Better Late than Never

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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WARNING: Im not saying exactly what's in this (don't want to ruin the surprise >:3) but its the sort of stuff that's in felixpath's gallary - so don't like that don't read this.

This is a late Christmas present to felixpath himself :)

Its late because i began writing it on Christmas day and I'm giving it to Felix because i had the ideas and thought they would suit his fursona rather nicely and because his stories have inspired me for years and his pictures continue to get me off!

So enjoy, I hope he likes it!

Better Late than Never

Felix sat alone in his small house in a big comfy chair - sipping at a glass of brandy as a rich fire crackled merrily in the hearth. It was the night of the 25th and Christmas was totally over. The flying-fox had gotten all his presents, seen all his loved ones and exchanged all his kisses and now he was looking forward to relaxing the night away and putting 2008 behind him.

There was a knock at his door and Felix, somewhat grumpily, got up to see who was disturbing his rest. The bat opened the door to a large and rather handsome reindeer, who wasn't wearing a lot considering how cold it was out in the snow.

"Mr Grey?" asked the deer in a surprisingly seductive manner

"Y... yes" Felix stumbled

"I have a late present for you, may I come in?"

Felix stepped aside and let the deer in.

Closing the door Felix said: "Hey you're not one of Santa's reindeer are you!"

Suddenly from nowhere the deer punched the bat straight in the nose, knocking him to the ground. The larger fur followed up his attack with several hard kicks to Felix's unprotected face - knocking the bat unconscious in a brutal fashion.

"Have you any idea how fed up I get of that you piece of shit" replied the deer as he spat on the now bleeding bat "I'm Matt by the way, and you're in trouble."


Felix's eyes opened to his own living room, where he had been sitting, only now he was laying on his side in front of the fire. Trying to get up he realised his hands were bound behind his back with rope and his legs were similarly restrained. He tired to shout out but a large chrome ring strapped in his muzzle prevented any nonsense and caused him to drool a little.

As saliva began to run from his maw it wetted his, already blood stained fur, where he had been punched. As the bat began to wish the deer was just a passing burglar and that he had already left, said deer strolled into his felid of view, completely naked, and Felix began to squirm and wriggle in fear.

"Why hello Felix" said Matt "I know I'm a little late but wanted to give you your presents now!"

Felix struggled even more, guessing what sort of presents 'Matt' had brought were not likely to be the nice type, but the deer was in no mood for reindeer games and he knelt down in front of the fire and rolled the bat over onto his front. He reached into a bag he had brought with him and took out his first 'present'.

It was a ball crusher. The flask like device was slipped over the captive bat's precious testicles and had the effect of weighting them down, tugging at Felix's sack even while he lay on his front. Things got a lot worse however when the deer began to turn the screw at the bottom - squeezing Felix's tender balls within the steel device and exerting much screaming and moaning from the gagged bat. As the pain built ad built to a level that Felix could no longer take, the deer stopped turning the screw. The device, however, kept up all the pressure on Felix's sore balls.

"I bet that hurts so good, you little bitch" said the deer as he withdrew his next present

"Guuuggghhh!" was all Felix could respond

It was a cock pump... with a sound down the centre! Matt rolled Felix over on to his back, grasped his erect cock and stroked it a little - delighted the bat was already hard. He put the end of the sound to Felix's furhood and began to push it in slowly. The latex covered metal sound began to push into Felix's urethra as the glass tube slid over his hard member. Eventually the rim of the glass tube flushed with Felix's crotch and the sound pushed deep into the base of his cock as he squirmed in the strange mix of pleasure and pain.

The deer did not touch the inflation bulb of the pump but instead moved onto his next gift - A large and strangely shaped inflatable plug! Matt began to caress and probe the bat's tailhole with the rubber plug, teasing his captive who only moaned and tugged at his bonds uselessly. The plug was modelled after some form of dragon and had a very aggressive multi-ridged head, followed by a series of ripples and ending in a monstrous knot [or it would be monstrous when inflated]. He put the deflated toy (it had a firm inner core) to the bat's tailhole and swiftly pushed it in, its ridges and ripples stretching the bat's ass.

"Gughh, nuuuu, kahhh!" coughed Felix as he was cruelly penetrated, his ass being unused to that sort of punishment

"Someone's a little tail-raiser aren't they!" mocked Matt

Felix blushed as he was rolled over on to his front again and Matt took hold of both the inflation bulb of the plug and pump. The deer gave the bulb for the plug a pump and Felix felt an expansion in his behind as air rushed into the latex plug. Matt then squeezed the bulb for the cock pump and Felix shouted in panic as his cock was not only sucked hard by the pump but also as the sound in his cock expanded slightly as air rushed between the metal and its latex sheath.

