Born Again Angel : Chapter 1 - Ignorance is bliss

Story by Quirk on SoFurry

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Warning! This series will have strong religious and adult overtones. If you are sensitive towards such things, stop reading right now! That goes double for you if you're underage!! I take no responsibility for your emotions, thoughts, and feelings should you choose to read this.

Any similarities of names, characters, or circumstances are purely coincidental.

All comments, good and bad are welcome.

For centuries there have been stories told of werewolves, Sasquatch, and other such creatures. While most of these stories are just flights of fancy, some

are not.

Ever see that faint flicker out the corner of your eye, dark shapes flitting just out of your vision. A shimmer as if on a hot summers day on tarmac?

Ignorance is bliss...

Chapter1: Ignorance is bliss


"Dude, I swear I saw it around here somewhere!"

"Yea right Darren, like you saw that UFO last week or that werewolf in the park the week before?"

"Fuck you Nate; you'll shit yourself when you see this thing. Come on, follow's just around the corner, I know it!"

Up till now, Nates' life had been pretty ordinary. Going to school, studying for exams and pretty much just looking out for himself. Neither the star

quarterback for the football team, but neither was he the geek of the school. More somewhere obscure in the middle of it all, a faceless nobody as far as the

popular kids were concerned.

As he and Darren dashed through the old abandoned warehouse, the ancient wooden flooring creaked and even cracked beneath their hammering feet. Their

footsteps thundering as they ran. Why they were running when Darren swore he saw a large canine of some sort was beyond him, yet he refused to let his friend

know just how nervous he really was. Darren was prone to 'expanding on the truth' as he liked to put it. Why they were even looking for the supposed mutt was

another question plaguing his mind, though that thought soon vanished as the pair rounded the corner into a long narrow passageway dimly lit at one end and

pitch black at the other.

They stopped dead as they rounded the corner, seeing a pair of glowing eyes low to the ground. Hearts beating loudly in their ears, they stood breathing

deep. A moments silence and stillness feeling like an eternity of anticipation; eventually broken as the eyes approached. Simultaneous held breaths bursting

into fits of laughter as a small terrier of some sort limped out of the darkness, whining pitifully as it plops onto its rear and raises a paw. Darren making

a soft cooing sound, much like Nate had heard him do whenever he was around a niece or nephew. Nate had to give it to Darren; he was good with kids and

animals. As he watched Darren approach the small terrier, a sudden sense of dread filled him, the fine hairs at the back of his neck standing on edge.

Whirling around and looking for the source of this sudden dread, he could find nothing. Trying to shrug it off as nothing, he turns back to Darren, noticing

the faint shimmer in the gloom at the last moment a foot in front of the terrier. Even as Nate opens his mouth to shout a warning, Darren passes through the

shimmering almost invisible barrier, in the blink of an eye he disappears.

Standing dumbfounded as his best friend vanished before his eyes; Nate doesn't notice the small terrier slinking past to get behind him. The once normal

reflective gaze of animal eyes gone, now replaced by a vicious red glow. A snarl behind draws Nates attention, wheeling about he sees the terrier standing

ready to attack. His sense of dread renewing as he sees the unnatural glow of its eyes, taking a step back. A brief thought flitting through his mind like a

leaf blown by a breeze along the road lets him think of escape. Just run right past the dog and get help. A ripping sound meets his ears, the terrier giving

a little yelp as its skin tears. The once small canine begins to swell, bones cracking and flesh rending as spines protrude. Sharp fangs spearing from an

ugly twisted version of the terriers malformed head. The creature now standing twice its previous size and still growing; taking a step towards Nate and

snapping its razor fanged jaws at him. Nates body had been on the move unbeknownst to his brain, his fight or flight instinct taking the safer of two options

and retreating...right into the gateway.

The last thing Nate heard was the rather odd sound of a deep sigh, things going black as a sharp pain ended the falling sensation.



Raven hummed a little tune to herself as she walked along the narrow alleyway between two large buildings on her way home. Thick black rimmed glasses sat at

the end of her little button nose. She wasn't what most people would call attractive, being a little curvier then the cheerleaders at her school. But she was

by no means unattractive. Long jet black hair, sparkling blue eyes and a fairly decent hourglass figure, if even the fashion magazines said she was a little

overweight. She thought she was simply well proportioned. Besides, she was more likely to get by with her brains more than her looks. She kept in shape

regardless, doing Tae Bo and even a self defense class or two. She didn't live in the best of neighborhoods, and after a brief encounter with the less

desirables at school, she'd decided it would be prudent to know how to defend herself lest there was not a teacher about next time.

