manoa - chapter 2

Story by triple on SoFurry

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For the one's who have read manoa - chapter 1 I would like to hear if this one is better just worse. I don't care what you sat I just need to learn from it.

Manoa - chapter 2

This story continues where I stopped with manoa - chapter 1. For the one who don't want to read it first or forgot what happened, here is a short summary. The tiger Renath fight's in a city where there is war between dragons and tigers. Renath was a team leader and had his own team. So far Renath discovered a hard disk in a factory and with the information of that they killed a leader of the dragons. Now Renath comes home and wait for further instructions.

The hunt

Renath came home on his motorcycle and parked it in the garage. He was very tense from the fight just an hour ago. He had to relax he told himself. He walked up to the front door and checked his mail. "Nothing interesting." He opened the door and hang up his coat. He checked his arm where Marin had put a bandage around and she did it pretty good. It still hurts but he had been worse then this before. He walked in to the living room and saw his slave lying on the couch. He woke her up.

"Hey fell asleep?" She woke up slowly. "Huh ohw yes sorry." I smiled at her. "No problem. Is my dinner ready?" She sits up and rubbed her eyes. "Yes it is in the oven I kept it warm for you." Renath was pretty hungry so he went straight to the kitchen and put out a warm dish from the oven. "Wow, it's still hot." There where some potatoes, vegetables and two sausage. "Looks good, you can cook more often for me." He smiled at her and started to eat. "It taste just as good as it smells. Good job, you do it even better then me." She walked to him and held her paws behind her back. "Can I do anything else for you?" Renath stopped with eating "uhm not really you can do what you want right now. I'm going to bed soon, I need rest."

She walked around nervously in the chamber. She thought she had to sleep with him again and she definitely doesn't want that. Eventually she lies down on the couch again with her tail around her waist. She wanted to get out of here; not doing what he says when he wanted it. But it was still the first day for her and she had to be here for two whole months. Renath finished his dinner and took a seat next to his slave who almost occupied the whole couch. She made some room for him to sit next to her.

"I told you I would reward you with something. So what do you want?" she sat right up surprised by his words. She didn't expect he would actually reward her for being nice to him. Most masters or mistress only punish them, not reward them. "Well I want to be free" she looked at him very kindly. "Hehe no I cant let you free yet. You have to be at least one month with me. If you're lucky I let you free then. Anything else what you want?" She actually already knew the answer but she hoped for it though. "Well can I have my own room? I don't want to sleep with you every night." "Well you don't have to sleep with me every night but sometimes I just want you. But for so long you can have your own room but don't expect to much privacy." She was happy with that. It was not totally what she had hoped but at least it was better. "Thank you Renath." she hugged him and walked upstairs. "The first room on your right is left, you can that one. But keep it clean there ok?" "Yeah I'll keep it clean."

She opened the door and saw a small room. It was about 2x3 meter it had a bed, a closet and washstand. The room itself was painted green and there was a blue carpet. There was also a window with a view at his back garden. She tried if she could open the window but it couldn't. Then she tried out her bed. It was pretty soft at had pillow but it had to be changed and cleaned. After ten minutes Renath came upstairs. "Hey there, like your new room?" He stood there watching how she was cleaning up. "Yes I like it." "But behave, else you have to sleep every night with me." She nodded and went back cleaning. "Well I go to bed see you in the morning I guess." he said. He smiled at her and walked to his room. Going to take a good night sleep.

The next morning he woke up at 9 PM it was Saturday so he probably didn't had to do anything for the tigers today. He got up and walked silently to his slave. When he looked in her room he saw her still asleep. "Hey Livian wake up." She woke up slowly. First she rubbed her eyes and watch Renath with sleepy eyes. "Good morning Renath." Renath stayed there. "Hey get up you need to make breakfast for me." She wanted to go out of bed but she realized she was still naked. "Uhm can you please give me some privacy? I need to dress myself. Renath smiled.

