An Odd Holiday Story

Story by KievTheShepsky on SoFurry

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A Christmas story involving me and my friends, it's based heavily on conversation rather than action.

Kiev and Kodi: Me

Tungsten and Manny: TungstenWolfie on FA

Canuck (otter): Frostflarian102 on FA

Axel: Thatemptyspace on FA

Warning, This Story Involves The Real Life Me And The Real Life Tungsten As Seperate People From Our Fursona's. So XP. RL Kiev is Kodi and RL Tungsten is Manny. The story is based heavily on conversation instead of actions, so expect lots of "He replied" or "He said" ext..

Twas the night before Christmas in a little town in Athyria, the snow was falling and the wind was calm. It was mid winter, and temperatures were as low as negative 130 in some areas of the city

. Kiev was getting ready for the next day, wrapping late presents before Tungsten came home. "I really hope Tungsten doesn't eat his presents like last year" he said with a sigh, knowing that Tungsten can act a little uppity at times. He got up after wrapping the last present and placing it under the tree, and proceeded to the kitchen to make come coffee. While he was making coffee, his phone started to ring, his ears perked at the name on the screen. It was Kodi, one of Kiev's very good friends that lived very far away. "Good news!" Kodi said to Kiev over the phone, "I'm coming to visit with Manny for Christmas" he said with a very snarky tone. Kiev's ears pinned back as he sighed in slight annoyance, but since it was the holidays, he changed his demeanor. "Alright, see you soon then" Kiev said as he hung up the phone and taking a sip of coffee. Kiev and Kodi almost always argue, but their friendship was more important than the disagreements they have. Moments later as Kiev was relaxing on the couch, the front door opened as some snow blew in, with Tungsten walking in with a creepy grin. "Kiev!" Tungsten yelled, shivering from the below zero tempurature outside. "What now puffin" Kiev replied. "I almost got killed in the mines today, my pickaxe broke!" Tungsten said with a whimper, putting his jacket up on the coat hanger and taking off his boots. "Dude, you can't die from a pickaxe breaking, it just means you need a new pick axe" Kiev said to the shivering beige wolf as he turned on the heater. "Yes you can" Tungsten replied as he stuck out his tongue to the shepsky lazily sitting back on the couch, glancing over to the large Christmas tree and noticing the presents. "They're all mine" The wolf said with a derpy look, "NO!" Kiev shouted at Tungsten, the memories of no presents the previous year haunting the shepsky's mind. "There are presents for everyone, Kodi and Manny are coming to visit" he said with a calmer voice. "Oh gosh...People" Tungsten replied with a whiny voice, since Christmas is the day Kiev makes extra chicken tenders, and Tungsten doesn't like sharing his favorite food, especially with humans. "Dude, you're like three feet taller than them, they don't need to eat as much as you do" Kiev said with an annoyed tone. "Exactly, I'm bigger so I need to eat more" Tungsten replied with a chirpy attitude. Kiev stared at the beige wolf with an intense look, his eyes narrowing as his nose twitched. Kiev looked over to the door and perked an ear, he could hear footsteps approaching the doorway. "And now they are here, behave yourself Tungsten" he said pointing his finger to the derped out wolf as he sat up from the couch and walked to the door. "Who is it" Kiev asked in a stern tone, obviously playing around with his friends. "It's the freaking gingerbread man, open the door mutt so I can punch you in the nuts and run away, cause face it, you can't catch me anyway I'm the freakin' gingerbread man" Kodi said with extreme sarcasm, the poor kid was freezing outside, who wouldn't be in below zero temperature?. "Boy, you wouldn't last 10 seconds in Athyria, humans can't brace the cold here" Kiev said to his friend as he opened the door for them. "Ohhhh yes, sweet sweet warmth" Manny said as he entered the house, quickly rushing to the fire place and snuggling into his blanket on the floor. "Anyone want a drink? I got Athyrian beer, Kobra's Venom, vodka, rum, aaaaaaaand whiskey" Kiev asked around. "What the hell is Kobra's