When a Friendly Match Hits a Snag

Story by Windthor on SoFurry

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"Agh!" Fox grunted as Lucario's Force Palm sent him flying back, his body bouncing on the floor of Final Destination. Holding his paws behind him, the Pokemon began charging up a sphere of Aura energy. "Geez, Lucario," panted Fox, getting to his feet, "this is just a friendly match, no need to be so serious."

"Hmph. Even in the most friendly of battles," said the jackal-like Pokemon, smirking slightly, "one must take them seriously for victory. Aura Sphere!" Fox dodged out of the way just in time, running at the Pokemon at top speed. As he threw a kick, however, the Pokemon seemed to split in two.

Fox had just enough time to utter, "Crap," before getting slammed to the ground. Geez, I need to step it up... He looked up at a blue glow and thought at first that it was Lucario there for the final blow, but when Fox looked, he saw that it was a beam sword. He smirked, then closed his eyes, a flaming aura surrounding him before he shot upwards. "Fire!" He slammed into Lucario, sending him flying backwards, giving the lupine just enough time to grab the glowing blue blade, then turned to face his opponent.

Singed and panting, Lucario stared at Fox, then smirked. Finally... Let's see how well he does with a blade... Rushing forward, Lucario sent a spinning kick towards Fox's side, which he dodged and countered with an uppercut to the Pokemon's jaw, then a forward stab with the beam sword. Lucario dodged both attacks, grabbing Fox's arm with his paws and elbowing the vulpine in the chest, causing him to lose his balance and his grip on the blade. Coughing, Fox looked up just in time to dodge the powerful slash from the Pokemon, doing a paw-spring and regaining his balance, getting in a fighter's stance. He didn't notice that a portion of the cloth that covered his crotch was now missing, but Lucario did, and he also noticed that Fox wore no undergarments.

Apparently, the end of the blade had sliced the vulpine's pants, letting it all hang out. Lucario was in shock for a moment, that is, until Fox shot forward in a flash of blue, his fist connecting with the Pokemon's jaw. Dazed, Lucario turned, only to see Fox flying towards him in a missile of fire. The last thing Lucario saw before he disappeared over the edge was Fox looking down and blushing as he finally noticed what had happened.

* * *

"I apologize."

"It's not a problem, Lucario."

"I didn't mean--"

"Lucario, it's fine."

"I mean, slashing open your pants, you should be furious at me."

Fox sighed as they walked outside of the mansion where the Smashers stayed. "I said it's okay, Lucario. Nothing was chopped off, and the worst that happened was I got a little chilly. Besides, that isn't near as bad as what happened at the last tournament."

"What happened?" asked Lucario, who was wringing his paws together nervously.

"Well," said Fox, "Marth and Zelda were in a match, when Zelda transformed herself into Sheik and Marth slashed open her suit. Apparently, any doubts anyone had whether or not Sheik was male or female was skewed with the full frontal nudity." He snickered a bit, putting his paws in his pockets.

"And, what gender is Shiek? I've always been curious..." Fox raised an eyebrow at the Pokemon, then smiled.

"Male. Zelda apparently managed to change her gender completely from one transformation to the other. Needless to say, Marth was very surprised."

"As was I," muttered Lucario.


"Nothing, nothing." He sighed a little. "I'll be at my meditation grounds if you need me, Fox..." With that, he set off, leaving Fox looking after him. The Pokemon didn't notice that the lupine's green eyes looked a bit downwards as he left.

Lucario's meditation grounds was a small cave made by the hosts of the tournament, two enormous hands called Master Hand and Crazy Hand. Sitting in the middle of a wide circle, he took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, his eyes closing and his legs crossing.

But he couldn't concentrate. Every time he'd almost put every thought and feeling from his mind, Fox's ripped pants and the very impressive-looking sheath the vulpine sported kept popping into his head. "Control, Lucario... Keep in control..." But, of course, eventually he gave in.

