Hidden Power of a Wolves Heart

Story by Wraith0014 on SoFurry

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This is my first attempt at a story, I've been working on this for a few years and have the 4th part I'm working on right now, this is the 1st, constructive criticism on what i can change and how to improve the story is welcome and requested, hope you enjoy :) And please no comments saying I'm a horrible writer and should kill myself because i wont make it with my writing. If you don't like what i wrote and will write in the future, keep in mind that I didn't make and am not making you read any of my works.

1 - The Beginning

Slam. The sound of a door being thrown shut. Crash. The sound of something being thrown at the wall.

I had been awake listening them go at it for hours. My parents, dad and step-mom as my mom had died

in a car crash a few years ago, often get into fights and I never know what they were over. But they no

longer interest me as I've had to deal with them for the last few years. I often consider what life would

be like if I just disappeared, if it just came to an end. I had never been with a girl, never even kissed

one, I know lame right? Well can you blame me? I'm a very shy person when it comes to woman. I had

never had love from someone I thought could be the perfect match for me...little did I know that was

about to change. As I lay in bed, considering why life matters, there came a banging from my door.

"GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED, DAMNIT!" My dad yelled at me, causing me to clench my fists and

shut my eyes trying to control my anger. It took a lot of effort as all my emotions have been harder to

handle than normal lately.

"I'm up already!" I called out as calmly as I could while my dad walked back to his room and slammed

his door shut again. "God I wish I could leave all this behind....." I muttered to myself. I dragged

myself out of bed and trudged slowly to the bathroom to get a hot shower. As I stood there under the

spray of the hot water, I had the sudden feeling that today was going to be different from usual. I got out

of the shower wondering why I felt like I did when my life usually is hell on earth compared to most

kids my age. After I got out of the shower I stood before the mirror in my bathroom and looked at

myself. I didn't see anything special: brown hair, brown eyes, and medium but toned build. Most people

at school looked like this. I shook my head then got ready, grabbed my keys, got in my car and drove to


School was the usual...boring shit. At the end of the day I was heading to my car when I got a message

from a friend of mine. --hey come to the mall, we haven't hung out in a while--

--ok, be right there-- As I got to the mall I noticed what few friends I did have were waiting for me out


"Hey have you seen the new girl in school?" That was my best friend Ben. He had stuck with me since

first grade. He noticed everything before most kids who love to gossip about new stuff that's


"No." I replied with a sigh.

"Dude, she's hot."

"Why are you telling me this Ben?"

"I'm looking out for you dude, you haven't had much luck in the ladies department..."

"I haven't been able to get with anyone yet...what makes you think this'll be any different?" He gave

me a look I knew all to well: the "do-it-or-I-wont-drop-it" look. "Fine....I'll go talk to her.....where is

she? I assume she's here since you had me meet you at the mall....." He just looked over my shoulder at

something I couldn't see. It was then that I felt a slight tugging on the sleeve of my jacket. I turned and

saw what I would consider the most beautiful woman that could ever exist. She had a full figure,

shoulder length brown hair, gentle hazel eyes that you could lose yourself in and be glad that you did,

and a smile that would keep the world spinning. I was captivated by her. I looked into her eyes and felt

an instant connection to her. I felt pulled to her. In the instant that our eyes met, there was nothing in the world that mattered except me and this goddess that, even though I had just met, I would gladly give

my life to protect hers. "H....h....hi...." I stammered. My friends all noticed my reaction and did their

best not to fall on their asses laughing. I saw them but didn't care, all that mattered was her.

"Hello, I'm Chrystal." She reached out a hand.

"Ummmmm...... You can call me Santhos." I took her hand and the moment our skin touched, my

body was on fire. I doubled over gasping in pain before I blacked out.

2 - Love At Last

I woke up in a bed, not knowing where I am or how I got there. "Where am I?" I asked groggily, not

knowing if there was anyone even in the room.

"Oh good, you're awake." I tried to focused on the sound of the voice and it took a few seconds my vision to clear before a man in a white lab coat walk came into focus.

"Who are you?" I asked him still trying to shake the sleep induced grogginess from my head.

"Well, to answer your first question, you're in a hospital room. As to who I am, my name is Dr.

Mander." he replied as he picked up the medical chart at the end of my bed.

"What happened?" I asked, sitting up.

"What we've gathered is that you had a rather bad seizure and needed medical attention right away." He


"Oh......" I put my hand on my forehead.

"You have some visitors outside if you feel that you're ready for their company."

"Sure....I feel ok, they can come in." He nodded and left the room only for Ben and Chrystal to walk in.

"Dude, you ok?" He asked.

