1:15 The Underground

Story by Jack Flash on SoFurry

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#15 of The Underground: The Mercenary




When do our actions stop becoming the product of us, and we become the product of our actions? When does that subtle change take place that switches us from being in control to being the ones controlled? Finally my sins have come to revisit me. The tables have turned on me. I'm not the hunter anymore; I've become the hunted. My decisions finally made me who I am; my sins have finally come back to haunt me.

But how many more will have to pay for what I have done? She doesn't deserve this. She should not have to pay for my sins. Perhaps that's why I'm doing what I'm doing.

The Underground.

Jenna thought she understood what Alias had been talking about. She thought she got the general concepts of what it was all about and what it included. Jenna thought she had even ventured out into what was considered "The Underground".

Not even close.

There was a whole world beyond what Jenna ever knew. It blew her young mind to think that such a world existed, however she was completely oblivious. Although, the more she thought about it the more she realized it was understandable. It seemed that most of The Underground was located in the older sections of the large city. The architecture wasn't the streamlined, smooth, modern look of the buildings today, or even the boxy, cooperate look of a few decades ago. There was almost a deco look to it. Everything from the streets to the buildings were erected with care about there appearance. Statues leaned out and reached up for the sky along the columns. Streets were not made out of pavement, but cobblestone. Lining the cobblestone was not cars, but booths with tarp roofs, selling anything known to creation. It was like a market of junk; a different world from what she was used to. One that looked as hostile as intriguing.

As Jenna walked with Alias, she wondered about his past here. Alias seemed to be his identity; not just a clever nickname. Everything about him seemed to be shrouded in mystery. His past, his personality, who he was; it all seemed to be buried somewhere deep within the fox and he either wasn't willing to let it out, and/or was in question himself.

But there was something about her self appointed guardian angel. In less than twenty-four hours, Alias had taken her captive, held her at gunpoint, betrayed her, and rescued her. Jenna remembered the bile feelings of hatred when Alias had handed her over to those...animals.

But there was something about him, something that felt right about him, that Jenna couldn't explain. Jenna understood Alias had attempted to use her in exchange for his life, but still she felt secure with him. The logical side of her brain told her she was misplacing her trust. However, when he had given her the chance to go, she remembered looking down the street; rain pouring. It wasn't that she felt like she had no other option, but there was something. Something she couldn't describe, but she felt it. She felt it, almost like a warm blanket. The very idea that he would put himself before her baffled and at the same time awed her. It was a sense of camaraderie and dedication that in all her young life she yearned to feel. She couldn't speak for Alias, but she knew it was there. Almost like she could feel the shame and guilt Alias felt, and could almost read the dark fox's apology in his green eyes. There wasn't much Jenna was sure of in this world, but the security Alias offered the tempest tossed vixen was one of them.

"I love tromps through the slums in the rain as much as the next girl," Jenna said aloud, "but what are we doing here?" She asked Alias, the cold rain soaking her.

"Shopping." Alias replied.

Jenna shrugged. "Yeah, I'm down with that." However as she looked around the ratty market of peddlers and gypsies selling trinkets of junk, Jenna realized Alias must have a skewed definition of the term ‘shopping'. "Anything in particular?"

"I need information." Alias explained, looking over to her. "You see, because of my little stunt a few hours ago, one of this city's largest crime bosses is looking for me. I need to buy some time."

Jenna examined some of the merchandise "Buying fake watches is going to solve that?"

"I'm not in the market for watches." Alias replied. "Like I said, I need information. The guy we're going to see is the eyes and ears of The Underground in Palamont."

Jenna nodded. She could only assume more of what Alias's plan was would be revealed as they walked through the gothic underground.

Presently, Alias walked over to a mobile home parked in the middle of the market place. Loose tarps flapped in the wind around it, giving it a trashy look on the outside. Jenna could only imagine what kind of poor sap lived here.

Alias banged his paw against the door loudly.

A tired mink opened the door, rubbing his eyes.

Before he could speak, Alias grabbed him by his white undershirt and pushed him back against the opposite wall. However, Jenna remained quite as she could see no method to Alias's madness, only efficiency.

