Man's Idol, Kitsune's Doll (WARNING: Cub, abuse, blood)

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This is a prequel to the stories in this folder, occurring six years before the start of Michelle's troubles. This is part of Hideo Noguchi's history, and as with anything that this character touches, this is dark, dark, DARK, capitals meant with all freaking emphasis. There will be blood, pain, abuse, beatings, and rape ahead. You have been warned.

That said, if you can, enjoy the story.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4: (You are Here)

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Man's Idol, Kitsune's Doll

The crowd of the Tokyo Dome rose to its feet and applauded as she stepped down from the pitcher's mound. The familiar din of their adoration followed the singer on her short walk from the mound to the sidelines and up the stairs like a fast paced but out of tune metronome.

Yumi smiled as the thunderous clapping faded about mid-way to her seat. Even though her hair flowed over her ears, it wasn't an effective shield against the sound. It had been a while since she'd been in concert and it showed. That level of applause had never bothered her before. She rubbed her ears to ease their ringing before finding her seat.

As the opening singer for the game, she'd been given a small box section among the normal. It wasn't as good as the VIP boxes further up in the stadium, but it was quite comfortable and she had the services of a staff member for anything she needed. After exchanging nods with the woman assigned to her, Yumi turned her attention to the field. She wasn't going to miss her husband's first game of the season.

Ushered in by more applause, the Tokyo Tanukis took the field. She smiled as she watched each of them take their position on the field, able to name each one after courting their pitcher for so long. The catcher, Kenzaburo Sakimura, had been a little bit abrasive at first, but eventually even he had acknowledged that there was no shame to have one of the Tanukis dating a former 'idol'.

Yumi sighed as she felt her lip twitch. She thought that she'd put her feelings on that matter behind her, but she supposed that a piece of her still resented that part of her past. Even after she'd left that part of her career behind her, she could never forget that her former popularity had helped boost her to where she was now. She felt lucky that Takakazu had accepted her despite her past.

Quieter applause pushed the past away and announced the opposition, the Hiroshima Phoenix. Several players were honored for their achievements by having their statistics displayed on the big screen. Toshi Tamoto, Shinzo Kiyama, and Masaru Ishibashi each brought a cheer from some members of the crowd while the home fans clapped politely. Yumi joined the latter as the opposition's stars were announced. It was only good manners, after all, and they had performed quite well over their careers.

However, there was one that silenced the crowd, and even Yumi could not bring herself to applaud him.

Hideo Noguchi, the center fielder for the Hiroshima Phoenix, stepped onto the field as his name was announced. Yumi watched the short, pale man step in front of the pitcher and make a bow in the center of the baseball diamond. People around her turned and muttered under their breath at his arrogant act, beyond even the usual behavior for western baseball players.

His budding nickname, perhaps, said it all. Being known as a ninja likely brought to mind the feats of agility the old group was known for, and that was true enough. However, Yumi had seen enough of his games to know the other side of the nickname, the implication of dishonor, deception, and the theft of glory. She did not know whether all the rumors were true, but his style on the field confirmed the last part. It was always about him, always.

Despite the lack of applause, Hideo stood in the center of the field for almost half a minute. The announcer spoke several times, trying to hurry the game on, but the arrogant young man continued to hog the attention of the crowd.

Eventually, the pitcher took things into his own hands. Takakazu Nishimoto was a larger man - at least, compared to most men in Tokyo - and he loomed over his opponent. Glaring down at Noguchi, he seemed to whisper a warning. Noguchi smiled as he backed down, walking back to his team's benches.

Yumi sighed in relief as her husband took his place on the mound again.

"Thank you, Takakazu."

Her husband looked up as though he'd heard her, and she waved at him from her box. He bowed his head in return before facing home plate, assuming a pitching stance.

Just like that the game was underway. Yumi leaned back in her chair as the players put on their best performance for their fans. Just as she'd anticipated, Takakazu immediately started proving his worth to the team. His pitches were not the fastest in the league but they were the strangest, able to wobble and dance through the air on their way to the catcher. The first batter struck out, his bat swinging everywhere but where the ball was.

Two innings came and went. The Hiroshima Phoenix went down in order, unable to get anyone on base due to Takakazu's skill. Yumi cheered louder than anyone as the batters slumped back to the dugout. Her husband flashed her a smile at the end of every inning before joining his team, and another when he took the mound again.

