Hybrid: CH 5*: Pegasi Psychopathy

Story by Lord_Ike on SoFurry

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#5 of Hybrid: Child of Time

Equestria is not the kindest place to be. Lilith unfortunately finds that not every pony is as nice as they first appear.

"Forgetting to ask directions to the capital city was a nice oversight." Lilith grumbled to herself, flying high up to take in the view.

"Let's see... Grass this way, grass that way, oh and would you look at that! More grass that direction too." Lillith peered around the horizon, trying to get a sense of direction. "Wait... What's that?" She puzzled to herself, seeing a blurred speck in the distance. She dove below the clouds and approached, trying to get a better view of whatever it was.

Upon her arrival she could see a single pegasus struggling against a massive cloud.

"No, go this way." The golden colored mare spoke at the cloud as she struggled against nature.

Lilith, deeming it was safe to make an approach flew up into her range of vision. As the mare paused Lilith opened her mouth to speak, only to be cut off.

"Thank goodness those fools got the sense to finally send someone, so who sent you? Did Flare finally come round or was it Aileron? No, it couldn't have been Flare... There's something off about him, I just can't place my hoof on it."

"I'm sorry. Who?"

"Not from around here then? Hmm, I guess it was too much to hope those numbskulls finally grew some sense..."

"So what are you doing?" Lilith asked, starting to take interest. If there were a few ponies around maybe she could get decent directions.

"Well, this cloud here is the culmination of my research these past few months. I can't just have it drift off when it's so crucial to my-" She grunted and pushed at the cloud, "master plan."

"Well, how about I help you move this thing and you give me directions to where I'm going."

"Sounds like a deal Miss..." She paused waiting for a response.

"Oh. Lilith, my names Lilith."

"You can call me Professor Cloudsdale."

"That's... Formal..."

"All right..." She sighed. "Seeing that you aren't much of one for formalities you can call me Gale."

"So... Where to?" Lilith braced herself against the massive cloud and started pushing."

"To the lab!" Mare Professor: Gale Cloudsdale shouted and began pushing with renewed vigor. The cloud slowly shifted its direction under both of their influences towards the intended destination.

When the cloud had gained some momentum they took turns adjusting its path to keep it on course. "What do you need this cloud for anyways?" Lilith asked the mare.

"Well, this cloud is unique. It needs to be contained in a special device that I built."

"And what happens if it isn't?"

"Oh, just a few storms..." The tone of her voice told Lilith that it wasn't simply a gentle drizzle that she was talking about.

"So why did you make it then?"

"Well, since the beginning of pegasi kind we have always made our homes in the clouds... The problem is that clouds move, clouds dissipate and it takes tremendous amounts of work to keep a stable city made from them. Our people need a city, one that doesn't move unless they want it to. One that won't just evaporate from underneath them. That's where this beauty comes into play."

"It's just one cloud."

"Yes, but a very crucial one. We're here, slow this thing down and I'll go start up my machine."

Lilith looked to the layer of clouds below them a few pegasi worked to gather smaller clouds to reinforce the floating platform. So whatever this plan was it would make a self sustaining cloud layer? Sounded a bit far fetched.

"Lilith! Quit daydreaming and push that thing down here. Finally a chance to see if my invention works! Those petty unicorns and their magic, telling me that this was impossible."

Lilith gave the cloud one final direction changing shove towards the less-sane-sounding-by-the-second professor's lab. She joined Gale below the cloud just as she flipped a lever.

"Impossible? Are you sure this is a good idea?" Lilith had to raise her voice as the wind was picking up. Three tower like structures rose up out of the cloud base, intercepting the swiftly greying super-cloud.

"My best idea to date!" Lightning surged from the storm that the cloud was swiftly producing, being drawn to the coils on the metallic towers.

Lilith was handed a pair of goggles as the wind increased, a few worried looking inhabitants peered out from their homes on the clouds.

"Just a few more seconds..." Lilith could hear the tension in her voice as Professor Cloudsdale went to her control panel and adjusted some settings.

The metal panel with all the dials and levers fascinated Lilith. She had never seen anything like it before. She reached out to touch it and had her hoof slapped away. "Oww."

Lilith looked back to the storm, which had begun to spin violently. It almost appears as if it was ready to form a tornado. Suddenly the metal towers surrounding it flared to life as the lightning finished charging them.

"Storm captured!" The professor let out a cry of triumph as she manipulated some of the dials further. The massive cloud slowly condensed and shrunk in size, some sort of field working to contain it.

