Shifted Chapter 2

Story by Lurking Evil on SoFurry

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#2 of Shifted

Double Life

Jack and Jill went up the hill to fight and break the law.

There once was a boy named Jack who liked to play with knives. It started when he was very young, and only got better, or worse as he aged. An unfortunate event turned the young scalie on to the power in blades and as he grew, this view had been reinforced slowly but surely.

A weapon gave power, authority, and protection.

Under Jill's bed was a duffel bag full of knives of many shapes and sizes. Many other exotic implements could be found besides the usual coterie of straight edges. It had taken her several years as Jack to accumulate the collection.

Her mother knew very well she had blades hidden, yet chose not to interfere under recommendation of several child psychiatric evaluators following the first event. After all, it was not really a secret that Jill had taken years of martial arts and personal defense classes. Intense physical training was what granted the young woman her physique. No one was gifted with her musculature without years of commitment. Although her more formal education had fallen off to the wayside as she had grown older, she kept herself sharp through practice and other activities.

It was not these skills that made her regular life a lie, it was what she chose to do with them.

Hiding blades on her person, secret pockets sewn into clothes, this was part of who she was wherever she went. She had concocted enough creatively hidden straps to shame an exhibitionist bondage enthusiast. At the very least it gave her and Bethany something to compare notes on. Bringing weapons to school was not an ends unto itself, though even she would admit at the thrill of discovery, it had just become so routine that she hardly even thought much of it anymore.

No, even this persona, seemingly hidden was not the true Jill, just as the same could have been said of Jack.

However, she did not buy into any kind of Way of the Blade stuff that some of her more formal self-defense instructors had tried to drill into her. To her, it was all spiritual bullshit meant to draft more memberships out of self-empowerment enthusiasts or make it seem more wholesome to middle class housewives. She may not have acknowledged it herself but she did treat her tools with reverence, with respect. At their core, her blades were just pieces of shaped and sharpened metal. Even so, she respected and cared for each and every one because they were tools most precious.

Through a drifting set of circumstances that led her down a dark path, Jill had become involved with a more unsavory crowd. This had never been her original intention or opus in learning and practicing with knives, yet it had become an end unto itself. The indulgences that came with it were just a side benefit.

Illegal knife fights and gambling. That was the draw. That was the secret.

Jill was her true self not with her knives hidden, but worn openly on her hips and in her hands. That was the truth, the real. Everything else was simply not truth. It was not deceit per say, yet deceit was used. Jill had learned to lie with the best of them. With her knives, everything was simpler, easier. Perhaps that was one of the reasons being turned into a girl had upset her so, and really, continued to upset her. The young woman did not enjoy complication, did not enjoy drama or foolishness, and in fact despised being lied to herself.

In addition to being truer, fuller with her knives on display, when she fought with naked steel she felt alive. No drug to her compared to adrenaline. When one wrong slip could mean a severed artery or slit throat, her heart raced, pumping her blood faster in sympathy making bleeding out all the closer. With her formal teaching she was the best among the local street trash and violence nerds looking to compensate for their self-esteem with artificial inches.

Oh and how she reveled in her superiority. Careful not to flaunt her skill, she always left trash talk to spectators or gamblers. It was never wise to antagonize needlessly. Besides, Jill had not always been the best. There was a reason she wore either long-sleeved shirts or gloves and arm warmers. Scars crisscrossed her black and green flesh. Discolored, puckered, and rope-like, her flesh bore the price of the hard-won experience necessary to win fights outside of comfortably padded studios.

These marks were a testament to the reckless abandon her young mind thought of mortality. Not even youthful growth could regenerate the scars away. Fortunately so far her dark coloration kept the few on her face invisible. Out of necessity Jill had also learned rudimentary first-aid, finding sterilized needles and thread easier than the awkward questions going to the hospital would entail.

For as much as she would have denied it, Jill was an addict. Just like Keith and Bethany, she had her own poison. It was dangerous, immensely self-destructive both mentally and physically, and Jill had no intention really of ever stopping. After her self-indulgent bout of masturbation, Jill had felt honestly rather sullied. It had been pleasurably decadent, yet shame burned in her gut after she had been done. Even privately it had felt wrong.

The following day, much to her anger and disappointment, Victor had not shown up at their designated meeting place, indeed, had not even shown up for school. Neither she nor Sky had anything new to go on, so they had promised to meet on Saturday or Sunday. Jill might have been more perturbed, but could not shake the feeling of wrongness.

Reality seemed to have a nagging error, like the subtle scratches on a music disk. Impossible as it was to define, Jill could not quite grasp just what was off. Only that something was disturbed. Crawling under her skin was this itch, unsettling her the longer she picked at the itch, trying to understand what or why.

Regardless, Jill went to the quarry. Maybe it was to settle her nerves, or maybe to banish the itch. Even as non-intellectual as she was, knowing the truth of the world around her was no longer valid upset the boy-turned-girl.

Jill had bummed a ride off of Little John to the site. It had worked out nicely as he and Keith were running low on weed. The quarry was not so far away that Jill could not hike the miles there, but she preferred to ride whenever it was convenient.

Area knowledge. To the delinquent or deviant among the student population, the quarry was their true home. That sleep and school was simply a transition time between their lives out at the abandoned rocks. A deep, intrinsic distrust of adults and authority kept most grown-ups away. Which was exactly the way everyone else liked it. The oldest of the crowd were usually college goers or college drop-outs looking for some hits a little stronger than alcohol, or those looking to make a quick buck off of pawning some of their own stock off on the high or middle-schoolers that roamed.

As the name implied, the quarry was indeed an old, used up gravel mine. Sheer-cut walls hemmed in three sides while broken stone formed a kind of beach on the fourth. Rain-water had collected and formed a small lake over the years while several small creeks fed it run-off. There were a few places where it reached over forty feet in depth. Diving off the unnaturally perfect cliff-walls was a fun pass-time for those who just liked the atmosphere.

What really made the place anything other than a perfect swimming hole was the three-story parking garage. Each level was about five-thousand square feet. Not huge, yet significant enough for all kinds of fun. In addition, there was a paved lot two football fields in size connected on one side. Several dirt roads led to and from the quarry through the woods and fields near the edge of suburbia.

A decade before, construction plans had been set up for a new strip-mall and maybe a large chain retail store. When the economy had tanked, so had the company contracted to fulfill the plans. They had barely gotten started, having only had time to build up a parking area for the employees and a large lot for equipment and materials. All the land they had cleared was already green and verdant with prairie grass and young saplings. For a year, youths had been forbidden from the construction zone, then when the company's assets had been auctioned off, no one had wanted the land and it had gone back to federal control.

To the teenagers of that decade, it had been a hiccup of annoyance before business had gone on as usual. It had not taken long before someone thought of wrecking down a wall on the second story overlooking the lot and setting up sound equipment. Many a rave and rock concert had ensued. Still somewhat fresh, the concrete had been tagged by innumerable up and coming graffiti artists. A general bustle occupied the place at nearly all hours of the day. Enterprising skateboarders had even built a half-pipe out of abandoned plywood. All in all, it was a scene out of a punk rock music video.

Little John found a spot to park between scrap cars bought by children and wealthy luxury on wheels purchased for those lucky enough to have rich parents that did not care about spoiling their eggs rotten.

Stepping out of the car, she felt the soft crunch of the gravel beneath her feet, and the warm, early autumn sun calmly shining down. Scents of wildflowers and gasoline flitted nimbly through the air. Thanking her friend for the ride, Jill went her own way, wandering around.

Today Jill was wearing another simple ensemble, still disdaining the more girly items hanging in her closet. Loose jeans, loose green tank-top made tight by her tits despite a strong sports-bra, and a black fleece hoodie. Her long and wild black mane she had decided to tie back to keep under control.

Engines revved and Jill turned her head to the current spectacle she had arrived just in time to see. There was a small knot of spectators gathered on the paved field cheering intermittently. Not one to miss a good bout of car jousting, Jill meandered over, brushing shoulders and touching bases with a few furs she knew well. Leaning against a parked car, she had a decent view of the two about to fight in their own way.