Unfortunately, the Phoenix defense was almost as good as the Tanukis'. At first it looked promising, but before long their outfield started giving them problems. The Tanukis got a man on base easily enough, and their next batter got a solid hit. It soared through the air with every sign of going out of the park. The man on base was off like a shot as it went right to the fence and -


It landed in the outstretched glove of none other than Hideo Noguchi. Shorter than any of the other players, he had somehow managed to leap up the wall and hold himself there, catching the ball before it could go over. He threw it to the first baseman, and just like that the bases were empty again.

Just like the Phoenix the Tanukis went down in order, either through a double play or hitting the ball into the outfield to be caught. Every time, every single time, Noguchi managed to be involved. He moved unnaturally fast, darting across the field like something wild, and every time he caught the ball, he seemed to catch her eye. She put it down to her imagination, but it didn't stop her from feeling uneasy about it.

Before the third inning started, an advertisement started to play on the big screen in the outfield. It wasn't anything special. A few young woman singing and dancing in skimpy suits played across the screen, reminding people of the 'idols' that the children loved listening to.

Yumi looked away. Children and men alike found 'idols' enticing, though for markedly different reasons. The life of one, however, was hell. Despite the happy faces they sported, she knew that they had to force it every moment of every day for the sake of their careers, and they were held to a standard that anybody else would find barely short of torture. All of the hard work to be a role model, and no chance to do anything meaningful, no chance to do real music; that was the life of an 'idol'.

It had taken her years to climb out of it after a small scandal, and she still had small flashbacks to it now and then. She did her best to ignore the advertisements, telling herself that she didn't have to think about it anymore. She'd gotten out of it, and children were given people to look up to by the behavior of these 'idols'. There had never been any real evidence of it helping, but maybe it did. Maybe.

As a familiar song started to play, her face turned red. She turned back to the screen in shock, only able to maintain her decorum through long practice. A clip of her in a near-fetishized sailor-outfit, fennec ears and a fox tail with a red ribbon on it played in high definition on the screen, her embarrassingly juvenile song playing throughout the stadium. People further away stared at the screen while those close by stared at her.

Yumi turned to the girl at her side.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"I am afraid I do not understand."

"This video. This is not who I am anymore. Why is it playing?"

"Ah, the, the management believed it would be a -"

"A what? What did they believe it would be?"

"A tribute, Yumi-san. They believed it would be a way of celebrating your presence."

"If they thought that this - " She paused, pointing at the screen. "-would do anything other than offend me, they were not thinking at all. Please, call your superiors and have this taken down. I do not wish to look at this again."

"But -"

"Please, this is shameful. Not just to me, but to everyone that has to see this. Please, for my sake and your audience, take it down."

After a moment of hesitation the girl picked up her walkie-talkie. As she relayed the information, Yumi looked to the field. The players had joined the audience in looking at the big screen, and more than a few of them stared slack-jawed. Almost none of the Tanukis were - thankfully - but more than a few of the Phoenix players were taken aback by the sight. Some pointed towards Takakazu, and she could only imagine the things that were being said down there. She'd heard them before, and so had he, but they were never kind words to take.

His family, at least, had been reasonably accepting of her past. The Nishimotos were upset with Takakazu leaving them more than with his choice of bride, almost like there was something he was turning his back on. He had never explained what it was, only that it was something that they were obsessed about, and would bring great shame on themselves with if they took it further. For his sake, and theirs, Yumi had not pursued the matter. She knew the value of secrets.

Finally, the ad was taken off of the screen. She let out a small sigh of relief as it went black. It hadn't been a sure thing that the Tokyo Dome owners would allow her request, considering her past. However, taste and honor had prevailed. They could not shame someone that they had honored and invited, not without inviting the same upon themselves.

Just as she had settled herself, she realized that one pair of eyes hadn't turned away. Hideo Noguchi's dark eyes glinted above a knowing smile. Slowly, he lifted his hand and pointed up at her. That single digit sent a chill down her spine, but she forced herself not to show any reaction.

