The Lizardman Machine

Story by wesley_bracken on SoFurry

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Two amateur investigators discover a conspiracy way out of their depths, and their imaginations.

"What if they turn around? They can still see us!"

"Would you just come on? You said you'd be able to keep up."

Matt blushed, but Krista had already stepped out from behind the shipping container and was dashing across the drive towards the main building of the complex, and Matt pushed himself up off the ground and hurried after her, but he wasn't quite as well equipped as she was for running. She--six foot three, lithe and limber, gymnast and karate enthusiast, and he--short pudgy art major, emphasis photography, more used to watching scenes than participating in them. Still, he did his best to keep up, and managed to come up next to her beside the building, where there was a window high on the factory wall above them.

"Give me a boost," Krista said.

"Wait, what?"

"Come on, get me up to the window. I'll sneak in and open the door."

"I don't think that's--"

"Would you quit thinking so hard and just do it? That security cart is going to come around again eventually, and if you don't hurry up and boost me, then they're going to catch us, and then we're going to be in as much shit as everyone we're looking. Do you want to find your brother or not?"

Matt gulped. Travis was the reason he'd gotten sucked into this whole conspiracy in the first place. He had to find him--it was his fault that he'd gone missing in the first place. Matt had been looking out for him after everything that happened with their parents when he'd suddenly disappeared, and that had led him to Krista's website where she cataloged the massive string of disappearances which it seemed like everyone of importance was turning a blind eye towards. While Krista had never really respected, nor trusted, Matt much, she had been impressed with his photography and camera work, especially after he documented a kidnapping in an alley on the street, two men with strange golden eyes luring some young men into the back of a van. He'd helped her confront a few politicians and police officers on camera as well, but while the videos had gone a bit viral, still nothing was being done. They needed an expose, and for that, she knew they needed to get into the complex.

It was huge, but then again, every building in the industrial district was huge. The disappearances had begun right after the ribbon cutting ceremony--which had been attended by nearly every city politician, and most of the police force. The truth was in there, she was sure of it, and so she glared Matt down until he sighed, clasped his hands into a step and braced himself, letting Krista step up and push herself off, grabbing the ledge and pulling herself up, where she fiddled with the window for a moment and slipped inside. Matt, meanwhile, did his very best to make himself as small as possible in the shadows, and hoped that no one would notice him, should they pass by again. Still, he wasn't exactly hard to spot--he was a big, clumsy guy really, and Krista was already furious at him for the noise he'd made climbing over the fence earlier. Still, he didn't have to wait long. He saw the door near where he was crouching pop open, and Krista motioned him to join her inside. After taking a quick look around, he hurried in, nearly tripping and sprawling out on the gravel, but he caught himself--or rather, Krista caught him and yanked him inside where they tumbled into a heap.

They disentangled in an awkward moment, Matt blushing and apologizing quietly as he did, and Krista just looked at him, obviously regretting having him along. Still, he was the one with the camera know-how, and she was the one with the skills--they had to work together for any of this to work out at all. Besides, she could use an extra set of eyes, as clumsy as he might be. Still, they were inside, for better or worse, and Krista led Matt up onto a high catwalk, hopefully out of sight from anyone on the ground, and from the dust on the railing, she assumed it wasn't highly trafficked. With Krista in the lead, and Matt behind her, doing his best to calm his nerves, they pressed their way deeper into the facility, the rooms becoming hotter and steamier, stinking like a swamp before too long.

They hadn't gone far, however, when they saw that it wasn't people who were staffing the facility, but something else entirely. They were all lizardmen, or at least that's the best description that either one of them could come up with. They found themselves in a steamy, swelteringly hot room, one side of the room covered with dials and controls, pistons and pipes all of them staffed and manned by lizards, but from their high vantage, hidden amongst the pipes clustered at the ceiling, they could see that there were really two types of lizards below them. Most of the work was being done by larger lizards that looked like alligators who had figured out how to walk on their hind legs. Around the room, manning computers and supervising the gators were slender, muscular raptors, their eyes far more intelligent...and even a bit cruel. They saw one of the gators trip up suddenly, and faster than they could see, a raptor had hopped down and was beating it back upright, forcing it to get back to work at the machine wall.