"Hehe, I thought you'd love that one!"

The deer pumped the ass bulb again and more air rushed into the plug. He then pumped the other bulb and continued alternating his pumps - leaving short breaks between pumps to allow that bat to adjust, or just to tease him more. As the plug grew in his ass it pushed up and out, pressing against his prostate and stretching the walls of his bottom. The pump around his cock sucked harder and harder with every squeeze, its base pulling into his crotch and sucking hard at his furhood. Worst of all the sound in his cock continued to expand and seemed to inflate his member - it working in tandem with the pump to engorge the bat's cock until it was fat and sensitive.

"There we go!" chirped the dear as the toys presumably reached their fully inflated states

Matt then unscrewed the bulbs from both toys which kept them inflated but stopped them inflating anymore... or less. He then grabbed the bat and propped him up against the leg of his own couch. Felix squirmed uncomfortably as he was manhandled and forced to put his weight on the plug in his ass.

"Ok Felix, I have been sent here today to do a job, but first I'm going to have my fun. Call it a job perk!"

The deer took hold of his own, rapidly hardening, furhood and rubbed its pre-leaking tip around Felix's furry muzzle before pushing into his victim's muzzle. Felix gagged as the fat cervine cock pushed deep into his maw and pushed against the back of his throat.


"Oh you love it! You see why I love ring gags so much!"

Matt began thrusting his furhood in and out of the bats muzzle as he squirmed. Felix struggled to breathe as the deer gagged him with every thrust and began to breathe in time with his own rape. Matt began to push into Felix's throat, going deeper and deeper, and his balls beginning to smack of the bat's chin with each throat.

"What's the definition of indefinitely Felix?... When my balls are slapping off your chin, it's in-defiantly! Haha"

Matt sped up and began to push deeper, his meat sliding down Felix's throat and stopping his breathing completely. In contrast to the bat's futile, spluttering attempts to draw breath, Matt grunted excitedly as he prepared to cum.

Suddenly thick hot jizz summoned forth from the deer's balls and spurted form the tip of his cock. It flooded into Felix's throat and, as the deer withdrew, splattered his muzzle and face with sticky white goodness. The bat frayed his sore arms against his bonds, trying desperately to break them while he coughed and spluttered trying to regain his breath. He spat out most of the cum in his mouth but he had inhaled a fair bit and the sweet salty taste lingered on.

"Oh god that was good" said Matt as he recovered from his afterglow, Felix only whimpered in pathetic embarrassment of his situation, "Oh but that's right, now to attend to you dear batty!"

Matt grabbed Felix by the throat with one hand and a swift cruel punch from the other knocked the bat unconscious once again.


Felix awoke on his own bathroom floor, his nose bleeding again suggesting that he had not been out for long. His arms and legs were still bound, but now they were connected to each other by another rope - hog tying him. This position forced him to arch his back and was already becoming painful and tiresome. He noticed, to his relief, that the cock pump and plug were gone but unfortunately the ball crusher was still screwed up tight.

As the cold tiles pushed into Felix's naked bound body the deer strode into view again - as he seemed to have a tendency to do - it was only at this moment Felix realised he wasn't gagged.

"Hello Felix" Matt said calmly

"Pl... please don't hurt me anymore" the bat replied meekly

"Don't worry dear batty, your pain will soon be over"

"Why are you doing this to me?" Felix said, surprised as his own composure

"Well you see Felix, you've been naughty"

Felix looked up confusedly

"When I came here tonight you made a joke about me working for Santa. I don't but I do have a naughty and nice list, nice furs gets rewards and naughty furs get punished! And you have been very naughty."

"What, when - what have I done?"

"All your twisted little perversions; rape, abduction, forced breath play, ritual hangings, drownings and snuff. "

"What no... they... no.... that was.... no... that's different"

"Look at you, you thought you were the ultimate dom. You prayed on young subs on the internet, luring them to your home then raping and snuffing them. You thought you were better, superior but look at you now - restrained and raped, you are pathetic"

"Look I'm sorry, I thought they wanted it, they liked it. I couldn't help myself, I needed to do it." Felix cried

"Do you remember Filo the Otter? The hopeless sub you seduced on the internet and managed to talk into coming over to your place for some 'light' fun? Well he was me all along, you showed to me you were worth a little visit and conveniently revealed your address at the same time."

