The Labyrinth of Time - Chapter 2

Story by Grimscale on SoFurry

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All who entered the Labyrinth of Time entered denuded of cloth or trappings. They entered for trial. The trials were not to determine the measure of their being based on the life they lived, would live or had lived. It was a trial simply to see if they would pass beyond the Labyrinth and onward in their life journey. Many had returned more than once.

He watched as she exited the swirling eddies of mist as she exited the portal. This particular Reception Hall had five exits. He already knew the countless paths these led to as well as the traps and denizens lurking beyond. Some of the denizens she would pass without incident as they were already "preoccupied" with previous visitors, held enthralled by the slow, savoring pleasures of the beasts mastering them.

She was a healthy specimen, appearing to be an anthro-canine. Her body was slender and lithe, her fur glistened--a sign of a clean and well-kempt female. Her scent was earthy and wild with a faint scent of heat, seemingly to entice him. Her bushy tail wagged gently behind her as she caught sight of him, approaching with a grin stretched across her maw. She bent down and stroked his massive head gently, her tail wagging with enthusiasm as she cooed to him softly, her mane of hair cascading around her head and shoulders like a curtain of silk; scented with a potpourri of berries and herbs to blend into a sweet and spicy aroma.

His purrs eminated from him much to his surprise. It would seem she had chosen him on her own yet he would test her further. His gaze drank in the beauty of the naked canine once more before he jerked his head away from her and her caressing hand, appearing bored or nonchalant. Yet his arousal was apparent as his glistening phallus had risen from within the confines of its sheath. He turned and walked toward a patch of sunlit grass and settled onto it, laying on his side. His purrs carried to her a contented message yet his shaft was more exposed, his rear leg stretched back behind him then settled onto the grass, leaving him fully vulnerable to her.

She stood and watched him for a few moments, allowing him to become comfortable before approaching him slowly. She displayed no fear nor did he sense fear from scent or sound. Her touch was gentle and loving. She lowered herself to the grass next to him, seating herself by his head, then laying back upon the grass, her head near his feet.

She smiled softly, her hand moving to his flank to stroke his soft fur, slowly caressing as she turned her head toward his belly and loins. His shaft was fully erect now, the slight bulge an indication of the forming knot. Tiny ridges were visible on the bulge; a jerky flex of his shaft caused the ridges to flare outward slightly, revealing them as barbs.

This intrigued her as she gently scratched into his soft fur, lightly and teasingly raking the flesh beneath. "I would require passage through time, sire..." She said, her breath hot upon his throbbing phallus, "...yet I am in no rush. I may reside here indefinately if you so wished it, sire." she finished with a soft sigh and then she flicked her tongue out, conforming it to his length as she dragged it slowly along him, moaning at his taste.

He trembled as her tongue explored him. She spoke to him as if she knew him to be sentient. She was no stranger to these travels and recognized the intelligence within him despite his form. He had thought to morph back into his natural minotaur form but decided to humor their shared curiousities. He said nothing, his eyes closed now as he savored her ministrations.

Her tongue moved lower over his length, finding the forming knot she began to play with the barbs, gently flicking them with her tongue before licking them down against the knot once more, letting her saliva glue them back to his knot. She shifted as she nuzzled her head lower between his legs and he lifted his top rear leg upward to allow her access, growling softly as her tongue swirled around his testes and then he groaned as she captured them in turn and suckled them gently, her sharp teeth craddling them in her maw while her tongue lavished them with loving caresses.

When she released them, the cooler air teased his moistened flesh and his glands began to tighten against him, seeking warmth. She sighed against them, her hot breath washing over them. It seemed she would not allow his sac to tighten against him yet. She had high hopes for this one.

"I take it your silence means that you are at least considering my offer, sire. I know of this Labyrinth and until now, I have bypassed it. Now I have no choice but to accept my fate. I shall obey your wishes and do as you wish." She said huskily, parting her maw as she began to take his massive gland between her lips. She was exceedingly careful with him for she knew that her sharp canines could easily rip, tear or puncture the flimsy membrane coating his length. Her tongue craddled him as she guided him into her mouth, her eyes closed as she concentrated and lavished his shaft with her loving tongue. The tip slid into her throat and she forced herself to relax, fighting the urge to gag. She opened her eyes to check her progress only to have them widen. She was a few inches away from his now engorged knot yet he was already nuzzling into the back of her throat.