Something else they couldn't help but notice was that all of the lizards were male. The gators all had normal sized cocks and balls--or they would be normal on a person. On their large, wide frames, they actually looked small. Such was not the case with the raptors--their cocks were all huge, and they all remained erect or semi-erect as they watched. On occasion, a raptor would obviously become horny and summon a gator to service it, before sending it back to the wall. However, at the center of much of the activity was one raptor who was different from the others--his eyes were not the greenish hazel of all the rest--they were speckled with gold and shone in the dim light of the room. He seemed to be in charge, and as Matt looked around the room, he noticed that there was a gator walking along the wall, supervising the workers, who had the same golden eyes, and something else was glinting there, on his wrist...

He let out a gasp and pointed the gator out to Krista. Through the haze of steam they could actually see them quite well, and the one Matt indicated had a glint of metal around it's wrist. "That's Travis' bracelet! What in the fuck is one of those things doing with my brother's fucking bracelet?"

"How do you know it's even his?"

"I just know, alright? I'm the one who bought it for him."

"Look," Krista said, "We can't exactly go down there and interrogate it--we don't even know if they can speak English. Let's just keep going--we have to try and find the prisoners anyway--that's where your brother will be."

Matt grimaced, and followed Krista for a few paces along the catwalk, but then stopped, looking back at the gator, and for a moment, the gator looked away from it's machine and locked eyes with Matt, the sight freezing him in place, and Matt knew he couldn't leave--that gator knew something about his brother, he just knew it. Still, even though the gator had seen him, he didn't sound an alarm--it just kept minding the workers...but why? "No...No, you go on ahead, I need to follow this fucker," he said to Krista.

"We can't split up Matt," Krista said, "and every second we spend out in the open is risking us getting caught."

"No...No, I don't know why, but this is important. Just go on ahead, I'll catch up."

"You are so fucking stubborn--"

"I'm not going, Krista, so go find the prisoners, and text me when you do--we'll figure out how to get out then."

"But I need your camera. Without evidence, we can't get anyone to take this seriously--do you know how crazy this is going to sound if we try to report a factory full of lizards?"

Matt just thought for a moment, and then started snapping pictures of the room below. "This is plenty of evidence--go find the prisoners...I'm gonna figure out what this fucking gator did to my brother. I'll just slow you down anyway."

Krista could tell that Matt had made up his mind, and with an exasperated sigh hurried off down the catwalk, leaving her partner and his camera behind as she ventured deeper into the factory. She passed several more rooms like the first, filled with gators working at the side of other massive walls of dials and levers, and that was when she realized that all of the rooms were connected to the same, massive contraption. The factory was actually a building housing one massive machine, and she was pacing the side of it, and after another room or two, she heard the screams--human screams--coming from wall only to be suddenly cut off, one after the other, from the inside of the machine the lizards were running. Was it...killing them in there? Each room after that was terrible, the screams continuous and growing louder, and she could hear them coming from the direction she was heading, from what she assumed to be the beginning of the machine. When she reached the final room, and saw the raptors shoving their human prisoners into the gaping maw of the massive device, her legs failed her, and she had to sit down, watching man, woman and child herded into the machine, screaming and shouting for help--but no one could help them, not even her, not this many of them.

This was huge--it was bigger than she could have ever imagined. How long had this been going on? What in the world was this machine even doing to people? Certainly it was killing them...but why this huge machine if all you're doing is executing them? Was it turning humanity into food? Energy? She had no idea, she didn't want to have any idea. What in the world could anyone even do about this? People must already know, important people, people who could stop it, there had to be some massive conspiracy behind all of this for it to have even been built in the heart of the city. Matt and her had uncovered something far larger than they could have ever imagined, but she had to do something, she had to. That was when she noticed that she had been spotted.