"What the fuck?" The mink cried out, as Alias shoved a pistol into his chest. "Alias, Goddamn it! What the hell?"

"Did they get to you?" Alias demanded, as Jenna discretely shut the door behind her.

"What are you talking about? Who?" The mink asked.

"Now's not the time, Mick!" Alias snarled, pushing the barrel of the pistol into his chest harder. "Have they gotten to you yet?"

The mink, Mick, shook his head in exasperation. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Alias! No one! No one has gotten to me! For the love of Christ, I've been sleeping off a hangover until you showed up!"

Alias remained fixed in his position, looking into the mink's eyes. His paw firmly gripped the handle of the Beretta, finger on the trigger. Slowly, Alias lowered the gun and released Mick.

Mick leaned his head back in relief. "Jesus, what is your problem?" He yelled at the fox.

"I had to be sure." Alias replied, walking on into the trailer.

"By bursting into my home and holding me at gunpoint?"

"Oh, don't be such a pussy!"

"Don't take it personally," Jenna chimed in, "it's just how he shows his affection."

"Apparently..." Mick said, agitated. "Now what the fuck was that all about?"

"I need information on a name, where I can find this person." Alias requested, pulling out a small sheet of paper, with a name scribbled on it.

Mick looked confused. "Doesn't Hets usually set you up with the intel?" he asked.

Alias shook his head. "Let's just say I don't work for Hets anymore."

Mick paused for a second, then his jaw dropped. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed. Jenna furrowed her brow in confusion. "Holy shit! That's who you thought got to me?" Mick cried out. He laughed and turned around. "Oh my God, you do know how to pick ‘em!"

"Look, I need your help. They're after me and this is the only bargaining chip I've got now."

"Yeah, sure! I got a couple of tanks out back, that's about the most help I can give you..."

"Mick!" Alias growled in a threatening tone. "I need this, I'm not the only one at stake here."

Mick's eyes snapped over to Jenna. "Her too?"

"They were going to process her..." Alias replied quietly.

"No shit they were." Mick nodded. "But since when have you cared?"

"Look, that doesn't matter right now." Alias replied quickly. "What can you get me about this guy?" The small paper exchanged paws.

Jenna watched as Mick's eyes scrolled across the slip of paper. "Wow, one major player to the other. Don't tell me you're planning to piss this guy off too."

The black fox shook his head. "No, that won't be my job."

"Hey, Alias." Mick strated quietly.

Alias's eyes went to the mink. "She doesn't know, does she?"

Jenna's ears pricked up.

Alias stood up and walked to the other side of the trailer. "Is that relevant?"

"Are you telling me it's not?"

Jenna looked from the mink to the fox, her brow furrowed in confusion.

She looked over to Alias, his back turned to her. The fox let out a sigh. "Jenna, would you excuse us for a moment?"

Jenna, extremely confused, looked from Alias to Mick, and back. She then nodded, and walked outside.

The cold wind blew over the young vixen, causing her to shiver slightly. It was still raining, making everything around her miserable. Glancing back at the door, she itched to know what Mick and Alias were discussing. Then again, perhaps this was one of those things that Jenna truly didn't want to find out about.

She shook her head.

There was just so much to the black fox that Jenna would probably never understand. She knew that after tonight she'd never see him again and it wouldn't make a difference. So, was it weird that she wanted to understand? Jenna thought so at least.

The wait outside extended. Seconds turned to minutes and all she could hear was the nearly inaudible voices of Alias and Mick debating something. What exactly, she had no idea. Jenna presently grew tired of waiting. She found her feet wandering to the small market across the street from Mick's trailer.

Jogging through the rain, she ran under the shelter of some canopies, flapping in the wind. Her eyes scanned the trinkets and things that were for sale. Basically, it was all junk. However, Jenna wasn't too skeptical. This was how they made a living, and she was quick to remind herself that she had never worked a day in her life before she began to bash others career choices.

Walking through the maze of tables and carts, Jenna wandered blindly. Being rather careless and not paying attention, she nearly ran directly into someone. But Jenna caught two pairs of feet out of the corner of her eye, and made a slight side step.

But the feet moved too; directly in front of her.