"As ok as I can be right now...." I said with a shrug.

"Are you sure?" Chrystal asked coming up to my bed and slowly touching my hand again. There wasn't

any pain this time, only a very soothing warmth spreading from the center of my heart. I nodded slowly

and reached out to touch her cheek. She didn't back away, instead she leaned into it and looked deeply

into my eyes and I knew in that moment that she felt what I felt. I had found my other half. After all

these years of hoping and coming close to giving up, I had found the one I was meant to be with. I

pulled her closer and slowly kissed her. She gave a small squeak of surprise, leaned in closer and kissed

me back with a love that I had only hoped could be possible.

"Will you go out with me?" I asked.

"Yes." She breathed and looked into my eyes. "They're pink." She giggled.

"What?" I asked.

"Your eyes, they're pink." She said, giggling.

"You're kidding me." I got up and went to the bathroom unit in my room and looked in the mirror while

she watched me from the doorway. And sure enough, my eyes were a bright bubblegum pink. As I

looked, my eyes shifted to a golden topaz. "HOLY SHIT!" I cried, backing up and tripped over my feet

onto the floor in the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" She asked, kneeling down and looking at me in concern.

"My eyes changed color." I looked at her and she noticed the change, and put her hand to my cheek.

"Wow, that's really cool." I looked in her eyes and knew that my love for her would only grow with

each passing moment. "They're pink again." I pulled her to me and kissed her fully. As our tongues

danced together, exploring each others mouths, soft moans would escape both of us.

"Hey, get a room!" Ben called teasingly as he left to give us some space. We ignored him, and as we

were too lost in each others embrace and the passion of the moment, we didn't notice that someone had

entered the room.

*cough* We broke the kiss and turned to see that Dr. Mander was standing in the door. "I'm sorry to

intrude." He said with a small chuckle. "But the rest of your tests came back and there's nothing wrong

that we can see. So you're free to leave, just take it easy for a while."

"Ok, thanks doc." I replied. He left the room, I grabbed my stuff, got dressed and left the hospital with

my arm around Chrystal's waist. "I love you..." I whispered in her ear.

"I love you too." I pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her with more passion than I ever thought I

could give. We stood there for a few minutes, basking in each others arms and looking into each others


"Wanna go get something to eat and catch a movie?" I asked.

"Sure, which one and where?"

"There's a nice Italian place near here, and how about that new Spiderman movie that came out?"

"Yes, I wanted to see that one, and Italian sounds nice." With that we walked hand in hand down the

street. It was about ten minutes before we got to the restaurant and were pleased to see that there wasn't

a line, so we were seated right away. When the waiter came to get our order, we got two sprites, and I

ordered the fettuccine while she got the lasagna. Twenty minutes of looking at each other and holding

hands had passed when our food arrived. After a few more minutes of silence I tried to start up a


"So...what do you like to do in your freetime?" I asked hesitantly.

"I enjoy reading, and taking walks. I also love caring for animals, and I have a part-time job at the vets

office." She replied. "What about you?"

"I don't work yet...and my time is normally spent hanging out with Ben, when I'm not busy with


"Do you like animals?" She asked.

"They're ok, but I like one above all others..."

"Which one?"

"Wolves." I replied as my hand went to stroke the amulet at my throat, it was a wolf's head that had

rubies for eyes.

"Where did you get that?" She asked.

"It's the only thing I have left of my mother..." I replied staring off into space.

"Oh...I'm sorry..."

"It's ok, she died in a car accident after I started high school so this is the only thing I have to tell me she was there, my dad refuses to even talk about her." We finished our meal in silence and I paid the bill leaving a generous tip, and we left for the theatre. After paying for our tickets, drinks and popcorn, we went into the theatre, which was empty except for the two of us, and sat in the back so we could see the whole screen without having to turn our heads. Chrystal sat in my lap and put her arms around my neck as she leaned in to kiss me. It was soft and over after a few seconds but I liked it nevertheless, and as she leaned into me I leaned my head against her chest and felt her heart beating against my cheek, and hugged her close to me. She kissed the top of my head and started playing with my hair, which made me laugh. A few minutes later the lights dimmed and the previews started, then finally the movie.

When it was over we walked out laughing and talked about our favorite parts on the way back to the hospital where Ben had driven my car after I had collapsed. I drove her home with her telling me where to go, and soon we were pulling into her driveway. "I had a really great time with you, I had more fun than I can remember in a long time." I said leaning over and kissing her gently.

"So did I." She replied and stuck her tongue in my mouth. When we broke apart she opened the door and kissed me again before stepping out. "I'll see you at school."