This room had neither the steam nor the pipes which had hidden her from view in the earlier rooms, and now two of the raptors were heading up a stairwell onto the catwalk. Krista got up and went to run in the opposite direction, only to see that two other raptors were racing up to cut off her escape route. Instead of waiting for all four to converge on her, she charged at the two coming from behind, catching them off guard at the top of the stairs, grabbing the first raptor and hurling him off the catwalk to the ground below. The second, however, rammed into her, slamming her back against the railing and almost toppling her over as well. She fought him off for a few moments, punching and kicking, but by then the other two had caught up with them, and between the three raptors, they pinned her down and dragged her off the catwalk and to the front of the line, all three of them hissing at themselves. She had no idea what they were saying, but they almost they were laughing? She didn't know, but she fought harder as they moved her to the front of the line, flipped a few dials and changed a few settings on the control panels, and then pitched her head first into the gaping maw of the machine.


Matt remained on the catwalk for almost an hour, hunkered down, watching his target obsessively, as he moved from station to station. The heat of the room, especially up high in the steam, was getting to Matt, and he was starting to sweat, and he fidgited in place, trying to stay still, but at the same time angry and terrified and desperate to see that gator. Several times, through the zoom lens on his camera, he examined the gator's bracelet, reaffirming for himself that it really was his brother's. What in the world was the gator doing with it? He settled down slowly, and off and on, the gator would look up at him on the catwalk, lock eyes with Matt for a moment or two, and grin, before returning to his work, and eventually Matt realized something--he couldn't move.

It wasn't that he didn't want to move, it was that he literally couldn't. He was stuck in place, and he couldn't even explain why. The one thing he could move was his eyes, and they could only follow the gator, watch him, waiting for him to look up at him, waiting for another chance to see the gator's eyes, his beautiful, golden, captivating eyes. They might have looked like shiny mud at first, but each time Matt got another look at them, he could see the gold specks embedded in it's irises, the smooth curve of it's vertical pupils, he loved it's eyes in ways that Matt couldn't even explain. How long had he been sitting there, his legs going numb, arms limp, eyes focused only on the gator below him? He barely heard the whistle, even though it sounded from a speaker only a few feet away from him, and he watched the gators, exhausted and sweaty, all file away from the machine, replaced by a slew of fresh ones ready for their own shift, and after only a minute of downtime the machine was up and running once again, and Matt's eyes watched his gator slip away from the crowd leaving the room, climb up the steps to the catwalk, and make its way to where Matt was sitting, frozen, terrified and also somehow eager, and he saw just how huge the gator's were.

From above, they had just seemed large, but from where he was crouched down, the eight foot tall beast, weighing in at over 500 pounds, stinking of musk and swamp, claws clicking against the metal of the catwalk, towered over him. Matt was scared though, every space in his mind was reserved for the gator's eyes, following them, enraptured, and the closer the lizard came, the clearer he could hear it, the voice in his head, the voice telling him to stay still, to not move, to watch only him. He knew that voice though, it was Travis's voice--why was he hearing Travis? And then, the gator came to a stop in front of him, and the voice told Matt to stand up, and this close, mere inches from the gator's jaws, the hot breath against face, Matt finally realized why. The gator hadn't done something to his brother.

The gator was his brother.

He had no idea how he could know that, some small cue, some instinctive certainty, some base recognition. His brother recognized him, as well, but Matt could sense his confusion. Matt wasn't supposed to be here, he wasn't even supposed to recognize him. The voice was digging around in Matt's mind now through their locked gaze, trying to figure out their relation, and it saw how Matt had gotten in with Krista, and then bumbled deeper into Matt's thoughts and memories, looking at remembrances of it's old self and comparing them to it's own distant memories and grudges and anger--it's saw its human body through Matt's mind's eye in confusion. The gator broke the gaze finally, the voice leaving Matt's head, and he stumbled back. Still, after sitting for so long his body wasn't quite ready to move, and he fell back onto the catwalk, the gator taking a couple of steps back as well, as confused and disturbed as Matt, but also very, very angry--at Matt.

Matt realized now, why the gator hadn't sounded an alarm or reported him. He had been as curious about Matt as Matt had been towards him. And now that they knew the truth of it, neither one of them knew what to do. "T--Travis?" Matt managed to say, "Travis, what did they do to you?"

The gator took a step back again, shaking it's head, hissing something but unable to speak, and then it glared at Matt, the anger there freezing Matt in place once more, and Matt felt so much--pain, fear, anger--everything his brother had experienced. Was he blaming him for what had happened? He hadn't meant for it to happen; how could he have known what their parents would do? He'd just panicked, couldn't he see that? Matt tried to tell him that he was here to help, that he wanted to save him, but the gator wasn't listening. Frozen in place once again, the gator turned and walked away, Matt struggling against the paralysis as he watched his brother hurry back down the catwalk and disappear into the complex.

