Iron Dragon Chapters 50-51

Story by dieselmutt on SoFurry

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#25 of Iron Dragon

Amber and Jennifer sat in the back seat on the way to the restaurant. "So where is my little Sherman treating us?"

"I don't know the name of the place. Where are we going Winston?" Sherman asked.

"It's a new place, South Seas, it's a seafood joint. Brian and his sister took their mom there for mother's day, and said they all loved it." Winston said as he piloted the little jeep down the city streets.

"A few of the nurses I work with have been and said it was good. It is a little pricey, are you sure its all right Sherman?" Jennifer asked.

"It will be fine. Last Friday was payday anyways. Don't worry about it, we can all have a nice dinner and even dessert if we want." Sherman said. Which was the truth, he hasn't had to pay rent or buy food for the last four years. No car or truck payment, really you save a lot of money when you don't have a life outside of a lab. Why not blow it all on his friends and family?

"So what does your new position pay, if you don't mind me asking." Winston asked.

"Not real sure, I don't read the pay stubs." Sherman said with a shrug. His mother whacked him on the back of the head.

"I thought I taught my sons to be better at managing their finances." Amber said.

"You did, its just, my last position I rarely left base to do anything. As you all know from my lengthy absents... Housing and food were taken care of and I don't have a car because I never needed one." Sherman said.

"So how much do you have in your account?" Amber asked as they pulled into the parking lot.

"Three hundred and six thousand, four hundred twenty five and some change." Sherman said as he got out of the jeep.

"I thought you said I couldn't call you Mr. Money Bags?" Winston said as the rest of them got out of the jeep.

Sherman turned to look at him. "I missed you and Jennifer's college graduation. I couldn't fly out and see mom when she was really sick and needed surgery... Several years wasted and I didn't do anything great or worthy of earning it."

"Good point... Well we didn't come here to be down, we came for a good time." Winston said.

"And feed the mom and girlfriend who are starving." Jennifer said.

Sherman kept the amusement to himself that his brother did not actually order the most expensive thing on the menu. He did, all he could eat king crab legs and lobster tails. They all laughed when after his third plate, he was told he couldn't eat any more. Jennifer and his mom even had a few glasses of wine and they all tried a different kind of dessert.

It was hard to keep a smile as they told him about a number of rather important things he had missed. There was also something else, he physically hurt. It was a dull ache like he had worked out to hard or long. He would have to ask Nodrog about it tomorrow. The PT was only going to take three hours, after that he would be free to spend time with his mom until Winston got off.

Sherman paid cash for dinner and left a fairly big tip for the waiter that had put up with them. He all ready felt sorry for who ever got stuck with them the night of the concert. He had no doubt Lucy, Carrel and his mother were going to get along fine. Mix in the misbehaving duo and it was probably going to be an entertaining evening.

"So how long do you have to work tomorrow Sherman?" Amber asked.

"Just have to observe some training early in the morning. I should be off no later than ten. I figured I would come by and the two of us could go out." Sherman said.

"That would be wonderful. Plus it means I can sleep in a little." Amber said as they walked back out to the jeep.

"Would that mean I should wake you up at seven when I leave?" Jennifer asked with a giggle.

"I was going to treat myself and sleep till seven thirty." Amber said with a laugh.

Winston dropped Sherman off at the base so they could stop by the store to pick up a few things for their mom. Sherman caught a ride on the shuttle bus from the gate to the building. The cool night air helping ease the dull ache. He hadn't worked out in a while, maybe he was sore from doing nothing.

Sherman went to his apartment to change into workout clothes and went to the gym facilities. If nothing else a little run and beating up a bag would help clear his mind. His plan would have worked except, Samantha, Alice and Jenny were all working out as well. They were too preoccupied to want to say anything more than a hello. Which was fine, but their choice of workout clothes made it hard for most of the men in the gym to concentrate on much else.

The only reason he was not surprised that Nodrog was not here was, he was like him. The weight machines did not offer enough resistance. Plus with a thousand years of fight training, the dragon really did not need more of that. Sherman only did it for something to do and force of habit. Duties done, go train. Nothing to do, go train. Bored, why aren't you training?

What was a shock, was Jenny practicing an unfamiliar form of Kung Fu. He had seen most forms demonstrated, though he did not pay much attention to the names. It was slow and graceful, but with no flashy or wasted movement. He had to admit he was impressed, and explained how her tiny build could focus enough force to nearly crack his jaw. Was it Qui or Chi... He couldn't remember but knew she was trying to focus her inner energy. That did beg the question of why she was afraid of not being able to protect Alice from a punk. She took him on head on, and he knew how to fight.

