Morpheus' First

Story by Kaijou on SoFurry

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To quell the superhero urge that had bloomed in me suddenly, I got to talking with forest-wolf and with some amount of deliberation, pulled this out.

Here we have Morpheus' first bank heist and his valiant attempt to stop it in it's tracks.

Of course, it's a learning experience, into the varied world of diabolical villains and their nefarious plots (And delicious hench-men)

Contains a freebie cameo. :3

Morpheus' First.

© Tsumi Moogle '13

Characters © Themselves.

The city prided itself on its ancient architecture. Hundreds of years old, and still quite pristine in many regards. Sure the roads were no longer cobble-stoned, and the grime of the beginning of the industrial era had been wiped away for prosperity's sake, but the size and shape of the old buildings, particularly downtown still held that old, imposing, Eighteen-hundreds charm.

The bank, in particular. Its broad wooden doorway and iron-wrought windows flanked by immensive pillars supporting the overhang of the roof, with it's intricate, albeit time-worn carvings, including a pair of gargoyles, and a couple of flat, empty diases where two more had stood, sometime in known history.

The downtown bank was one of the most popular, and busiest branches in town. Granted, for it's formidable security and renowned history, it had ample reason to be. It was, however, for these same reasons, targeted with some amount of frequency by all sorts of would be, or in some cases, currently-were robbers.

The heavy doors pushing open, was in many regards no different to any other person entering the building. Though it was usually only through one, that people forced their way. A couple of people, farthest from the tellers, turned their heads and uttered gasps, drawing more attention.

For stepping into the warm and gentle orange lighting of the bank were a pair of helmeted rabbits. Their visors an opaque red, leaving their muzzles and cheeks visible. Their bodies were clad in sleek black, hemmed with silver, with red gloves and boots. Each was also armed with a fierce looking gun, somewhere between a shotgun, and something semi-automatic.

They stepped smoothly to either side of the door, holding it open to permit in another two of their number, similarly dressed, and closed it beyond the tail of a taller figure, in an almost matching get-up to the armed forces, save he had only a red facial covering over his eyes, cutting some sharper angles to the edge of his cheeks and forehead. His torso was also covered with some similarly shaded armoring, shoulder-pads, and a cape fluttering some in the small eddy of wind made by the door shutting.

With a single motion, the bunnies barred the door, before spreading out between the pillars along the inside of the bank, supporting the upper tier, where there were several offices.

The gasps turned to a modicum of panic. Those nearest the newest 'visitors' to the bank backing away, and one terrified person even screaming in fright. At least until the masked wolf lifted his gloved hands, and with a placating gesture, and a smooth, firm tone, uttered;

'Everyone, please calm down.'

His eyes panned across the floor, matching the eyes focused on him. And indeed, silence, almost calm had fallen over the crowd. The fear had abated. Not for a sense of trust, of course, but because it had been told to.

Smirking gently, the wolf stepped forward, brushing along a couple of people on his way towards the nearest teller, where a young vixen stood. Transfixed and still a little cautious. Apprently the wolves' words were slowly ebbing from her mind. At least until his gloved fingers reached out and gently petted her hand atop the desk.

'No need to worry-' His eyes passed over the vixen's name-tag. '-Jessica, This is just a robbery. Now, how about you go and fetch several large bags for me, filled with as much money as you can fit. Notes, if you'd be so kind.'

The wolf's tone was completely, utterly placid. Warm; gentle; kind, like the voice of a professor making a simple request of a visitor to his study.

Jessica, her eyes almost slack, gave a feeble attempt at speech and nodded. Turning to walk off towards the bank's valut.

'317.' Cut the wolf's voice, that smoother tone all but gone. One of the rabbits saluted.


'Help Miss Jessica with her task, would you?'

'Of course, sir!' The rabbit hurried forwards after the vixen, whilst the wolf waited. His gloved fingertips tapping quietly on the desk top. Nice and smooth, in and out, the perfect heist. At this rate, they'd be good and gone long before the police were even alerted.

He tensed though, ears pricking and perking for the sound of a muffled yelp and a meaty 'thud!' of one of his subordinates apparently hitting the ground. Turning about, the wolf blinked at the sight of the rabbit slumped at the foot of one of the large pillars, head hung and helmet slipping from his ears to clatter to the ground.

