Only Fools Rush In (C5, Act1, Book1)

Story by KitKaramak on SoFurry

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#5 of Twilight of the Gods Book4

GEE WONDER WHAT THE OTHER CHARACTERS ARE DOING while Reno runs around San Fran, and while Aris and his buddies are going through a massive city-wide withdraw. And where ARE those guys going? We'll find out in this chapter at a glance. And now, let's see what the others are doing!

Chapter -5- Only Fools Rush In

December 3, 7:00am PST San Francisco, California ...

** Topaz's eyes shifted from Reno** to Wilfred Greg and back. "He's not as old as you made him sound."

Wilfred gestured to Topaz but kept his eyes on Nevada. "See? She's not as rude as you." He offered a smile to the two then reached for a key on a wall hook. He stepped between Reno and Topaz and walked outside in his pajamas. "C'mon, you two. Follow me."

Topaz pursed her lips together and followed the two men around to the backside of the house. The middle-aged man opened a door leading to a basement apartment. A carpeted staircase went down beneath the house. An empty track went along the wall beneath the rail.

"You used to have an electric chair on these stairs?"

Wilfred nodded, leading them down the steps. "My mother lived down here a while. Liked her privacy but had a bad hip. I took the chair out know."

Parker said nothing. At the bottom of the steps she peered into a bedroom on the left. Simple. A bed, a dresser and an empty closet. To the right, a narrow hallway in a square horse-shoe shape doubled as a kitchen. Diagonally split off to the side, half-tucked beneath the stairs, a bathroom the size of a closet with a standing-room shower - it smelled fresh and clean.

She looked back at Reno and Wilfred. They headed through the kitchen. Another bedroom at the end of the hall. Reno opened the door and dropped his duffle bag then shook hands with the other man. "Thanks, Wilf. After the diner incident she suggested I don't stay at my place for a while. And for the record, the stuff those people told the don't believe any of that crap do you?"

Wilfred shrugged. "That you attacked three gunmen head on and created lightning? It was picked up by an intersection camera."

"I thought the Government sits on stuff like that?"

"Freedom of Information Act, Reno. So long as it's not a detriment to national security, the news can obtain it, air it, and speculate all they like. You were a cop, you should know that."

Topaz decided she liked the older guy.

Wilfred moved away from Reno back towards Topaz. "I know it's not quite the accommodations you might be used to, but it's certainly warmer than wherever you've been staying, young lady. And my condolences for the loss of your father and your aunt. You're free to stay here as long as you need."

Parker nodded quietly.

"You won't be judged here," added Wilf.

She offered a weak smile. "I don't usually open up around people I don't know. I appreciate your hospitality. Look, uh, where do you bank? I'll make a deposit for your generosity."

Wilfred replied with a dismissing gesture. "Morgan Financial, but your money is no good here. I accept gratitude in the old fashion way only. Besides, if you really are trying to stay under the radar, don't do any bank transactions, young lady."

She nodded and put her hands into her pants so as not to fidget. After a brief pause, she moved towards Wilfred, leaned to the left and brushed her lips against the left side of his face. "Thank you for your hospitality." She turned to Reno and added, "I'm leaving in the morning. Stay here, it's a good move for you. But I just need to get some sleep. I'm leaving tonight. I have personal errands I have to run. I need to stay in the wind for a while."


Wilfred put his hand on Reno's forearm. "Don't. I know you're attached to her because she's your fiancée's niece, but she's an adult." He turned to Topaz and added, "If you need to stop back by here at any point, I will keep a spare key in the tan rock at the bottom of the koi pond out back."

Topaz licked her lips. She nodded then looked away to hide a tired smile. "Thank you. I'm going to turn in." She walked back through the kitchen, turned right at the bathroom. Parker cut her eyes up the steps on her left in passing and headed into the first bedroom. She shut the door behind herself and dropped onto the bed.

The pillow, inside a vacuum-sealed pack, crinkled against her cheek. She flipped it over. Sheets and a sham, wedged against the bottom of the pillow, caused it to feel lumpy on the bottom. She flipped the pillow back over again and laid down on the cool plastic cover. 'Why even make the bed if I'm not staying, right?'

A knock on the door startled her. She heard Wilfred's muffled voice through the wall. "I saw you didn't have a change of clothes. Toss your stuff out the door and I'll wash and fold'em for you and leave them in front of your door for when you wake up."

She deliberated ignoring him. Her thoughts turned to Vincent - someone else who offered kindness and gave their life to prove their sincerity. She took a deep breath then disrobed. She opened the door a few inches, standing behind it, and passed a ball of waded up cloth.

Wilfred took it from her and reached for the doorknob. He pulled it shut and headed back up the hall towards Reno.

Topaz looked around the simple, empty bedroom. She walked to the closet and found a folded quilt comforter. She pulled it from the top shelf and wrapped it around herself then settled back down on the bed.

