All-Inclusive Slavery II: Return Policy

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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#2 of All-Inclusive Slavery

Sibey the toilet slave gets broken and finds out the slave island's return policy isn't as pleasant for the slaves as it is for the Masters!

The sequal to for Sibeyiii

Sibey the slave-maid is Sibeyiii

Master Torin is Torinotter

Mako the otter slave is Makootter

Boliver the panda slave is Jhonbob

Master Zippo is me!

The majority of the idea for this came from the wonderful Makootter

The thumbnail is cut down from this picture by Makootter

All-Inclusive Slavery II:

Return Policy

Sibey didn't really think any more. Every hour of every day was the same - limited movement, no contact and no senses save for the overwhelming scent and taste of piss. He stood on all fours, his rubber bitch suit forcing his arms and legs into the correct position with his front and rear funnels accessible to anyone who needed to use them. And boy did lots of people need to use them! To his eternal bad luck after completing his 6 month probation as a dungeon urinal (servicing only around 20 masters who often used their own slaves) the dragon-toilet-slave had been moved into the main hotel - but not as an en suite - he had ended up in the main lobby where the incoming clientele were usually bursting to pee after a long flight in or having that last pee before a departure. This meant that while not quite in constant use, Sibey found himself carrying out his toilet duties countless times of the day and night and often in concentrated bursts when planes came in.

He remembered almost nothing of his old life - the effects of preeminent sensory deprivation and simple mindless servitude had stripped him of his identity. Still, he had feelings and dreams and currently that was to be bought. Having a guest take a shine to you was the only way to escape the island and it didn't always lead to better treatment. Still it was a chance of a slightly better life and that was a chance worth taking. Sibey knew he had little hope though. The fuck pets and fetish slaves got bought - they had more of an identity but who was going to want a permanently black rubber-clad urinal slave?

Well someone did. Sibey never really knew what was happening but one day his chain was disconnected and he was shoved into a small cage. He was then taken onto what he figured was a boat or yacht from the motion of the waves and after a week or two ended up in a new place with a new Master he had never seen. The floor he was now chained to was still hard stone but it was warm - artificially so as if it was centrally heated from beneath which would be the mark of a very opulent home. The dragon was never released from his suit so he only knew his Master was a fennec fox from the taste of his piss which Sibey got to taste often. The fennec often had various friends over who Sibey also got accustomed to and he had several other slaves or pets which Sibey could identify from their more subby scent.

The fennec was hardly kind, he usually left his urinal's cock setting on mouth or ass recycle and then gave him one day every so often to clear out, but he was better than being back at the hotel - there were usually only 5-6 furs in the house at any one time so Sibey was used a lot less than he was used to. This was as close to a 'cushy life' as a urinal slave could expect.

It was not to last though. Sibey did not know how long he had belonged to the fennec but one night the canine had stumbled in to use his toilet drunk and somehow broken the front funnel. Sibey could feel it had broken and for the next several days only his ass-funnel was used but then he was crammed back in a cage and once again put on the boat. During the transit the mask tore a little more and when they arrived back on solid ground the dragon could hear a little more than usual - but still see nothing.

He felt himself being carried for a while and then placed down - then came the voice of his Master: 'This urinal is broken. I only got it 6 months ago.'

'Oh I'm very sorry Sir. I see.' came a slightly effeminate male voice as a paw examined his front funnel and torn rubber 'As you know we have a 'repair, refund, replace' policy here so which would please you most?'

'I don't want it repaired its tainted now, please take it back. As for a new one, why don't I stay in the hotel a week and then decide which other toilet slave I prefer.'

'Of course Sir, I will arrange your stay free of charge and give you a pass to all the vacant guest rooms so you may try and many as possible. Please, follow this slave to your suite.'

Sibey heard the fennec move off and then after a few minutes he was picked up off the counter again and on the move. The fur carrying him said nothing so he had no clues as to where he was heading - he would just have to wait and see what happened to broken toilets. The prospects were not looking good.

He was paced down again and the cage door was unlocked before he was pulled out by a pair of strong paws and placed on a padded floor. Suddenly there was a tearing and a burst of blinding light as a knife cut down the back of the dragons latex suit and the broken mask was removed.

It took him a good few moments to adjust to the light which he had not seen in over a year. When the room did fade into focus Sibey looked up and found himself looking into the eyes of a large white tiger. He had distinctive Egyptian style markings under his eyes and a wide grin across his face.