Noguchi was the first to bat at the top of the third inning. The first pitch slipped by the Ninja, as did the second. The third must have been just where Noguchi wanted it because it went flying. It shot over her husband's shoulder like a cannonball and hit the second baseman in the face. He went down with a shout, clutching his nose, as Noguchi walked towards first base.

The umpire shouted at him, calling him back, but he kept walking. The crowd muttered at his deliberate disregard of the umpire as Yumi slowly shook her head in shock. She had heard of his glory hound attitude and even seen a few examples, but this arrogance went above and beyond any acceptable behavior. It was like nothing mattered to him except for getting the best scores and the best statistics. Even injuring someone didn't bother him.

As Hideo tapped his foot to first base, the umpire ran down the base line. The announcer carried the conversation to the rest of the audience in the stands, stating that Hideo had been ejected from the game for his conduct. The Ninja walked off the field with a surprisingly calm air, halfway there before shocking everyone yet again. He threw his arm up, his middle finger raised for a full minute before he walked out of sight. The big screen displayed it all, ensuring that everyone saw it.

It took a few minutes for the crowd to settle down, but eventually the game resumed. A new member of the Phoenix team was called to replace the Ninja and that was that.

Two strikeouts later, Yumi felt that things were back to normal. Her husband continued to shut out the opposing team, and now that the troublemaker was gone she was finally able to enjoy herself. She smiled, leaning forward to get a better view.

The next batter got lucky. The ball went flying right back towards Takakazu. The big screen showed his cocky grin as he raised his hand to catch the ball.


Blood ran down his face as the ball struck his forehead. He went down hard, clutching his face as Yumi screamed in shock. She leaped to her feet but was restrained by her assistant.

"Let me go, he needs me."

"Calm down, Yumi-san."

"My husband was just hit in the face. Do you think I can be calm so easily?'

"He will be taken to the locker rooms. You can meet him there without shaming yourself in front of so many people."

"I..." She nodded. "Yes. Thank you. I forgot myself."

"We all do, Yumi-san."

Her assistant bowed in place as Yumi darted around her. She ignored her assistant's shouts, all of her attention focused on getting to the locker room. She had to be there for her husband. She had to find out what had happened.

Because something was wrong. She had seen Takakazu play before. She'd seen him with baseballs flying at him, and she'd never seen him miss a catch like that. The ball had flown right at his face and instead of a normal catch, he'd held his glove at his chest. Takakazu would never be that clumsy.

She sped from a walk to a run through the hallways. It was simple to find the locker room for the Tanukis after seeing it so many times. Shoving the door open, she rushed past several rows of lockers -

"Hello, Nishimoto."

The door clicked shut behind her as she turned around. Her eyes widened as Hideo stepped out from behind it, dressed in nothing but a towel. He crossed the distance between the two of them before she take a step back. He leaned forward with one foot on the wooden bench, lifting his towel so she was forced to look beneath.

Doing her best to ignore what he had hanging between his legs, she looked up to his eyes. Those dark, dark eyes.

"I seem to have lost my way. My apologies, Noguchi-san. I will be on my way."

"Oh, you are in the right room, Yumi-chan. Just not the one your Nishimoto partner is in."

Her jaws tensed slightly at his choice of words. Takakazu was the only one allowed to address her so familiarly, and to hear it come from this man's mouth...

"What do you mean, the right room?"

Hideo chuckled softly as he moved closer, the towel slipping a bit further. She matched his pace, one step back for each of his forward, until she suddenly backed into a locker. He tackled her, one hand pressed against her shoulder while the other grabbed her hip.

"You're in the right room to learn your lesson."

"Noguchi-san, I have learned more in my life than you can imagine. Now let go of me."


He crushed her shoulder against the metal as his hand on her hip moved. Before she realized it he'd shoved her legs open, his fingers pressed against her crotch. Her eyes went wide as he violated her. Whatever else she'd expected, it hadn't been this.

"You -"

"Shut up."

"Get your -"

BANG! The locker boomed like a drum as he slammed her head against it. The metallic bang echoed shortly in the locker room.

"I said, shut up." His fingers shoved upwards, almost lifting her off of the ground, his nails feeling like they were going to rip right through her clothes. "Women never should have learned to talk. You should have stayed where you belonged, a little doll for men to enjoy. Look at you now, trying to be something you're not. Marrying a Nishimoto, too? You have stepped too far from your place, woman. Or should I say, kit?"

