Blue Moon

Story by Lucian Hynes on SoFurry

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Hello, everyone.

This time I bring you the results of an epiphany I had when hearing one of my favorite songs. Please enjoy.

All characters mentioned in this story, believe it or not, are © to Lucian Canad. I would be flattered to have one of them in another story, but ask for permission first.

Blue Moon by Lucian Canad

"Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone..." Someone passing near could hear those words echoing softly, it was a song being sorrowfully sang "Without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own..."

Following the sound of the notes, they came from a tree. It wasn't the tree singing, though, there was a wolf perched in it. He started singing the lines from his favorite song a few minutes earlier, when the clouds parted and moonlight shone down into the wooded valley, painting the trees with an ethereal blue tone. That night, as it is every two years, was a night of blue moon, when the silvery celestial orb of the night shone a mystic teal glow.

"Blue Moon, you knew just what I was there for..." The anthro wolf continued, his golden eyes wet with tears, gazing from his treetop hideout into the depression below, being a witness of one of Nature's most beautiful events "You heard me saying a prayer for, someone I really could care for"

For that song, "Blue Moon", already recorded by various artists, or at least its first eight lines, showed exactly his reality. His name was Zachary Black; hitting 19 by now, he was the prime heir to the aeronautical empire founded by his father, Jason Black. It was a playful irony that his surname was Black, because, like his father, his coat was made of the darkest black fur, with his underbelly and undertail a nice milky white. "Black Zach", as the press had nicknamed the elder son of the biggest aeronautical engineer in America, was, needless to say, rich. He could go to Dubai spend the week on the world's most expensive hotel, gamble high stakes in Monte Carlo, see the car expositions on Frankfurt, date supermodels and so on.

"Worthless pieces of meat..." He growled, remembering a lioness he took to Las Vegas last month. Though beautiful, she was about as deep as a pizza, and had the worst skills in bed he had ever tasted. He felt no regret in slipping away from the bedroom and leaving her the plane tickets back to Hollywood. He didn't want every woman in the world; he wanted just one, his other half, his soul mate. When those two words drifted to his head, in a rush of feral misery, he let out a howl. The deep, wolfish note echoed throughout the whole valley, carrying all the sadness in Zach's heart, to those who know how to feel it, canines or otherwise.

"Not that anyone can hear me, anyways" He thought wryly, looking up to the night sky and gazing at the blue orb overhead. His eyes closed, a few tears slipping free, his muzzle moving in a silent prayer.

Zach was wrong, actually. There was someone to hear him. Not just anybody too: Flying nearby at the time was a dreamsprite. Those fairies had the sworn duty to seek people all around the world and, if deemed worthy, had their deepest desires fulfilled. When a sprite reached the equivalent in their world of the eighteenth birthday, she was granted the full extension of her power. This sprite went by the name of Seraphine, and she couldn't bring herself to ignore a note so full of sadness, being also a wolf. The pair of feathery wings that held her in the air flapped her to a stop so she could listen to the howler's feelings.

Blue moon, that flies in the sky

Hear this body, whose soul is wry

Please, end the suffering of a lifetime

And give me a love to call mine

This was an ancient prayer Zach's mother taught him. If he chanted it under a blue moon, she said, his wish would be granted. Seraphine heard these words with her heart, and she felt sorry for him. More than that, her heart seemed to skip a few beats until it was beating in unison with his; a strange feeling drew from this sudden connection. The sprite gasped as something spread through her, like a disease. But if it was a disease, she hoped there was no cure to it. It felt so good, warmth pulsed in her heart; tears blurred her sapphire irises, she was contaminated with that wolf's feeling. Such a desperate need, the craving for someone, the limitless love...

"Troubled soul, who seek love" Her mouth spoke without her order, in plain volume for the wolf to hear "Fear the loneliness no more"

Zach's head rose, looking around for that voice, soft as silk and bright as sunlight.

"For, by the power of the prayer you chanted" The voice spoke again "Your heart's wish will be granted"

And then he saw it. Right ahead of him, though he could have sworn there was nothing there a second ago, there was a snow-white wolfess. His eyes went wide, in shock and admiration. She was the most beautiful creature he ever laid his eyes on, to the last feather of the pair of wings that flapped behind her.

"Are angel?" He asked the glimmering figure, hearing his own heartbeats.