'Keep quiet toilet, you've been returned as broken so you're being... Reassigned shall we say'

Sibey was scared and confused but he knew better than to disobey the intimidating looking feline. The cat continued his work, stripping away latex with his knife.

'Slut, come here now' the tiger called and a rubber catsuit clad otter appeared

'Yes Master Zippo?' The tubby otter replied

Sibey knew that otter! He was the one who had shared his torture in his initial training - Mako was his name the dragon remembered.

The tiger ordered the otter to collect the scraps of latex and before long Sibey was free of the latex prison that had held him for a year and he lay naked (save for his chastity cage) on the padded floor of the small room. His arms and legs wouldn't move, being contained for so long had made them beyond stiff and he moaned in pain.

'Otter' the tiger ordered 'get some oil and massage it back to life, I want it able to move in half an hour'

The otter nodded meekly as the tiger left and then collected the oil and began to work at Sibey's sore cramped muscles. It felt good as the submissive slave worked his body back to life and by the time the tiger returned he was lying flat - still not able to stand but in a better state than before.

'Don't get used to it slave' the tiger chuckled on his return as he dropped a large pile of gear on the floor 'I will explain what your new role here is once we get you suited up, once again keep quiet, if you speak or resist I will have you whipped to a pulp. Don't.'

Sibey gulped as the tiger unfurled another bitch suit - this one made of transparent latex and with more holes than his last by the looks of it.

'Toilet on your hands and knees, otter get some more lube on him - this suit is tighter than the last'

Sibey struggled to obey and once he had the otter rubbed some gloopy lube onto his smooth scales. The tiger then instructed the otter to take one side of the bitch suit and open it under the dragon. Sibey was ordered over the rubber which was then brought up around his body. The suit had holes which allowed his elbows and knees to poke through but it forced his arms and legs back into the bitch position which he had been in so long. At his crotch his CBed cock was pulled through a small hole like in his old suit and there was a hole for access to his ass. His tail was slipped into a sheath at the rear and at the front a mask was pulled over his face. It had a large hole for his muzzle to poke through.

The tiger was right; this suit was tighter than the last. It didn't have a zip on the back which Sibey found odd... Until the tiger produced some sort of gun. Starting at the base of his tail, the otter pulled the two half's of the latex together and the tiger touched the tip of the odd gun to the join. Heat from the device fused the two half's of rubber at the join and the tiger slowly moved its way up - following the otter's paws. The join left behind was seamless, strong and was not coming undone.

As the pair moved up the rubber constricted tightly around Sibey's whole body and held him tightly in the position he had grown to know. Once they had reached his neck and then sealed up the hood too the dragon was sealed in the transparent suit - his lubed scales pressing against the shiny latex.

'Good' said the tiger 'Struggle toilet, test it'

Sibey looked up and then tentatively took a step forward. The suit was very very tight but the dragon was used to walking like this and didn't have too much trouble. His arms and legs however were thoroughly pinned and felt constantly under pressure - as did the rest of his body.

The otter then opened out the largest bit of gear - another suit this one seemingly made of leather. As it was spread out beneath him the dragon got a good look at this new suit through the slightly distorting latex covering his eyes.

It seemed to be layered. The outside was tick, tough looking black leather, whereas the inside was black latex. Between the two skins was around an inch of padding - padding that turned out to be quite soft as Sibey was directed over the suit and it was brought up around him like the first had been.

'Keep still' the tiger complained 'this suit is a size smaller than the first one!'

The rubber otter and tiger worked the suit on together. Being tighter than the first it was hard going and the otter had to use a lot more lube to get the two rubber surfaces to slide against each other. As Sibey's knees and elbows slid down into the 'feet' of the suit he felt his bare scales resting on some sort of gel pads which supported his weight. His tail was slipped onto a second sheath like in the first suit and it also had a hole to access his rear. The suit had some sort of hood but for the moment it hung from the neckline.

The tiger turned his attention to the dragons locked cock. The suit had a pouch in the crotch area which the feline unzipped and removed which revealed a hole underneath just like the first suit. The tiger tugged the CB and Sibey's balls through the hole. Then he retrieved a pair of bolt cutters and to the dragon's surprise cut away the padlock on his CB before removing it entirely.

