A hero's spiral, part 1

Story by steampunkstallion on SoFurry

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A revision of my super hero story, this is the first part. More to come in the following days. I'm hoping that this version will flow a bit more smoothly.

Captain Light - Pierre Morales, gray wolf

Miss Purity - Crystal Knight, white wolf

Dark Corruption - Derrick Holland, black wolf

Darkness, it was a swirling vortex that continued to threaten to swallow here every moment as time had lost all its meaning. Lifting her head, crystal stirred and groaned lightly. Her vision was blocked by the hood that was covering her head. As she sat up, the world spun and darkness once again claimed her, senses fading as unconsciousness took her. As a superhero she should have been above this, and never let herself end up in the situation that she found herself in. Before the darkness took her once more, her memories faded back to how she ended up here.

Things started that eventful night like any other, just flying above most of the buildings in the city enjoying the solitude and moments of peace during a patrol. It was one of those moments that gave her time to think and reflect on things that weighed heavily on her mind as of late. Crystal had recently gotten engaged to a fellow hero, Captain Light also known as Pierre. She knew that she loved him, but the fact that he wanted her to give up being a hero was one of the things they often bickered about. The fact she was doing a night patrol was going to be an issue that he'd complain about later when she returned to the Society's headquarters.

A quick glance around and she saw one of the cities many skyscrapers coming closer, she banked upwards and flew towards the upper spires gracefully landing on a platform. Perking her ears, it was easy to tell that she was alone other than several old gargoyle statues that dotted the parts of the building. Her foot paws moved over and Crystal settled herself against the building, glancing around and occasionally over the edge.

Heightened senses were a benefit sometimes, concentrating a moment she extended her sight glancing downwards at the people walking along the sidewalk. If she chose to, her vision was good enough to read the screens on the cell phones so far down below. A part of her was grateful that she could limit her senses unlike some of her fellow heroes, she couldn't imagine going around with her senses at their maximum limit.

Scrambling to her feet, she turned facing the almost silent noise that stirred against the stone behind her. Falling automatically into a defensive posture, she was prepared for anyone and after a moment she relaxed her stance. The being before her was a fellow hero, The Protector, a rather large and rotund panda. Even though he was starting to get up there in age; his skill and power set left him being one of the most powerful heroes in the Society. His soft voice wafted up into the air, if not for her enhanced senses it was possible it'd be drowned out by the wind blowing at this height.

"What brings you up here this late little snowflake?" The nickname that he used made her blush, her costume hiding the color in her cheeks. Stepping closer, she spoke up so he'd be able to hear her over the sound of the wind.

"Came here to think while I was out on a night patrol. Captain light wants me to give up being a super hero after we get married and I don't know if I can do that." Even in the years that she had been doing this, there was still some people's faces she was never able to read and the Protector's was one of them.

"Well if this is something that you like to do, then why stop? He should be compassionate to that desire for you to help people." There was a part of her that understood where he was coming from, but on the other hand she also saw where her fiancée was coming from.

"I don't know; I've always believed this was something I was going to do..." She pointed to herself, a smile crossing her muzzle. "God gave me these gifts for a reason and I want to help those who cannot help themselves. It's part of the reason that I chose the name Miss Purity."

"Do you regret choosing this life?" Crystal shook her head slowly, trying to figure out where he was going with his questions. "Then I doubt there is anything that Captain Light will be able to do to change your mind snowflake. You're a big girl and quite a capable one at that." She couldn't help but give a little giggle at his words; no one called her a girl in quite a long time.

"I know, you're probably right and it was probably just something that I needed to hear from someone else." Their banter continued for a bit, and he convinced her to talk to him at a further length possibly after the honey moon. Moving over to the edge of the building, she gave a slight glance downwards before turning her attention back to the uniformed panda. "Well I should probably get back to my patrol; see if there are people who need help..."

The Protector nodded and stepped towards the edge of the building and continued on his way, just walking for several moments before allowing his telekinesis to carry him out along the thermal currents that flowed through the city.

Crystal stood there in awe, no matter how times she had seen him do it the sheer ease that he did it with left her speechless. For her to fly, it took quite a bit of concentration otherwise she'd end up being knocked around by the different currents in the air. At this height, currents were far stronger than they were down at street level.

