Obtaining the Forbidden Fruit

Story by XD-385 on SoFurry

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#6 of A True Rarity

After having this sitting in my folders for months, I finally decided to finish and get this chapter out of the way. Due to focusing on my novel and The Lost Element, A True Rarity is now on indefinite hiatus. Not certain when I will get back to continuing this one, but reading over this chapter has reminded me of just how Rarity feels.....right for me. More so than Fluttershy.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will keep up to date with my other works.

It was quiet as I woke. The only thing I could hear was the faint sound of wind blowing through the empty throne room of the castle ruins I had taken shelter in. I was alone. Well...almost. I knew that Nightmare Moon was nearby, probably hiding in the shadows. I looked up at the ceiling through the mesh of the sleeping bag I was inside of. It was only over the head section, allowing me to peer out while protecting my face from some of the light and wind. This was it. The start of my new life here in the Everfree Forest. Away from my...

No. I must not think about them. That life has ended. I should not look back. It will only hurt more. They will be better off without me.

I unzipped the top of my sleeping bag from the inside and sat up with my legs still inside. I flexed my neck to help loosen myself up. My eyes scanned the great stone chamber, wondering how I would start my day. But as I gazed to my left, I found... Wait... What in the world is she doing out here?!

Sound asleep beside me was a familiar white unicorn mare with a beautifully curled indigo mane. She was covered by a blue quilt that bore a familiar cutie mark, which depicted three light blue diamonds close together. Her head was resting on a pillow, her face looking in my direction. It could not be... Rarity.

I gasped as I realized that my own girlfriend was right in front of me. I had to get out of here before she woke up. I staggered to my feet and ran down the chamber without even bothering to gather up my gear. However, I soon slowed to a stop.

"What am I doing?" I muttered to myself. Rarity, the mare I love, was right behind me. We were together again, yet I was fleeing from her. And the question still persisted in my mind. What was she even doing out here, far from Ponyville?

I walked back over to Rarity, my eyes never leaving her. I glanced around, expecting to find my five other closest friends sleeping nearby. However, I saw no one else. Rarity was alone. She had come all the way out here by herself. Why? I know her well enough to know she would never dare set foot in the Everfree Forest willingly. She detests getting dirty, and an untamed forest would easily do that to her. And yet... Closer observation of the unicorn revealed that her mane was frayed here and there, a few streaks of what I assume was dried tree sap in a few spots on her face.

Rarity had not only come all the way out here by herself. She had gotten herself rather dirty in the process. Then why did she not stop and go back to Ponyville to cleanse herself at the spa? As I pondered her presence there in the throne room, I noticed what seemed to be a scroll between her and my sleeping bag. "For me?"

That scroll probably contains the answers I am seeking. I carefully picked it up while stepping lightly, trying to avoid making any sound that might awaken her. I then walked over to the old throne that was nearby and sat myself down in it. I unfurled the scroll and began to read. The writing was in Rarity's handwriting. I was expecting her to be angry towards me, or even asking that I attend her and Spike's wedding once they decide on a date. What I did find was not what I was expecting.

"To my beloved James. As I write this, I am preparing to set out to find you. Rainbow Dash and Applejack told us that you had fled from them when they found you in the Everfree Forest. I... I am so sorry. It was all my fault. I never once told you of Spike's feelings towards me. I never once imagined that his adoration for me would boil over into seething jealousy. I should have warned you about him. I should have told him that you and I had become a couple. Darling... Please forgive me."

I paused while reading the scroll. She knew of Spike's feelings for her all along? Then...why did she... That night, when she and I... My mind was overrun with questions. She knew of his feelings, yet she and I became lovers. Why? Spike is more than good enough for her. Regardless, I read on.

"I spoke to Twilight and Spike as soon as I read the note you left behind. The conversation was unpleasant, but Twilight and I reached an agreement. Our bond is as strong as ever, dear. You are not a threat to our friendship and never will be. She wants you to come home. And she has promised she will always respect our bond. She would much rather have you as a friend than not have you at all."

"As for Spike... I confronted him directly. I could hardly believe how excited he was to learn that you had left. I gave him a slap he won't soon forget. It was...heartbreaking to see him cry like that as I explained the truth to him. But in the end, I think he came to understand why I chose you. And that brings me to why I am coming to find you, James. You are my prince. My betrothed. You are the stallion, the man, I love."

I felt tears beginning to fill my eyes as I read my girlfriend's writing. All this time, even after all I had done to insure that her bond with Spike would flourish, even after going this far to separate myself from them, she still chose me.

"I will not rest until I find you, my love. I will scale the highest mountains and trek through the filthiest marshes until I find you. My beauty could be ruined forever, but I do not care. All that matters to me now is bringing you back home. To be with our friends, and with me, once again. We all want you to come back to us. I am coming to find you, James. And I must do it alone. It was my mistake that caused you to leave us, so I must make things right. If you read this, please always remember. I love you. I love you more than my career, more than my fame. And I will say it once again. I am, and always will be, honored to be your mare. Wait for me, my love. I will see you soon."