"Those unicorns may be a pain to deal with... But a little magic mixed with science goes a long way."

A few of the villagers came out of their houses, un-amused looks were shot towards the Professor.

"That was crazy!"

"What were you thinking this time!"

"Of all your dangerous schemes..."

The crowd was slowly coming to an uproar, apparently fed up with Gale's tampering with nature.

A pegasus with laughably disproportionate and small wings flitted up between the crowd and Professor Gale. Wait, was he wearing a monocle?

"Now I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation." He spoke in a very formal tone. "Besides the many, many times professor Cloudsdale has nearly destroyed the town, she has brought to you many advancements. She perfected the Rainbow Distillery. She invented the-"

The pegasus continued to preach to the masses of how Gale wasn't that bad to have around. Even though it seemed like most of the disasters she had saved them from were from failed science experiments.

"Wait, Is that Aileron?" Lilith whispered to Gale.

"Yeah, such a delightful fool. Thinks he's posh or something. How did you guess?"

"Well Aileron literally means tiny wing..."

Gale chuckled. " He is a good mayor at heart, not quite brave enough to join my schemes but always the first to defend me. And despite his name those tiny wings move him about like a hummingbird."

"I think the crowd has calmed down enough if you wanted to say something." Lilith nudged Gale.

Professor Cloudsdale flipped yet another lever and the now miniaturized storm was enclosed in what looked like a glass capsule with multiple tubes connected to it.

"Citizens, no longer will you have to work the night shifts to keep our city from evaporating or breaking apart. No longer will we be forced to travel with the winds. I present to you the cloud seeder, the future of cloud based cities!"

With a simple toggle a machine hummed to life and her engineered super-cloud spun to life in its glass dome, rapidly producing a perfect fluffy white cloud that was pumped from the chamber.

"The cloud dispersion units I already, secretly, installed should be kicking in right about now." She whispered to Lilith.

Suddenly the panel made a sizzling sound as the device stopped functioning. Gale calmly walked over to it and gave it a solid kick, it sputtered back to life and the crowd let out a held breath.

"In just a few hours our town will be completely formed of this new cloud, and with a few more of these devices we can build a self sustaining city! Finally a place where all pegasi can gather, a city in the clouds.

Visions washed over Lilith yet again. She could see the city Gale had spoken of, it would eventually grow to be the greatest pegasi city in all Equestria. And to Lilith's amusement in the vision a banner floating across an archway read, "Welcome to Cloudsdale"

"Lilith?" A voice pulled her back to reality. "Thank you. Without you lending a hoof today my cloud would have run rampant. One more failed experiment and I would have been banned from the scientific community and likely forced from town."

"I guess its little things that matter sometimes."

"Will you stay for a while? There's bound to be some sort of celebration. Even if it's one for me not destroying the town."

This place would be a good place to blend in for a while. A small town that would soon have a massive population boost. It would be hard to find her if Drauth tried to send more assassins.

"I might just do that, just try not to destroy the place while I'm here."

"Don't worry, my mad scientist days are coming to an end. Today was the first working test of my life's work. Besides I'm not old enough to be some badgering coot of a professor off in a lab somewhere, I just had a dream and made it happen... Do you have a dream Lilith?"

All semblance of happiness left Lilith as she thought on the question.

"I... No, I don't have a dream. I do have a mission though, a promise I made to myself."

"That's close enough. Strive towards that goal. Someday you might just achieve it." How little it was that Professor Gale knew...

Lilith's goal was vengeance. She had originally wanted a simple life, but Drauth had changed that...


Later that evening:

After finding a jeweler to trade in one of her gems for a sizable bag of bits, the coin based currency of Equestria, Lilith found herself joining in the celebrations. She might as well get to know the town if she was staying.

Despite the festivities her mood was at a low, dark thoughts racing through her mind. She needed to find a way to get stronger, to prepare herself.

Lilith barely even noticed the colt who slid up on the seat next to her.

"Hey, I heard you helped out the Prof."

Lilith looked up from her brooding. "Yeah."

"I don't recognize you. Your not from around here then?" A twinkle entered his eye as he spoke to Lilith.

"Not really."

"I can tell you need to relax a bit. I'll be right back."

"Don't hurry." Lilith rudely spoke, trying to get rid of this nuisance. She didn't want to have to deal with people right now...

"Here." A large mug was waved in front of her nose by the same colt from earlier.