'..458, What are you doing?' frowned the wolf, taking a step towards the unconscious rabbit. 'No need to worry, folks. Remain calm.' The wolf said with that smoother voice that seemed to wash over the crowd. Any shuffling or restlessness that had been seeded in the crowd quelled.

The wolf hadn't made it half-way to the unconscious lape, before another hearty thud made his head whip aside. His second guard slumping in a dazed heap. There was no one around him. It wasn't one of the people in the bank, at least, not one of the ones under his control.

The wolf's silver-grey eyes shifted to the last remaining guard, now looking about cautiously. And for good reason, as he seemed to have deciphered that he was next.

His intuitions weren't wrong, and indeed from behind the pillar beside him, an arm shot out, snagging the lapine and dragging him out of sight with another audible 'Thud!' The clatter of body and helmet on marble said that third strike was just as effective.

Taking a slow breath, the wolf composed himself. He smiled and inclined his head.

'Who are you, stranger? Show yourself.'

Though he had considered several steps ahead, to nip the attempted robbery in the bud, the figure from the shadows found himself utterly compelled, drawn by that request to step from his cover.

Forest's eyes narrowed a little for the form stepping out. A facial-mask somewhat similar to his own, minus the sharper angles, a flexible looking suit of dark leather framing a chest and stomach of white. Thick metal gauntlets and boots, inscribed with gouges, and an insignia to match the bright azure 'M' on his chest and belt, shaded to match his mohawk and ponytail of like wise-coloured fur.

The hyenid-looking figure seemed shocked that he had given himself away so easily, and shaking his head a little, lifted his gaze to the wolf. He had intended, eventually to name himself, in something of a more showy means than -this-, but he found his name escaping his lips before he could even really think it through.

'I'm Morpheus.'

The wolf's eyebrows raised a little. He smiled, in a mingling of amusement and something akin to welcome.

'Well, Morpheus. It is very good to meet you, my name is Dominion. You seem like a new in town.'

'I am. This would be my first foiled robber.'The caped hero nodded, flicking his spotted tail. Forest's smile spread into a grin.

'Oh..? Fresh-meat. Well, you're doing well so far, don't you think? You've already knocked out three of my hench-men. But you're quite a ways from stopping me yet. You already gave up your element of suprise and stealth. Maybe you should give up entirely and call it quits. It's a very dangerous job, after all.' The wolf's grin split to permit his thick tongue to trail along his lips.

Morpheus tensed a little, as those words lingered in his mind. It -was- a dangerous job. And it -would- be better for him to just turn and leave.. ..But then who would stop the robbery? He couldn't just let this villain walk out with stolen money, after all. What kind of hero would he be?

Twitching his ears, the hyenolf snorted and shook his head. 'It might be a very dangerous job, but I don't think I'll be going anywhere. I wouldn't let you have your way that easily.' He frowned, clenching his fist. The leathers creaked and he charging, the hero took a valiant swing at the villain, who for his size, appeared to be rather agile, leaping back from the blow.

'Tsk, tsk. Calm down, Fresh-meat. You don't want to fight me. Given what I can see of you, You're no where near as fast as I am. And certainly not as strong.'

Morpheus' gaze, taking in Dominion's shape, paused.. Had the armor clung that tight before..? He couldn't quite remember the pebbled abdomen on the wolf before.. A trick of the light, perhaps.

'I can't give up just because you might be quicker, or stronger than me. And I certainly won't be tucking tail and running.' Frowned the young hero, though he subconsciously swallowed, reaffirming his stance.

Grinning, Dominion tilted his head. He saw that swallow. The way the hero stood in something of a more defensive position now, easier to dodge or block. He'd fallen for it, hook line and sinker. Of course, it was lucky that he'd dodged, or it would have been rather harder to coerce the hero into believing him.

'Valiant of you. Very admirable, fresh-meat. But you see, you are just that; Fresh. Meat. You don't have to turn your tail and run. Nor give up just because I -am- stronger and faster than you. You will give up though, because I told you. Now come over here, and stop resisting. I can make you stronger, and faster.. As a part of me.' His tongue trailed his jaws once more, and that wide grin spread into a slow yawn.

The hero stared. Closer to the wolf, those words dug into his mind, rooting themselves deeper. Nigh impossible to shake off. He took a step towards the villain, and another, looking to the jaws yawning, looming before him. Why couldn't he stop himself approaching..? Was he going to just feed himself to this villain? This.. 'Dominion'? Well, of course he was. He was fresh meat. Not a hero at all. He didn't stand a chance against this wolf. Such a dangerous job. He was likely to get hurt. Or at this rate, eaten.