Again, her thoughts turned back to Vincent and how she failed him. All at once she felt overwhelmed by everything. Not just her inability to accept gestures of kindness form others, she also felt as though she failed her family members and Reno's brother.

She pondered her own role in their deaths. "No," she whispered, "I wasn't around when Aunt Nichole died. I was unconscious when daddy died. I was pinned down across the room when Vincent died." She frowned and thought about Reno. "Jesus, I don't need to get the kid's brother killed, too, though. Those people were after me, not Reno. Staying here will get Reno _and_his friend killed."

She went back to the door and opened it with the blanket draped around herself. "Hey! I've changed my mind about the clothes."

No answer. She walked out into the small square hallway with the kitchen. "Anyone?" Silence. "Shit. Now I'm stuck here. This is what happens when people are nice to me, they wind up putting themselves in danger."

She went back to her room, closed and locked the door and dropped onto the bed. All at once her emotions overwhelmed her and tears ran down her cheeks. Her family. Vincent. Being in the coma while Fox struggled alone. She drew her knees up to her chest, lying on her side under the quilt, and cried.

"I'm not some...some whiney bimbo who cries herself to sleep."

Her chest knotted up and her stomach ached. She pulled the quilt over her face, unable to stop the tears. Unable to deal with the emotion, she fled into the depths of unconsciousness.



December 4, 9:30am EST Miami, Florida ...

** Sinopa Crevan looked around.** She pushed a lock of red hair from side of her face and tucked it behind an ear. "The beach is beautiful. The water is beautiful. It's a welcome change from San Francisco." She eyed her boyfriend, Jules Guillot with a flirty smile then turned to the siding glass window.

"You like it, cher?" Jules grinned. He placed his left hand at the small of her back. Sinopa gazed out the sliding glass door at the white sand and green water with longing in her eyes.

"I do. I love it."

Jules' hand eased further down until his fingers brushed a bump beneath the small her back, underneath her ankle-length skirt. He traced the base of her natural fox tails, where they met the bottom of her spine. "These things keepin' you from swimmin' hmm? Go out there in your skirt, darlin'. It's alright."

Her eyes lifted, gazing into the reflection of her boyfriend in the window. "Jules, from what I've learned of modern humans, no one would say anything about my tails. They'd assume it was some sort of..." She trailed off and snapped her fingers. "Surgery. I forget the term. Cosmetic? Yes, that's it. Cosmetic surgery - that's what they'd think."

"Then go out there 'n enjoy yourself, girl."

"We don't have time to enjoy it right now."


She turned to face him, patted his chest and nodded her head sidelong. "Follow me. I have an announcement to make." She led him out of the hotel room, down the hall to the next room and knocked on the door.

Johann Foster answered his door. Evan Balmoral looked up from his cellphone on one of the beds.

Jules followed Sinopa into the room and made himself comfortable on a chair against the wall. Sinopa settled on the edge of one of the beds and said, "Boys, we'll be joined by help soon. I had another premonition. They're very important and both of these people are to be respected. One is a tall black man; the other is an American southerner, much like Jules. They'll be accompanying us."

Evan chuckled with a shrug. "Man, and I was just getting used to being the group mascot."

Sinopa blinked and tilted her head. "Pardon?"

Johann brought his palm to his forehead. "He means he felt cool because he was the gang minority." He rubbed his palm against his cheek then dropped his hand at his side. "Evan, she doesn't get the concept of racism amongst humans. Where she's from, everyone is pretty much a different race. It's as unique as their name so they never..."

"Okay, okay, shut up, sheesh." Evan turned to the sliding glass door at the back of the room. "Man. Beach front room in Miami. Wow. Such sand. So water. Much bikinis. Wow." He cleared his throat. "Okay so..." He put his back to the view and said, "Sorry. You have my attention."

Johann grinned. "I doubt she knows who or what 'doge' is, Ev." He turned back to Sinopa and said, "Sinopa-sama, what can you tell us about our future allies?"

Sinopa smiled inwardly. "You people are so much more fun in the modern era." She smoothed a fabric dune on the front of her skirt. She missed her kimono. "Anyhow, yes, we'll have a second black gentleman among us. I didn't learn their names from my premonition, however."

"How about anything that will help us if we see them?" Foster sat down on the second bed, across from her.

"For a boy of twenty, you are very down to business. You both are. I appreciate your maturity, gentlemen. The black gentleman - I don't yet know his name but his mother was a dreamtime student in Australia. His father was a medicine man from Oklahoma. He was educated in Melbourne by a fellow supernatural, a woman I call a friend, Gale Nguyen," she said, pronouncing the last name as 'Win.'

"Your friend's name is Gale Wind?"

"No, Nguyen, no 'd' on the end." Sinopa folded her hands. "She has been teaching language skills and has a cultural learning center. She teaches esoteric people throughout Australia. I met her a very, very long time ago."