Atop a red sedan missing both side mirrors was a grey and blue wolf who looked rather small and not a little nervous. Facing opposite was a well-built lion on a barely functioning station wagon. Both contestants wore football pads with circular targets painted on and bowl helmets. Protection was less of a concern than making the fighters and spectators feel more like they were participating in a medieval contest of skill. A rope was even tied through the open front windows for the riders to hang onto like reins.

A fox was walking around taking bets with a pair of wooden boxes strapped around his middle handing out voucher cards. He spotted Jill and sauntered over with a smile.

"Hey there, pretty lady. Care to put your hand in my box?" The cheeky fox said boldly, having to crane his head to look up at her. Being addressed as a lady nearly killed her good mood again, but Jill did not let it show.

"Glad to know you never change, Shaun." The brightly colored lizard said, dropping a twenty-dollar bill into the blue box. With a wider grin he handed her a blue colored chunk of broken lance with a twenty stenciled on it. With the joust about to start, Shaun slinked off. Furs of all shape and size gathered at the quarry, so the betting pool was almost always pretty good.

A bikini clad bunny stepped out between the cars, raised a red flag and signaled the start of the match. Both drivers accelerated, closing the gap between them in a few seconds as the jousters raised their lances of foam and plastic piping. In a flash of burnt plastic, sweat, and toe-clenching tension, the two collided at a cumulative forty miles an hour.

In an anti-climax that only ratcheted up the tension more, the first pass the two made against each other was a miss, both failing to hit their targets. The cars braked hard and turned, forcing the riders to crouch down lest they lose their fragile holds, clenching their rope reins tightly. The drivers barely slowed as they lined up again and charged.

With a quick flick, twist, and perfect timing, the grey and blue wolf feinted a jab at the lion's face and with only a tenth of a second left used the opening of the lion's flinch to deliver a perfect strike dead center against the crude target circle. Off balanced and hit, the lion stumbled and the racing station wagon pulled away beneath him. For a moment, the fur was airborne. Then that moment was over and the burly wolf, so full of might and grounded by weight, was suddenly at the full mercy of momentum and physics, floating in the empty air before rag dolling across the pavement.

He rolled to a stop and was deathly still.

For a few breathless seconds the crowd was quiet.

Only stunned, the lion got up, took off his helmet, and raised both fists into the air. The roar of the youth was vigorous and Jill was one of the many voices cheering. Forgetting her teenage anguish once again, the young woman released her tension into that full-blooded call.

The wolf released his grip on the rope and jumped off his still moving car, tucked into a roll and came up bouncing with victory. He shook hands with his opponent and they both moved into the crowd for rounds of back-slapping and more cheers. Both participants handed off their gear to the next two waiting for their turn while Shaun and a two others handled payouts.

Shaking his head, the amused yet disgruntled fox tossed Jill a roll of money for her voucher. She was not so rude as to count it right then and there. He did not dare short her. After all, he would not have been a very good bookie if he had.

Gambling, illegal street races, car jousting, knife fights, fist fights, rampant sex, drugs, alcohol, and loud rebellious music. Everything a parent feared their child might become involved in. Dispassionate and disillusioned, the furs that gathered in the quarry embodied the future in its entire narcotic and nicotine soaked glory. Hope for a better life was replaced with disappointment as every authority in all their lives spent their faith away, incurring debt for their sons and daughters in exchange for their retirement.

Expected to shoulder their parent's burden, the young did what the young always did, and took the opposite path. Settling down to a nice office job with good benefits and having two point five children became the exception rather than the norm. The sliding scale of cynicism ran deep into the subconscious core of everyone at the quarry whether they realized it or not.

The gender-bent lizard girl with too many knives on her person pocketed her winnings and waved down the victorious wolf to congratulate him herself. Martin saw Jill and broke away from the few still congratulating him and moved toward the periphery of the group.

"I can't believe you pulled that off, you crazy fuck." She chided with a smile. Martin was known for pulling unorthodox moves which did not always work. It kept his odds in the ranks of underdogs but to Jill that just made the payoff sweeter when he won.

"I can hardly believe it either. I've been workin' on that little trick for a while now." The blue wolf ran a hand through the fur on top of his head, breathing out the tension and basking in the shaky euphoria of adrenaline.

"Martin! That was sooooooo amazing!" Cried a squeaky voice followed by a brightly colored ball of fur hurtling itself into Martin's arms. Candy was a vixen with way too many neon extensions in her hair and way too much drive between her legs.

Jill regarded the display of affection with a typical eye-roll. Or she would have, had her mind and body not decided to rebel. She looked the jouster up and down with a unique taste in her mouth. A pang struck her, a craving. Normally, this feeling was reserved solely for the female sex, yet she felt an inexplicable yearning.

Lust, spurred on by new chemical hormones, Jill's mind recoiled in horror. Of course, the moment she identified the feeling, she imagined his warm body on top of hers. At the speed of thought, before she could clamp down on the errant impulse, she thought of him inside her, touching and reaching and filling her with gasping pleasure. Terrified, her body stiffened for a moment as her crotch twinged. The moment fortunately passed as the alien feeling triggered enough of a fear response to flood her body in cortisol, suppressing her sex drive enough to equal a dozen ice cold showers.

Neither Candy nor the jousting teen noticed the hiccup in Jill's posture. As the brightly colored strumpet glanced around and grew a little more serious, she leaned forward with a conspiratorial look.

"Hey, Jill. There's been a new girl runnin' around, talkin' some major shit." To Candy, everything was fun and games, so she lyrically spouted a final warning. "Just watch your baaack." Pulling his arm and muttering sweet nothings, Candy dragged the victorious car jouster off into the bushes to find out how skilled he was with his other lance.

At the same time, Jill was glad for the distraction, yet also could give a flying fuck about some wannabe claiming they were the best thing since sliced bread. All kinds of challengers had come and gone just in Jill's time running around the quarry. She was honestly looking to kill time and relax with the menagerie of distractions available at the delinquent hot spot. There was going to be a rave later on that night by one of Jill's favorite mixers.

Wandering around, greeting familiar faces, indulging in the sights and sounds of debauchery brought on by unmitigated impulses and an almost complete lack of inhibitions. Various pieces of abandoned furniture had found their way into the protected parking garage. She found an unoccupied armchair next to a pair of felines passionately trying to see who could fit more of each other's face in their mouths.

Jill went to the quarry for the atmosphere, for the furs, for the money, and for the shallow glory. At the moment she was enjoying it for the first, watching the colorful characters coming and going. Sitting sideways, she draped her feet and tail over the side of the chair and started cleaning under her talons with a small throwing knife.

A half-hour later, Jill was still in her chair and the cat couple had gotten past second base when she felt the first real sting of her new gender.

It was Jason who found her. Jason of all the furs, the pot-bellied bull himself. Perhaps he might have been handsome if not for the blubber clinging stubbornly to his gut from too much beer and not enough exercise. The brown and white spotted bull was a lot of things, a druggie, a dealer, a purveyor of many narcotics and alcoholic beverages. But he was also much smarter, and cleverer than his peers. His popularity among the underground crowds came from his charisma and ability to throw some of the best parties, either at the quarry or a few choice houses.

An older boy, he was a college dropout who lived with his parents and made his money selling all kinds of things to minors.

At first Jill smiled; glad to see a friendly face. He and Jack had been good friends, paling around in ways that only two guys who understood and respected each other did. At that moment, she needed a friend to talk about the weather, their shitty life, their shitty parents, or maybe who had knocked up who in the last month. There were not many that really understood as much of Jill's mentality as Jason did.

Hell, there had been more than once that they had ganged up on some underclassmen together and kicked the collective shit out of them. It was a memory of wanton violence that brought a warm glow to Jill's gut. For to her, there was no bonding like that of a mutual fight. An intrinsic trust formed during any kind of scuffle and Jill felt as though she had shared that at one time with the bull.