Allowing a moment to draw a breath, her feet perched upon the very edge of the skyscraper Crystal closed her eyes and leaned forward. The muscles of her lengths tensed, giving the slightest push outwards as she leapt from the building. A slight pause, her body resisting the pull of gravity before the air began to rush past her, the sound of the wind growing around her. The rush and slight thrill of recklessness of doing this was one of the few perks she allowed herself to enjoy when being alone. This simple act was one frowned upon by the Society due to the fact that less experienced members would attempt this, and several had gotten hurt due to their lack of skill.

Falling for several seconds, she knew that she had dropped over seven hundred feet of the nearly nineteen hundred feet of the massive skyscraper loomed over the city like a steel and brick guardian. Spreading her arms out, she felt the slight jerk as she allowed her power of flight to kick in launching her away from the building out over the city. Once Crystal had settled down to a gentle flight, she tapped her ear checking in with the Society.

It was a little disappointing when they told her there had been nothing to report and it was a slow night. She wasn't quite sure who it was on the other end of the line doing tower duty that night, but when they asked if she wanted to come in she responded.

"No, Not quite yet... I think I'll do a bit more patrolling, possibly tune over to the police band to see if there is anything there." Tapping a pattern into the ear piece, the slight bit of chatter of the local police radio was piped into her ear.

Not even ten minutes of her listening to the radio and she was rewarded with some activity that she could pursue. There was some sort of break in at one of the jewelry stores on the docks and the police would not be able to get there in time. Pausing in flight, she turned in the air and launched herself towards the waterfront. Drawing her arms tight against her sides, she wondered why the police wouldn't be able to respond in time which was odd. Some of her questions were answered as her flight took her around some of the larger buildings; the entire dock area was cast in shadows. Crystal paused, hovering in the air glancing around as it was fairly odd. Someone went to great lengths to knock out the power for a robbery. The skin on the back of her neck was crawling slightly when she neared the jewelry store, a few cop cars on the opposite site their lights going.

The store in question was of newer design, standing on its own created island of sorts with a pair of bridges that were electrically lowered and raised. With the power being taken out, it was clear that the cops would be unable to make it to the building and catch the criminals in time. There was still something that was unusual about this situation, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Carefully she drifted down to the building landing on the roof making no noise.

Moving towards the skylight, she carefully knelt down making sure that any shadow that might be projected from the full moon was away from the building to not give away she was here. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the darkness; she could see that there were two figures inside moving around. Taking in their general builds, and the sizes and lengths of their tails as they moved around Crystal was able to discern that one was some sort of feline, the other being a canine. It was quite clear that they knew they had some time, using crowbars to break the glass on the cases and stuffing whatever they could into their bags.

Tapping her ear, she radioed in to the Society that she was going to stop a simple jewelry heist. Crystal took a moment to hit the ear piece once more to stop them from responding as she stood up. Drawing a deep breath, she dropped through the skylight. Glass rained down around her, glittering in the pale moonlight like the diamonds in the cases. Striking a defensive pose, she raised her voice speaking up loudly watching their surprised expressions.

"Stop, You're under arrest as per the power invested by The Society of Heroes." It was only a pretense, even though they were deputized by the law enforcement community, heroes rarely did any of the arresting waiting for the cops to take the villains and criminals away. The larger one of the two, the feline appearing gentlemen was the first to react and speak up.

"Fuck! It's Miss Purity!" Glancing back at his partner, Crystal could tell from his reaction that she wasn't expected. "You didn't say we'd deal with someone of her power level..." A slightly predatorily grin crossed her muzzle thinking that she had the upper hand.

"Come on boys... just surrender and make my life easier?" The feline reached into his coat, drawing out a gun and taking aim in her direction. "You should know that a hand gun won't hurt me." That didn't seem to dissuade the tiger as he pulled the trigger. Her ears perked, hearing the hiss of compressed air and dodging out of instinct. Even with the movement, her costume had a small tear as whatever had been shot at her left a rip in the material. Whatever it was, if it could tear her costume she couldn't take a risk. Crystal launched herself forward, dodging another item from the gun as the feline growled in frustration as he missed.

Her palm shot out as she planted herself on the ground, the motion connecting with the feline's stomach. She heard his breath rush out of his muzzle as her second strike hit him in the chest, sending him rolling backwards along the ground and thudding against the wall. Crystal's eyes went to the bag as it dropped to the ground, spilling the gems across the floor. The moon's light as it poured through the skylight illuminated the stones, making them glitter and for a moment she was tempted. A part of her knew why criminals and the rich pursued them and wondered if anyone would really notice if she took a few.

