Chapters One and Two

Story by Ryft Darkpaw on SoFurry

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#1 of Drake's Path

My name is Drake Ranguard and this is my background. About nine years ago, when I was still sixteen, my father had created two dragon eggs, one of gold and one of black, accidentally while researching lizard-bird crosses. Somehow, the gold one hatched right after I touched it and my mind was linked with the hatchling.

Two days after that, a human-like wolf appeared on my doorstep clutching the bloody stump of his severed right arm. Since my father specialized in merging technology with biology, he jumped at the opportunity to attempt to create a biomechanical arm for this poor creature. During the three months it took to create this arm, I became good friends with the wolf. My dad succeeded in developing and attaching the wolf's new arm. He thanked us and left.

Two years later, I met another strange creature. An alligator type "person" was wandering around the woods that cover the mountains behind my house. I talked to him and found out that his name was Zane Wiley. He said that he didn't have anywhere to stay so I invited him to crash at my place for awhile. The next day, when Dad asked him about himself, he revealed that a skilled biotechnician that he used to know had experimented on biometric enhancement and implanted wires into his left arm and shoulder. He left after two weeks.

A month passed and I met a young fox-wolf named Silver, and made friends with her. After Dad took an interest in her for his research, an accident occurred and she was transformed into a half wolf, half human. I fell in love with her after this transformation and we got married just last year. A few days after her transformation, I decided to take her on a ride with my gold dragon, Staréth. The dragon liked her and told me to let her have the black egg. I listened to what she said and gave Silver the second egg. To my surprise, it hatched and she named the little dragon Wolfe.

Six more months went by and my nineteenth birthday past. We decided to go camping, so I took Silver to one of my favorite cliffside clearings overlooking a lake and we set up our tent there. My father had insisted that we take our weapons for protection because "You never know what might be in those mountains." So I brought my .44 caliber handgun and ten inch hunting knife while Silver decided to bring her ninja tools and katana. We had been there only two days when something happened. This is where my story begins.

Chapter Two

I stood at the edge of our campsite and let the cool mountain air rush through my dark red hair. I loved camping; it was always so calming.

I could feel Silver's mind reach out to mine from inside the tent. She could sense my happiness. 'Enjoying yourself?' She asked with her thoughts.

I smiled and turned to the tent. 'Yes, but it would be even better if you were out here,' I replied in the same manner.

'Just a minute, love.'

I walked over to the currently closed entrance of our tent and waited for it to open. It was unzipped from the inside and in place of the covering was the beautiful face of Silver, grinning mischievously. I bent down and put my arms around her waist and shoulders to pick her up. Even though I was expecting it, I was still amazed by how light she was. I carried her over to where I was previously standing, at the edge of a small overhang, and gave her a kiss. I sat down and laid her soft head against my shoulder as I gazed out across the lake we were camped above.

I sighed as I basked in the beauty of the moment. I said to Silver, 'I love this place. It's perfect, just like y-'

Silver leaned out and glared at me, stopping me mid-sentence. 'Don't even. That is the corniest line ever.' She laughed and turned to sit facing me on my lap then ran her hand through my hair.

'Um, I don't mean to be a buzz kill or anything, but uh, when's breakfast gonna be ready?' The voice of Silver's black and grey dragon penetrated and shattered our perfect moment in one foul swoop.

I looked out over the water and spotted the black lump stretching out on the opposite shore. All of a sudden, he was struck by a golden flash. I squinted and saw that it was my dragon, Staréth. She had an animal carcass in her left claw and mouth and held something that I couldn't make out in her right claw. After laying the carcasses on a nearby boulder, she nuzzled the neck of the now dazed black dragon Wolfe.

'Why were you bothering them, silly Wolfe? I promised you last night that I'd get you breakfast, remember?' She asked him.

He got up and nuzzled her in return. 'If I say no do I still get to eat?' Star pulled away and he was smacked in the face by "breakfast."

'I suppose.' Silver and I laughed at the two of them. Staréth took off and flew to us, still holding whatever she had in her claw. When she landed, she held out to us two pieces of choice meat that were already cooked. Both of us got up and walked over to the crouched golden dragon. Silver took the meat from the outstretched claw and went back into our camp.

I put my hands around Star's large, smooth head and stroked her cheek and neck. 'Thank you Star. It looks great.'

She closed her big gold eyes. 'You know that I'd do anything for you, little one.'

I gave her a pat on her scaly neck. 'Go enjoy your breakfast with Wolfe. And be sure to remind him that he's on lookout after he's done eating.' I turned and walked to our makeshift table as Staréth glided across the lake. I sat down next to Silver on the wooden bench in front of a plate that she had set out for me. She had already begun eating, so I asked, "How is it?"