Lilith took it, looking him over for the first time. The lava red pegasus was worth at least some attention now, seeing as he came with gifts of hard cider.


"My pleasure, beautiful."

Lilith took a giant gulp of cider. "Stick with Lilith, or your asking for a swollen snout."

"You wouldn't do that to good old Flare now would you? How are you feeling by the way." Flare's pleasant conversationalist smile dropped for a serious gaze. Lilith stopped mid gulp, suddenly tasting a bitterness that did not belong in the drink.

"Fuck..." Lilith could feel her tongue go numb as whatever the substance was took effect. A good portion of her body began to quickly follow suit as she lost control of her muscles one after the other.

"Let's go Lilith. It looks like you've had too much to drink. I think I should get you over to the professor's." Flare blatantly lied to anyone within earshot to diffuse the attention on him as he hefted Lilith over his back.


"Come on Lilith, wake up. It's more fun for Flare that way." The now evidently psychotic pegasus spoke in third person, referring to himself. "Your an outsider, nopony will miss you."

Lilith was thrown down unceremoniously on a dingy and broken in bed. She caught a quick sight of ropes attached to the bed frame before her face impacted on the pillows, darkening her world as she was unable to move her unresponsive muscles.

"Be a good girl now."

Lilith could feel his hooves on her body, caressing her as she tried to yell out and squirm. She couldn't get above speaking volume and after the pillow it was barely audible anyways.

"Shhh, shhhh. Flare will take good care of you."

Lilith could feel this psychopath's touch as he worked his way over her body, making sure to touch and linger over each and every forbidden place.

"Please, don't do this. Let me go." Lilith plead with her captor, barely able to shape the words. Her slurred plea falling on deaf ears.

A heavy weight shifted over Lilith as Flare positioned himself over her back, his hot breath flowing over the nape of her neck.

"You were so rude to Flare at the party... He was only trying to be nice." He spoke in almost two separate voices as he secured Lilith to the bed frame. "And mares who aren't nice need to be punished. Yes that's right... But what sort?" He mumbled to himself as the voices came to consensus.

Flare withdrew from Lilith, allowing her to dread what he had planned. She tried to move yet again, but her body was mostly unresponsive. Lilith couldn't even manage to move her face from where it pressed into the sheets.

"Flare, please don't do this!" Lilith cried out, this time gaining notice.

"Flare supposes punishment can wait if the lady apologizes. Will she be kind? Or will she need to be shown who is the master?"

Lilith felt sick giving into his demands but the words left her mouth anyways. "I'm, sorry."

"That's much better." A hoof touched her mane, stroking it gently. She flinched, taking notice of her body's motion slowly coming back.

Wait. She had magic!

Lilith called upon the shape shifting powers residing deep inside of her, mentally preparing for her body to shift itself into a new form. She could only use magic to free herself if she had a horn to focus it, so it seemed her disguise would have to come off.

Lilith pulled into her mind an image of what she once was, pushing aside the thoughts of the new body she had created.


Not a single hint of the power that had first transformed her remained. Her Hybrid blood betraying her. Her transformation wasn't a simple disguise, her mixed DNA had made this new form her actual form...

But then that meant.

"Flare stills wants his fun though."

The pressing weight positioned itself back over Lilith once more, a prodding could be felt at her nethers.

"No! Aaagh." She cried out in pain as Flare thrust brutally into her, breaking past her virgin barrier; pushing his way deeply inside with no lubrication.

"Oooh, she screams so nicely." Flare pushed his hips against her flank, receiving another cry of pain as his member pushed further into her unready passage.

Tears began to form in Lilith's eyes as Flare savored her pain, dragging his member back from her depths.

Lilith whimpered in pain as he forcefully shoved himself forward again, nothing to ease his passage except a little bit of her blood. Each thrust that came after felt worse, the tears falling down as she begged him to stop.

He didn't, and with each passing moment Lilith felt as if he was closer to tearing her in two with his violent thrusts. She squirmed beneath him, her limbs having regained most of their feeling, but it was far too late. Flare had made sure she was well secured...

Every passing moment was agony, lasting lifetimes longer than it should. Lilith was pushed to a state of near blackout as her mind retreated to safety. She went limp as he took her her, refusing to even give him the pleasure of hearing her cries.

In her mind's absence her body began taking over, lubricating her battered passage with fluids to lessen the pain.

While she appreciated the reduction in pain she realized what her body had done.