The hiss of compressed air made her dodge another one of those items, this time her paw jetting out to grab the item right as it passed her. She looked at the item in her paw; it was some sort of dark with a faintly glowing pink liquid inside. Her attention lingered on it for the briefest of moments as she turned her attention to the wolf taking a closer look at him.

From the snugness of his clothing, she could tell that he was rather built and there was something about his eyes that threw her off. It must have been some sort of trick due to the poor light, the canine's eyes almost seemed to be glowing but that wasn't possible.

"Freeze!" Crystal tried to sound as commanding as possible, but the canine seemed to ignore her raising the gun and taking aim. Her palm connected with his chest, hoping to knock him back into the wall but that wasn't what occurred. There was a slight shift of the canine's stance as she connected and a bit of stinging pain in her palm when she realized he was wearing armor under his clothing. There was something odd about it and she attempted to strike him again. His paw caught her fist in his grip, squeezing as she dropped to her knee whimpering slightly in pain.

"Now my dear, I don't think I'm going to be doing anything you ask." There was something oddly haunting about that voice, but Crystal couldn't linger on it as she was flung through the air. She went limp as her body smashed through one of the display cases. Looking up she saw the canine advancing towards her, giving a loud growl she turned and launched herself towards him. Several of her punches connected, but they were shrugged off as she stepped back ears folding back when she saw him draw off his mask covering his head.

Her paw shot towards her ear piece trying to get a signal off to the Society, even as she was doing that she heard the hiss from the gun. Glancing downwards, she felt the blossom of pain in her shoulder seeing the dart sticking out with the liquid draining into her. The whole world began to swim as Crystal struggled trying to stay awake and focused. If it wasn't for the fact that she was succumbing to the darkness of the drug, she would have been more terrified. The canine was in fact a lupine, one of the most powerful villains that the Society ever dealt with, Dark Corruption. His voice was the last thing she heard before slumping down against the carpet of the floor.

"Good Night Gracie."

Her mind swam as she drifted in and out of consciousness trying to figure out what was going on and why one of the most powerful villains in the world would rob a jewelry store. Soft whimpers escaped her muzzle from time to time, unable to shake that visage from her eyes being the last thing she saw before passing out. Those glowing red eyes and the fog that rolled from his muzzle anytime he spoke. She tried to stay awake a bit longer, but the effect of the drugs in her system and the rolling of the vehicle she was in made it too difficult to remain awake and she allowed sleep to overtake her once more.

Crystal was unaware of how long she slept this final time, stirring awake with her head pounding and still feeling very disoriented, but was no longer wearing the hood to block her vision. Carefully she lifted her head, seeing that she was in some sort of large office like room. An attempt at moving made her suddenly aware of her situation in which she was bound. The best way she could describe was that of Da Vinci's vitruvian man, her arms and legs bound into a set of large cylinders keeping her stretched out a bit. Slight struggles confirmed what she suspected, kinetic bindings giving a slight curse under her breath. The Society used them mainly on villains who were super strong due to their ability to use their binder's strength against them. The more that you would attempt to struggle the tighter that their grip would get.

Slowly, she lifted her head trying to figure out her surroundings seeing if there was anyone around she could possibly speak with. It was difficult with each motion of her head, the waves of nausea continued to threaten her weak grasp on consciousness. The room was fairly large and had a bank of windows that lined the back wall overlooking the ocean. The sight was fairly beautiful and she might have enjoyed it more if it wasn't for the fact she was a captive of one of the most powerful villains. It was difficult to try and figure out where she was. The moon was up high in the sky, but having no real idea where she was it would be difficult to tell which direction she was even facing. A soft sigh escaped her muzzle; at least they had left her uniform on giving a bit of comfort to her emotional state. Carefully and slowly she lowered her head, trying to find something that wouldn't make her too sore when she woke up later and allowed herself to try and get some sleep.

Crystal jarred her head upwards when she felt someone gently tapping her muzzle, speaking to her. It took several moments before she was coherent enough to understand.

"Come on, time to wake up." She mumbled some sort of excuse, and then remembered where she was as her eyes snapped open. Eyes went wide as she was looking into the uncovered face of Dark Corruption, head drawing back. Her lip pulled back exposing her teeth as she growled at him, trying to sound as confident as she could, considering her situation.