Jules leaned back in his chair and asked, "Anything else you can tell us about these two gents?"

"Hai. The tall, strong one...he has sworn himself to follow and protect a man from Georgia with long dark hair. He follows this American devoutly for reasons I do not yet understand."

"So a black guy and a hillbilly with long hair?" asked Evan.

"I wish that I could simply call Gale and ask her about them. However, she was killed in August along with many other supernatural people around the world."

"I hope we find'em," said Johann.

"Do not worry. They know to search for us. They've come across signs that have led them to Florida. They will recognize us when they see us."

Johann shifted his weight on the second bed, so that he sat along the edge, his right foot tucked up beneath himself, and his left foot on the floor. "So, uh, what brings us to Florida? Don't get me wrong, it's awesome and it's warm and this is way better than foggy San Fran but...what's here?"

"The Miami Beach is where we'll meet the other two," said Sinopa, adding, "The only thing I can tell you is that they share our mission."

Evan turned back to the sliding glass door and looked out over the beach. "What exactly is our mission?"

"My friends, it is my honor to tell you all that I can. There's a very, very dark man out there, drunk on power." She lifted her hand and pointed to the sliding glass door. Evan stepped aside. Sinopa stood up and approached the glass panel. "The man from San Francisco who hires those soldiers in black uniforms. Our mission is to find him and confront him."

"Whoa. You...think Evan and I can help you confront Aris Falcon?" Johann rubbed his thumb against his forefinger. "I mean, don't get me wrong...I'm honored you want our help. But you're practically a goddess. Aris Falcon will kill the rest of us. I'm really getting into this whole superhero thing as of late. And thanks to Evan, I've really come out of my shell...but just a few months ago, I was diagnosed by a shrink that I had a ridiculous fear of dying. I would avoid walking on sewer grates, I would keep from crossing the street unless the street was completely empty. I mean...I had it bad."

She came back to the two beds and sat down besides Johann. "You've come a long way in a short time, Johann-san. Evan has been a good teacher. And you've learned how to heal various injuries with your ability. I am proud of you, my young friend. And you did very good on the airplane. I chose you because you're ready for this and in my premonitions, you do not die."

Johann chuckled and cleared his throat to disguise his blush. "Yeah? I mean...we make it through this? Shoot, why didn't you say so to begin with? So what did Falcon do to get on your crap list?"

"He stole from the Emperor of Japan. Something so sacred that even I do not know exactly what the artifact really is. Have you ever wondered why Japan saw their emperor as a god?"

Evan rubbed his chin and cut back into the conversation. "Yeah, actually, the thought has crossed my mind once or twice."

Sinopa smiled somewhat. "It's because he was blessed to hold a sacred relic here in the mortal realm. He keeps it separate from the Celestial plane so that it cannot be used there. The people of Japan knew that he was tasked to do the work of the gods, so he was viewed as a god, himself. Generation after generation, the Japanese people have continued their strong respect for the Emperor and his chosen duties. After all this time, the relic was all but forgotten. Even by the Emperor."

"Well how in the heck did Aris Falcon find it?"

"Johann-san, that is a mystery to me. It's a mystery to the Emperor, to the deities, and it's something I have vowed to find out. We'll need transportation."

"You wanna' boat, chérie? I'll charter something swanky if'n ya'll wanna go in style."

She turned to Jules. "We need something designed to submerge."

Evan's eyes widened. "We're gunna need a submarine? Oh man! That's freakin' awesome!"

Johann frowned thoughtfully. "Good thing I don't suffer from claustrophobia anymore. At least... I haven't had any problems since I was a kid; elevators used to bother me. Never been in a sub before."

Jules grinned. "None of us have. I was inna' Navy and even I never been in no sub 'afore. So!" He stood up, walked over to Sinopa and sat down beside her. "When do these new guys arrive?"

"Is this the part where they knock on the door?" asked Johann. No one spoke. Everyone turned to the bedroom door expectantly.

No one knocked on the door. "Well. Okay, I really thought that was going to happen for some reason."

"Yah!" Evan's cry of surprise caused everyone to flinch and turn towards him. He stood in front of the sliding glass door, face to face with two men. "A salt 'n pepper couple. Are these the guys?"

Sinopa eased from the bed and walked to the back of the hotel room. She unlocked the door and slid it open. "Gentlemen, a pleasure to meet you. I am Sinopa. Welcome to Miami beach."

The two men looked at each other, confusion on their faces then turned back to the red headed woman. "Ma'am, we're with Dade county police. We have a small child in our custody and we're looking for the parent or guardian. Are any of you missing a small boy, about eight years old? He says he can't remember which room his parents are staying in, and he was down on the beach when he approached us."

"Uhm." Sinopa shook her head. "Sorry, I can't" Her eyes fell upon the boy behind the two police officers. A brief but vivid premonition raced through her mind. She rubbed her forehead then offered an awkward smile. "I, uhm. I think I saw people down at the end, on the corner room, with a small child fitting that description. You should try them."

