Collected Words of a powerless and tired man

Story by Chub on SoFurry


The following verses of spoken word (and one haiku) are some things I have written down when I felt the need. Some of them will contain references I find appropriate to use, though said sources of reference are not of my own ownership and I do not claim to own them. Everything else is original work. This is not made out as an attack on anyone specific; rather the way the world is turning out. I wish to also state that I am an openly gay male, as well as a Furry/Therian


Who are we, mortal man, to judge each other for right or for wrong,

When right and wrong are all choice and idea, justice and evil all in the eye of the beholder.

What happened to the earth before man, when the animals ruled without hate or love?

Without the idea of right or wrong,

When all that mattered was life or death, the constant circle of life continuing, and mankind has brought that evil upon itself, by existing, which we cannot blame it for...for what is the idea of thought, but the concept of self-reliance on beliefs. We cannot and should blame ourselves and everyone around us, for the evil the world has become,

With unneeded death abundant, with the unjust ruling over those in peril, with the viles of the world not taking place over seas or on a battle front, but in our own homes, our own playgrounds, our own schools and cities.

We put out rules to justify the means, when the means justify nothing, the chaos ensuing being worse then what came.

We jail the unoffending and release the real criminals.

We have brought our own destruction, by focusing only on trying to stop the 'evil', when the war and death caused by our attempts at 'helping' are the true evil, governments killing masses in an attempt to free the masses, and arguing that past governments that had done so were the only ones wrong.

I see no point in pushing the problems, so I shall conclude,

that man is a damned and dying race...and I await the days, when I may return in arms to my animal brethren, the only ones who no and cannot commit no evils


Grains in the hourglass of life

How often do you hear of someone dying; a child, teen or young adult; and also hear the comment 'they died too early' or 'it wasn't their time to go'? I have heard this all too much, and while I understand the feelings behind the comments, I do not personally understand the reason they are said.

Who are we as mortal's to say when is too early or when is the time to die? How do we know when is the right time or age to pass on?

I have found, in my few years in this life, that when you are called home, whether it be Heaven...Nirvana...or any afterlife that may be believed in, it is time for you to leave...albeit sometimes in less then desirable ways. I truly feel sorry for the child that died, be it from cancer or abuse...knowing that a young life was taken so abruptly and unnecessarily, but I do not feel that it was too early or not yet their time. When your creator/s feels the need to return you to their loving embrace, then you are returned.


All Hail the might of Publicity

We talk so much about feeding the needy and hungry oversea, and funding the education of children in other countries when it is our own needy and homeless that should be care for first. We have sent countless men and women to war, forgetting them so long as they don't come out remotely heroic. When they come home, we screw them over and send them to the streets.....when too many of them know the fear and rush of war...and we condemn them when the war catches up with them. They clog our alleyways, thanks to the less then sub par living they try to achieve. You all only care about what will make people think better of you, so you fund poor one-legged Bilikunte's life because he was injured in a small civil war, when every tom dick and Harry that we send to war is fucked over brutally, their existence naught but another meaning of what is life.

Even worse then that are the homeless families, whom you people all turn on your televisions to watch shows that say they show your what its like on the streets, picking up single parents and children in somewhat dejected states....when the truth is that those aren't even the mist from the tip of the iceberg....the real homeless refuse being the mothers that starve half to death because they give everything they have to their five or six kids, because the government cannot see the problem, the children that will be sent to prison for years, because the only way they know how to actually make it are through stealing and fighting.

We have let our pride, greed and vanity get in the way of what could be a great cause...but then again, they say the roads to hell are paved with good intentions


Time's Change

Beauty. We place so much fervor, power and funds into what is considered beautiful, when tomorrow brings a new beauty, and the idols of yesterday are the memories of today, either forgotten as 'no longer in' or ugly. Beauty is truly only in the eyes of the beholder, but only so much so to the depth of skin. What is beautiful on the outside is naught more than sawdust and some glitter within, fraught with the ideals of a beauty unattained....whilst the true beauty is within those who flourish despite the world that is thrown at them....the true rose in the concrete, the pearls of true beauty.

