[Character Profile] Seiryu-ou

Story by Yuuhi on SoFurry

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Basic Info¤


»Name: Seiryu-?

»Birthdate: April 1st

»Gender Type: Male

»Nickname(s): Sei, Ryu-ou

»Orientation: Dominant (Top)

»Occupation: Keeper of the Eastern Throne




»Outlook: Stoic

»Attitude: Enigmatic

»Nature: Autist, Director, Guru

»Demeanor: Chameleon, Idealist, Loner

»Note(s): Seiryu's 'natural' form is that of a leviathan (world-sized Eastern Dragon).

»Note(s): He is often stern, stubborn, and will never give a straight answer (his words are murky as cloudy waters).




Seiryu is the second eldest of the four Cardinal gods that exist as part of the council of Nine in the world of Gensou.

As the second born of the four, he is considered the seer, and is often the most sought after in terms of finding out about the future, a deity of time and destiny, his domain presides over the oceans of the east and his season is, Spring. His element(s) are considered to be Water, and Stone, representing his place as a Dragon god.

He more generally takes on his natural form of a Dragon, his look that of a Shenlong whose scales are the colors of the rivers, ocean and rains. Gargantuan in size, he is considered to be on par with the Midgar serpent, capable of encircling the world many times over if he so desires, the oceans and deep places beneath the earth are considered his places of prayer and worship.

His romantic life is categorized in two states, on the one hand he holds definitive affection towards his siblings, with special emphasis and longing directed towards his directional partner, Byaku. He does not however, openly pursue this infatuation, preferring to let things go as they will.

Seiryu is the guardian of Water, and as such, his place among the hierarchy is as a historian and oracle. Capable of seeing the future, many people and creatures have sought out the fate of their own destinies and were sorely disappointed by Seiryu's refusal to give a straight answer. Enigmatic, Pragmatic, and vague, Seiryu bestows knowledge like the Egyptian Sphinx, through trial, tribulation, and riddles.

Harboring secrets is never an easy task, however his role among the gods states he is not allowed to divulge information that might 'break' or change the flow of time and history, though he is allowed to aid a person on their path to discovering their own destiny. Nevertheless, he is stern and hard pressed to divulge information that is not earned and will often set people on quests to discover the answer for themselves, with very little interjection of his own.

A creature of habit and prophecy, he has had over the course of millenia, several children, many of whom were born of his own blood alone. Of these children, a pair known as the 'Celestial Twins' were among his favored. Tragedy overtook the Dragon God's lineage however, when a subsequent war between supernatural and mortal broke out during the Mesopotamian era, which lead to the death of one son, and the disappearance of another at the hands of the dark Dragon goddess, Tiamat.

Seiryu blames Koukuen, the fallen, entirely for the death of his children, and the subsequent destruction of the mortal bonds that ones stood in existence and harmony between all realms. Shortly after the incident in Babylon, humans began to despise all supernatural creatures, and in an effort to protect both themselves and the humans that began hunting them, Genbu and Seiryu agreed to separate the realms, leaving the mortal world a place for humans only, policed by the Gods to prevent altercations between supernatural creatures, and the mortals that no longer trusted them.

He and Koukuen are persistently at odds with one another, even though the Fallen has done everything in his power to redeem himself, Seiryu's trust in the shadowy wolf god is severely lacking, and he provides no quarter towards the other despite Koukuen taking both punishment and imprisonment without complaint or regret, he also shows no sympathy towards the reason behind Koukuen's fall... the death of a mortal lover.

His eye sees all things that happen in the world, and he is considered the watcher. First to know and alert the other pantheons of danger, he is often seated at the right hand of the council of Nine, working as bailiff towards any disagreements that might occur.

He has a soft-spot in his heart for the Makai King, Yasha, as he was mentor and protector of the young god before he became king. Likewise his sympathies extend to Itsuki and Yuuhi, of whom he has seen the fates of and has suffered silently with the fact that he can neither protect, nor encourage them on the path they were set to take.