3 - Julie Ann helps her brother

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#4 of Am - Windon

Julie Ann is keeping busy with everything she is trying to juggle. Written 2013.

Julie Ann woke up and wondered why her alarm wasn't crowing. She got up and poked a key on her computer. 1am? Why did she feel like she had slept all night, but it had only been a few hours. She sighed and decided to at least clean up before trying to sleep again.

She got up and stuffed Belle's toy under Albert, then quietly opened her door, stepped into the hall and closed it just as quietly. Suddenly Brian bumped into her. And he was stark naked. She shooed him back to his room with a swat to his bare butt to make him hurry, then continued to the bathroom.

She sat on the toilet and when she let loose, it felt like she had been holding it for days. The relief washed over her and she felt like a whole new person. She wiped and headed back to her room, eager to start her day.

She opened her computer and messages were waiting, but she had one to send first.

BunnyJAN [Turns out we do need to talk this morning. Brian came to me last night to ask for help. He met a bear morph and says she is being kept against her will. She is going to meet him tomorrow and he wants us to help. I don't know what to do about this, but I couldn't just tell him no. Hopefully you have some ideas.]

She sat back and sighed, then looked at the other messages.

Anthea [Whoa! Details, girl! Naked? Talking about sex? Grabbed his penis? Going to see his family?Raping goats? Passed out? Raping lesbians? Rabbit dildo? Talk to me girl]

A [And what's the deal with the ranger and Brian?]

B [Okay, I showed up early and he was just getting out of the shower, so all he had was a towel wrapped around his middle. He asked what was bothering me and I blurted out that I was dreaming about him humping me. Then he was sitting on the couch with me and got an erection under his towel. I don't know why, but I grabbed it and asked him if it was feral. Then he got up to put clothes on and I grabbed his tail, because it was sticking out of the towel.]

A [Wow, you just can't keep your hands off this rabbit, can you? And he still likes you?]

B [We were talking about how to manage our relationship and we decided to wait until I get my degree, then he'll take me to meet his parents and I think he wants to get married down there.]

B [He understands how I feel. He wants his paws on me, too.]

A [You definitely have to invite me to the wedding. I have got to see this rabbit for myself. And you owe me a hug.]

B [If it ever happens, you're on the list.]

A [Don't doubt. It'll happen. Now tell me more. Why were you dehydrated?]

B [Oh I didn't drink any water all day, then he took me for a run around his property.]

A [Smooth move. So he had to play doctor on you?]

A [Did you plan that?]

B [He scolded me for not taking care of myself. I didn't pass out right away. First I made a fool of myself, telling him he smelled like happy.]

A [What does Happy smell like?]

B [Apparently like a sweaty rabbit.]

A [Its those pheromones. I'm tellin ya.]

B [Can I trust myself around him?]

A [Sure. You've gone this long without mounting him like a Lego.]

B [What?]

A [Yeah, you know. Stick all the nubs in the holes, stack them all together for a Lego orgy.]

B [I am never looking at kids toys the same way again. You are weird.]

A [My uncle told me that one, when I was 15 and still wanted to play with them. He thought they were for kids and he would get me to stop. I like them even more now and don't talk to him anymore.]

B [I bet.]

A [So, what's up with the raping? Goats, lesbians?]

B [We went to a client's house to check on one of her goats and evidence suggests that her son is having sex with it.]

A [What evidence?]

B [The goat's raw backside and his mom professing how much he loves her. Not much real evidence, but that's the conclusion I came to.]

A [I'd think so, too. Are you doing anything about it?]

B [Not enough proof.]

A [Shame.]

A [Why did you rape a lesbian?]

B [I don't know. I went to visit a friend and her girlfriend was there. They were doing it just before I knocked and she was walking around naked. Then she grabbed my friend and started shoving a dildo into her. I saw another on the floor and her backside sticking up. I just did it.]

She didn't respond for a while.

B [Are you still there?]

A [Sorry, I fell off my chair and was laughing so hard I couldn't type.]

B [Glad I could amuse you.]

A [I just had this picture of the aggressive lesbian forcing herself on your friend and the straight girl slays the agressor with a dildo to rescue her. Did you use a sledgehammer?]

B [She stopped, but then she said she liked it and wanted to "return the favor"]

A [Oh, she likes it rough.]

B [Fortunately Belle stepped in and got me out of there.]

A [Belle is your friend?]

B [Yes.]

A [Okay. What's with the dildo?]

B [Belle gave it to me. That's why I went over to visit her.]

A [So you braved a raging lesbian for a dildo. Sounds like a plot for a porn game.]

B [Why do I put up with you?]

A [Because I'm entertaining and I know all your secrets.]

B [That's about right.]

A [So, what did the ranger want with your brother?]

B [Nothing. The ranger was at Don's place for some camera. I never heard what that was about.]

A [So why did you mention him?]

B [Because ranger uniforms are sexy.]

A [You're just hitting on anything that moves now?]

B [I didn't hit on him. I just looked at him until he left.]

A [So, what if we put your rabbit in a ranger uniform?]

B [Don't do that. My clothes would evaporate.]

A [And he wouldn't survive.]

B [Oh he'd survive, but you might not if you try to get between us.]

A [I'll make a note of that. Don't get between the bunny and her sexy rabbit in a sexy ranger uniform.]

B [And on that note, I should be going.]

A [No you don't. Tell me about your brother. Did you do him yet?]

B [NO!]

B [He met a bear that is being held captive and wants to save her.]

A [So why didn't he?]

B [His dad would have killed her if he brought her here. He came home to ask me for help. I'm going to have Don come with me tomorrow to meet her.]

A [Well, keep me posted. I'll let you go. Unless there's something else you're not telling me.]

B [I think I'll stop there for now.]

A [Alright. I'll catch you later.]

Julie Ann sat back and stared at the screen. Telling Anthea about things always put them in a new perspective.

A [Hey, you did forget to tell me something.]

B [What?]

A [Does he have a feral penis?]

B [Yes.]

A [Just yes?]

B [The details are for me. You can have the internet.]

A [Oh, you are so cruel. ttyl]

Notta Cat [Hey, you're up. Did you try it yet?]

She wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to Belle yet, but decided they needed to clear the air. She looked over at Albert and sighed.

B [I did.]

N [Well, what did you think?]

She wondered how to say it blew her mind without admitting that it blew her mind.

B [I liked it.]

N [That's all?]

B [Okay it was really good. Better than my fingers.]

N [Definitely better than fingers.]

B [I don't have anything else to compare it to.]

N [I should let you try some others, so you'll know.]

B [I don't think so. I'm gonna stick with this for a while.]

N [You need to get your rabbit, that's what you need.]

B [But I can't have him. The folks around here would kill us.]

N [Look at me and Randy, nobody has killed us.]

B [But you can't breed.]

N [What does that have to do with it?]

B [They're scared we'll make more morphs.]

N [Why is that a problem?]

B [Some people around here already think you're freaks and shouldn't exist. Its not everybody, but they'll do things. It scares me.]

N [Well, I do exist whether they like it or not. And I'm not going to be afraid of their opinion.]

B [Its not their opinion that scares me, its their shotguns and baseball bats.]

N [They can kill me if they want. It won't change who I am.]

B [I'd rather they didn't kill you, because that would make you dead.]

N [Yeah, I don't like the idea of being dead, either, but I can't change what I am just because they don't like it. I was born this way and I'll die this way.]

B [Then why be Not a Cat?]

N [I haven't bothered to change it. Seems ironic now. Back in school I dealt with a lot of harassment, but Randy helped me be happy with who I am.]

B [You are a beautiful cat.]

N [Thank you. So you think I should change it?]

B [No, I've gotten used to it.]

B [Though Nocta Cat sounds good.]

N [Oh, I like that. Suggests night time when I'm up mostly.]

B [I'm not usually, but it seems to be becoming a habit.]

N [I don't mind having you to talk to more often. Maybe you could even come over. I'll make pizza.]

B [Sounds good, but I'll save it for when I don't have a million other things going on.]

N [That'll be never. Come on.]

B [How about you let me know when Randy won't be there, so we can have our time.]

N [Deal.]

B [I'm off to the shower.]

N [You take too many of those.]

B [Just one a day. I'll probably do two when I start actually working.]

N [Exactly. Once a week is fine for me, just wipe up every now and then. No need to soak the fur.]

B [Well, Don likes his showers, too. Must be a cat thing.]

N [Must be. I'll catch you later.]

Julie Ann got up and stepped away before anybody else could talk to her. It was getting too late to go back to sleep, but she didn't want to look at the screen. Instead, she picked her clothes up off the floor and put them in the hamper, trying to ignore Albert's stare. Her computer tinkled and she sighed, but looked anyway.

Don took a deep breath and opened his eyes. The weight on his chest was his beautiful golden lab, Molly. He rubbed her sides and she lifted her head and licked his face, "Well, hello gorgeous. Looks like you distracted me from my responsibilities again, but I'm not complaining."

He gave her a little shove and she hopped off of him, sitting down on the bed to clean herself. He rolled over and stretched, pushing his rump in the air and shaking his rabbit tail, then slid off the bed and walked over to his desk.

He poked his computer and took a trip to the bathroom. When he came back the chestnut mare was waiting for him with a collection of work waiting to be done. He checked the clock and groaned, "Three in the morning? Well, I guess now is as good a time as any to get caught up."

He sat down and checked his messages. He opened one from Julie Ann first and replied.

WindonLem [Where is the bear now? Is she safe?]

BunnyJAN [I don't know. He just told me he will be meeting her in the woods tomorrow after school.]

W [I'm just wondering where she is spending the night.]

B [I'm not sure, but its a little late now. We'll have to find out when we meet her.]

W [Do you know any more about her situation? I'd like to be as prepared as we can be.]

B [He just said she was a pet and working like a slave.]

W [Well, its been about 10 years since the supreme courts declared morphs applicable as human under the law. Some places are still holding out. We should probably find out who to contact to report them.]

B [Unfortunately, we don't know who they are.]

W [I'll look it up, so we will know what to do when we meet her tomorrow.]

B [Do you still want me at 6:30?]

W [That's a loaded question. ;)]

Julie Ann reread her message and started to type an apology, but Don responded first.

W [I'm sorry. We're supposed to be professional, right?]

B [Its okay.]

W [Our first appointment is at 9, about an hour away, but we can clear the old hay out of the stalls while its still cool.]

B [Will we have time to meet with Brian this afternoon?]

W [Two appointments today and nothing after 2.]

B [He gets out at 3:30, so we can pick him up at school.]

W [I'll put it in my schedule.]

B [Should I just come over now, so we don't have to type to talk?]

W [Probably a good idea to keep the screen between us while we're still half asleep.]

B [You're probably right. I might get a little too grabby.]

Don remembered all the times she had touched him and shifted in his seat as he quickly grew aroused.

W [And I might let you.]

B [I'd love to run my fingers through your fur and feel it against my cheek.]

W [That sounds wonderful. I like your smooth skin and long hair.]

B [Your fur feels nice against my skin. I'd like to just rub my whole body against you.]

W [I might enjoy that a little too much.]

B [I wouldn't mind.]

W [But we have to be careful.]

B [Not in our dreams and we're just dreaming here.]

W [It would be a dream to finally make love to you.]

B [Then do it here. Tell me how you would make love to me.]

Don hesitated and looked at Molly for support. She was sitting on the floor beside his chair, just smiling up at him.

W [I would love to lay you down and kiss your skin all over, feeling its smoothness under my paws and finding all the places that you enjoy being touched.]

B [I would love that. Tell me more.]

Don closed his eyes and imagined her laying naked on his bed, happily letting him caress her body, then let his imagination wander and typed freely.

W [I would stroke your cheek and kiss your lips, then let my paws wander down your body, over your shoulders and around your breasts.]

B [Oh yes, please. I want to feel your paws on my breasts. Hold me against you, so I can feel your fur on my body.]

W [I would lay against you and squeeze your breasts as much as you'd like.]

B [I want to feel your feral penis inside me.]

She regretted sending it as soon as she saw it on the screen and hoped he wouldn't respond.