The vixen stopped and looked up to meet the face of a middle-aged rat, who looked like he hadn't bathed in awhile. His brown fur was matted, and his whiskers were bent and tangled.

"Sorry, love." The rat spoke to her in a raspy voice. "But do you mind if I's ask you a question?"

Jenna flashed a nervous smile and tried to avoid gagging at the smell of his breath. "I'm sorry, I'm supposed to meet someone..." She said quickly, stepping around the rat.

"Who you meetin' so early in the morning, Baby Blue?" His raspy voice following her.

"My friend," Jenna lied. "Her mother's sick, we're going to go visit her in the hospital."

"Oh, of course you are. Mind me askin' what hospital's around here?"

Jenna's feet picked up their pace, pointing in the direction of Mick's trailer. "I'm sorry I really have to go now." Even Jenna noticed a slight quiver in her voice as she sped walked away.

Two other large rats stepped out directly in front of her, blocking her path. Jenna slid to a stop. She could feel her heart rate pick up as her chest grew tighter. She turned around to see a third, including the one who stopped her initially. Her throat felt dry as she swallowed.

"Now all I's wanted to do was ask you a question." The rat hissed. "Why you gotta be so rude?" He asked walking towards her.

Jenna swallowed hard "So, what's the question?"

The rat chuckled to himself, as a smile grew over his muzzle. "I was just wonderin', do you get paid to look like a whore, or do you just do it for fun?"

The next moment, Jenna felt paws on her body. The two behind her grabbed a hold of her arms, holding them back. Jenna struggled and fought her assailants as the brown rat came closer to her.

"Let go of me!" Jenna cried out, almost as if she expected them to do so. A white fear came down on the vixen as she realized there was no one around; it seemed as if everyone had just disappeared.

"Oh this one ‘ll be nice, I's thinks." The brown rat said, moving his hand down to the hem of her skirt.

One of Jenna's arms slipped free, and her paw balled up into a fist. Without thinking, Jenna swung with all her might at her assailant. Her fist connected with the rat's mouth with a loud pop. The rat recoiled, paws flying to his mouth. However, Jenna was quickly over powered once more.

"Bitch!" the rat cursed at her, and brought his paw across her muzzle, slapping her.

The rat hit her so hard, Jenna fell free of both rats holding her and slammed onto the cobblestone. Her face felt like it was on fire and her left eye felt as if it would explode. Dazed, Jenna laid there for a second, before trying to get up and run. However, that was one second too late. She was quickly plucked from the cobblestone and dragged away, into the rain and down a dark alley. Jenna cried out for help, from anyone who could hear her. But no one answered...

"Get her paws! Hold her tight, I's want this bitch to feel me for a few days!" The brown rat yelled to his posse. He then took Jenna by her chin, forcing her to make eye contact with him. "Scream all you want, I's may enjoy this more that way. Welcome to hell, princess!"

Jenna slammed down hard on the concrete alley, splashing in the puddle of standing water that had collected from the rain. The group of rats surrounded her like a pack of predators closing in on their prey. Jenna felt the fear grip her body as her paws and feet were secured on both ends. She used every ounce of strength she had to pull away from the rats, but they easily overpowered her. Tears began to fill the vixen's eyes as the full reality of her situation sunk in.

"Oh, yeah. Blue fur, eh? That's hot..." The rat said as he straddled her hips. His paws flipped up her top slightly as he ran his nasty fingers over her abdomen. It felt like two snakes were crawling over her body. "I's has to say, I's never had the pleasure of a vixen before. Neither has anyone else!"

"Please..." Jenna whispered. "Please don't do this!" Jenna pleaded.

"Oh, come now, dearie. Takin' a rat inside ya aint so bad." The rat moved closer to her face. Jenna could smell his stench, which was almost unbearable. She turned her head away from him as he got down closer to her. The rat leaned in closer, less than an inch from her. Jenna squirmed on the inside as she felt his tongue run up the side of her face. "It's goin' to happen," he told her, unzipping his pants, "and there ain't nothin' you can do..." The rat leaned down to her face, then ran his tongue up from her neck over her muzzle. His other hand gripped her hair at her scalp, holding her in place as Jenna shuddered involuntarily. "Tasty..." He hissed in her ear as tears ran openly down the vixen's face.

