Alternative Ending

Story by DarkRacoon on SoFurry

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This is an alternative ending to a story I'm currently writing, in the story Fox McCloud gets in trouble with Bowser, but is saved at the last minute by the Star Fox team, in this alternative ending, he doesn't get saved.

The story so far:

Fox has landed on Yoshi's homeworld, Yoshi's mose presious item is stolen (the golden watermelon) Fox and Yoshi set off on a quest to Bowser's castle to get it back.

"So... Where now Yoshi?" Fox asked,

"You see that large cave that looks like Bowser's face in the sea!" Yoshi said pointing out the window,

"I have no idea what Bowser looks like." Fox said, "But since I can only see one cave that looks like any ones face in the sea. I'll assume it's that one."

"No! It's not that one!" Yoshi shouted,

"No?" Fox halted the ship,

"Only joking, it is that one." Yoshi said,

"Don't do that!" Fox said and flew the ship down towards the rather sinister looking cave. He was careful not to fly the ship straight into the water, he managed to fly in successfully. Fox landed the ship on some grey rock land. The two climbed out of the ship.

"There it is." Yoshi pointed to a huge castle with huge BOWSER letters in neon light above the castle.

"Man, he really didn't want us finding him did he?" Fox asked,

"Well, he first built this castle to lure Mario here." Yoshi explained, "So yeah, he did want Mario to find him, but I guess he hasn't been bothered to take the letters down yet."

"So, what do we do?" Fox asked,

"Walk there." Yoshi said, "Duh."

"Okay. Let's go." Fox said, but before they could even take a step two Koopas dropped down in front of them.

"Not so fast! You're not going to retrieve your watermelon." One Koopa said,

"Shut up!" Yoshi shouted and took his sword out, "You will get out of our way!"

"Yeah." Fox took his staff out, the two attacked the Koopas, but the green turtles hid inside their shells to avoid any attack.. The two struck the shells but were bounced off.

"Whoa, we've go to hit when they are out their shells." Yoshi said, just before one Koopa took out a laser gun and fired. "Shit!" Yoshi reacted quickly and turned into an egg quickly, but it was smashed open by the laser.

"Where'd you get that from?" Fox asked, before the Koopa fired at him too, "Oh god!" Fox dropped down to the ground, "Fight fire with fire." Fox drew out his laser gun and fired, the Koopa was too busy reloading his own to react and was shot in the face.

"One down..." Yoshi said as he staggered up.

"I don't want any trouble." The Koopa said,

"Well you've got trouble." Yoshi said, "I never can get over the taste of Koopas." Yoshi quickly shot his tongue out and wrapped it round the Koopa and pulled him back into his mouth, swallowed, digested and turned into an egg, he threw the shell out which went flying into the sea. Yoshi celebrated the victory!

"You're really evil you know that?" Fox asked,

"Yeah." Yoshi giggled and burped, "oh... He was spicy."

"Don't... Talk to me... about that." Fox said, "Man... remind me not to get on your bad side. I've survived too much to be some dinosaur's lunch."

"Well, you do taste delicious. Luckily for you. I like you." Yoshi said,

"Thanks." Fox said reluctantly, the two continued to walk towards the castle. They eventually got to the huge front doors. "No guards?"

"Unfortunately, once we get inside we'll probably get swamped by all sorts of enemies." Yoshi said, "You name it. It'll be there."

"Flying fish?" Fox asked,

"..." Yoshi sighed and nodded, "Yes."

"...Walking blocks of chocolate." Fox asked with a distant look on his face.

"Probably not in the castle, but I've known of some before." Yoshi looked at Fox, he wasn't kidding.

"What a strange world you live in." Fox said,

"Shall we?" Yoshi pointed to the door,

"Oh yes! Of course!" Fox nodded. They put their hands on the door and pushed it open. They walked inside and the door slammed shut behind them, Fox covered his ears from the thud, Yoshi stood as if he was ready for battle. The inside was lit up, they were in a long grey stone corridor with flames on the walls.

