each time. Tails' fur sack would bounce back and forth and so would Sarah's body against the shower wall. Suddenly Tails began to thrust slowly into his twin sister as she was squirming around a bit to get comfortable again. Then the two continued their usual paced, piston-like motions.

Sarah taking her brother inside of her again and again was too much. She closed her eyes as her vaginal muscles clenched around Tails' shaft and resisted him from moving about inside of her. All Tails could do was continually push into her as he could not pull out for a short time. All of her vaginal juices seeped down Tails' shaft but weren't noticeable amongst the flowing water. It wasn't long before Sarah's orgasm subsided and Tails continued thrusting into her soft, limp body.

Tails' shaft was hard as any thing as it drilled into Sarah with no resistance. Leaking pre-cum, he pressed on inside of his twin sister as both their fluids soon covered his shaft. His thrusts then began to jerk and quicken as his knot slowly swelled. Sarah sank down another couple of times upon Tails' shaft before he momentarily lost control of his motions as his hips shook and jerked uncontrollably.

It was when Tails pushed his shaft, as far into his sister's depths when he felt his penis pulsate and fox-cum began pulsing threw the tubes of his shaft. Out of nowhere, Sarah's vaginal lips convulsed as a second orgasm came just in time. Sarah clenching upon Tails' shaft for the second time and squeezed out the seed it contained with incredible force.

Build up occurred at the base of Tails' shaft as Sarah's orgasm continued and wasn't long before it was released. Tails cummed hard inside his twin sister as the build up of seed was released and shot into Sarah's depths. His fur sack was twitching and flinching constantly as he emptied his seed into her. Jets of his fox-cum continued to flow into his sister's body until he emptied all he had.

Soon the flow of seed ceased and Sarah placed her feet upon the shower floor. She had to move upwards slightly as she slid off Tails' shaft to dismount herself from him. Whatever seed that wasn't ejaculated forcefully into Sarah's womb, leaked out along with the mixture of her fluids. The two twins then stared at each other lovingly before embracing into a hug as the water continued to flow over them.


Sally slowly treaded upon a muddy trail in the rainforest until Sonic whooshed passed her from the opposite direction. Sally frowned and yelled out, "Sonic! Get back here!"

Sonic skidded to a halt and yelled out a reply, "Yes ma'am."

While coming back, Sally began to protest about what happened before, but Sonic took no noticed and talked over the top of her, "Sorry Sal. But we gotta go!"

Laser fire from the pursuing SWAT bots rained from afar before Sonic and Sally took off at the speed of sound. Racing up and down trees, through hollow logs and even dashing over a shallow creek. Eventually the robotic pursuers got caught up in Mother Nature's defence and lost sight of their targets.

After five minutes of running, dodging and jumping around in the rainforest. Sally signalled Sonic to halt and then she placed her communicator to her ear. Sonic was confused on what she was doing and instantly inquired, "What are you doing Sal?"

"Quiet Sonic."


"Can you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Be quiet and listen." Said Sally as she passed the communicator to Sonic's ear.

Sonic heard nothing at first, but after twenty seconds, "Beep." Sounded the communicator.

"What is that?" Questioned Sonic, still confused on what it meant.

"It's a signal." Informed Sally.

"A signal of what?"

"I don't know."

As Sally faced to the left, the communicator emitted a sound once again, "Beep...Beep."

"I think it's guiding us."

"To what?"

"We'll soon see. Let's go this way." Sally pointed out the direction she thought the signal was calling them to.


After being intimate in the shower with Sarah, Tails had dried himself off and proceeded to check on the technical room. The radar displayed the SWAT bots around the island as last time, except for a couple of differences: they were closing in onto a particular point and a new blip on the radar indicated the point they were closing upon. Tails automatically knew that the new blip must be Sonic or Sally's communicator and they're in range of the encoded distress signal he had sent out.

Tails began looking around for some thing to send a vocal message to Sonic and Sally, but proved futile; as the SWAT bots that guarded the bunker had no need for such a thing. Noticing a button that seemed to stick out from the rest of the controls in the room, he went over to see what it did. The button was red and rounded with yellow and black stripes outlining it. Fearing what might happen, Tails forced his eyes closed as he pressed the button.

A loud click noise occurred as if some heavy bolt was retracted and a hidden door swung open from the left wall. Peering through the doorway, Tails was shocked to see Evil Tails looking straight back at him. Tails yelled out in fright and Sarah came running in. Sarah looking at Tails, wondering what's with all the panic, "What's wrong?"

"He's in there."

"Who's in there?"

"Me. I mean him. I mean that black furred, evil me. I don't know."

"For the last time Tails. He's not you. He was lying."

"How do you know?"

"I could sense it."

"All that matters now. Is he's here."


"In there."

