Team Violet 7: Limits

Story by Vailarian on SoFurry

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#7 of Team Violet

Following the disbandment of Team Rocket, a researcher moves to Kalos and starts a new crime syndicate that uses carnal power rather than strength to meet its goals.

Note: Feedback please!

Team Violet Emblem by Empyreus, with gratitude.

I do not own Pokémon or its characters.

I burst my way into the testing facility, tugging my lab jacket on over my sweater. I had overslept and was afraid I was going to miss a scheduled test. I never missed an experiment and I didn't want to start now. However, when I arrived the room was filled with my research aids and various workers, in place and ready to go as if I had been there all along.

"Oh, good morning, Tenna!" Junis turned as the door opened, standing in the center of the room. She had spiked the front of her short crimson hair slightly, giving her the appearance of a crested bird. She walked over to me, smiling the whole time. "It was getting a bit late and you weren't here yet, so I took the liberty of preparing today's test. Everyone is ready to go whenever you are."

"You mean I rushed here without brushing my hair for nothing?" I grumbled, putting my face in my palm.

"It doesn't look so bad!" she reassured, touching against my violet locks. "Come on," she took my hand and dragged me to the desk closest to the Field. "I fixed you a coffee. A little milk and a lot of sugar, just how you like it." She took the steaming mug and held it out to me.

"Thank you," I said, sipping. "It's delicious," I noted as it warmed my core. "Thank you for getting everything set up, Junis," I said apologetically.

"It was no trouble," she shook her head. "Did that old alarm clock finally give out?"

"I should have bought it as soon as you noticed it was dying," I groaned. "I'll have to get one today."

"Oh, I forgot to mention," Junis snapped her fingers. "Our old journalist friend will be sitting in on today's experiment."

I had to think about who she meant. I scanned the room and my eyes fell on a woman I had not seen in a very long time. "Anina?" I wondered aloud. As I looked at her I realized it was the same person that had been on the other side of the glass the last time I saw her. Last time she experienced the sensation of a Pokémon evolving while it mated with her, and last I had known she had returned to us as a customer. Today she looked professional, eyes scanning around her and scribbling notes down in a journal. I had grown so accustomed to the extra pairs of eyes on Team Violet lately that I hardly recognized the mannerisms of a reporter.

Since Ferris had made the preparations for us to go public a few weeks ago, it had been a bit of a rocky road towards getting where we stood today. Of course there were people that were outraged by what we stood for, but with the help of Lumiose mayor Bartlett Royce advocating for us (partially against his will), the unaccepting masses had mostly died down. In general most people were just happy not to have a repeat of Team Flare and their world-destroying ideals. In any case, we were receiving more business than ever, and that was for the best.

"Well, I'm glad Anina could make it," I drank deep from the mug in my hands. "Remind me, which test are we conducting today: territorial Dragonairs or the reality of Skitty and Wailord breeding?" I asked Junis.

"The Dragonairs," she answered without missing a beat. "There are four male Pokémon subjects waiting on the perimeter of the Field along with one female human volunteer. The Field is ready and equipped to hold them all comfortably, and the volunteer has been briefed and prepared."

"You're the greatest," I said, draining the cup and patting her on the shoulder. "Shall we get started?" I walked towards the great glass window with Junis in tow, nodding to my employees as I passed.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting," I adjusted my glasses and turned my attention to the Field. "Though Junis has already filled you in, the subject for today's experiment is male territorialism when confronted by a single interspecies mate. Given the potential danger this poses to our human volunteer Noell, the Dragonair's Pokéballs will be at the ready to call them back if our human subject falls in apparent danger." I looked to the engineer at my side. "Send out Noell first, and give the Dragonairs five units of pheromone vapor before sending them out at the same time."

The woman nodded, opening the centermost panel in the Field and entering the other commands into her panel. A woman stepped out into the white room, full-bodied curves and large breasts apparent in her nudity. She had tan skin and wavy blue hair that fell about her shoulders.

"How are you doing, Noell?" I turned the intercom on as I spoke.

"Doing great," she answered. "I'm so ready for those dragons," she added hungrily.

I laughed. "We're sending them in," I said as I gestured to the engineer and she set to work opening the other four panels in the room. "Enjoy the ride," I said, flicking off the intercom. The Dragonairs emerged from their holding cells, each blue and white serpentine creatures eying each other and the woman. The creatures all sported long pink erections as snake-like as their bodies, their round faces flushed beneath their intelligent eyes.