He wasn't sure how to respond to that. It excited him, but he wondered if she was too hung up on the novelty of his difference and not thinking of a long term relationship.

W [Do you want baby bunnies?]

B [Oh yes, I would love to have my children look like you.]

The response shocked her, but she had typed her answer before she could think about it. She was surprised, but thought some more about it and realized that it was true. Living the rest of her life with him was only half the picture and having his children completed it.

Don stared at the screen. Her response had come quickly, without hesitation, and it excited him. He thought about living the rest of his life with her and raising bunnies of their own together.

W [Once we're married, we can start a family with lots of little bunnies.]

B [Oh yes, fill me with your bunnies.]

Why was she typing things she would be too embarrassed to say out loud?

Don gasped in surprise as he read her message and felt a surge in his erection. He looked down and Molly was eagerly licking it. He watched her and thought about Julie Ann. Soon he shot his load across her face and into her fur. He panted from his orgasm, then looked up at the screen.

W [I should get a shower.]

B [Me, too. A cold one.]

W [I'll see you soon, then.]

B [Yeah, soon.]

Julie Ann pushed away from her desk and exhaled. She was far too turned on to be going to see him. She needed to release and looked at Albert, "You're getting to be a bad habit, ya know?" She stared at him for a while, then gave in and crawled on her bed to hug him tightly.

Don stretched and sighed, then got up and headed for the shower. He turned on the water and stood under it, letting it soak through his fur. Molly sat outside the door, watching him, so he let her in and scrubbed through her fur. Once they were both clean, he dried her off, and himself, and returned to his desk. He stared at the mare on the screen, remembering his recent thoughts of Julie Ann. He was not ready to see her in person and keep professional.

Julie Ann curled around her plush dog with her rear in the air. She was focused on trying to push her urges back down, but soon realized her position and her imagination took over. She thought of running her fingers though his fur and wrapping her hand around his long erection. She grasped the dildo hiding under her faux friend and let her fingers explore its shape as she imagined his smiling rabbit face. She imagined herself crawling on his bed and presenting herself to him. She had a bunny tail and wiggled it for him. She imagined herself a rabbit; a rabbit just for him.

Molly nosed Don's hand and he ruffled her ears with a smile. She wasn't done, either. She licked his paw and nosed his thigh, trying to get more of a reaction from him, but he was only half paying attention to her. She hopped up and put her paws in his lap and he finally gave in, ruffling her neck with both paws and nuzzling her nose. He said something, but she didn't recognize it. She got down and turned around to jump onto the bed. Finding the middle, she presented herself and looked back at him expectingly. He responded in his usual slow manner, with his usual smile and some familiar words. She held firm as he crawled up behind her and rubbed her rump.

Julie Ann slid the dildo from under Albert and down between her legs. She let the tip find her hungry hole as she imagined Don crawling up behind her and positioning his rabbit penis against her waiting vagina. She hesitated as she thought about him slowly pushing into her, his length sliding gently into the depths of her, but soon the dildo poked the back of her vagina and she gasped. She felt the tip poking deep inside her and rubbed her thumb over her clit. She thought of Don thrusting into her and began to move the dildo in and out of herself.

Molly watched her strange mate guide his shaft into her and felt it pushing deep. He started humping her slowly and she knew he wanted to enjoy this one. She squeezed around him and he moaned. His thrusts were loving and passionate. She knew he loved her and she loved his love. She felt him twitching inside her and pushed back as he quickened his pace. Soon he would fill her up and she would have his delicious love.

Julie Ann tensed as her thrusts pushed her close to climax. She panted and begged, hungrily driving the rabbit dildo into her vagina like a jackhammer, "Oh Don, please." Finally, her body convulsed with pleasure as her orgasm hit and she squirted over her hand. She gasped as the relief washed over her and she was finally able to think clearly, "Bunnies?"

Molly felt his warm love gush into her and pushed back, not wanting to lose a drop. He stayed inside her for a while, rubbing her legs and back. She wagged her tail slowly to let him know she enjoyed it. She clenched around him as he scritched at the base of her tail, then looked back at him with a smile. He was done, but that was okay. He pulled out and she sat down, leaning forward to lick him clean. As she finished cleaning his shaft and moved to clean herself, he finally said something and she looked up at him in confusion, "Bunnies?"

Julie Ann pushed herself up and pulled the dildo out of her, feeling her juices drip down her legs. She looked at the artificial shaft and thought about Don's. Did she really want his bunnies? She still felt like a child with a crush. She didn't think she would make a good mother yet, she still had so much to experience. Besides, she needed to finish school, so she could afford to take care of any kids. Its a good thing they decided to wait.

Don sat down and watched Molly resume licking his sperm from her vulva. Did he really ask Julie Ann to have his bunnies? Well, she would make a good mother. She is caring and smart and not afraid of work. There's no doubt their children would be beautiful. He tried to imagine them, but first pictured Julie Ann pregnant and smiled. They would have her eyes and his ears. His mother would probably be upset that she's human, but she would come around once she saw her grandchildren. Ed could have the pure bunnies for her and he'd have Julie Ann.

Morning arrived and so did Julie Ann. Neither mentioned their online conversation, for fear of stirring up something they couldn't control. They focused on work, clearing out the stalls, though occasionally stealing a glance at each other when the other wasn't looking. The day was tense, but uneventful: final checkup for a pack of five weimeraners before they flew to California for a show and a lethargic pony that was getting too much sugar.

At three o'clock, they drove to Brian's school and waited in the parking lot. When she finally saw him come out, she leaned out of the window and waved to him. He hurried over and lifted his bike into the back then climbed in the cab beside his sister.

"This is Dr Windon Lem and this is my brother, Brian."

Don offered a paw, "Nice to meet you, Brian."

The young human put his hand out cautiously and the rabbit shook it firmly.

"So, where are we going?"

"Turn left out of the parking lot and a ways down on the right is some woods and a path."

Don waded through traffic and followed the directions.

"There. There it is!" Brian almost got out before Don could stop his truck. He hurried down the path and Don kept up with him, but Julie Ann lagged behind. He stopped suddenly and started looking around, "Gizelle! Gizelle! This is the spot. See, here's where my tires skidded and I went of the path. Maybe she's at the bottom."