"Let me go, and I'll try and convince the Society to go leniently on you." It wasn't a typical response from a villain who had the upper hand; usually they'd go into some grand monolog or get angry. His response was to simply chuckle at her, those glowing red eyes taking in every detail of her.

"What makes you think I want to let you go? Also, how would you escape... those are custom kinetic bindings, I doubt your fiancée could even break free of those." Crystal focused and kept herself from letting any of her frustrations or sense of hopelessness from showing. The way he was looking at her wasn't the way most villains tended to look at her; it was more as if he was trying to gauge her in some odd manner. "Don't worry, I have no plans to cause you any sort of harm. Just need to hold you for a few days, test out some items I have here."

"Doesn't sound like the grand plans of some megalomaniacal super villain who's supposed to be all big and bad." It was clear some of her words were able to get under his skin, there was a slight twitch of his upper lip but that's all. Crystal figured that for all his bravado he was still bothered by some of the things said about him.

"Regardless, that's my goal here. I'd say if you don't like you could leave..." He leaned in; she could feel that fog as it rolled from his muzzle. The sensation sent chills along the side of her neck as he spoke again into her ear. "Though, I seem to have the upper hand here having you trapped and stuck like the proverbial stick." The only joy she was able to get, was he barely got his head out of the way as she snapped at him.

"Fuck you. I'll figure some way out of here you bastard!" Now was her turn to lose her cool, and after a few moments she drew in a few deep breaths calming herself realizing that's what Dark Corruption wanted. The giant smirk that was on his muzzle made her want to bite him, to slap him, and she was taken back at the thought of wondering what it'd be like to kiss that muzzle. Instead of saying anything else, she just clamped her muzzle shut and decided not to give him any more satisfaction. She watched him carefully, seeing that he settled that she wasn't going to speak anymore.

"Shame, it's nice to see you superheroes actually get frustrated and upset. Always too calm and collected for my tastes. Gives people a chance to see that you're mortal and not the flawless creatures that you present yourself to be."

His words bothered her quite a bit, though Crystal didn't want to let on that she was concerned and focused her thoughts more on the bindings that held her in place. There was some play where her arms went into the bindings, along with just below her knees. She racked her brain for everything she knew about the bindings, remembering that sometimes you could overload them by going slack then using every ounce of your strength on them.

Taking a breath, she glanced over at Dark Corruption to see if he was paying attention to her. The wolf was sitting at the desk, absorbed in some sort of paperwork part of his back facing her. A moment later, she allowed herself to go slack before trying with every ounce of strength to pull at the bindings. Her scream echoed throughout the room, the electricity arcing along her body from the spots where she was bound. It was only for a brief moment, but it seemed to sap every ounce of strength she had letting her head droop down breathing heavily.

"Oh I see you tried to escape, yes..." Crystal couldn't bring herself to lift her head to look over at him, feeling oddly weak. It took a few moments but she mustered up the strength to look over at the desk, seeing him smiling. "When I designed those, I took into effect of the flaw that the original versions had of going slack and overloading their sensors. Now, they send a few hundred thousand volts of variable frequency electricity through one's body. Doesn't do a good job at stunning, but plays hell with the body making it feel sluggish and weak."

She hated the fact that he seemed to be prepared for this kind of escape, she gave the slightest grunt using what strength she had to shake her head at him.

"Well now that I know what to expect, I'm still sure I'll be able to escape." There was no change in his expression, he slowly just stood up from where he was seated and made his way over to him. Before she was able to react, that paw shot out grabbing her muzzle and holding it as he made her look at the bindings.

"I'd reconsider it if I was you; see what it does to your uniform." Crystal looked at where he had pointed her muzzle, eyes going wide in surprise. The black material of her uniform almost looked like it was burned off, but that shouldn't have been possible. It was a synthetic fabric that resisted most forms of abuse, but did little to protect her from the machine she was bound in.

She chose the better part of valor and kept her muzzle shut, weighing her options as she tried to decide how to handle this. There were a few other tricks that she knew of that she could attempt later, see if she could still escape. A flick of her ear, she tried to feel if her communicator was still there. As if he could sense her thoughts, she watched as he spoke up.