"I love you." I said. She smiled and blew a kiss at me, then walked up the steps and into her house. The

next month or so passed in relatively the same fashion. I still tried to hang out with Ben when I could but I spent most of my time with Chrystal. After school one day I was standing by her locker when she

came up to me. "Hey hun." I said and kissed her.

"Hey handsome." She replied when we broke apart.

"Can I walk you home?" I asked.

"Sure, you can even stay a while if you want." She replied as we walked down the street to her house.

"Thanks...I'm in no hurry to get home..." She noticed the change in my mood.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"It's complicated..." Seeing that talking about home upset me she decided to change the subject.

"When we first met and you told me your name, you hesitated...why?"

"Two reasons. First, I was captivated by your beauty." I touched her cheek with my hand as she

blushed. "And second, because my name is really complicated...I gave you my nickname."

"What's your real name?"

"Santhosolathoramar...my mom named me after the god of some ancient dead religion..." I replied.

"Wow...do you know what it means?" She asked curiously.

"According to my dad, and this is the only time he's ever spoken about her...it means 'The Wielder of

Power.'..." I replied.

"Sweet." She said talking hold of my hand.

"I suppose..." I replied. A few minutes later we arrived at her house and she let us inside.

"My parents are out so we have the place to ourselves for a while." She looked at me with a tender

passion in her eyes.

"Cool." She lead me to her room which was very clean and organized. "You must like keeping things


"Mhm, close your eyes." She said as she sat me down on the bed. I closed my eyes and after a minute

my shirt was pulled over my head. When I opened my eyes my breath caught in my throat as I was

looking at a goddess, naked from the waist up.

"Chrystal? What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Getting comfortable." She replied winking. She straddled me, wrapped her arms around my neck and

hugged me close as I put my arms around her waist. With her breasts bare, her nipples brushed against

mine and I felt as though an electric charge had been sent through me. I felt her nipples harden as we

held each other tightly. I softly nibbled at her neck and she moaned softly into my shoulder. "What do

you want to do?" She asked and looked into my eyes softly.

"I won't make you do anything you don't want to..." She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed my

forehead softly, then pulled my face into her chest slowly. I slowly and uncertainly licked and kissed her breast and looked up at her. She nodded and brushed my hair back with her hand. I dragged my tongue to her nipple which drew a gasp from her and she started trembling as I started flicking my tongue over it, then started sucking on it tenderly, making her moan loudly.

I then swapped to the other breast for a minute. She then reached down and stroked my erection through my pants and told me to stand up. As I did, she pulled my pants and underwear down so my rock hard dick, which had begun hurting, sprang free. It stood 12" long and 2.5" thick. She looked at it licking her lips and pushed me back onto the bed as she reached out and wrapped her hand around my shaft, then started jerking me slowly, making me moan softly. She looked at me lovingly and slowly licked the head of my dick then took it into her mouth making me breathe harder and shudder. She sucked me off until just before I came before pulling back. I groaned loudly when she stopped and tried to finish myself off but she grabbed my hands, stopping me.

"No, let me." Next thing I know, she's completely naked in front of me and lays down on the bed,

exposing her beautiful core to me. I looked at her a little scared and she smiled reassuringly at me. "It's

ok, go ahead."

"I...I'm still a virgin...I don't know what to do...and I don't wanna hurt you...and I don't wanna get

you pregnant..." I said looking away.

"Baby, listen to me. It's ok. You won't hurt me, I trust you not to. As for getting me pregnant, all the

women in my family can control at will whether it happens or not. Just slip in and let your instincts

guide you." She put her hand on my cheek and forced me to look at her, kissed me, biting my lower lip making me moan.

"O...ok..." I slowly slid my dick in and was in heaven. The warm wet walls of her core gripped my

dick like a velvet glove. When I was in to the hilt, she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Go for it." I started at a slow pace, pulling out until just the head was in then pushing back in. After a

while I got comfortable with it and started going faster and harder, making her moan loudly and causing her breasts to bounce sexily with each thrust. "I'm gonna cum..." I panted after a while.

"Cum with me." She started rubbing her clit and that set off her orgasm, causing her to arch her back

and her vaginal walls to grip me tightly, which set me off in turn. As we lay there panting, my chest

over my heart pressed into her chest over her heart and the air around us started swirling. A light began

glowing between us and when we looked, a mark was glowing brightly over our hearts. There were

hearts that had opposite halves filled in for each of us in silver, and an outline around them, also a heart, a gold outline with a purple waving crisscross around mine, and a purple outline with a gold waving crisscross around hers. When I pulled away, I could still feel her heart through the mark and from looking at her, I could tell she could for me to. I held her close for a few hours, then we put our clothes back on as her parents pulled into the drive and I walked to the last place I wanted to be. Home.