"What I am is no matter. I am here for your dream" Seraphine said. She had no idea why she was doing this. She wasn't old enough to grant wishes yet, but... something drew and bound her to this black-coated stranger.

"My dream?" Standing up, he started to walk toward her, barely noticing as the tree branch ended and he kept walking in air.

"I am here to grant your heart's wish. I present you with someone to give the love in your heart" She raised her arms, pulling the wolf into a tight embrace, and into a passionate kiss.

Zach couldn't help but be surprised when the angel locked lips with him. But not a clock ticked before he murred happily. He always loved girls who took the initiative. In turn, he wrapped his arms around her luminous form and returned the kiss with equal fervor. Being so close, he could also hear her heart beating; the strangest part wasn't even the fact that an angel *had* a heart, but the fact it was beating in perfect pace with his.

"Am I dreaming?" He asked when Seraphine let go of the kiss.

"Do I feel like a dream, little wolf?" She smirked while one of her claws scratched teasingly against his sheath, through the fabric of his pants.

"No... Indeed you don't" He whimpered from the feeling. But two could play this game, so his own paw descended to her lips and, naked as she was, she couldn't help but gasp.

Seraphine gasped at the bold move, but moaned in pleasure shortly after. Smiling, she dissolved his clothing into light with a snap of her fingers. It was his turn to gasp and hers to smile; they were in equal terms now. Both her paws attacked his dormant wolfhood, caressing its furry envelopment and the twin orbs just below.

Zack moaned in surprise at the contact of the soft paws in his nether regions, and he let go of the angel's pussy. She took this chance to kneel, or the closest you can do that while floating, and draw her tongue across the white short fur. Above her, Zach moaned deeply in pleasure.

The pink tip of the wolf's cock poked through the sheath, and the sprite didn't wasted time to take it in her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. She had a major reward, as more and more of the deliciously musky flesh emerged and something with a salty taste squirted in her mouth. She decided she liked it, so she kept lowering her muzzle into the pole and let her tongue run free.

The black wolf widened his eyes when the night air blowing against his maleness was replaced by the warm flow of air that was the angel's breath. It didn't take much for the full length of ten inches to emerge from the encasement, especially with a warm tongue teasing every little sensitive bit.

Was it for the act itself, something on the wolf's pheromones or some other crazy explanation, but Seraphine's cunt was achingly hot, demanding to be filled. She lifted her head, stood up again and hugged the wolf. He moaned and started to press his crotch against hers. She spread her legs and bit her lip when the throbbing member impaled her.

What happens when you have sex to someone you really love, is something that can only be described by those who did it already, or by a few extremely talented writers. To those who know the feeling, that's what both Zach and Seraphine felt. Every little muscle of the white wolf's tunnel was stretched by the intruding member, and did it feel good! She moaned at every thrust of her black lover, at every squirt of his precum, at every nibble of his teeth against her shoulder.

When the fiery depths of the angel's insides enveloped his cock, Zach raised his head and let out another howl, full of pleasure and ecstasy. He lost most of his mind during it, he was being driven by instinct alone, and instinct told him to submit this female to him; and that's what he did, gently but firmly closing his jaw against her shoulder. She heard her moan and then gasp when his swollen knot knocked at her door.

And, when it managed to slip in, it was her turn to howl, which was suddenly silenced when the black wolf pressed his lips against hers, drawing the two into a passionate tongue wrestle and exploring of the other's maw. He was close, Seraphine could feel it.

"Let it go, little lover" She whispered in his ear. Almost by command, Zach howled in the crash of his orgasm. Inside the wolfess, he twitched and unloaded his fertile seed into her womb, his knot making sure nothing escaped. Following him after the first spurt of cum, Seraphine howled too. Two howls full of pleasure and love echoed in the depths of the wooded valley. It was lucky that the sprite managed to keep her magical energies through her climax, because if she didn't, they would have a long fall to the trees below. Zach didn't have the same capability, though.

"Thank you..." It was all he managed to say before closing his eyes and let his mind fall to nothingness, his body following shortly.

Two white paws held Zack to prevent his fall. Seraphine looked down lovingly at the peacefully asleep lupine while she passed her arm down his knees, to hold him like a knight would a damsel in distress. She searched in his mind, smiling at the dreams he was having of her, to find where he lived. It wasn't far; the Black Estate was just up the hill to her right. A few wingflaps and she was looking through the window of his room. The bedroom per se was almost a house on its own, but she barely cared for that, focusing, instead, in not waking the wolf. Se laid him down softly in his bed and located his desk, looking for a piece of paper. At her command, a nearby pen stood straight and ready to write over a blank sheet.