Noell turned to face them each one, her eyes lighting up with excitement. They closed in on her, sensing her to be the only viable option to satiate their primal needs. One the the dragons coiled around her legs, running its orbed tail down her side, resulting in a purr of delight from the woman. She pet the back of its head gently as another Dragonair came up behind her, dragging a tongue up her back.

I turned to Junis and the others. "Watch the behavior of the Dragonairs towards each other. Some Pokémon like to share and others don't, let's see what happens when they have to share a female," I instructed.

As I spoke on of the dragons headbutted another, boldly shoving his cock in between Noell's legs from behind. "Oh!" She gasped, looking down at the penis now nestled between her thighs. She reached out and stroked it gently. "It's slick," she murmured, jacking the creature in smooth motions. The Dragonair occupying her legs slithered up to stand parallel to Noell's body, moving higher and higher until his maleness stared the human in the face. She opened her mouth obligatorily, accepting the dragon dick as it slid into her maw.

"Minimal violence so far," Junis observed. She was right, the Dragonairs occasionally bumped and pushed each other but none tried to stab another with the horns on their foreheads or attempted to use any of their moves. It was a good test so far.

Apparently fed up without any action, one of the idle Dragonairs moved in quickly, pressing his white belly against Noell's chest. His pink member bumped against the one resting between her legs, knocking it out of the way and pressing into her bald pussy. Noell's eyes flashed open and she moaned, the sound muffled by the long dragon manhood filling her mouth. The Pokémon in front of her aggressively pushed himself deep into Noell's body, causing the woman to squirm and make pleasured noises. The evicted Dragonair behind her cried out in frustration and tried to go back into the same position, penetrated her anus by mistake.

Noell spit out the cock in her mouth and groaned loudly, going weak in the knees and hugging around the Dragonair in front of her for support. She couldn't rock back against the double assault by the dragon-types, just try to stay balanced and ride it out. The Dragonair she had been servicing orally wanted back, bumped against her forehead with his nose and stretching to place his member back near her mouth. Gasping desperately as the two others ravaged her pussy and ass, she took the tongue-like cock back inside her gaping muzzle.

"So that's how they're going to do it," I smiled. Rather than fight over her womanhood or take turns mating with her, the Dragonairs were simply going to fill her however they could as quickly as possible.

"But what about him?" Junis asked, indicating the Dragonair circling the group and crying out. He had remained untouched by Noell, but given his large pink erection, he obviously wanted in on the action.

As she noticed him he suddenly swerved around and approached the orgy. He slipped under Noell's legs and around the bodies of the other Pokémon until he rested beneath the Dragonair that was busy thrusting his way into Noell's pussy. He contorted his body so his needy member poked against the other Pokémon's tight slit and started pressing inside. The penetrated dragon cried out in surprise and then pleasure, purring in satisfaction and moving his tail to make entry easier for the creature beneath him.

Junis giggled and shook her head. "Nevermind, he's got it figured out," she said, writing a few notes on her clipboard. I looked back to Anina, who was also busy writing down the details of the experiment.

"So they don't mind homosexuality in the heat of the moment," I observed, placing a hand on the cool glass. The five of them had found some sort of rhythm in their absurd position, they looked more like a pulsing heart more than a collective of lovers. Noell's tan skin stood out noticeably from the blue and white of the surrounding Pokémon, her mouth and holes filled to the brim with dragon cock. Everyone one of them was purring and gasping and moaning in their own ways as they revelled in the sensations of their lovemaking.

The Dragonair behind Noell suddenly bucked hard against her, grinding his body at hers as he came deep within her ass. From our position we could see his viscous seed spill out from her backside onto the floor, accompanied by Noell's muffled screams around the maleness thrusting into her mouth. After a few spasms of ecstasy he withdrew his cock from her asshole, now covered in his own pale semen.

A split second later the Dragonair in her mouth hit his climax as well, catching Noell off guard as she struggled to drink down spurt after spurt of Pokémon cum. He pulled himself out of her mouth, shooting off a last surge of white sticky fluid onto Noell's face. She coughed and brought her hands to her face, licking up what she could. As she recovered the Dragonair between her legs, busy thrusting into the tight anus of the other serpent, snaked his tail up Noell's leg. The orbs on his tail brushed against her rear end, seeking out her used asshole and pressing his bulbous tail inside. Noell spread her legs further and groaned, taking the balled object into her pucker. It stretched her out as it pressed inside, and without much effort the ball popped its way into the woman's body. He started pressing the second, larger sphere on his tail into her hole, but only got about half way before he ran out of her. Stretched and filled once again, Noell quivered hugged tight around the Dragonair's neck.