"Nope I think stay here, you can just dress yourself." Ohw fuck why does he want to watch again. She got out of bed and stretches her arms, legs and her back. It was a beautiful sight for Renath. Her long smooth body and her beautiful black and white fur. It shined in the sun that came trough the window. She felt embarrassed herself now she realized he had a good view of her ass and tried quickly to hide it with her tail. After that she dressed herself quickly with still the same clothes as yesterday. After she had dressed Renath went down, he had saw enough. Renath waited for her to come down and sat on couch. He put on the news and looked if anything happened lately. For the first five minutes was nothing interesting. But after that the news shown pictures of the bridge he had destroyed last night. He turned on the volume.

Last night the tigers have shown the dragons where they where made of. They didn't only destroy a bridge they even killed eleven dragons last night; nobody could identify the tigers who did this. There was supposed to be a meeting here of dragons, one of the dragons was a highly ranked one. Further news is on 6PM.

Renath turned off the TV and saw Livian busy in the kitchen making breakfast. "What are you making Livian?" She turned around to Renath "Ohw nothing special just some toast with coffee." "Coffee with toast huh? Better hurry, I'm getting hungry already." She went back to work and after five minutes she had breakfast for them. "Come sit next to me" Renath said as she had planned to eat somewhere in the kitchen. "Ok if you insist." She sat next to him and eats her toast. Renath enjoyed it. He had now finally someone where he could play with. Whether she liked it or not. He used his tail to tease her tail. She was annoyed by it, he could see at her face. He softly strokes her tail with his own. Usually a tigress liked that but not if you don't want it. He went further up with his tail and now stroke her back. "Can't you leave me alone and just let me finish my breakfast?" She asked that at a very annoyed tone. Renath smiled at her. "Or you would do what?" She was silent again as he continued with his tail. After ten minutes Renath was finished and was thinking what he would do today.

"Hey Livian, clean those dishes and then you can clean my room, its still a bit messy from yesterday. She said nothing just nodded to him. Renath walked outside to his garden and felt the sun on his fur. Today he had a black jeans and a black jacket. He wanted to hunt today. It was hunting season so it was possible. Renath called his friend Ferion with his cell phone. "Hey Ferion its me Renath, it's a nice day today care to hunt at the forest?" Ferion was in the mood for it so they would meet each other at top of the hill where forest started on 11 AM.

"Hey Renath are you going away" Livian asked. "Yeah I'm going to hunt today" she looked disappointed she would love to hunt to. But at the time she was free again the hunting season was ended. Sadly she went back to the kitchen and washed the dishes. "I'm sorry I can't take you with me. You would probably run away as soon as you got the opportunity." She wanted it so much. "Please I will do anything, I want to hunt to." Renath turned around. "Listen I don't trust you enough and I wont take you with me. Now you clean the house while I'm gone." With that he left her alone and locked the door. Renath took his motorcycle and went to the forest.

Renath came at the forest just a few minutes before 11 o'clock. The forest started ion the hill and went down a valley. In the forest was also a lake. Next to the supply center was a medical post. Ferion was already waiting for him. He stood near the supply center with someone next to him.

"Hey look what I found in my house last night." He held a young vixen captured by chains around her paws and ankles. The vixen was typically brown whit black paws and ears; her fur was not washed in days and was filthy. She had green eyes and her belly was a bit white. "Thought it would be fun to hunt on her, she tried to break in at my house." Renath walked to her slowly and stayed just a few inches from her just out of her range. "Be careful she is furious." Renath took a good look at her she worn a pink t-shirt, blue jeans and a small necklace. "So how much time shall we give her?" Ferion asked. "Thirty seconds? I don't think she deserve more." Ferion released her and she ran away quickly to the forest. "This is going to be fun." Ferion smiled. "Yeah certainly."

After thirty seconds they both ran into the forest chasing her smell with their excellent noses. "Hmm she is hiding here I think" Ferion sniffed around. "And she is scared." Then suddenly Renath saw something running. It came from behind a tree. Both Ferion and Renath ran to it. It was her, they where closing in fast. "Lure her to the east side of the lake I will wait there for her. "Ok Renath see you there in a few minutes." Renath walked to the place and searched for a nice hiding spot. He decided to strike from a tree so he climbed in a big tree and walked on a branch. The branch was four meters from the ground. And you could see easily a prey running below.