3 - Awakening

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!!" My father yelled at me.

"Out with my girlfriend." I replied as I went towards my room.

"Oh no you don't. You will not hang around with some wh-" Before he could finish his statement my

anger flared and the next thing I knew, I had him pinned by his throat against the wall with one hand,

holding him a foot off the floor.

"Don't you ever say anything about her or you'll regret it." I snarled. I dropped him and stormed off to my room. It wasn't till I had finished my homework that I realized three things about the encounter w my father. 1) I looked in the mirror very briefly and saw my eyes had turned a blood red. 2) I had been on the other side of the room and was at him in less than a second. 3) I had held him up with one hand, and I didn't work out at all, and what muscle I did have I got from P.E. at school. What was happening to me?

The next day at school I was walking with Ben to my car and we see a crowd of people in a ring around something. "What's going on?" I asked looking over at Ben.

"I have no clue man, let's go check it out." As we got closer I realized I could feel Chrystal through the bonded mark we shared. And the pull was coming from the center of the mass of people. I shoved my way through and found a group of guys trying to rape her. Like last night my anger flared. I walked up to one of the guys, grabbed the back of his shirt with one hand and threw him over the crowd and into the windshield of his car. While everyone turned to see what happened, and Ben stood there staring at me like kid in a candy store, I moved faster than the eye could see and was between Crystal and her assailants in an instant.

"Get the hell away from her!" I snarled. The rapists all looked at me in shock but quickly regained

their composure.

"Or what?" the leader asked.

"You won't ever touch her again." I clenched my fists tightly and could feel heat on my palms. I quickly dismissed anything wrong with my hands because no one was reacting in anyway or looking at my hands.

"Like you're gonna stop us?" he laughed. That did it. His disregard for others feelings, enjoying others pain and that stupid laugh sent me over. I snarled and lunged at him. Right before it made contact with his chest, my fists burst into flame. When I hit him he was sent through a wall and landed in a dumpster. The others fled and I tried to calm down. It wasn't till Chrystal put her hand over my heart that I was able to start relaxing and gain control of myself again.

"Thanks.......I'm sorry honey....." I sobbed into her shoulder as I held her tightly to me.

"I should be thanking you. You have nothing to apologize for." She said soothingly.

"I'm a freak...." I said weakly.

"No you're not." She pulled my face into her hands and looked into my eyes tenderly. "You have a gift.

You're special. I knew there was something about you, some part of you that had remained dormant

until now."

"I'll never leave you Chrystal..."

"I know. C'mon, lets go to my house."

"Ok..." I looked over at Ben and we nodded as I tossed him my keys, then he turned and went to take my car home since he lived a few houses down from me. Chrystal and I walked to her house and arrived after 20 minutes and she let us in, leading me to her room. When we got there we took our clothes off and lay down in her bed. I held her close with my face in her hair and after a minute I lifted her chin up slowly and kissed her softly. "Promise me you you'll keep my heart no matter where you go..." I said softly.

"I promise Santhos." I wrapped a tail around her causing her to jump.

"Sorry...I've always been able to grow a tail at will...." She picked it up and rubbed it on her cheek.

"How much do you love me?" She asked.

"Chrystal, for you I would give my life for... I wont let you go. I'm yours and I'll only love you."

"Good." She reached up, held my face in her hands and kissed me softly.

"I love you, Chrystal."

"I love you more." She said, winking which made me chuckle and kiss her again. I grew a few more tails, wrapped her in them softly and held her delicately in my lap with her head over my heart and pulled a blanket over the two of us. Being with her was very soothing, more soothing than anything I had been near in my life, because the next thing I knew, I felt a warm wetness on my neck.

"Wakey wakey honey.." Chrystal said softly as she slowly licked my neck.

"Mmmmmmmm...." I moaned as I held her close. "How long was I out?"

"Not long, just a few hours." She said brushing my hair with her fingers.

"I can't remember when I last slept so good....."

"You can stay the weekend if you want."

"Thank you" I put my hand over the mark on her chest causing hers and mine to glow brightly, and a

warmth to spread throughout our bodies. We were basking in each others company when there was a

knock on the bedroom door.

"Chrystal, honey, dinners ready." Came the call of Chrystal's mother, Miranda.

"Thanks mom," Chrystal called back. "We'll be down in a minute." She called out. "Were having

spaghetti, hope you don't mind.."

"No, that's fine."

"Ok, let's head down." She said as she got up and started pulling on my hand.