"Dear Lover..." She started dictating.


The early sunlight against the eyes of sleepers can cause a very unpleasant feeling, and Zach could say so first hand. He growled and dived under the blankets when the rays of the sun pierced his eyelids. But it was too late, he was awake and memories flooded his mind. That angel, their night, the feelings... Was it a dream? It could only be, since, last night, he was floating among the clouds with that beautiful winged wolfess beside him. He shivered at the memories of her, her eyes, her lips, her body... Then again, he was on his bed again and there was no sign of her.

"That was such a beautiful dream. I wish I never awakened from it..." He thought sadly with himself. That wolf girl made he feel so good, physically, of course, but spiritually as well. A void inside him seemed to be gone and filled with her image and memories. Yet, she was gone, and the absence awakened something on the deepest portions of the black wolf's spirit.

Fear. He felt afraid he would never see her again, afraid to be unable to feel that way toward someone again. Zach was afraid for the first time in his life; he flew experimental planes for his father, practiced extreme sports, and already had to defend his life with his bare hands, all of that without the smallest twinge of fear or worry. Now there he was, feeling too afraid to step out of his room because of a woman...

"Why do I feel like this?!" He said angrily. Zachary Black had a lacking on his personality, some consider it small, others large: he was almost unable to recognize feelings expressed by himself and by others. For example, he wouldn't be able to tell if someone else is angry unless they throw a fit near him. Ergo, he had no idea why that angel made him feel like that, even if she was nothing more than his imagination.

He sat at the edge of the bed, resting his head in his hand, trying to sort out his feelings. It took quite a while, but when he decided to pace around the room, he noticed a written sheet of paper atop his personal desk. The handwriting was thin, elegant and flourished; unknown to him. He took the paper up and started to read it.

Dear Lover,

I know what you will be probably thinking when you read this. I wasn't a dream, we weren't a dream. After you passed out last night, I brought you back to your room and left you this message.

Sorry to have vanished, I would gladly stay with you until you wake up, but there are issues I must see to. This is not a farewell, I will see you again; after our night together, I realized I need you as much as you need me. Sadly, I did something I should not have done last night, and now I must set things right.

I will be back, this is a promise. Keep an eye for the blue moon.

With love, your angel,


In reading the letter, Zach realized four things: 1-Certainly it wasn't a dream. 2-He knew her name, and such a beautiful name. 3-She actually felt the same as him and 4-He knew now what he felt. It was love. Love like he never felt before, above what he felt for planes, above his mother and father, above the love he felt for his very life.

(End of Flashforward)

Seraphine sighed as the enchanted pen stood still after writing the last words of her letter. A small wave of her hand and the spell was lifted, making the pen fall down.

"Please don't miss this" She whispered walking back to his bedside. She planted a kiss on his forehead, to which he murred happily in his sleep. With a loving smile, she covered her newfound mate with his sheets and walked to the open window. The skies were hers again, but she knew she had a long journey ahead, mentally and spiritually speaking, since, physically, it might be actually very short. And, above all, she knew it was a journey against time.

"First things first, Sera..." She spoke to herself. Relaxing her own minds, she forced her innate perception ability to heighten. She started to hear the silent snores of the animals in the forest below. The humming of insects, some nightly predators, the occasional louder presence of a larger beast, a wave of golden energy "There you are!"

Sera started to lower altitude, never losing track of that golden wave. Slowly her feet touched the leafy ground and she started to walk the energy path. That energy was dream energy. It is what our dreams are made of; only the dreamsprites can truly see it, though it is not impossible for a mortal to do so. What is diagnosed by doctors as "sleepwalking" is actually just a human a tad more sensitive to this energy. Their subconscious commands the body to follow the stream of energy, generally of good dreams, in order to keep their own running. In a clearing, the end of the path showed itself: a point where the golden energy crossed with a blue and a black one, forming a column of white light. Sera smiled, closing her wings against her body and walking into the shining pillar.