For the next few minutes, Matt tried as hard as he could to break free from the control holding him in place, but by the time the gator returned with a slim, muscular raptor in tow, all Matt could do was wiggle his fingers. The two lizards returned, and the raptor seemed pleased, especially when Travis reached down and started massaging the raptors huge cock until it was rock hard. The raptor went to grab Matt and haul him off, but the gator stopped him, and they had some hissed conversation, Travis seemed to be suggesting something to the raptor, reaching out with one clawed hand to stroke the toned beasts' hard cock. The raptor seemed...hesitant, and that was when the gator locked eyes with Matt again, and he stood up, stripping off his clothing in a trance, and when he was naked, he bent over and started fingering his ass with two fingers, unable to stop himself from moaning, unable to beat back the voice telling him to make it good, telling him how much he wanted to please these lizards, how much he wanted to be fucked by the raptor's massive cock.

The display was enough for the raptor to be convinced, and he walked around behind Matt, gripping the man's fat thighs in his sharp claws, drawing blood as he slid his thick, foot long cock deep into Matt's hole. He would have screamed if not for the voice muting him, Travis--no, not Travis, Travis would never do this to him. The gator locked eyes with him, convincing him that this is what he wanted--what he needed, but it was more than that. Matt could remember how he had outed Travis to their parents, how they had kicked him out of the house. Matt had felt guilty, he tried to explain himself, his fear, but the gator wasn't listening, and Matt, suddenly, smelled something amazing. The musk and sweat and filth rolling off the gator's body--he needed it. He leaned forward, pressing his face into the scaled belly, licking all of it up, the gator grabbing both sides of his face and smearing it all over him, Matt panting in pain as the raptor behind him started plowing him, not even caring, Matt working a bit lower until he was sucking and licking at his gator brother's cock, hungry for gator cum in all of his holes, or even more than that. The raptor behind him let out a wild hiss, and Matt felt him pump one load of cum into his ass, and just keep on fucking--the sight of his brother's ass filled with lizard cum was too much for the gator as well, and he came, Matt drinking down all of his load as well.

The gator hissed something at the raptor, and he pulled out his cock for a few moments, letting them reposition Matt so that he was lying on his back on the metal catwalk. The raptor hefted his legs into the air and resumed fucking him, still hard as a rock, the gator looming over Matt, locking eyes with him, the perversions flowing into Matt's mind at a hectic pace, the hunger, and then the gator let loose a blast of piss, soaking his one time brother's face, Matt opening his mouth the drink down the strange smelling urine as quickly as he could, and when the gator finished, he turned around, squatted down and sat right on his face, Matt shivering with pleasure from the stink and musk of the gator's ass, and licked and sucked at the grime, shoving his tongue as deep up his ass as he could, feeling the gator's fat tail wrap it's way around his cock and start jacking him off. Matt tried to resist, but it was only seconds before he was cumming, spasming under the gator's bulk, barely able to breathe but so pleased that he could be serving these lizards. All of them came once more, the raptor flooding cum so deep up Matt's ass that he couldn't even hold it all in when he pulled out, Travis cumming once more with Matt's tongue buried up his hole, and then he made Matt lovingly lick his cock, balls, belly and gunt clean afterwards.

Matt, however, knew that his brother had something else planned for him, he could tell by the tone of the conversation going on between the raptor and the gator. Eventually, the raptor dragged the exhausted and well fucked Matt off in one direction, and he watched the gator go off in another direction, check a few dials and screens on the machine, and then slipped into the machine itself. Matt tried to fight off the lizard dragging him off to the front of the machine, where people were still being filed into the machine, but there was nothing he could do to fight him off. The raptor, however, took Matt to a different portal where no one was waiting, and started manipulating the controls, grinning at Matt before shoving him into the machine, Matt trying to crawl out before the door slammed shut behind him, trapping him inside, doomed to whatever fate his brother had planned for him.


