The Shadows of Tomorrow- Journey to the Mountains

Story by Ordinary Turtle on SoFurry

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#3 of The Shadows of Tomorrow

Chapter 3 Journey to the Mountains

The next morning Kane woke up feeling lightheaded. He yawned and look around, his surroundings looked unfamiliar he looked to where he made a fire last night but it wasn't there. He woke up in a completely different place. He searched for his belongings, they were gone.

"By order of the king, you are hearby arrested for murder," said a voice.

Kane turned around and looked up it was an Elf dressed in green armor. He gasped as three more bore him up dragging him off.

"I didn't do anything though, I didn't kill them!" yelled Kane.

The Elves just ignored him. An hour or so later they stopped at a river, it was where the Elves had to cross to get to the King's Halls. It wasn't deep, but they pushed Kane in to cross. He fell down and came up gasping for air. The Elves were just laughing at him.

"Swim! Swim stinky little Gargoyle!" they called out.

Kane growled and went charging at them but one of them shot an arrow too fast for Kane to see and he dropped down unconscious in the water. The Elves went to bore him up again and headed off towards the King's Halls. They crossed a bridge over the river not to far where Kane had fallen.

The Elves carried on their duty to carry the muderous Gargoyle but some thought different, "Why don't we just kill him now and say he tried to attack us?" asked one.

"Orders are orders, I lead this group and you better follow them. Don't forget Lorandul can see guilt in your soul if you lie." said the leader.

"But this stinky thing is so heavy, and we already seem to be dragging it."

Throughout the day, the elves carried Kane towards the King's hall. When they stopped for a rest it appeared though Kane had woken up. No one was near him so he stood up and looked around seeing the elves laughing merrily with food and song.

Weary and fatigued Kane could barely stand up. An elf saw him in his state and walked towards him giving him a backhand across the face. Kane once again fell unconcious.

"Stupid creatures they are. Stupid enough to be destroyed by humans!" then a line of laughter broke loose among the elves.

"Thanks to that good ol' Dragon Master, we don't have to worry about them now!" more laughter broke out. Kane twitched at the sound of Dragon Master hearing it in a half dream.

The next morning Kane woke up coughing and saw nothing but darkness around him. The sun hadn't risen yet and he was very cold. The Cell door had opened and out stepped a person who looked so magnifcintly beautiful, with golden robes flowing and golden hair. It was the King Lorandul.

"I see you have awoken," said Lorandul. Two guards were by his side, "I want to discuss why you killed two of my guards."

Kane was in awe of the King and he spoke, "I did not do it, I swear it."

"Then tell me, how did they die?"

"I was stopped by them and they were about to arrest me and then they both fell down with arrows in the back of their heads. I swear I did not do it."

The King kneeled down near Kane and peered into his eyes. His very soul searching for any guilt inside of Kane. Lorandul sighed and stood up, "What you are saying is the truth. I see no guilt in you what so ever, but I must sentence you to death for tresspassing in my land without permission."

"Tresspassing? Tresspassing?! A wanderer cannot simply walk into your land just to get through the other side?" asked Kane who was quite angry and scared.

"You can go around the forest you know." said Lorandul.

"But I've lived in this forest for years, ever since I was a child of five." said Kane.

"Oh really? Who took care of you? It's not like it was Dragon Master Linden whom lived so many years ago." smugged King Lorandul.

"It was indeed! But why do you say he died many years ago? He has been my caretaker and father for years, and he died just a couple of months ago." said Kane.

"You must obivously be illusional, Dragon Master Linden died when I was a young lad in my teens. I am four hundred years old now, do you say I speak not the truth?"

"It can't be, then who took care of me then?" said Kane half to himself, half to Lorandul.

"You're death awaits you at noon, see you then." Lorandul and his two guards left Kane in his cell.

When the cell door shut, Kane's breath was cut short. Too late he thought, I will die. He laid down on the hard cold floor and started to weep, "Why didn't he tell me? Why did he lie?" These thoughts kept continuslously going through Kane's mind.

It was nearing noon and Kane was starting to panic. His journey a waste. "If it wasn't Linden who took care of me, then why did he lie? Oh my head hurts, I cannot think in this darkness."

