Ch.7 - An Unknown Threat

Story by Golbeze on SoFurry

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#6 of Power of Light

Well, Ch.7 is now on. The next one will be the conclusion, which I'll be working on, and probably finishing, tonite. No actual yiff in this one, but at the end, it ALMOST becomes a rape scene, so make sure you're of legal age. Theirs also violence in this one, too. And don't steal it. This work is copyright me, Golbeze. Enjoy!


Power of Light

Ch. 7 - An Unknown Threat

It was now one month since they left Wolfania. They were at the crossroads that lead to Wolfania and Dragonia. A few minutes ago, Vixena gave birth to a healthy baby boy here, and was cradling him in her arms, looking at him lovingly. "What should we name him?" Foxara looks at them, smiling. "Why don't we name him Jason? Yeah, Jason Kitsuno." She smiles at Foxara, then responds, "That sounds good, I like it." They snuggled together, happier now than they've ever been. But this scene wouldn't last long...

It was a few weeks later. They were walking down the path, Vixena carrying little Jason, when they heard a rustling. Foxara looked around, narrowing his eyes, trying to see where it came from. "Vixena, wait here," he tells her as he walks into the woods, his sword drawn. Vixena nods, watching him leave, positioning herself to run if she had to.

She waits for what seems like forever, shaking the entire time, when something stirs in the forest. She takes a step back, ready to make a break for it. Suddenly, The figure walks out. It's Foxara, his sword sheathed. She breathes a sigh of relief, walking towards him, her heart still racing. "Don't worry, it's just me." He puts his arm around her, comforting her. "I looked all over, but couldn't find anything. But I can still sense a presence. I think we better keep moving." She nods as they start walking down the path again.

They walked for a few hours, the presence staying with them, when they hear the rustling again, this time from above, in the trees. Foxara doesn't hesitate this time, and is quickly climbing the trees, jumping between them, trying to find their stalker. Soon, rustling is heard all around Vixena and Jason as the stalker and Foxara move about.

Suddenly, Foxara is seen jumping out of the trees, pouncing a wolf to the ground, holding his sword to the wolf's throat. "Tell me, why are you following us? Answer me!" The wolf looks at him, eyes narrowed. "Our employer wants you dead, Foxara, and your head brought to him as proof. We intend to deliver!" Then, another wolf jumps at Foxara, this one female, slashing at Foxara with a pair of katanas, aiming for his back.

"Foxara, watch out!" Vixena calls to him, but he already sensed it. He rolls out of the way, almost dodging it, but his shoulder gets hit. He grasps it, growling out in pain, then looks at his shoulder, two slash wounds on it forming an X. He then jumps away, avoiding another attack from the wolfess. Then, the male wolf appears behind him, lunging at Foxara with a sword, which he narrowly dodges, then lunges back, getting him just in the stomach.

The wolf cringes in pain, holding his wound as blood covers his hand. "Grrr- erg, y-you'll pay for that." The wolfess runs over to him, then casts a healing spell, closing the wound. "Boy, get ready to die," she says, her eyes narrowed. She deftly jumps to his other side, putting Foxara between her and her partner.

They both attack at the same time, the wolf slashing at Foxara with his broadsword, while the wolfess uses her twin katanas. Foxara defly blocks both with his sword, then returns the slash, growling. He charges at the wolfess, slashing, as she runs backwards, blocking his attacks, while her partner chases after them, readying a spell.

Foxara senses this, then dodges the energy blast, it hitting a tree instead. The fight goes into the woods, the three jumping into the trees. Foxara moves about, jumping from tree to tree, listening, keeping track of them. They do the same, making sure to keep track of where he is as well as each other. Soon, however, they no longer hear him. "Grrr, where did that boy go?" the wolfess asks with a snarl. Her partner answers, "I don't know, I'm where I last heard him, but he's not here." They both look about, confused as to why they didn't hear him move, anymore.