As she passed by an even smaller intersecting alley a cough catches her attention. Her breath catches in her throat, no one is ever down here, that's why she

uses this alley. Her pace quickening as she tries to evade whoever it was.

"I wouldn't go down there missy if I were you"

Great, just what she needed, a vagrant. Her pace quickening as she begins to almost jog, hearing the rustling of the vagrant shuffling under his newspaper

blanket. Oddly enough she doesn't smell anything, having expected him to be dirty and unbathed.

"Please, stop..."

She doesn't know why, but it almost sounded like he was pleading with her, concerned for her. She turns to look over her shoulder, seeing the vagrant in an

old tattered green trench coat leaning against the wall, his hand having some form of covering; at first she thinks it's a glove.


He starts to run towards her, she screams and bolts for safety. Heart pounding in her chest, legs pumping as she tries to get away. A hand, no a paw catches

her by the shoulder. She screams again as she tries to tear away, those claws ripping through the material at her shoulder. Tears beginning to stream down

her face, the thought of escape springing to life in her mind as the light at the end of the alley blooms before her.

"No, you don't understand! I'm trying to help you!"

What was that he said? His paw grips the collar of her shirt, yanking her back but not stopping her. Her momentum too great to stop, seeing the shimmering

almost invisible webbing before her just too late.

A loud sighing sound fills her ears briefly before she passes into the Vale, her surroundings going from cityscape to frozen tundra. Ravens foot catches on a

rock hidden beneath the snow, sending her tumbling head over heels. Getting to her hands and knees, looking about more than a little stunned. Where was she,

how did she get here. All these thoughts cut short by the shadow of the vagrant looming over her.

"Stupid child! Why didn't you listen to me! Now you're marked, you'll never be free!"

A growl, was that a growl she just heard coming from the vagrant? Almost as if in answer to her question the vagrant tears the tattered green trench coat

from himself, revealing himself to be not of human origins. She scrambles back and away from him, scream stuck like a lump in her throat as she stares

unbelieving. What was he, a werewolf? Surely things like that don't exist, yet here he is. A humanoid wolf, human body with a wolf head, completely covered

in fur.

", what happened?!"

She says frantically and begins to cry, face buried in her hands. Tears flowing like small rivers down her cheeks, head shaking as she tries to deny what is

right in front of her. Even with eyes closed, she can see a faint glowing in her left palm. Pulling her face back she sees a glowing blue symbol, shaking her

hand before scratching at her palm trying to dislodge it.

"Won't do you any good child, you're marked now"

She looks up at the wolfman, eyes red and puffy from crying. Hair in tatters, snow clinging to the ebony strands.

"Who are you, where am I, and what's going on?"

She says with more strength than she thought possible in such a situation. A smile, this bastard was smiling at her anguish? She growls softly at him, the

growl suddenly ending as her ears perk forward at the alien sound of her growl.

What the hell? I'm growling and I have large ears? She raises an alien hand in front of her, clearly her own but not at the same time. Her once pale flesh

being covered by soft white fur right before her very eyes. Claws replacing fingernails, her suddenly long canine tongue being pricked by her enlarged

canines. A faint dull throbbing in her bones and joints as she begins to change. Grunting and groaning, eventually a drawn out howl splits the air. It seems

like an eternity, but in reality it only took a few seconds for her to go from homosapien to anthropomorphic lupine.

"My my, I am impressed. It's been a while since I've seen anyone succumb so easily to the change. Here, have a look at the new you"

The stranger grins down at her, suddenly his grin showing fang and teeth not seeming so dangerous anymore. She could even discern the playful twinkle in his

startling emerald eyes as he holds a small mirror up for her. She gasps and falls back on her haunches, paws touching her furred face as she sees a similar

visage in the mirror to the strangers. Though her own body was covered in thick white fur, her raven black hair remained. The only other recognizable feature

of hers was her blue eyes and the thick rimmed glasses.

"What...happened to me?"

She asks with more awe than fright, fingers still exploring her new face. Looking up at the stranger now tucking the mirror away in a pants pocket.

"First things first, I am looks like I'll be your guide and trainer here; for now. Come child, we must find shelter before the shades are upon us"

"Xandros? Shades? What the fuck is going on here?"