Tears had begun to stream down my face even before I had finished reading the scroll. I slowly turned my gaze upward until I was looking ahead. Right in front of me was Rarity. Her beautiful azure eyes were also pouring tears as she gazed at me. Her body had bits of dirt and grass here and there. Pine needles were stuck in her tail. Yet despite her mild filthiness, her beauty still shone through.

No words were spoken as our eyes locked. I think a full minute passed before I could no longer contain myself. I closed my eyes for a brief moment as I gritted my teeth. I then dropped to my knees and embraced my beautiful lover as tightly as I could. I felt her wrap her forelegs around me. We were finally together again, hopefully for good this time.

"Darling..." Rarity whispered as her voice began to break.

I muttered, "What're you doing out here?"

She pulled away from me until her large azure eyes were looking at me. "I'm here to bring you home."

Somewhere in my gut, even though I had read the note Rarity had written, I was sure that returning to Ponyville was a bad idea. "I can't go back, Rarity... You know that. You belong with Spike."

Rarity shook her head, a pained expression adorning her face. "It was not meant to be, James. I always viewed him as more of a little brother than a possible lover." She then placed her hoof on my hand. "You are the man I truly desire."

I sighed as I gently removed her hoof from my hand, "You're forbidden fruit, Rarity. I want you, but I know I can't have you."

Rarity seemed distraught by my actions, but then took a seat beside me. "James... There is a story I must tell you... You need to hear it."

I asked halfheartedly. "What? A fairy tale?"

Rarity shook her head, "No. It's a true story. And you must know it."

I said nothing, but nodded as I sat down back on the throne. I suppose I could at least honor her request. Rarity sat before me, her beautiful azure eyes fixated on me. "Once upon a time, there lived a young pony. She was born a commoner, but dreamed of becoming a princess."

I nodded, not saying anything while I listened. "She tried to become recognized all over Equestria by weaving beautiful garments for the ponies of Canterlot, hoping that it would bring her fame. And it did. Her face and name became known to many. But in the end, she was still a commoner."

Rarity paused for a moment and sighed, as if she had just recalled an unpleasant memory. "Then the day came where she had the opportunity to gain what she desired most. During her first visit to the Grand Galloping Gala, she found the prince she had her eyes set on for a very long time. She desired to marry him and become a princess in the process. However, despite being a true prince, his character was anything but princely. He was snobbish and treated her as a servant. It was a crushing eye opener."

I was starting to suspect that Rarity was speaking of herself, but I decided to wait until the end before asking questions. "She still desired to become a princess known by all. But one day, she met a commoner. When they first met, he was shy and lost. She tried her best to help him feel welcomed. She invited him into her home to rest and he remained there for several days. During that time, they bonded deeply and she began to view him as more than a mere friend."

Rarity then raised her right hoof, which still held the beautiful bracelet I had purchased for her. "She wanted nothing in return, yet he gave her a wonderful gift. It was then that the pony made a discovery. True royalty is not in one's heritage, but in one's heart. And in that commoner, the mare found her prince."

Rarity then looked at me with a tearful smile as she placed her hoof on my hand. "You are my prince, James. And nopony else can replace you."

I had felt myself beginning to choke up, my hands clenching into fists. My vision began to blur. "Darling... I love you." Rarity spoke to me, tears beginning to trickle down her face.

Just before I could finally break down in tears, Rarity raised herself up and embraced me while I was still seated on the throne. "Let it out, James... I'm here for you."

The tears came cascading down my face as I did my absolute best to not wail. It was a complex mixture of grief, remorse, joy, and relief. I held onto her as tightly as I could. "I love you, Rarity..." I managed to squeak out. I sounded utterly pathetic, a grown man crying like a baby. But I did not care. I finally knew for certain that Rarity is the love of my life and no one else's.

Rarity did not budge, never releasing her grasp on me. I felt a tear drip onto my neck. It was still warm. By the time I had stopped crying, Rarity was smiling at me. "Let's return home now, dear. Your friends are waiting."

I nodded, wiping my tears away. "OK... Just let me pack up."

As I rolled up my sleeping bag, Rarity stayed by my side. "Allow me, James." She spoke, her horn coated in a familiar shade of blue. My camping gear levitated into the air before being packed up properly in a matter of seconds. "There. Shall we?"

I nodded as I slipped on my backpack. "Yeah. Let's get going." Side by side, we walked down the long stone chamber, our footsteps echoing throughout the area. However, just as we were about to reach the stairwell that led outside, I stopped. I was forgetting something important.

"James?" Rarity asked, noticing that I had stopped walking.

I glanced behind me before facing her again. "Sorry, I just remembered I need to do something important before we go."

