where i came from part 3

Story by Aiel Carthage on SoFurry

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#3 of where i came from

"The rain... the never ending rain filling the sky, flooding the earth, and making the day miserable for Aiel. He walked down the Grey streets, cold and alone." "And hungry... wait why the hell is my life being narrated?" "Aiel began talking to himself, anyone walking by would have simply thought he had escaped from-" "SHUT UP! And where the fuck am I? I was in a cave getting shot at!" "Aiel was clearly insane." "AM NOT!" "Aiel began shouting at the sky, apparently having an argument with some voice in his head." "Fuck you." "Aiel began cussing out the voice in his head. The narrator turned on the auto censor device." "What the BLEEP is an auto censor device? And why when I said BLEEP did a noise sound? There it is again!" "Aiel being a stupid wolf had walked into a broom closet and got locked in there." "WHAT THE BLEEP? I did not walk into a broom closet!" "Aiel was still a stupid wolf and did not realize he just needed to wake up." "THE BLEEP IS THIS BULL BLEEP WAKE UP? I AM BLEEP AWAKE!" "Aiel was still stupid and just needed to WAKE THE FUCK UP!" "Why can the narrator cuss can I cant?" "I SAID WAKE THE FUCK UP SOLDIER! YA AINT DIEING ON MY WATCH DAMNIT!" Aiel suddenly jolted awake, the dream gone but leaving him confused. "Ow... my head" "Your talking and you ain't dead that's good, now get up." Andrew ordered. "Everyone ok?" Andrew nodded. "What about Norman? Thought he took a round in battle." "I'm fine. Like I didn't even get hit." "What?" Aiel scrambled over to him. "How? I mean there is a hole and blood on your shirt... but no damage to you! How?" "Leave that problem for another day. For now we need to get out of here, and it ain't gonna be easy, cave collapsed so we are trapped, only exit is where that light is coming from, and I'm too big to get out that way." Andrew stated "So one of us goes and finds help?" "Two of you, Aiel and Norman. Leave any food and water here for us, make your way to the beach. We can't have been here more than a day." "Got it, get out mark the position, find help, get em back here, get everyone out, then go home and eat real food." Aiel said. "Damn right bout that food" William added. "You get us out of here ill buy everyone a steak dinner at some fancy restaurant. Now get out there and get help." "Yessir!"

Four hours later...

"Fucking rain... why couldn't the camp still be on the beach?" "No idea... odd that we can't find any traces of them. Not even a single footprint." "Must have been out longer than we thought." "Yea no kidding." The pair continued in silence until Aiel stopped. "You see somethi-" Aiel put a hand over the aardvark's mouth and pointed. Norman's eyes opened wide sever hundred feet ahead of them stood a concrete bunker with what appeared to be a control tower sticking out of the top. Surrounding the bunker about thirty feet out from it was a large concrete fence topped with razor wire. At a large gap in the fence acting as a gate stood two guards in odd gear with strange small curved weapons "They look like normal furs... but I have never seen or heard of those weapons or that gear." "Must be prototype gear. What do you say we take it for out guys to figure out once we get back to everyone?" Aiel let a twisted smile cross his face as he said this. "Hell yea!" "Lets go, ill take the wolf on the right, you take the one on the left"

"Got it"

"Fucking rain... why couldn't we just stay inside?" "Quit griping." "I like griping." "Just shut up." "Make me." He turned toward his friend and found only rain and air. "Bob?"

Then pain, and blackness.

"Good work. Grab his weapon and hide him under the bushes." "Got it." They hid the guards then Norman asked. "Any plan on how to get into that thing?" "Bust down the front door and walk right in." "You're kidding right?" "Nope."

"Damn it."

"Lot's of rain out there." "Yep..." "Makes me feel bad for bob and Jim." "Yep..." "I know this place holds a lot of historical value... but it still sucks." "Yep..." "I'm gonna get more coffee." "Yep..." The more talkative of the pair headed for the coffeepot and just grabbed a mug when a thunderous boom sounded. "The hell? Frank that you?" "Nope." Frank shouted as he ran past.

The talkative one pulled his handgun and charged after frank.