She finished the bite that was in her mouth and replied, "It's delicious. Star is a great cook."

So we enjoyed another great meal together.

After we finished, we relaxed in the tent, simply talking, for about an hour before climbing down the rocks to the lake. We found Staréth lying on the shore, sunbathing. I looked to Silver, who nodded, then yelled out to the dragon, "Star!" She looked up at me. "How 'bout a swim?"

'Sure, why not. sounds like fun.' She dove off of her rock into the middle of the crystal water. 'Come on in you two. The water's fine and the fish are friendly.'

Silver took a running start on an outcropping of rocks that jutted out into the lake and leapt into the waves. I peeled off my shirt and followed suit. I broke the surface and looked around under the astoundingly clear water. I spotted Staréth gliding through the water towards me from above, but I couldn't find Silver. 'Where are you Silvie?' I thought to myself. Staréth dove down right in front of me and there was Silver, sitting on my dragon's shoulders. 'Brace your wing, Star.' As she passed, she stiffened her left wing. I spun around, so I was facing down, gave one kick and stretched out my hand. It connected with her wing and I pulled myself to a sitting position behind Silver. 'Hello, love.'

Silver smiled warmly at me, then patted Staréth on the neck. 'Head for the surface.'

She looked back at us. 'Then hold on to my neck.' She flared her wings and did an abrupt about-face. She sped up rapidly before breaking the surface in a twist, causing her to land on her back and throwing us onto her chest. I landed on my back and Silver landed on top of me. I threw my arms around her and held her beautiful form to mine.

I stole a glance and a thought to Star. 'You planned that didn't you?'

She winked at me and began to hum. 'Planned what? Don't know what you're talking about.'

'Thank you. I owe ya one.' I began to caress Silver's neck and back. However, just as she pressed her lips to mine, Wolfe reported in with bad news.

'Drake, Silver, Star! Get in the air now!' He yelled to us frantically. 'Something's coming and it's dangerous.'

I allowed Silver to roll off of me then sat up and barked out a few orders, "Silver, hold on to me. Star, you heard him. Let's get some altitude!"

The dragon responded with a curt, Yessir. Then flipped back over and gave a powerful flap with her translucent wings. I made sure that Silver was hanging on, and then swung around the golden dragon's neck to land on her shoulders. Just as she was airborne something came crashing out of the woods beyond the lake with incredible speed. Staréth gave another mighty flap, propelling us even higher.

'That was close.' Star gave a sigh of relief.

I glanced down for a second to see if I could get a better view of what this thing was. It had jumped and was tearing through the air like a bullet, heading straight for us. I gave a startled shout, "Holy hell! Star, hard left!" She banked left and the creature, which looked slightly reptilian from its scales and tail, missed us by mere feet. "Get us higher!" Wolfe, can you see it.

'Yes I can, but it doesn't really help,' He answered.

I reached out to Wolfe through Silver with a request. 'I don't care, show me what that thing is.'

'Yessir.' He completed our connection and my vision blurred, then cleared after switching to allow me to see through the black dragon's eyes.

'Now where is it?' I questioned. Wolfe turned his head and focused in on what had attacked us. He was right though, seeing it closer didn't help to clear anything up about it. 'What the hell is that thing?!' The creature looked vaguely lizard-like, but it didn't quite fit the category completely. It looked like some kind of alien creature from the movies but in miniature. I allowed my connection to Silver's dragon to fade. 'Thank you Wolfe. Hurry and join us though. Silver needs you here.'

'Yes I know. It's been a long time since we've had time alone. I'll be right there, but you'll need to tell her. She seems...distant.'

'I will.' I returned to my own body and turned around to face Silver. She was slumped over and her normally bright blue eyes were dulled and unfocused. I took both of her hands, but she didn't respond. "Silver? Please answer me, love." Her eyes came back into focus and she went totally limp. I caught her before she fell off my dragon's back and comforted her. "Don't worry. Wolfe is almost here. He can help you more than I can." But I can give you some strength. I opened my mind and transferred some of my own energy into her.

She clung tightly to me as she said, "Thank you Drake. I'm not sure what happened just now."

I quieted her with a few soft words. "It's okay Silvie. You don't need to explain anything." I looked up and saw Wolfe gliding up beside and slightly below us. "Wolfe is here, but are you strong enough to go to him on your own?"

"I think so." She seemed confident but when she tried to stand, she quickly fell back to my arms.

I prepared to use my own ability to help her. 'Silver, relax and stay still. I'm going to float you over to him.' I concentrated on her and released some of my power, causing her to slowly float towards her dragon. He gently cradled her on his back and I let her out of my mental grasp. I stroked Staréth's neck and sighed. 'Good reflexes Star. What would I do without you?'

