Part of a story

Story by forgotpassword on SoFurry

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Just sort of writing a story in drips and drabs. This part isn't all that finished still have to add some thoughts.Please tell me If I've made a spelling or grammar mistake as I'm really bad in those departments.

He jumps between the large run down concrete pillars swiftly in long purposeful elegant leaps using the massive gashes and raged edges of the pillars as handholds. . Trying to make the movements look easy even though his legs felt like they were made out of molten lead, His arms no longer had any felling in them and his breaths where becoming more labored. Its minutes for the unbelievably flexible scaly thing he's chasing to do what takes him hours.


'ughh' I grunt as I do a not so graceful landing on the unnaturally smooth marble floor. My fur doing fuck all to soften the landing. I look up to examen the short ledge that used to be a bridge for signs of scales, not its actual name mind you, just seemed easier to give it a name. I spot the clear liquid shining in the dim florescent light forming a small shallow puddle.

I move my gaze along the bridge seeing puddle after puddle going in a zig zag. With deep fresh scratches along the stone railing matching up to the zig zag patten of the puddles.

"Nice to see I'm not the only one who had a ruff landing, ahe scales" I joke to myself sighing deeply after no one responds.

I try to follow the trail but my mind now catches up with how tired my body actually is, as I ever so slightly clapse in a heep on floor.

My face hitting the ground with a hard smack, just because this my body hates me.

"maybe a break then" I say in muffled ironic tones. I roll on to my back with a lazy grown feeling all of a sudden extremely relaxed "ooohhh just a little hwwaaa, break" I yawn as my eyelids slowly droop down.

My eyes open to something unexpected. Scales long grey face Inches from my own, so close I can feel its chilled breathes coming from the slits that is probably its nose, cause its in the right nose appointed place.

Just above his sewn up smile which lifts at impossibly high angles and stretches across its face almost touching what I once again guess is ear slits and just below its wide blood shoot eyes.

The black veins spreading like rivers from the deep dark pools of its pupils. "So your not happy with your face lift" I joke causing scales to make screeching jittery sounds that I've come to call his laughter.

I join in adding my deep bellows to the noise.