She spits the words at him, that growl from earlier issuing forth from within her again. Fangs bared as she glares at the other wolf.

"Not now child, trust me on this, we must move before it's too late. Now quickly, follow me!"

Without further discussion Xandros sets off, dashing through the snow towards a thin wisp of smoke in the distance. Not having much choice in the matter,

Raven sets off after him.



Why did he do it, he knew better than to fall for their bait, but here was regardless. Stuck in detention with two idiots, both of whom were the school

bullies, and the hottest girl in high school.

"Right, you lot all know why you're here. So shut your traps and get to work on your studies. Let's get this over and done with, I'd rather not be here

longer than I have to with you lot"

Mr. Weasel sprouted with obvious disdain at the four students he got stuck supervising after class thanks to their antics.

"Ms.Williams, I had rather hoped never to see you in here. I had such high hopes for you, though at least I'm not left to stare at those three dullards

without some compensation"

The lecherous old man says while licking his lips, plainly eyeing out Stacey, whom Mark had a major thing for. If he was a little older, perhaps a few pounds

heavier and far stronger...he'd knock the fat fuck flat on his back as he deserved. Instead he was what his mother so lovingly called 'wiry', not a stick by

any means, but far removed from Governor Arnold's younger days.

Mister Wessel, or Weasel as the kids called him, was an old doddering fool. Looking every bit the part of the stuffy old English teacher. Balding on top with

frizzy grey hair sticking out at the sides. Rotund belly hidden beneath a god ugly purple and green checkered sweater, yellow long sleeved shirt beneath.

Years of teaching uncouth brats having left him jaded and cynical to the plight of those few shining young pupils. Stacey was one of them, despite being the

'hottest bitch' in school as the twins dubbed her, she was also the smartest. Mark could see the tears in the corners of her eyes as she suffered Weasels

lecherous gaze, her white blouse straining slightly against her obvious feminine charms.

"You two, stop making so much noise!"

Of course Weasel was talking to the twins, but didn't bother from stopping them from bending Mark over his desk and beating his rear end with a rather thick

hard covered version of "The Tempest"

"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes!"


"Boil, boil, toil and trouble!"


These two were real comedians, beating the shit out of a defenseless kid half their size. Randy and Steve, the terrible twins of the school, flaming red

headed and freckled giants. Held back for obvious reasons, their guffaws of laughter heard right down the hallway as they continued to sprout snippets from

Shakespeare's works each time before lambasting Mark.

"I said keep it down you imbeciles! How dare you abuse the Bard in such a manner?"

Weasel hissed at them, stalking over like a predator towards them. An even thicker book in his hands, looking as if he were going to give them some of their

own medicine.

"If you insist on using literature, I must insist you use Dickens. Far more suitable for the task"

The fat bastard grins at the twins as he exchanges books with them, ruffling Marks hair mockingly.


"Mind your language you little turd, you're in the presence of a lady"

Weasel smirks down at the restrained and rapidly bruising young student. Taking a seat on Stacey's' desk, leering at her as he leans forward, breath reeking

of a lunchtime downer. Unabashedly staring down her top as he only gives the slightest impression of paying attention to the three boys.

The sound suddenly splitting the air as the thick book connects with Marks posterior didn't quite fit the scene, an almost ear deafening crack as if someone

had done a Chuck Norris impression and punched through a brick wall. Something went horribly wrong, the classroom dissolving before their eyes. The group

suddenly finding themselves sitting amongst their desks in the middle of a barren field, trees off in the distance.

"What on gods green earth..."

Weasel stood bolt upright, looking around in a full three-hundred and sixty degree turn.

"You won't find god here!"

The voice shouts before the shadow descends, a moment later Weasels scream is carried off into the rapidly darkening sky. One of the twins drops the Dickens,

Mark not sure which, but that wasn't of concern at the moment.

"What the fuck was that?"

"Mr. Weasel? Come back sir!"

"You idiots! He's been taken don't know what!"

It was Stacey that'd spoken, she sounded oddly calm considering what had just happened. Mark stood up, walking over to where she stood. Finding himself oddly

calmed by her presence. He looked around, noting the wisp of smoke in the distance.

"I think we should move. I don't know where we are, but I think it would be advisable to find shelter before that...thing comes back for seconds."

"What? We should stay here until someone comes looking for us!"

Randy shouts at Mark, clearly distressed.