Sibey gasped as the cold air hit his cock as it slipped free from its plastic prison for the first time in more than a year: 'nneeugjhhhh unnngghhh'

'Quiet toilet or I won't give you your treat' the tiger chuckled as the dragon's cock immediately hardened upon being freed.

Sibey bit his lip as his cock bobbed beneath him.

'Slut' the tiger addressee the otter 'Go and pleasure it but do not let it cum without permission'

The otter nodded submissively and slid underneath the dragon, taking his cock into his maw and caressing it gently with his tongue. Sibey gasped again and squirmed in his latex and leather confines. The otter bobbed back and forced and before long all three furs knew Sibey was nearing orgasm. The otter backed off and then stopped when he was as close as he dared.

'Nugghhhhhh' the dragon moaned again in desperation

'Heh' the tiger chuckled 'Bring him closer otter, I want him right on the edge. And you know what will happen to you of you tip him over'

The otter blushed and moved in again - just taking in the head this time and lapping very slowly over the dragon's slit - stooped low under the other slave with his own rubber up in the air.

Sibey moaned pathetically, he was so close but the otter knew what he was doing and the occasional lap from his tongue was keeping him right on the edge. He couldn't take it anymore he had to cum!

The otter licked twice in quick succession, Sibey felt his body twitch and pleasure well up inside him. The otter had stopped licking but still held the head of his cock in his maw. Something was going to happen he knew it and then suddenly liquid burst from his cock. The pleasure wasn't there though, he wasn't orgasming and it took the dragon a few seconds to realise that in the extreme pressure of the situation his bladder had let go and he was pissing though his rock hard cock.

The otter too was caught off guard and got a mouth full of piss for his troubles which he immediately spat out as he retreated.

'Hahaha' the tiger cackled 'Always makes me laugh! And you otter, sluts don't spit, get back under there and lap that piss up!'

The otter blushed and moved back in to lap at the wet floor while Sibey shook in frustration - his cock was still hard and he was still right on the edge with no relief.

The tiger grabbed a strange looking set of pliers are approached with a horrible grin on his face.

'Got to be done toilet, all retuned salves get one, it doesn't hurt as much as you'd think'

As the tiger spoke he knelt down and grabbed Sibey's erect cock. Alarmingly he then pushed the very tip of the top jaw of the pliers into the dragon's urethra. A quick, hard squeeze and the bottom jaw came up on the underside of Sibey's cock at his frenulum and the two half's bit together. Sibey yelped in pain but as the tiger withdrew the tool there was no blood and it had just left behind a perfectly formed PA piercing.

'Done otter? Let's get the rest of the suit on'

Mako came up - piss dribbling down his muzzle and nodded, taking position help the tiger close up the second suit. With considerable force the two half's of the second suit were brought together, this time by the tiger, and the otter started doing up the zip - from the dragon's tail up. It was slow going and once again as it went he felt the squeeze as the small bitchsuit tightened around him.

It was corset tight and Sibey winced as his chest was compressed by the leather and rubber. When the zip reached the nape of the dragon's neck the tiger came around the dragons front and grabbed the hood section of the suit.

Raising it up he sniggered: 'lights out toilet!'

The mask was placed over Sibey's head - it was leather and rubber padded like the rest of the suit and plunged him into darkness. It was nothing like any other hood he had worn before though. It was moulded to his face and even covered his ears but it was the muzzle area which was unusual. The hood covered his whole muzzle, unlike the latex suit, and specially designed rubber clad metal covers went into his mouth and capped over his teeth. The tightness of the hood also held his mouth wide open like a ring gag but left the inside of his maw totally free.

From the outside his head was just a smooth leather shape with a mouth held permanently open - and he was already starting to drool. And there were no noise holes, instead on the outside at the nose position there was a heavy ring which hung like a nose ring.

The zip for the mask was done up (it was just as tight as the rest of the suit) and met the zip from the main portion. The tiger locked the two zips together with a padlock and the suit was secure.

'Get back under otter, give that cock one last very last suck' the tiger ordered, but Sibey couldn't hear it, the hood blocked his hearing as effectively as his sight

Mako nodded and obeyed sliding under and giving the dragon's hanging cock a big long suck. A moan escaped the slave's maw in response, tinged with slight pain as the otter jiggled the newly installed ring with his tongue.