Both the Prower twins peered inside the room from either side of the doorway. Sure enough, Evil Tails was standing on top of a well-lit table, and staring right back at them. The Prower twins quickly ducked their heads back and then looked at each other. Sarah quickly stated, "It is him!"

"Don't worry. I won't let him take you again." Said Tails as he darted back into the room and went to tackle Evil Tails. Just as Tails was about to come into contact, instead of forcing the figure to the ground, he ended up going straight through and slammed into the wall on the other side. Sarah walked in a moment later and eyed the figure of Evil Tails, "Wait a second. It's a hologram."

Tails recovered from his bump and commented, "Thanks for pointing that out."

After the Prower twins got over the life-like hologram. They stood in front of the table and Tails instantly recognised what it was. Tapping at a few buttons until status screens appeared in front of the Evil Tails hologram figure. Sarah just stood watch, waiting for an explanation from Tails. Soon enough, Tails did just that, "It seems to be a hologram log. I'm trying to see if I can access what was recorded. Find out more about him and see if he really is me or he has left some clues to show otherwise."

The hologram computer replied, "Recording encoded. Time will be needed to process and decode. Proceed?"


"Decoding... Information: One third of the recording has been decoded. Playing from the point of the decoded message will not slow the rest of the decoding. Play from the decoded point?"


The status screens disappeared and then the Evil Tails hologram began to move and speak, "...through time and space. Several years into the past I travelled. I ended up appearing in front of King Acorn sitting on his throne. The time machine had exploded and the used Chaos Emeralds disappeared. I was then locked up on the charge of attempted assassination of the king..."

"This must of happened before we were born." Sarah commented.

"...Months had passed as I was chained up to work on the war effort. I was quickly realised for my mechanical genius and soon was designing as well as building improved SWAT bots with laser cannon attachments. Soon I was designing upgrades for their ships and vehicles. I must have changed several battles to favour us as the victor due to my efforts. It was at this point of time when Julian opposed the new coding for my SWAT bots, claiming I would turn them against the king to finish the job. I counter claimed by telling every one what Julian had in store in the near future, but I had no proof..."

"At least we know he isn't a creation of Robotnik." Tails grinned.

"...At last I had proof! But tragically I wasn't able to present it. Just as I was about to deliver the flaw to Julian's ultimate take over plan, I was engulfed in fire. I was told I had been in an explosion and that I was seriously injured with no chance of survival. My furred was charred black from its beautiful orange colour and never did return. Julian painted it as an explosive I was about to plant, that detonated early. He then kindly offered to save my life by using an experimental device called 'The Roboticizer', contained in the newly built sea laboratory I designed..."

Sarah gasped and covered the tip of he muzzle, "So that's why he hated the Roboticizer so much."

"...I felt like I was going insane. Metallic parts replaced half my body. It was meant to turn my entire body into a metallic shell, but some thing went wrong. The pain. Oh the pain. It was awful. But it was nothing compared to what I experienced next: I was a spectator in my own body and it was the worst feeling I had ever felt. Julian also added his sadistic add-ons to my body and made me his personal guard. Commander T-A-1-7-5 was my call sign and I was in charge of the sea laboratory. But soon enough, I slowly regained control of my body. I found out that all my internal organs were completely metallic, except for half my brain. I finally got in complete control of my functions and thinking, before going mad and revolting against Julian. It was my superior SWAT bots who waged war against their out of date and poorly armed ancestors, a week before Julian would make his move..."

The hologram froze for ten seconds before he continued on talking, "...After hijacking an orbital defence ship with a specialised team of my SWAT bots. I lost contact with them. Even the SWAT bots that escorted me had turned and made me their prisoner. Julian had altered my coding and ended my revolt. I was brought before the king for sentencing. No matter how much Julian protested. The king exiled me to the void, as it was a reasonable punishment for my so-called treason. For years on end, I spent my pointless life in the void. Yet it gave me time to think on how to construct another time machine so I could have a second shot at fixing the future..."

"I wonder why Robotnik wanted to keep him?" Tails questioned himself.

"...I saw the famous Sonic the hedgehog in the void. Or was I just tormented so much to see things that weren't there? It didn't matter as I was snatched soon after from the void, Julian who had then renamed himself to 'Ivo Robotnik', had given me command over my old post and also gave me a special mission. He knew what to do with me this time and had brainwashed me into believing Sonic was my enemy and that we needed the Chaos Emeralds to bring an end to Sonic's evil reign. I was allowed free access to Robotnik's entire empire. Although I was now under his control, I still had limited free will. But my free will was corrupted. It was like I had multiple personalities. I was losing my mind. Doing things I didn't want to do..."

"I'm really starting to feel sorry for him now." Sarah was shocked at what she was hearing.