She shifted her body slowly and carefully so as to allow her to crane her head upward, straightening the tight tunnel of her throat. She wanted to kiss that sweet knot! She moaned as he pulsed in her mouth, sliding onto him even more. He eased down her gullet gently by her guidance until at last she kissed his knot. She began to suckle him firmly but gently now, her eyes closing as she moaned around him. She felt his shaft expand then contract rapidly, moaning again as a rush of preseed washed down her throat.

While she continued to swallow and suckle him, her long tongue eased out, craddling his length, caressing his knot as well as his sac. This elicited a soft, deep yowl from him as he shuddered with pleasure.

She moaned all around him again as she lifted her top leg upward, bending at the knee she rested the bottom of her foot upon her own inner thigh, exposing her moist heat to him now. Her folds and fur glistened, soaked with her juices. The sight and scent of her drawing his attention; he purred loudly as he moved his head between her legs, lapping at her folds with slow, savoring caresses.

She squealed loudly around his shaft as his course tongue scratched teasingly against her folds, feeling him ply deeper, finding her now rock hard nodule, the ridges of his tongue pricking and coursing over it mercillessly. She shuddered, her hips flicking violently toward his muzzle as she climaxed from the unexpected caress of that sweetly ridged tongue!

It was a new sensation to her, extremely pleasing and she suckled harder and faster now upon his length, her tongue snaking outward, darting rapidly along his length, over his knot and sac, giving him the most pleasure that she possibly could.

He placed a paw upon her leg, which was still stretched out on the ground, his claws extending to lightly and teasingly prick the flesh beneath the fur of her inner thigh. He purred as he lapped at her with slow savoring caresses, causing her hips to gyrate. He lapped deeper, feeling the tiny pebble roll and shudder against his course tongue. Her head pulled free of him suddenly as she cried out, her body shuddering with climax as she gushed into his maw. She flopped herself onto her back, her knees drawing upward, legs butterflying outward as she opened herself fully to the onslaught of his lapping tongue.

She gasped breathlessly, whimpered for breath and for more as she trembled uncontrollably with bliss. She looked at his saliva soaked phallus, licking her maw hungrily. She needed him now!

Sensing her needs, he rose to his feet and moved between her legs, still lapping her folds while he reposition himself. Lifting his head, licking his maw of her juices he moved above her, straddling her hips with his forepaws while his rear paws planted. His massive member brushed against her mound teasingly, causing her to cry out with anticipation and need as she rolled beneath him, moving onto her hands and knees.

As the crest of her buttocks nuzzled firmly against his stomach and he felt her back arch to conform to his ribcage, he mounted her. His forelegs wrapped around her slender waist while his paws pressed to her taut belly, his toes splaying outward. His back hunched as he absorbed the brunt of his weight with his rear legs, the muscles flexing and dancing beneath his fur in stark relief.

He began to hump, stabbing at her with the glistening pointed tip of his shaft, still coated with her saliva. She looked back to watch, only able to see his hips thrusting, the contrast of his form against hers and the pending union thrilled her so much she cried out.

He speared into her suddenly, causing her to flinch and scream aloud, her body convulsing with climax for the tension was so built within her that she was already intensely teetering on the brink; his penetration set her off!

She grunted as he entered her with fluid ease, her body snaking and arching to accommodate and guide him into her body, a shuddering whimper escaped her as she gulped for air, her walls clutching and quivering around his invading length, trying to milk him, repel him and draw him into her all at once.

As her tightly clasping rim kissed passionately against his knot, the tip of his shaft poked teasingly through her cervical opening and as he rutted the knot against her, the tip plied against her innermost barrier in an attempt to widen the breach.

Her fingers dug into the soft dirt as she trembled with overwhelming pleasure; twinges of pain invaded her pleasure, causing her to gasp aloud sharply. These twinges were caused by his engorged shaft flexing within her, expanding against her contractions, making her seem even tighter. He could flex his length at will she noticed as he timed his expansions expertly with her contractions.

She growled low and deep, her teeth gritted against the overwhelming need to release again. She was amazed at how easily he seemed to be able to pleasure her. She howled aloud then cried, her concentration broken she climaxed again. Her musk washed over him hotly and he growled softly with pleasure, using her rushing heat to his advantage.