After a minute or five he saw the vixen again. She ran right toward him. She stopped running just a few meters from Renath. She looked behind herself to see if she saw Ferion. Then she walked slowly towards me checking the area carefully but she didn't saw him. "Hehe just a few more meters." Renath said to himself. With a big jump he landed with his forepaws on her chest. She fell on the ground surprised by Renath's attack. She got up quick and prepared for a fight. Renath stood up. He was two feet taller then her and much stronger build. He draws his claws and was prepared for the fight as well. "Time for your punishment vixen." She knew running wouldn't help; only fighting was left. She ran at him tried to hit him. But Renath already blocked it by grabbing her paw and threw her to a tree like she was a doll. She smacked against the tree and remained there for a moment. She got up. This time he was more be careful with her attacks. Renath was enjoying this so much; he knew she wouldn't have a chance against him. Renath walked to her. When he was close she tried to hit him in his stomach. She actually hit him but he didn't felt much of it. Renath was well trained and had strong muscles. "Good hit... for a vixen." She tried to attack him again but Renath tackled her with his left leg. He put his foot in her chest and touched his nails against her chest ready to pierce her body. She desperately tried to get away. "No use" Renath said looking fiercely at his pray. She looked in his cold blue eyes and stopped trying. She realized her fate was in his hands. "Please let me go." She said. "I'll be your slave, but please let me alive" Renath begun the laugh. "Sorry I already have a slave and I don't need a second one." She was scared and he could smell it. "But can't you let Ferion decide what happens to me? I broke in his house not yours." Renath ignored her. "I'm getting hungry you know and a vixen would not be that bad." "Hey Renath you caught her." He looked back still holding my leg on her chest. Ferion walked to him. "Yeah she was no match for me" We both looked at her. "What are you going to do with me?" She asked. Renath and Ferion looked to each other. "Yeah what shall we do with her?" Renath asked. "I don't know maybe have some fun with her." Renath pulled his foot from her and let her stand up. "So what where you thinking of?" "I don't know." Ferion said while playing with the chains." While Renath and Ferion where chatting she picked up a branch and hit Ferion as hard as possible. Ferion fall on the ground but got up quickly. This surprised Renath and got hit also hit by her. Renath didn't fell; he was able to recover himself. "You bitch" Ferion said. "You are going to regret this so much." Ferion walked to her with his chains in his paw. The vixen tried to hit Ferion again but failed. Ferion had already blocked the branch and hit her with his other free arm in face. In pain she let the branch falling on the ground. Ferion hit her again but this time with the chains. The strike was so powerful that he broke her lower arm. You could nearly hear it. "You think you had enough slave?" She was crying of the pain and her arm was bleeding a bit. She fell from her knees to her back and unable to stand out the pain. "Saying nothing is probably the best for you" Ferion picked her up and they walked back to the supply center.

"Ohw please can you shut up vixen" Ferion said. "How am I supposed to not to cry when you break my arm?" In battle Ferion broke his arm twice during the fights. "Well just shut up or I leave you here in the forest" suddenly it was much more quiet now.

"So where there, Renath you go order something at the café I'll bring her to a medical

Post for her arm." "Ok, sure thing Ferion." Renath walked inside and Ferion went to the medical post.

The medical post was beside the supply center. It was not busy there inside was a reception and there they decided which doctor you get or even if it was necessary to treat someone. Ferion brought her in and walked to the reception. "I've got an injured slave, her left arm is broken." "Ok bring her to room nine there she will be treated." "Ok thanks."

Ferion walked with her to room nine and opened the door. It was empty. The only thing he saw was a bed and a table with one chair. The tigress came to them "the doctor will be here shortly." "Take your time." The vixen got mad "take your time!? "My arm broken so let him hurry I'm dying from the pain here." "You shut up vixen. Be glad I took you here. I also could go straight for home and let you have pain the whole day long." The doctor came and took a seat next to the vixen. "Doctor make sure she doesn't get away I'm back in thirty minutes." With those words he left the room and headed to Renath.

Renath was sitting in a café, which was in the supply center. The café was had red brown walls, a black carpet and most of the interior was brown. It looked pretty comfortable here. The tables where put near the windows so you had a good view of the forest and the lake, which was in the forest. Ferion walked in and took a seat near Renath. Renath was working on his PDA checking the information from the hard disk he had recovered a day ago.