Something was different, changed in his demeanor. What Jill lacked in intelligence, she made up for in perception. Just as she had identified the recognition in Victor's eye, she noticed the hunger. Just from a look, posture, and the way he positively slithered up to her told Jill that he wanted her in the worst way. He gave her a thorough up and down look that seemed to peer under her clothing. She was not sure if Jason thought his probing glare was subtle, or just did not care. The oily look left her feeling sullied.

All this and he had yet to even speak. Then he did and she had the strange desire to cut off her own ears.

"Hey, Jill, damn you're lookin' hot today." Again he looked her up and down, lingering on her chest and crotch, giving his lower lip a little nibble in a way clearly meant to be sensual. "I could spread you like butter, babe." He clearly spoke with the expectation that with a few sweet words she would rip off her pants and let herself be taken in a womanly fashion.

Without even asking, he got close enough for Jill to smell the mint on his breath. Clearly he wanted to get closer however restrained himself somewhat because of her personal grooming device. On edge already, she noted the way he postured himself over the chair so as to look down on her. The masculine assertions made her want to gag. When he trailed a finger up her leg she shivered in disgust and felt a lump of gorge rise. Quickly she got up on her feet, rising to stand a few inches taller than the bull.

It was more than just his ham-fisted overtures of sex; it was a sense of betrayal that curdled in Jill's own stomach. Or so she thought. Still lacking the wherewithal to truly see through the looking glass, she did not fully understand why she felt the way she did. Why should she care what Jason thought of this body? It was not really hers. It was just on loan until she could find a way out of this crazy wonderland.

"Woo, yeah, feel that air." She started awkwardly, trying to deflect the conversation away, subconsciously gripping the knife so tightly her knuckles were whitening. Looking back, Jill nearly physically took a step away. A hot coal now burned deep in the windows of Jason's soul. A resentment that only surfaced at her refusal.

"So that's it, huh? You're trying to get back at me by pretending to be gay? Is that your excuse not to be my fuck-buddy?" Jill's mind reeled, and she stood aghast. Simply based on the wounded pride dripping from his voice Jill was unsure if her female half-life had turned him down before or drowned a litter of kittens in front of him.

At least until discipline asserted itself and she summoned up her own anger to the fore.

"Jason, what the fuck are you talking about? Seriously, dude, you're freaking me out a little here."

Fuck-buddies? What the blue-balled flying fuckery is up the fuck with that? Christ, Jason, I've stepped on rusty nails that had more tact than you. She refrained from saying what she was thinking aloud, but only barely.

"I promise, just one night with me and I'd flip you. You just haven't been with the right man. C'mon..." Jill was unsure which aspect of this whole situation was worse, that he was practically begging, or that he thought she was sending those kinds of signals.

Before Jill could properly tell Jason to go fuck himself, Candy appeared, looking quite a bit frumpier with some of her colorful extensions coming loose. Jouster boy had certainly proven adept with his pole.

"Yo, Jill, you know that poser I told ya 'bout? She's here. And she's callin' you out."

Jason glared at the vixen with thinly veiled annoyance. Meanwhile Jill was just glad for the diversion.

Gee, Candy, when did you become such a fan? Slater thought quietly to herself.

With a huff of feigned agitation, Jill got up out of her chair and casually meandered out of the parking structure, pointedly ignoring Jason who chose not to follow for a reason Slater could care less to learn. Outside, the temperature was falling fast with the slowly dying day.

"Hey, bitch, 'bout time you showed up." Having woken up to find out she had been gender-swapped, Jill Slater thought she had seen everything. However, when she turned to the rather butch voice that had called her out, the bad-boy turned bad-girl was speechless.

"What's up, you fucking cock whore. I'm the genuine god-damned Dominatrix." The rhetoric was spouted with the implication that the lizard woman simply must have heard of her. Jill regarded the profanity spewing yellow lab with disbelief, convinced that someone must have slipped her something hallucinogenic again. The female Labrador was about six inches too short and wearing way too much leather. Leather corset, leather knee-high boots, and leather gloves, were all signs of someone trying perhaps a little too hard. To top it off there was a bullwhip in one of her hands and a chain leash in the other.

Without a sissy attached to the chain leash it seemed rather lonely. Maybe the addition of a partner would have added a little legitimacy to her claim as the Dominatrix. Regardless of living accessories, she would have fit right in at a BDSM convention rather than the quarry. She may even have been passably cute had it not been for the hairstyle choice of a Mohawk.

"Dayum, bitch, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Candy countered, safely peering around Jill.

"Shut your cock-hole of a mouth you shit-gargling cum dumpster. I've seen skid marks less shitty than you. Now close that gaping glory-hole before any more rancid jizz leaks out of it, the big girls are talking."

The lizard girl raised a questioning brow at the slurry of profanity coming from the lab's mouth. A crowd was naturally starting to gather. When Jill saw the way the canine's gaze counted her onlookers she knew exactly what was going on. She put away the small throwing knife she had been grooming herself with and pulled out a butterfly, flipping it open in a way that always impressed. Candy took the cue and finally ran off to join the gawkers.

"Woah, woah. What is that?" The Dominatrix asked with an accusatory gesture. "Is that a knife? What? You trying to be a man or something? Stabbing shit with a fake dick is not womanly. Real woman use engulfing weapons, the whip, the chain." She said, raising the items in question.

Very ladylike indeed.

Jill stuck her blade between her thighs and thrusted her pelvis lewdly.

"Suck it, Bitch."

The crowd laughed and with a snarl, the lab knew she would have to prove her bullshit philosophy with actions rather than words.

Speed and dexterity controlled a whip, not strength, and the Labrador clearly had sufficient skill to use the whip as an armament to full effect. In and of itself, a whip was not an effective weapon. Shock and awe comprised most of the strategy the Dominatrix employed. Pain, reach, and intimidation were supposed to deter anyone foolish enough to attack.

At the quarry, the regular fighters had come to a sort of agreed upon etiquette. The fights obviously were not to the death. They were teenagers mostly for goodness' sake. Most of the time any knife fight was either to first blood or admitted submission. A lot of grand standing and metaphorical cock-waving went into such a battle. Rare was the fight as serious as the one brewing.

Jill stuck the handle of the blade between her teeth and went to work, charging her opponent.

Like a gunshot, the tip cracked and tore across Jill's collar and down her left breast when she was in range.

Pain electrified her nerves. Yet one shot was all the lab was going to get. Seven feet of whip and four feet of chain. Two steps was all she needed to bridge the remaining distance. What had allowed the Dominatrix superiority in her previous conflicts was inexperience. An inexperienced fighter would have shrunk away from the reach and skirted the range of the whip. However, Jill did have the experience.

For the grizzled teen, one strike was not enough to keep her from closing the distance.

With some serious feinting, dodging, and luck, she might have been able to dodge the whip. Honestly though, she could not particularly respect such a show weapon. So she took the hit. Uncaring, the lizard girl soldiered through the pain. Jill considered ramming her blade straight into the Labrador's leg or something crippling and spiteful. Sadly that would have raised uncomfortable questions. Besides, she still had to deal with the chain.

Which proved to be even more of a disappointment than the whip. Sure it was heavier, however by the same token, it relied more on strength which the leather fetishist lacked. The chain lacked enough heft to really be used as a bludgeoning tool. Limp as an ice-cold dick, the metal chain folded in on itself. Honestly, Jill was unsure why the bitch even had the chain.

One long cut. That's what Jill wanted to inflict. Nothing deep.

First, the lizard's fist rocketed into the Labrador's gut. Spittle and air flew from the Dominatrix's mouth as she bent nearly double over, loosing her grip on the chain as her fingers slackened. She might have cried out had she the air to do so. Shocked and awed herself, the girl heard the cheers of the crowd all too clearly while Jill heard it not at all. The only sound the gender bent girl acknowledged was of the hit. Resounding in her mind was the solid thump of her knuckles against leather clad midriff.

Next she grabbed the Labrador's right forearm and was about to turn and put the Dominatrix into a wrist and shoulder lock when, coughing, the yellow lab twisted out of Jill's grip. Anger flashed through her. Anger at her situation, anger at her friend turning into a lustful slob, anger at her own impotency in affecting the world around her. Anger at being challenged by such a weak character.