It was very different from the mixed martial art Samantha practiced with one of the trainers in the gym. Which was harsh and not quite as fluid, granted it was effective. Then there was Alice, who stuck with a simple work out just to stay in shape for the sake of being healthy. Alice had just finished her second or third set of pull ups as he increased the incline on the tread mill he was using.

However the mouse and the kitten were forbidden fruit, that he counted on never tasting again. Not that he was complaining about getting it once. Sherman had to laugh at Jenny's embarrassment from the comment he had made to her. The amount of self control it must take to live with those two... He didn't want to think about it.

Samantha on the other hand was like Jenny and you could forget they were women the way they acted sometimes. He liked the rough around the edges women they were. No games or nonsense, if you didn't like something about them, well too damn bad. He also liked the fact they both have no qualms about going after what they want. Even with a little force if necessary. Jenny and Alice showed him life does not always hand you the things you want. Samantha had given him a second chance after he had left her and his brother behind to pursue something he would never be able to explain.

That left the iron dragon. Whom had proved that what he thought would bring him happiness, would most likely only ever bring pain. Life had given the monster a second chance, and Sherman clearly saw it was giving him a second chance. One he was not going to let slip by, even if he had to grab it in a choke hold. Like Nodrog, he had gone to long with his own fate not under his full control.

He liked Samantha, and had for a rather long time. It was a little hard not to have feelings for Jenny and Alice. The duo had a certain charm that got under your skin and made it rather easy to find both likable. Samantha was a little like Nodrog and himself, in that she sometimes had to resort to violence to do her job. Unlike Cindy, which may or may not be a good thing was Samantha had the same feeling to killing as they did. None.

That might not be right either, because he had some remorse. He wasn't sure about Nodrog... Sherman thought he had seen some remorse or regret when the dragon was holding the dead girl's head. But the utter lack of any emotion at all when they rescued the medical staff, would lead anyone to believe the Iron Dragon had none.

Winston was right, they used to be real close. Sherman took his little brother almost everywhere. Samantha and him were getting a little more friendly then just friends... And he threw it all away for a sugar coated pipe dream.

"We are kind of surprised you didn't spend more time with your family." Jenny said as her and Alice walked over to him.

"My brother's girlfriend has to get up early for work. They all go to bed early unlike the rest of us. I will pick mom up tomorrow, to spend time with her, just the two of us." Sherman said as he continued to jog.

"So what did you say to Jenny to get her all red faced?" Alice asked him.

Sherman just grinned as Jenny turned red once more. "If she hasn't told you, then I guess you will never know."

"That's so not fair..." Alice pouted.

"Before I forget, Winston wanted me to give you a heads up about the concert." Sherman tapped a couple buttons on the treadmill to both slow it down and level out for his cool down.

"He said they were expecting a pretty big crowd so we should expect it to be a little warm inside. It is also not formal, so we don't have to dress up for it." Sherman said after the treadmill adjusted itself.

"Casual it is then. So how was dinner?" Alice asked.

"I was a bit disappointed." Sherman said.

"Why is that?" Samantha asked as she walked up to them.

"It said all you could eat, but it wasn't all 'I' could eat." Sherman said with a smile.

"Were did you go?" Jenny asked as she found herself getting a little aroused by the three people around her. Alice, a little hot and sweaty after a workout always turned her on. As did Sherman and Nodrog when they were shirtless. Samantha apparently also turned her on. Cold shower, very, very cold shower.

"South Seas, it's a seafood restaurant. It was quite good, a little pricey. But for a treat I would recommend it." Sherman said and glanced up at the clock on the wall. "Guess I should shower and go to bed since I should get up early."

"Want the three of us to come and help scrub your back or other parts?" Jenny asked and giggled naughtily.

"Jenny!" Samantha and Alice yelled at the same time. She just smiled cutely and turned to walk off to her and Alice's apartment. What Jenny thought would be really funny was when Samantha remembered she only liked girls.

"You are a bad kitten... Sorry about that." Alice said and jogged off after her.

"She really is a little pervert." Samantha said and turned to look at Sherman. She shook her head in disgust. "You were going to say yes, weren't you?"