"Thank you for your help, miss." The two officers walked away from the sliding glass door. Sinopa turned back towards the rest of the hotel room and shook her head. "The premonitions are coming at the strangest times; I wish I could control what I see and when I see it. And no, those aren't the gentlemen we're looking for."

"Apparently," Evan said with a slight grin. "But I think we were all ready to believe it. After all the strange stuff we've seen over the last few days, I'm ready to believe just about anything."

"So what do we do for now?"

"Johann-san, we wait until we cross paths with the two men who will help us on our journey." She settled on Jules' lap. "Until they show, perhaps we should enjoy ourselves. We'll need beach attire... at least I will. Jules, would you like to accompany me to a store where we can find something suitable as swimwear?"

"Why, chérie, I'd be delighted. While we're at it, we might as well find a nicer hotel with a room that will accommodate everyone. Just in case, so we can watch each other's back, so to speak."

Sinopa nodded, rubbing her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm." She turned to Evan and Johann with a smile. "Boys, gather your belongings. If we're going to put our lives on the line, it's probably best to enjoy a posh and relaxing environment first. Let us see what this locale has to offer us."



December 4, noon Miami, Florida ...

** Sinopa emerged from the water,** her hair framed her face but her ears stood high above her head. She pushed the brilliant red tresses back from her face and looked around for Jules. She spied him messing with a sunbrella, which had fallen over up on the beach. A sly grin tugged at the corner of her mouth and she moved through the water, towards the beach.

"Miss? Are those real?"

Sinopa froze. "Pardon?" She glanced behind herself. "Sorry, you caught me off guard. I was going to sneak up behind my boyfriend up there on the beach and try to startle him." She turned to face the man.

He had long dark hair and an athletic build. He nodded downward and tilted his head, waiting for an answer to her question.

"Are my tails real? Do you want them to be?" she asked with a chuckle.

"I have one a lot like it," said the man, moving alongside of her. "Which one is your boy?"

Sinopa pointed to Jules. "That one."

"Ayup. Got yourself a fine lookin' gent. How does he handle the tails 'n ears?"

She tilted her head. "It doesn't bother him. Why are you so interested, mister...?"

"Mister Rufus Darken," he replied, offering his hand. "Because, like I said, I have one m'self. But it often gets in the way of dating. I have a friend who told me we'd be meeting a girl and her friends at a super swanky hotel in Florida. He also said she'll have tails 'n ears. Real ones. At first, I thought he was nuts. But he's had some weird daydreams before and they always seem to come true. Then I started thinking I might have a chance at meeting someone like myself. Alas, you've got a boyfriend. Reckon I'll stay a lone wolf a lil' longer."

She offered her hand to him and they shook. "Sinopa Crevan. The one up on the beach is Jules. We have two more friends who just left to dry off at our hotel, Evan and Johann. They're a bit young and naïve for what lies ahead of us but we'll need them if we're to survive the oncoming storm. So where's your sidekick?"

"Oh hey, 'if we're to survive the oncoming storm' huh? Damn, girl, you sound like him. You do the premonition thing too?"

She nodded in reply. Rufus smiled in return.

"So where is your friend?"

"He's my partner, not my sidekick, heh. Collobulous didn't wanna go for a swim. The beach ain't his scene."

"Too cold?" Sinopa tittered in delight. "It's twenty-four degrees! It's wonderful!"

"You speakin' in Celsius, I presume."

"Well of course."

"Right, well... Cold ain't the issue. He tells me water is for swimming, not for frolicking. Anyhow, we've been here for a week and I was beginning to wonder if you existed. I admit, I'mma bit disappointed you gotcherself a beau, but tha's okay. How about introducing me to yer buddies, darlin'?"

"Oh my, you sound a little like he does. Follow me." She turned about and walked back towards the beach with Rufus behind her. The kitsune vixen paused, with the water lapping at her ankles and glanced over her shoulder. "Now, now, Mister Darken. Eyes forward." She led him the rest of the way up the beach. "Jules, love! I found our new friends!"

The pilot used the side of his foot to push dirt up against the base of the umbrella.

"What're you up to?" she asked as she approached.

"Oh, dun mind me, I'm just pilin' a heap of dirt up to keep this'n here thing from fallin' over." He clapped his palms together then offered a hand to the man behind Sinopa. "Jules Guillot. Bonjour."

Rufus clasped his hand into Jules' and they shook. "Howdy. Rufus Darken. You're a lucky feller, catchin' the eye of this, here, belle."

"Oui, reckon I am that," Jules said with a grin. "She's mah lil' goddess girl."

Rufus chuckled. "Goddess huh? Ain't that cute somethin' fierce."

"Heh. No, m'ami, she really is." Jules grinned over at Sinopa. "Isn't that right, chère?"