'I don't know but I'm happy that we have each other. Either way though, I do not believe that we've seen the last of that thing. So what shall we do?'

I pondered her question for a minute. 'Head straight for my dad's lab. Wolfe, do you still have that transmitter that Dad's techie guy made for ya?'

'Yeah, hang on. Silver's gonna give it to Star.'

A few seconds later I held a small device in my hands. 'Star, could you activate this? 'The device began to hum. 'Dad, can you hear me?'

"Drake, how's your vacation going?"

'It was going good. But I'm gonna need you and your techie to be ready to do some research. I'm dropping by to find some answers.'

"Well I hope I can some to you. See you then." The transmitter shut down.

I slumped forward onto Staréth's neck, exhausted. She glanced back at me and said, 'Sleep my friend, you've earned it. I'll wake you when we get there.' I quickly fell asleep and the hours flew by.

The sound of Star's voice woke me. 'Wake up, sleepyhead. Your father is bringing some clean clothes for you and Silver.' I opened my eyes and saw that Silver had her head lying on my bare chest, asleep. 'Try not to wake her, she needs to rest.'

'Then I'll need your eyes. Where are you?'

'Right next to you.' I saw a large golden wing stretch out over me.

'Ok, ready.' I began to merge my thoughts with hers and I closed my eyes. When I reopened them, I saw the room in a different way. Besides the hues being shifted, the walls were covered with computers and monitors. 'Where is this?'

'It's Father's personal technical assistant's room. He'll be coming back with Father. They'll be here any minute now.'

My protectiveness of my lovely Silver kicked in and I quickly returned to my own body. 'I'm going to carry Silver over to you, make sure that the techno freak doesn't get even a glimpse of her until I say.' I carefully picked up my lady and took her to my dragon, where I gently laid her down in the shining claws. After I made sure she was comfortable, I walked back to the center of the room and remerged with Star. We stretched out our mental barriers to just outside the room and waited for the two of them to return. As soon as their minds entered our area of detection, we could feel the astonishment of the techie when our powerful mind brushed against his, but Dad was not fazed. We projected our thoughts directly into their minds. 'Stay where you are.' They stopped. 'We have two rules for you. First, when you enter the room, do so as quietly as you can. Second, and this one is for the assistant, don't move out of a ten foot radius from the doorframe. Period. If you observe these guidelines then you may enter. Dad, you know the drill.'

The two stepped into the room. Father was in his typical lab coat and khakis and stood about six foot one, close to three inches shorter than me and two shorter than the kid who came in with him.

This kid wore a grey scarf with a black trench coat and had spiky brown hair. Underneath the coat, he had on dark green cargo pants and a black shirt matched by black sneakers.

Dad walked over to my motionless, shirtless form and placed the clothes that he brought in front of me and was about to speak to my body when we stopped him. 'We're not in there, remember? We thought this form would make a better first impression.'

Dad sighed and turned to us then spoke, "Must we go through this every time I get a new assistant? It gets tiring after the first few times."

'Yes, we do have to,' was our stubborn reply. We could sense Silver beginning to awaken so we told her to stay put until we said to move.

We decided to cut our fun short, despite how enjoyable it was to be together, so I returned to my own body and snatched a blue shirt off the pile of clothes.

Dad must have noticed me moving and turned back to me. "Surprise, surprise. The dragon man decides to grace us with his mortal presence. What, no show this time? Too bad, the last time was so much more entertaining." I slipped on the shirt as he spoke. "Anyway, Drake this is Isaiah Kraten, my personal te-"

I waved a hand at Dad, cutting him off. "I know his position."

Isaiah started to walk forward as he said, "You may call me Izzy."

I turned and strode towards Staréth's claws, where Silver now stood still out of sight. "I would stop walking, Izzy. You're about to leave your ten foot radius." He stopped as I reached Silver's hiding place. I nodded at Star and she lowered her to the ground. When Silver was visible, I noticed Izzy inconspicuously staring at her and I couldn't blame him.

Being half wolf, her body features were sleeker and more refined than a full human. Her ears were pointed and poked out from beneath her long, flowing silver hair. Small tufts of same color fur covered her ears and the backs of her hands. Though her nails were more like claws and her teeth were pointed, she had a perfect body and stood around six two.

As soon as she saw Izzy, I sensed a pang of realization in her. 'Izzy?'

His eyes widened as he seemed to recognize her.

Author's note: Just in case any of you are new to mind speaking, that's what the single quote marks are for. it isn't audible, just shared thoughts.