Gryphon's Tale Part 1

Story by Cyndalmaul on SoFurry

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The proud Gryphon sits bold and fierce but knows that he is missing something, part of him is aching, part of him is longing, part of him is yearning, but most of all part of him is hurting. Old scares run deep, healed now but forever feel open. Now he must journey to find one who can help heal the scars and make him whole.


The past is the past to move on and put it

Behind can be the hardest.

To take what life has thrown at you and make it

Your strength is part of healing and moving forward.

What started out simple and short has turned into a long journey.

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The proud Gryphon sits bold and fierce but knows that he is missing something, part of him is aching, part of him is longing, part of him is yearning, but most of all part of him is hurting. Old scares run deep, healed now but forever feel open.

A Wolf calls, the Gryphon hears and slowly the Gryphon moves towards the Wolf. The wolf's song has calmed him; the Wolf's presence has taken the yearning and longing. The Gryphon is content for a time but old feelings return, the longing comes back and the wolf's song and presence is not enough. The Gryphon knows he must journey not only to fill the longing he has but to find one who can heal the wounds that run deep in his soul.

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Part I

One night a dream took the Gryphon from his home valley to a forest full of lush trees and the smell of spruce, a deep cool misted valley and where the waters run clear to high snow covered mountains. As he flew with the wind rustling his feathers, a sense of purpose settled on him, far off lands called to him; visions came to him telling him to find what he seeks. Awaking with the sun's rays he watched as the sun slowly warmed the valley, his home. Breathing in deeply the cool morning air the Gryphon spread his wings and flew down until he reached the cool stream below and drank from it.

After reflecting a few days on the vision he had, the places he saw, he knew he would be traveling north if he chose. His soul told him to go but his heart was torn on whether he should or not. All the years of abuse from that she devil were still fresh and the recent betrayal was enough. It was time to go but where? Reflecting in his vision he decided that he would try the lands to the north. Deciding it was time he rose into the air and took one last look at this home, then headed north.

After a day's travel he saw a valley deciding to rest he landed in a nearby forest and would explore it the following morning. In the morning he woke with the sun's rays rising high he headed to the edge of the valley. Approaching the sun's rays showed how vast and lush and beautiful it was. It reminded him of his valley and he felt home sick but knew that if he turned back now he would not find what he needed so desperately. Sensing something he closes his eyes and says a silent prayer that he finds what he is looking for. Inhaling deeply the crisp morning air he spreads his wings and flies down.

Landing in a field of white daisy's, a cool breeze rustled his feathers, he crossed the field and saw a large colony of prairie dogs, one started barking a warning and like lightning they all scatted into their holes and it was quiet. As he was crossing one small brave prairie dog came out and started barking and posturing. The Gryphon found it funny at first but then found some respect for this little guy willing to take on someone 20 times his size with no fear. He bows to the prairie dog and introduces himself. The prairie dog stands and returns the bow, he then tells the Gryphon his name was Zuni and asks what the gryphon was doing in this valley. Gryphon lies down and tells Zuni that he is on a journey in search of something. Zuni approaches him and asks what he is looking for; maybe he could help him find it. Gryphon smiles and tells the little brave Zuni that what he is looking for can only be found in the heart.

Zuni sighed and said ok, but made it a point that if Gryphon needed anything he would be willing to help. Gryphon gets up and says he may take Zuni up on his offer but later. Gryphon starts to explore the valley and encounters several foxes, a coyote and a herd of Elk. He asks the foxes what kind of country is to the North of the valley. A few didn't answer him but ran off; one tells him that there is a forest and then plains to the North. After venturing around all day, that night he found a spot to sleep but the moon was full and light was so bright. A howl rang out singing of longing and lost family, Gryphon stood and turned towards the direction of the howl. The song turned to one of heart and hopes for the future, it was so soothing that Gryphon laid down and fell fast asleep.