The rat's hold on her feet disappeared, and she saw a screaming rat go flying over her head, slamming into a dumpster with a nasty crunch.

"What the fu-" The brown rat straddling her midriff couldn't finish his sentence, as a foot came around and slammed into the side of his face, sending him flying off her.

The other two rats let go of the vixen, and quickly armed themselves with their rusty knives. Jenna rolled away, and backed to the opposite side of the alley. Heart racing, she looked and saw the shadows were alive: Alias.

The two rats circled around the fox, snickering slightly. Alias stood in the center, not phased by their taunting.

Then one lunged at Alias with his knife. Alias grabbed the rat's hand, safely sending his careless lunge to his side, then came around with the palm of his free paw, and rammed it into the rat's nose. Alias spun around as the second rat came in the fight trying to help his buddy.

In a flash, the black fox spun around the rat and kicked the back of his knees, dead-legging him. The rat fell to the ground, standing on his knees. Alias wrapped the back of his leg around the rat's throat, pinning him between his thigh and calf muscle, choking him. The rat could do nothing but struggle for air. Pulling out his gun, Alias tossed it up in the air and caught it by the barrel. Raising the pistol into the air, he brought the handle down across the rat's face, pistol-whipping him into unconsciousness, and let his body fall to the ground.

Alias walked over to the brown rat, the one who had been on top of Jenna. Gripping him by his shirt, he hoisted him to his feet, and slammed him against the wall of the alley.

Hearing the hammer of Alias's Beretta being pulled back, the rat panicked. "Oh, God!" He screamed in fear. "Don't hurt me, please! I's don't know you, I's don't know who you are, let me go!"

"Scream all you want," Alias hissed at the rat, inches away from his face, "I may enjoy this more that way." He pressed the barrel of the gun to the rat's forehead, and squeezed the trigger...

"No!" Jenna threw herself at Alias.

The black fox looked over to her, still holding the rat at gunpoint.

The vixen calmed herself and spoke as rationally as she could, but she couldn't keep from trembling uncontrollably after what she had just experienced. "Don't lower yourself ..." Alias's jaw was set, and his green eyes were full of fury and rage. All of which was directed to the nasty brown rat.

Jenna's paw went to Alias's, tight around the rat's neck. "Please...Alias."

Alias didn't move. He still held the rat, life and death were still weighing out. Then he flung the rat down the alley. He landed on his face in the water, and then got up running as fast as he could away.

All that could be heard after the rat's footsteps disappeared was the sound of water splashing and trickling. They stood for a moment in silence. Jenna pulled her top back down over her abdomen and attempted to smooth it out. However, even in the darkness of the alley she could tell it was stained beyond salvation.

Her eyes turned toward Alias, who was looking straight back to her. Jenna felt the need, the want, to say something to him, but every time she thought she knew what she wanted to communicate she seemed to lose it in her mind. Her mind wanted her to wrap her arms around him and praise him with thanks and gratitude. But there was something keeping her in place that wouldn't let her move or talk. Her feet felt cemented in place, and her throat was thick and almost ached, keeping her from speech.

Slowly, Alias's paw left his side and moved to her chin. He gently moved her head to the side and ran his thumb across her cheek, where she had been struck. Jenna could feel the warmth of his paw across her muzzle, moving almost in a caressing motion. As his fingers passed over where she had been slapped, Jenna involuntarily winced. Alias moved from her cheek and brushed her hair from her face, placing it around her lowered ears.

"Are you alright?" His strong voice asked.

Slowly Jenna nodded. "Yeah...I'm fine..." She managed to squeak out, swallowing hard. "Alias, if you hadn't come when you did-"

Alias's paw fell from her face. "I promised I'd get you out of here. I plan on sticking to that."

He turned and stepped over an unconscious rat, but Jenna caught his paw. "Hey." She got his attention, feeling his paw jolt from the unexpected connection. "Thank you... you saved me... again."

Alias didn't reply for a moment. His eyes darted to her then back to the ground. It was like he was struggling with some inner demon, which made whatever he wanted to say very difficult.

"Consider it a debt repaid." He finally said, pulling his paw away from Jenna, then turned and continued down the alley.