The cell door opened and Kane knew it was time. A single Elf came in and dragged Kane out of the cell. The Elf looked rather strange than the rest having brown hair, thin and scarny, and quite muscular.

The two passed the guards unnoticed with no one questioing them. They thought it was all time for the prisoner to be exucuted. Kane was scared, he knew it was the end but when he and the elf stopped in a dark room and no one could be seen Kane sighed and was prepared. perhaps it will be done secretly and quietly, he thought.

"I am Casifus, I have come here to help you escape." he said.

"Why?" asked Kane.

"I know this palace well and can go about being unseen. I am helping you because what you've done is not wrong. King Lorandul is wrong. He must not be allowed to live anymore, he is a tyrant. For many centuries we have lived under his rule and it must be stopped, that is why i'm helping you. They're are others and they will come shortly."

After waiting for what seemed like hours two elves came too where Casifus and Kane were hiding.

"Kilofus reporting sir."

"Lerenwed reporting."

"Ok now listen, Kaew and Duril will be helping us and they are disguised as guards. You sound the alarm that the prisoner escaped in twenty minutes and we'll be near the entrance of the cave as they shut it off." said Casifus.

Kilofus, who was the son of Casifus, nodded his head, "I can shoot 3 arrows in less than a second, I'm the best marksmen in this realm, it will be easy."

"Second best Kilofus," said Lerenwed smirking.

"Enough foolishness, we will be heading off, good luck to you boys and be careful." said Casifus.

Casifus and Kane headed off slowly and without making a sound. It was hard not to be unseen. Kane's talons would sometimes scrape the stone floor and Casifus would arm himself to see if any guards would be near.

Casifus and Kane got to the door which lead to the entrance hall. Casifus looked around and sniffed the air hoping that no one would be coming. But just then a horn was heard. The prisoner was escaping!

"Close the doors! Call in the guards! Close the Entrance door! Do not let that Gargoyle escape!" yelled Lorandul.

Casifus and Kane made a run for it but were stopped by five guards armed and ready to shoot.

"Well, well, well Casifus. Helping the prisoner? You traitor!" yelled the one in the middle.

Casifus let his bow sing and all five of the guards were down in two seconds flat, 'Come on! We're almost there!"

They ran down the hall and saw the entrance door slowly closing by Elf guards.

"Run prisoner! I'll stay behind and kill the Guards and anyone else who comes near!"

"But what about you!"

"There is no time! Forget about me! Make way for Mt. Unda and towards Rydain, it's your only hope!" yelled Casifus.

Kane ran off leaving Casifus behind. Running with all his might. The entrance door stopped closing as soon as the Elf guards were down with arrows on them. But there was also an automatic door closer and opener forged by Lorandul and someone had started that before the guards died.

Kane ran full speed and got out the door and moments later the door closed. Kane stopped and looked at the door hoping Casifus would be allright. Kane sighed and looked down, "Thank you for everything," he said to himself.

Kane made off that day and had found the exit of the forest. The uproar in L'usuma died down when Casifus admitted he killed the prisoner and threw his body in the river, so Kane did not have to worry about being found again.

He looked out on the grassy plains. The wind swaying back and forth. He sighed and was glad to be out of the forest. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled. Nothing lay ahead of him except plains and far off in the distance was Mt. Unda Casifus told Kane about.

Kane walked on with no food and water. A few muddy little ponds were all Kane could find but it was better than nothing. For food he found many berry plants and killed a few animals with his speed and skill.

It was nearing evening when Kane sat down and leaned against an old withered looking tree standing by itself alone, "I should become like this tree one day," Kane mused.

The furry little creature scrambled onto the branch peering down. A small fire could be seen flickering before it's death. It smelled food and it's mouth was watering. It was about to climb down slowly when it fell right on Kane's head.

Kane woke up startled and stood up ready to fight but no one could be seen. He scratched his head and wondered what it was. The old tree didn't have any acorns or pinecones, it didn't even have leaves.

The creature ran away from Kane and looked back at him his white eyes could be seen from afar like two dim flashlights. It tilted it's head and watched Kane.