"Oh don't worry, I took the liberty of removing your ear piece, no sense in letting you get a hold of your precious society." Letting a soft growl escape her muzzle, she mumbled something under her breath a little bit of joy seeing as he couldn't hear her. It wasn't going to resolve her situation, but at least it made her feel better.

Crystal felt a wave of relief wash over her when he finally left the room, letting her head slump down as she caught her breath. The initial discomfort was waning now and just a dull sense of ache filled her muscles. A few gentle tugs at the machine's bindings confirmed that this was different than the ones she was used to at headquarters back home.

Slowly she began to attempt to stress the machine, giving a slow but powerful pull of alternating arms back and forth wanting to see how it would react. After several minutes of this, she could feel a slight delay of the machine's grip tightening. A deep growl escaped her muzzle as she pulled with both arms as strong as she could hope that the machine would be too slow to compensate. Her pained howl that filled the air was not the answer she had been expecting, the electricity arching across her entire body as she slumped down unconsciousness grabbing her.

Several hours passed that she could tell when she finally awoke, her entire body was stiff with aches and pains. Lifting her head, it was obvious that the night had almost fully passed as the sun was starting to show its rays of hope along the horizon. Crystal whimpered quietly as she realized that she was going to be trapped here until Dark Corruption was done with whatever he intended to do with her.

Her thoughts wandered from different areas, some positive but a large portion of them fairly negative as she wondered what he was going to do. A lot of different scenarios played them out in her mind, but she was distracted by a faint gurgling noise. It was then she realized she hadn't eaten, and she wasn't even aware of how long she'd been prisoner here.

"Good morning Miss Purity. I see that you're awake." Her head turned and saw Dark Corruption standing there, wearing nothing more than what a normal person would wear. Gone was the typical armor and gear he wore, traded in for a pair of shorts and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. If it wasn't for the fact that she was a prisoner here, she would almost find it somewhat funny. Crystal's eyes slowly let her eyes wander over his body, even for being a super villain he was a fairly attractive male.

"What do you want?" She grunted out slightly, clearing her head of any thoughts of his appearance hoping to get some insight to when she'd be out of this device and able to move.

"I wanted to see how you were, especially after your escape attempt last night." Her ears folded back, not wanting to say anything with him watching her. "Oh I must admit; that was a clever attempt at trying to confuse the machine. Alas, it's been designed to learn from escape attempts, so that trick won't work again." She was only half listening to his words; her nostrils had sniffed and made her stomach rumbling even more apparent. "Ahh, yes I figured you'd be hungry."

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't." She could finally see where the smell was coming from, a platter of food that was prepared. There was a variety of items on it, sausage, bacon and other meats, and some fruits as well including strawberries with cream. She practically drooled at the thought of eating before she stopped and leveled a glare at him. "What's the catch? I have to tell you some secret or such before you'll give me any food?"

"Nope, and besides I doubt there are any secrets your precious society has that I wouldn't know of already." She gave him a confused glance before she smirked and laughed slightly, watching his reaction change from amused to curious.

"I can assure there is quite a bit about us that you don't know. Like whom we are under our costumes." Crystal listened in horror as he casually recited her name, home address and everything before stepping forward. He lifted her chin to make her look into his glowing red eyes.

"Like I said, there are precious little secrets I don't have." His touch wasn't like it was before, this time it was gentle and almost like a caress. "I have no desire to hurt you Crystal. Haven't you ever wondered why your families are never attacked?" He continued and explained that there was a rule amongst villains that you never go after family or children of heroes or other villains. Her eyes had closed and didn't even realize that his paw was slowly and gently stroking her cheek as he continued. Against her own intentions she leaned into his touch and after a few she realized what she was doing as she pulled away from him.

"Fine, since you know all about us why don't you just feed me so I don't starve?" Her words were laced with a bit more venom than she intended, upset at how she reacted to his touch. Crystal's eyes watched his every move as he gave her small tidbits of food from the platter, letting her finish them before she nodded to allow him to give her more. She watched as he ate most of the strawberries, she didn't want to say anything and just finished off the rest of the food he gave her. "Maybe something for you to think about... Miss Purity." The way he said her name made her look up at him slightly confused, watching as he popped one of the cream filled strawberries into his muzzle and leaned in and kissed her.

The sensation was something that she hadn't been expecting and caught her completely unaware and by surprise. It wasn't like when her fiancée kissed her, this was rough and aggressive and she found herself melting into the kiss and even parting her muzzle when she felt pressure against her lips. That's when the strawberry was pressed into her muzzle. Crystal whimpered slightly when he broke the kiss, then spit out the strawberry and growled at him.