The otter moved back and the tiger retrieved the pouch that had come off the suit's crotch area. It was the same leather as the rest of the suit on the outside but inside it was studded with many little metal spikes. At the front was a narrow slot and at the back was a stretchable latex hole. The tiger grasped the dragon's hanging balls and fed them through the stretchable ring at the back. Then he tucked Sibey's semi-flaccid cock up along his belly and zipped the pouch to the suit - the spikes bit in instantly but not being fully erect it was only uncomfortable for now. His cock was positioned so that it's new ring sat in the slot at the top of the pouch and just poked out. The tiger hooked a small padlock through the ring to make sure it would stay in the slot and keep his cock aligned.

Next attention was turned to the dragon's balls. A small leather sack like object was retrieved and the strap around its top was undone - allowing the tiger to slip Sibey's balls into it and refasten it - securing it with another lock. The new sack sat snug against the cock pouch so not a millimetre of scales were exposed and of more concern to Sibey was that the sack was weighted at the bottom, with what felt like about 10 pounds of lead. This produced a constant tugging sensation.

The tiger stood up and retrieved the final two things needed to complete the suit. One was a heavy collar and remote and the second was a welding torch. The collar was tightly fastened and locked around the dragon's neck. It was long enough to accommodate his two suits and once secured a connector from its back was plugged into a port on the neck of Sibey's suit. As it was plugged in lights started flashing on it as it powered up and synced.

The tiger pressed a button on the small control box and spoke: 'Your new home has many features toilet; we will explain them all in time but for now hold still while I use the welder, if you move and your suit gets damaged you don't want to know what I will do to you.'

The prospect of what the frightening feline might be doing with a welder probably terrified the dragon - there was no real way to tell. Regardless the tiger got busy. First the zip locking the hood and main suit together was welded closed around the shackle and in the keyhole. Then the pouch padlock was welded likewise and finally the collar buckle welded shut (it had its own lock).

The feline was now satisfied that no part of the suit was coming off (apart from the ball weight sack which was removable) so he moved on to testing its functions.

'Ok toilet' the tiger spoke into the remote again 'This is a very special suit, it has many abilities. As you've worked out you are totally deaf unless someone speaks into your remote like this or opens the mic on your collar. More important however is the electrical system...'

Suddenly Sibey jumped as a mild electrical shock was applied across both his nipples for a few seconds.

'Hehe, there are wires strung between the inner and outer layers of your suit. I can apply electrical shocks to your nipples, balls, the spikes in your cock-pouch, ass cheeks, thighs, feet and a metal buttplug if you are wearing one. And also I can do this...'

A constantly medium intensity pulse zapped Sibey's left knee where it met the gel pad. The dragon stumbled, shaking his leg and trying to get away from the shock.

'That means step forward with that limb, I suggest you do it quickly, if you fail to do so your cock and balls are going to get zapped!'

Sibey heard but it was too late and he got the shock - even after stepping with his left leg the shock lasted several seconds afterward. The next mild pulse hit the dragon's right arm limb and he moved it forward, putting his weight on it. Then it was his left arm and before long he was slowly walking on all fours. The 'feet' of the suit were weighted which made the movement difficult and tiring. He made the occasional mistake and when he did a strong shock was applied to the limb that moved in error - this was in addition to the cock and ball shock for inactions or mistakes.

As he walked a constant medium pulse was applied to his left nipple and broke his concentration on his walk - leading to more cock and ball shocking.

The tigers cackling voice came through the earphones: 'Nipple shocks mean turn, once you are facing the correct way it will stop. The suit can also make you side step with pulsed to both limbs and the nipple of one side. You'll get the hang of it, well you better hope you do anyway because this manual control is not your suit's usual mode of function. Let me explain your new life.'

All the shocks stopped and left the dragon stationary.

'You are no longer a toilet slave, you are now a dungeon maid. You will be controlled autonomously by your collar via these shocks. They will move you around to perform various duties. Obviously you can only perform duties which use your mouth and tongue but you would be surprised how much around here can be done with a slaves tongue! A zap to both your nipples means you are to lick whatever is in front of you - the computer will also issue orders over your ear phones to make things clear. If you fail to obey orders you will receive shocks to everything until you do. You will be on duty 19 hours a day and each day will comprise a different basic duty. I won't ruin the surprise of what happens when you are not on duty or what tasks you will be undertaking - you will find out both soon enough. I'm going to set you on automatic now, see you around maid.'

The tiger's voice stopped and shocks started forcing Sibey to walk, his right nipple directed him towards the door and he moved off to start his new life. It seemed there was a fate worse than life as a toilet.