"The thought had crossed my mind. You should feel flattered though." Sherman said as they walked to the elevators to go to their apartments.

"Oh really, please do explain." Samantha said.

"Jenny only has a thing for women." Sherman said and chuckled as Samantha turned red from embarrassment. "So she was trying to get in your pants, not mine." He couldn't help but rub it in a little more. Samantha was cute when she was embarrassed, it was a side of her he had rarely seen.

"But I'm not like that." Samantha said.

"Neither was Alice, and they are getting married now." Sherman said. At this rate he was never going to us the hot water in the shower.

"You know, it occurred to me that you never used to tease people like that. You used to be almost shy and quiet." Samantha said as Sherman hit a button.

"Well, I have been through a great deal of late. A few eye opening experiences." Sherman said.

"I think I like this new and outgoing Sherman." Samantha said with a wink.

Sherman waited until the elevator doors closed. "So would you like someone to scrub your back?"

"I might be interested in a little sudsy company." Samantha said as he followed her to her apartment. "Are you trying to pick up where we left off?"

"If you will let me. Or maybe I am trying to be a better person then I once was." Sherman said.

"I'll think about it. But since you were going to say 'yes' to Jenny's question, you will have to work on it another night." Samantha said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving him out in the hall.

"I had a feeling that was coming." Sherman said to himself and headed to his apartment. He took a warm shower instead of a cold and called it a night.

Unlike Alice and Jenny, Sherman got up before his alarm. Part of the reason he didn't spend much time in his place was the lack of furnishing at the moment. His bed and a couch were pretty much it at the moment. Granted it wouldn't be much fuller when his stuff finally showed up. Because he didn't have much, the big TV and game console he had picked up the day he decided to move here.

Since he disliked cooking, was not good at it and hasn't in years. He got dressed he went down to the cafeteria for breakfast, and was surprised to see Nodrog waiting by the doors. "Didn't expect to see you down here."

"Figured this would be the easiest place to meet you before we head out." Nodrog said and followed Sherman in.

"Works for me. I wanted to ask you something anyways." Sherman said as the two of them went through one of the several food lines. Nodrog even got something to eat and drink, probably for appearances more than anything. They sat down at the farthest corner of the cafeteria near the windows.

"So what did you want to ask?" Nodrog asked and took a bite of a strawberry pastry.

"After our little encounter with my dad, I have a constant dull ache." Sherman said.

"Where?" Nodrog asked.

"Everywhere, even my bones seem sore. Like I worked out too long and hard." Sherman spread syrup over his fried chicken and waffles.

Nodrog scratched his chin. "Anything else, loss of balance or tired?"

"No, just a dull ache." Sherman said. Who ever thought of combining fried chicken, waffles and maple syrup into one meal should be given a fucking medal, it was that good. It was also a Tuesday special.

"I can only offer speculation, but you might be undergoing a magic based physical change. Nothing drastic, and to know for sure we would need to speak with Nightrunner or ask Alice or Jenny to confirm it." Nodrog said.

"So what kind of change?" Sherman asked, now he was a little worried.

"Every part of you is getting stronger, including bones and internal organs. It might take a couple days, or up to a month. I just can't say. Basically you will become more like me, then you will stay normal." Nodrog said.

"So it is plausible, I will be at the very least an immortal, like my father?" Sherman said and glanced out the windows.

"Without asking someone else, I would say that is likely the case. I'm sorry." Nodrog looked out the windows as well. It was not something he would wish on anyone.

"Who would we have to ask to be sure?" Sherman asked and looked at Nodrog.

"No one on this world. I will talk to Nightrunner later today and see what he suggests. We might have to seek council with one of the elders." Nodrog said.

"Maybe instead of sparing we should do that instead. I need to know what I am, before I can continue on." Sherman said.

"In the mean time, don't worry about it. You will not look any different than you do now. However from this point on, you most likely will not age." Nodrog said.

"Well at least I will be forever good looking." Sherman mainly laughed at the look Nodrog gave him.


Nodrog grunted. "At least you are in good spirits about it. Plus if anyone asks, you can blame it on the super soldier program."

"Our female friends think I am good looking. Think I will believe their opinions on that matter over yours... Speaking of females, how the hell would Alice and Jenny be of any help figuring out what I am going through?" Sherman asked before sopping up some syrup with part of a waffle.

"Because they could compare notes from your earlier tests to any they could run now. Like bone and organ density, muscle growth, things of that nature." Nodrog said and tossed back the last of his pastry.