"...We found an emerald. Robotnik put me to work on the time machine. He heard of my plans to build one, and then intergraded a personal-time machine along my arm that allowed me to slow time as well as appear in other places in the blink of an eye. I had the honour of building a larger version in the orbital ship I was now in charge of. All this was great. But I still wanted to end Robotnik then and there. Yet I couldn't and it only added to my suffering of a lifetime..."

Just as strange shimmer in the corner of the room distracted Tails, the status window returned over the hologram and the computer spoke once again, "Error. Decoding has reset. Please come back in thirty minutes. Further playback of the recording is unavailable until then."

"Great. Stupid machines." Sarah sighed.

"I'm afraid he could be telling us the truth before, Sarah." Tails glumly announced and had his facial expressions saddened.

Sarah reached over to hug Tails before whispering in his ear, "Don't worry about that yet. We still have to see the rest of it, Tails."

"Well. I'm going to see if there's any thing to drink in the kitchen. Then coming back here in thirty minutes." Said Tails as he let go of Sarah and walked through the technical room before heading out to the kitchen; glancing at the bunker's status screens just before leaving.

Sarah headed out of the room as well, probably to follow Tails. Just as she left the room, the shimmer in the corner moved into the technical room. Looking at the displays, it still showed all the SWAT bots closing in on Sonic and Sally's signal. The keys and buttons upon the console of the status displays began to be tapped seemingly by nothing. Soon a computer voice confirmed the commands being entered, "External doors opened. Shields disabled. Alarm disabled. Assault force ordered to retreat."


It was getting dark and Sonic and Sally still continued following the direction the signal was leading them to. SWAT bots were still in hot pursuit and were closing in quickly on them. The communicator Sally held began to beep uncontrollably as they drew near to where the signal was originating. The beeping was so loud and so constant, that Sonic snatched it and smashed it against a rock. Sally yelled out in annoyance, "Sonic! Why did you do that?!"

Sonic simply held up his hand and looked around, "Shh. Do you hear that Sal?

"...No. Which is what is wrong, we should still be hearing that beeping sound that was leading us to-"

From in-between the trees shot through two SWAT bots on jet packs. They instantly opened fire upon Sonic and Sally. Sonic grabbed Sally's paw before he went to zip around trees to lose the SWAT bots. But they didn't lose these two SWAT bots easily at all, their jet packs continued keeping up with them, yet only barely. Laser bolts and explosions followed Sonic and Sally until they reached the entrance to a cave. Looking back, they saw the two SWAT bot pursuers slow down and then fly up through the tree canopy.

"Well that's some thing you don't see every day." Sonic commented as the squad of gliders escorted three shuttles, flew overhead and ascended skywards. "They're retreating!"

"You know what that means Sonic?" Sally asked a rhetorical question.

"I'm afraid to find out."

"I think we may find our answers in this cave here."

"What makes you think that Sal?"

"Look inside, it has a metallic interior!"


After Tails fetched a glass of water from the kitchen. He walked around to see what Sarah was up to. Searching a couple of rooms before finally locating her. She was lying on the bed in the middle of the bedroom and was still with out her clothes on. Sitting up once she noticed Tails was in the room. She smiled and patted the space next to her while calling out to him, "Tails. Come sit next to me."

Tails looked upon her and knew what she probably wanted and decided to play coy because he never did want to be the pushy one in the relationship, "Sure, what's up Sarah?"

As Tails sat next to Sarah, they both were in a trance of each other's glance, until Sarah finally answered his question, "I just want to be with you and have it never stop. Never end."

"You know I'll never stop loving you."

"Then make love with me once again, please Tails. I need you." Sarah begged before she shifted around until she was on all fours upon the bed.

"Sarah..." Tails was about to say some thing, but after Sarah presented herself to him and looked back with pleading eyes: he was a loss for words.


Tails' shaft slowly erected as he drew near. Getting into position, he placed his chest on top of Sarah's back. Sarah moved both her paws back and held them around Tails' shaft so she could gently guide it into her vagina. Once the tip of Tails' shaft poked against the entrance of his sister, he began push forward with his hips so that his shaft slid through her paws and into her vagina. Sarah retracted her paws to support herself and gasped as she was penetrated. Her tail that was pushed aside and flicked wildly as her brother's burning shaft travelled up her body.

Tails held his paws around Sarah's waist as he continued to thrust his shaft in and out of his sister's vaginal passage. Moving his head to the side, he could hear all the breathing and bodily functions of his twin sibling each time he sunk his shaft into her depths. Tails' bucking of hips were matched by Sarah's swaying of body frame. She was sharply inhaling and exhaling as her body was pounded again and again by her twin brother.