The tiger watched the new maid go and then slapped the otter on the rump playfully.

'Get your mitts back on otter and follow me back to my Dungeon - getting a slave suited up always gets me horny.'

The otter did as he was told; Master Zippo was not as bad as some.


Sibey stumbled off down the corridor and turned right into an open dungeon (the computer seemed to know which doors in the expansive facility were open).

'Slave' the computer spoke 'you are on floor cleaning duties today. Lick as you go, you will be directed by the usual means.'

Both of his nipples were shocked and the dragon lowered his head and began to lap at the floor. It was dirty, dusty stone and it was horrible but he was scared of disobeying the suit.

He had no way of telling but he was in a chain and cage specialty bondage dungeon owned by a bat who loved to hang slaves from the roof in chains. He was fittingly called the IronNightmare but luckily for Sibey he was out while the maid cleaned.

It took hours but after going around the room for what felt like the hundredth time he was finally ordered out of the door and down the corridor again. Once he had walked straight for long enough to realise he was in the corridor he raised his head and stopped licking

Immediately full shock was applied and Sibey convulsed in pain, almost losing his balance and tugging at his weighted balls.

'You were not ordered to stop slave, LICK'

Fighting the current the former dragon lowered his head again and lapped at the stone corridor floor. The full shock stopped and the movement jolts began again, moving him on as he continued to lick.

He wandered for a while before turning into another dungeon. He had only worked in this new dungeon for a few minutes before his tongue met something new. A liquid, a salty bitter liquid - piss. He wanted to stop but the suit sensed this and gave his balls a mild pulse so he was forced to continue on and lap up the cold puddle of pee on the dungeon floor.

Something touched his collar and suddenly he could hear - his earphones were playing sound from a microphone on his suit as the tiger had said.

'Well! Hello toilet slut, or should I say maid slut. Remember me?' Came a deep voice

Sibey did indeed remember the voice - it was the Piss Horse. He was an equine of few words, a point he proved a few seconds later when the dragon felt something splashing onto the outer leather skin of his suit. It didn't take a genius to work out what was going on and it was the closest thing to a warm-welcome his former trainer was likely to offer.

'Head up boy, drink the last'

Sibey did as he was told and raised his head to catch the stream of warm horse urine - for a slave who had spent the past year as a toilet it was not such a hard task and much preferable to whatever punishment disobedience would afford.

Once the horse was done he patted Sibey on the head: 'Good maid, I'll let you get on with your duties, see you around.'

The horse pressed the button on Sibey's collar again and the earphones shut off. The electrical pulses in his legs started again and a zap to his nipples told him to begin lapping at the cold puddle of piss again - it had grown now since the horse had been by.

It took a few hours but Sibey was finally directed from the Piss Horse's dungeon. There had been another few puddles to clean and some cum but they were almost a relief from the dusty dry stone and Sibey was extremely embarrassed that he almost saw them as a reward.

Back in the empty corridors he wandered for some time. Eventually his head struck something but it felt softer than a wall. Sibey did not understand, so far the suits computer had kept him clear of obstacles, that was until the object kicked back.

'Stupid fucking maid' snapped the Master Sibey had collided with; a particularly cruel otter called Torin The Tormentor and known for his sadistic torture

The otter disliked the maid slaves, the facility generally only had one or two at a time but they got under his feet and he didn't mind his dungeon staying dirty - it made it less pleasant for his victims.

He also knew he wasn't permitted to do much to the maids, he certainly couldn't remove the suits but he was horny after a hard day of torture. He refused to use his own slaves for sex, it was too good for them, so he usually just pawed but another idea had suddenly struck him...

The otter went to his dungeon and returned with a length of heavy chain and a lock. Finding the maid wandering again he stooped and looped the padlock around the one holding Sibey's cock ring at the top of his pouch and linked the chain to it before clicking it shut.

Sibey instantly felt the weight on his cock ring and moaned in discomfort. A discomfort which only increased when the otter pulled on the chain and forced the dragon off his path. It wasn't a gentle directing either, the otter literally pulled the dragon to his dungeon by his cock. This of course had the effect of making the suit punish Sibey for disobeying the walking instructions.

It was hard to walk with the suit shocking his limbs, cock and balls all the time but as long as he kept licking occasionally at the floor it refrained from going into full punishment shock. They entered the otter's dungeon which was stuffed with all sorts of implements of pain and torture, but for now he was only going to need one.

