Ariel’s Sick Heart

Story by Drakowolf on SoFurry

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#10 of Drako Wolf

Ariel's Sick Heart

This is only an add-on for my story Drakowolf to help you all know what's going on with Drako's pack after he disappeared. After this I won't put any more up until Sonic Fox and I start the new series. I hope you enjoy.

Pain, Pain, and more Pain. That's all Ariel could think to herself as she sat down looking at the place her mate had disappeared right before her eyes. The trick that Sheba had pulled right before her death was horrible. Sheba couldn't have gained anything by making Drako vanish but it made her the winner even if she did died. Ariel felt now like she was along stuck in a large world without her beloved by her side.

A tear ran down her face as she remembered the first time she had met the large wolf. He looked so helpless and sad sitting under that tree in the snow. She herself was an outcast and she wanted to help this wolf even if he didn't want it. She never would have thought that she would fall in love with him. Even after they mated she wasn't sure she loved him yet. It wasn't until Drako had saved her from the humans that she knew she did love him. He was the one and only wolf for her. He may be a little irritable and cranky at times but still he loved her.

It had been two weeks since they had killed and defeated Sheba and her pack. The humans had now started to leave the forest alone not wanting to set foot in to the woods that had taken over their minds. If one good thing came from this it was that Sheba had scared the humans enough that they wouldn't attack or kill them anymore. This had also sent an understanding throughout the humans, one that showed them that the animals had feelings too.

None of this mattered to Ariel the only thing she cared about now was waiting for Drako to reappear. Every day she could be found on the top of the large rock formation looking at the spot Drako had disappeared. Ariel's children along with Bain and Ti didn't leave the odd formation because her Ariel.

Ray walked up to his mother who was looking out in to space as he said "Mother could you come inside please and eat something."

With out even a twitch Ariel said "No I can't leave not until he comes back."

Ray looked sadly at his mother as he said "Mom letting yourself starve won't make him come back any faster."

"I don't care I can't just leave this spot not until he comes back. What if he shows up back her hurt and no one's here to help him?" said Ariel tears running down her muzzle

"Ariel come now you need to get up and eat. You look like death right now." Said Bain walking out from the dark cave that led to the top of the formation

"Bain do you think he's looking for me?" said Ariel crying more

Bain walked up to her and put his head down on hers as he said "Ariel he loves you and I know he's trying his best to find you."

"Are you sure?"

"I am." Said Bain then he said "You know what Ariel I think we should give this formation a name."

Ariel's head popped up as she said "Like what."

Bain thought about it for a long time but it was Ray that answered by saying "How about Drako's Peak?"

Bain and Ariel looked at him for a full minute before Ariel brook down again as she licked her son's face and said "It's perfect Ray thank you."

Bain looked thoughtful as he ran the name over and over in his head before he finally said "It's a fitting name seeing how Drako disappeared from this spot and how he was the one that killed Sheba. Ray I think it's perfect too."

"Thanks now mother if you want one of us could stay up here and wait for you. You need your rest. You're not looking to good." Said Ray

"I'm fine son but yes I think I could use some food. Bain would you mind staying for me?" Said Ariel in a week voice

"Sure thing Ariel but could you get Ti for me and have him meet me up here." Said Bain

"I'll send him up once I get mother to rest." Said Ray looking with more concern at his mother who looked like she could hardly stand

"Are you sure your ok Ariel?" said Bain seeing the same thing Ray did

"I'm...Fine." Said Ariel her voice shaking

Ray took his mother down to the cave she used to share with Drako. Once she was settled in Ray went and got her some fresh meat that he had gotten earlier that day. Once his mother had eaten and fallen asleep Ray went out to find the one animal he knew would be able to help him figure out what was wrong with his mother.

It took Ray a while to work his way through the tunnels and caverns that spider webbed through Drako's Peak. Finally he spotted the fox he had been looking for and he yelled out "Ti I need to speak with you."

The small fox turned his hansom head toward Ray and said "Ray it's nice to see you. How have you been holding up?"

"I've been fine but my mother isn't doing so hot. I was wondering if you could take a look at her and see if you could find anything wrong with her." Said Ray

The Fox had a good knack for finding what illnesses racked over the different animals. They had found out that Ti had watched and listened to the humans for the six months he was imprisoned with them. He knew a lot about what made animals sick and how to make them get better. More or less Ti was like a doctor to them.

"I could try but I don't know much about wolves and how they work. Well that is if you don't count Bain and his rod." Said the fox with a giggle

Ray laughed too at the fox's joke. Ray had always liked the fox even with his constant sex puns and jokes on Bain's cock. Ray finally was able to say "Mothers in her cave sleeping would you like me to walk with you to see her?"

"Yes it would be better if you woke her up. I don't fancy trying to wake a wolf from a nice nap."

The two of them worked their way back to Ariel's cave. Once they had arrived Ti looked in as he watched Ray slowly shack his mother awake. It seemed as though she was dead by the look of her. If it wasn't for her slow breathing Ti would have guessed she died.

Ariel opened her eyes and said "What is it Ray did Drako come back?"