Sighing softly, the Pokemon leaned back a bit, spreading his legs and reaching down to rub himself on his crotch, where his blue fur parted a bit to reveal a slit where something pink and fleshy was starting to slowly emerge from the opening. Lucario murred softly, his paw wrapping around the hardening length and pumping himself up and down. Once he was at his full length of eight inches, from the pointed tip to the slit (apparently he had internal testicles), he hooked his paws under his legs, leaning in to lick at the tip of his length. After a moment or two, his mouth opened, his lips closing around the tip. "So that's what you do when you disappear into this place." Lucario nearly jumped forcefully out of his skin. He was too busy to realize that he was being watched. Turning, he saw a familiar blue anthropomorphic falcon leaning on the wall of the cave. "I wish I were that flexible... Then again, there is the fact that birds can be dangerous while givin' blowjobs." He snapped his beak a couple times.

"What are you doing here?" asked Lucario once he found his voice. He stood up, balling his paws into fists, his cheeks darkening in a blush that he'd been found out. "This is my sanctuary, the Hands built it for me."

"Easy, doggy," said Falco, holding up his hands. "First off, I was only curious. Second, this wasn't built for you, it was built at first for Mewtwo, but when he lost the last tournament, he quit and did his own thing. Third, if you want to be a bit more intimidatin', I'd suggest puttin' that away first." He motioned to the erection twitching slightly on Lucario's crotch. The Pokemon blushed, turning his back on the falcon and pulling his knees to his chest as he sat down. "I doubt that's for me, though, so who are you gettin' all hard over?"

"Why is it any of your business to whom I get an erection over," said Lucario, crossing his legs again and taking deep breaths to calm himself down. "You'd make fun of me if I told you, anyway, knowing you... Call me... What's the word? 'Fag'?"

"Would I?" Falco stepped up behind Lucario, crouching down to rub over the Pokemon's shoulders, his voice losing the gruff Brooklyn accent. "Is that so?" Unwillingly, Lucario murred, leaning back slightly against the falcon in spite of himself. "The tough-guy thing is actually only a cover. Few others know my true side. Why do you think I always try to avoid women?" Lucario didn't answer as the falcon reached around to rub the Pokemon's belly just above the slit where his length began. Falco's hot breath tickled Lucario's neck. "Now let's see if I can't help you out with this..." The falcon's long fingers wrapped around the jackal-like Pokemon's thick length, and Lucario groaned a little, his paw coming to rest on the falcon's wrist.

"I'm sorry... I don't want you..." Falco nodded, straightening up again.

"Not a problem." The Pokemon noted that Falco's accent returned. "'Sides, it ain't like I expected it to go further... Just keep this between you and me, alright? I'd prefer to keep my reputation as the bad-ass tough guy around here." Lucario smiled, turning around and looking up at Falco, who smiled back, and crouched back down, placing a hand on Lucario's cheek. "Just come to me if you ever need release or somethin', if your chase after Fox doesn't work out like you hope."

"You knew?" asked Lucario.

"Yeah. I mean, hell, he's a good lookin' guy, I don't blame ya. 'Sides, after rippin' his pants off, anyone would be hot and bothered by what he's got." With that, the falcon stood up, turned away and walked off, out of the meditation cave.

* * *

Lucario yawned a bit as he stood up from his resumed meditation, his length having shrunk back into his body. Though a good-sized pool of a white creamy liquid not too far away suggested exactly why this was. "Perhaps just a small whiskey from the basement, I doubt anyone would mind..." He set off, back towards the mansion.

A few minutes later, he leaned on the counter of the basement barroom, where a Red Alloy was cleaning a glass. Lucario wasn't a big fan of this particular Alloy, since it reminded him greatly of Captain Falcon. At least it didn't talk...

"A shot of whiskey, please." The Alloy nodded, grabbing a bottle and small shot glass and pouring the drink into it, sliding the bottle down to the Pokemon. He took a sip, wincing slightly, then coughing. "Whew, hadn't needed one of these in a long time..."

"Lucario?" The Pokemon jumped at the voice, nearly dropping his glass and turning around, seeing a familiar vulpine standing behind him. "What are you drinking?"

"Err," said Lucario, not meeting Fox's eyes, "just a small drink, I'm probably not going to finish it..." He shrugged, setting the glass down and turning his back on Fox.

"What is this about, Lucario? I was just talking to Falco." The Pokemon froze, his heart rate suddenly quickening. "He said you seemed... Well, he used the word 'flustered', but I got his meaning... Lucario, does this have anything to do with our match? About what happened?"