"Hey Ferion, how is the vixen?" Ferion ordered a coffee when the waitress came. "Ohw she is doing fine. She is just so weak, actually I should just brought her home." "Maybe, maybe not, anyway I've searched when the next meeting is and where" Renath gave his PDA to Ferion. He looked at "hmm it's on the boarders of their area, weird place to do it there." "Yeah I know but it will be heavily guarded since their boss himself will even be there. If we do this and we kill him it could end the war and we can have control of the city again." "IF it would work, and need at least twenty man for that." They where both silent for a moment. "Ok I have enough of this I think we should do it Ferion. Then we are finished and the city will be ours." Ferion agreed, "ok I'm with you we will do this together and we shall have the best man available," they both laughed, "yes we have to do this. Now shall we go home Renath? I'm going to relax at home see you later then Renath." "Yeah see you later Ferion." Ferion gave Renath's PDA back. They said goodbye and Ferion walked outside. Renath was still thinking about the meeting, which would take place on next Monday. After ten minutes he went for home to.

Coming home

Renath walked in his house and noticed it was quite clean here. He mostly was too tired or had not enough time to clean the house.

"Livian I'm home." It was now 2PM. He had the whole day for himself. Renath didn't had got any respond back. "Livian where are you" he yelled trough the house. Still nothing he checked the kitchen, nothing. The dining room? Nothing. He walked upstairs and looked in her room. Nothing then he heard the shower. "Livian are you taking a shower without me?" he asked funny. "Yeah you weren't home when I started." The bathroom was blue nearly every interior was bleu except for the washstand and the toilet, the tiles where even blue. Renath undressed himself and he did that whit out letting her know. While she was showering herself he got in. "Hey I thought you would be lonely in there." He touched her waist gently and felt the wet fur and a minute later he was just as soaked as her. She touched his chest feeling his trained muscles and his only piece of white fur on his chest. "*Giggles* "nice fur you have, I'll shall lick you clean when your done showering." She looked at his chest down to his body. He was handsome she thought, "You have a great body you know?" "Yeah I know," he said. He turned her around and started to massage her shoulders. She purred when he did this. He putted his tail between her legs and stimulated her pussy stroking against it. She liked it. She started to purr harder and her tail was swinging in the air. She didn't mind being loved this way. She realized he was a good master and would never hurt her as long as she obeyed him. He kissed her in her neck and licked her wet fur. It was useless because the it was wet again in a few seconds. But she liked it. After a few minutes she turned around and looked in his eyes. She found him attractive because he was kind to her and he was so handsome. She stopped the shower and took him to his room.

They where still wet from the shower but they didn't care. She pushed him in his bed and lent her paws in his chest and licked his nose, which was still wet. "Your one soaked tiger you know?" Renath enjoyed being played with. "Yeah I know but you are not that dry yourself to." She giggles, "Yeah do you really mind" Renath laughed, "no I don't just kiss Me." she kissed him again. Renath wrapped his tail around her tail and turn himself that she now lies under him. He was ready for it now. He pushed his cock slowly in her vagina and started slowly. It was kinda special for them because the where both still wet. But that only make the things more pleasant. "Hmm come in me Renath, I want to feel you." She begun the moan softly as he entered her. Renath used his paws to rub her tummy while he started to build up a rhythm. She was just lying there watching to handsome tiger how he was doing the job for her. It felt just so nice, She tried to get up but Renath prevented it by leaning his paws on her shoulders. "Just a few more minutes darling." "Hey now I cant kiss you" Renath smiled. "We can fix that." He held his tail before her muzzle "you can kiss this if you want." She smiled at him and licked his tail. It was sensitive for Renath and only increased the pleasure. When the top of his tail was dry she put in her muzzle and begun to make it wet again. He was very satisfied by this. He increased the speed and was coming close. "She begun to moan loudly now and licked his tail, only more intensive. "Ohw Livian please don't stop I'm almost coming." Renath thrusts one more time and unleashed his seed in her. "Ohw Renath you are so wonderful." She could feel the seed in her body. Renath stopped whit it and lie down besides her watching her perfect body. "Renath where not done yet." She was still excited. She turned her body and lied on her chest whit her tail raised high in the air "Come and get your desert." He got up and walked behind her. He held his nose very close to her tail hole and sniffed. It smelled really attractive for him. He gave it a few licks and then lent his paws on her back and tried to push his cock in her tail hole. It was a bit painful for her but it soon became pleasure, lots of pleasure as he makes a slow rhythm. "Hmmm feels so good Renath" Renath said nothing but answered it by a kiss in her neck. She strokes her tail against her vigina and then held it before Renath's nose. Renath catches the smell and made him even hornier. He moved his muzzle closer to smell it better and begun to lick it. She really liked it and was almost coming. "Ohw Renath I can't take it any longer." He gave her the little extra satisfaction she needed by licking intensively on her tail. "Ohw god, Renath ooohw" she felt her juice dripping on her pussy and it felt so warm and good. She had her eyes closed so she didn't saw what Renath was doing. He pulled out his cock and went down with his muzzle near her pussy. He begun to lick the lick the juice "ooooohw Renath what are you doing." She liked it being cleaned by him. When Renath was done he lied next to her a bit exhausted. "Livian you where wonderful." He smiled at and put his arm around her waist and kissed her one more time. She kissed him back and they went to sleep together.