Sarah cried out and whimpered each time Tails impacted his shaft against her cervix, attempting to penetrate through that as well. Her vagina engulfed her brother's shaft from each inward thrust by him, until reaching the base and then he would slowly slide out before repeating the motion. Tails pressed on into his sister's body, wanting to be taken into her as much as possible so he could be one with her.

Tails sped up the pace of his insertion into his twin sibling and lifted his head up until he was staring out the door. He suddenly saw a shimmer in the doorway before he slightly shook his head before noticing it disappeared, thinking he was only imagining things. Sarah was in ecstasy as she felt the pleasure of her brother's shaft inside her, but then felt the sensation of some one rubbing the outside of her abdomen as Tails bulged in and out of it from the inside. It couldn't have been Tails rubbing her abdomen, since his paws were now firmly wrapped around her chest. The sensation disappeared and she eventually ignored any more thought about it and just focused on her love, Tails.

Tails became a little shaky while thrusting into Sarah. His shaft glistened with both their pre-cum and his knot swelled soon after. Sarah followed with a shudder, as she was soon to go over the top with her sibling lover. Tails edged near the left ear of Sarah and whispered, "I'm going to cum, Sarah."

Sarah replied in a moaned tone, "I'm going to cum with you."

Tails was jerking back and forth against Sarah by now. He felt his shaft pulsating as his seed travelled through his shaft once again and then jammed his shaft as deep into Sarah as he could possibly go.

Sarah felt her brother's abdomen doing some thing as it was pressed against her behind. She knew Tails was about to cum and felt her own orgasm coming as well. At the right time, she arched her back and shuddered like she had never before, her vaginal lips clamped tightly around the base of her brother's shaft. Tails was unable to pull out once again, and kept thrusting inwards constantly before letting go inside his sister's body. Her cervix was prodded by Tails' shaft before fox-cum exploded from it. Having nowhere to go, the jets of fertile seed shot directly into Sarah's womb.

The Prower twins were both shuddering against one another's body. Sarah continued to orgasm as her vaginal lips massaged the base of Tails' shaft. Her vaginal walls massaging the entire length of his shaft, as Tails' fur sack was contracting and relaxing. He was emptying his contents into Sarah as she continued to milk his seed. She felt only warm and comfort by Tails as he emptied the last of his seed into her. Tails then went to nuzzle and kiss the side of Sarah's neck as his shaft slowly retracted while still inside her limp body.


Just at that moment, Sonic and Sally were about to walk pass the doorway to the luxury bedroom. Feeling some thing wasn't right; they both slowly turned their heads until their gaze was dead centre upon the two Prower twins. There they were, Sarah on all fours with Tails glued behind her. Both of them had their cheeks blushing with red, not only from their previous activity, but now also from embarrassment. Sonic and Sally's eyes grew wide with surprise and it was a few moments of awkward silence before any of them spoke.

Sonic called out, "Tails?!"

Tails replied, "Sonic?!"

Sally frowned, "Tails?! Sarah?!"

Sarah was the last to follow, "Sally..."

"Oh my gosh, you two are having sex!" Yelled out Sally, shocked and disgusted, "You even lied to me back at Knothole!"

"Aunt Sally, I can explain." Pleaded Tails.

"Oh don't you 'Aunt Sally' me young fox! I'm very disappointed in you Tails. I trusted you to take care of your twin sister, and THIS is what you do?!"

"Please don't be angry." Sarah said in the middle of it all.

Sally shook her head while speaking, "No. No. I've seen enough. I'm leaving!" She began to walk away when Sonic grabbed her arm, but she shook him off her and yelled at him before storming off, "Oh leave me alone!"

Sonic called after her, "Sal, there could be more SWAT bots out there!"

"I don't care!" Last thing Sally said before she disappeared outside.

After Sarah had dismounted from Tails, she went into another room to redress herself. Leaving Sonic and Tails remaining in the bedroom area. While Tails was still looking down due to his guilt, Sonic began to give him a piece of his mind, "Tails. It's okay to do what you do with a girl. But doing that to your own twin sister? That's way uncool little buddy."

"I'm sorry Sonic. But I love her. I couldn't help it."

"It's really Sal you should apologise to when she comes back. You really hurt her. I've never seen her like this before. But once we get off this island, we're going to have a serious talk about this. Until then, it's better we forget about it."

"Fine. I'm just going to find more information about that evil look alike of me then." Tails lethargically said as he passed Sonic.

Sarah joined Tails in the hologram room, this time fully dressed. Sonic followed shortly after. The Prower twins were aware of his presence, but he decided to let them know he was there any way, "Now, don't you two do anything I wouldn't do." Then Sonic sniffed the air before excitedly announcing, "Is that chilly dogs?"