With a sneer of contempt, the young scalie snatched a fistful of the yellow lab's hair all the way down to her scalp. Both of the Dominatrix's paws came up to grip at the offending claw. However she tugged and scratched, Jill's iron digits were unyielding. Wanting not just to put the fight out of her opponent, but malign her very character, Jill struck for all she was worth.

She held her enemy with her left, so drew out the blade from her teeth with her right. Using the leverage afforded to her, the scalie shoved the other girl's head down and brought her knee up. Some of the onlookers cringed at the resounding thwack as kneecap met skull. Jill pulled back the Labrador's head by her hair and set her leg down and did it again.

It was unnecessary brutality, and Jill would have been a liar if she had said she did not enjoy inflicting such suffering. Her actions went beyond simply putting the dog in her place, who may have even deserved it, it was about taking her frustrations out on the best target.

Nearly senseless as her struggles weakened, the Dominatrix could not resist while Jill cut her. Starting at the shoulder, the spiteful woman sliced down to her wrist. It was quick, clean, shallow, and hit no major veins or arteries. Satisfied for the first time that day, Jill tossed the stunned, battered, and bleeding girl into the dirt with hardly a care. With an arrogant sway in her steps, Jill walked away from the fight with cheers of blood at her back.


Music loud enough to shake the heavens thumped out across the dirt and pavement. Enshrined in light and sound on the second story of the parking garage, the DJ waved his hands and the young danced in time. Glow-sticks and ecstasy in pill form were in abundance as ravers rubbed against one another, just letting the rhythm control their bodies. An orgy of loose morals and even looser inhibitions.

Much like school, the stink of hormones and sex pervaded the air. Yet here at least they were allowed to flow freely. Down there in the light and sounds and writhing flesh there was also liberation. There was release, relief from the daily struggle of control. Here was expression through indulgence. Depending on the individual, perhaps over-indulgence.

Down in the middle of the sizable mob was Jill. The music was so loud it replaced her thoughts and the beat was like a force of nature unto itself that commanded her feet to move. Wearing her own glow-sticks alternatively gifted or coerced, Jill danced, enjoying the anonymity afforded by the alternating bright and dark.

For a time Jill forgot all about her own failings and troubles, about Labradors with too much leather and bulls with impure intentions.

Nothing could break her trance. Nothing but a lost looking mouse girl threading her way clumsily through the mob.

For a second, Jill tried to remember where she knew the girl. Then, regaining some faculties between beats realized it was Sky. Shocked that the straight-laced honor student was at the quarry. The scalie pondered for a moment what could have brought her to such an unsavory area with such a repulsive crowd. She was wearing a silver ruffled blouse and a long jean skirt of all things.

Sky, clearly baffled and lost, appeared to be looking for someone.

Oh fuck me with my own disembodied cock Jill slapped her forehead with a palm in accompaniment with the errant thought and marched over to the good-natured girl. The scalie grabbed her with the very hand that had hours ago aided in conducting a savage fury. Volume made it impossible to speak yet Sky tried. Simply rolling her eyes, Jill led the helpless student council member out of the mob.

When they were finally far enough away to talk above the thumping rhythm, Jill asked, "What in the hell are you doing here, Sky?" The mouse had to take a moment and find her voice, having shouted herself hoarse during her search.

"I was looking for," She paused to cough a few times, "You." Again, Jill rolled her eyes.

"Why, for fuck's sake are you looking for me?"

"Well... I can't exactly talk to anyone else about all this, can I? I've been going mad just sitting at home... waiting. Victor isn't answering his phone, and I'd heard that you like to, well, uh, hang around this place." Sky made big sad eyes at the much taller scalie. Letting out a prodigious sigh, Jill found great difficulty in holding on to her aggravation.

"Alright, c'mon, the night's still young. I sure hope for your sake your parents are out of town."


As it turned out, Sky's parents were off on a business trip that Jill could not be bothered to remember. Having helped herself to two cups of boxed wine from Sky's fridge she was really starting to relax. The mouse was one of the young fortunate enough to have their own car which was how Jill was now lounging on Sky's flower print bed. As the eldest of four siblings, she enjoyed many luxuries, like her own bedroom with a lock on the door.

The home was everything one would expect with a well-off middle class family: themed pastel furniture, a moderately stocked kitchen, and a feminine touch that clearly knew nothing about interior design and paint scheme. Although she would never admit it aloud, the whole thing was rather relaxing.

Sky's room reflected her girly habits in all the ways Jill's did not. Pinks and purples were in high density. The carpet at least was a moderate creme. Numerous boy band or girly cartoon character posters hung at carefully chosen tilts. A dresser was topped with the leavings of early girlhood, dolls warring with the encroachment of makeup.

Hell, even her desktop computer had a gentle lilac tinted casing.

Again, Jill was cleaning under her claws with a knife. The particular blade she was using was one of her twins. Eighteen curved inches of San Mai steel was the culmination of her personal tastes and experience. Blood groove, full-tang wrapped in genuine leather, yet the part that really separated them as her favorite, even to the point where she owned two was the rounded steel finger loop at the bolster. It had saved her digits more times than she could count.

Jill owned a duffel bag stashed under her bed stuffed with various items ranging between novel and deadly. In Jill's early days of knife and weapon collection she had wasted several hundred dollars on internet crap pieces. After snapping far too many pure stainless steel novelties she educated herself on different metals. Many of her knives she never bothered to sharpen just so if she did cut her opponent in a fight it was less likely the injury would be serious.

Her good San Mai fighting knives were a different story. She did not carry them for show. Jill had them for true self-defense. Sure, she had shown off with them more than once, but she had been extremely careful each time. Their edges were as sharp as their high-carbon composition could hold.

Sky sat in her desk chair, swiveling back and forth.

"Hey, Sky," Jill piped up suddenly.


"What do you remember. Y'know, before all this weird shit happened."

The honor student paused to collect her thoughts.

"It's... hard to describe. I can remember you being a guy, and me being straight. But then... it's like... how should I say..." Her voice trailed off for a moment. "Like these two worlds have kind of overlapped. If I focus, I can see one or the other. Sometimes it feels like both are a dream and I don't know which one is the real one."

"So what do you think made us like this?" Jill speculated.

"It's all so strange, isn't it." The mouse said with a shake of her head. "I can't even imagine what could do something like all this. I mean, who knows what else has changed that we don't even realize?"

Now that was a frightening thought, and it made both of the teens pause.

"Sooooo, why do you have the knives?" Sky asked as the silence stretched. Jill shot the mouse a look tinged with a little disgust.

"You have no idea how many times I've heard that." Silence stretched while Sky waited for Jill to extrapolate.

"Why are you in the student council then? Why do you give a shit about stuff like grades or the honor roll?" Jill responded after an appropriate time to let her point sink in. Her tone alone was practically soaked in derision.

"What are you talking about? At our age there's nothing more important than grades. How else will you get into a decent college? We're building our futures right now." The miniature speech was delivered with enough passion to sway at least a few young minds. Jill, however, behind her wall of skepticism and borderline nihilistic disregard for her fellow furs was immune to the appeal.

"College? Are you serious? Do I really look like college material to you? Even if I gave five flying fucks, it would be too late now. Unlike you, miss straight A's, my grades are shit. So, if by some miracle I got accepted into an equally shitty college, how would I pay for it without qualifying for student loans? And, to top it all off, why would I want to live under crippling debt for the next ten or so years?"

Jill, and Jack before her both lacked in academic merits yet made up for the deficiency in perception. She was just smart enough to understand that all her delinquency was simply another symptom of a disaffected and apathetic generation. She imagined herself swimming in the sea of regressive activism when in fact they were all drowning in it. Eloquence was something that came to the lizard-girl only on rare occasions.

Talking on the subject gave Jill a sense of ambivalence. On one claw, it was cathartic to preach about her misgivings. On the other, given the atmosphere of the times, other furs only protested on principle, not because they really believed otherwise. It was expected, required, drilled into her generation from grade school onward that college was the end all.