No matter how many times she did this, the sprite wolf couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of the transition. It was like diving into one of those... how did mortals call it again...? Wind tunnels! A soft air current ruffled her feathers while a calm and lightness took over her. She closed her eyes in delight; but, as quick as it started, it stopped and she opened her eyes again.

The forest was gone, the animals were gone; Sera was in a totally different place: her own world.

The wolfess walked hastily through the corridors in the Sprite Queen's palace, greeting one sprite or another, but she was seeking one in particular.

"Yukio!" She screamed partly in relief when she found who she was looking for. Standing at the foot of a very big set of double doors, was Yukio, her long-since friend, the Queen's personal attendant and confident.

"Sera! Where have you been?" The tigress enveloped the wolf in a warm embrace.

"Down in the mortal world. And that's why I am here" Yukio let go of the hug and looked at her with a puzzled smile "I urgently need to speak to the Queen"

The smile on Yukio's striped face faded, replaced with a mix of worry and seriousness.

"Why is that, Sera? You know too well that nobody can walk into the Queen's chambers. Even I need to be summoned by her"

"I know. That's why I came to see you. I'm in major trouble and I need her guidance"

"You would have to tell it to me so I could report to her. Otherwise I can't allow you to pass"

The feline barely finished saying that when a soft, ethereal voice rang in their heads.

"There is no need, Yukio. I sense Seraphine's troubled soul. Let her in; ...come to me, my child"

The richly carved doors behind Yukio opened. The two sprites exchanged surprised looks, but started to walk through them.

The Sprite Queen's chambers were fit for a dragon. Six golden columns held a large dome ceiling, three stories above; the perfect circle in the floor had one hundred feet in diameter and was littered with piles and piles of gold, gems and priceless treasures. Fit for a dragon, but not just any dragon. Smooth purple scales covered the lithe serpent-like form of the Queen's body, which alone took almost the whole room. Contrasting nicely with her scales were two pink glittering fairy wings on he back. She had no visible irises, but from the very center of her eyes parted rainbow-colored circles, she was a Fairy Dragon. Yukio and Sera took position in front of her and fell to their knees.

"Tell me, child" The dragon spoke to the wolf "What brings angst to your soul?"

"My Queen..." Sera told her everything about her meeting with Zach, excluding the "carnal" bits "I felt he is in love with me, and I have come to believe I love him too"

Yukio was so dumbfounded she said nothing; neither did the Queen, but she was irradiating a silently wise aura, as if thinking deeply. When the wolf sprite fell silent, she lowered her long head to inches from Sera's own face.

"I understand the matter, Seraphine. What do you propose?"

"I sincerely don't know, my Queen" She lowered her head, almost if she didn't want her next words to be heard "The only solution I can think of is that I make the Final Transition"

If Yukio was surprised before, after this you could declare a cardiac arrest.

"Are you crazy, Seraphine? Not only did you break the law by fulfilling this mortal's dream before your Ascension but now you want to skip basically your whole duty as a dreamsprite?!" The tigress couldn't believe the situation. After a sprite fulfilled a certain number of dreams, she would choose one to integrate herself in, forever. That was known as the Final Transition, the retirement of a dreamsprite. She would then become a mortal, lose most of her powers and finally age and die like everybody else. What the wolf was suggesting was on the edge of the absurd. She would be breaking the sworn duty every sprite was committed to by being born.

"Calm down, child" The Queen spoke serenely "Right as you may be, yelling won't make the situation easier to solve. Seraphine..."

She directed herself to the wolfess, who was now sobbing, feeling ashamed of herself by drawing such a reaction from her best friend. Yukio noticed this and felt a twinge of remorse.

"Yes, My Queen..." She looked up, eyes simmering in tears.

"I have felt the depths of your feelings, and I know love this deep is a treasure worth more than anything in this chamber" She motioned to the piles of wealth around them "However... What you are asking is, as Yukio said, the same to break the vow you carry since the day of your birth"

At the mention of her name, Yukio lowered her head in silent embarrassment, wrapping her tail around her legs and refusing to look at her friend.

"I know, but... he needs me" She said sorrowfully.

"I'm aware of that, child. And you did not let me finish" Sera startled and the dragon smiled "I believe we can find a solution that can, as mortals say, please Greeks and Trojans"

She finished the sentence with a giggle. The wolf perked up, suddenly looking at the Queen, waiting for what she would do next. What she did was: rear her head and spit a torrent of blue flames at the wolf. Both screamed as the walls shone with a teal glow and a ring of fire enveloped Seraphine. But it wasn't hot, it was only pleasantly warm. The flames licked at her arms, legs and wings but she barely felt them, her five senses were taken by the Queen's voice.