Yumi gritted her teeth as she tried futilely to close her legs. It hadn't been the first time she'd been groped in her life. The trains and transport systems in Tokyo were famous for 'personal space' problems, and she'd had her share of them, but nothing like this kind of malevolence. Noguchi leaned in closer, his voice whispering in her ear.

"A little singer that catered to what men liked to see. That's what you were, and that's what you should have stayed. Now I'm going to teach you how stupid a woman is to step out of her place."

"It wasn't - ah - it wasn't my place."

"It was the best you could have hoped for. Anything else is a childish dream that should have been beaten out of you. I guess I'll have to do it."

"You can try."

She bit his ear, hard. The skin broke under her teeth and she tasted blood as he ripped back, pulling his hands to the bleeding wound. Seizing her chance she leaped away from the locker, rolling under the bench behind Noguchi as he lashed out. She jumped to her feet and ran for the door.

He tackled her before she was halfway there, shoving her against the ground facefirst. Grabbing her by the back of her head, he slammed her against the ground hard enough to break her nose. He did it again and again, chipping several teeth before he stopped. His weight on her back kept her from getting up, and his hand on the back of her head forced her to taste her own blood as it soaked into her skin.

"I should have guessed you'd fight. A Nishimoto, even a bastard one like you, always does."

"What are, what are the Nishimotos, to you?"

"...Takakazu didn't tell you? His family didn't?"

She shook her head weakly.

"Well, you'll learn. You'll learn."

Noguchi laughed as he took his hand from her head. She whimpered softly as the pain started to come through more clearly, her broken nose and teeth throbbing with each beat of her heart, and she had to spit blood before she could breathe without a risk of drowning. Her eyes threatened tears before she blinked it away. The last thing she could do with this monster was show weakness. He'd prey on it and get even worse.

Sharp points grabbed her by the hip and flipped her over. Her head slammed against the ground again as she was shoved onto her back. She must have hit her head harder than she thought, because what she saw had to be a hallucination.

Noguchi wasn't himself anymore. Rather than a towel wearing human above her, she saw a kitsune. Black 'gloved' paws held her down as she looked up at the white and orange creature, her eyes widening at his sharp, toothy grin. His dark eyes had turned golden, glinting as five tails lazily swayed behind him. They moved like serpents, flowing around him before pinning her down, one on each limb and one against her neck. The touch was hot and soft, like the touch of a fire too cool to truly burn.

"You played a kit for the country before thinking it was beneath you. You should have realized it was the best you could ever hope to be. Now I have to remind you."

"What -"

"Shut." WHAM went her head against the ground. "Up!"

The kitsune's tails strangled her, almost cutting off her air supply as they tightened around her neck and her limbs. Her hands and feet felt like they were going numb. It hurt so much, and she couldn't even beg him to get off of her.

Suddenly the heat from the tails flared up and she screamed as they seared her skin. It came out as nothing more than a whimper, her throat under too much pressure to be any louder. The sound amused Noguchi, making him chuckle as he leaned forward and pushed down harder. No, not harder, she realized. He was...was he getting bigger? No, Yumi couldn't imagine even a kitsune doing that. It was the other way around. She was getting smaller.

His tails eased up slightly on her neck as she looked to her side. Her arm was shorter, sucked into her body as though tugged at from inside her chest. Even as her arm was pulled in, her elbow pushed outwards, slower but still noticeable compared to the rest of her arm. A near silent scream shoved its way past the strangling tail at the feeling of her bones condensing and compressing into tinier shapes.

It wasn't just her arms, either. The feeling of compression spread through her body, her legs pulling up into her hips, her back tightening as her height was chopped down inches at a time. Yumi whimpered, shaking from side to side in a futile attempts to get free. The kitsune was too heavy and his power too strong to escape, and he laughed as he continued to shrink her, her skull tightening enough to make her scream at the ever increasing pain.

Her body shrunk, compressed, and relaxed before repeating the cycle again and again. Each time it ended, in that infinitesimal moment before the next one started, she gasped for breath only to have it robbed from her at the next blast of pain. On and on it went, each cycle taking a little more of her body with it.