"The institution of higher learning has become simply another facilitation of greed and socially dogmatic programming. High school was the vitally important stepping stone from which your future begins. Without proper planning and forethought you can be screwed before you send in your first application. From there, you're supposed to forge the greatest memories of your life. Everyone over the age of thirty think back on the 'good ol' college days.' like some kind of talisman against their own self-inflicted suffering. They hide beneath midlife crisis while they drink away their own children's college fund.

"Remember, these life changing experiences are supposed to be based off of our degrading public school system and coincide with the best years of our life. Either you shit on your life now, or life shits on you later. We may as well give it the middle finger now rather than later when you're on your third child in your fifth loveless relationship."

Sky sat agog at the suddenly articulate seventeen year old. The statements Jill had made almost struck the mouse as sacrilegious. She had been raised to honor and revere the institution of university education.

"I... had no idea you felt so strongly about it."

The lizard-girl's ears lay flat, limp and lifeless.

"I try not to think about it."

Sky came and sat on the bed next to the distressed gender-bent, grabbing her hand and giving it a soft squeeze. Jill looked at the much smaller girl and saw sympathy there.

Suddenly Sky leaned in and her lips found their target. At first surprised, Jill did not pull away. Closing her eyes, the forlorn lizard girl lost herself in the kiss. No more words passed between the two as their embrace deepened and they lay back on the bed, not letting their mouths part.

Their lips moved together, both enjoying the taste of the other. While Jill simply held Sky around the middle, the mouse's soft hands were exploring. First it was down the lizard girl's arms, and then across her neck and chest. Every taut ligament and limb was open to touch as her partner's body slowly melted under her caresses. The little mouse pressed her whole body against the much larger lizard.

While Sky luxuriated in feeling Jill's physical perfection, the scalie was enjoying taking a more passive role. Slater laid back on Sky's floral print bed and allowed herself to be pleasured. Light as she was, the white mouse was a comfortable pressure and warm too. Sky took very thorough care of her fur, using all manner of shampoo and conditioner. Enveloped in the mild fruity scent of Sky's shampoo, she let herself relax further, closing her eyes and really sinking into the passion of the moment.

It's always the quiet ones. Jill mentally acknowledged then shooed the errant thought away.

Rubbing her lizard's washboard stomach, Sky slipped under Jill's shirt and teased along the bottom of her bra. Finally fed up with waiting, the mouse sat up, straddling her partners hips. She pulled up Jill's shirt to her undergarment. Rubbing and feeling, Sky steadily teased Jill's breasts. Testing the waters and finding them warm, the furry female wedged her fingers beneath the sports bra and pulled.

Released from their strong supports, Jill's dark, heavy breasts fell free. Shirt and bra bunched up, the young woman looked incredibly shy and vulnerable. Breasts bared, it became clear what a unique specimen the scalie was. As fit, as muscular as she was, her tits were large, yet on her frame they were plump without sagging. Dashes of acid green color spiraled up her limbs and her nipples and areola were green as well.

"Are those..." Sky asked, her mouth open in shock. As surprised by actually seeing her tits in person, she was ten times as surprised by Jill's piercings. Sky had never seen something so singularly erotic. Gently she ran a furry hand up one breast and fondled the silver barbell, feeling how the stem pierced the nipple. Jill Jumped a little, letting out a surprised sound. She had played with her own breasts just a little during her exploratory masturbation, yet never knew just how much they could be stimulated.

With her female knowledge, Sky was able to tantalize the scalie's nipples in just the right way. In moments both nipples were hard enough to cut glass. Jill watched Sky use her hands for a while and closed her eyes again to better enjoy the physical sensations. All of a sudden something immeasurably warm and wet enveloped her left nipple. Involuntarily her toes curled and she gasped, her hips rising up a little, lifting Sky a good couple of inches. The closest feeling Jill could equate it to was getting her cock sucked for the first time, back when she had a cock.

Using her tongue, the mouse was able to really feel the delicate nuances of the piercing. She herself had always scoffed at the idea of body jewelry of any sort yet was beginning to reconsider. With just a flick, feeling the soft skin and hard metal, she was able to make her partner positively squirm. When she switched to the other breast, the mouse left behind a thin strand of saliva. For a moment the cool air caressed the wetness making the sensations all the sharper.

Rubbing her legs and thrusting her pelvis vainly in frustration, Jill felt herself soaked through with arousal just from the tit play. Lost in the tidal wave of carnal passion she had no thought to her old body or gender identity. There was only what was happening right then and there. As captivating as all the teasing and attention was, Jill soon found herself yearning to have her more delicate parts touched. All she had was the weight of her partner teasingly resting on her pelvis.

Moaning, writhing in shameless impotence, Jill whimpered for all she was worth, uncaring if the noise carried past Sky's door.

The devious mouse knew she had her amazon right where she wanted her. She had never been so turned on in all her life. Something about the change, the shift in reality had given her the boldness to at last act on all her pent up fetishes, all those immoral thoughts. Jill's body became a chalice for all the indulgences Sky could dream of. Part power trip, part wish fulfillment, Sky craved every inch of Jill's anatomy.

With the scalie's impotent pleas, the mouse girl gave her what she wanted. Still sucking on a nipple, Sky rubbed Jill's smooth muscled stomach and slid down her pants, down beneath her underwear, straight for the gold. Sky's paws were just so soft, so calm and sure. Involuntarily, her legs opened to welcome the touch. With her index and ring fingers the mouse spread Jill's outer lips and teased the lizard's clitoris out from under its hood.

Thrusting her hips lewdly, Jill cried out with relief. Whereas before, fumbling around with her privates as she had, Slater had had difficulty with self-gratification. Sky knew just what to do. Circling the tip of her middle finger in vigorous circles she felt Jill clench up and was shocked to find that she was cumming. Momentarily flattered that just the little bit of foreplay was enough to rev her engine this much. The smaller girl considered stopping, drawing out the play. Control had its lure.

Yet she was not that cruel. Besides, she wanted to see Jill cum for real. The mouse sat up to get a better view, ignoring how Jill's waistband dug into her arm.

She kept on with her heavy petting, struggling to stay on target with how slippery the bent-girl's clit was. For a female, Jill had retained an immense amount of muscle, forcing the mouse to exert quite a lot of effort. She had perhaps even gained some despite the differences in hormones. Slater dug her hands into the sheets and alternated between spreading and clenching her thighs. She was so incredibly close to the edge. With how quickly she had gotten there she felt as though she was careening off a waterfall.

Like a mechanical bull, she bucked and rocked and almost seemed to be doing her best to throw Sky off her, yet the mouse kept at it. Body practically heaving in exertion, Jill came.

As before, she nearly lost the rhythm of her body's pleasure. She teetered and finally crossed that salacious boundary. Liquid bliss thundered through her blood, streaming through every extremity. Uncontrollably Jill shuddered, tensed, exploded. Back arching, she closed her eyes again, biting her lower lip in the process, trying to deal with the sensory overload. It was all so much she had real difficulty in containing the outburst.

If Sky's ministrations had been enough to blank her mind, then the orgasm she experienced was of transcendent enlightenment. Everything felt too powerful. The bed beneath her was too soft, her clothes stifling and itchy, Sky's body heat seemed equal to that of the sun. Her insides, muscles she had never really known before seemed to be performing acrobatics as color burst behind her closed eyelids.

And of course, the fingers that were moving so surely across her slippery love button became the point around which her entire world revolved. After a few seconds Jill reached the height of her climax and might have wound down, but Sky and her magic hands kept her in those dizzying heights for much longer. Slater gushed a prodigious amount of girl-cum, completely soaking both Sky's gentle fingers and her own underwear.

Breasts heaving with the added intake of her lungs, Jill slowly came down into afterglow. Sky was a skilled lover and was able to gauge how far along her partner was in her orgasm, slowing her finger strokes accordingly.

Sky felt like she had just gotten a front row seat to something truly magical.