"See how sweet he is to me?" she preened. "Rufus, where are you staying?"

"I'm up at the Dolph-Inn. It's a bit of a walk but totally worth it to hit the Miami Beach. Where y'all stayin?"

Jules pointed to a building with fancy reflective glass panels, which mirrored the Atlantic Ocean. "Right there."

Rufus lowered his sunglasses with a low whistle. "Well hot damn. That's posh."

Sinopa clapped her palms together. "Mister Darken, you should get a room with us! We should stay together and figure out what to do next. We really should meet your friend."

Rufus ran his hands back through his long dark hair, equal in length to Sinopa's own red locks. "Well, uh...sure. Yeah. I'll get'em, but we can't afford to stay in a fancy high dollar oceanfront place like that. Oh, and on an unrelated note," he trailed off then coughed into his palm. "Those tails are real right? Doesn't anyone say anything?"

Sinopa chuckled with a shake of her head. "People are amused by it. They think they're fake and ignore it. I had one person yell from a passing car yesterday... Something about Halloween being over, but no one says anything to me directly. Why?"

"Well, 'cause I was just curious. I can't exactly show mine in public. It's the whole shebang. Fangs, fur, feral face. All tha' shit."

"Oh, that reminds me," Sinopa said with a tone of gentle warning. "We have a friend with us, Evan, who is very much against curse words."

"Yeah," Jules chimed in, "He takes right major offense to it. So I've had to curb my tongue. But the kid's a legit power player. A lil' on the nerdy side - comics, super heroes, and good vs. evil, but his ability is sick. So far as your room..." Jules shrugged. "Just join us. Sinopa, here, used premonitions a while back and won us some money, gambling. Fortune smiles on us, I guess you might say. I'll get the room; we should all stay together. Say, speakin' of abilities... wha's yours?"

Rufus drew his hair over his shoulder and wrung it out. "Keep up wit' me now, y'all. I'm a werewolf. Thus the fangs, tail, fur and such I jus' mentioned. I turn into a big ole wolf. Scares the shit outta' pigs with hairy chins and little blonde girls wearin' red capes."

Jules blinked, not sure how to react.

Rue continued. "Collobulous is the real meat'n potatoes, though. The dude is like Superman without flight or x-ray vision. He cin pick up cars like they're made out of cardboard and chuck'em at people. I ain't kidding. He cin juggle dumpsters, outrun people on bicycles, and leap up to a second story balcony like it's the normal thing t' do. What 'bout you, Jules?"

"Uh, I'm nothin' special. Sinopa, here, needed an Alter Boy. I needed a goddess. It works."

Rufus deadpanned. "You're not supernatural?"

"Sorry to disappoint, mon ami."

"What about the other girl?"

"No other girls," said Jules. "Jus' Sinopa, here."

"But Collobulous saw three men and two women who would help us save the world in his dreamtime thing."

"Hai," Sinopa said with a nod. "I also had a promotion that Jules would be crucial in helping us. But I don't recall another woman."

Jules rubbed his chin. "Maybe my role is to be that normal mortal guy, here to remind you that you're not alone in this fight against whoever is responsible for killing supernatural people. And maybe another lady'll come along, who knows? But yeah, I'm normal - sorry I won't be able to help the same way."

Rufus rubbed his chin for a moment then pushed his hair back over his shoulder. "Nah, don't say you're sorry, bud. The world is mostly normal human beings. It's only right that one of them helps." He thrust his hand forward and shook Jules' hand again. "In all seriousness, man, you're brave as shit to put your life in danger without some special power or ability. I'm humbled you're in this with us, brotha."

"Right on." Again, the two southerners shook hands. "You boys drink beer?"

"Shit yeah we drink beer."

Jules and Sinopa chuckled in unison. Jules offered a firm nod. "Alright then. Remember to curb the cussin' around Evan. Other 'n that, go get'cher buddy. I'll tell the person at the front desk to give you directions to our room - ask for Jules Guillot, party of four, then let's go have some beers. I'll spring for you boys t' have yer own suite."

A broad grin spread across Rufus' face. "See you in thirty minutes, then! Man! I was worried that we'd have to work with some stiffs who thinks their shit dun' stink. I can't begin t' tell you how relieved I am tha'ch'all are down to earth folks. A'right then. I'll ask the desk for directions to 'Jewels Gill-loh.' I'll go ahead and check out of the old place, pack up and meet you 'n yer pals in about thirty minutes."



12:55 pm Miami, FL - Canyon Ranch Hotel ...

** Rufus handed a bottle to** Collobulous. The burley Aussie opened the cap with ease by placing his thumb on the top and twisting it. The top came off with his thumb; he passed it back to Rufus. "Thanks, hoss. Anyhow, y'all, so after we realized that Sire wasn't legit, we fought our way out of the warehouse. Tore it up bad. That's why Falcon left San Francisco. He was outta' men and needed ta' distance himself from the mess we made." He brought the bottle to his lips and guzzled it.

