The Beginning: Is This the End?

Story by Nuri Izolat on SoFurry

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#2 of Nuri

Here is part of Chapter 2, Its nowhere near being finished so please don't worry about voting, Yet :3

Sleeping itself has become a nightmare, each time I close my eyes and make an attempt, I see her face, and I feel the fire. When I do sleep I cannot wake up so I have to repeat the moment over and over, each time waking up bawling and full of sweat. At this point I am certain that the car accident was real, there is no way for me to prove it right now but the dream is too real to be part of my imagination. It makes sense that it could be real because I do not remember anything. For over two weeks the nightmares have been keeping me from sleeping, lately I've been seeing things that are not really there, and I think I could be going insane. I just feel like I am so alone, I mean I have a job working as a tech for this big company called Dicul Incorporated, and I make the money I need to survive. But, it doesn't feel the space and I just cannot keep going. In my madness I decided I would take one last drive, one more look at life, sample the finer things like the smell of fresh cut grass, the beautiful glow of the Sun on the ocean water as it sets over the infinite horizon, and finally the taste of my favorite ice cream, Cookie dough with moose tracks and a side of gummy bears. Then I'd drive myself into an oncoming train and end the madness that's inside.

At least that's what I had planned, but one thing ultimately changed that, her. I waked into the icecream shop and placed my order got my food and began to leave, when I heard a very familular voice. At first I ignored it but my curiosity git the best of me and I looked back to see the most beautiful wolf I had ever seen. Her fur was whiter then snow, and she had beams of color that literally moved like the northern lights, coming from her nose and to the back of her head down to her neck. Gorgeous shades of blue, green and purple that shimmered with every motion she made. It was cold so she was wearing a deep purple trench coat that hid the rest of her body so it was impossible to tell if the rest of her was like that. As soon as I saw her I knew I had met her before but I did not know her name, and I never spoke to her in my life. I dropped what was in my hands and busted through the door yelling for her to wait, but as soon as I got inside she was gone. Dazed and confused, the only thing I could say was "She is the one".