The bank

It was about 9PM when he woke up lying next to Livian. His phone had waked him up. Still half asleep he picked up the phone.

"Hello?" he said. "Renath quick to the bank it's being robbed" Renath was suddenly completely awake. "The bank? B-but how?" "The dragons thought to do it quickly but the tigers outside opened fire as soon as they noticed it, they are with about ten man. And we are with only five we need your help Renath. Before they escape." Renath understood how serious this was. "Yeah ok I'll be there in ten minutes."

He dressed him self quickly and ran down. He opened the door and went to the garage. First he opened a box. The box was full of different kind of weapons he had found during fights or bought when he needed them. He picked out his favorite heavy machine gun; it was capable to fire four bullets per second and was very accurate, he also picked out a desert eagle. He equipped himself with a bulletproof vest. With this he stepped up his motorcycle and drove fast to the bank but forgot to close the front door.

The bank was only two miles away from him he would be there within five minutes. When he got there he saw the dragons hiding in the building firing outside. The tigers where hiding behind car's and trees and even a mailbox. The bank was in the middle of five buildings and had only one-way in and out. And that was the front door. The dragons where trapped but if the managed to kill the tigers they could get away. A rocket launcher was no option because it was vital that the bank stayed in one piece. Renath walked to a group of tigers.

"What is the situation guys?" One of them turned around and saw him "hey Renath good you're here I called you. The dragons are hiding inside and we van barely hit them we need to lure them out or make them vulnerable." Renath thought about this and looked to the bank. The dragons where continually firing. They appeared to have automatic weapons. "Is Ferion already here?" He looked around while he said that. "No not yet" Ferion was a pretty good sniper so they could use him. "I don't have his number sir," he said. "Ok I'll shall take the command here since I have the highest rank here. Right now you stay covered and don't fire back. Then I'll call Ferion. After that we will see further." Renath called Ferion but he didn't pick up "come on Ferion pickup." he didn't pick up. "Damn Ferion isn't available." The dragons continued firing while they where hiding. "Sir what are going to do? We already called most of the people we have now, most of them are away sir. We have seven people." "Yeah well let me think." Renath thought for a while "ok I have a idea we have a armored van parked in the garage near the HQ. Officially its not mine but I have the keys" he gives the keys to the tiger. "You take the van and drive at full speed trough the building. It probably will break down the whole front of the bank. I know we are not supposed to make much damage but a wall is placed in two days so its not that bad. But before the van hits the wall you jump out of course else you probably wouldn't survive it. Got it?" He nodded and ran to a car nearby and drove away.