Kane squinted his eyes trying to see the two lights but couldn't make anything of it. He shrugged it off and laid back down to sleep but a little more aware of what was happening.

It sneaked back up towards Kane about to steal some berries when Kane grabbed the creature by it's tail.

"Well, what do we have here? A little begger?" sneered Kane, 'Why'd you go and steal my food?"

"Put me down!" the creature barked.

"Oh you can speak, odd."

"Of course I can speak you dimwit! Now put me down!" it yelled.

Kane set him down carefully while the creature brushed himself off. Kane noticed it had wings and was curious as to what kind of animal is was since he had not seen anything like it before.

"What are you?" asked Kane.

"I am a Minilia and my name is Shade. I'm one of the last of my kind a coelovent of you big folk."

'A Minilia? I've never heard of you. You're a descendant of Gargoyles?" Kanes eyes were wide open with interest.

"Yes a Minilia. Long ago we were the dominant speices of gargoyle around here till you stupid big folk came bumbling along. Eventually you wiped us out and now we're most likely at the bottom of the food chain." Shade sneered a little, "We're sort of like scavengers now, there's only twenty of us left in Raisher, in the world maybe only two hundred."

"You have wings, why don't you use them?" asked Kane.

"I never learned how to fly, my mother shortly died after I was born, someone stepped on her," said Shade.

Minilias weren't very tall creatures, anywhere from below a foot or up too two feet. They were agile and quick to get out of sight from the big folk. Some of them would die in the big cities because of carelessness. They were treated like rats even though they were just the same as them. Minilias looked the same as Gargoyles only the difference was besides height was most Minilias had a fur hide. Shade had a black fur hide and easily blended in the dark.

"Hmmm...have you ever tried to fly?" asked Kane.

"Yes but with many failed attempts. One time I did get it but then a hawk came swooping down after me! I fell down to the ground and hid in a hole for a week. I'm afraid to become prey for some Hawk or Raven."

"Well young one, next time you may be luckier."

"Young! Young!! I daresay i'm young! I wish it though." sighed Shade.

"How old are you then?"

"I'm five hundred years old! I've been here since the Great War and Ibion. I've lived through all the Great Wars." said Shade as he plopped down and realized how old he just felt then.

"Five hundred years old! Wow! You must have a lot of stories, you'd have to tell me them! Espeically the ones with Wars." blurted Kane who became quite excited. Kane always loved hearing old tales of wars and such. When he lived with Linden, he would talk hours upon end about old tales and legends, Kane's favorite was the first War against the kingdom of Rasher where the Great Orc, Wuten-Sak, took over Raisher and the Humans and Gargoyles took it back.

"There's not much to tell really, during all this us Minilias hid out in the forests and mountains around here. Back then there were hundreds of us. Some even fought in those wars. You see, Minilias are quick to anger and can rip out your eye in a second. Just because we're small doesn't mean we're not dangerous. It goes the same for Martoises."

"Well enough talk about me, who are you and where are you heading?" asked Shade, his eyes were peered up at Kane.

"My name is Kane and I came from Morrey. If you haven't heard it was destroyed by the forces of Wvyern. I remember the day like it was yesterday."

"I was in my nursery with my other brothers and sisters, when they raided our city they ran outside and soon quickly died. I stayed there staring at the Castle watching it crumble before my eyes. A gray cloud hovered only over the castle. Before I knew it I ran out onto the fields of Morrey and ended up in the care of a Dragon Master named Linden."

"He gave me this." said Kane as he showed Shade the Ibion Ring. Luckily the Elves didn't take it or notice it when they captured him.

"Wow! What is it?" asked Shade.

"Linden told me it was an old ring of legend. The Ibion Ring created by Ibion himself. it has his power in the ring. I'm not sure if it works or if it's even real but I like to keep it on. I feel it protects me, espeically at night." Kane was staring at the ring in a half dream talk not noticing Shade at all barely.

The red gem started to glow on the ring and slowly died down and Shade was in awe, "That is a beauty allright. So tell me, where are you heading off to?"

Kane let out a sigh and looked back at Shade, "I'm heading for the free city of Rydain. Linden told me to head there in case if he ever died. Maybe I can make a living there."