Rarity approached me with a reserved smile. "Oh, of course. Then let's go finish up whatever it is that needs to be done."

However, I held up my hand to halt her approach. "I appreciate that, but I need to do this alone. It's personal, Rarity."

She clearly did not like this at all, her expression showing desperation. "But...darling! We were only just reunited! Why separate us again?!"

I sighed, not wanting to part ways with her even if just for a moment myself. "I don't want to do this either... But I need to do it alone. Can you please wait for me in the stairwell?"

Rarity looked up at me with a tearful gaze. She really did not want us to be separated after all the drama that happened recently. "I... I'm sorry, dear... I just don't want us to be apart..."

I got down on my knees and embraced her tightly, "Me neither. But please. Just three minutes or so and I'll stay by you for the rest of the day. OK, honey?"

After a brief pause, Rarity finally nodded. "All right... Just please don't loiter for too long."

I smiled as I kissed her on the snout, "That's a promise." I then watched as Rarity walked towards the stairwell at the entrance to the throne room. She looked back at me once before disappearing from sight.

I walked over to one of the stone pillars near the back of the room. When I looked up at the shadows on the ceiling, I could make out one particularly dark shadow billowing constantly. "Nightmare Moon, it's safe to come down now."

The shadow slowly slid down the pillar until it was parallel to me. Two familiar teal eyes opened on it before a voice echoed around me. "You never told me about her. She's one of the ponies who reduced me to this state."

I bowed my head, remembering what Rarity had told me a few days ago about the Elements of Harmony. "Element of Generosity, right?"

A hint of anger filled Nightmare Moon's voice, "You must hate me just as much as they do."

I shook my head, "No, I don't. And I can tell you Rarity doesn't either. May I explain?"

The shadow sighed with a tone of resentment. "Very well..."

I reached out and rested my hand on Nightmare Moon's shadowy form. "A few days ago, I had a talk with Rarity during a visit to the spa. At first, she seemed to show nothing but disdain for you. But when I explained that maybe you only wanted to be appreciated for your beautiful night, she claimed she felt awful for ever thinking so harshly of you."

Her eyes opened wide in surprise. "Really? She said that?"

I nodded, "Yeah. She even said she wishes she made a fabulous dress for you before coming out here to see you."

Nightmare Moon snickered, "I certainly would've appreciated that. My armor isn't always the most comfortable outfit to wear."

I smiled, "So, do you believe me? I swear she isn't your enemy anymore."

If her mouth were visible in that form, I am sure Nightmare Moon would have been smiling at me at that moment. "Yes, I believe you. But I will hold you to that dress offer."

I nodded, "I'll remember that. But I need to go now, Nightmare Moon. I'll try to visit sometime, though it may be hard to come up with excuses to go into the Everfree Forest alone."

However, Nightmare Moon sighed, "No... It would be best if you don't. It's far too dangerous to come all the way out here. And it will likely take all day just to do it. I must admit I am shocked you made it this far out here alone while unarmed."

I frowned, "But... I don't want to leave you alone out here."

Nightmare Moon seemed to smile at me. "Don't worry. The time will come when we will meet again. When that time arrives, I will send for you. You will know I am calling when it happens."

This was a puzzling claim. What was she planning? "How will I make it here though? I wasn't even really following a map and only got here because I bumped into someone who could show me the way."

She replied, "I will make sure you are escorted. But not until that day arrives. Until then, wait for me."

I smiled and placed my hands on her shadowy form, "OK. I'll wait. But I need to get going now."

I saw a pair of shadowy tendrils reach across my arms and then wrap around my body much like an embrace. "Take care, my friend. We'll meet again someday."

I bid my goodbyes to Nightmare Moon and hurried down to the stairwell. Not very far down, I found Rarity waiting for me. "Hey there, honey. Miss me?"

Rarity rushed right over to me without a word and held onto me. "Of course, I did. That needs no explanation."

I wrapped my arms around my beloved as well. Even though we had been apart for just a few minutes, it felt exhilarating to be holding her once more. But after a moment more, Rarity made a brief observation. "Darling... When was the last time you bathed?"

"Uh... I think the night I left Ponyville..." I replied, realizing that I was well overdue for a shower.

Rarity pulled away from me for a moment, probably not willing to endure my stench. But her gaze soon became more amorous. "When we get home, you and I are going to wash up right away. Understood?"

At that moment, nothing sounded better. "Music to my ears, m'lady."

I feel I should finish this entry up. I feel rather drained after all that has happened. I know this entry is much shorter than most of the others, but I hardly care right now. I am finally together with the mare I love and just want to put down the pen for a few days to relax and get acclimated to life with Rarity as a true couple.

We must depart now. And it is a long walk back to Ponyville. I will begin writing more entries when the time feels right.

Rarity... Now and forever... My heart belongs to you.