They jump to the ground, looking around. "Where are we?" the wolfess asks, trying to get their bearings. "I don't know, I'd say pretty deep in the woods." They look around, completely lost. They then hear a rustle. "What was that?" She looks in the direction of the sound. Her partner heads over there. "Grr, he's using our own trick against us! He'll pay for such insolence!" He draws his sword, ready to attack anything that moved. He searches the shrubs, looking for any sign of Foxara. "Argh! Where is he?!"

Then, a rustle is heard above and behind him, coming from the trees. He heads over there, almost roaring in anger. Suddenly, Foxara jumps out from behind the wolfess. She turns around, and finds herself tackled to the ground. "Get Off Me!" She struggles against Foxara, trying to push him off, but he holds on tight. "Argh, let me go!" Suddenly, her partner appears above them, getting ready to strike. He slashes just as Foxara notices. Foxara grabs the sword, then, with a yell, plunges his straight through the wolf's heart. He lets go, as the wolf stumbles back, then falls to the ground, dead.

Foxara gets up, staring at the wolf's lifeless form, his mind being overrun by a range of emotions. The wolfess looks at them, her eyes filled with a mix of horror, sadness, and rage. "You- you killed my mate... no..." She continues to look at the fox, then to her fallen mate, then back. "You'll pay for this," she growls, then runs off into the forest. "Mark my words!"

Foxara looks over the corpse, shaking. "I... I killed him..." He fell to his knees, trembling harder, having never actually taken another's life before. Despite all his training, mental and physical, it was still having a strong effect on him. He crawls over to a tree, sitting against it, still trying to deal with these feelings. "*sigh* I-I can't... let it get to me... I knew something like this would happen..." He gradually gets up, shaking his head, then walks over to the lifeless wolf.

He buries him, using a rock as a tombstone. With his magic, he carves these words into it, "My adversary lays here. He fought honorably against me. May his spirit find rest in the afterlife." He takes the wolf's sword, placing it on the grave. He then picks up his own sword, sheathing it, then heads into the forest, trying to find his way back to Vixena, feeling a little better, but still quite affected.

Vixena was waiting on the road, holding Jason in her arms, when she hears a rustling. Foxara walks out from the trees, looking down, looking a complete mess. "Foxara, are you ok?" She runs over to him, looking in his eyes. That night, Foxara was by himself, in deep thought. He still couldn't shake his actions from his mind, and it was depressing him. Vixena then walks over to him, looking at him, her eyes filled with concern.

"Foxara, I've been thinking. Do you regret what you did? You were fighting to protect me, right? I know it must be very hard for you, but..." Foxara looks back. "Vixena, I would never regret protecting you." He looks down. "It's just... different than what I expected. I... I got scared..." She snuggles up to him, wrapping her arm around him. He hugs her back, nuzzling her. "Well, lets get to bed." He picks her up, and lays her down where Jason was put to sleep, and lays down next to her. "I love you, Vixena."

A couple months later, unknown to the kits, three figures were having a discussion. "You want me to kill Foxara, huh?" "Yes, we'll pay you 150,000 if you can do it. What do you say?" He thinks for a moment. "No. Sorry, but this is one job I won't take. Besides, I earn three times as much for most jobs I take. Get someone else." He starts walking out. "Wait!" The third figure runs up to him. "How about this..."

Meanwhile, Foxara and Vixena are at a crossroads. "Hmm, this way to Dragonia. I hear there's a human village nearby. We should be safe there. We can rest until we make for Dragonia again." Dragonia was located near the human territories. They were considered neutral zones, so foxes could be around wolves there and not worry about persecution from them.

They made their way down the path, when the wolfess from before jumped in front of them. Foxara steps back, ready to draw his sword, when she speaks. "Wait, I'm not here to fight." They look at her cautiously. "Then what do you want?" Foxara asks her. "I saw the grave you made for my mate, and came to find you. Although you killed him, I thank you for burying him. He died a warrior's death, doing what he lived his life for. But that's not what I'm here for. I came to warn you." Foxara stares at her, then asks, "What is it, then?" "My employer isn't going to stop until either you are dead, or you find out who he is, and stop him. Be careful, even in the human territories you will find danger. A trap has been set for you there. That's how desperate he's getting."