Sherman looked up at him and paused mid mouthful. "Oh yeah."

"I can't take you or Jenny anywhere, can I?" Nodrog said and chuckled when Sherman flipped him off.

"I wonder how hard it would be to ask them if they could do a couple of checks. They were not real thrilled the last time I wanted them to do something like that." Sherman said and checked his watch.

"Only because you almost hit Alice with a coke machine. I think they wouldn't mind doing some simple tests." Nodrog chuckled.

"Well, she should be mad at you for dodging the machine in the first place. For noncombatants they both have excellent reflexes..." Sherman said.

"Among other things." Nodrog said and they both smiled.

"Yeah, they do have a certain charm. But then I have said that about a number of women." Sherman said.

"From the sounds of things, mine and Jenny's lack of being seriously involved with several people seem to be the oddity. Alice, Jim, Kenny, you and everyone else seem to have a more normal approach to finding a mate." Nodrog said and finished his coffee.

"Not all of us can be as lucky as the two off you." Sherman said.

"Except Jenny is only lucky in that Alice said yes. If Alice had said no, who knows what she would have done." Nodrog said.

Sherman could hazard a couple guesses, none of them ended well. "You have a point there. In her case, it must be almost a fairy tale come true."

"I believe that is how she sees it. So what about you and Samantha?" Nodrog asked as they got up to leave.

"We were getting a little serious before I threw it all away. I think, she wants to give me a second chance, but still has some reservations about it. I hurt a lot of close friends and family the way I left." Sherman said as they went down to the large gymnasium. An early morning storm pushed most of it inside, the rain was not bad, it was the lightning that was the problem.

"I hope you don't hold that against her." Nodrog said.

"No, I don't hold it against anyone. I screwed up and I know it. I guess that's the first step in redemption." Sherman said.

"No, the first step is admitting you made a mistake. All you need to do is ask for forgiveness. Those that care, will and those that don't... maybe it is better that way." Nodrog said and the two stopped at the main gym doors.

"And today, the first person I ask will be the most important one of them all." Sherman said and pulled open one of the doors.

"A person can have many loves, but only one mother." Nodrog said.

"Very true. Lets get this over with so I can get out of here." Sherman said.

"Agreed, because this is a tedious task no matter the circumstances. And before you ask, yes I have observed soldiers testing their fitness in similar fashions." Nodrog said.

"It's like you can read minds." Sherman said in mock surprise.

Nodrog slugged him in the shoulder and they both laughed. "Do you think he is here to observe or talk to us?"

Sherman spotted Mr. October standing near the bleachers. "I hope it is not the later, I really would like to keep my promise to my mom."

"Good morning gentlemen." Mr. October said.

"Good morning sir." Nodrog and Sherman said.

"Have you selected a new pilot yet?" Mr. October asked.

"We have narrowed it down to, two." Sherman said.

"After today we were going to speak with each of them personally. We had hoped to have an answer for you later this week." Nodrog said.

"Very good. Things have quieted down for the most part. I might have something for the two of you later in the month. Unfortunately I will have to send a specialist with you. Since neither of you can verify the authenticity of artifacts." Mr. October said.

"Who would you want to send with us?" Sherman asked and the three of them sat down.

"My first choice would be Alice, except she is too well known. It will have to be Jenny or Kathrin." Mr. October said.

"I guess I do not follow." Nodrog said.

"The nature of the problem. I have it from reliable sources that some very important documents are up for sale on the black market. Most people know Alice works for me, and that might cause a problem. However if I send someone unknown who is working for a private collector..." Mr. October said.

"Then no one should suspect anything. And it would not raise any eyebrows that a young woman would have hired muscle in that kind of environment. However they would expect people in your position to try something." Sherman said.

"That's why the two of you will be going. To protect who ever I send and if it comes down to it, take it with force." Mr. October said.

"So what kind of documents?" Nodrog asked.

"They pertain to the Knights Templar and what they might have found as the holy grail. Some believe the holy grail they found was actually the journal written by Jesus of Nazareth." Mr. October said.

"If that is true, then there will be people willing to kill for it." Sherman said.

"So apparently will we. They will want a rather large amount of money for it." Nodrog said.

"Another reason it has to be the two of you. Holy relics carry a immeasurable value, not just for what they may say, but what they are. Even the church will most likely send a few people down." Mr. October said.