Sonic disappeared towards the kitchen while the Prower twins booted up the hologram program and began replaying the log from the start this time. The status screens disappeared after confirming that the entire recording had been decoded and soon the hologram of Evil Tails began to show motion, "This is log I am now recording is a reminder of my past. So I do not forget in my time of madness." The hologram paused, "My name is Tails Junior Prower. First born son of Miles and Sarah Prower..."

"That can't be!" Sarah felt grief after hearing this revelation.

Tails sighed, "You got to be kidding me."

The hologram continued reading out it's recording, "...I received the name 'Tails' as my father wished. It was because he hated his real name, wanting to give me his commonly known nickname and also because I was born with two tails like him. I was told it was a rare gene passed down through my mother. Ironically my father also had the same gene and it seems to be more common in males than females..."

"At least I'll never have to wonder about that again." Tails smirked.

Sarah shook her head, "I still can't believe he is our child."

"You were right though Sarah. We were lead here to find this."

The Prower twins missed out on some thing the hologram said before it continued to babble on, "...It all started when I was ten years of age and I couldn't find my father. I stumbled upon Knothole while searching for him. Children playing there surrounded me and tormented me. I've never forgotten that painful memory. Argh. I never did find my father. My mother told me, that he was on a special mission against Robotnik with Sonic. Though I knew she knew he was gone and probably in some terrible way. Studying books on time travel, I was determined to go back in time to find what happened to my father and if I could: bring him back..."

Behind the Prower twins stood the shimmer from before. Sarah sensed some one was behind her, but was too distressed to notice and continued listening to the hologram, "...I have built a time machine, but it needed great power to operate. My mother took an interest in my project and aided me in finding Chaos Emeralds. She had a special gift for sensing them and it served me well. Once I had all the Chaos Emeralds, by the time mother realised how serious I was, it was too late. The time machine malfunctioned and I went further back in time than I intended. I travelled through time and space. Several years into the past I travelled. I ended up appearing in front of King Acorn sitting on his throne..."

"Okay, it's just repeating now." Tails noted and deactivated the hologram program.

Sarah held herself and began sobbing, "You think our love has cause this entire mess?"

"Now we know what's going to happen, we can change it."

"You can't change destiny, Tails."

"Just watch me. I promise you, I will."


Running through the rainforest on the muddy trail was Sally. She didn't care where she was going, just wanted to be away from it all. It eased the anger that was outrage for her morals being violated by the one child she treasured and protected. It was when she began walking around a low hanging tree, when her train of thought was broken. A hissing sound came from above and Sally looked up just as a large serpent came striking towards her with its gapping wide mouth.

It was too late for Sally to move away, as it had already latched onto her head. She stood there fighting the snake off with fists and muffled screams of help; but it was no use. The snake began to swallow with its powerful muscles and had Sally's entire head lodged in it's mouth by now. A moment later, her shoulders disappeared into the serpent's maw.

Sally was being slowly pulled up into its body with each swallow and she kicked about wildly during so. A bulge in the shape of Sally soon formed inside the snake by the time it had wrapped its mouth around her waist. As soon as it gulped up Sally's legs and feet, it sealed its mouth shut and her fate.

The serpent returned to resting upon the tree branch as the bulge inside its body squirmed around. Sally was being pushed deeper through the snake's slick insides while she struggled in an attempt to free herself. But it was futile and gradually she began to wriggle around less and less. Slowly she slid deeper into the snake until her body reached the middle of its length.

Five minutes later, Sally was a motionless lump in the serpent's body. She rested in the middle of the snake for some time before her body continued to creep along the length of the snake, as it started to move around. The serpent slid down the tree and crawled along the muddy trail. The lump travelled a little more towards the end of the serpent's length, before the bulged ceased moving and the serpent dragged Sally's body inside it through out the rainforest.


Tails and Sarah were about to return to the technical room, before a shimmer in the doorway appeared once again. Tails rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things again before tapping Sarah on the shoulder and asking, "Do you see that?"

Sarah replied in a curious tone, "I do. But what is it?"

"I'm not sure. But it keeps appearing and I don't know why."

"Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm." Chuckled a familiar voice from out of nowhere.

"Is that who I think it is?" Sarah asked Tails.

The shimmer in the doorway disappeared and fading into view was none other than Evil Tails. It seems he had repaired himself and replaced his arm for a robotic one with a silver, metallic sheen. Evil Tails was a frightful patchwork of metal and flesh. He approached the Prower twins, but adding him made them the Prower trio. He spoke in his usual creepy voice, "I'm baaaack. It was fun fooling you into thinking you were me. Sadly, you had to find the truth from this pathetic hologram of my sappy life. My words hold truth in my little riddle as you see now though. I am your future offspring. Father."

"You survived!" Exclaimed Tails, "And why didn't you straight out tell me about who you were before?!"

"Were you surprised? Imagine how I felt when I found out mother was also your SISTER!"

Tails fell silent.