"Is it appropriate to chant 'chug' or is that a high school thing?" Everyone turned to face Evan. "Okay, right. I won't then."

Collobulous leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "You use the whitefella speak better than I."

Evan offered a weak smile. "Yeah. I was just joking."

"Gammon all you want, you speak deadly gubba talk." He turned to Rufus, watching his friend drink heavily from the beer bottle. "Don't get all charged up, Rue."

"I'm good, brutha."

Evan bit his lower lip then cut his eyes to Rufus and back to Collobulous. "So I have to know... how many of those guys did you fight? Johann and I have been terrorizing them for a while now."

"That's dangerous yakka. You should avoid those dodgy gunjies when possible. You go toe-to-toe with the wrong gubba and lose, then what? A shamejob turns into sorry business."

Evan grew quiet, partly out of respect, and partly due to his inability to understand some of the terms Collobulous used.

Johann chimed in. "No way. They're hunting parties. They're looking for people like us. If we ambush them, we're helping someone who may not be able to defend themselves. I was a coward my entire life. But someone had to put their foot down and say enough."

Rufus rubbed his chin. "Bull is right, kids. Those guys wiped out enough people to effectively make them guilty of war crimes but the world doesn't recognize our war. I mean, newspapers...hell, they pick'en up on some of this mess here 'n there. People disappearin' left and right. But no one is putting the pieces together. World Governments jus' covering this crap up because they dun' wanna start a panic. I dunno how many, but well over ten thousand gifted individuals disappear - many of them rich, smart, or having some sort of government spotlight on them."

Johann frowned. "More than ten thousand. Try fifteen times that many."

"Yeah? How do thousands of people, many in quiet towns, suddenly go missing all at the same time without raising any eyebrows? Cover ups. Everything's a mess, and those mercenaries are trained to fight our kind. T' answer your question, though, Bull 'n I barreled through four hundred trainees in closed quarters. They cain' use their guns and they suck at CQC. We had th' advantage."

Johann and Evan looked at one another then back at Collobulous. Even licked his lips and asked, "Bull huh? Not sure I get the nickname. But about your ability, can I see?"

"My last name is Bullakulla." Collobulous eyed the youthful black twenty-something kid for a moment then smiled. He lowered to one knee and put his hand on the carpet, palm up. "Stand here."

"Can't you just pick up the bed or...?"

"It's probably bolted, bruddah. Stand here."

Evan slid off the hotel bed and stepped carefully on the man's large palm, his sneakers hanging over the sides. Collobulous spread his fingers apart, using his thumb to support the front of Evan's foot then, with ease, lifted him. "Now," he said with a grin, "How about yer mate join you."

Johann scratched his head then approached and put his feet atop of Evan's shoes, trying to balance himself. "This is a little close," he said, adding, "No homo, dude."

"Yeah, you're gunna make me fall," Evan argued.

Rufus ran his fingers up over his face. "Chri'sake, you two're bumbling idiots. Dun' takes this wrong but you guys're really young. You dun' have to go and get yourselves into this mess."

"Yeah," Evan murmured, trying to keep his feet on Collobulous' palm. "You're not talking me out of this." He tilted his head, then asked, "Can't you just go out in the parking lot and pick up a car?"

"Sure." Collobulous pulled his hand away from the boys then opened the sliding glass door and looked around for a moment. A smile crept across his face and he pointed to an ATV tethered to a sign protruding from the beach sand, two stories down. "I'll just..."


"Rue, you've had me lift a skip for one grubba, a tipper for another. You love when some bruce or sheila is gobsmacked. This mob wants to see something deadly. I know you don't want me performing middle the arvo but I won't go stirring up serious business."

"Dayum I still gotta get used to some of that slang you use. Fine, just look around first. I'm just nervous more people're around this time of day."

"I went to gubba school to learn this strine so I could talk like the tall poppies. I'm still learning yours when you yabber, Rue." Collobulous walked out onto the balcony and glanced from left to right. Satisfied nobody would see, the large man eased over the edge and dropped to the ground. He sank to a crouch to absorb the impact.

Evan and Johann hurried out to the balcony and looked over the edge. Collobulous reached beneath the bike, brushing the backside of his fingers against the bottom to check for heat. Satisfied it wouldn't burn him, he lifted the four-wheeler with one hand, causing a lock chain to slide up the adjacent signpost. "See?" He then tossed the bike up and down with his fingers, straining the chain against the sign.

Rufus peered out the sliding glass door. "Bull... Yer' gunna attract attention. This ain' the outback, man."

"Rue, we weren't out in the bush the last time you asked me to perform."

Sinopa slid from Jules' lap and peered down. She clapped her hands gently. "A most impressive display of strength, Collobulous-sama. Are they heavy?"

