Hazy Circumstances

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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This is a furry edited version of this old story I wrote for a competition: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/2462656/

Its very short (due to a word length limitation in the story) but thought I might as well upload it rather than leaving it.

Quite a few of you prob missed it the first time around anyway.

Luke peered through the dusty cobwebs spread over the creaky old rafters. He had been told to enter the attic of the frat house naked and prepared for his hazing, but his nerve had kicked in and he had left his undies on. The fox was new to the collage and looked it being only 18. He was short, lightly built, thin and with a timid personality to match. Despite how shy he was he wanted to make friends and a fraternity seemed the perfect place - if only he could pass the as yet unknown hazing ritual.

Luke opened an old creaky door and emerged into the main room of the loft. The light outside was beginning fade, but the loft was windowless and lit by soft yellow table lights. The attic room was bare and only adorned with old sofas and some wooden tables. It was clear it wasn't often used, but someone was there now.

An older wolf, in his mid twenties, sat relaxed on a couch and watch the nervous young fox approach. He was much bulkier than Luke and was also considerably taller. He sat clad in a leather waistcoat, heavy leather chaps and a jock strap - making him look highly intimidating.

"Hello Luke, my name is Max - but for the duration of your hazing you will refer to me as Sir, got that?"

"Yes Sir" Luke replied submissively, blushing

"Now I specifically requested you naked for this boy?" inquired Max

Luke hesitated, but under the fixing stare of the wolf, he relented and slipped off his underwear - revealing his soft sheath and balls.

"Very nice boy, now bend over the couch"

Luke obeyed.

"For your hazing you will be silent boy. You make so much as a squeak or ask me to stop and you fail and will never be allowed to enter Kappa Gamma Mu. If you understand nod and you're silence starts from then."

Luke swallowed and nodded. He felt very vulnerable perched atop the couch - his white ass exposed - this hazing was taking a turn he was unsure of but he had to do this, to prove to himself he could.

Max got straight to it and produced his first item of torment - a small steel cuff. He tugged at Luke's ball sack and pulled his balls way from his body - the boy flexed, pushing his butt up to alleviate the pain, but making no sound. The stretcher-cuff was clipped around Luke's sack, stretching it almost 3 inches and holding his balls away from his body. He squirmed uncomfortably, but still silenced.

The next item Max produced was a large black butt plug. Luke's eyes when wide when he saw it, but it was soon out of sight as Max put it to Luke's virgin tailhole and pushed firmly. The fox's rear stretched around the monster invader and he gritted his teeth as it slid in and locked in his rear.

He then felt something flick over his exposed and stretched balls, a leather strap smacked down on his tender testis. He jumped, but resisted the urge to cry out. The thin strap came down again, reddening the thin skin of scrotum a second time.

The smacking continued and Luke jumped with every blow - his balls aching increasingly. Once or twice a whimper slipped from his muzzle, but he managed to suppress them before Max noticed. The wolf was too busy assaulting his balls to notice much form his front end anyway.

Luke's heart beat in time with the whipping, his ass flexing and clenching around the plug in his rear as he jumped. Tears welled up in his eyes, he was not sad, but the pain was getting intense and his balls hurt so much!

Finally after almost half an hour of abuse Max stopped - not a word had emanated from Luke's mouth.

"That was very good boy, a lesser fur would have broken long before that. You are well on the way to becoming a frat member," Luke's ears perked up as he though his hazing was over, "But we are not finished yet!"

Max pulled the boy off the couch and led him over to one of the overhead rafters. Lengths of rope were produced and his hands were bound tightly behind his back at the wrists and elbows. Then to Luke's horror a rope was fed through the eyelet on his testicle cuff and thrown over the rafter.

Max tugged down on the rope and Luke's balls were pulled upwards. The pressure was great enough to force him onto his tiptoes and then more pressure was applied - tugging at his orbs. The rope was then tied off out of the poor boy's reach.

"You will stay like this tonight, your initiation will continue tomorrow," said Max as he strolled to the exit, "Oh, and the plug stays in all night or you fail. Goodbye boy"

The lights flicked off and Luke was left to dangle, up on his tiptoes and unable to escape or even relax. The plug in his ass stretched it wide, his balls stung from their beating and they were now stretched to their fullest. Another tear rolled down his furry cheek - he couldn't spend all night like this, if he'd known this before he wouldn't have come at all.

But he had started and he was going to finish. He readied himself for the night and morning to come, unknown torments and abuse ahead.