Jill could say with confidence that she had never had an orgasm as powerful, as potent as that. Jack had not been a virgin before his transformation. Indeed, he had even pounded one out inside Candy when he had been a little more naive about sex. Despite searching, Jill had not found any kind of journal or diary full of sexploits that would have shed light on her new body's state of past physical intimacy. Whether she was a virgin or not, she certainly felt like one.

She had just gotten finger-banged into orgasm and her pants were not even off yet. Fingers soaked, Sky removed her digits. The damp fabric clung to the lizard-girl's mound. Cold from the air, the wet panties made Slater shiver and clench her legs. Watching Sky suck on the fingers that had been against her clit gave her a different kind of shiver.

"That was incredible. You're incredible. God, I never knew watching someone else cum could be so sexy." Sky said, watching Jill settle into her glow. After a while Jill watched the mouse trail her soft fingers up and down Jill's bare abdomen.

"I never knew you were so into girls, Sky. Wouldn't have pegged you for a lesbian." Any other time, Jill would have been flushed up to her neck with her breasts bared. Physical intimacy had a way of loosening inhibitions. Slater felt a physical attraction to Sky on principle. She had that cute bookworm look going on.

"You know, that makes you a lesbian too." She said with a titter. " Besides,I wouldn't have either. At least, until I saw you." That made Jill pause.

"What? Why me?" Jack had possessed a surprising amount of self-confidence for a high-schooler, his masculine ego did not allow him to acknowledge compliments for his feminine body.

"Why you?! Are you kidding me? Have you looked into a mirror lately?" In fact she had and blushed all the harder for her narcissism. "You're not just pretty, Jill, you're beautiful."

"You don't think all this muscle on a girl is rather... grotesque?" It had been a point of inner contention for some time, but Jill was just now vocalizing it. She honestly did not think such masculine features for a girl were attractive. Not to mention all the scars. While she had become a girl, Jill still retained her attraction for the gender. She looked for submissive features. Short, busty, wider hips, perhaps edging a bit towards more buxom woman.

Aside from the genetically improbable boobs, Jill found none of those traits in herself. Not enjoying the rumination ruining her afterglow, she redirected the conversation.

"Hold on, how come I'm laying here without my shirt, and you've still got everything on." She added a sultry tease.

"Why? What will you do to get me out of 'em?" Sky gyrated her hips, still sitting on top of her partner. Jill snagged the bottom of Sky's top and grinned evilly.

"You're forgetting who has knives strapped to their legs." A little worried, the mouse peeled her top off with gusto. Her bra was as vanilla as she portrayed herself at school to be. Dismounting, Sky continued to divest herself of the restrictive clothing. Jill would never have guessed Sky held such a pent up lust.

Mind clouded by desire, Jill joined the mouse in stripping. She sighed in relief as her lady-bits were finally allowed to breathe properly. Tempted as she was to leave her knives on, Jill still had her upper-arm bands stuffed with blade, so she felt safe taking off her San Mai babies.

Kicking off her black panties, Jill still did not feel fully naked. Uncovered, yet still not vulnerable.

Splayed out au-naturel on Sky's innocent floral print bedspread, the gender-bent teen felt relaxed for the first time in what seemed like weeks. She took a moment to take in the sight of unclothed Sky. The white mouse was small, practically diminutive. Flat as a board as well. At least she did not have horrible buck teeth like some mice did. The only thing she still wore were the slim, gold colored glasses.

The shy student council treasurer really had the hot librarian look going on. Jill never would have guessed that simple glasses could have ever lent a fur such an erotic cast. Cute pink nipples stood out on the ever so faint swell of her bosom and her thin pink tail was doing the cutest little dance. And by the look on the honor student's face, her birthday had just come early.

Sky bent over, dug underneath her bed and emerged with a small bag.

The mouse had a comparable collection of sex toys as to Jill's knives. And that was saying something. After a little digging, Sky held up a bright red double-ended dildo.

Jill never would have guessed Sky to have such a hidden kink. For one who prided themselves on their ability to read the moves of their opponent, Jill retained the dangerous male mindset of being unable to interpret female sexual overtures.

Rejoining her on the bed, Sky wasted no time and traced the dildo slowly up Jill's slit.

Not at all sure how to brace herself, Jill just gripped her tail nervously. With only her natural lubrication, she felt every inch that penetrated her. Smiling wryly, the mouse did not stop sliding the toy into her partner until a whole half of it was buried deep. Jill's pussy clamped down hard on the invader. Moaning in discomforted pleasure, the lizard girl was shocked at how much of the toy was in her.

With the quickness of the intrusion, it felt as though it was spearing through her whole lower half. The head of the sex toy brushed against the end of her tunnel, touching a place inside her that had never been touched before. It was a day of firsts for many reasons. Feeling rather helpless, she whimpered trying to get her pussy to calm down and relax around the toy, insides clenching.

Sky was receptive enough to know when her partner was discomforted and gave the larger girl some time to breathe, helping her along with a gentle clit rub. Instead of her cock, it was her cunt that was throbbing. The clitoral stimulation was almost too much with how tightly her outer lips were stretched. Jill gave the mouse such a look of forlorn distress, the honor student had to pause and take in the sight of her.

The lizard girl had her arms crossed under her breasts, bringing the soft globes up and together. Her prodigious dark hair was splayed out all over the pillows, long soft ears back and short horns poking lustrously out of her thick mane. She made such a sight that the mouse could not help herself, dipping down to kiss and touch the lizard's face. Grinning mischievously into the kiss, the mouse's soft fingers traced along Jill's labia, feeling the delicate skin slicked with natural lubrication wrapped around the smooth silicone.

Hardly able to contain herself, Sky at last slid down and positioned herself to take advantage of the other side of the toy sticking out of Jill's snatch. Wedging her left leg under Jill's right, Sky gripped her lover's iron thighs and began sliding the unused side of the bright red dildo into her soaking wet cunt. All the teasing she had done to Jill had the mouse more than ready. Sighing in release of at last having something for her insides to wrap around, Sky did not stop until her pussy was flush with Jill's.

On the slide down, the added pressure on Jill's insides made her groan in further strained pleasure.

Sky's delicate pink petals brushed against Jill's acid green insides and they both gasped at the erotic contact. They both rested for a few breaths, enjoying the feeling of fullness and closeness. The mouse was the first to move, using Jill's leg as leverage while she grinded her sweet pussy into the rebel girl. For Jill, it was ten times better than just the mouse's fingers.

As they scissored, both of their clits were stimulated as their pussys were filled. Again it was Sky who knew just how to move, undulating her hips and flexing just the right muscles to mash their love buttons. Crying out in unabashed ecstasy, Jill found her body trying to meet that of her partner. It was difficult though because the pleasure made her want to clench her legs, yet that impeded Sky's movements and denied lizard girl the pleasure she wanted.

Shamelessly, she panted and moaned and tried to spread and loosed her legs to allow easier access. Sweat glistened on her skin under all the exertion. Again the great well of pleasure opened up, welcoming Jill into its heated depths. Quickly the point of no return approached, beckoning Jill to take the plunge towards orgasm. As before, it was slippery, requiring Jill to really focus on maintaining the pleasurable pressure necessary on her slick clit.

This time Sky was in on it, ramping up towards similar release. Just the way Jill responded to her every little motion and undulation was a huge turn-on for the mouse.

"I'm... I'm gonna..." Panted Jill.

"Not yet. Together." Sky begged in response. Moaning as she teetered on the edge, Jill complied, trying to hold herself off for the mutual explosion. Another few seconds and Sky was ready.

"Now! Now! Aaaahhh!" The mouse cried out, squeezing herself tightly against her partner as he climax struck her with spine-tingling force.

Jill was less than a split second behind her, feeling the way Sky's insides clenched down on their shared toy. They both gushed, their feminine fluids mixing together in a slurry of pheromones. The scent of their mixture intoxicated both of them as they breathed heavily. Their slick cunnies pressed together in mutual climax while their hot and slippery bodies rubbed together in shared awe.