"Okay man, make sure they don't escape, soon it will be over just wait ten minutes. Renath prepared his gun; it was time he did something to. He peeked over the car and saw them firing somewhere next to him. He lent the gun on the car and aimed carefully at a red dragon hiding behind the desk. He fired. The bullets where flying around his ears. The dragon took cover quickly. Renath didn't hit them but he defiantly draw there attention. Soon most of the enemy's fire was on him. Now the other where clear to fire and they did so he was released from the enemy's fire again. Renath took aim again and saw this time a much better target. A dragon was heading to the save while other where covering him. He took his time to concentrate. The other dragons didn't notice him yet so he fired. The bullets hit the dragon and bounced against the safe. "Yes a hitter, one dragon down man nine to go" he looked again and saw blood on the safe the dragon probably was laying on the ground. He aimed again but they saw him and he had to take cover. After a few minutes Renath got a chance to look again and was able to aim. He didn't saw any good targets and just fires to let the dragons cover. Renath phone went off and picked it up.

"Hey Renath, I'm waiting at the end of the street give cover ok?" "Yeah sure your ready to come." Renath turned himself to the other tigers who where hiding and firing. "Okay man cover the van and fire, all of you" all tigers aimed and fired at the dragons. All dragons where surprised by this and didn't know where to fire. One dragon got hit and the rest already hided. The black van was heading towards the bank. Just 10 meters before the bank he jumped out and the van crashed into the building. The van collapsed and was now lying on its side in the middle of the building. The van did its job the only place hide now was behind the van.

"Ok man fire." The dragons where surprised by the van and most of them didn't have anything to hide and tried desperately to hide somewhere. The tigers fired and hit three dragons that hadn't a place to hide yet. Now there where five dragons down and five to go who where hiding behind the van. But then the van explodes because someone shot in the gas tank. The explosion was big. The whole building lit up in fire and the dragons where dead. The explosion caused several windows nearby to break.

"Ohw god, who fired on the gas tank, you idiots" Renath was not happy with this. The dragons might be dead but the bank would be gone by the fire. And of course it's his fault. It was his idea to do it. And the armored van was gone to. Renath didn't know what to do. This time he failed. It was his job to let bank in one piece and not to destroy everything. He was in deep shit now. His boss would like to have a talk to him when he would come back. "Ohw my god what have I done" Renath disappointed and did not see this coming. The building was on fire and destroyed everything. The only good news was that the money in the safe probably was safe. He was mad at himself for making this mistake. The other tigers realized this to and they all blamed there self for it. Come on man there's nothing we can do now lets go home. Renath took a final look at the bank the fire department would be here in a minute. He went to the HQ to tell what happened.

At the HQ he saw Ferion sitting near Marin talking about something. "Where the hell where you when I called you just thirty minutes ago," Renath asked to him. "Uhm I guess I was just showering then I just came here, but why?" "Never mind."

Renath walked to the boss his office and knocked. "Yeah come in," he said. Renath walked in and took a seat. "I have bad news," Renath said. "The bank went up in fire which I was supposed to prevent that. But at least the dragons are killed." The boss was mad at him. "How could it happen, it never happens to you, you always do the things right." The boss was silent for a moment. "Well we talk about this later just go home and clean yourself, I'll see you Monday I guess" without saying anything Renath walked away and went to home.

At home Renath noticed he had left the door open. "Shit she probably escaped" Renath walked inside and saw her on the couch watching some TV. "Hey Renath where was you? You where gone when I woke up." Renath took a place next to her "Well there where problems at the bank so I had to go. But why didn't you run away when you had the chance?" she begun to blush. "Well I have two reasons for that." She turned her face to Renath and looked in his beautiful eyes. "First I don't have a home to stay in, and for the second I'm... " She was nervous about saying it, "you can tell me I wont hurt you." She smiled at him. "Well I'm... I'm in love with you" this shocked Renath. He always thought she just did her job to not get punished and always played along. "Urm.. Well that's new for me. A slave who gets in love at his master." She thought she better didn't say that. "Well I'm actually a bit in love with you to, because you where so nice for me and appreciate that." They both looked at each other. "I am willing to let you free but because you don't have a home will you stay with me then Livian? You don't have to do everything for me anymore and if you don't want to do it its ok and if you want to go out then I will let you go." She was happy whit those words and with him and with her freedom he just offered. "Ohw Renath, I will stay with you and thank you so much for it." They kissed each other deeply they where both in love.