But- He was already about to get eaten. The villain's gloved hands were slowly reaching out, grasping his chest, drawing him towards those looming, salivating jaws, and that dark, slick, eager gullet.

The heat of the wolf's breath, almost minty fresh and inviting, washed over his face, making him wince under his mask.

But he didn't -want- to be eaten.

And blinking, the hybrid's body jerked just as the wolf's jaws lunged to snap shut over his head.

Dominion's eyes snapped open, with a great bottle-brush of a tail filling his muzzle, tickling and teasing about over his tongue. Spitting it out, he blinked. The hero in his grasp was upside-down. Completely inverted. Without even moving, he'd shifted into a hand-stand, and one of his flexed legs shot out in a jarring kick to his chest.

Staggering back, the wolf coughed, smacking his lips and growling annoyedly. Watching the hero get to his feet and straighten up. His tail flicked strings of saliva over the floor as he sighed with cautious relief.

Turning his gaze to the villain, he frowned.

'So you compel people with your voice..' Morpheus murmured with a logical deduction.

'And you're a shape-shifter.' Considered Dominion with an annoyed huff.

The duo stared at one another, until the bootsteps of the first bunny-henchman broke their attention.

'First sack, sir. Second's ready for Timoth- er.. 458.' He said, faltering as he saw the hero standing opposite his leader.

'Take it to the car, and be ready to leave.' Barked the wolf. The hench-rabbit nodded, turning to hurry for the door.

'I don't think so!' growled Morpheus, turning on his heel to lunge for the escaping lape.

'Face me!' growled Dominion, his mixed tone of suavity and annoyance making the super-hero falter, turning from the rabbit to the villain's taller form despite his wishes.

The wolf winced a little, wetting his lips. He certainly hadn't intended on this sort of distraction. And they were getting well behind schedule for it. Not to mention the effort to control the hybrid were starting to take their toll. His head was beginning to throb rather painfully. He wouldn't be able, from this distance at least, to get a firm control of him again.. And with none of his men to back him up..

His eyes cast about the crowd, lingering on a cougar. Still standing quietly, watching the whole scene unfold, as though it were a mildly interesting show on television.

'Well, Fresh-meat, I must say you've been more of an annoyance for my group than I initially thought you would be. I will take my leave, with just my consolation prize. So consider this your victory, for now. But sooner or later, trust me, you will be seeing your way down my throat. And for good measure..'

Dominion grabbed the puma, pulling them close and began backing out the door.

'You will remain here for at least five minutes.. If any of my men stationed outside see you exit, this one will be sliding down my gullet.' He rumbled. It was a half-hearted attempt to coerce Morpheus to stay put. Even with the barest effort he put into the words, his headache compounded all the worse..

The super-hero, mercifully, stayed put, growling in frustration.

The door closing behind him, the villain dragged the cougar to the large black car with opaque windows parked outside. Tugging the feline in after him, he sighed, shoulders sagging as he closed the door.

'Sir, is that..?' Came a soft female voice.

'Well, I had to have -some- manner of consolation prize, Number 2. My plan was foiled by some new-comer who resisted me, and three of my snacks- er.. hench-men had to be left behind.' grumbled the wolf, tugging his eye-mask free.

Trisha rolled her eyes and sighed exasperatedly.

'No.' She said simply, leaning over to push the door open. She glared at the Cougar. 'Out. And forget what you saw.'

The feline gave a little whine, looking from the curvaceous, dark-furred rabbit, to the wolf holding him, before scrambling free and sprinting down the street. The lapine closed the door smartly in his wake, before reclining.

'At the very least, we made this much.' Her hand nudged the unmarked sack, filled with who knew how much money. 'Nice work, 317.' She added with a smile. The hench-bunny smiled back sheepishly.

Rubbing his head with a pained look, Dominion grumbled and pulled out an ice-pack from a small bar-fridge to rest between his splayed ears, resting his eyes on 317.

'Mmphh.. Well, if I can't have puma, then what about ice-cream?' He pouted, his disposition turning on a dime. Trisha could only rub her forehead.

'...Oh, Alright. But you're paying.'

Forest, having pulled the hench-bunny to him, jaws yawned over his head, made a thickly muffled 'Awww..!' noise, before taking a hearty swallow.

Thankfully the hench-men's suits were digestable.