Twitching and shaking, they both experienced what seemed like one giant lascivious outburst. The body of their apex was accompanied by their bodies singing together, their nerves tingling, and every pleasure center all warring to be heard. With the hyper-sensitivity of their skin at every point of contact it took quite a while to wind down.

"Here, roll over." Sky instructed. Too far gone to acknowledge with words, Jill complied, happy to rest herself. She moaned as the toy shifted inside her, pulling out a little as Sky pulled her leg back. The mouse sat herself back down so that their crotches were still together, her pelvis tilted down between the lizard girl's lewdly splayed legs.

Wordlessly, the two basked in the afterglow of their romp for several minutes.

Content that her partner was ready for more, Sky allowed herself a lustful yet devious look. Jill had her head resting on her folded arms, the pillows having been knocked off the bed at some point during their romp, a blissful grin plastered over her muzzle. She 'Mm'd' in contentment as she felt Sky's soft hands grip and rub the base of her tail.

Collecting the moisture that had accumulated at their groins, Sky slicked her fingers and massaged Jill's ass. Kneading the loosened muscle with her soft hands the honor student surreptitiously moved towards her target. The first time she rubbed the tip of her finger over Jill's tailhole the gender-bent young woman raised her head in surprise. Her butt tightened at the unexpected contact.

"W-w-wait! What are you doing?" She protested hotly, not entirely comfortable with being touched there.

"I'm just having fun. Don't you like it?" Sky punctuated her question with firm circles around Jill's hitherto unmolested pucker. Blushing more furiously than she thought was possible she was unable to respond. She wanted to say that it did not feel good, but it would have been a lie. The way those soft fingers Jill loved were circling, teasing back there... it was just so strange.

Any further protest turned into a moan as Sky resumed moving her pelvis, making the toy inside Jill move as well.

Sky was almost as turned on by the dildo in her snatch as by the control afforded to her through Jill's hyper-sensitive inner muscles. Jill was acting intensely shy, incredibly reticent about everything that was going on. There was one thing that would enhance Jill's experience, yet it was just so... out there. Then again, she was conjoined at the crotch to a closet lesbian.

"Hey, Sky, could you... Uh..." She felt blood rise hotter in her cheeks than she thought possible. The submissive pose on her stomach made her blush all the harder. Sky gyrated her hips all the while, forcing Jill to bury her head in the bunched up bedspread. The mouse grinned evilly as she gave an extra thrust before pausing to let Jill finish.

"Could you. Oh! Oh, I don't want to say!" Sky kept rubbing Jill's tailhole and pushed in her finger up to the first knuckle.

Sky gyrated again. "Yeeees?"

"That! Yes! That, please." Jill begged, trying to buck herself backwards to get more. Completely lost in the unexpectedly wonderful new feelings racing up her spine, she ignored the tiny part of her that was so embarrassed she wanted it to stop.

"Oooh. You want thiiiis." Sky sank her finger in further, feeling Jill's tailhole clench on the invader. She paused a second to let the ring of nerve and muscle bundle relax a little before pressing further. Pushing until her digit was sunk all the way into her partner. Wiggling it for good measure, Sky pressed down against the thin layer between Jill's insides. Sky could feel the toy in her partner's love tunnel.

Feeling herself gush a little harder around the red silicone at the anal play, Jill surprised even herself. Even with nothing directly stimulating her love button, the gender-bent girl could slowly feel her pleasure building yet again.

A young voice yelled outside the locked door suddenly.

"Hey, sis, mom and dad are home early!" Called one of Sky's siblings, banging on the door for good measure.

"Oh, shit!" Sky exclaimed, tugging her finger out of Jill's ass suddenly. Jill squeaked involuntarily in surprise and at the strange sensation.

Jill for a second was unsure about what she was more shocked over, the fact that she was about to be caught doing the crotch kiss with Sky, or the fact that the prim and proper Sky had just cursed. The mouse practically leapt off the bed, pulling the toy out of Jill's and her own slick pussy, stuffing it back into her bag still covered in love juice. Again crying out at the sudden withdrawal, the young delinquent rolled off onto the carpeted floor and began blindly grabbing for her clothing.

She had managed to pull on her knives, underwear, and pants back on when an authoritarian knocking resounded through the room.

"Sky, is there someone in there with you?" A harsh, male voice demanded. Father, without a doubt. One of the siblings had probably blabbed. "You know you're not supposed to have visitors while we're not here." The doorknob rattled. "Unlock this door right now, young lady."

Shit, shit, shit. Jill was not looking forward to explaining this to anyone. Especially a parent. Clenching her bra, shirt, and hoodie in one hand she desperately glanced around for escape. Still mostly naked, Sky had opened one of her windows and gestured furiously. Even though they were on the second story, Jill stepped up onto the window sill and looked down.

She threw her clothes out onto the lawn, stole one last kiss from Sky, and dove out the window. Using the edge as a bit of a springboard, the delinquent girl made sure she got enough distance to clear the shrubbery surrounding the outside of the house. Arms thrown wide for balance, Jill hit the ground feet first and dissipated her kinetic energy with a forward roll through the soft st. Augustine grass.

Wasting no time, she groped around for her dark clothing by light of the electric warmth spilling out of the houses lining the street. In a small panic she realized she could not find her bra when a small noise made her look up to find one of Sky's little brothers holding it. The twelve year old tyke was standing on the driveway next to one of the parent's open cars with his jaw wide open, apparently helping them haul their luggage in.

Topless, Jill rushed up to him, grabbed her bra and ran off with a passing, "Thanks, kid."

Still stunned, the little mouse said the only thing his young mind could comprehend after just seeing the girl his sister had, not even moments before, been banging.

"Heh, boobies."


The next few days passed by for Jill without much excitement, which she did not mind in the least bit. Victor still had not shown up for school, but really, Jill did not mind. She had several encounters with Sky at school accompanied by many whispered promises and blushing. A nice little lovebird relationship was just what the social deviant needed to take her mind off things. It was so sweet, so innocent, that it warmed a part of Jill's heart that had sat cold for some time. Sadly for the moment at least the mouse was being watched closely by her parents which made meeting up outside of school out of the question.

So that left Jill rather bored.

Which meant that when received a group text about a major shindig going on at the nearby Hilton hotel, she jumped on the opportunity. She had a few knife throwing tricks that made her a lot of fun at parties, and trashing a hotel room under someone else's name was a joy unto itself.

The youth caught a bus downtown and sauntered into the Hilton clad in too much fishnet and armed to the teeth as always. Just the look of revulsion she got from the receptionist was worth it in exchange for the party password and electronic key-card. She had arrived a little later on in the evening and hoped that the festivities were in full swing.

Jill stepped into the elevator, casually stabbed the button with a finger and watched the doors slide closed. Inside, the walls were mirrored above the polished wood handrails.

A tiny spear of pain pierced her skull. She looked left and her reflection looked back. The many mirrors reflected back on each other, seeming to reach onward into infinity. There were Jacks and Jills and each was different, diverging from her awareness, sometimes wildly.

They were all standing in that elevator. Each different, yet the same. A confluence of possibility led all of them to that metal box full of mirrors. Had she been a student of Chaos Theory, she might have understood. Victor perhaps might have been able to comprehend it.

As quickly as it had come when Jill blinked her eyes the reflections were as they should have been. She brushed the whole thing off, thinking it merely a trick of her sight or a brain malfunction. The young lizard woman stepped off the elevator and the paths diverged. No matter what path either Jack or Jill had, or would have taken all led to ascending in that particular elevator.

What happened afterwards was whatever Jill chose it to be.

But causality was a bitch.

Jill turned the handle to the hotel room and was instantly suspicious. Not only was there not music enough to warrant disturbing the peace, there was no music at all. Right then and there she should have turned around and headed home, yet teenage stubbornness prevailed and she stepped inside.

The fist noticeable thing was that it was a nice hotel room. Jason had clearly shelled out a fair chunk of change for the suite. A king sized bed dominated the room upon which Jason, and only Jason sat. The bull saw Jill and smiled warmly.