He pulled the stumbling maid into the clear centre of his dungeon. Laying down on the cool stone the otter stroked his hard shaft a few times and reached for some lube. Then, after slicking up, he grabbed the confused maid's hips from behind and backed it up right onto his cock. His aim was true and the dragon squealed in pain as he was roughly and fully penetrated by 7 inches of otter cock. As Sibey cried out around his open mouth gag Torin moaned in pleasure as the warmth of the dragon enveloped him.

With his paws still on the dragon's hips the otter started a combined movement of his hips and the leather clad slave to a fucking motion. He never withdrew his cock more than halfway but each quick thrust slammed it in all the way. After about 30 seconds of leaving the floor Sibey began to experience some other problems. The otter was keeping him from licking at the floor and he had not overridden the suits program like the Piss Horse had, consequently the suit went into full punishment mode. Suddenly the large throbbing cock in his ass was the least of his concerns as all the electro points came alive with continuous current. His cock spikes, legs, arms, feet, ass cheeks and balls were all zapped at high power.

Torin licked his lips as he kept up his pace, he knew how the maid systems worked and from the way it squirmed and the way its hole was twitching he knew it being shocked - a fact which only excited him more.

The otter bared down on his climax while things got worse for the dragon slave. The cruel master was slamming his cock into the dragon's prostate which was making him hard... The electrified spikes pushed harder into his dragon-hood as it engorged. He struggled and squeaked as the pain intensified - overshadowing even the high voltage going elsewhere.

'Take it slave. Ohhhhhhhh.' Torin moaned as he came hard

He kept humping throughout his climax - his seed pumping into the dragon's rear and a good deal of it spilling back out around his cock and getting his crotch and the leather maid's rear sticky with his seed.

Once the otter had finally stopped cumming he threw the dragon aside and panted deeply in his satisfying afterglow.

Sibey was relived when the otter pulled out and cast him aside. As soon as he could, still being shocked fully by the suit, he lapped at the floor and after about 30 seconds the punishment program stopped. The dragon lay on the ground on his side panting with the leg pads still shocking him for not obeying walk commands.

The otter recovered and grabbed the maids cock chain again, pulling it he indicated he wanted him to stand and come and Sibey struggled to comply. Eventually he got to his 'feet' and stealing a quick lick at the ground he backed up toward the otter as he pulled in the chain.

Torin grabbed the dragon's hooded head and pulled him into his sticky crotch. Sibey could smell what was in front of him and even though the otter had still not overridden the program he knew what the master required of him.

Blushing deeply under the suit he lapped out and began cleaning the otters sticky, cummy crotch. The otter directed him around his cock and then on to lick his musky balls clean. Sibey attempted to lick at the ground to appease the suit but the otter fought the movement and shoved him down on his semi erect cock to clean that instead.

To the dragon's eternal misfortune his suit knew he wasn't licking the ground anymore and launched full punishment mode. He struggled and writhed in pain but the otter held him firm and forced him to keep cleaning his cummy shaft. Sibey gagged, unable to control himself with the overload of pain and other sensations. He lost track of time but at some point the otter was satisfied and threw him off again.

He managed to lap the floor again and the suit stopped eventually. Then the otter came over and opened the microphone.

'Next time you won't bump into me will you little slut? Your suit is indicating your done for the day but you've made a cummy mess on my floor so I'm going to chain you here for a few hours so you can clean up.'

Sibey heard the other end of his cock chain being padlocked to something and the otter strolling off. Then the earphones went deaf again. He struggled to his 'feet' and tested the limits of the chain locked to his captive cock - it only allowed him to move around in the centre of the room where he had been raped.

The electric pulses started at his legs again and he followed them, licking at the floor, until he reached the limit of the chain with a painful tug at his PA. He turned and headed back the other way but his legs started to receive strong pulses and his nipples directed him to turn around. He realised the collar was telling him to go where his chain would not allow - the otter had prevented him from obeying.

Sibey chose to keep licking at the floor, trying to stave off the suits punishment mode and clean up like the otter had told him too. This tactic worked, for about 30 seconds after which full punishment mode returned. Sibey was powerless as the suit shocked him mercilessly and he tumbled to the ground convulsing in pain. He managed to lick the floor a few times as the suit punished him but it didn't stop. What the dragon didn't know was his suit was now trying to guide him back to his base station and his inability to move as it instructed was leading to the punishment. He tried everything, licking at the floor, tugging at his chain and even trying to find where it was anchored - none of it worked.

