Kingdom Hearts: plan B ... STILL AWESOME !

Story by Tsumesakamea on SoFurry


#16 of kingdom hearts

shan-yu: now you'll bow to me

jake: hey ugly ! your fight is with us !

then shang jumped out of GOD KNOWS WHERE and knocked shan-yu over as he and the emperor ran inside and close the doors , the others blocked his way from trying to get in

mulan: it ends now

sora: right now !

tsume/jake: get ready !

as they fight shan-yu tsume and jake was in charge of guarding the gate as sora and mulan was fighting shan-gu .when they use the attack red rocket the 3 of them jumped side by side as mushu shot fire balls as he yelled : I'll handle this ! when he came to the right time to using red meteor mulan calls out mushu name as he fires into the air

sora/tsume/jake: back off !

mulan: for china !

mushu: im on fire !

once the battle was over shan-yu fell to the floor

tsume/jake: booya !

mushu: now that's what i call burning some hunny-bun ! aw yeah mulan's the best ! mulan's the best !, no wait a minute - im the best , mushu's the best , mushu's the best !

later that day all of them was presented with the emperor

emperor: i heard a great deal about you , Fa mulan

mulan: (bow to him)

emperor: you stole your father's armor , ran away from home , impersonated an imperial soldier , you deceived your commanding officer , shamed the entire Chinese army and dishonored your family name

sora: we get the picture

emperor: you're a young woman . and in the end ... you have saved us all

the crowed of people started to cheer for them

mulan: your excellency !

emperor: captain Li

shang: (bows then hands mulan shan-yu sword )

emperor: take this , so the world will know what it is you have done for china

mulan: thank you

shang: mulan

mulan: yes

shang: sora.

sora: sir

shang: Donald .

Donald: (quick !)

shang: goofy.

goofy: yes sir

shang: tsume.

tsume: yes

shang: jake

jake: sup !

shang: thank you (bow)

emperor: thank you ? is that all there is to say captain ? if you wish to win the heart of Fa mulan , china's bravest woman , you'll have to be a bit more eloquent than that

sora: can i get an autograph ?

jake: when's the wedding ?

tsume: now that im so in for

mulan: (looks at sora) thanks for everything sora

tsume: im sure we were there to you know

jake: yeah ! what about us ?

mulan: (smile) thank you to , tsume and jake

tsume: much better

mushu: now they GOTTA let me go back to bein a guardian ! they GOTTA !

goofy: but mushu, i thought you already WERE a family guardian

jake: yeah , so whats the big deal bro ?

mushu: what ? oh , no, no - don't even worry about that , that's just real technical . just for us guardians

sora: you tricked us !

tsume: you just notice that sora ?

sora then ran after mushu as tsume soon catch eye of mulan's sword starting to glow then fly up into the air

tsume: uh sora !

sora stop and turned around and saw the light as he then pulled out his keyblade alone with tsume and jake , tsume and jake stood side by side with sora , tsume was on the left and jake was on his right , as they gripped both hands on there Keyblade it started to glow and it got bigger and bigger until a crown was appeared on the ground under them , sending a flow of light throw them. making everything around them change and even the sky , the sword shot a light up in the sky that mead a keyhole sora jumped back and flipped his keyblade as tsume and jake both toss there keyblades in the air and did a back flip and catch it at the same time , as all 3 of them pointed there keyblade's at the keyhole and 3 lights shot from there keyblade that unlock it , then a bright light was mead once again as they returned to were they where standing at

donald: ok !

goofy: guess it's about time to be moving on

emperor: you shall be missed

sora: is it ok if we come back to visit ?

mulan: of course

shang: we will look forward to your return

sora: you two play nice

shang: whoa it , soldier !

tsume: (smirk) oh wow sora it looks like you got them in lock tight

jake: good work mulan , looks like you two will be playing all night

Tsume: (SLAP)

jake: ow ! what was that for

tsume: i'll tell you when your older

jake: hey ! whats that suppose to mean !

mulan: goodbye , sora , Donald , goofy . tsume , jake

tsume: bye -bye mulan !