Jules leaned forward and whispered into her ear. "Oui, chère, they heavy 'nough that liftin' it might attract unwanted attention. Maybe five or six hundred pounds for one tha' size."

"That is awesome," Evan murmured. "Why couldn't I have been born with that ability?"

Rufus switched from one bed to the other, sitting down between Johann and Evan. "Don't ever hate on what God gave yuh. Bull ain' bulletproof. Evan, I understand you cin turn bullets 'n guns to cheap glass tha' breaks like a Christmas tree ornament. Johann, I'm told you cin briefly make a field tha' stops anything from touchin' ya, and you cin' repair damaged tissue."

"That's why you need us," said Johnn. "We're handy in a fight."

"But y'er both young and I dun' wanna see you boys wind up dead before yer time."

"Like I said," Even smirked, adding, "You cannot talk me out of this." He kept his eyes on Collobulous who knelt, briefly, then leapt straight up into the air. He closed his hands around the edge of the third floor balcony, then used his upper body strength, alone, to pull himself up over the siding. Evan stared, wide eyed, licked his lips then, in a softer, more reverent voice, asked, "Have you ever broken something by accident with that super strength of yours?"

Collobulous dusted his palms together. He settled on the side of a sunbathing chair. "No, bruddah. I'm a naturally careful person. But I get deadly upset when things get serious. I learned how to control it on a walkabout through the never-never as a youth."

"Yeah," Rufus chuckled. "He has an awesome temper when someone threatens either of us."

"So can I see yours?" asked Evan.

"Ah..." Rufus chuckled with a shrug. "You will if you stick 'round. But, nah, I dun' perform circus tricks, kiddo. Sorry."

Evan offered a disappointed look in return. "Yeah, I understand."

Rufus tilted his head then grinned slightly. "Let's see yours, though."

"Well, it's a little weird. Hold on, I'll show you what I mean." He reached over and opened the night stand and withdrew the bible. "Uh, this is the only thing that the hotel won't charge us for. Does anyone have any religious qualms about turning this to glass?"

Rufus frowned thoughtfully then shrugged. "I guess not. Ain't even th' right version, so I guess it's a'ite."

Evan blinked and looked at the bible in his hand. "It's not...the right version?"

"Reckon it ain't. King James Version er' bust. Go ahead, son. Give it a good go."

Evan cut a quick glance at Johann, who shrugged in return. He turned the bible around in his hand. Quite suddenly, it turned to glass.

Rufus turned to Johann and said, "Now. It's all about teamwork, bud. Evan's glass is made outta sand. Sand is dirt. You cin change th' molecular structure of things, yeah? Change th' glass to ceramic. You got Sinopa's fire available, right? So why not just change it to solid metal. Tha's possible right? It's all raw earthen material. Just change the composition. Then she cin flame temper it. The group of you could make this bible into a dagger, or do a bunch of other things. It's all about teamwork."

"I've never...metal?" Johann rubbed his hands together. "I can try."

"You can do it, Foster," Evan said with a slight grin. He waved his hand over the glass rectangle and reshaped it into a glass dagger. "It'd be awesome if you could turn my glass stuff into real weapons. Just try."

"Okay, well..." he approached the glass dagger in Evan's hands. Johann waved his hands over the glass and focused. "Metal," he murmured. The glass began to change. Everyone grew quiet, watching closely. Johann strained, curling his upper lip on the right side. "C'mon," he whispered. The glass structure solidified and grew opaque.

Evan grinned, watching his friend work. "C'mon, White 'n Nerdy, you can do it."

"Yeah," Johann replied with a dismissive tone. His face showed strain, he clenched his teeth and squinted his eyes. "C'mon..." The glass began to take on the appearance of stone. "Metal," he murmured softly. "You can do metal," he added. After a moment, Johann sat down on the bed and rubbed his eyes. "Metal might take a little time. I've never tried that before. Is it heavy?"

Even shook his head. "Not really heavy. Feels hollow. Maybe we could fill it with sand." He placed the stone knife on the floor. "I guess pages don't make for good filler. Silica and beach sand probably has more raw elements for metal in it."

"If someone wants to get some sand from outside, I can try that."

Evan shook his head. "Try again later. You look like you're giving yourself a headache."

"Yeah, a little."

"Still, you gotta admit it's badass," Rufus said. "You just turned a bible into a weapon. A bit sacrilegious but badass, never th' less." He tilted his head in confusion at Evan. "What?" Then he closed his eyes. "Right. Sorry. Y'know tha's not a cussword right? It's just a stubborn mule."

"Right," Evan said with a soft chuckle. "A stubborn mule. How about we just say... it's BA, huh?"

"Yeah, reckon it's BA as a MF."

Evan glared in reply. "Don't push it."

"Yeah, a'right, sorry. I just..." Rufus paused and lifted his hands, gesturing for quiet. He sniffed at the air.