"Knowing this place. Anything could be alive." Yoshi said, "Prepare yourself for the worst."

"Okay." Fox gripped his staff tightly and looked around at everything as the two began to walk down the corridor, and sure enough, after only two minutes a block of solid rock fell from the ceiling in front of them, it had a very angry face on it. "What the hell?" Fox just stared at it.

"Nothing to worry about." Yoshi said, "This is a Thwomp. They do nothing but go up and down."

"You may not pass!" The Thwomp said,

"Well this has never happened before." Yoshi put his hands on his hips, "You'll let us pass."

"Never!" The Thwomp said,

"Let me handle this." Fox said, "You'll move. Or I'll blast your ass."

"I move for no man." The Thwomp said,

"Well then you haven't got a problem. I'm not a man, I'm a fox." Fox said,

"..." The Thwomp lifted up,

"...That was easy." Fox walked under it and to the other side, Yoshi was about to walk past but the Thwomp dropped down again.

"I move for no man... or Yoshi." Thwomp said,

"Oh man..." Yoshi sighed, "Look. Just get out of my-" Yoshi couldn't finish his sentence before the Thwomp exploded, after the smoke and rubble had cleared, Yoshi saw Fox standing with staff in hand, smoke coming from the crystal.

"Whoops." Fox said, "Wrong spell."

"Who cares, it worked." Yoshi stepped over the pile of dead Thwomp and over to Fox. "I wonder what lies ahead." The two carried on and reached a large red metal door.

"A big red door." Fox answered,

"...This is odd." Yoshi said, "The red door usually means the boss of the castle is ahead... Unless we took a short cut by mistake, we got here very quickly."

"Maybe we weren't supposed to make it past that Thwomp?" Fox asked,

"Maybe." Yoshi said, "Oh well. No use standing here." Yoshi pushed the door open and they walked through.

On the other side was a mass group of Koopas, including King Koopa; Bowser. The two walked in and Fox's ears perked in fear.

"Meep." Fox whined,

"Meep indeed." Yoshi said as he eyes widened, they just walked into a room containing around one hundred Koopas and the Koopa King. All the Koopas aimed their guns at the two.

"Welcome." Bowser said, "I've been expecting you." Bowser took the Golden watermelon out, "Looking for this?"

"The watermelon!" Yoshi said and stepped forward, Fox pulled him back,

"If you don't mind, I'm in the middle of a meeting!" Bowser said, "Shoot them."

"What?" Fox screamed as two Koopas fired their guns, a laser hitting Fox, it didn't kill him, but it stunned him and wrapped steel chains around him.

"What the hell?" Yoshi looked down at Fox, "What kind of guns are these?" Yoshi was then shot himself, the chains wrapped around him also.

"Put the fox in the torture chamber and lock Yoshi up." Bowser said, "I'll deal with them when they wake up."

"Where..." Fox woke up, he felt himself upside down, his feet chained together, he couldn't see a thing, he tried to move his arms but they were bound too. "Where am I?" Fox was in a pitch black room with his arms chained behind his back and a mask over his eyes. "Hello? Anybody?"

"You're awake." Said a loud and deep voice,

"Who's there?" Fox asked, "Who put me here?"

"Relax... I don't want my dinner to be sweaty." The voice said, it was Bowser, he turned on a small light shining down on Fox, of course, Fox didn't notice.

"Dinner? Oh no way! I'm not dinner!" Fox shouted, "Let me down!"

"No." Bowser removed Fox's mask so he could see, the light burned the poor canine's eyes.

"You!" Fox screamed when his eyes focused on the huge turtle.

"Yes..." Bowser grinned, "I've been told that the Greater Power has no idea who you are and has ordered you to be executed in whatever way I see fit."

"Greater Power? Who?" Fox asked,

"I cannot speak his name?" Bowser said,

"Is it Andross?" Fox asked,

"Andross is greater than I... but he is not the Greatest Power." Bowser said, "Not even second."