Before either could say a thing, he leapt through the brush and ran down the slope. They followed more cautiously.

"Here's the rock where my bike was and here's the log where we... where we sat. Gizelle! Gizelle!"

"Maybe she's just a little late," she tried to calm her brother.

"Can we wait for her?"

"I should go move my truck. I'll be right back." the rabbit's legs let him climb the slope quickly and he disappeared down the path.

Brian sat down on the log and sighed, "I didn't imagine her."

"I believe you."

He pulled out his phone and poked at it while she walked over, then held it up with a picture of him and a bear together before she sat down beside him, "See."

She took the phone from him and smiled, "She looks cute."

Brian glared at her.

"You're still young enough to be called cute, too," she ruffled his hair and he sighed.

"I wonder if Don knows her." She casually flipped through the pictures and got silent when they started to show more of the bear than she expected to see, then more of her brother than she wanted to see.

"Where could she be?"

"Um, Brian." The video started playing, "Hi, I'm Gizelle..."

Brian snatched his phone from his sister's hand and stopped it, but not before it revealed more than he wanted her to know, "...and I love it when Brian puts his rod in my honeypot."

"Is there something more I need to know?"

He shoved his phone in his pocket, "I think you know it all now."

"You had sex with her?"

"Do you need to see the pictures again? Maybe the video?"

"No. Brian. Relax. I'm not mad at you." she put her arms around him. "You're my brother. I care about you. I love you. I'm worried that you're a little young, but I can't change what you already did."

"You think I made a mistake?"

"Everyone makes mistakes, its how we learn to avoid making them again."

"I never want to make this one again."

"Did you learn anything?"

"Yeah, if someone's in trouble, never leave without them, ever."

"Good enough," she sighed and pulled him in for a hug.

He closed his eyes, then lifted his head and kissed her lips.

She was so surprised, she froze for a moment, letting her brother's lips linger on her own. Her hesitation was long enough for him to wrap his hand around her breast before she pushed him back, "Brian!"

"I'm sorry!" He punched the log and ran off, clamoring up the slope as Don came down.

Don walked over to Julie Ann carrying his bag, "Did he just..."

"Yes! ...and no," she sighed, "He's really worried about her. They had sex out here."

"How old is he?"

"He's twelve."

"And how old is she?"

"I'm not sure. I've never seen a bear morph before."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. He's been kind of clingy lately. Probably because I've been talking about moving out, but his dad... I just can't stay there around him." she looked up at the rabbit, "He tried to order me to not work for you because you're a 'morph freak' ... I can't live with that hate."

He sat down beside her, "There are empty bedrooms in the house, if you need to get away."

She smiled, "You know I'd love to, but I don't think Brian could handle me leaving so abruptly. Besides, I probably wouldn't use the other bedroom and we're going to wait, remember?"

He put his paw on her cheek and thought about kissing her, but she kissed his paw and pulled it down to her lap. "Maybe we should leave a note for her, so she can contact us."

Don opened his bag and pulled out a pen and a pad, handing them to Julie Ann. She wrote Gizelle, Brian's phone number and address and put Brian's name. "I hope she can read."

Don pulled a small box of tacks from his bag and stuck the note to the log, "I hope it survives until she finds it."

Julie Ann sighed, "I really hope she's not playing him. He's taking this very serious."

Brian came skidding down the slope, "You guys gotta go. You're scarring her off."

"We should all go home. She's not here."

"NO!" he gave her a glare that scared her, "I am not leaving without her again."

"Brian. We wrote a note for her, so she can find you. If she's not here, she's someplace else."

"She walked here. We should go through the woods and find the house where they're holding her."

"Or maybe we could check a map to see who lives around these woods, then Don can find out who would most likely be keeping a bear."

"You're right. He knows." Brian stepped toe to toe with the doc and shoved his phone in the rabbit's face, "Where is she?"

Don looked at Brian, then at the screen, "I don't recognize that bear."

"Well find her!"

Julie Ann grabbed her brother's arms, "Brian! We're trying to help."

"Then go away."

"If we find her, we will need you to talk to her."

"But what if she comes looking for me here?"

"The note will tell her how to find you."

He fell into his sister's arms, fighting back tears and finally giving in to sobs.

Don got up whispering, "I'll go get the truck." and climbed the slope again.

Brian pushed off of his sister's chest and leaned on it, his cheeks wet with tears, "She needs me and I need her. I need to find her. I need to help her."

"I know and we will." She pulled him back against her and he fell limp in her lap, crying softly. She cradled him and rocked, stroking his hair soothingly.

"Julie Ann?"

She looked at him and paused her hand behind his ear.

"Do all girls like stroking hair?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Gizelle did it, too."

"Oh, did she? Well, I wouldn't say all girls, but I guess I do like the feel of hair," she ran his short hair through her fingers, "and you seem to like when I do it, too."

He nodded, his cheek against her breast, "It feels nice and I like knowing you like it."

She smiled and stroked his hair some more.

"Julie Ann?"

"Yes, Brian."

"Can I kiss you?"

She leaned her cheek down to him.

"On the lips?"

She pulled her head back and looked at him, "Why do you want to kiss me on the lips?"

"I need to practice... and I already love you."

She smirked, "Tell you what. I'll give you some lessons later, at home." She pictured making him kiss his hand.

"Can I have one now?"

With his sad eyes and wet cheeks, red from crying, she couldn't say no. Reluctantly, she smiled and leaned in, kissing his lips more passionately than she had intended. His hand slipped down her chest and rested over her nipple, but he didn't squeeze this time. She pulled him close against her, then opened her eyes and pulled back, suddenly realizing she was enjoying kissing her brother's lips. With his eyes closed and a smile on his face, he looked like he was sleeping. Then she noticed his hand on her breast and the tent in his pants and figured he was thinking of Gizelle again.

"Okay, we need to go," she all but dumped him on the ground, as she stood up. She swatted his butt to get him moving and he grinned as he scrambled up the slope.

Don was at the top with his bike, "I found a place to park near the other end of the trail. Put your bike in the back and I'll help your sister."