Collobulous groaned. "Rue only do tha' when a bit of sorry business is afoot. Then along comes senseless violence. I gazed into the Dreaming at our last bedsit. I didn't think we would have any troubles this arvo."

"One sec, Tonto." Rufus moved to the sliding glass door and sniffed at the air. "Aw hell. Tha's Sire."

Collobulous widened his eyes. "Sire is here? He followed?"

"Yeah," Rufus grumbled. "Dunno why." Rue glanced back to the rest of the group and said, "He tricked us into getting the stupid power core. Bull calls it the shamejob of the century. The least he could do is leave us be." He sniffed at the air again then said, "Hold on." He continued sniffing at the air then shook his head. "I don't smell weapons."

"You can smell weapons?" Evan asked, blinking.

Jules moved over by Evan and whispered, "Oui, m'ami. Gun oil, gunpowder, the sweat of someone wearing heavy gear an' TAC vests. It's all distinctive."

"I dun' smell any mercenaries," Rufus said. "Just Sire. It's on the wind." He stepped outside and everyone followed him onto the balcony. Rufus sniffed again then looked straight up. A helicopter passed overhead. "Ayup. He's on tha' chopper. Blades push his scent straight down." The group watched as the helicopter continued out to sea.

"Get to the choppa'," Evan murmured to Johann.

In reply, Johann murmured back, "It's the only way out of here."

Sinopa asked, "Inside joke, boys?"

"Internet humor," Evan replied in a soft voice.

She arched her brows. "I thought the Internet was a collection of humanity's amassed knowledge."

Johann snorted in amusement.

Evan cleared his throat and said, "Let me put it this way: If the Internet is the light and truth of humanity's digital finest, there also has to be a balance of darkness."

"Oh?" she asked.

"Yeah." Evan cleared his throat and smiled sheepishly. "Thee, uh, dark shadow cast by the light of the internet would be called '4Chan' and 'Reddit' and 'Tumblr,' among other similar sites."

Johann added, "It's where some of the stupid humor comes from for our generation." He held his hand over his eyes to block out the bright sun. "There's another one following the first." A second helicopter passed overhead. "Damn. That's big."

Jules rubbed his chin. "Tha's a big box even for a Chinook. I wonder what they're movin'."

"Whatever it is, it's enormous," said Rufus. "And they're headed off the coast of Miami. Jus' like Bull said." He turned to Collobulous and waggled his brows. "You were right again, big guy. That Dreamtime thing is pretty slick. How'd you word it? 'Two whirling gulls off the coast of Miami Beach,' right? Well... They were painted black 'n white like a seagull. 'Whirling...' that eludes to chopper rotors. So, now we have a bearing. We should get a boat and follow the heading."

"The Dreaming," said Collobulous with a firm nod.

The kitsune's left ear twitched, causing her hair to shift. "Jules?" Her ear perked up and flickered listlessly.

"Oui, Sinopa, mon ange, we should follow them. If Rufus' sniffer is that damn good, we can't lose."

"It's settled," Evan announced aloud. "Avengers, Assemble! Let's go kick some butt. Everyone gather your belongings, Johann... don't give up on that dagger, man. Just take a break. You can do it, I know you can."

"Yeah. Sure. Okay. Glad I packed light. One of us should rent transportation while the rest of us check out and get our stuff."

Jules nodded firmly. "I've got th' cash. I'll find us somethin' fast, fast. Wolfie, you wanna go with me? No one can deny the charm of two southern gents."

"Heard that, son." Rufus turned to Collobulous and said, "You gunna be a'ite?"

"No one is going anywhere, Kemosabe." The tall, broad-shouldered Australian offered a smile. "We haven't yet met the other woman. We are incomplete without her; only fools rush in."

"Aw hell."

Jules frowned and glanced from Collobulous to Rufus then back. "Okay, well...I'm technically Navy reserves, still. And I'm pleasant 'n friendly. I'll find someone in this area that can get me the flight plan of those birds, because we have a time, a place and a description. I'll ask around and find out some details. We're not yet out of the game just because they're getting away. Evan, why don't 'cha come on with me and we'll see what we can find out, mon ami."

Johann placed his hand against Evan's forearm and shook his head. "Don't say the game is afoot. Please."

Evan replied with a frown. "Oh, alright." He paused then smiled. "You already know me so well. I was just thinking it." Evan stood up. "I wonder what Karla is up to right now?"

Johann shrugged. "Probably investigating that disturbance at the diner that was targeted by men with assault weapons. I saw on the news that eyewitnesses described a man throwing a lightning bolt in the parking lot to attack the gunmen. Sounds right up her alley. See you soon."

Evan nodded emphatically. "I knew someone who could do that. Nathanial. I think that was the old guy's name. Good guy. I thought he died but I could be wrong." He followed Jules to the door, waved to the group and left the hotel room. A few seconds later, he popped his head back in the doorway with a grin and said, "The game is afoot!"

Next chapter: