Christmas to New Year's @-@

Story by LittleAnon on SoFurry

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so here's the deal. I know i said and promised a Christmas picture but i cant do that now because its not Christmas.... so ima make it a New Year's picture if that is okay. and the pictures with the naughty and nice will still be like that but kinda a new years resolution deal. To make it more interesting and more interactive with all of you, i would like to have each one of you to send me your new years resolution so i can base my photo off of your resolution if it be naughty or nice! I do apologize for the no Christmas photo but unfortunately shit happens. But like a famous person said, " sometimes doors are closed in life to open knew ones." lets just say i took advantage of the opportunity. Thank you again my followers for reading this update i love you all <3 ~ Little Anon