"No mother Ti wants to take a look at you." Said Ray

"I told you Ray I'm fine..."

"No you're not Mother now let Ti examine you." Yelled Ray

Ariel looked at her son, shocked at how mean his voice was as he yelled at her. But finally she nodded her head to indicate that Ti could come in and look her over. Ti entered the cave with a silly little grin on his face. It was like he thought the entire confrontation between his two friends to be funny in some way.

"Ray I will have to ask you to leave as I look over your mother. It's nothing against you lad but I need to concentrate and I can't if your looming over me."

Ray was ready to object but then thought better of it as he said "Sure thing Ti I'll be with my sister when you finish up."

Ti waited until he knew Ray had left the aria before he turned and looked at Ariel worry filling every part of his hansom fox face. He then said "Miss Ariel you look like death is on your doorstep."

Ariel smiled at that as she said "Yes old friend but he still hasn't found the key to enter."

"What's been wrong and why are you telling everyone your ok?"

"I don't know what's wrong with me but I don't want to worry my pups. It's hard enough for Ray with his father gone. He looked up to Drako and I know he hurts inside." Said Ariel a tear again running down her face

It was hard for Ti to see this, he remembered Ariel as a strong wolf full of love and power. To see her like this was strange and all he could say was "I'll look over you and see if I can help in anyway."

"That's find with me old friend."

Ti then begun his investigation on her body looking over every part of her he could. He looked in her mouth and felt her stomach trying to feel if anything was different about her. It took almost an hour for the fox to finish up, make his last inspection, looking into her vaginal to make sure there was no swelling.

The fox finished with a small sigh and said "Ariel I don't know what else to say. After looking you over and from what I know you have a sickness I have only heard of but never seen. It's rare and can only be cured by your own body. You don't seem to have it to bad yet but your body seems to of lost all hope and has given up."

Ariel looked a little worried as she said "What does this mean?"

"The sickness is called Lupus Fever. It's a sickness that eats away at your blood and muscles until you die. For how fast it's advanced I would say you only have another six or seven months to live and that's if your lucky." Said Ti a tear running down his face

To Ti's amazement Ariel just smiled and said "Well if it happens then I guess I was never meant to be with Drako. I loved that wolf so much and I know he loved me. I guess that's what happens when you love a wolf like him. His last mate was killed by humans and I will die of a sickness. I had always hoped I was the stronger one of the two but she died fighting and I will die in my cave along."

"Ariel I think you may be able to live but that is only if Drako makes it back here in time. You have a sick heart Ariel and that is what is making your body not fight back. If he comes back in time your body may start to fight this sickness."

Again she smiled at the fox and said "Lets hope so Ti, but I know Drako was meant for bigger and better things. He wasn't able to be tied down with a mate. The only way he'll be happy is if he finds a mate that is like him. I'm strong but not like he is. Like Ray said Drako's a survivor and I'm not. Ti do me a favor and don't tell my pups what's wrong with me tell them I'm sick but not life threatening."

"Why not, they'll find out when you pass out dead in your cave?" Said Ti

"I don't want to worry them to much so please do this for me Ti."

After some muttering and muffled swearing Ti finally said "Fine I won't say anything, but I want you to try and fight this so when Drako comes home he'll find his mate healthy and howl."

Ariel grinned once more then said "I'll try."

Ti left the room to search out Ray to tell him the lie he had promised his friend he would tell. He reached Tella's cave and walked inside and seeing only Tella in the cave he said "Where's your brother Tella?"

"Hi Ti." Said Tella "Ray was here but he just left with Riley I have no idea where they went."

"Thanks Tella." Said Ti

"Oh Ti if you see that big black wolf that was in Sheba's tribe called Mike can you tell him I'm no longer interested in him."

Ti stopped and grinned before he said "Find one mate Tella and stop fucking every male you can get your paws on. You'll get sick doing that."

"What ever."

Ti searched the caverns for a while before he finally found Ray with Riley in there cave. Ti made himself known then said "Ray your mother is sick but not bad. She needs a few weeks rest and time to heal that's all."

"Are you sure Ti." Said Ray looking at the little fox and searching for some truth in his eyes

"Yes that's all."

"Ok well I was supposed to tell you to meat Bain on the roof and we named the Formation Drako's peak make sure you tell anyone you meet."

"Will do." Said Ti leaving the cave and running off to go see his mate

"Ray what's been wrong lately you look like something's bothering you." Said Riley once Ti had left

"I just miss him Riley." Said Ray

"I know you do. It was hard for me too when Megis died. He was like a father to me and once he was gone I felt like I would die too."

"My father and I did everything together. He was the leader of the pack and now look at us we are in the middle of the woods with no one to show us the way." Said Ray

"Maybe you should take control in his place. The pack needs a leader and no one could do it as well as you."

"What's left of the pack now the war is over?"

"There's your mother, your sister, Bain, Ti, yourself, and me. Plus some of the wolves that were in Sheba's original pack stayed because they had no place to go."

It was true. Four wolves hadn't been able to find a home once Sheba had died. The others went back to making there own packs again but the four could not join any. Ray thought about it before he said "I will lead them until my father comes back."