Eventually she was left with nothing more than a child's body. Her breasts remained, but rather than the curves her husband loved, they looked like oversized pillows, like a child playing at being a grown-up. She looked away as soon as she saw how ridiculous they were, irrationally shamed but unable to look at herself.

Noguchi ripped her baggy clothes off, tearing them to shreds and throwing them to the floor. In seconds he had her completely exposed. Bound as she was, she couldn't even defend herself as his claws pinched her nipples, squeezing them until she screamed.

"You never learned to be a proper woman, so you will be my kit instead."

He grabbed at her chest like a man in a whorehouse, squeezing them and digging his fingers into the meaty tissue. His tail tightened again, reducing her screams to gasps of pain as he leaned on her chest. His fingers fanned around her breasts, forcing them outwards before they started to flatten.

Yumi pleaded for this to be one tremendous hallucination, but it was too painful to not be real. Her torso burned as she felt her breasts shoved inside her chest. They deflated like balloons, but didn't shrink away. It made her body feel bloated, like the missing stuff was shoved into her before disappearing. The feeling was like a sudden momentary swelling from too much water, fading seconds later.

It took Noguchi less than a minute to leave her with nothing but empty sacks of skin, hanging from her chest like plastic bags. He grabbed one by the nipple, lifting it up and shaking it back and forth.

"A Nishimoto will never be a real woman. She will only be a cunt."

He slapped her empty breast against her cheek, striking her with her own nipple. The tears she'd been blinking back streamed out, unable to be held back anymore. It hurt too much.

His tails released her ankles and lifted to her chest. As soon as they touched her, light and heat spread across her chest. She watched as the empty excess skin was pulled tight over her chest. In the space of a few seconds she lost the last of her womanhood, leaving her with a little girl's chest, her nipples tinier than they had been for years.

As Noguchi laughed again, some small part of her mind pushed through the pain. Beneath all the suffering, there was some small bit of anger, and it said that if she didn't do something Noguchi was going to kill her. It might be today, it might be another day, but if she did nothing it was going to happen. If she did something, he might do it anyway, but if she waited he would kill her for sure.

She yanked her leg up, cutting his chuckle short. Her knee slammed into something precious to Noguchi. It squished against her kneecap, anyway, and his eyes widened. His grip slackened just enough for her to slip away. She only paused to kick his nose before turning to the door. Tiny feet and short legs carried her as fast as they could, hand outstretched for the door handle.

Her fingertips barely grasped it before a tail grabbed her ankle. She fell to the floor again, slamming her already broken nose against the tiles with a spurt of blood. A howling scream filled the room before Noguchi gagged her with another tail, pulling her back to him.

"Not...even...a cunt...You are an ass, Yumi Nishimoto. For that, will pay."

He slammed her body down on a bench, his tail gagging her like something out of a hentai magazine. His other tails pulled her limbs behind her, two tails holding her down to the bench like ropes and leaving two more free. Noguchi loomed over her with teeth bared and a slight trickle of blood coming out of his nose. It gave her some small bit of satisfaction, even though she knew she was going to pay for it.

He held up one of his tails, the tip flaring with light before bursting into a strange flame, blue and red at once. It flickered with a heat that had her little body breaking out in sweat as he held it over her. Her skin turned pink and then red as he drew a line with it down over her chest, her belly, and then just above the space between her legs.

"If you thought the last transformation hurt, that is nothing compared to what you are about to feel. Remember this, Yumi-chan. You chose to fight against a man, and you lost. This is what you chose to have happen."

Yumi's screams of pain were muffled against the tail in her mouth as he slammed the fire inside her. It felt like her slit was melting inside, the fire spreading into her body like a wildfire across the forest. It roared through her, her entire body breaking out in a hot sweat as everything was forced to the surface, her back splashing in a pool of sweat, her belly and chest shining from the heat inside her. Her nosebleed started again, oozing over her lips and chin as pain swallowed her whole.

As she flopped around on the bench, she saw her skin darkening. Wet skin disappeared as soaked fur grew to cover it, tan and paler than the orange and white that covered Noguchi. Like a fast-forwarded video of grass growing it sprouted from her skin, holding in the heat of the flame inside.

Noguchi rammed his tail in further. Her fingers spasmed as the fur sprouted from her like needles, breaking through her skin before laying over the mini-wound that each strand created. With every new patch of fur, her body felt hotter, burning with the heat of the kitsune's magic. She gasped for breath between her screams as her body soaked itself, her insides drying out even as her body was drenched in her own juices.