The machine kept each person separate from the people on either side of them on the conveyor belt, but that did nothing to soften the screams that surrounded Krista on all sides as she was swallowed deeper into the machine. Already mechanical arms had ripped away all of her clothing, sprayed her down with any number of chemicals and solutions--including one which had stripped all of the hair from her head and her body, flushing it away down a drain--leaving her naked and smooth in her small, moving room, besieged at each point by a massive number of probes and metal claws that examined every inch of her body, from the measurements of her face, to the size of her breasts, digging into her vagina and ass as she screamed along with the rest, humiliated and terrified, but she soon discovered that this was just the beginning.

When it seemed like there was nothing else that the the machine could do to her, the small room came to a stop, and what had been grey walls to both sides were suddenly made of what looked like, in the dim light of the machine, to be some sort of strange goo, and then the goo started closing in from both sides. There was nowhere for her to go, and in seconds the two membranes of goo had collided with her between them, sealed inside the rubber like film. She tired to breathe, and she felt the goo actually plunge into her open mouth, down into her lungs and her throat, as it also pressed its way up into her pussy and even into her ass, probing deep and violating her again. She was pinned in place, sealed inside a vacuum, and even though there was no way she could breathe, somehow, when she kept moving down the conveyor, she didn't black out. The membrane, it seemed, was providing everything she needed to stay alive--but she certainly couldn't scream. No wonder the back end of the machine had been so silent, she realized.

No longer needing the room or the belt to move her, the machine opened up into a large cavity, the gunk imprisoning her suspended from a set of hooks above her, and all around her were gators working in and amongst all of the other people trapped in the same way as her, screaming silently, their eyes moving in the transparent goo, but nothing else able to move an inch. One gator, however, wasn't working--he was watching--and when he saw her he hit a large red button, bringing her line to a halt. He came over, uncoupled her from the hooks and carried her off, attaching her to an unmoving line next to a control panel, and he started working on some sort of program, and around his wrist, Krista could see the bracelet which Matt had seen in the first room--this was the same lizard he had been obsessed with. Her stomach sank--she'd been hoping that Matt had remained free, hoping that he could expose the whole thing, but not only had he most likely been captured, he must have betrayed her as well. What in the world would these beasts do to spies, when she had no idea what they were even doing to people?

The gator finished working on the program, and then he resumed waiting, watching the line Krista was on, and after half an hour or so, another person slid down the line and came to a halt next to Krista--Matt, also encased in goo and stripped of all of his hair. The gator walked up to Matt, grinning, and started running his claws along Matt's full belly and his cock, their eyes locked together. The gator hissed in a way reminiscent of a laugh, and then released Krista's rack to continue deeper into the machine.

It came to a stop in a dimly lit room, where a metal claw took a tube and shoved it deep into her pussy, where it adhered to the goo inside, and began pumping something warm inside her. She shivered at the sensation, feeling a near spontaneous orgasm rip through her, but it felt like the liquid was being drawn deep into her body, and changing her in some way she couldn't even describe. Two more tubes were attached to her breasts, pumping at her chest as the tube in her pussy stopped filling her up, and began sucking as well. Both of tubes on her breast and inside of her were now painful, and she tried to shout and scream into the goo, feeling her body being reworked and contorted against her will. The tube slowly withdrew from her pussy, when it did, she saw that something was being drawn out with it--inside the tube...was a scrotum, and when it emerged, she saw that her vagina was gone, replaced by two full, low hanging balls beneath her clit, and then the tubes detatched from her chest, and she saw that her breasts had been replaced by muscle. She now had two pecs than any man would be proud to own, and she tried to look down at her now masculine body, but couldn't--she could only feel the strange sensation of her new balls hanging from her groin yet suspended in the goo, the flatness of her chest, and then the rack started moving again down a short track, before arriving at another room.

This time, at least, there weren't any tubes. However, it was pitch black when she entered, and when the rack came to a stop, lights clicked on all over the room, brilliant yellow, heating her up in moments, and she felt the goo encasing her come alive. It squirmed against her skin under the heat of the light, burrowing down into her pores, the goo in her throat, lungs and ass driving in deeper as well. She couldn't even begin to describe what it felt like inside of her, the goo rearranging organs, bone and muscle, but her skin felt like it was growing dryer and cracking apart. The surface of her body was splitting apart into dark green scales, and she went rigid as the goo within her latched onto her spinal cord, and it started growing, pushing out her tailbone, the small of her back bulging out as a tail pushed its way out of her, growing several feet long in a matter of seconds, the goo stretching to accommodate and support it as muscle filled in to support the new weight.