"Fuck you, you asshole! What the hell is your problem...?" She tried her best to lunge at him, snarling with her teeth exposed. Arching her back as she cried out in pain; feeling the current lancing through her body feeling worse than before as she slumped down darkness claiming her once more.

Her dreams were a mixture of dread and hopes. They started out simply enough, being there on her wedding day with her fiancée, Captain Light as they were pronounced man and wife. The night continued on and she found that the hero she was dreaming about was not Captain Light, but rather Dark Corruption. Crystal jerked awake, drenched in a cold sweat as she glanced around to see if anyone was there. The room was dark and the sun had gone down, how long had she been unconsciousness? A glance out the large bank of windows confirmed it was night time, and the moon was on the horizon casting its white color across the water.

Crystal shook her head; she tried to shake the dreams from her mind wondering why those kinds of thoughts would be there. She knew that part of it was due to her impending heat, but it didn't help that Dark Corruption was different in a way that her fiancée didn't seem to be. Outside of his costume, he appeared to have that same cocky arrogance that he did in his costume. That was one of the perks of her uniform, it covered her natural scents and part of her hoped that it was still doing that even with the damage it had taken.

A cold chill ran down her spine, she didn't want to imagine what a villain like Dark Corruption would do to her if he found out she was in heat. Crystal had planned to be with her fiancée so unlike other times, she hadn't taken the suppressants to keep her instincts and scents under control. It would probably explain why she had let him kiss her for as long as he did; at least that's what she told herself. There had always been a part of her that was infatuated with super villains and the fact they ignored the rules and took what they wanted. There was a certain allure to that life, but she knew that it was the road to a path that wasn't righteous and impure.

Closing her eyes, Crystal drew a deep breath trying to calm herself and find her center. A quiet little prayer helped her find that, there was just something to have that belief that her creator wouldn't allow her to befall any real harm. She had always thought her gifts were given to her as a blessing, so that's why she had decided to become a superhero to help those that were too weak. This was just another test that she had to pass, and like every other time she was determined to rise above it. Slowly she allowed herself to calm and fall back asleep, her dreams peaceful and unremarkable.

The next morning she awoke slowly, feeling oddly groggy and a bit disoriented. Lifting her head, she realized that she was no longer in the office looking out over the ocean, but rather in some sort of laboratory. Once her eyes were able to focus, there was a variety of different species working on several projects and could see different items used in science on the tables around the large room. Straining at the straps that held her down, it was clear that something was wrong. The range that she was able to move her head, the straps that held her were made from what appeared to be leather and not very thick on top of it.

"Go ahead, release the bindings. I don't think it's going to matter at this point. Miss Purity won't be able to escape." The second the straps were done, she scrambled off the exam table that she on glancing around.

"Your first mistake was letting me go; now I'm going to be leaving." With that, she launched herself into the air or rather made a fairly ungraceful attempt at doing so. When she landed onto the cold tile, she whimpered slightly in pain and confusion. Lifting herself off the floor, she felt an odd weight around her neck and felt around. "What is around my neck? What did you do to me...?"

The item around her neck felt close in styling to a collar, but it was made from a rather cool feeling metal. Her fingers ran around the entire length of it and she couldn't find any breaks in the metal, other than a few dimples where the lights were on it occasionally blinking. Her muzzle parted in a loud growl as she looked at Dark Corruption waiting for an answer.

"Well my dear, it would seem that it works. I've been developing a system to isolate a being from the powers that they have. Most of the current setups are large and tedious systems that tend to fail. This one is small, and can be fitted to anyone, and uses their own bio-electric feedback to power it." Crystal felt her knees get a bit weak underneath her; it couldn't be like he said. No one had been able to do something on this scale; most items like this were rooms that suppressed powers. She reached out and braced herself against the table she had been strapped down a moment before.

"Take it away, turn it off something..." Her voice wasn't confident or angry anymore; this was something that she hadn't been prepared for. She took a few shaky steps towards the villain who did this, preferring to grab his jacket. Unfortunately she didn't make it that far before she fainted, watching as the floor rushed towards her along that darkness that had been too familiar lately. The last thing she could remember was seeing Dark Corruption's face looking at her with concern and then nothing.