Venom?" Manny asked curiously. "It's a special drink made from the Kobra family on the other side of the planet, it's strong enough to knockout a full grown DeathWolf". Kiev kindly replied to his friend. "Yeah right, gimme a shot" Kodi snarked at Kiev as he poured his friend a shot of Kobra's Venom. Kodi chuckled and took the shot down, and not soon after he started choking violently. "F..F...Fugg man I ant brith!" Kodi exclaimed at everyone while Kiev started laughing hysterically, nearly choking on his own drink. "Yo I told you tha" Kiev said as his sentence was interupted by Tungsten who was barking as loud and fast as he could. "Tungsten! Stop barking!" Kiev yelled at the beige wolf, growling in a low tone and reaching for Tungsten's face. Before he could grab the barking wolf, Tungsten bit Kiev's hand and wouldn't let go, Kiev shrieked in pain as blood started to run down his hand, and he had no choice but to punch the wolf in the gut, forcing Tungsten's grip to let go. "Chiz dude.." Kiev growled, walking to the bathroom to wash up his wounds. "KODI!!!!!!" Tungsten yelled at the smaller human, jumping onto him and squee'ing extremely loud and causing Kodi to scream in mild horror at the literal jump scare. "Kodi kodi kodi kodi kodi kodi kodi" Tungsten chanted before starting to violently lick the small human's face. "Oh stop Tungsten stop! The amount of slime!" Kodi said with a playfully grossed out expression on his face, drool beginning to drip down his face. Tungsten finally released Kodi and helped him up as Kiev walked out and looked over to Manny, perking his right ear and sitting next to him. "Why you being so quiet?" The shepsky asked in a gentle tone of voice. "Nothing, I'm just really really cold. What's the temp?" Manny replied to his large anthro canine friend. "Well in the house its like 43 degrees. Outside it's about 1 Aven below zero, about one hundred and two degrees below zero in human temperatures" said Kiev. Below zero temperatures are common year round, and there is no Summer season in Rokia No, it snows from September to February, rains from March to May, and is average temperature of 70 degrees June through August. Manny held onto Kiev tightly in attempt to get warm, Kiev's body was naturally very warm, so it was like snuggling into a large living fur coat. The moment didn't last too long, as Kodi started complaining. "It smells in here, seriously" Kodi said in a very snarky tone. "It's Tungsten's boots and feet paws, he just got home from work and decided to not take a shower" Kiev replied. "NO BATHS!" Tungsten screamed with horror, quickly dashing under the table and barking loud. "What in the name of fluff is wrong with Tungsten" Manny asked in curiosity, sitting up on the couch as he finally warmed up. "Puffin is just hyper cause he knows food is coming" Kodi replied to his friend. "Hey, something we agree on" Kiev snickered to Kodi as he took a sip of his beer. Kodi was chuckling as he glanced outside, noticing a large heated cage with a bird inside. "Is that....A turkey?" he asked surprisingly. "Yes" Kiev replied, "That's Tungsten's turkey Jeff, he brought it for Thanksgiving and kept him". Kodi stared at the turkey, Jeff looking back at him and gobbling as he cocked his head. "Reminds me of Tungsten" Manny said with a chuckle. "Maybe Jeff is just a turkey version of Tungsten" Kodi said as he snickered. "I thought about that heavily actually" replied Kiev. Tungsten was busy sniffing around the Christmas presents to notice the conversation was about him, and quickly drifted to Tungsten Land, where the beige wuff found himself in the kitchen eating all the chicken tenders that were meant for the dinner. "Hey, where's Tungsten?" Kodi asked, "I don't know....Oh no, TUNGSTEN!" Kiev replied and yelled as he bolted to the kitchen to find his wuffwuff eating all the prepared chicken tenders, Tungsten's cheeks stuffed to the brim with food, his tail wagging excitedly fast. "Oh my fluff.....He, he ate all the chicken.." The shepsky said in anguish as he fell to his knee's. "Uhh, Whuff ith thowwy" Tungsten said with a stuffed mouth as he realized he ate all the food, his ears lowering as he gulped the chicken down and lowered his head in fear that Kiev was going to hit him. "I'm sorry.." Tungsten said with a