Her hands and face felt like the goo was massaging itself into every nook and cranny, growing her teeth out into sharp fangs, reshaping the bones of her skull, flattening her nose and extending her mouth into a short, rounded snout. It even managed to worm it's way around her eyes, her sight shifting as her pupils and iris changed, the light now even harsher to her more sensitive vision, her ears disappearing entirely, crushed to the side of her head and covered in scales. After what felt like ages, the lights finally shut off, Krista trying to grapple with the new sensations of her body in the darkness, the rack above her grinding to life and rolling down the track to the next room where she came to a halt.

She could see far better in the low light now, the claw taking the tube and shoving it down her throat, Krista no longer sure how to work her jaw, and again, the tube started pumping something into her, heat spreading from her stomach out to the rest of her body, her muscles convulsing painfully beyond her control, each contraction destroying and rebuilding muscle tissue faster than could have ever been possible. Her bones ached as well, and she felt her new skeletal structure start to bulge and expand, the goo lengthening as she grew two feet taller, topping out at over eight feet tall, her muscle bulging out past bodybuilder and growing even larger, almost comical in size, her new pecs bulging out from her chest in two shelves, her biceps and arms so thick she couldn't drop them to her sides, thighs and calves thicker than any man she'd ever seen.

The claw wasn't finished however, and attached one last tube to her clit, and she felt it start sucking and pumping, pleasure wracking it's way through her in orgasmic waves as it grew larger and thicker in the tube, and before long, she had a huge, thick cock over a foot long, semi erect over her churning balls, and she realized that she wasn't even a woman anymore. She wasn't even human anymore. She was some abomination, some terrible beast. This was even worse than the first part--before, at least she had suffered her humiliation as herself. Now, her very identity had been ripped away from her. She couldn't even recognize this body as hers. Is this what had happened to everyone the lizards had captured? Is this what they were doing? Slowly replacing the human race with their own kind?

The tubes retracted at last, and her rack proceeded along the track, and she hoped this would be the end of it, but in her heart, she knew that there would be one more stop. After all, her mind hadn't changed at all. She finally arrived at what she assumed would be the final stop, and there was a bright golden screen, similar to the glowing eyes the gator with Travis' bracelet had possessed--or, she realized, the gator who most likely had been Travis a few weeks before. Unable to look away, she felt the rhythmic patterns drill down into her mind and her soul, breaking her down. She fought back, but what, in the end, was the point? She had already lost everything of herself--why shouldn't she lose her mind to? It would be a relief, really. She didn't want to be a lizard, she didn't want to be a man, but being trapped between would be even worse. Letting go of her fear, she let herself fall into the golden shine, and felt herself dissolve away into the gold.


Matt struggled against the cocoon binding him, trying to break away as the gator ran its talons up and down his naked body. He could feel everything through the thin layer of goo, and as he fought, he mostly resisted the pull of his brother's golden eyes, but he couldn't avoid them for very long. They sucked him back in, and his body froze in place again, but rather than the compulsion from before, the voice was more clear in his mind, the anger and the rage that his brother felt towards him.

Matt tried to push back, he tried to apologize. He'd been afraid when he'd found Travis, his little brother, in bed with one of his best friends--one of his best...male friends. How could Matt have known that his parents would throw Travis out of the house? It wasn't his fault--none of it. He'd tried to stop them, he tried to help him, but then he'd disappeared and he'd been looking for him ever since. What could he have done?