"Alright." We got dressed and headed down the stairs to the dining room.

4 - Nightmare

Dinner was pleasant with good natured humor and lots of friendly conversations. It was a welcome

change from the meals I'm used to with my father and step-mom, with him saying how I'm pathetic, and will never amount to anything in the world.

* *So this is what it's like to have a real family......** I thought to myself. Chrystal reached under the table and touched my hand. I squeezed it, looked at her and wished I could hear what she was thinking.

What happened next caught me completely by surprise.

* *I wonder if hes ok....should I ask him now or wait till we're alone.....** I couldn't believe it. I was in

her head. I gripped her hand tighter and decided to see if I could do a little more with my new power.

**Chrystal?** I tried pushing my thought into her head. She jumped slightly and squeezed my hand looking at me.

"You ok honey?" Miranda asked Chrystal.

"Mhm... just a little chilly in here..." she replied never taking her eyes off mine.

**Chrystal if you can hear me, blink twice.** I thought. Blink. Blink.

**How are you doing that?** She asked.

**I don't know....** Dinner finished and Chrystal and I went back to her room and sat on her bed.

"What else can you do?" she asked me sitting in my lap as I wrapped my arms and a few tails around

her waist.

"I really don't know.... I'm finding all this stuff at random....so far I have super strength and speed,

control of fire, and now telepathy..." I laid us out on the bed with her in my arms and my tails draped

over her. I tried suppressing a yawn which failed to slip her notice.

"You're tired." It wasn't a question.

"No I'm not." I lied.

"Relax." She breathed in my ear. She quickly took our clothes off and slipped under the covers with me

and snuggled into my body pulling my arms around her tightly. The sound of her slow breathing and

the feel of her heartbeat against my chest was so relaxing I was asleep within moments.

I got out of bed the next morning and went into the kitchen where the sound and smell of breakfast

permeated the room.

"Morning." I greeted Chrystal.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" She screamed and grabbed a kitchen knife. "Who are you?

What do you want?"

"What are you talking about? Calm down. You let me stay the night remember? I'm your boyfriend... I

had dinner with you and your parents last night."

"I don't have a boyfriend. I've never had one." She ran from the house screaming: "Burglar! Rapist!"

I jerked awake in a cold sweat with someones arms around me very tightly. I looked up to see Chrystal's eyes brimming with tears.

**That wont ever happen honey.......** She thought. I looked at her questioningly with tears in my eyes.

**I woke up to you trembling beside me and then I saw your nightmare through your mind.** I buried

my face in her chest sobbing silently as she held me tightly to her and I started to slowly relax.

**Better?** She slowly stroked my back and tails.

I nodded. **Thank you Chrystal.**

**Anything for you my love.** I slowly nodded off again only this time to be comforted by sweet dreams of me and Crystal on a beach in each others arms.

5 - Falamar

At 4 o'clock in the morning, I woke up with Chrystal curled up in my arms. I slipped out of bed and

pulled the blanket around her snuggly, causing her to stir but she didn't wake. I went into the backyard

with the intention of practicing my powers but realized a little too late that I had nothing to practice

on. So I decided to see if I had a power for that to. I closed my eyes and focused my will on creating an

area where my powers would never go out of control and heard a swirl in the wind. I opened my eyes

and in front of me was a large square mat, with a shimmering shield over it. I walked over to it and saw

that with it came a small bookcase that had, when I looked at one of the books, instruction on various

powers I could have. The book I had picked up was on how to control the elements: fire, earth, air,

water. It said all the elements were connected in one way or another. An element could either

compliment/enhance one and shield against/hinder another, but when all 4 were used together you got

a new 5 __th_ element: lightning. I read the book 5 times to make sure I knew what I was supposed to do,_

and set to work practicing. It took a little over 4 hours, but I eventually came to master my control of

the "5" elements. I picked up another book and what it was titled interested me. "The Book of

Summoning: How to Summon Your Elemental Soul Guardian..." I murmured to myself. Inside the book

were sheets of what felt like parchment. I read the book and did what it said. I picked one of the sheets

up and focused my power on it, this was to find what my natural element of choice was. The parchment

burst into a pure white flame. Next I focused my will and who I was onto the flame and it floated away

from me to the ground and took the form of a magnificent wolf enshrouded in white flames.

**I've been watching you Santhos.** I looked around trying to find the source of the voice but no one

was there. I looked at the wolf questioningly and it nodded. **Yes I'm the one who spoke, and I'm glad

you were able to get this far in so little time. You have an aura of greatness about you.**

"Who are you?"