The light tan fur spread over her entire body, soaked to her skin as it covered her from head to toes. Her thighs burned with it as it broke through her flesh, immediately matted down from her soaked skin. The stink of her own body filled her nose as the kitsune's tail was forced deeper into her body. His tail glowed with his magic, and Yumi felt it surge through her, ramming the changes he chose into her form.

Her face changed first, the tip of her nose grabbed by an invisible hook and tugged outwards. Her nose healed only to break again, cracking and crunching as her face was mutilated by his power. Her jaws went along for the ride as her face gained a muzzle. As her nose turned black and wet she caught the smell of the blood on her lips and the rank odor of her damp fur. She swore she should have smelled burning flesh; the heat inside was his magic, not true flame, but it hurt like it was.

As her jaws pulled out from her face, she felt her teeth heal. It hurt, like it was pulling things out from her gums to replace them. She squirmed, her arms feeling as though they would pop from their sockets at the way that she was restrained, and only the tail shoved down her throat kept her silent. Even when she bit down on it, Noguchi didn't seem to feel it through the thick fur surrounding it.

He laughed as her transformation continued, reaching around to the side of her head. His hands guided her ears outwards, encouraging their growth. Sharp claws dragged along the sensitive inner parts as her ears grew pointed, long and fuzzy. They stretched longer and longer until she could see them from the corner of her eyes, freakishly huge on her tiny head, and familiar. She'd worn ears like that as an 'idol' to match the fennec fox tail, and now they were back to haunt her again.

Hideo jabbed his claw through one, drawing a scream from her loud enough to get past the gag. He laughed even louder, shoving his finger through the hole he made, wiggling his finger back and forth to make it wider. As his hand touched the edge of her ear, he leaned forward, his nose almost against hers as he smirked.

"A kit should bear the mark of their betters. You'll wear mine proudly, Yumi-chan."

His finger dripped blood as he pulled back, her ear dripping blood. She could just hear the dripping over her own whimpers and the cracks of her skeleton as it rearranged itself. Her ears flicked now and then, sometimes dripping blood to the floor, other times flicking it onto her face. She could smell the metallic odor of it clearly, and her stomach retched.

The transformation continued down her body, the fur masking it but not fully hiding it. She watched as her arms thinned, shrunken even further than her human self had been. They were weak, tiny, and easy to hold onto, as Noguchi proved as he wrapped one hand around her arm. His fingers wrapped around her upper arm easily with space to spare, and when he squeezed her she could feel it all the way down to her bones.

She stared as her fingers were tipped with claws, her nails twisted and formed into animalistic weapons. They were blunted and stung as they pushed out, like a splinter being forced through the skin rather than pulled out. Her pale skin shredded around the tip as it broke out, the hole around the claws bleeding for a moment before healing up.

Ignoring the toughening feeling along her palms, she looked down as her legs were forced further apart. Noguchi lifted them up, allowing them some freedom, but only so that he could lift her hips off of the bench. Forced to stare at her stretched sex, Yumi stared as she watched something growing down there. It wasn't changing her groin, but it was something that was straining behind her. She felt a bump growing on her back, getting bigger by the second and straining to break free like some great blister.

When her new tail burst out of her back, she screamed as loud as she could. Her teeth ground against the tail in her mouth, biting down to the flesh in desperation to hurt her torturer. If he felt it, he showed no sign of it. Instead he grabbed her tail, pulling the entire length out by the inch and feeling like he was taking her spine with it.

He let go of her arms as the transformation spread down her body, taking the changes to their finale. Her legs burned as the muscles in them were stripped away, thinned and weakened like her arms. Her whole body shook as the fire touched her feet, burning as it ate away the last bit of humanity that she had left. The same toughening feeling she'd felt in her hands spread across the bottoms of her feet, and she thought she saw one of her toes melding into another, leaving her with four on each foot as he pulled his tail out of her.

She cried. There was nothing she could do to stop it, so she cried, warm tears running over her new fur. Her body, her age, even her humanity had been stolen from her, and in its place was nothing but a weak little child. She cried, clenching her fists in impotent rage.