"You fucking moron, we weren't on a ship or plane. We weren't in a train minute we were in our classroom, next we're here. Who's going to know

where to find us? Do you know where we are, I sure as fuck don't!"

Mark could swear he heard a growl in Stacey's words, turning to regard her with perhaps more than a little respect and pride. He'd always admired her, but he

never knew she was this commanding and strong willed.

"I think we should head towards that smoke. Where there's smoke, there's got to be people"

"I agree, let's move"

"Alright, but you turds aren't in charge of me, got it!?"

"Me either, turds!"

The twins practically shouted in unison, though they rather begrudgingly followed Mark and Stacey as they started off towards the smoke in the distance. The

four remaining of the party walked in silence, casting a wary eye to the sky and keeping a lookout for what ever it was that took the Weasel.

"Where do you think we are?"

He almost missed it, turning to the side and seeing Stacey looking at him with those enchanting emeralds. His mouth going dry and his brain freezing, she

always did this to him. This was partially why he was in detention to begin with.

"I don't know, but judging from the terrain and the best guess would be Russia. I've never seen fields like this in England, not even in the


"Russia? How did we get to Russia?

Oddly she still didn't sound too shaken up, he admired her strength. He could see in her eyes that she was indeed scared, but didn't let it show. Her breath

puffing into little clouds before her, their feet making soft crunching sounds with every step they took on the icy ground.

"I don't know...I don't know how any of this can be possible. That thing...Mister Wessel...none of this can possibly be real."

His voice sounded hollow, almost as if he'd already lost hope. The cold starting to seep into him through his meager clothing, clearly the same holding true

for all of them as he noticed Stacey folding her arms about herself. She smiles at Mark as she moves a little closer, his blush more apparent thanks to the

cold. For the first time in all the weirdness he hears her laugh, his spirits rising a little for the first time. Not having realized he was slipping into a

little depression.

As they crest the hill, a small settlement becomes visible. The wisp of smoke issuing from what appeared to be the main hall in the center. Smaller huts

surrounding the main hall in a large circle, a rather large wall surrounding the entire camp. Sharp spines topping the battlements, clearly meant to keep

something out.

"Quickly outlanders! Get inside now! They're coming!"

A voice shouts from atop the wall, a cloaked figure waves them on. Where ever they were, they were apparently in an English speaking country. As he turned

about, looking back over his shoulder at what this person was pointing at, mark caught sight of two large black shapes heading in their direction. A third

bursting from the edge of the small forest and quickly catching up with its partners.


He shouts, giving Stacey a shove as he starts to run. The gates to the camp opening just wide enough for them to enter one at a time. Stacey makes it first

with Mark close behind, Randy a few paces behind and finally Steve just squeaking through as the heavy doors are slammed shut a moment before one of the

large beasts rams against it.

Shouting and screaming ensues as people rush past the four 'outlanders', carrying bows and arrows, crossbows, and an assortment of other weapons. Shrill

screams can be heard from the other side of the wall as an arrow finds its target.

"There, around the other side! Quickly men!"

A rather large figure shouts from atop the battlements, pointing at one of the large black creatures as it tries to climb the wall. A rather slender figure

emerges from one of the smaller huts, crossbow at the ready. The trigger is pulled and the bolt flies true, striking the creature between the eyes. Before

Marks eyes, the creature lets loose a piercing wail and dissolves into a black mist.

"Ha-ha! Well done Raven! You've earned your keep yet again!"

"You're too kind Belar"

The voice was clearly feminine, Mark was stunned. The figure turned to face him, one hut over from where the four stood huddled in stunned silence. The

laughter and jubilation indicating that the threat had passed, at least for now. She walked closer, a hand covered in thick white fur brushed back her hood

to reveal a wolfish head, thin black lips curled into a smile as she winked at him.

"It's been a while since I've seen your kind. Oh forgive me, I'm Raven. Relax, you'll get used to it soon enough"

She laughs at Mark, whom clearly didn't understand. Turning around at the sound of the grunting and groaning behind him, the sight before him too much for

his mind to process. The world around him going black as he passes out. The last thing he sees was the glowing blue symbol on the palm of his left paw as he

collapses too the ground; vaguely aware of being lifted and carried.

This is my first submission and hopefully not my last. This is an ongoing series, the second chapter is already well under way with the third already in the works. Before submitting those more...mature works, i'd appreciate comments on writing style and suggestions to help grow the series. More will be explained in the next chapter with a few new characters entering the scene.