**Falamar, and I'm your soul guardian.**

"How did I come to be able to do these things?"

**In time you would have been able to do all of this anyway, but for our kind, love is the catalyst for

our powers. You touched your soulmate, you found the one in an amount of time that's never been

heard of before. It takes normally 30 years for that to happen and yet you found her while you haven't

yet reached adulthood. Because you found your soulmate already, your powers are starting off far

stronger than they would normally be otherwise. And you'll only grow stronger. As your power grows,

so does mine. Our power comes from our souls and our love. I'm directly connected to you because I'm

part of your soul. I'm its physical animation, its physical form of choice.**

"Can others see you?"

**Only if you want them to. I'll always be seen by your soulmate, because her soul is connected to

yours, and therefore me, even if I wanted to I could never hide myself from her. I'm an extension of

your love and who you are.** It was then that Falamar noticed the wolf tails I had. **I see you've

already gained some control over partial transformation.**


**Your father never told you about who you are.** There was no question in his voice. He sighed

quietly. **He knew it was his duty to tell you... I guess I'll have to then...** He looked me in the eyes.

**Santhos your mother was a werewolf. She wasn't bitten, she was born. Those who get turned, through a bite, are the feral side of our species. Those who are born are like royalty, they have complete control over when they change, and what part changes, like your tails, and have the ability to do whatever they set their minds to. That's where your powers came from, you were born to it. The times come for us to train together.**

"What do you mean?"

**In case of battle you and I need to make sure we can anticipate what the other needs and to sync our

movements. Were already synced in spirit, but it takes a little bit to get it down physically.**

"Ok, lets do this." We trained together for over 4 hours, and in that time, Falamar and I were in

complete sync with each other, and I had learned a lot of martial fighting styles. He and I were

meditating in the center of the training field I'd summoned when I felt a presence behind me and I


"Morning beautiful." I greeted her as I stood up, took her into my arms and kissed her softly.

"Hey sweety." She kissed me back and laid her head over my heart. "What were you doing up so early?

I was worried..."

"Couldn't get back to sleep and was feeling restless so I came out here to practice." She noticed

Falamar and looked at him in amazement. "Yours?" I nodded.

"He's my soul guardian."

**My name is Falamar, it's nice to finally be able to meet the one who could bring the best out of

Santhos.** He leaned into her side and let her scratch behind his ears.

"I know who you are Falamar, I heard everything you said through his mind and I accept everything

about who and what he is." I kissed her fiercely with tears in my eyes. "Thank you, Chrystal."

"Always, come on. Breakfast is ready. Oh and my parents left late last night, which is lucky for you

since they might not understand anything about what you can do, they had a conference to go to and

wont be back till Sunday night."

"Cool." I picked her up in my arms holding her sideways to my chest causing her to squeal in delight

and carried her into the house. "I'm your wolf honey, I'll protect you and love you even after we die."

"Mhm!!" She wrapped her arms around my neck and we made out for a few minutes.

**If you don't start eating your foods gonna get cold.** Falamar said chuckling with amusement in his

voice. We broke apart laughing quietly and sat down to breakfast as close to each other as we could get.

When we finished eating we both did the dishes, me washing, her drying and both of us putting them


"So what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I'm ok with anything we do as long as I'm with you."

"How about we go to the park and have a picnic tonight?" I suggested. "I'd like to look at the stars with


"So romantic." She said with love in her voice. We set about getting everything we would need: a

basket, a blanket, sandwiches, snacks, dessert, soda and water. Then we went back to her room and watched T.V. until it was time for us to go. When the time to go came around we made sure everything was packed, got in her car and drove to the park a few miles away.

6 - Hunters

We arrived at the park around 8:00 P.M., set up at a spot on a hill under a tall oak tree. We sat close to

each other with an arm around the others waist, and fed each other small pieces of our sandwiches.

After we were done we left our stuff and decided to walk the small game trails in the forest next to

where we were, making sure to leave small markers to remember our way back. It was getting late

when we got back to our spot under the oak and laid ourselves out on the blanket looking up at the


"I love you, Chrystal." I said looking deeply into her eyes.

"I love you to baby." We started making out and caressing each others cheeks. We decided to stay for

the night in the park in each others arms under the stars. I was about to go to sleep when all of a sudden

I stiffened, causing Crystal to look at me in concern. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Don't move." I said quietly.

"Santhos?" She asked again, scared now.

"Don't. Move." I melded into the night and moved slowly down the hill. I had sensed the presence of

five guys who had one thought in mind: terrorizing others and pleasing their sexual needs. The only

thought on my mind was one thing: Crystal's safety. I stole up behind the guys and got really close to

them. What I heard them thinking made me furious.