At that point the two Dragonairs hit their limits, one coming inside Noell's femininity and the other coming deep inside the bowels of the former. Noell closed her eyes and her mouth opened wide as her body accepted the dragon's gushing seed, what couldn't be taken falling in thick globs onto the tiled floor.

"Fuck," she gasped, gripping around the Pokémon's body and shuddering at the feeling of warm seed filling her womb. Who knows how many orgasms she during the entire trial? I couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the woman, being treated to so many forms of pleasure in one short interval. The Dragonair slipped out of her entrance, moving off the other Pokémon's tapered cock. He too pulled his tail from Noell's ass with a wet sound, leaving her to fall to her knees as among the four curled dragons, busy cleaning themselves with their long tongues. She laid on her side, accepting the licks the dragons offered her in a valiant attempt to clean her of the cum covering her body.

I turned to face my crew. "Looks like we're done, everyone. Junis, do you want to write up the report for this one?" I asked her.

She nodded enthusiastically. "It would be my pleasure."

"Fantastic," I smiled at her. "Let's get clean-up and hospitality teams in the field," I told the engineer. "And--"

The lights above us flashed off and the computers around the room shut down. We were in total darkness. I heard Junis stifle a gasp and the scientists begin murmuring to each other. I looked around, making out blurred outlines of the people in the room. "Is everyone ok?" I asked aloud. We heard the generators grumble to life deep below us, and soon enough the backup lights flickered on, filling the room with cool blue light.

"Power outage...?" Junis asked unsurely, glancing at the blue lights. It wouldn't be the first time, Team Flare left half the city dark months ago when they re-routed energy from the power plant. But Team Flare was gone.

The communicator in my pocket buzzed and chirped. "Must be maintance," I guessed, fishing it out and flicking it open. "Tenna here," I spoke clearly into the receiver.

"Tenna!" Sybil's voice shouted through the speaker. I had to hold it back to avoid going deaf. "Tenna, there is a big problem!"

"I know, Sybil," I said patiently. "The power's out. It will be back soon."

"No, no, no!" she said desperately. Her voice suddenly dropped to barely above a whisper. "There is a problem upstairs. And it is coming downstairs, I fear."

"What kind of problem?" I asked, switching hands. "Where are you?"

"Hiding!" she hissed. "Some customers- I had thought they were customers- suddenly attacked our staff! The grunts are not standing a chance! And they cut the power!"

"Attacked?!" I said, my heartbeat rising. "Just stay put, Sybil, we'll get to you!"

"Oh be careful, Tenna!" she pleaded. "I do not know how but they are not using--" her voice disappeared, replaced with static.

"Sybil?!" I shouted into the receiver. "Dammit!" I snapped the communicator shut, finally noticing that everyone in the room was looking at me. I tried to compose myself, adjusting the frames on my face and clearing my throat. "There's some kind of situation upstairs," I said, sensing my voice shake slightly. "And it may be coming in our direction." My employees whispered, frightened looks on their faces. Anina looked at all of us, continuing to scribble in her journal, uneasiness setting across her face. Junis just kept her crimson eyes on me, concern evident. It was her expression especially that gave my heart pangs of worry.

My communicator suddenly buzzed again and I flipped it open immediately. "Sybil?" I asked.

"Tenna!" Coel's voice came through the speaker, raspy and urgent. "Clear everyone away from the door!" I was about to question him before he interrupted me with "Just do it!"

"Everyone towards the glass!" I yelled, followed by everyone's rushing towards the Field. Noell and the Dragonairs on the other side, unaware of what was happening from inside the one-way mirror, looked around in confusion. Suddenly the heavy sliding doors burst off their foundations, falling off their hinges and sliding across the floor. When the dust cleared we saw a Haxorus loitering in the doorway, streaks of orange light wrapping around it before disappearing. Coel squeezed his way past it, calling it back into its Pokéball as he walked briskly towards us. He was flanked by three grunts and their Pokémon.

"Good, you're safe," he breathed, walking up to me and looking around the room. He wiped his cheek, a fresh cut freely bleeding against his pale skin.