"I watched you and her. I even got to touch the very time I was conceived. For that honour, I'm going to give you front row tickets to the end of the word!"

"You may be my son, but you're still a monster!" Sarah yelled out in anger.

"We can't change what happened to you. But we can stop you from doing this." Tails said, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"You cannot stop me. Because I'm afraid you are helpless. You won't be doing any thing in a hurry." Smugly announced Evil Tails as he clicked his fingers and four, cloaked SWAT bots appeared seemingly from thin air, "You will remain here until my private yacht, that you've been enjoying so much, reaches the orbital ship."

"This is a space ship?!"

"Indeed. It is my pride and joy. Far better than any thing you have accomplished. Father."

Looking from outside the so-called bunker. The rock doors slid shut. Then a high voltage charge emitted from the surface of the rock and burnt through all the over grown vegetation. The rock transformed into a metallic silver colour with a shimmer like effect to hint it was only an illusion. The mile long space yacht rose from the depths of the rainforest and its engines propelled them into space.

Sonic was still in the kitchen when the ship took off and felt the sudden movements. He yelled out in surprise, "Whoa! What's going on?"

Hearing a couple of SWAT bots marching their way towards him, Sonic decided to hide to remain undetected. Watching from inside one of the cupboards, he saw Evil Tails with two personal SWAT bots that seemed different to any design he's seen before. Evil Tails called out a few commands before leaving the room, "Sonic could still be aboard. If he is, I want you two to take care of him before this ship reaches the orbital ship."

"Space? Sal is still in the rainforest." Sonic quietly said to himself.

Evil Tails left the room and then the two SWAT bots disappeared into thin air before Sonic's very eyes, "What the?"

It wasn't long until the yacht docked with the orbital ship. The four guards escorted the Prower twins along a few corridors before arriving at the observation and control room. Noticing that most of the area was transparent and could see all of Mobius from above, before being forcefully seat by the guards. A moment later, Evil Tails entered into the room while holding a red Chaos Emerald in his hand. He didn't say a thing as he approached Sarah, ripped off her cloth belt that held the six other Chaos Emeralds around it and left her lower half exposed. Sarah protested and sobbed, "Hey! That's mine!"

"Yes, and I thank you for it mother." Evil Tails grinned as he went over to place all seven Chaos Emeralds into the ship's central power unit in the middle of the room, "Amazing how future history repeats itself. You found the rest of the Chaos Emeralds for me once again."

"You leave her alone." Tails growled.

"You're in no position to give commands. Father. I suggest you keep quiet."


Speeding down the hallways connected to the yacht. Sonic was making his way to the control room. He was making good timing until he was suddenly repelled backwards. Slamming into the floor and sliding along it for a few metres, before standing back up to see what had hit him. Looking down the corridor, he saw nothing. Though he didn't have much time to think as he was whacked in the face and thrown down the corridor once again.

Sonic got back up and knew what he was up against this time. He jumped over to the wall and bounce over to the other side. He repeated this process multiple times. He soon spun around in a circle until he formed a tornado in the middle of the hallway and the Sonic tornado sucked in the two-cloaked SWAT bots and then spat them out. SWAT bot cloaking devices exploded as they impacted against the wall and now were a piece of cake for Sonic to finish off.


Evil Tails moved off to the control panel for the ship's weapon systems. Tails had noticed the device that was situated next to the central power unit and got curious enough to ask, "Tails junior."

Evil Tails snarled before giving a sarcastic remark, "Oh. You're nice enough to use my real name. How may I help you then, oh great father?"

"What is that over there?"

"This? You mean you're finally taking an interest in my work?"

"I guess I am."

"This is the second version of my failed project. The time machine here is as unstable as its prototype."

"Or you would have already used it, right?"

"Of course. It would be foolish to risk it a second time. You'll never know when you'll end up. Also, it requires my touch to activated it, so don't get any funny ideas."

"So what now?"

"You're going to witness my revenge upon this cursed world. I was willing to let every one live their pointless lives in the void. But since you interfered, I am now going to destroy this damn planet."

"What? How?!"

"Once the Chaos Emeralds have charged up the pillar of doom cannon. I will fire a constant super heated beam into the oceans of Mobius. ALL the water will evaporate and ALL life will suffer."

"How could you do this to people who did nothing to you?! You're no son of mine! You're just a monster and will always be a monster!" Scream out Sarah.

"WHO are you to judge ME? You have a lot of nerve mother. I'm tired of talking now. Just shut up, the both of you!"

Blasting through the doors of the control room was Sonic. Evil Tails instantly turned around to see who it was and then dashed over to retrieve his laser weapon in the compartment underneath the control panel. The four guards turned on Sonic with laser fire ablaze towards him, but were no match for his speed and power. As soon as Sonic made quick work of the guards, Tails and Sarah jumped up from the chairs they sat upon before the three heroes surrounded the villainous Evil Tails.

