Redeyewolf chapter1the alien invasion

Story by Redeyewolf on SoFurry

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Take your time to read

The Skye's were grey the wind was blowing its hardest we never saw it coming the next thing I know I wake up my vision is blurry and I just here every one screaming I get up only to find I'm dizzy I don't know what the hell is going on but I see my pack was gone and I said to myself"could this be the day my pack decides to leave me behind I just can't believe this " "but how but why " everything is gone "wait a minute ....what's that in the sky I can hardly see through the thick clouds .................and why is it coming closer ." Hello is anyone there?" I asked it was coming towards me then I saw it was a flying saucer I moved back and ran for it I got away but some where in South America I can across one of my fellow pack friends and I asked a lot of questions "hi alga my buddy whats up ......don't actually answer that but answer this why did the whole pack leave me and where are they all now?" Alga said "they never left there is an alien invasion(apocolypse)

"Apocolypse ?" I said in confusion but of curse i know what it means

"I just don't understand why there would be an apocolypse ?"

"We'll it's happening so believe it " whispered alga

"Ok thx anyway well I best be going bye alga hope to see u again"


so I was on my way"wait where are u going"shouted alga

"To go find shelter I suggest u do the same heading in a different direction "

"Ok"said alga

So we went our separate ways so I head out to get shelter it looked like a storm was coming . Eventually I came across a cabin it was empty I decided to spend the night while the storm passed and would head out in the morning and that's exactly what I did so next I decided to go hunting and now I was in the forest and the forest is a good place for hunting birds .

"Here birdy birdy come here ...............yes I got one "

On my walk I had just enjoyed my lunch

"Yum that bird was delicious "

So the invasion was finally over and I decided to go home

"Home sweet home I can't wait to get back home"

So I lived happily ever after what ever like I would ever have a happy ever doda.

"It's happy ever after not happy ever doda." Said an alien

I don't care ..........................,,

........................the end

Yeah of the invasion