"Well well well." Came the gruff voice of who I could only assume was the leader, talking to his

cronies. "What do we have here?" Then to Crystal "What are you doing out here, alone no less?"

"Stay away from me..." She said starting to tremble.

"C'mon, ginger, don't be like that." The leader said reaching out to grab her. I grabbed the nearest guy to me and threw him into the tree over the leaders head. "What the hell?!?" He exclaimed looking behind him. Then he noticed me. "Heh." He scoffed. "Boys, take care of the trash." Then he turned his

attention back to Chrystal. One guy came in on my right and one on my left. I moved faster than the eye could see and before either had had the time to react, I had grabbed both of them by their throats, lifted them into the air and slammed them into the ground, knocking them out cold.

The leader turned at the sound thinking the job had been done. When he saw me standing over his men there was a flicker of annoyance in his eyes then anger. To the last guy standing he barked "What the hell are you standing there for!!! Get him!!!" With all the training I had gone through with Falamar, even in the small amount of time we had had, I had become a quick analysis of other peoples strengths and abilities. This guy was great at martial arts of all kinds, but thanks to my mind being able to think and evaluate faster than normal it wouldn't be a problem with him.

He started striking at me and I was dodging and blocking him with such ease that I would have laughed if I hadn't been so furious. I was getting tired of him not being able to hit me so I decided to end the fight. I spun around low to the ground and swept his legs out from under him, jumped and flipped in the air and before he had even hit the ground, I slammed my knee into his stomach, knocking the wind from him and forcing him deeper into the ground when he landed than he would have been otherwise and landed on my feet with my back to the leader, who was standing there in shock before he quickly regained his senses. I turned slowly and looked at him with my blood red eyes, my fists clenched in anger.

"Well well well." He said pulling out a dagger that was crackling with black and green energy. "It's a

true honor to be in the presence of the last. Werewolf. On. Earth." I stiffened. "Oh yes, I know what you are. This is gonna be fun. I should get a nice reward for killing you. Might even get a bonus for bringing your filthy hide to the higher-ups myself...." He started advancing on me with his dagger and a greedy gleam in his eyes.

It was then I realized I had a new power. Looking at his dagger, I saw an analysis of the creation, powers and weaknesses of the dagger in my head. That dagger was used for the

nullification of many werewolf powers, but couldn't stand the elements, and stunning of the nervous

system for easier transport and disposal. I snarled and my eyes went, if it was possible, even more red,

and the air around me began swirling with my anger. I summoned flames into my hands and formed

them into blades. He looked at me with amusement in his eyes, then turned a knob at the base of the

hilt, causing the daggers blade to increase to the size of a longsword, then lunged at me. I ducked,

dodged and parried with ease. No matter how hard he tried, he had no hope of ever putting a scratch on

me. I made my flames go white and when I hit his sword, it shattered. I thrust my hand in his chest and

pulled his soul out of his body, then I sliced the silver cord connecting his soul to his body and threw it

into the hells of oblivion, of which there is no hope of escape. I looked at Crystal who was huddled

against a tree with Falamar standing guard over her. "Is she ok?" I asked trying to stay upright.

**Yes, you did well Santhos.**

"C...Chrys....tal...." I collapsed to the ground, succumbing to my wariness, and drifted to sleep.

7 - Arrival To A New Home

I woke up and everything in my vision was fuzzy. "Where am I?" I asked groggily and blinking my

eyes, trying to clear them and tried to sit up, only to be pushed back down gently.

"In the arms of someone who will always love you." Hearing Chrystal's voice I slowly started to relax

when what had happened came back to me in a flash and I jerked upright.

"Where are they?" I asked trying to keep my anger under control.

"They're gone sweety, you dealt with them and saved me from what they would do to me..."

**You did very well for yourself in your first official confrontation with the hunters'.**

"Why didn't you warn me about them??"

**I thought we had more time to deal with before they came to this town, now that they're here, we

need to move you to a safe place and continue your training.**

"I'm not going anywhere without Chrystal." I said through clenched teeth.

**I wouldn't expect otherwise, she's the source of your powers strength, we have to take her in order to

protect her, we can't do that here.**

"Wait... Where do you expect us to go? Where do you expect to be safe enough for us to protect

Chrystal and train me?"

**What that hunter said is true: there are no more werewolves on earth. So we'll go to our home planet.


"Ok....How do we get there exactly?" Instead of answering, Falamar just looked at me, and ran into the

tree. Instead of crashing into it as I expected, he went into it and a portal opened up. I pulled Crystal to

me and we walked together into the portal where Falamar was waiting for us on the other side. When

we looked around, we saw we were in what looked like an audience chamber. Around us in high-backed, ornate chairs were 8 men, with a ninth one empty on the right hand side of the central seat, who looked to be in the prime of their youth, with pure white hair and an aura of power about them.