"I've been there before, It is a grand city. Not ruled by a king or a Lord. It is run by a Mayor and he governs the city. People are free to live and leave there. But they still don't seem to even treat Minilias the same there. I've even seen them sell Minilias as pets! How atrocious!" said Shade and he crossed his furry little arms and sneered.

"Well it is getting late, I must make haste and move on! Maybe I'll bump into you again! Goodbye!" and at that shade left and all was dark around Kane except for the slowly dying fire he made hours before he slept.

Kane sighed and watched the furry little creature run off and soon fell asleep again. He had pleasant dreams for once. A dream about Shade and Casifus joining him on his way to Rydain. If only that were true, he thought.

The next day, his legs were strangely aching very much. He didn't do a whole lot of walking yesterday but they seemed to hurt a lot. He got up and slugged on towards his destination, Mt. Unda. His tail was aching, his arms and legs were aching, his neck, almost every place in his body ached.

A week had passed, but Kane took no notice. He couldn't tell anymore just how long he had been traveling. It seemed as if he wasn't any closer to Mt. Unda when he started. His legs and arms were still aching very much. But if he didn't go he would die and he had the will to survive. Famished from the lack of food, exhuasted from the heat.

He collapsed right there on the open field. Most likely to never be found by anyone. He missed Linden, he missed his family. He was alone without anyone in the world. No family.

'Wake up!" a voice in his mind said.

"Who is this?!" Kane managed to mumble.

"You weren't always like this..." said the voice, "You used to be stronger than this, back then."

"What do you mean? Who are you?" said Kane.

"I cannot tell you yet, you will find out soon. Here take this with you. Once you cross the mountains I will reveal myself. If you don't you will.....die..." the voice seemed to fade away evenutally.

Kane's eyes opened and he saw a pouch, a waterpouch but it wasn't his. He sat up and looked for any traces of someone but no one was around, not even a footprint or a smell. Kane looked at the pouch and opened it, sniffed it and took a swug. it was water and he drank some of it but not all of it.

Kane sat up and looked up at the sky and saw that evening was drawing near. He looked the his left, the forest of L'usuma almost out of distance, to his right Mt.Unda was growing ever nearer.

Kane sighed and got up trudging towards Mt.Unda. Night fell hours later and Kane made camp out in the open. It was dangerous but he had no choice. He ate the rest of his provisions and drank the rest of the water. His food was depleted. No animals ever roamed between L'usuma and Mt.Unda. It was a grassland desert. No streams ran through it either.

Kane had a dream that was of Linden and Kane back in the cabin but something was wrong. Linden looked gravely ill and it became night in the dream. Linden crept into Kane's room with a knife slowly not making a sound and...

At that moment Kane woke up terrified. He checked his body for any scars. He never remembered being stabbed or punctured with anything. He calmed down a bit and didn't sleep much that night.

The next day Kane woke up from an awful sleep and didn't get up at first, "Oh what's the point...Let me die here..." Kane slowly closed his eyes when a voice crept back into his mind.

"If you do...then it is ruined..." said the voice.

Kane was a bit startled and peered around, no one again, "Who are you and what do you mean?"

"All you have to do is keep living, if you don't then what hope is left?"

"Hope for what? There is no hope for me anymore. I was set to die here in a meaningless journey." sighed Kane.

"Not all journeys are meaningless, espeically yours. You will find strength in you to keep on going."

Kane's mind was in a jumble, "No! Everything so far in my life has been a lie. Linden, why did he lie?"

"Maybe it was not he who lied to you, maybe it was yourself."

"What do you mean? Who are you?" Kane yelled.

"I am......," the voice was trailing off and it ended, "you...."

Kane's mind was a mess. What was that voice speaking off? Should I keep going? Many questions raced through his mind.

"Well how do I know what lies out there if I don't set out for it." at that Kane set out and trudged on not minding his hunger.

Mt.Unda leaned closer and closer with each step Kane took. The mountain range was much bigger than Kane had expected. Kane hoped he could survive this trial ahead of him.

A shadow passed over Kane, a flying shadow. He looked up and saw nothing. He was puzzled at this. The shadow seemed to cover the whole field it seemed when it passed.