Justice. What is considered truly just in this day and age, where the slightest idea of difference could mean nations, nay, COUNTRIES bearing down on your door, and forcing their own ideals down your throats, and the only way to change a mind is through force. Naught but two centuries ago, nor even decades, it was not considered evil to ride out and hang a group of black people for an offense that a white person would be slapped on the wrist for...and what has come of that? Barely a century later, a single man created an ideal and brought millions of his followers, as well as nearly the entire European continent against a group of people, merely for not being what he considered right or just. We cannot say what is truly just, for justice is forever and a day....marred by ideals.



We as a group lobby and fight for tolerance, from this group or that.....and yet, so many of us turn around and strike out at other groups for stupid reasons, and often times...those struck hardest are members of our community.

We strike the Religious furry, as being hypocritical, even if they only follow at lengths.

We strike the emotionally askew, for being too far-gone in their feelings...when at worst they need our help.

We strike the Therian for being mental, wondering how they can believe that they truly are animals inside, and yet do not have a specific name, albeit the 'regular' fur is just as strange.

We raise arms against everything that doesn't fit our own bill of what the 'Furry Community' is, and yet when the same is done to us we rage on about the closed-mindedness and intolerance

Why do we fight so much for what we want, when we just use the same hate to hate on others? We look for acceptance from all the major establishments, yet we hate them behind the curtains.



A Lone Bird Flies,

Alone in the big world,

On tired wings


What I have become

You can look at me, and see the cold cynical and sarcastic ass I seem....

You can listen to me, and hear the sharp stinging hateful things I say....

You can touch me, and feel the anger and the sorrow within...

But none of you have yet to try to understand me, understand that I am nothing like what I put myself like. I am a scared and lonely person, struggling to live and struggling doubly so to love.....but you all turn your cheeks, forgetting I even was around the moment I do something different.....

'You're Gay? I cannot be your friend, my religion forbids it'

'Your fat? You're not beautiful or intelligent, only models are smart.'

'You like this? I don't, why are we even friends'

The mere moment I am truly me, you hate what I am.....and when I hide myself behind the façade of hate and sarcasm, you berate me for not being myself....

You all make me wish I could lock myself into a book, where I can forge my own life, and make things go my way.....But I cant, I live in the reality that has been thrust upon me, and I go on living. You cannot nor will ever know what it is to be me....and yet you say you understand, that you have been through what I have.

You know not the trifles and horrors that are my memories, you dare not brave that which is the darkness of my mind....I hide what is really me, because I both fear and hope for your encouragement and beratement....whatever I can get to make you care...but you don't.

Why can't I be loved?



When an infant looks out into the world around it, it see's and alien environment, and yearns for the comforts of those they know and a safe place.

When a child looks out into the world, they see unexplored secrets, and treasures abound, climbing and falling, working towards that wonderland hidden just behind the next bush, a place where their imaginations cannot be hindered.

When a teen looks out into the world, they see oppression and control, seeing the people around them trying to stifle their dreams and ambitions, and thus they rebel and confront the darkness that is conformity, or they fall into line, another mass produced zombie created by the media and crowds

When an Adult looks out into the world, they see a more bills and consuming needs, their only concern in life is not to enjoy it but to get by however they can, not seeing the world for what it is, or what it once meant to them. They have become drones in the great hive of life, struggling to keep meaning in their lives until they can stop and relax

When an Elder looks out into the world, they see their oldest and closest friend, or possibly their enemy. They see the world once more for what it once was; a place to enjoy and become one with. They soon pass to once more become part of the world, to soon restart the cycle.

When I look out into the world, I only see one thing that means more to me then the earth air and life itself.



Is He your buddy: Jesus Christ, Superstar

The Christians and their faith have come a long way from their humble beginnings. Once a fringe group, tortured and killed for their faith, they are now one of the largest, most far spread and diverse religions....but what has come of their teachings. Love thy neighbor, Turn the other cheek...and so forth. They know what history has been for them, yet....centuries after those days, they turn their hatred outwards, turning it to the other religions and groups. I do not understand how someone can follow a belief, yet still do things that seem to go against the very religion they go against. I myself know many Christians who truly personify the goodness of the religion, but even they are dwarfed in size by those who let their own feelings get in the way of the teachings they follow

You people disgust me, and as Gandhi once said: 'I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ'.

Now do as your bible says, and turn the other cheek, so that I might smack the greed and vanity from thine soul