"Welcome, to Salthomar." Said the man sitting in the center of the congregation, who since this was a

planet for werewolves I could only assume to be the alpha.

**You're correct in your thinking, he is the alpha here.** Falamare said to me then turned towards the

men assembled infront of us. ** May I introduce High-Lord Thandar.** Thandar stood up and spread his arms wide.

"Welcome to your new home, I hope your stay here is enjoyable, as your guardian said, I'm Thandar,

and I see we have an extra visitor with us today." He indicated. "And who might you be, my dear?"

"C..Chrystal." She replied pressing into me more. Thandar smiled warmly at her.

"Why, may I ask, are you here?"

"She's my soulmate." I answered him. The hall, which had been abuzz with small conversations, fell

suddenly silent, with all pairs of eyes on us.

"That's not possible..." Thandar whispered looking at Falamar who nodded that what I said was true.

**My lord, we're here sooner than I had planned because hunters had arrived at the town we were in.

We came here hoping to protect his soulmate and train him further without unneeded interruptions.**

At the mention of hunters there was a collective flinch.

"Excuse me." Crystal said and all eyes turned to her.

Thandar nodded and said "Go ahead, my dear."

She took a deep breath and after a minute began speaking. "I don't like the idea that I'll need constant

protection. When we were confronted by those hunters I was terrified, I don't ever wanna feel like that

again. I wanna join the ranks of the werewolves." She then hid behind me and the congregation gave a

sharp intake of breath.

"My dear, you know that what you ask is no easy thing to give." She nodded behind my shoulder.

"Well if your sure..." He started advancing towards her and a snarl escaped my lips. Again the congregation fell silent as they watched me controlling my anger and fighting the urge to lash out at Thandar.

"Don't. Touch. Her." I growled. Thandar just smiled.

"Good. Your bond with her is strong indeed." He said with approval in his eyes. "If I had changed her, she would have become a member of the feral of our species. You must do it. When someone other than

the soulmate does the change, it breaks the bond between soulmates. Its the bond that counteracts the

feral side put into the person and is strengthened. You were right to stop me." He gave a slight smile. "I'll leave you to do it. But if I may make a suggestion: wait till tonight when the moon is out. It ensures better success when done in the presence of the moon. I'll have someone show you to your room and you can get comfortable. I'll see you in the morning Santhos, we have much to discuss." We bowed and left with the servant that had been summoned and followed him to our room.

"Please Santhos, change me..." She asked as soon as the door closed behind the servant as he left.

"You sure this is what you want?"

She nodded slowly and I looked at Falamar. He nodded and disappeared into my mark. I lost control of

my body and knew that Falamar was helping me so I went with what he told my body to do. I took

Chrystal into my arms, put my hand over her heart, and bit her neck. She started trembling then collapsed in my arms, I lifted her to the bed and slipped under the covers with her and watched while

the changes took effect. The first thing to change was her hair and eye color. Her hair, normally a

smooth light brown, changed to a bright snowy silver. Her eyes, which had been a deep hazel, changed

to a light, liquid gold. Next, her skin tone became a little darker, more tan in appearance. Her original

height of 5'5" increased to match mine at 6'1", and her bones became stronger and more durable. "I love you." She whispered before slipping into a deep sleep. She would need the rest, for the next part of the transformation was her body and mind getting used to the powers and abilities that would settle in over night.

I woke to the sound of whimpering. I turned on to my side and saw Chrystal clutching her head and

shaking violently. Her powers were starting to come in. Seeing her like that made me feel small and

useless, as I couldn't do anything for her. So I did the only thing I knew I could. I pulled her into my

arms tightly and covered her with my tails. "It'll be ok sweetheart...It'll be over soon..." Tears were

streaming down my face into her hair as I recalled how much pain I had been in when what I am first

awoke in me, and could only guess how it may be different for those who are changed into werewolves,

rather than born as one. "I'll never leave you Chrystal. Even after we die, a long long long time from

now, I will always belong to you." I whispered in her ear. I pulled her closer to me and laid her head

over my heart. She started to relax and stop shaking but, through our bond, I knew the pain was still

intense for her. And after a few minutes, she drifted off to sleep, holding on to me as though I were the

only thing that would keep her alive, and even if she can take care of herself, I will always try and

protect her. With that silent pledge made to her, I buried my face in her hair and slept.