The shocks continued and after an hour the dragon suddenly felt a tap at the back of his collar and his earphones enabled.

'Oh still here? Hahaha' the otter mocked 'I have you one task, to clean up the cum and you haven't managed it. Come on bitch - use that slut nose! See you in another hour, haha'

The sound cut out again and the dragon was isolated. The shocks had not let up and Sibey struggled through the pain to try and find the cum he had to clean. Despite what the otter thought there was no way he was going to find it via smell so his only choice was to lick everywhere in a blind search.

The cock chain was quite limiting so even battling against the electric shocks it didn't take Sibey long to clean the floor as the otter instructed. Unfortunately he then still had to wait over an hour for the cruel master to return. He spent the time writhing on the floor in agony.

The otter didn't enable the earphones this time, he simply disconnected the cock chain and gave the maid slave a kick as if to say 'get out of my dungeon'

Sibey struggled to his feet and stumbled out the way his nipples told him to go. On the right path the punishment mode finally stopped and the suit returned to movement pulses - leading him back to his base. It took him, awkwardly, down a set of stairs into the under-dungeon (where slaves and servants where kept) and into a small room.

The suit kept moving him forwards until he was stopped just before the back wall. A zap to both of his nipples told him to lick and as he stuck his tongue out he found the head of a cock right in front of him. His nipples buzzed again and he guessed that he was meant to suck the cock so he pushed forwards. As he suspected the phallus was not real, but made of rubber or silicon attached to the wall. Allowing natural urges to take over the dragon started to bob back and forth on the dildo - milking it as if it were a real cock.

Getting more into it he pushed all the way forwards and suddenly to his surprise the ring on his nose magnetically locked to a plate on the wall. He gagged and panicked slightly as he tried to pull back but the magnet held strong and eventually he calmed down. Once he had, he noticed that all the suits electrical pulses had stopped - this must be his new version of 'rest'.

As he was forced to stand in his bitch suits, the dildo buried in his maw, he contemplated his situation - this really wasn't a great place to be in. Floor duty had not been that pleasant and he was disgusted with himself for seeing piss and cum as a break from the dust and grit. He wondered what tomorrow would bring and how much of his rest time the otter had used.

The dragon's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as the cock he was idly sucking on suddenly came. It squired a gloopy, salty substance down his throat followed by some water - this must have been what passed for a maid's meal.


Sibey was in a half sleep when the magnet suddenly released and he stumbled backwards with the dong slipping from his mouth.

'Rest completed. Your duties for today are urinal cleaning.'

The pulses started again and the dragon turned around and headed back up to the main floor.

Urinal duty was more varied than one might think - there were only a few actual urinals on the dungeon floor and the suit guided Sibey to them first.

He was getting a little more used to walking in the suit now, despite being exhausted, and soon he was in the only bathroom with actual urinals (most were serviced by slaves). He was instructed to lick at the floor first which turned out to be soaked with piss - someone had pretty poor aim apparently.

It took a while to for the maid slut to clean the floor but eventually he was instructed to move onto the urinals themselves. Being porcelain the urinals where easy to clean but they tasted bitter and salty. The dragon also had to rear up on his hind legs to clean the tops and the drains were particularly unpleasant. He even got a horrible full lick of a urinal cake which tasted worse than the piss.

Once both urinals were clean the suit directed Sibey out and, to his surprise, out of the dungeons and to the above ground hotel (he could tell from having to walk up stairs). It then walked him into a lift and took him to the first floor before guiding him into the first guest room in the corridor.

He was guided into the en suite where the collar issued him instructions: 'Maid you are to clean the toilet slave in this room. Starting by licking clean its front funnel, then the rear funnel and finally you will relive its recycle program.'

A zap galvanized him into action and the dragon moved forwards to find the toilet's front funnel. The other slave moved as he felt someone else's presence but once he realised it was a maid cleaning him he held still.

The rubber clad funnels, which Sibey used to be adorned with himself, tasted like normal urinals and were pretty simple to lick clean. Then came his second task however. The suit ordered him under the bitch-suited urinal so the tube from the toilets crotch was in the dragon's maw.

Urinals in the hotel were locked on recycle to keep the rooms cleaner but they needed emptied once a week. Sibey had always wondered how and now he had his answer.