Riley closed in on him her eyes sparkling in the faint light of the cave as she licked his muzzle in a doggie kiss. Ray loved the look of her red fur in the dark cave it gave her an exotic glow. Other animals had called him names and laughed at him once they knew of Riley and him but he always said "She's my Girl." Why should he care what other's think when he loved the husky with all his heart.

"I love you Ray." Said Riley

"I love you too Riley."

Riley then moved closer to her mate and started to lick down his chest moving her way to his sheath. Ray stayed sitting as he closed his eyes and waited for what was coming. With a tiny lick Riley ran her tongue fast over the tip of his sheath making Ray's cock peak out. Ray let out a soft moan as she continued her playing with the wolf's cock.

Riley wanted to make her mate happy but she also wanted her own happiness and she pushed Ray down. Once he was on his back she moved her ass over Ray's face showing off her pussy to him. Ray got the idea as she started to suck and lick his now almost hard member. Ray put his tongue out and slid it over the slit making his mate moan long and loud.

"More." Moaned Riley

Ray rammed his tongue deep into her sweet pussy hitting her g-spot and making her scream in pleasure. Ray continued his action may times and with in minutes he brought her to her first orgasm. Ray moaned louder as the juice of her sex ran down his tongue and Riley quickened her efforts.

Once Ray was able to make her cum again she stopped her sucking of his cock and pulled her pussy away from his muzzle and dancing tongue. She turned and got back on top of him smiling as she looked deep in to his perusing blue eyes. She then slowly put he hips down and made her pussy lips meet his cock. Slowly she sat her self down on Ray's huge cock stretching her pussy to its limits.

They both gasped as the meat entered the oven. Ray panted hard as Riley started to move her ass up and down massaging his cock with her inner walls. Ray could feel his tip hitting her g-spot and with a jump he slammed his cock hard in to the spot making her collapse and scream in pleasure. She moaned loudly as Ray continued to fuck her even though he was on the bottom showing her he was still in charge and she was still his bitch.

She loved the power and control Ray had over her it made her sure he was a great mate. But it was more than that Ray had a kindness to him that most leaders lacked and he was also good at fucking her too. Ray slammed his cock hard into her again making his knot pop in then out. Riley could tell he was almost done. She wanted to feel his hot cum flow deep inside her so she slammed her hips back and closed her pussy around the knot tying them together.

The two canines screamed and howled in pleasure as Ray's cum hit hard. The flow was so great it filled her up like a water balloon. The cum flowed passed Ray's knot and out her pussy. Riley moaned more as another wave of pleasure ran through her and she came just as hard as Ray letting her juice run with his cum. Once they had both stopped Riley fell into her mate's chest panting hard. All she wanted to do was just lie down and listen to the beat of her loves heart. They both fell asleep before Ray could pull out of her.

Ray opened his eyes and found himself in a strange place. It looked like a valley that was bigger than any he had ever seen. He walked around it and could see it had different environments. This confused Ray because it didn't make sense. Ray looked more wondering why he was here when out of the corner of his eye he saw a movement of grey.

Tuning fast he yelled "Who's there."

No one answered him but the gray mass of fur just behind the bushes moved again. Once Ray moved closer to it he could see it was his father. He seemed to be waking up from a long sleep.

"Father." Yelled Ray excitement building in his voice

Drako got up but paid no attention to his son. He walked right up to him then passed like he never saw him. Drako looked around the valley just like Ray had and he looked just as confused as he Ray had.

"Who am I?" said Drako

"Father it's me Ray your son."

Again Drako didn't seem to hear him but he did say "I can't remember anything at all but I know I have a name. What was it again? Dr...Dra...Drak....Drako"

Ray finally understood what was going on. Ray was dreaming of his father and the place he must have gotten sent to by Sheba. It also seemed Sheba had take away every thing of who he was except for his name. Ray watched his father as two fox's came up to him and introduced them selves as Trixey and Kent. They went off to a cave where Drako met more wolves but for some reason he did not catch the names as he hearing started to go and the vision of his father faded to darkness.

Ray yelled "Noooo father come back." As he felt his body waking from the dream

Ray jolted up right as he awoke making his mate fall off of him. She awoke too and said "What wrong Ray?"

Ray though back to his dream and just as before he knew it was real. From the looks of what he had saw his father was in some distant land and he had no idea who he was or who his mate or pups were. A tear ran down his face because he knew he couldn't tell anyone. If they knew Drako had lost his memory they would all get sad and depressed. Hi didn't want his mother to worry more, he knew the stress would kill her. So he turned to his mate and said "Nothing my love just had a bad dream."

They both put their heads down letting the sleep take over once more as Ray thought once more of his lost and confused father. He managed to whisper in to the dark "Good luck father, I hope you find your way..."

Drako, Ariel, Ray, Tella, Bain, Ti, Sheba, and the others belong to me Drakowolf. Trixey and Kent along with the other wolves who are Luna and Luke are the property of Sonic Fox. Look for them and Drako in his new story of the Odd Company. Thanks for reading.