Brian hopped on his bike and took off down the path.

Don hopped down the slope to where Julie Ann was starting up and offered a paw. She happily took it and climbed the slope. When she slipped he quickly grabbed the back of her thigh to support her and his thumb pressed against her crotch. She blushed as she instantly imagined his paw there if she wasn't wearing pants. Fighting her fantasy, she thanked him and continued up.

They walked down the path and she took his paw, "Don, this is going to be hard for us, isn't it?

"What do you mean?"

"Gizelle is staying with people that are abusing her and Brian is in love with her. His father hates all morphs, most of the people around here agree with him and I'm in love with you. Are we going to make it?"

"I didn't come up here for a vacation. I came to make a difference. In order to do that, I have to face down the problems and prove that I am not what they think I am. I deal with bigotry every day, but I persevere and keep my best face forward. If you're coming with me, we have to face them together and it will be twice as difficult, but together we can be ten times as strong."

She hugged him tight.

"Gizelle has been living her nightmare, but it sounds like she hasn't lost her ability to love. She doesn't resent all humans for how some have treated her. Once we get her away from the abuse, she can move on and grow up to be happy."

"You are amazing," she stood on her toes to kiss his lips and he pulled her close, kissing back passionately.

Brian came skidding to a stop on the dirt path and Julie broke the kiss to look at him staring at them. Her mind raced through a million possibilities and most were not good all she could manage to say was, "Not a word to your father."

He slowly closed his mouth and glared, "Then you help me find Gizelle."

"We will."

"No. Now." he rushed closer and thrust Don's tablet at him with a map of where they were on the screen.

Don took the tablet and zoomed and moved and found only a couple houses bordering the woods, "It could be either of these. I have a mailing list at home and I can find out if either has animals."

"You could find out now by going there."

"Brian, if we go barging in like a three person strike team, we'll end up in jail instead of them. We have to be very careful. If we go asking, they'll surely deny having a morph slave, since its illegal. We have to use the law to help us. Don't worry, we'll find her and make sure she's safe."

"How long does she have to be abused while you wait?"

"Brian. We have to do this the right way or she could get hurt worse. If you charge in and tell them you know, they could do something horrible to her. We have to get help."

"Fine, but we have to hurry."

Don turned the screen to Brian with the government page on it again, "I have the contact info here and will call about it tomorrow. Let's go back to the truck and you can tell me everything you know about her. They probably won't take me seriously if I just say there's some bear somewhere that needs help. I need to give them as much info as possible so they can find her."

"We know where she is."

"Not quite, but close. Let's get back to the truck. Julie Ann can write down everything Gizelle told you, while I drive."

"Fine, let's go," he turned his bike around and headed back to the truck.

When they finally made it, he rushed them into the cab and shoved Don's tablet into his sister's hands, "She said her mom died in a car crash and she was seven and they were from Philly, no Pittsburgh. They were going to Philly."

"Wait, she's seven?"

"Not anymore. That's when her mom died."

"So, how old is she?"

"I don't think she told me. She said they put her in a dog kennel because the other kids were scared of her and then the Davidsons got her and ... Davidson! That's their name! And she said one of them is named Danny."

"Danny Davidson? Well, that's something we can work with."

"Yeah. She said he wants to have sex with her, but thinks she's too small, but he makes her suck his dick."

"He what?"

"Yeah. He calls it his rod and wants to put it in her honeypot."

"Like you?" his sister gave him a smirk as she hinted at his video.

Brian turned red and tried to change the subject, "What are they going to do when they find her?"

"I'm not sure. They'll probably take her away from the family, at least, then try to find her own."

"But her mother's dead."

"Then they would try to find her a foster home."

"But I think that's how she ended up with them in the first place. Can't she stay with us?"

"You know your dad wouldn't allow that."

"I know, but what about with Don?"

Don spoke for himself, "I have the room, but we will have to see what the situation turns into. I don't want to go against the law. Being a morph myself, I don't have a strong enough position to defend her."

"What do you mean position? You just let her stay with you."

"If the law allows it, I will. But doing anything illegal is extra dangerous for me. I want to help her as much as I can."

"I'm sorry." Brian sighed as his sister put her hand on the back of his head.

Don pulled up to his house and stopped.

Brian crawled out of the truck and went back for his bike.

Julie Ann followed her brother while Don went to the house. She put her hand on his shoulder as he set his bike on the ground. "Don't worry, we'll find her. It may take a while, but she'll be okay," she could see the tears in his eyes and wanted to hug him, but he turned away and headed for her car. She unlocked it for him and he put his bike in the trunk, using some string to tie the lid down as the wheel stuck out. He started to get in, but she stopped him and pulled him against her. He buried his face between her breasts and burts into tears, clinging to the sides of her shirt. She held him while he cried, gently stroking his hair. His sobs gradually quieted, but she kept him close until he looked up at her with red eyes and face and she smiled down at him.

Don stepped out the door, "Do you two want to stay for dinner?"

Julie Ann turned, keeping an arm around her brother, "We really should get back and keep things as civil as possible until this is resolved."

The rabbit walked out to them as he spoke, "Well, I sent a message, telling as much as I knew. We'll have to wait to see what they say. I couldn't find any Davidsons in my mailing list around there, but that doesn't mean much. I'll look into the nearby addresses tonight and maybe do some cold calls. I need to drum up some new business, anyway. I won't ask outright, but I'll see what I can learn."

Brian stared at him for a moment, then sprung forward to hug the big bunny tight, "Thank you."

Don smiled and put his paws on the boys shoulders as he let go, "You're welcome. You're a good kid and you're doing the right thing. We'll find her."

Brian hugged him again, then hurried to get in the car, trying to hide more tears.

Julie Ann smiled, "Thank you."

"He is a good kid. He cares about the right things."

She glanced at the car and wondered if it was concern or hormones that motivated her brother, but either way, it needed to be done. She looked back at her rabbit and wanted to kiss him for being so wonderful. She settled for a hug and tried not to cry, herself. As she started to pull away, Don kissed her lips and pulled her close again. She held him tight and pushed all her desires into that kiss.