"You see what you really are, what a woman really is. Helpless. Weak. And before a man, nothing."

Noguchi reached for a piece of cloth on the ground. It was a thin strip of red that had not been savaged so much as the rest of her clothes. He grabbed her tail and held it tight as he wrapped the strip around it. A few quick tugs of his fingers left it tied in a bow around the end of her tail, tight enough to not fall off, tight enough to dig into the skin and make Yumi wince.

"The first of many things to remind you of your place, Yumi-chan. A kit needs a bow, something you used to know when you were in your proper place."

She looked away until he grabbed her by the chin, forcing her to look at him.

"Don't you dare do that again, woman. Now, what are you? Say it."

She coughed, gasping softly.

"Say it."


"Say it, filthy Nishimoto, say it!"

Yumi spat in his face, a fragment of a tooth and a bit of blood splashing against Noguchi's face. She coughed, gasping for breath as he grabbed her throat, but she didn't regret it. There was nothing less she could have done.

The kitsune glared at her, his golden eyes narrowed to slits. His claws dug into her neck before he flipped her over, shoving her face against the bench. Her teeth scraped against the wood as he yanked her tail out of the way, and she whimpered as he dragged something against her. It was hard and hot between her legs and thicker than his tail. Was he....he was.

"You'll learn your place. One way, or another."

His cock felt like a wooden post as it slammed into her, knocking the breath from her lungs in one thrust. It took everything she had to not collapse immediately. She barely made a sound, little more than a whimper, but he shoved her head down all the harder for it. The single motion tugged her back further on his shaft, splitting her open even further.

He gave her no mercy. There was no opening up, no gentleness, no means of taking his time. All he did was pull her back and forth, driving his cock into her dried out pussy. Steamed out by her transformation, smaller and without any lubrication, it ripped her apart and left her bloody. It ran out of her, spilling along the sides of Noguchi's shaft and running down the insides of her legs as he slammed in deeper and deeper. He growled above her, and his claws dug into the sides of her head as he shoved her head down hard enough to make her skull hurt.

Seconds later he pulled out, the smell of dried blood on her face second only to the fiery pain of his arousal against her pussy. He was already leaking, and the feel of it on her torn sex almost drew another scream from her. Almost. Her lungs lacked the air to give anything louder than the softest whimper.

In and out he went, each time leaving her gaping when he pulled back. It wasn't like a fence post anymore; now it was more like the top of a flagpole, one that was as wide as her head. She tried to force herself to relax, to get used to it, but it was too big. Even when he left her loose and empty, he stretched her to the tearing point when he shoved back in.

At some point, she was sure that she fell into unconsciousness. It had to have happened. There was no way that she could take that much abuse without something giving out. Regardless of whether she had or not, though, Noguchi slammed her face against the bench, knocking loose one of her new teeth.

"If you think you're sleeping through your first real fuck, think again. After I went through the consideration of getting wet for you, you better stay awake for the next part."

She couldn't see, but she didn't have to. The heat moving from her sex to her ass was enough to tell her what was happening next and how much it would hurt. Whimpering, she tried to pull away. When that didn't work, she tried to kick him, but his tails restrained her legs. His other tails grabbed her wrists, pinning them behind her back as he lifted her up, keeping her upright and her rear pressed against him, her tiny, flat ass cheeks clasped around his shaft from the way he held her. She could feel her own blood against it, hot against her ass, and shuddered.

He bit her ear, punching another hole in it. She winced, her hands clenching into fists as he whispered to her.

"You will never forget this. Even if the Nishimotos come to chase me, even if your husband finds out, you will never forget this moment. Every time that you might lay with your husband, every time that another man might look at you, you will think back to this and remember what you really are. Not a human, not a woman, not even a cunt to fuck. You, kit, are nothing."

His tails forced her down, his bloody cock slammed between her cheeks. Her hole split open, and she screamed again. High, keening, the sound of a fennec fox kit in pain, it echoed around the room. She was sure that Noguchi would gag her at any second, but she kept screaming anyway, letting loose all the pain, terror, and hurt in hopes that someone, anyone would hear her and come to help. It echoed and faded, echoed and faded, so loud that anyone passing in the hallways should have heard her, but nobody came to help.