Flare's member now glided along her passageway with ease, granting her an ounce of pleasure that cut through the pain.

Lilith had preferred the pain. She could handle that... But this was different. The fact that her body would betray her like this was sickening.

She shuddered as the feeling slowly blossomed, the pain fading into the background. Lilith tried to focus on the pain but was unable to do so. It had receded to an ache, one that begged for a pleasuring touch... Lilith could only hope that he finished soon to avoid any further humiliation.

Flare plundered her with little regard to her feelings, using her like some disposable item. His hips slapped wetly against her flank as his sweat and her juices flowed together. His prize seemed to be highly aroused at this point.

Lilith held back a pant of pleasure, refusing to accept it as reality. She couldn't be enjoying this, it wasn't possible. Please let it end...

Flare kicked in with a second wind, thrusting with a renewed strength and vigor. Lilith, let out a half moan before she caught herself. As his member pumped in and out she slowly became unable to hold back. A few more thrusts and she went tense, her insides spasming around the intruder.

Lilith blushed a deep shade as her body concluded its betrayal, showing her weakness to this sick monster. She nearly gagged as she felt his member jump inside her, spraying thick strands of potent sperm into her depths.

The weight was slowly removed from her body as Flare slid himself from her passage, trailing a wet sticky mess along her flank.

He left the room without words, likely relishing his victory.

Lilith was now entirely free from the paralyzing effect of the drug, she pulled forcefully against the restraints. The thick rope that limited her motion and connected firmly to the bedposts hampering her efforts.

Lilith could hear the wood give a slight groan, she doubled the strength behind each pull but she didn't know how much time she had. If he walked in to see this there was no knowing what he would do.

Lilith tentatively reached out with her mind, searching for the other presence in the house. When she didn't find him in the next room over she reached out a little further, brushing against a consciousness that made her shudder. There was something different with his mind than what was normal. Perhaps it was the insanity?

Lilith entered into his mind, shuddering physically at the virulent touch. It was fragmented and broken, thoughts flying around wildly and sporadically, many voices speaking out for attention. Normally a changeling of a royal bloodline could read a mind or speak telepathically, possibly even introduce a new thought. But Flare's mind was broken, weak.

Perhaps... Just maybe she could be another one of those voices whispering to him.

Lilith forced herself to delve further, pulling as much attention to the thought she was about to introduce. She just needed to be the loudest and most important voice of the many.

"Release Lilith." She pushed this thought deep into his mind, causing a brief moment of utter silence in his head.

In under thirty seconds flare re-entered the room, carrying a simple knife and proceeded to cut Lilith free from the ropes around her limbs.

She sprung free and away from him as fast as she could, only half the room stood between her and an escape. But escape wasn't the strongest urge in her mind.

'You were weak for allowing this to happen.' a voice spoke in her mind. 'Show me... Show yourself that you are better than this.'

Despite the all too recent events Lilith now felt empowered, she felt like she had something to prove to herself and to the voice... Lilith mentally pushed another thought on Flare's broken mind. "Punish yourself, you sick fuck."

Flare took the knife in his jaw and drew a shallow red slit in his front right leg, gritting his teeth around the handle.

'ahh, thats better. Make him pay.'


Flare paused for a moment, a look of confusion on his face.

"Again!" Lilith commanded.

Flare cut another line next to the first, the pain making itself evident.

Lilith knew somewhere deep down that this was wrong, but she relished every moment.

"Keep going!"

Lilith could sense his energy, his very life. It started to slowly leak from his cuts dripping to the floor below.

A third line of red was completed. Lilith stared cruelly as he began a fourth, awaiting the new voice inside his head to tell him it was enough.

Lilith instinctually grasped on to his hopes that this would end soon and used them as a way to further siphon his energy. Emotions were all to easy to manipulate.

Before she even realized she had done it Flare collapsed on the floor, his one leg a bloodied mess of seven long shaky cuts. Lilith looked upon the sight with little remorse, the energy she had stolen from him coursing through her. He deserved it, this sick bastard would never hurt anyone again.

Lilith grabbed the knife in her hoof and plunged it into his good front leg, listening to his cry of pain. She then walked away, grabbing her belongings on the way out. Blood loss would finish the job in a few minutes.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

This was my first ever *real rape scene. So yes, it may seem a little generic rapey, but I had some trouble getting myself to write it.

Had to fallback uploader this one? I kept getting an error with the normal uploader, so hopefully it isn't too screwy? wow... screwy like crazy...