As he pulled back, she gasped for the air that she forgot she needed and their eyes held a conversation without words. Finally, she stepped away, letting her fingers trail through his fur as she forced herself to get into her car. She put the window down and rested her arm on the door, "I'll let you know we got home okay."

Don put his paw on hers, "I can show you what I learn when you come by tomorrow."

"Can I come?" Brian leaned across to look up at Don.

Julie Ann gave him a glare, "You've got school tomorrow."

"I don't care. This is more important."

Don leaned down to look in the window, "School is important, too. I promise I will let you know immediately, when I find her. Until then, its just waiting and taking care of everything else, like school."

"You promise."

"I promise."

Brian sat back with a huff.

"I'll see you tomorrow," another kiss tempting fate and the rabbit stepped away, their lips and fingers objecting.

Julie Ann sighed and pulled out of his driveway, glancing back as much as she could to see her rabbit until they were too far away.

As she drove, Brian suddenly spoke, "Are you going to marry him?"

She was pretty sure she knew the answer, but she wasn't sure what she wanted to tell him, "Um, well, I guess I'd like to, but that depends on him, doesn't it."

"Well, you fucked him, didn't you?"

She slammed on the brakes in surprise and looked at her brother. Fortunately, they were the only car on that back road at that time. Brian gave her a confused and scared look and she got the car moving again.

"Not that its any of your business, but no, we have not had sex."

"Why not?"

"Its ... Its complicated. If we get too comfortable with our relationship and the wrong people find out, they could do some really bad things to us."

"Like dad?"

"Yes. I don't think your father would approve of me dating a morph, so not a word about it in his house or around him, ever. Got it?"

"No problem and you don't mention Gizelle, either. Okay?"

"Deal," She patted his thigh as she drove and he put his hand on hers. She let him keep it until she needed it.

Don watched them leave and stood in his driveway as his mind replayed the kisses and hoped for more, then started to remind him what would happen to both of them if they had been seen. He shook the unpleasant thoughts from his head and wentback inside.

Molly was waiting in the doorway and he stroked her neck as he passed. She trotted ahead of him to the kitchen and got her lead off the hook by the door.

"Okay, maybe a run will help clear my head." he took it and clipped it to her collar, then opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind them.

He started with a slow jog, giving himself time to think. He did want Julie Ann and wanted to do it right, but he was beginning to think they might not make it that far. He had been telling her to take it easy and be professional and how dangerous being public could be, but then he just kissed her out in public and right in his front yard, in front of her brother. That was not careful or professional at all.

He rounded the first corner and Molly was ready to run.

He wondered what to do as he quickened his pace a little. Should he make plans to visit his family sooner? Or should he tighten his resolve and pull back to make sure they last? He didn't want to lose her and wondered if he would even be able to. He thought it funny how easy it was to keep his paws off of her before he knew she wanted him, too.

He stopped at the back corner and looked at Molly, "I suppose the smart thing to do would be to cover both. I'll start setting up the trip, but do my best to keep my paws off of Julie Ann. Think you can help me with that?"

The lab smiled up at him with her golden coat glistening in the sun.

"Right. Let's get back. Ready?"

She jumped and spun around and he took off running the last side of the fence. She quickly caught up with him and pulled ahead just as they reached the water pump. The rabbit laughed as Molly drank from a puddle, "Okay, you win again. Let's get you some fresh water and dinner."

Molly smiled at him and they went inside. They shared a simple meal, then went back for a shower. The rabbit scrubbed his fur thouroughly, then bent down and scrubbed his canine companion. As he finished rinsing her off, he paused and kissed her lips, lingering as the shower rained down on them. She wagged her tail and he rubbed her chest.

He stood up and turned off the water, then opened the door and toweled them both off. He paused again to kiss her lips and stroked her belly as their tongues met. He smiled at her and stroked her ears, "You'll always be my special girl."

After dinner, Julie Ann flopped on her bed with a sigh. It had been a busy day, with lots to think about. She was still feeling warm from their kiss... es... in his yard. Oh crap, they were careless. And Brian knows now. He could get careless. She sat up on the edge of her bed. She needed to talk to someone about it or she was going to worry herself to death, right there. She moved to her desk and opened her computer. Good, messages.

Dit Da Dit [Belle told me you stopped by, but she's worried she scared you off. What happened?]

Nocta Cat [Hey. Can we talk when you get home?]

Not who she wanted to talk to, but it would serve as a distraction until Anthea came on. First, she sent her a message that she needed to talk, then responded to Robbie.

BunnyJan [Randy was there and they were having sex when I got to the door. Then when I was talking to Belle, she dragged her to the bed and just started shoving a dildo in her, while I stood there. I didn't know what to do.]

No response, so she tried Belle.

B [I'm home now. What's up?]

She started to wonder if she was out of luck.

D [Whoa, what a first impression. Yeah, Randy was probably asserting her dominance in front of percieved competition.]

B [Competition? I'm not interested in Belle like that. I don't think of girls that way.]

D [Doesn't matter. You being friends with her could be competition for her attention.]

D [Maybe Belle has a little crush on you.]

D [Or maybe Randy was showing off and hoping you'd be interested in a threesome.]

B [Ew. No.]

D [Well, you did join in.]

B [I was confused! I didn't know what to do. I wasn't interested!]

D [And if you were in that position again?]

B [I still don't know what I'd do.]

B [It doesn't mean I'm interested in girls.]

D [Its okay to be curious.]

B [I'm not curious. I'd rather have sex with you than her.]

When she saw it on the screen, she immediately wished she could delete it and hoped he was suddenly pulled away and didn't see it.

D [Um, thanks?]

B [I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way.]

D [Well, what way did you mean it, because I'm not sure how to take it.]

B [I didn't mean that I want to have sex with you.]

B [not that that would be bad]

B [You're a very attractive man and I'm sure you would be very good in bed.]

B [Not that I've been thinking about it]

B [Well, not too much. I have had a couple dreams, but that's just my stupid brain.]

B [not that sex with you would be stupid, but I don't really want to.]

B [I mean I do, but I don't]

This hole was just getting bigger the more she tried to climb out.

B [Can we just start over?]