"This sounds like a movie plot." Sherman said. They had not been paying much attention to the work out like they were supposed to be doing.

"Its not the first time you have conducted corporate espionage. Besides, unlike the movies the dead won't get up after the dust has settled and the directors yell cut. I will also have to make arrangements in case they want to exchange them for something other than money." Mr. October said.

"Weapons would be the only other thing of real value in some parts of the world. The pen may be mightier than the sword, but they don't clear a room like a missile." Sherman said and crossed his arms.

"We will want to keep our cards close. If we act to quickly it may give away our true motives. However we cannot delay either... it will be a fine line between being interested and too interested." Nodrog said.

"That is precisely the insight you bring to the table. Jenny and Kathrin will not know how to read the reactions of the sellers or the others interested in the artifacts. Between you and Sherman, you both will be able to assess the situation quickly and effectively. The only risk I have is who I send down with you both. I do not take it lightly, but I cannot allow these to pass by without trying something." Mr. October said.

"The only unknown is who else will be going. The only problem will be if someone does something rash. There will be a large number of shoot first and not ask questions kind of people protecting the person selling the artifacts." Sherman said.

"Jenny might have a problem staying calm in a tough spot, but if the worst happens she will do exactly as we say, when we say it. Kathrin probably would handle negotiations better and being a little older, would have more authority then Jenny. I would prefer someone who can do both." Nodrog said.

"Why not Frank?" Sherman asked.

"Because like Alice he is too well known. Sending Jenny and Kathrin down would make your jobs that much harder, but we might have to consider that option." Mr. October said.

"The whole thing hinges on if either of them will agree going in the first place." Sherman said.

"I will speak to them both later this week. The actual sale is still a few weeks off." Mr. October said.

"I do not see how sending both would solve anything." Sherman said.

"Jenny trusts us, and everyone knows that. So if we tell them to do something Kathrin will likely agree solely because Jenny does." Nodrog said.

"In either case, keep it in the back of your minds. I all ready have sent a vehicle to Jim and Kenny for some of their custom refinements. Plus to remove company markings from it. I all so have a small cargo plane devoid of any markings for these behind the scenes operations." Mr. October said and stood up. "Have a good day."

"You as well." Nodrog said.

"Good day sir." Sherman said. They both sat quietly as the first group finished running their mile.

"If one of them does not volunteer, I would expect he will want us to chose for them." Sherman said as the group started doing push ups.

"We will worry about that when the time comes. We have another hour and a half of this, then you can take off. I will get in touch with Nightrunner about our earlier discussion." Nodrog said.

"Fair enough. Or we could just split." Sherman said and looked over at Nodrog.

"Lets get out of here." They both got up and left.

Sherman went down to the motor pool and signed out a big Jeep to use for the rest of the day. With a light rain still falling he drove off to Winston's apartment to pick up his mom for the day.

"I wasn't expecting you until later." Amber said as she opened the door for Sherman.

"The weather changed the plans, and I might have skipped out a little early." Sherman said as he stepped into the apartment.

"Well that is a pleasant surprise. So did you have any plans?" Amber asked as she got her purse and the spare apartment key.

"Spend time with you was about as far as I got." Sherman said with a smile.

"To bad the weather wasn't nicer we could do a little sightseeing." Amber said.

"If I knew were to take you. I haven't been here long enough to know where to go. I know where the club Winston works at is, a friend's house and the air port is." Sherman said.

"Hell even I know where more than that is. How did you get here?" Amber asked as she locked the door.

"I checked out a car from the motor pool. So we are free to go anywhere you would like." Sherman said.

"If you don't mind I would like to see an old friend who works on campus." Amber said.

"I don't mind in the least." Sherman said as they headed down to the parking garage.

After getting a little lost they managed to find the shopping mall Jennifer usually took Amber to when she was in town. But neither of them minded in the least. It had been a rather long time since the two of them had done anything together. As much fun as they always had Sherman couldn't help but feel bad about what he had done.

"All right what's wrong?" Amber asked as they now headed out to the college campus.

"What makes you think something is wrong?" Sherman asked.

"I'm your mother, I just know. So spill it." Amber said.

Sherman sighed in defeat. "I feel bad about having left like I did. I realize I really screwed up. And I don't know how to make it right."

"What makes you think you have to make anything right? You made your own choices, some good and some bad. We all make mistakes Sherman. Even your mother has made a few." Amber said.

"I would disagree with you, I thought you did an admiral job." Sherman said.