Lucario picked the shot glass up, downing it in three gulps, and Fox blinked in surprise. "Another," the Pokemon told the Alloy tender, which obeyed, sliding another glass toward him.

"Lucario," said Fox, reaching out to the jackal-like Pokemon, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing," replied Lucario, downing a second shot, and coughing, "just having a drink, is all..." In reality, he was trying to avoid talking to Fox, who was getting more and more worried by the second.

"Take it easy, Luc--"

"Take it easy!?" Lucario cut him off. "You try taking it easy after ripping off someone who may not even be interested in you's pants, then getting aroused enough to not even be able to concentrate on meditation, then have some blue falcon try and seduce you." He blinked. "Damn, it only takes two shots for me to start yelling the truth... I need to get out more..."

"You... Got aroused... By seeing me half-naked?" Lucario nodded, turning his back to Fox, who sat beside him. "Red, send two more down here, please." As the two shots slid down in front of himself and the vulpine beside him, Lucario looked up.


"Drink up, I think we need to talk a little bit..." Fox offered a little smile, taking a sip of his own shot. "Don't worry, I'm actually rather flattered that you're attracted to me, but I think we need to get to know each other first before getting too intimate."

* * *

Fox spoke with a slight slur and a darkening color traveling up his face. "...And then we destroyed the Aparoid queen, and brought peace back to the Lylat system. Peppy was later treated for his injuries and I finally got a chance to speak with Krystal about, you know, what was going to happen between me and her..."

Lucario was leaning on the counter, his own face considerably darker in color than Fox's, and his voice was much more slurred. "Well, I think you should've done something other than just blow her off, Fox... From what I gather, she really loved you."

The vulpine swayed a little, downing another shot and putting the glass down along with a good collection on the counter in front of him. "Yeah, I know... But it was shortly after we talked that I realized I don't like girls all that much... Sure, I found them attractive, but... You know, it just didn't do if for me."

"So," said Lucario slowly, leaning over towards Fox, "instead of telling her so, you made up some excuse that for the good of the team, you two couldn't be emotionally involved."

"That... Pretty much says it..." Fox rubbed the back of his neck, sighing. "I know, it's probably not the smartest thing I've ever done..." Lucario nodded, attempting to down an eighth shot, but coughed, setting it down. "I think we've had enough for now, Lucario. Let's get you to your room before you pass out..." Fox took a hold of Lucario's arm, draping it over his shoulders, then began to slowly lead him out of the barroom.

"Hrrmm... You're a good man," mumbled Lucario, his feet dragging slightly on the floor. He slept, when he chose to, on the eight floor. The mansion was enormous, ten floors for each of the smashers. Oddly enough, with thirty-five tenants, the Alloys, and the Assist Trophy guests, it was surprising to Lucario that the only thing that they actually walked by was the cardboard box Solid Snake was hiding in. The box twitched a bit as they went by, but otherwise remained motionless. Climbing into an elevator (Since the stairs were out of the question), Fox pressed the button and leaned against one of the walls. Lucario leaned slightly on the vulpine with a small smile on his face, looking very comically wasted. "Heheh... What d'you say we try out a thing or two when we get to my room, Fox?"

"I don't know, Lucario..." The elevator door opened and they walked down the hall, reaching Lucario's room. It was quite large, but instead of a mattress, Lucario opted to have a soft, car-sized cushion of down and cotton in the middle of the room. The rest of the room was gray and black, the walls painted to look like the inside of a cave

"Come on," said Lucario, "it'll be alright... Besides, my Aura filtered a good bit of the alcohol, I'm just a lightweight." He chuckled a bit, sitting on the large cushion and pulling Fox in with him. Fox swayed and landed on Lucario, their noses touching and both hardened bulges pressing against each other. The green eyes found the red, and they blinked at each other a bit. Their lips gently touched, all eyes still locked together, then the red ones closed, blue arms wrapping around orange shoulders as the kiss deepened.