B [Robbie? Say something, please.]

D [Sorry, I was waiting to see where you were going with this.]

B [You jerk.]

D [Let me try.]

D [While our comfort levels and familiarity with each other and similar attractiveness might suggest a high level of pleasure, a physical relationship between us might strain the friendship we currently enjoy. Furthermore, you are currently in pursuit of a rabbit that is much more to your liking.]

B [Okay. Let me see if I can translate.]

B [I think you said you like me and you think I'm as pretty as you are, but if we had sex, we might not still be friends.]

D [Close enough for field work.]

B [Do you really think I'm that shallow?]

D [Its not a matter of that. If we let ourselves see each other in that way with no intention of, and even resistance to, going further, we'll begin to resent, not each other, but ourselves for trying to disconnect the physical and chemical arousal from the emotional bond.]

B [I think you're getting a little too deep for me.]

D [Let's try it this way.]

D [You love your rabbit, right?]

B [Absolutely]

D [And you want to have sex with him, right?]

She hesitated at the bluntness.

B [right]

D [And you find it difficult to consider being around him as just friends.]

He was being right, as usual.

B [yes]

D [And we're friends.]

B [Deffinitely.]

D [But when your brain suggested having sex with me, you ultimately rejected it.]

She didn't want to hurt his feelings by admiting it, but she had already said it.

B [Not at first.]

D [You may have entertained the satisfying image of my undeniably desirable sex-god body, but you consider me a friend and without a thought beyond the physical, you dismissed the idea.]

She was trying to keep up with him and not sound too stupid by comparison

B [Well, yes.]

D [So, there's an illustration of the connection between love and sex.]

B [How did you get so smart?]

D [Just like my stunningly good looks, dazzling charisma and amazing skills, I was born with it.]

B [Don't forget the ego.]

D [I save that for you, since you know me well enough to know better.]

B [I'm honored.]

D [And I don't have to worry about you falling in love with me and trying to get in my pants.]

B [Too late, you sexy beast. Your overwhelming mind has drawn me to the dark side.]

D [Rawr and stuff.]

B [Aaaand you lost it.]

D [Good. I like you better as a friend.]

B [I like being your friend, too.]

D [On that note, I'm going to head to bed. I've got to be up at 3am tomorrow.]

B [Ouch. Sleep well.]

D [You, too. You'll have to tell me about those dreams sometime.]

Julie Ann blushed and leaned away from her computer, then closed the chat box. She stared at the screen for a while, just trying to process everything. Talking with Robbie had made things even more jumbled in her head, instead of helping. She was still a little stunned from her conversation with Robbie when Belle messaged her again.

N [Are you still here?]

B [Yeah. What's up?]

N [Things aren't going so well with Randy]

B [You seemed okay yesterday.]

N [That's just it. After you left, she was asking if I still wanted her and seemed upset that I let you borrow the rabbit.]

B [Do you want it back?]

N [No. Its mine and I say you can have it.]

N [In fact, keep it. I'll just order another one.]

B [You don't have to do that. I can bring it by tomorrow.]

N [Nope. Its yours now. Though you can still come by if you want. I'd like that.]

B [What about Randy?]

N [She didn't come back today. I think she's breaking up with me. She didn't even show up for work last night.]

B [I'm sorry. Are you okay?]

N [Its not your fault. Its her choice. I'll be okay, eventually.]

B [Do you want to talk about anything?]

N [Yeah. You.]

Julie Ann suddenly wondered if Robbie was right and Belle was crushing on her.

N [Tell me how things are going with your rabbit, so I can forget about Randy.]

B [Today was weird.]

N [What happened?]

She wondered how much she should tell the cat.

B [Well, I was talking to him this morning and the subject of bunnies came up.]

N [Really? How many does he want?]

B [I don't know. We didn't discuss that, but I told him I wanted his.]

N [You didn't. Just like that?]

B [It kinda just came out. I didn't want him to think of me like that.]

N [So, did you finally do it?]

B [No, we're still waiting, but I did kiss him.]

N [You've already done that.]

B [In front of my brother.]

B [twice]

B [no, three times.]

N [Whoa, and he didn't gag or vomit.]

B [No. He seems okay with it. I guess he likes Don.]

N [Well, that's good.]

B [Probably doesn't hurt that he's got a morph girlfriend.]

N [Whoa, what?! Somebody online?]

B [No, he met her in the woods near his school.]

N [The only other morph I know of around here is Solomon, that old dog that got beat up.]

B [According to him, she's been kept as a slave.]

N [Poor girl. So, what's she doing now?]

B [We don't know. She was supposed to meet him in the woods today, but didn't show.]

N [And you're sure she's real?]

B [He was very upset about it, so I believe him.]

N [Randy just walked in. TTYL]

B [Okay. Take care.]

Julie Ann wondered if the cat was going to be okay. She had already seen that Randy could be impulsive and posessive. She hoped the girl had calmed down and realized that she wasn't a threat to their relationship.

Her head was still a mess and now it was even worse. She was thinking about Don and bunnies, and Brian and his bear, and Robbie, and Belle and Randy, and it made her head hurt. She decided to just go to bed early and let her brain sort it out in her sleep. She slipped out of her pants and shirt and bra, then pulled on a nightshirt andmade a trip to the bathroom before slipping under her cover with Albert. It wasn't long before her mind was taking a crack at putting all the pieces together...

She turned around and saw Robbie standing in front of her, completely naked. His fine, young, male form gave her pause as he posed casually like Michaelangelo's David, but with an impressive erection. She walked towards him and he smiled at her as she wrapped her hand around it. Then he turned and led her by his shaft, down a hall. She realized she was naked, as well, but it didn't matter.

They came to a door and Robbie opened it. Inside was Belle's apartment. The cat was laying naked on her bed and Randy was pounding something between her legs, making her scream while she smiled. Julie Ann wanted to make her stop, but Robbie swished his hand across the doorway and Randy flew out the window, leaving Belle smiling nude on her bed and beckoning for them to join her. Robbie closed the door and they moved down the hallway.