"Hey, look, I wanted to apologize. It was wrong of me to ask you to be my fuck-buddy." He nodded at his own wisdom. "I want you to be my girlfriend. I think you're pretty, no, beautiful. You're a dream come true. And, I mean, who else is into girls like you? I bet not many guys. You're pretty lucky too, y'know?" He patted the bed coaxingly.

"Jason, what the fuck man? It feels like I just woke up into another life where you pull shit like this. I've obviously told you no before." Even though Jill before Jack had deleted her old text messages there were still many dated not too long ago that implicated Jason's interest.

"C'mon, I know you like me."

"No, actually I don't." Jill stated acidly.

Jason frowned sharply at being cut off yet recovered almost instantly.

"Why else would we be friends then if you didn't like me"

Jill growled in exasperation.

"Don't pull that bullshit with me. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass you'd hear what I'm saying to you right now."

With each rejection, Jason's body language had slowly become more and more slanted towards aggression. He was not getting what he wanted and it seemed more and more likely that he was going to try and take what he wanted. Jill prepared herself to pull something sharp and roast the pig on a spit like he deserved. When he relaxed suddenly she was unsure of what to expect.

He caught her off-guard with a throaty laugh.

"That's what I love about you. You play so hard to get. I figured you'd take some convincing." Jason reached under the table for something. Jill's grip tightened on the handle in the bottom of her false pocket as the right corner of the bull's lip curled up particularly hard. Again she was taken aback when he slapped a small packet down on the table.

Jason remained seated as he took out the contents and spread them out for Slater to see.

They were pictures. Specifically of her and Sky making out in the hallway at school. The shots were of varying quality, clearly taken from cellphone cameras but two of them were at a good angle and crisp.

"Now, no one else has to see these. I get them from the owners and made sure they were deleted. You don't want this getting around do you? All you have to do is break it off with the school treasurer and get with me and problem solved." He said with a greasy smile, content and assured in his corpulent victory.

A preloaded set of hormonal algorithms triggered in Jill's girly brain. Fear, dread, disconcerting assurances that she would become a social outcast and reject. Societal and familial pressures exerted themselves through her subconscious, ensuring an appropriate level of disgust and imminent humiliation involved with the mere consideration that such pictures might go public. Her casual sex with Sky was not helping either.

For a single heartbeat the blackmail almost worked, eliciting all the reactions Jason wanted. Content in his machinations the bull waited patiently for her answer. The mere prospect of the shame and humiliation of public ostracization was enough to make her actually consider giving in to his demands.

All of his demands.

Then that moment was over and Jill realized how ridiculous the whole of it was. A small flex of will and she was free of the spell of fear. She was already a freak in more ways than one. What did she care if a picture of her kissing another girl was made public? Maybe it would keep guys like Jason at a distance. Soon it was she who was laughing and Jason's turn to frown.

"I'm not sure what's worse. That you thought this would work, or that even if it did you'd think I'd want to be your girlfriend after you blackmailed me into fucking you." She laughed some more at the ridiculousness of the whole thing, pointing a finger as she did so. Then her humor and astonished indignation started to curdle. Slowly the laughter died, straining against the encroaching black mood.

Irritation turned into anger, and anger soon into rage. Agitated, she began to move and pace, tail lashing.

"Should I be flattered that you went through all this trouble, or insulted I wonder?" She asked with sardonic wit. In fact, the more she talked and moved, the greater her sulphurous rancor rose. Soon enough she was livid.

"I expected better maybe? Frankly, I thought of you as a bro up until now, yet you had t'fuck that right up. Yup, fucked right on up." She pounded out the insults mercilessly, her retribution culminating in actually picking up all four pictures and shredding them in her claws.

"Hold up, bitch. I went through all this fucking trouble for romance and shit. How about a little fucking gratitude?"

"Gratitude?!" She practically yelled, storming straight up to him, getting right in his face.

Jason stood and slapped her hard across the face with an open palm. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed in the sudden silence that followed.

The normal reaction would be to cradle the cheek, perhaps cower in shock and surprise. The face was a very sensitive area, and was instinctively protected. Had she been a true girl, or maybe another girl, tears would have welled up in her eyes and the water works would have begun. Punishment for aggressive behavior would have elicited a submissive response. Such was the trap of the abusive asshole. Unhealthy relationships were reinforced by feminine psychology.

Jill did none of those things. Instead, at the exact moment the force of the slap dissipated, her head whipped right back to stare the bull straight in the face. In that moment, Jason knew he had fucked up. She made sure to let the quiet moment drag for a few seconds. There was murder in her eyes and tone as she spoke next.

"Sit back down, little man." The bull's ass found his seat before as if Jill had done the slapping, quailing before her wrath.

Jill resumed her pacing, trying to reconcile the desire to maintain the friendship while also wanting to inflict serious bodily harm on the bull.

Something hooked her gaze as she paced and the lizard girl stopped dead in her tracks. Going back just a step she locked onto the source with scathing intent. A tiny red light, no bigger than a dot shined between two slats of the doors to the hotel room's closet. It took her just a second to realize what it was, her eyes widening as her mind made rapid connections. Again she indulged in unnecessary emotions, glancing at Jason with sheer incredulity.

"Oh, fuck no. You didn't. Please for... just... fuck! What the fuck! God-fucking-shit!" Jill cried out, clenching her fists hard against her eyes, bending backwards, trying to flex out the boiling rage through movement and muscle tension.

At last she reached that white-hot intensity necessary for drastic action.

One of her favorite non-edged weapons was a twenty-five inch telescoping steel baton. The dismissively slim metal rod was topped with a rounded end and weighed almost four pounds. Hooked into her belt over her back left pocket, she drew the baton. She locked eyes with Jason and stared straight through him as she extended the rod with a deft flick of her wrist. The weapon locked into its fully extended position with a discernible click.

With a shout Jill turned and swung downward with excessive might. The steel baton shattered through the whole front of the cheap wooden slates making up the closet door. Broken and dislodged pieces tumbled to the ground. The debris clacked and clattered into a pile on the floor. Jill's strike cleared out nearly all of the door, leaving only the frame hanging askew on its hinges.

The only fur more shocked than Jason was the bunny fellow holding the camera standing in the closet.

"Get. Out." Hackles raised, Jill glared as she delivered her ultimatum. She gestured with the baton to make sure she got her point across.

Jill's voice bespoke wrath and brooked no argument. The bunny lowered the camera and nodded frantically before cautiously stepping through the quite useless door. At first the cameraman tried to slide by slowly. When the lizard girl reached out and plucked the camera contemptuously from his hand he abandoned any pretext and rushed to stand awkwardly on the side of the bed, not daring to try his luck getting past Jill to the door.

"Not only did you try to blackmail me into sex. You were going to video tape it." Jason, perhaps finally realizing the depth of the grave he had dug for himself had the good graces to at least look a little concerned for his well-being.

Completely apathetic towards the property damage she had caused thus far, she hurled the camera against the wall, cracking sever pieces of the expensive electronic. Out of sheer spite she brought her baton crashing into the thing as it rebounded, crushing the outer casing and leaving it a concave mess, its metallic guts visible on the cheap hotel carpet.

Slightly mollified in her destruction outburst, Jill felt she had gotten her point across.

"Don't get up. I'll show myself out, you fuckwits." The gender-bent teen declared before leaving, making sure the door did not bite her tail on the way out.

Silence reigned in her wake as Jason and his bunny cohort processed what they had just seen.

"Hey, you're gonna pay for that camera she trashed, right, bro?" The hired hand inquired.

Jason was deaf to the question. Inside his head, the world was turning red. Blind with rage, incomprehensible emotion swept through the bull's mind. His ego felt like it had just gotten kicked in the balls.

Livid at her rejection, Jason vowed that he would see Jill getting fucked, even if he was not the one to do it. He would make her pay, make her wish she had just given in, rolled over like a bitch aught. Oh yes, and he knew just the way to kill two birds with one stone. He would strip that pride of hers away. Make her beg and cry and scream. And he would have satisfaction.

He opened his phone and did something terrible.

Whether or not in another world he would have done the same was uncertain.

Author's notes: Marmalade.