The next morning he wakes up and stretches, he walks over to a nearby pool and takes a drink. He remembers the wolf song, but didn't know what direction it was in. Taking to the air he goes to the prairie dog town, as he approached a call went out and every single prairie dog ducked into their holes. He lands on the outskirts of the town then calls for Zuni. After a while and no movement Gryphon was about to leave when brave little Zuni comes out cautiously. He looks around and sees the Gryphon, he relaxes and approaches Gryphon. The Gryphon bows and greets little Zuni and asks him if he has heard the wolf's song. Zuni sits on his back legs and thinks, then tells Gryphon yes and that the wolf has lived here for a long time now and is alone.

Interested the Gryphon asks Zuni if he knows where the wolf stays. Zuni sits back on his legs and thinks and remembers where he had seen the wolf. He tells the Gryphon the wolf stays in a small cave about two miles east of here. The Gryphon bows and head out Zuni calls out as he turns to leave and tells the Gryphon that the wolf is very protective of his den; the Gryphon nods and takes to the air. Heading east, the wind going through his feathers he spies a small cave about the location Zuni said it would be. Landing nearby he slowly approaches the den, taking a whiff of the air he gets the scent of the wolf. After looking at the den he tracks the wolf to the stream where the wolf was catching salmon with a few grizzly bears.

Gryphon found it fascinating how the wolf interacted with the bears; he would catch a fish and throw it to one bear that wasn't having any luck. The Gryphon watched as the sun gleamed across the wolf's wet Grey-black coat. It looked like steel, with the sound of rushing water, grizzlies growling and splashing, even little ones playing in the water looked almost peaceful. Sitting on a branch high above Gryphon watched as the wolf fished with the grizzlies for half the day. When the wolf had eaten his fill he left the stream and the Gryphon noticed how big the wolf was. Following the wolf he watches as he lies on top of a hill that overlooks the valley and the nearby mountains. The sun and light breeze dry his wet fur until it looks soft and shines with the sun's rays. The smell of sweet grass and flowers fills the air as the Gryphon just watches the wolf sleep. The Gryphon decided that he would introduce himself to the wolf that evening.

As the sun was slowly setting the Gryphon found the wolf in a clearing heading towards his den, landing below tree his was in, he headed towards the clearing. The wolf smelling the air picks up the gryphon's sent. Turning he watches the gryphon comes into view, taking a defensive posture he waited for the gryphon to attack. The gryphon senses a change in the wolf and sees that the wolf was in a defensive posture. Walking into the clearing the Gryphon bows low, exposing him for attack if the wolf choose to do so. Slowly the wolf approached the gryphon, smelling the air he, found that this was the strange sent he had come across before. He finally asks the Gryphon why he was here, the Gryphon raised his head and replied that he wasn't sure but something brought him here to help heal his heart.

The wolf curious about this Gryphon bows in return and says that this place will help calm any animal but only time and patience can heal a heart with the right effort. With that he turns and leaves the Gryphon in the clearing. In the days following the wolf keeps an eye on the Gryphon as he explores the forest, naps in the sweet grass and even chat and plays with one of the prairie dogs. Wanting to know more the wolf asks the prairie dog about the Gryphon and asks what the Gryphon talks about when they chat. The prairie dog tells him that the Gryphon talks about home and how much he was burned by a she-devil. The wolf knows the feeling of betrayal and understands why the Gryphon was here to heal his heart. It was the same reason he came here, he found peace but was afraid to leave even though he knew he needed someone to help him heal.