He opened the next door and it was a clearing in the woods. Brian and Gizelle were having sex on a large log. The bear was tearing her claws through the flesh of her brother's back while he smiled gleefully at his sister as he thrusted. She wanted to run in and save her brother, but Robbie waved his hand down from the top of the doorway and they were kissing tenderly and Brian's back was healed. Robbie closed the door and they moved down the hallway.

They came to another door and it opened into Don's front room. It was dark, as usual, but the kitchen light was on. Julie Ann walked in, letting go of Robbie, and found Don, sitting nude at his kitchen table with his head in his paws. She walked up and put her hand on his furry shoulder and he turned to look at her. His face lit up with a beaming smile as he saw her, then he stood up and took her in his arms, pulling her bare skin against his soft, furry body. They kissed and his paws roamed over her back. She felt his erection slide between her legs and lifted one to wrap it around his hip. He picked her up and lay her on the table as his fleshy rabbit shaft found her wet and wanting hole. It slid deep inside, filling her more than the toy ever could.

There was a knock and the world faded away, leaving only her and her rabbit lover. She moaned as he thrust into her, sending waves of pleasure through her body. His thrusts quickened and he leaned over to kiss her ear. She was panting and almost begging as she was on the edge of an amazing orgasm. Her rabbit lover softly whispered in her ear, "Bunnies."

She heard the door open and Don was gone. She was in her bed with both hands between her legs on the right spots. She opened her eyes and saw Brian slipping into her room as she tried to catch her breath and hold back her orgasm.

"Julie Ann? Can I sleep with you tonight?"

She groaned as she lost the mood, just a hair away from bliss, "No." She thought that came out too harsh and tried again, "Not tonight."

"Please. I can't sleep. I don't want to be alone."

She checked the time, ten-thirty, and sighed, never able to deny him when he was so pitiful, "How about we go to your room and I'll hold you until you fall asleep."

He tried giving her the sad eyes again.

"That's the best you'll get tonight, take it or leave."

"Okay." He opened the door again, then looked back, "You're coming, right?"

She thought to herself, Not anymore, "Yes, I'll be right there."

Brian slipped out and closed the door.

Julie Ann sighed and adjusted her panties to cover the important parts again, then threw back the cover and got up. She glanced back at Albert before she left, "Don't go anywhere. You and I have some unfinished business."

Albert stared blankly back at her.

Don finished catching up on the last of his file work and closed them triumphantly. He spun his chair around to look over at Molly, laying on his bed, and she lifted her head. "Well, I'm all yours for the rest of the night. What would you like to do?"

Molly rolled over onto her back and stuck her tongue out, smiling happily at him upside down.

"Oh, your belly wants some attention, does it?" He leaned forward and kissed her nose as he scritched her chin and worked his fingers down her neck. He scritched down her chest and followed with his nose. His fingers found her rows of nipples and he tickeld and rubbed over them. The lab started licking over his belly and he followed her lead, licking over every nipple as he rubbed his paws over her belly.

As he leaned forward to lick her lowest nipples, she found his erection dangling in front of her nose and started licking it. He closed his eyes and rested his nose against her belly, enjoying the sensation of her tongue eagerly licking the tip. Then he moved lower, stroking her inner thighs as he nuzzled around her vulva. He could smell her want and it aroused him more.

Molly licked down his length and began lapping at his balls, eliciting a soft moan from the rabbit and urging him on. He licked and sucked at her vulva, then pushed his tongue inside. She seemed to enjoy it and he wondered why he had never thought of doing it before.

Soon, he couldn't focus anymore and stood up, Molly quickly hopped to her feet on the bed and presented herself to him. Without another thought, Don slid his throbbing erection into her and began humping her excitedly. Molly pushed back against his thrusts, squeezing eagerly, and soon he buried his shaft inside her and filled her with all he had. Dazed, he crawled up the bed and drifted off to sleep as Molly cleaned them both.

Julie Ann slipped quietly into her brother's room. He was already in bed, under his cover. She walked over and watched him, hoping he had already fallen asleep, but then he looked up at her and slid over to give her more room. She sighed in resignation and crawled under the cover with him. Brian wrapped his arm around his big sister and snuggled close, burying his face in her chest. Julie Ann rubbed her hand on his back, then noticed an odd feeling on her leg. She slid her hand down her back, but ran out of fabric at his waist.

"Brian. Where are your pants?"

"I can't sleep in them. They're uncomfortable."

"At least wear some underwear."

"That's what's uncomfortable. They're too tight."

She sighed again, wanting to get through this quickly and arguing would only delay it, "Fine, but turn around."

"But I want to hug you."

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No. Okay." He reluctantly rolled over and she put her hand on his chest and cuddled.

As she lay in the dark with her brother's body pressed against hers, her mind drifted back to the dream, still fresh in her mind. She tried to stay awake, but the dream called...

She turrned around and saw Don posing nude like David with his rabbit erection sticking out. She walked up and put her hand on his chest, walking around to admire his fine, furry, male form. She slid her hand down his belly and wrapped it around his shaft, slowly beginning to stroke it. She felt his body writhe in pleasure as she fondled his feral penis. Soon it began to throb and pulse in her hand as he ejaculated. As each squirt landed, a small feral rabbit popped up. After the sixth bunny started hopping around at their feet, the dream abruptly ended.

She opened her eyes with a start, realizing where she was. Her mind still holding onto the image of the dream, she carefully slid out from behind her brother and made sure he was covered back up before she quietly left.

Back in her own room, she closed the door and noticed Albert staring at her, "You have no idea what's going on in my head."

She pounced on the plush pooch and hugged it, then lay on her back and held it in the air. A glance at the time, eleven-fifteen, and she looked back at Albert again, "I need to get some real sleep tonight. Think my brain will let me this time?"

Albert didn't offer any opposition.

"Good." She pulled him down to snuggle and adjusted her pillow. Her hand found the rabbit toy and she pulled it out for a look, "Do you think it would help."

Albert didn't deny it, so she put the dildo under the covers and found its rightful place between her legs. She was already wet from the previous dreams and worked it in with little effort. She moved it slowly inside her and felt comforted just by its presence. Without trying, she drifted off to a peaceful sleep with the Don substitute nestled inside her.