Noguchi chuckled as he forced her down again, breaking her open in the same way he'd broken her pussy. The blood along his shaft didn't ease it at all. Despite bleeding from her ripped and torn hole, his cock continued to bring her pain, shattering her from the inside out, and he smirked at her cries of pain. He brushed her fur from her ears.

"It's the top of the eighth, Nothing-chan. Everyone is too busy with the game to notice you. Nobody will hear you. Nobody hears a nothing."

His tails dragged her up and down on his cock, and each slam down brought it further into her belly. Her legs were held up and wide, forcing her to see her ripped pussy every time she looked down. A part of her felt faint, wanting to black out, but there was no way that he would let her. The tails around her glowed every time that she felt like she might finally fade, and she realized that he must be doing something to keep her from dying from this rough fuck.

As he pulled her down again, she felt a bump against her ass. She dreaded what it could be.

"Feel that, Nothing-chan? That is a knot. It's going to ensure that you and I are stuck together for a long time, and teach you another lesson."

The thought of that going into her was almost enough to make her try and break free again. If she didn't hurt so much, if she hadn't lost so much blood already, she would have tried to wriggle free of the bonds. She had to fight, a part of her said; if she didn't fight, then she would die, but if she did fight, she had a chance.

Her body was too broken to go with her spirit, though, and all she could do was be bounced like a doll up and down on the kitsune's shaft. Each time she was dragged down, her hole was forced to stretch around the top of Noguchi's knot, forcing her open that little bit more. It hurt and burned her with every attempt, her body giving its last attempt to resist him, but it wasn't going to last long. He was steadily forcing himself in deeper, each time sliding his knot in to a width twice as thick as the rest of his shaft, and each time she felt her stomach heave in protest.

Worse than that was the bulge developing in her stomach. She felt it growing each time he shoved himself in, and could hear the sloshing around inside as she was pulled up and down. Not ignorant of what males leaked, she still couldn't believe he oozed so much. How, in the name of all that was holy, could anything leak that much?

Down she went, shoved down the knot again. It pushed at her rim, soaked in her blood and in his own juices, almost fully forced in before he pulled her off.

Down again, the rips along her hole spreading further, tearing more of the skin before the knot pulled back.

Down again, and this time it went in. Her mouth streched open in a soundless scream and her eyes went wide as Noguchi's knot slipped fully inside of her. For the first time she felt the heat of his fur against her, the feeling of his sac pressed against her barely-scabbed pussy. His claws gripped her belly as he held her close, his hips humping upwards in short, shallow thrusts, ramming himself forward as hard as his bulging knot allowed. Each thrust swelled her belly further, somehow making it harder and harder to swallow from the swell of his juices inside of her.

Finally, he came. She felt it spurting inside of her like a hose, her belly swelling outwards perhaps an inch or two wider before his load gushed up her throat. It felt like she was vomiting, except her stomach wasn't spasming like that. It was pure kitsune force pushing it through her system. He shoved her down against the bench again just in time for it to come spurting out of her mouth.

She tasted every bit of it gushing over her tongue, heaving it out of her body as quickly as she could. Every time she felt his cock pulse another blast squirted out of her mouth, adding to the ever increasing puddle on the floor. It tasted horrible, but she couldn't avoid the sheer volume of it. It came fast and hard, spreading her jaws wide from the pressure of it coming from below. Heave, splatter, gag, heave, splatter, gag; on and on it went, encouraged by the kitsune behind her. He pushed down, squeezing the pre out of her belly to join his cum on the floor. It spread out quickly, almost a flood of it beneath her as he 'milked' her stomach of his load.

When it finally slowed he pulled her onto his lap. He adjusted her until her legs were spread out, his fingers sliding into her broken pussy. He forced them in, fingering her until they came out red. Wiping it off on her stomach, he nibbled on her ear, teasing the holes he'd left there.

"You're going to learn your place, Nothing-chan. You're going to learn it if I have to rip you open every day."

Yumi suppressed a whimper, her fists clenching weakly as his cock twitched inside her. He'd made it clear that he had control, and equally clear that he was never giving it up. The tiny light of resistance in her heart flickered for a moment, pleading the need to fight before being snuffed out by Noguchi's claw at her chest. His touch snuffed it out, and she couldn't hold back her whimpers anymore as he pulled her against his knot.

The End