"Thou, Seraphine, daughter of Silme (seel-may), by the will of the Sprite Queen and the Fairy Gods, shall ingress to the world of mortals, while also serving as a dreamsprite. Part of thy soul shall be separated and it will be thy duty to call upon its powers to fulfill dreams, until when the number of mortals grateful to thee be enough to free the rest of thy soul and thee become a mortal in full"

Yukio watched in horrified amazement while the ring of azure flames engulfed her best friend. Was the Queen going to kill her? Would she never tell Sera how sorry she was for her words? Apparently she would, because the flames died down and there was the wolf, unscathed. Or...almost unscathed. Her wings were gone. Seraphine was now just a wolfess, lying on the warm floor of the Queen's chamber. Slowly she came to her senses and managed to stand. Only then did Yukio notice something: around her neck now was a golden necklace adorned with a blue moon, laden with wings. The tiger paid it no heed, though, as she was too busy hugging her friend, crying, telling how sorry she was about what she said and how scared because of her apparent death.

"Ssshh, ssshh. Calm down, Yuki. I'm okay, and I forgive you" She smiled softly at the tiger. She spoke with calmness worthy of the Queen herself. After the tiger sprite calmed down, Sera faced the Queen, bowed and walked away, without uttering a word. Yukio started to run after her, but felt the gentle touch of scales in her shoulder.

"Let her go. She will tell you when she is ready" She turned around and stared at the queen's transformed form, now a way smaller anthro dragoness, but still with the same scales, eyes and wings. Yukio sighed, looking at the white silhouette disappearing at the end of the hall.

The now mortal wolf knew she had to hurry. Time passes differently in the sprites' world. A few hours in there could be days in the mortal world. She felt strange; with every step she took she felt she was heavier and lighter at the same time. She knew what the Queen had done: She had separated the sprite portion of her soul from the mortal one, sealing it in the necklace around her neck. With the little power she had left, she could break the seal temporarily and become a sprite again, in a case of life or death or to grant a wish of a mortal, like she would do as a grown sprite. She wasn't immortal anymore; she would age like everyone else, beside her beloved Zach, and, hopefully have fulfilled enough dreams to join him in afterlife. But there was something else. She felt the necklace emanated an aura more powerful than hers had ever been; apparently the queen had Ascended her during the process, she was wiser and more powerful. And this power is what molded her voice in the wisely serene tone only the Queen and the elder sprites managed to use.

She was near the end of the hall when a flash of light behind her illuminated the rich walls. Turning around, she noticed the doors of the Queen's chambers had closed and a vortex of light like the one she used to get there had materialized a few steps from her.

"Thanks, my Queen..." She smiled and entered the portal.

Zach sighed deeply. There he was again, in the same tree he was when he met Seraphine. It had been three days since he found out the letter, and every night he returned to that spot to wait for her, and every night the moon rose, walked the sky and sat in the silvery glow of always, without as much as a change of hue.

"Where are you?" He asked for the thousandth time. Tonight there was something different, he could feel it, but where was his angel?

He was about to give up and go to bed when suddenly the silver curtain in the valley below faded to blue. He looked down the up; his heart beat in happiness, it was a blue moon.

"And then there suddenly appeared before me" He started to sing the second half of the music "The only one my arms will ever hold...I heard somebody whisper..."

"Please adore me" As in a cue, that voice finished the line. Zach smiled, beginning to cry. There she was again. His love, his angel, Seraphine, hovering before him. Only she had a difference: the feathers of her wings were now the same shade of blue as the moon. But that was the least of his worries. He ran forward and wrapped the wolfess in a burning, passionate muzzle lock. Their tongues wrestled around their lips while they drew an unspoken competition of who could hug tighter.

And when I looked" They started singing together the last lines "The moon had turned to gold"

"Blue Moon, now I'm no longer alone" Zach sang, looking into the heavenly blue eyes.

"Without a dream in my heart" Sera sang, looking into the golden abyss.

"Without a love of my own" They both sang, embracing tightly. Zach looked up, through the haze of tears, to see the moonlight shine a glittering gold.