shaky voice, gasping slightly as the shepsky grabbed him and pulled him close and whispered, "You're lucky it's Christmas...", only to have Kodi yell "Oh get a room mutts". Kiev stood up and said "Well, guess I have to make a roast now" as he began to pull out his pots and a big pot roast from the meat locker. "That looks delicious" said Kodi as he watched Kiev season and prepare the meat. "Only eight hours in the oven and it'll be done" said Kiev with a wag of his tail, Manny going on to say "What time is it?" and Kiev replying with "Two fourty-seven in the afternoon". "Really?" Manny asked, "It seems like it's seven o' clock, or maybe I just need to a just to the time zone" he continued as he stood next to Kiev, the large shepsky looking to him and chuckling softly, patting his head as he reached for the gravy packs. "So what is it like being an anthro?" Manny asked politely. "I don't know, what's it like being human?" Kiev replied. "Touche, touche" said Manny as he sat on a chair. "What in the world" explained as he saw Tungsten bolt out of a bed room with a muzzle, harness, and chain leashed attached to him. "FUN TIME!" Tungsten yelled loudly, Kodi just staring at him, Kiev walking out and saying "Alright whats going TUNGSTEN!!" as he saw the wuff in his outfit. "Oh gosh he's not even wearing clothes" said Kodi with a sigh, his sigh turning into a shriek as Tungsten jumped on him. "Oh gosh it's touching me!!!!" yelled Kodi before Kiev ran up and pulled Tungsten off him and saying "Tungsten what are you doing!?". "It's fun time!" Tungsten squealed happily as he squirmed and struggled to get out of Kiev's grip. "Be right back, gotta go put puffin into some decent clothes" said Kiev as he took Tungsten to the room and closed the door and returning mere moments later, Tungsten now in pajamas and a severe pouty expression on his face. "Oh calm down" Kiev said as he pulled Manny onto his lap, suddenly nomming onto his face only to have him flail about. "Dude, what are you doing" asked Kodi as Manny tried pulling away from the large shepky's maw with no success. Kodi started to laugh at the amusing sight of his friend being face nommed by his anthropomorphic canine buddy. "Ewww!!!" Manny exlaimned as his face was becoming all slimy from Kiev's drool, the shepsky's large warm slimy tongue rubbing against Manny's face. "Stahp!!!" Manny yelled into Kiev's maw before he finally let go. "I'm going to smell like shepsky slobber now!" he whimpered. "And that's a bad thing?" Kiev snickered, the bell in the kitchen finally ringing, signaling the roast was done. "Food!" Kodi yelled happily, "Yes everyone food, give me a few minutes and I'll get everything prepared" said Kiev as he got up and entered the kitchen, pulling out the plates, silverware and side dishes to be set on the table, the roast being placed in the middle of the table. Not to long after, everyone sat down and said grace over their meal, on how they were thankful for each other and the friendship they share. Kiev stood up, holding a glass of beer in the air as he said, "Merry Christmas everyone" and everyone lifted their glasses of drink and in unisons they said "Merry Christmas!". As everyone was eating, a little pitter patter could be heart, Kiev and Tungsten's ears perked, and Kodi and Manny looked over their seats. Waddling out of the room was a little otter wearing a Christmas bow on his head, everyone stared at the little otter for a moment, and not long after the otter let out a tiny roar and stole a big piece of roast, dragging it back to the room and slamming the door shut. "What the.." Manny said, "Dang it canuck..." replied Kiev, as they all started eating and conversing over the wonderful Christmas dinner. A few minutes into the dinner, the front door slammed open, it was Kiev's brother Axel. "You better have saved some for me" said Axel as he walked in. Kiev shrugged and yelled "C'mon and join the fun brutha!" and Axel's tail wagged as he sat down and was served a plate. The five enjoyed their meal and a few hours later got comfortable and all snuggled up on the couch to watch a movie til they all fell asleep together. What was the point of this story? The writer must have been bored as a plank to spend his time writing this. Anyway, Merry Christmas everyone!.