"Oh, shit. Are you a cop?"

"Fuck no, just a concerned deer - I've seen bastards like you destroy to many a young fur, and you're going to pay for it!"

"No please - I've learned, honestly. I will stop, I'll run away - you will never hear from me again!" Felix begged for mercy

"Ok Felix, you seem genuine so I'm going to cut you a break. I'm going to watch you struggle a little and then leave. And yes I'm sure I will never hear for you again."

Before the bat could say another word, Matt strode across and lifted him up by his bonds, forcing him to arch his back even more. The deer put Felix down, on his front, in the white bath tub. As the taps were turned on Felix struggled but as the warm water began to lap around him he found that the walls of the bath prevented any escape.

Water continued to flood into the bath, filling it up and Felix became increasingly panicked.

"Wh... What are you going to do?" trembled the bat

"Oh you'll see Felix, you might even enjoy it. But one thing is sure - by the end you will be a better person. Ohh I need to go bad!" said Matt as he grasped his flaccid cock again.

The deer relaxed his muscles and began to pee into the bath - right onto Felix's back! He moved his aim upwards and marked the bat's head with his musk - the yellow liquid staining his gray fur and trickling down around his muzzle. Felix whimpered as the deer marked his humiliatingly - he could smell the musky urine.

Water began to wet the fur on Felix's chin and he had to lift his head to keep it out of the water. The water finally began to run into overflow and Felix had to raise his head high to just breathe, but it was very tiring to stay in that position and he resorted to coming up for breaths every now and again.

"Matt, Sir, please I can't take this much longer - I have learned my lesson, honestly!" said Felix gasping as he came up for breath

Matt just smiled as he sat on the edge of the bath and watched the bat begin to struggle at the tight wet ropes that bound him. Felix gave up pleading and focused on surviving this bastard's tortures - he was sure he would be dragged out at the last minute; the deer had said he was letting him off.

He came up for what he knew was his last breath, he could no longer stretch up with the wet ropes gripping him (rope tightens when it's wet). He filled his lungs deeply and then slipped back beneath the surface; the warm water almost welcoming him back. He stared up through the distortions of the water, just able to see the horrible smirk of the deer looming above him.

The air in the bat's lungs began to deplete, and he struggled and splashed around; unable to do anything more than make a commotion. His cheeks flushed red under his wet fur as they puffed out - full of air. His cock was rock hard - rubbing against the bottom of the bath as he struggled and the heavy ball crusher was still tugging at his sack and crushing his soft orbs.

His lungs burned, they needed oxygen and they were beginning to ignore his pathetic attempts to hold his breath. Bubbles foamed from his mouth as he finally lost control and began to breathe water - the warm liquid gushing into his lungs.

Suddenly the deer reached into the bath and dragged Felix up by the scruff of the neck just before he fainted. The bat coughed - his lungs still partly full of water but also now able to breathe a little.

"Well Felix, I think you've leaned your lesion"

The bat nodded furiously, still struggling to breathe, but desperate to be realised.

"Ok then" said Matt "I will take my leave. Goodbye Mr Gray"

The deer stood up and threw Felix back into the bath - his fall only broken by the water. The bat's heart sank as he almost immediately began to breathe water again.

"It couldn't be, the deer had said, it must be another trick" Thought Felix drearily as asphyxiation began to take hold of his mind

His hope soon faded as his lungs painfully filled to the brim with warm water and convulsed as he drowned in his own house. With his last ounce of strength he peered up through the swirling water and stretched for breath. The surface was but an inch form his nose but it was no good. He relaxed on the bottom of the tub from exhaustion - the burning in his chest rapidly dulled but the numbing of his mind.

He opened his mouth in one last mute cry, his eyes wide and staring. His heart began to slow;


He was gone. His expression frozen perpetually and his once strong muscles now at peace - still bound with cruel rope. His death was not met with the blissful white dreams he had been told came to those who suffered such demises but instead with horrible bleak blackness - nothing left but bitter void.

As the water in the bath settled down to an eerie stillness it traced gentle patterns in the bat's fur. But soon all was still, cold... silent.




Dedicated to Felix Gray

All content © Zipeau ([email protected])

Felix © to Felixpath

Matt © to Zipeau

Written by Zipeau

Proof-read by Zenon (29/12/08)

All characters and events are fictitious

Written MMVIII~MMVIX/ Published January 09