After nearly a full minute, Fox rolled over slowly, so that Lucario was on top. The jackal-like Pokemon could feel a hardened bulge pressing against his thighs. They broke the kiss as Lucario reached down, unclasping the button of Fox's trousers and pulling them down a little. The vulpine's large length popped out from its housing as the cloth was pulled down, completely smooth at the moment, and pulsating gently in Lucario's paw. The Pokemon's heart was pounding, but he remained as calm as possible, the drink making his actions a little clumsy. He'd only ever done this on himself, so he felt a little awkward. Plus, there was the fact that Fox's length was slightly different, physically, from his own.

The Pokemon moved a bit, so that his back was to Fox, raising his tail up for the vulpine and revealing a pink pucker just below it. Slowly, bending down, Lucario opened his mouth, his rather long tongue running across the tip. Fox's back arched, his ears flattening to his head as his paws rubbed along Lucario's rear. Spurred, Lucario engulfed Fox's throbbing length into his mouth, closing his scarlet eyes.

Meanwhile, Fox prodded gently at Lucario's anal star, leaning up to lick it and using his saliva as a lubricant. As Fox pressed a finger into his rear, Lucario shuddered, his back arching. He knew what Fox was planning, and he also knew that he probably wouldn't stop the vulpine if he tried. So, he opted to use his own saliva, pressing his maw further down on Fox's length. When he pulled back, Fox's pulsating member was glistening slightly. He turned his head, looking back at the vulpine, who nodded, smiling a little.

Lucario took a deep breath, rolling off of Fox and getting on his paws and knees on the large cushion, his tail raised. His own throbbing length had slid out of his male slit, twitching slightly as Fox rose up. He kicked off his boots and removed his remaining clothing, then got on his knees behind Lucario, pressing the tip of his large meat into the pucker of the Pokemon's rear. "Mmm... Gonna be a tight fit..." The Pokemon looked back at Fox as the vulpine's hardened length slid slowly in, causing Lucario to wince and shudder. "Relax..."

Lucario nodded, taking deep breaths and allowing his anal passage to relax around Fox's hardened length. Fox's knot was beginning to form, though not quite enough yet to tie. Once he'd reached his base, the small knot popping in, Fox leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Lucario's waist and nuzzling at the Pokemon's neck. The vulpine slowly began to move his hips, murring softly and nibbling at Lucario's ear.

Lucario was in heaven. Every little thrust made that wonderful piece of foxmeat run across his prostate, a little pre dripping from his own length. A few moments of slow thrusting passed when Fox sped up slightly, his hips slapping gently against Lucario's rear, earning small yips and moans. Fox straightened, pulling Lucario with him as the lupine behind him sat on his own calves, the Pokemon now on top in a reverse cowgirl. Well, cow_boy_ in this case. This gave Fox the proper leverage for a reach-around, gripping Lucario's thick length in his paw and pumping it as he thrust up into the jackal-like Pokemon on top of him, those wonderful muscles gripping at his throbbing length.

After a moment of this, Lucario's moans grew louder, the knot at the base of his length expanded completely and pulsating in Fox's grip. He wanted to time his orgasm with his lover's, whose thrusts were becoming more erratic. Soon enough, the apple-sized knot popping in through the anal ring of the Pokemon, both of them arching their backs, their eyes shut closed and their faces towards the heavens as each one's thick creamy seed shot out into the air, going at least three feet before gravity took over, the other being milked out by the muscles of a Pokemon's extremely tight rear, the vulpine's hips giving a few more, albeit weaker, thrusts.

They collapsed, falling over onto the large cushion that Lucario slept on. Fox's knot was firmly tied within Lucario's slightly sore rear, but neither cared. They both soaked in the afterglow, and after a few minute's cuddling, they fell asleep.

* * *

The next morning, Lucario was the first to wake, but his eyes didn't open. He'd just had the most wonderful dream. He didn't want it to end, so he just kept hugging the soft, warm, furry part of his cushion-- Wait. Furry?

He opened his scarlet eyes, and nearly cried out. I wasn't a dream. Fox was right there, long since removed from Lucario's rear, which was a little sore, snoring softly, his ears cutely twitching in his sleep. The Pokemon smiled, then relaxed again, pressing his nose against Fox's and nuzzling, then after a few more minutes, fell back to sleep.