Days later the wolf got up the courage to approach the Gryphon. The Gryphon was resting in the sweet grass again, the wolf felt drawn to him and he didn't know why. Slow approaching the gryphon, the wolf unsure of what to say just says hello, the Gryphon looking up sees the wolf standing a short distance away. An awkward silence hung between them, the sound of the breeze rustling the sweet grass. Getting up and bowing the Gryphon asks the wolf how his day has been. The wolf returns the bow and seemed to relax a bit; answering the Gryphon he says it has been good. The Gryphon nods and then asks if there is anything he could do for the wolf. The wolf just standing says nothing but looks like there was something on his mind. The Gryphon approaches the wolf and says that if he wants to talk he can but that he will not push him. With that he walks past the wolf and heads towards the stream, the wolf mentally kicks himself takes off after the gryphon. He catches up with the gryphon by the stream, catching his breath he finally asks the gryphon about his home.

The Gryphon smiles and tells the wolf about his home and what had brought him here, while Gryphon was telling him they caught fish together saving some for a mother Grizzly who had just had little ones. The wolf relaxed and felt comfortable around the gryphon. By evening the gryphon and wolf were even joking around, as the sun set they found a spot on a nearby hill. The moon came out large and full shining a faint light over the valley. Getting up the wolf starts to sing, the Gryphon listens and feels something deep inside him stirring, a calmness as he continues to listen he slow drifts off to sleep. Finishing his song he looks at the gryphon that was fast asleep and smiles, letting out a yawn he laid down near the gryphon and falls asleep.

The sun was raising shining its light over the valley when the Gryphon woke up, looking around he finds the wolf sleeping close to him. He felt a connection to this wolf, there was something special about him. The Gryphon got up and went to the stream for a drink, he had plans to leave in a few days but now he decided to stay and see how things went with this wolf. As the days passed and spring was in full bloom the gryphon and wolf fished together, hunted together and would sit in the sweet grass and tell stories of their lives and plans. The Gryphon found that he enjoyed this wolfs presence. After several months he found that his loneliness was gone and the wolf was slowly healing his soul.

The Gryphon and wolf greeted summer and made plans to travel back to the Gryphon's home when the valley was hit by a violent thunderstorm, thunder shook the ground, and lightning stuck dead tree lighting up the already dry valley. The Gryphon and wolf flee with the rest of the animals but the blaze surrounded them, heat and the smoke made them cough and blinded them. Taking to the air the Gryphon surveyed the scene and found that the only way he was going to save his friend was to carry him to nearby pound. The wolf afraid of being carried found an old wolf den; he told the Gryphon that he would hide there while the fire passed over.

The Gryphon took to the air and watched as the fire swept over the den, at that moment a cry went out. Hearing it the Gryphon heads towards it and finds a fox family huddled together as the flames crept on them. Swooping down he grabs the whole family with his claws making sure he didn't grip too tightly and heads off away from the fire, setting them down in a nearby stream. The family thanks him and he takes off to see how his wolf companion was doing. Approaching the den he doesn't see anything he calls for his companion and claws the ground at the entrance. After no answer he claws the ground until he could get his head in and sees his companion laying still. Grabbing ahold of the wolf he pulls him out of the den and finds to his horror that his new companion wasn't breathing. Gryphon picks up the wolf and takes him to a nearby stream. After bathing him, he nuzzles the wolf telling him how much he meant to him and wishes him a better life in the after world. The gryphon then digs a hole and buries his friend marking the tree with his claw so that he could come back and visit if he wished; lingering near the grave for days the gryphon finally moves towards the mountains.

After flying over the mountains the gryphon sees a vast plain and sees all sorts of different animals. After flying for another hour or so he came to a river, landing he drinks and rests under a lonely tree. He falls asleep and dreams about the fire. Images of his friend in the den appear, he is struggling to breath and the smoke is so thick. He lets out a whimper and tries to get out of the den, but it's hot and more thick smoke enters, he lets out a cry as the smoke takes all the oxygen from his lungs. Sleep pulls at him, trying to resist he moves away from the entrance, but death is calling and he started to fight but in the end death came swift and black as he closed his eyes. Awaking with a start the Gryphon looks around trying to remember where he was, it was a dream but he knew it was what had happened to his friend. Moving to the river he takes a drink and then takes to air and continues to fly north.