Gemini – Chapter 6: Clashing Opinions

Story by tsjca on SoFurry

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#6 of Gemini - Book 1

The sixth part of Clover's adventure.

I don't own My Little Pony.

Clover fell to the floor of his bed room as his body started to change back to its normal dimensions. "(Gasp) oh Celestia (Pant), wow. I can't believe I did that." He was in awe of the power he wielded.

"What do you mean?" said the irritated voice from within his head. "We accomplished nothing. Those two fools deserve proper justice, and you could have disposed of them with our power, but no! You let escape!" The voice became angrier with every word.

"Umm, well, maybe they will just give it up after seeing us in action." A cowardly Clover retorted.

"You incompetent moron, you know as well as I that they won't stop. What if that 'savour' of yours had not shown up? I'll tell you, you would have died!" Shouted the furious voice, there was a pause and then it became its soft self once more. "That could happen to others. Now tell me, how many lives would you save by ending those insignificant two?"

Clover thought, and thought hard about what the strange presence had said, whilst it went against what he thought he should do it did hold merit. He pondered if it was the right choice to make, and the more he pondered the more he liked the idea. "Yes. Yes, you're right. If they won't be respectful of the law, and we can't make them, then there's nothing we can really do, is there now. It only leaves one option, no not option, solution. Death!"

"I told you many a night ago, that you would be destined for greatness. But for now I think we should show those two what you are capable of tonight." The soft cooling voice from within Clover's head seemed to further stoke his flame.

Three knocks from his door sent the stallion back to reality, not entirely sure why he felt so riled up, however that could be answered latter for now he had to attend to his visitor. He stopped just in front of the door to compose himself and then finally opened the door.

Bowing, out of reflex from seeing the form in front of him, a slight titter came from being attached to the lavender hooves. "You don't have to bow." Clover stood to see the face of Twilight Sparkle. "Hi Clover, I just wanted to thank you for cheering Spike up."

"Don't worry about it; Spike's my best friend so of course I would help him out." Clover said happily, however something was off about this whole situation, namely, why was she here? If she wanted to thank him she could have sent a letter or a card, but what made him completely sure of this is that she had just side-stepped him, into his own house. "I'm guessing that wasn't the only reason for coming here" he said as he closed the door.

"Very astute of you to notice." The princess said. Sitting down, a shiver ran up her spine as her eyes drifted to the old comic on his table. "You see, I overheard what you and Spike were saying." Clovers eyes widened in fear. "Accidentally, of course. But whist Spike may know you as his best friend, I on the other hoof, do not. So I propose that we meet up some time to get to know each other."

"Ha, ha, ha." Twilight stared quizzically at Clover. "Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that I thought that you had come round to tell me off, threaten to send me to the moon or something on those lines." Clover had finally managed to get his laughter under control.

"Oh no. I'm sorry if I gave off that vibe, it's the alicorn thing, right?" Twilight squeaked out. "But, that aside, how dose tomorrow at around noon, there's a restaurant near mine, if that's okay?"

"Sure, that's fine. Bye." Waved Clover as she disappeared in a flash, a purple flash. For the second time that day Clover's eyes nearly piped out of his skull, now he had remembered what had been bugging him about Twilight's magic, it looked just like Mare Do Well's, identical in fact.

This was all too much for him to cope with for today, "I'm going to bed." He said to himself, and with that he decided to get some sleep before he was to be called back into duty once more.