Master Steele Chapter Seven: Balto goes to the dogs

Story by willyS on SoFurry

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#7 of Master Steele

Sorry it's so short, been having writer's block. read and review, please comment. next chapter: Jenny spends some quality time with Nikki and Dixie.

all characters are copyright of universal studios' "Balto"

Balto was bummed. A few weeks ago he had sent Jenna an e-mail breaking up with her instead of meeting her in person. As a result, when he had asked to meet Jenna she turned him down, choosing instead to yell at him over the phone for an hour before hanging up in tears. Balto knew he deserved what he got and decided that he would try to make amends. This changed however when the latest article in the business section of the paper revealed that Jenna and Steele had started going out again. Balto was devastated. As soon as he had read the article he called the offices of Theta industries to schedule a quick meeting with Steele. He didn't want Jenna back, but he was going to try and convince Steele to talk to Jenna and get her to hear Balto out. He wanted Jenna to at least be his friend if nothing else; and he really did feel terrible about the breakup e-mail. He was going to make things right.

He drove over to Theta industries the morning of his meeting and pulled in to the parking lot. He got out of his car, locked it, and rode the elevator to the top floor offices. When the elevator doors opened he was greeted by Jenna's friend Dixie.

"Welcome to Theta industries, how may I--, oh, it's you. Jenna's not in today so you can't rip her still beating heart out and step on it. That's not your style though is it; you'd rather e-mail her and tell her to do it herself!" Dixie then slapped him, the loud clap of her hand making contact echoing. Dixie turned and went back to her work. Balto stood stunned for a moment before speaking

"I've got a meeting with Steele actually, though I definitely deserved that. Where's his office?"

"I have to take you, company rules." Dixie stood up again from her desk and began walking briskly towards the back offices. She turned only for a moment to gesture for Balto to follow. He did. After a walk of 5 minutes, she stood outside of a door with a large plaque bearing the word President. She knocked and waited for a reply; she stepped back and motioned for Balto to enter before leaving for her desk. Apparently she didn't want to speak to him out of disgust. Balto walked in to the office. His senses were immediately overwhelmed by a strong odor. He saw Steele spraying the contents of a perfume bottle before the world span and Balto blacked out.

He awoke curled up on the floor. His clothes were all gone but that didn't bother him at all. He tried to stand only to find he could only rise to his hands and knees. He looked around which meant he actually had to turn his body around to get a full view. The only other person in the room was Steele. Balto opened his mouth to ask what was happening but found he couldn't form the words. All that came out were a series of barks and yips, most strange.

"You're probably wondering about many things, why you can't walk on two legs, talk, and even why you're naked; the simple answer is-- I've made you my faithful canine companion." Balto looked at Steele in shock and found Steele's words oddly comforting almost to the point of commanding. "It was rather brilliant given I only had a brief time to do so. The moment you walked in to my office you were overwhelmed by my newest product; I've dubbed it MindWarp; quite fitting don't you agree. I've spent two hours reprogramming your mind. The moment you collapsed I began feeding you commands to fill out subconsciously. The perfume actually allows the mind to reconfigure itself and the body so the effects are everlasting. You'll be this way forever, just a mindless pooch obeying his master's commands, eating from a bowl, and sleeping on a doggy bed. How does that sound?" Balto barked his approval, walked over to his new master, and began licking Steele's hand. "Good dog." I'm a good dog... that was the last coherent thought Balto had before his mind slipped away in to blissful canine obedience.

Steele left that evening with his newest pet in tow. The following morning Balto's lease was terminated and his things given to charity. He did get a nice set of bowls with his name on them and a nice new leash and collar, so he was happy; just a happy dog.

To be continued...