It took Aiel and Norman little time to figure out how the stolen weapons worked. In the process of figuring out the weapons Norman found markings on the weapon labeling it the P90 "odd name for a weapon. Wonder how it works... I can't seem to find a place for it to hold bullets." "Maybe it's like a laser gun or something." "Must be." "There's the door, you ready norm?" "Ready, and don't call me norm." "Ok. Ready to breach this door?" "Yep." "Go!" Aiel ran at the door and hit it with his shoulder; it wasn't locked so it flew open with a mighty boom. Not realizing that the door was unlocked Aiel slammed into the wall on the other side and crumpled to the floor. "Ow..." "You ok?" "Yea... lets see if we can find a radio or something... damn that hurt." Norman helped Aiel back to his feet. "Who the hell are you two?" an unknown voice called out from a nearby corner. Aiel and Norman spun around and pointed the strange weapons toward the voice. "Oh shit man! Put the gun down! No need to shoot!" the man kicked a hand gun across the floor toward them, "here take my gun! I'm totally unarmed! Just don't shoot!" "Who are you? Better yet are you American? You don't sound Japanese..." Aiel said not letting his guard down "Garry smith, American and proud of it! Now will you put the friggn guns down! My friend doesn't like guns pointed at him, and I'm not a fan of it either." "Are there any lights in this area you could turn on so we could see you?" Norman asked. "Yea give me a second... there!" The lights turned on, Aiel and Norman were blinded for a second before seeing the people in the bunker; one a tall skinny fox with red and white fur, the other a very large black bear with a stone like expression. "Can you put down the guns now?" asked the fox. "Are there any more of you here?" "Just the two outside... oh shit those are their weapons! WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!!!" "Knocked them out, tied them up, and left them under some bushes." The fox stared at them wide-eyed and open mouthed before saying: "shit! What did you do that for! They could die out there! I have got to save them!" "You ain't going anywhere." Aiel said leveling his weapon at the fox. "Not until we get to a radio and contact our commander." "What the hell are you talking about? Wait a second... commander? Oh shit! It's true! Russia and china are invading the US! Just like the games and movies! We are doomed!" The fox kept talking to himself. Aiel leaned over and whispered to Norman; "this guy's crazy, and I don't like the looks of his friend either. Think we should leave?" "It's our only chance to get help for our friends." "True but-" Aiel was interrupted by a loud voice. "What do you two want?" the room went silent. Aiel looked up at the bear before saying, "If you two are American soldiers we need your help, a few of our friends are trapped in the caves nearby. We need food for them and gear to get them out." "Also would be nice to know today's date, we were knocked out and have know idea what day it is." Norman added. "March 31" the fox said. "Now where are your friends?" "Hold on... march 31? We got here on the first of April. What are you trying to pull here?" I am not trying to pull anything! It's the thirty first of March. Here I'll prove it!" the fox reached into a pocket and pulled out a rounded rectangular piece of metal. One of the flat sides lit up as the fox pushed a button on the front. "Siri what's today's date?" an odd choppy voice responded "today's date is Sunday march thirty first two thousand thirteen." Aiel just stood there too stunned to speak or move. Meanwhile Norman began bombarding the fox with questions about the metal thing. When Aiel could speak again he said two thousand thirteen? I got here in nineteen forty-five... that means... 68 years? That cant be right!" "Wait what did you say? Sixty-eight years? That would have been...when the battle for Okinawa started... your not saying you're from world way two are you?" "World war two... operation iceberg, 77th infantry, first wave, first ones to hit ground, first ones to fall, our entire landing craft was destroyed by a lucky artillery shell, me and my friend were the only survivors... oh shit! My friends! They are still trapped! We need your help getting them out. And if this is the 21 century you should have some gear to help them out." "Wow you really are from world war two. We might have some stuff around here, but most of it is on a different island, I'll have to call in support from some of the other bases. They won't likely be ere for a few days though, this weather grounds air traffic and stops ships from getting out here. If you got out we should be able to find the entrance and set up a way to get them food and water. Let me get all my gear then you can show me where your friends are." the fox leaned down to pick up his pistol. "Ill send frank with you to go get bob and Jim... they wont be too happy to see you guys again." "Oh yea... a bit of a misunderstanding there..." "No shit..." "Um one last question before we go and retrieve your friends." "Shoot." "Exactly, what do these things shoot?" Norman motioned with the weapon he was holding. "I can't find a place for ammunition to be received into the thing..." The fox gave a puzzled expression. "See that plastic piece on the top? Right under the sights? Its a fifty one round mag. it fires some fancy bullet supposed to be able to pierce body armor. My hand gun fires the same bullet." "No lasers?" Norman said with an expression like a kid that had just been told Santa didn't exist after believing it for many years. "No lasers, sorry." "Damn..."

Sorry guys there will be a part 4... just some details I need to sort out and some questions I need to answer. I may write the various ways I am thinking I should take the story and post all of them. Kind of a chose your own adventure thing only not quite chose your own adventure thing. Whatever I'll leave that for later. Hope you enjoyed the story to this point and will keep enjoying this story Also leave constructive criticism in the comments and know that if there are any details in this story that bug you I will be rewriting everything in the future.