As he withdrew from her, she flowed freely, gushing voluminously over his length and around his knot, coating his loins and hers thoroughly. She screamed as he began to descend into her rapidly, his forepaws pulling her toward him. She relinquished and matched him, pushing back toward him with his urging, her body writhing quickly to guide his stroke into her. She gritted her teeth hard, knowing what was to come.

There was a brief bind as the knot caught at her opening, the rim clamping tightly to deny admittance. He tugged her toward him; she pushed herself back toward him; his hips lunged as he rutted her and he surged suddenly into her as the restriction of her rim gave way. She clutched his shaft desperately as the knot became ensconced within her, her body shuddering as the tip pierced into her womb. As he hilted within her, she half groaned, half grunted as he seemed to press into the very top of her!

His hips kissed her deeply and passionately while his length throbbed and jerked within her. She groaned now as every pulse, throb and jerk of his length caused her body to twitch.

She shivered beneath him, crying as the pleasure was so overwhelming, whimpering her passions to him as he ground himself into her firmly and deeply. His paws pressed against her belly firmly, sliding up and down slowly to trace his length within her, feeling the press of his paws from within her with his shaft.

His claws extended then, pricking her flesh through her fur, causing her to shiver and hold still. Then he attempted to withdraw from her. As the knot began to withdraw, the barbs caught within her and flared outward within her, gaining purchase within her tunnel and locking them as one.

She gasped sharply, her hips flicking as a burning pain flared within her, then just as quickly faded away. She moaned her lust, completely under his control, aware of only him and his throb within her.

Her tail trembled, sandwiched between them and laying to one side as he began to move, his hips rocking rapidly against hers, the knot offering him little freedom. Each time he thrust against her, the knot worked a little more deeply, stretching his length into her more. She gulped air as her hips responded eagerly, beckoned by his rocking hips.

His pants rushed against the back of her hair, causing her mane to unfurl with each exhale, her body now jarred by his thrusts making her hair settle back into place as it were before only for the next exhale to set it loose once more.

His motions suddenly intensified and she could feel his pulse within her quicken, his length pulsate rapidly, jerking within her powerfully. She screamed as he set her off again, her body shuddering as she pushed herself back against him with rapid fierceness, milking him now with her clutching sheath.

He roared aloud as she set him off, his back hunching even more as he pierced into her fully and deeply, suddenly holding them still. The pleasures built up and then he began to wash into her hotly, his hips curling against hers with such force that she was sent forward, her hands and knees dragging over the bruised grass beneath them. She whimpered and winced as she pushed back against him, not from pain but from the sensation of his brand washing into her, each time his hips curled into hers and he pressed deeply, there was a powerful jerk of his phallus and then the sudden geyser of seed would wash into her womb.

Her cervical opening clutched the top portion of his shaft in desperate contraction as his first wash filled her, trapping his seed inside her chamber. He yowled loudly at the sensation of the clamp around his tip, setting him off within her yet again. Their mutual climax seemed to last an eternity and then it seemed to last a mere fraction of time, both whimpering softly as their strength wavered and waned and then they were spent.

He braced a forepaw on the ground as she reached a hand back to rest it against his hind leg. Gently he guided them down to the ground to lay on their sides. Her body curled slightly, feeling his shaft bend with her, caressing her differently now as she wanted to see their union.

His testes were nuzzled firmly against her, tightly tucked to his body, his shaft base barely visible from between them. Her mound bulged outward from his seemingly vast girth and then caved against his groin as he pressed into her. Her hand moved to the pit of her belly then traced slowly upward until she reached the tip of his shaft within her. Her eyes grew large in amazement as the tip of him reached nearly to her sternum within her.

Her womb was stretched full of his seed, her cervix still clamping him desperately, refusing to relinquish him as if in fear of losing every drop of his seed. Her hand began to stroke his soft fur lovingly as a sigh of contentment wracked her body. She shivered and he curled himself around her in response. She smiled softly, her eyes heavy with weariness as her tail attempted to wag, still trapped between them.

His legs wrapped around her lovingly as he nuzzled her, sighing as he began to groom her, cleansing her soft mane of hair and the short fur covering her form. His purring lulling her to sleep.