"...Let me go!" Fox shouted and tried to escape. "You wont get away with this!"

"Oh I think I will." Bowser said, "Yoshi is locked away and is yet to regain consciousness. He can't save you! And who else will? I have the Golden watermelon is my possession! All the other Yoshi's are probably running around panicking that their land is decaying."

"What would you want with that stupid watermelon anyway?" Fox asked,

"Well, since you're going to be a liquid inside my stomach in about four hours, I don't see why I can't tell you." Bowser said, "You see, use 'bad guys' were fed of always being defeated by you little tiny 'good guys' and decided that if we get together we could defeat you all! We all got together and voted for a leader. It was a good program until He came, the Greater Power, he became our new leader and showed us the light, he told us about the Sacred Items that each world has to other, when these items are together, they unleash a power so great, it could give us all our dreams of destruction, corruption and ruling the worlds with fear!"

"And that watermelon is one of those Sacred Items?" Fox asked,

"Indeed." Bowser said, "The first one captured I believe, we've sent our troops to another world to search for their Sacred Item, a small world... We've done research into it and we know that it does have an evil villain and a goodie bear who needs to be stamped out."

"..." Fox was silent,

"Anyway, I'm hungry."

"No way!" Fox screamed and shook around, "I am nobody's food!" Bowser opened up his mouth and began to lower Fox down into it, Fox's head was down Bowser's throat, "No! Get the hell off me!" Fox's head was engulfed by the darkness of Bowser's mouth. Bowser kept lowering the chains, lowering Fox's body down, the fox whined as he was coated in Bowser's saliva, the dinosaur's tounge slurping over Fox's face, Bowser kept lowering the chain, beginning to swollow Fox, his fur getting soaked as his shoulder go past Bowser's throat and then his chest, Boswer slurping all along it. Fox whined deeply, trying to wriggle his feet but unable to because of the chains, Bowser slammed his teeth down onto Fox's chest, biting deeply into him to stop him from wriggling, Fox's chest bones being broken and blood running down his chest and all over his face and then down Bowser's throat, making him more blood thirsty and hungry for meat. Bowser lifted one claw high and moved Fox's tail out of the way and pressed his claw tip against the fox's tight tail hole and pushed in, ripping Fox's tailhole open, a little blood trickling from the fox hole as the claw pushes in, Fox screams from the tight confindes of Bowser's throat. Bowser keeps swollowing the blood soaked Fox, his hips slipping past Bowser's mouth and into his throat, Fox's cock becoming hard from Bowser's claw scratching his prostate gland, unfortunately making the fox's insides bleed even more. Bowser pulled his claw out of Fox's tail hole and swallowed Fox deeply down into his throat, he begins to lick Fox's bloody tail hole, licking the blood, growing loudly, Fox's hard cock is rubbed against Bowser's tounge, the rubbing sending Fox over the edge and forcing him to cum all over Bowser's tounge. Bowser growls and bites down on Fox's hips and forces them to bleed to, breaking Fox's hip bones and swallows him down, pushing him down by the feet and then completely swallows him down.

Fox drops down into Bowser's stomach, from the inside he can hear Bowser's heart beat, Fox lands knee deep in Bowser's digestive acids, his fur instantly starting to burn off, Fox lays down on his back in the stomach, he knows he has no hope from where he is, the acids make their way over his chest and once his fur is burnt away, his skin starts turning red and burning away, the acids run over his face and starts to burn away the skin, Fox can't breath under the acid and his throat his burned away and from a loss of blood, Fox dies for many reasons at once from inside Bowser's stomach, his eyes are burnt away from the acids and it makes it's way into his ears and burns away the inside of his head and then his muscle in digested into nothing but soup, Fox's body melted away leaving just the fox bones inside Bowser's stomach, which promptly fall apart into a pile of bones which soon start to melt away in Bowser's stomach, nothing left of Fox McCloud except just the soup that he's become... All hope gone.

If you want to read the real story yourself, e-mail me at [email protected] or add me to MSN messanger, also see my LJ\_Raven