The gator threw those arguments aside. It was over--the past. Nothing could be done about it, about the deep, writhing pit of anger he'd felt, that he still felt after this whole year, even after he'd been kidnapped from the street and twisted into a lizardman, he still held onto it. It was a betrayal deeper than Matt could have even begun to imagine, because Travis had loved him--capital "L" love--and that rejection had crushed him in ways he hadn't even been equipped to deal with. Still, he had Matt now, and he ran a claw up the length of Matt's cock, making his brother shiver, knowing that soon enough everything would be perfect. Still, he wanted to see him do it, he forced the pleasure into Matt, amplified it as he stroked his imprisoned cock, and after a moment, Matt shook in the cocoon and the gator watched him pump a load of cum into the vacuum, and then he finally looked away. He started the program and watched Matt's rack roll deeper into the machine, and then, almost as an afterthought, unhooked the bracelet he'd worn everyday to remind him of the betrayal which had led him here and let it fall to the grimy metal floor of the machine. He wouldn't need it after this was finished, and he hurried off down a corridor towards the end of the machine.

As he went, he passed hundreds of other people in the midst of standard transformations, however, as a Golden, Travis had a certain amount of freedom to experiment. He was still, technically, subordinate to the raptors, but concerning the fact that none of them could resist his eyes if he felt like it, none of them were really willing to contest him either. As a gator, he actually knew the workings of the machine better than the raptors, so even if he wasn't in charge, the entire system would crumble without him and the other golden gators like him. The machine was massive, but he was still able to reach the exit before both Matt and Krista. Here, the cocoons were deposited, at this point the goo brittle and hard, the newly born lizards ripping their way out into their new lives, being directed to their training sessions in the hot tunnels beneath the surface of the earth. He only had to wait for a few minutes, before Krista--or rather, the massive raptor who Krista had become--slid out of the machine and hit the floor, the huge beast inside already starting to rip it's way out with it's long claws.

Travis stood back a few paces and admired his handiwork. The behemoth of a cock was especially stunning--it was a shame she hadn't become a Golden like him, she would have made a spectacular general. Still, when it came to time to wipe clean the surface world she would destroy and slaughter a great many apes, he was certain. Beneath the goo, Krista flexed her muscles in both of her arms, and the goo shattered apart, scattering in every direction, and she started ripping the rest away and stood up, not quite steady, her thick tail forcing her to lean forward as she looked at her clawed hands, and then felt her rigid, scaled cock, somehow certain that something else should be there instead...but what? Her brain felt like mush--it just couldn't seem to process much of anything, and when the gator walked up and started stroking her cock, she let out a hiss and shot a huge load of cum from her balls almost instantly.

They shared a gaze for a few moments, the gator telling her what to do, and what to expect, and a few minutes later, a second cocoon of goo slid out of the machine, and Travis hurried over to his brother. He wanted to be the first to see him, to see what he had done to him. Matt wasn't much taller than he had been--and was quite short by gator standards, but he was much fatter, nearly a blob, and eager to see, Travis started ripping away the goo, freeing him, but as soon as Matt's face was free, he could smell something he needed, something he wanted, and he slid out his long tongue and ran it along Travis' thick inner thigh and up to his ass crack, shivering, the taste of the musky crack nearly making his small, two inch cock explode with cum. However, before Travis could indulge, he was thrown to one side as Krista stormed over, and rammed her huge cock into Matt's long snout, snorting and bucking roughly, pumping cum down Matt's throat, the gator swallowing it all down, and Krista just kept fucking. It was her purpose--or at least that's what Travis had told her. To fuck, and fuck roughly, to use and abuse Matt to her heart's content.

Travis freed the rest of Matt's body, and Krista rolled the huge gator over onto his huge belly and started fucking his ass, the massive cock sliding in easily, and Travis simply stared into his brother's eyes for a few minutes, making sure he fully understood his new role. He was a cumdump, the lowest of the low, meant to serve and please every other lizard in any way they demanded. He was too stupid to work on the machine, he was too weak to fight or even mine beneath the earth, and so he would be a slave, a urinal, a tongue to clean their sweaty bodies and reeking assholes, and he would love it, he would relish it. It's all he'd ever wanted to do--it's all he'd ever wanted to be.

It took Krista over ten loads to feel sated, and even then, her cock was still rock hard. She probably would have kept fucking if another raptor hadn't gotten her attention, and directed her to follow him to a combat lesson. Travis enjoyed his brother for a few more minutes, and then compelled him to get up and follow Travis deeper into the mines. There were many gators down there, mining metal and coal and oil for the machine who would love a cumdump to abuse in the depths, and then, Travis would always know just where to find his brother, when he wanted to use him.