Sonic focused his attention on Evil Tails before letting out a smart comment; "They made hunks of junk like you strong, didn't they? No matter. Your reign of terror ends here."

"You're too late. All of you." Snarled Evil Tails as he slammed his fist on the firing controls for the pillar of doom cannon.

The entire orbital ship shook and a loud rumble roared as a bright yellow beam of light descended at light speed towards the middle of Mobius' ocean. A moment later the blue colouring of Mobius' ocean soon disappeared in an acid like fashion. It wouldn't be long before every body of water on Mobius was vaporised and cloud would cover the entire planet.

"You're not going to get away with this!" Sonic pointed his finger at Evil Tails.

Evil Tails just smiled wickedly and shot his laser pistol at Sonic. But he was too quick and continued to dodge every shot Evil Tails fired. While Sonic was distracting Evil Tails, he called out, "Tails! Shut down the cannon!"

"No you don't!" Evil Tails spoke through his teeth before taking out his knife and throwing it towards Tails.

Tails was just about to hit the emergency shut down button for the cannon when he was suddenly hit and fell against the floor. In confusion of what happened, Tails felt a sharp pain occurring along his right shoulder and realised there was a knife sticking out of it. Sarah quickly grabbed her cloth belt and ran over to him while calling his name, "Tails!"

Sarah pulled out the knife, much to Tails' pain and then wrapped her cloth belt around the wound as a make shift bandage. Helping him up, Sarah asked if he was okay. With the continuing fire from Evil Tails in the background, Tails finally nodded to Sarah. Sarah quietly said, "Stay here. I'm going to take his gun." Before she ran behind Evil Tails.

Tails called out as she ran over, "Sarah, wait!" But she didn't hear him.

From behind, Sarah grabbed the gun out Evil Tails' grip and began firing shots at him.

The laser pistol was more of an annoyance to Evil Tails, as it did minimal damage to him. He spun around clock-wise, switch-knifing his claws out from his left paw before slapped the gun from Sarah's hand and slashing his claws across her stomach. The gun discharged one last time before both it and Sarah fell to the floor. A second later, Sonic held his chest with both hands before he followed by collapsing onto the floor. Tails screamed at the top of lungs, "NOOOOOOO!"

Evil Tails slowly turned around, eyes aglow with red. Walking slowly towards Tails with a devilish grin on his face, "Looks like it's just us now father. Perhaps we can now have a private father and son discussion?"

"What have you done? Sonic! Sarah!"

"They're dead."

"No. No. No. NO!" Tails was horrified as he replied.

"Now you can celebrate the end of the world with me father. Show me that you care and take an interest in my genius."


Evil Tails shook his head in disappointment, "Well that was a heart breaker. I guess there's not much point keeping you around then."

Evil Tails' twin tails gradually started rotating until they spun as fast as an air propeller and charged towards Tails with claws pointed towards him. Tails spun his tails also and flew to safety as Evil Tails sliced the air below him. Landing next to Sarah, he rolled her onto her back and saw her wounds. Sarah was weak as she barely managed to speak to him, "Tails. I feel cold." Before closing her eyes.

Tails felt nothing but anger as Evil Tails sped towards him with claws pointed once again. He didn't fly away this time as Evil Tails approached him. Just as he drew close, Tails shifted out of the way and slammed his foot into the side of him. Evil Tails smashed into a bunch of metal support poles across the room and snapped them all in two. He quickly recovered from his fall and pulled out two of the metal poles to throw as javelins towards Tails.

Tails dropped to the floor as the two metal spears flew over him and planted themselves into the wall behind him. Evil Tails didn't even wait for Tails to get up before charging at him once again. Tails used his hands to support himself as he did a flip kick against the chest of Evil Tails. Evil Tails was forced backwards a few steps after Tails pushed off him, did a somersault in mid-air and landed next to the wall with the metal poles sticking out. Tails pulled out one of the metal poles from the wall with both paws before he swung around and faced his insane son.

Evil Tails deactivated his twin tails and started running on foot towards Tails. Crossing his arms over his body, Evil Tails' new right paw shot out a giant blade before he stretched out both his arms and sliced through the air either side of him. Tails swung the metal pole at Evil Tails as he got near enough, but his swung was block when Evil Tails' giant blade appeared in the way.

Tails backed off towards the direction of the wall as bladed claws swiped dangerously in front of him. Each time he swung the metal pole, the swift bladed arm of Evil Tails matched it. Sparks flew constantly as metal bashed against metal. Soon Tails had his back against the wall and decided to throw the metal pole with all his power at Evil Tails. The metal pole ended up spearing Evil Tails right in the chest. As he grasped onto the metal pole with both his paws, Tails pulled out the second metal pole from the wall and charged towards him at his most vulnerable moment.