Once the collar had him in place it contacted the facilities computer network via WiFi and changed the toilet slave's settings remotely to allow him to pee.

The strong recycled urine gushed into Sibey's maw. At first he was surprised by the stream but knowing the suit would punish him for not taking what he was given he started to swallow. The piss was strong but Sibey was well trained for the task and took it in his stride.

Once the toilet slave was finished the suit had the dragon clean up the floor quickly and then moved him on to the next room where exactly the same process took place.

This continued until the fifth room which unlike the others was occupied by a zebra guest and his trial slave for the night - a panda. Sibey didn't know this at first as the zebra allowed him to clean and drain the toilet slave uninterrupted but on his way out the equine suddenly overrode the suits program and opened the mic.

'Maid, I need you to clean up, I've made a mess of this slave'

Suddenly Sibey felt the zebra lifting him onto a bed. There was a strong scent of cum and sex.

'First clean this' the equine said as he held his mighty cock in front of the black leather slave

Sibey licked out at the flared head of the mighty cock (giving him his first clue it was an equine). It was dripping with cum as if the zebra had just finished having sex and when he thrust it deeper the dragon got an even better taste. The mighty cock blocked his airways so he set to the task of licking and slurping it clean.

The zebra patted him on the head as he worked and then thankfully pulled out just as his lungs began to burn. He held his cock in front of Sibey again and the dragon maid licked it until the equine was satisfied he was clean.

'Good boy, now my little panda slave could use a clean too - I made quite a mess of him. Boliver present! Here, let me guide you...'

The zebra grabbed the back of Sibey's leather clad head and pushed his muzzle forcefully into the presenting panda slut's sloppy ass. Both of the slaves blushed in humiliation as the grinning equine forced them into the embarrassing act. Sibey did his best to lick up around the panda's hole and clean him of the Master's cum but the zebra only seemed interested in smearing his seed and the panda's musk all over Sibey's muzzle. Eventually though the dragon got most of it and the panda squirmed in pleasure as Sibey's tongue licked over his hole.

'Much better, you may stop maid - can't have this little panda slut getting to much pleasure. Why don't you clean the sheets while I get Boliver here set up for the night.'

Sibey did as he was told and started to lick at the sticky bedding as the equine got off the bed and grabbed some gear. The panda wore the standard collar, cuffs and CB of any slave plus and ankle chain, nipple clamps and he also wore a rather red butt crossed with crop marks.

The equine took a pair of paw cuffs and clicked one around the panda's cock and balls, above his CB. The other was locked to his ankle chain - forcing the panda slave to keep his feet close in to his crotch. His paws were then cuffed behind his back and a gas mask was placed over his head. It had a tube leading from its air intake to a small locking box.

'Here maid slave, do something useful' the zebra said as he stuffed a gag into Sibey's maw and buckled it up behind his head

Sibey couldn't see but rather than being a normal ball the gag had a large canine shaped dildo on its front. Without and grace or care the zebra grabbed him by the head and plunged the dildo into the panda's abused rear. The knot popped in and the equine kept pushing until Sibey's leather nose pushed into the panda's crack. Taking a padlock the master looped it through the rear of the cuff locked around the panda's cock and balls and then slipped the shackle through the ring on the front of Sibey's collar - forcing and locking the two slaves together. Sibey moaned and mewed in submission - he could guess exactly where he was.

The zebra was naked, he had long since discarded his clothes on arrival (it was uncommon to wear normal clothes anywhere on the island) but he moved over to fetch the jock strap and socks he had worn on the flight in. He shoved the dirty laundry in the box attached to the panda's mask and locked it up tight. Boliver whined as the musky sweaty scent from the zebra's undergarments became his only air source. He then whined more, along with Sibey, as the zebra got into bed and shoved the bound slaves off with his feet. They tumbled to the floor together but their bondage was secure.

'Night night boys, panda I may look into buying you at the end of the week. Maid, consider this a night off, in the morning I will fuck you and let you get back to your duties.'

Sibey heard the zebra drift off into sleep. He lay on his side with his face locked into the panda's rear and he was truly grateful for some time to really rest. He contemplated his future - he was truly lower than the lowest, lower than fuck slaves, lower than urinals, worthless, an object.

He didn't know what future duties he would be forced to perform - he could only hope they were no worse than floor and urinal duty, but he wasn't betting on it.


Story by Zipeau, a commission for SibeyIII