"I wished I could have done more. Winston finally told me how your father treated the two of you, I had a hard time believing it. Now I see that it was plain as day." Amber said.

"While I never understood why you loved him, I still always loved you. After he was gone I was glad Winston and I did not have to share you with anyone." Sherman said.

"I never understood your reasons for leaving, but I knew someday you would come back. And here you are, an incredibly handsome young man. You look a lot like your father, but I think you are a much better person." Amber glanced out the window. "Do you believe in magic, or monsters?"

Sherman was a little taken back by the question. "I do, because as it so happens, a close friend of mine is an honest to god monster. He was found by one of the archeological teams in a long abandoned and forgotten castle."

"Really? I guess that makes it easier to tell you something I have kept a secret for a long time. Your father did not die, he abandoned us..." Amber said and a tear ran down her cheek.

"I know, because a week ago he tried to kill me and a friend." Sherman said.

"Oh my god, why didn't you tell me?" Amber asked.

"Because I did not know you knew he was different. I thought it would be better to not bring him up around you or my brother. I have learned of a number of strange things since meeting a nearly two millennia old dragon." Sherman said.

"So is your father still alive?" Amber asked.

"I don't know an easy way to say it, so I will just say it. He is dead and I killed him." Sherman said.

"Oh god, Sherman I am so sorry." Amber said and covered her mouth as she started to cry.

"It is all right, my own actions lead to him being so angry he attacked us. It was in my own defense and to protect my friends. Do not cry for me, I am glad I was strong enough to protect them." Sherman said and put an arm on his mother's shoulder.

"You really have changed..." Amber said.

"I have, both for good and ill... I don't want you to be sorry or feel bad for me. I just want you to know I am sorry for hurting the two people in my life who mattered most. You never failed me, I am the one who failed." Sherman said as he pulled up to the visitor parking lot.

"You didn't fly all of this way to be sad. So lets go meet your old friend and be happy once more." Sherman said.

"Are you sure you are all right?" Amber asked.

"I am getting better every day." Sherman said with a smile. He was thankful his mother knew where her friend worked on campus. Because he had no idea where anything was, higher education didn't interest him much. Her friend as it happened was a math professor, and since it was lunch time they went to a little café on campus for lunch. He was admiring a few of the coeds when someone shouting his name drew him back around.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Alice said as she walked over to them. Her own mother and Nodrog in tow.

"Hello. Mom, these are two of my friends Alice and Nodrog. Along with Alice's mom Lucy. This is my mom Amber." Sherman said.

The three of them said hello in turn. "You know the race car driver Alice. When were you going to tell me that?" Amber asked and elbowed him in the arm.

"I had planned on tomorrow night when you met them. Wait a minute since when do you like auto racing?" Sherman asked as Alice and her mother laughed.

"Since I saw her racing last spring on the road course back home. I'm a big fan of hers, its nice to see a young woman do well in a man's sport. I even have the poster of her and Wes from this year's road race in France." Amber said.

"It really is a small world some days." Nodrog said.

"That it is. I must say you have raised a fine young man." Lucy said and laughed at her daughter's embarrassment.

Nodrog and Sherman talked quietly while the four women did a great deal more talking. At least Sherman knew his and Alice's mother got along very well.

"So what are you and Alice up here for?" Sherman asked.

"Giving me a tour and an ID card to use when I come up to help Lucy with her classes." Nodrog said and laughed at Alice being more embarrassed about something her mother said.

Alice and Nodrog tagged along with Sherman and Amber, at her request. The two professors had to get back to their class rooms for this afternoon. "I never said congratulations for your first place."

"It's all right. So will you be in town all week?" Alice asked.

"My flight home is next Tuesday. So I have plenty of time to spend with my boys." Amber said.

"Sherman and I have a little work Thursday we have to attend to, but otherwise he is free. I made sure of it." Nodrog said.

"Did the meeting get canceled?" Sherman asked.

"No we are still meeting with the specialist, it was the advanced training that got canceled." Nodrog said and figured Sherman would figure out he had talked to Nightrunner. They would be talking with someone who could help Sherman.

"Good, I was not looking forward to that. I am a bit surprised Jenny is not with you." Sherman said.

"Who is Jenny?" Amber asked.

"My fiancée, and she is supposed to be working on some things at work." Alice said.

"You will meet her and several other people tomorrow night. There will be ten of us in total." Sherman said.