Tails lifted the metal pole above his head and swung it downwards with such force, it severed left arm from the shoulder socket of Evil Tails. Using his right paw to feel where his left arm should have been, Evil Tails snarled before kicking Tails to the other side of the room. Tails landed onto the control panel before rolling onto the floor. With sparks flying from the severed left arm, Evil Tails continued towards Tails with his bladed arm raised above his head and screaming, "Now you die!"

Tails held onto the metal pole tight and sat up as Evil Tails over shadowed him. Tails swung the metal pole like a baseball bat and connected with Evil Tails' head. The head didn't budge, but Tails repeatedly bash the pole against Evil Tails' head, until the final blow caused the neck to explode and the head to fly off. The head smashed into the view screen on the over side of the room before the remaining cybernetic body of Evil Tails crumbled violently as Tails also collapsed onto the floor from exhaustion.


The room fell silent with the exception of the occasional electric discharges and Tails' own breathing sound. It took Tails a while to stand back up and look upon the carnage before him. The two people that meant most to Tails rested motionless upon the metallic floor of the control room and all that was left of Mobius was now an acid wasteland.

Tails walked over to look upon the face of his mangled son one last time. Peering into the shattered view screen, he saw the sorrowful face and Evil Tails spoke three words before the red glowing of his eyes faded away, "I'm sorry father."

Tails felt regret and somewhat responsible for what had happened. Tears of sadness filled his eyes as he stood over Sarah's body and fell onto his knees shortly after. He had lost every thing and he now stood alone.

Tails was about to give up all hope on his own life until he noticed the time machine across the room. It brought back the memory of what he promised Sarah and renewed hope for correcting the future. He knew what he had to do. He didn't give a second thought. He grabbed the paw belonging to his former son and pressed it against the activation button with out hesitation. Yelling out as the time machine powered up, "I control my destiny!"

The Chaos Emeralds started getting brighter before then a bright white light filled the room and sent Tails back through time. During his travel through the fabric of time, he saw many visions. One was of him and Sarah being together. Another was building a great invention. The last one he took notice of, was Sarah having a first-born child: a baby girl. Soon the visions faded and Tails lost all consciousness.


Evil Tails stepped out from the void portal and into the sea lab control room. He laughed insanely before yelling out to no one in particular, "Now begins my retribution! No one will stop me!"

Evil Tails walked over to the communications panel before pressing a button and speaking into it with pride, "This is Commander T-A-1-7-5. Send a shuttle down to the sea lab immediately." No reply was given for a whole minute, "Respond orbital defence ship operator. I need a shuttle now. That's an order!"

A voice did reply, but it wasn't the kind of reply Evil Tails was expecting, "I gave your SWAT bots a break and you won't be needing your shuttle where you're going. Now my son can rest in peace."

Evil Tails didn't even get a chance to reply as searing heat and explosions filled the room he stood in.

In the upper atmosphere of Mobius, Tails piloted the space shuttle to the best of his ability. Looking behind him, he saw the orbital defence ship firing the pillar of doom cannon towards the surface, before the cannon overloaded and engulfed the entire space station in a ball of fire. All that was left of the orbital defence ship was dust and debris as Tails descended towards the surface of Mobius.

It was a few hours before Tails returned to Knothole. It was dark and thought he'd get some rest before looking to be reunited his twin sister once again. Sonic was walking around the Knothole village when he spotted Tails wondering around and raced over to him. Sonic gave Tails the evil eye before inquiring, "Hey little buddy, how come you're not in bed?"

"Sonic!" Tails got taken by surprise before thinking of some thing to reply with, "I thought I heard some thing outside my hut. It was nothing."

"All right then. You better get back to bed before Sal sees you." Then Sonic noticed the cloth belt around Tails' right shoulder, "What's with the shoulder?"

Tails had forgotten all about his shoulder after what he had been through. He eventually gave another reply to Sonic before heading off to his hut, "Oh. It's just some thing I found and thought I'd wrap it around me for good luck. Any ways. I'm going back to sleep. Good night!"

"Uh. Good night little bro!"

Tails opened the door to his hut and sighed. All he could think about was Sarah and hoped he would even dream of her; as he couldn't wait to go find her the following morning. He felt better that he no longer had to deal with the past and future in the present any more. Yawning and stretching his arms out, he headed over towards his bed in attempt to rest from his ordeal. It wasn't expected when he threw back the covers to his bed, to find himself sound asleep right in front of his very eyes.

And so the tale of this one adventure has come to an end. With Tails' past self still in existence to take his place in Knothole, it left him free to pursue a relationship with Sarah and no longer had to deal what his peers thought. What new and unique adventures he would find himself along the way? Only time would tell.