"Least you can say for yourself, you're injured!" I cried, looking at the grunts in the room. They had similar injuries, one even had her pant leg burned away, revealing a hasty bandage. "What the fuck is happening?!"

He shook his head. "I can't say for sure. We're not prepared for it, whatever it is."

"Team Flare?" I asked.

"No, something different," he said. "They're not using Pokémon," he said. I looked at him, confused. "Somehow they're using Pokémon moves, but not one of them has a Pokémon out. I can't explain it beyond that."

"Did you talk to Sybil?" I asked, trying to make sense of it.

"I did," he said, wiping his cheek again. "That's where I'm headed next. Apparently these people checked into the hotel and started attacking from within. I don't know how many there are."

"Ferris...?" I said, more confused by the moment.

"I don't know," he shook his head. "I'll try to get there. If I can't can I rely on you to head up there and help him evacuate his people?"

"Of course," I nodded. I walked over to the right hand side of the room, pressing a hidden button on the edge of a giant monitor. It slid aside, revealing a shadowy staircase. "This will take you right to Sybil's floor, please hurry," I urged.

"Will do," he nodded, his dark hair dripping with sweat. He lobbed another Pokéball in the air, his Houndoom appearing by his side. He gestured to the grunts with him, rushing past me. "We'll make it through this," he called from over his shoulder. "Be safe!"

I watched him go, aware that I was the only authority figure in the room at this point. I turned to my small group of frightened scientists. "Pokémon out if you've got them!" I shouted, unclipping my Love Ball. "Be prepared to battle if you need to!"

I released my Arcanine into the room, resting a hand on her orange head. Junis was the first to react, her Floatzel appearing next to her. Gradually the scientists' partners emerged, and I even saw Anina stroking her Drifloon comfortingly.

"Everyone, head down to the subbasement!" I ordered. "Look out for each other, if they're not using Pokémon and they don't have Team Violet uniforms, they're hostile!" I looked at Junis. "Junis, will you help me rescue Ferris?" I asked. "It will be dangerous, I'll understand if you say no."

The girl shook her head furiously, her red hair a blur. "I'm with you, Tenna," she said with determination.

"Floatzel!" her water Pokémon said beside her, looking at me boldly.

"Alright," I said, privately relieved. "Then everyone, move out!" We all rushed out of the testing facility, the scientists running to the left and Junis and I to the right towards the fire stairs. I felt bad about leaving Noell alone, but surrounded by thick walls and element-proof glass, she was most likely safer than anyone.

We rushed down the ominously lit hallway with our Pokémon beside us. I was worried about my friends and our workers, and I was worried about the woman next to me. She was sweet and energetic, but I didn't know how well of a trainer she was. How would she fare in a battle that put her in danger?

We turned the corner, suddenly spotting to figures at the end of the hall standing under the stairs sign. It was a man and a woman, his hair a was short and sand color and hers was a spiky puce. They wore red-tinted goggles over harsh eyes, and white tactical vests atop black t-shirts with bright red insignias in the center. Their white and crimson gloves matched their sneakers, and they held strange devices in their hands.

"She's an admin, take her down!" the female said to her counterpart. Before we could react he had stepped forward and aimed his device at us, and with a crack a bolt of electricity burst forward and rocketed down the hall, striking Junis' Floatzel and sending it crashing into the wall.

"Floatzel!" Junis screamed, reaching into her pocket for another Pokéball. I just stood, frozen. That looked like Thunderbolt... but there wasn't an electric-type Pokémon to be seen anywhere. How did he do it? What was that thing in his hands?

"The purple-haired one, idiot!" the strange woman yelled, pointing her own gadget towards use. In a flash brilliant orange the hall lit up, and a large five-pronged mass of fire barreled its way towards us. I still couldn't move, what was happening? I heard my Arcanine bark worriedly and Junis yelling my name as the Fire Blast attack traveled towards us. Was I going to die?

Seconds before impact Junis suddenly stepped between the blaze and myself, facing me with her arms outstretched. Her eyes were closed tightly and my lips somehow regained mobility. "Junis...?"

The attack struck her, letting out a terrible scream as her face contorted in pain. The fire dissipated and she fell unconscious to the ground, her lab jacket and shirt singed away and leaving a gruesome burn in the shape of a star on her bare back.

Reality caught up with me, and my head was filled with the sound of my friend's screaming.