Foxara asks her another question. "Tell me, who hired you? Who wants us dead?" She shakes her head. "I'm sorry, when we became assassins, we took an oath never to reveal our employer's identity. It would be dishonorable to go back on our word." Foxara hands his head. "Dang. Tell me, why are you telling us this?" She walks away, giving her answer. "I have my reasons." In truth, she didn't really know why. She then vanished into the forest.

They decided to heed her advice, bypassing the village and heading straight to Dragonia. Along the way, they meet a familiar face. "Hey you two! Hey Foxara, how do you like that sword?" Foxara smiled at him. "Hey, Wofana. Yeah, I really like it. Thanks." They walk down the path together. "By the looks of it, you've gotten even stronger than last time. Keeping up your training, I see," Wofana says with his usual smirk. "Yeah, I train every day." Wofana looks at him. "That's good, I've been training too. Gotta stay strong for our rematch, hehe." Foxara smirks back at that comment.

Soon, however, Wofana stops. "Uh, what is it, Wofana?" Vixena asks. Foxara turns around. "You going again?" He shakes his head. "No, I'm not going anywhere, but neither are you." He pulls out his sword. "Heh, sorry Foxara, but I have a job to do. I'm supposed to kill you." Foxara looks at him. "Why? I thought we were friends. Why would you take this job? Who wants us dead? Please..."

He shakes his head at the fox. "Actually, only you are to die, Foxara. I am to keep Vixena alive. In fact, she is part of my payment. 150,000 gold pieces, plus her. I couldn't just refuse such an offer, a female fox is worth a lot as a mate in Wolfania," he says, an evil smirk on his face. The two foxes step back. "Wofana..."

Vixena then speaks. "What?! If you do that, you'll have my father to answer to!" she yells, backing up into a tree. Wofana starts laughing. "My dear, your father is one of the men who hired all of us! Along with King Richard of Foxaria!" Her eyes grow wide with shock. "NO! That's a lie! He would never-" "I assure you, it's no lie! I know I'm breaking my pact, but no-one will ever find out, because Foxara will be dead, and you won't tell anyone if you value your health!"

He then casts a spell, causing Jason to float out of her arms and out of the way, then chains, made from his magic, restrain her, and she falls to the ground. "NO! Let me go! Please!" She starts to cry. Foxara looks at her, then at Wofana, stepping in front of him. "That's enough! Fine, you want to fight?! So be it!" He draws his sword, ready to fight. "Foxara, do this for me. Fight me at your full strength! Hold nothing back! I know you were only toying with those wolves before. Don't even think about toying with me!"

Foxara nods, staring him down. Then, in a flash, he's slashing at Wofana. "Wow, that was good!" Wofana says, barely dodging the attack, then, just as fast, is lunging at Foxara. He dodges to the side, then circles around the wolf, and charges into him. Wofana turns around, catching Foxara, then tries to throw him, but Foxara escapes his grasp, and grabs him, instead. Wofana then finds himself being thrown into a tree, it getting knocked down from the impact. He gets up, shaking his head. "Ow, that was an experience," he says, smirking at Foxara.

Foxara stares back. "Why don't we get serious, Wofana? You wanted me to fight at full strength, but only if you will!" Wofana glares at him. "...Fine. You want to see my power, I'll show it to you." His eyes turn white, and a dark aura surrounds him, as his body begins to change. His fur turns from grey to almost black, with very dark brown patches all over, as spikes appear on the back of his legs and on his shoulders. "There, witness the greatest power of the Wolfanians!"

Foxara stared at him, eyes wide with amazement and fear. "Dang, I've never sensed a power so strong! How did he do it?" he thought to himself. He had heard legends about this power, but thought they were just that - legends. Myths. He continued to stare, realizing he might not come out of this alive, if at all. He tightened his grip on his sword, knowing there was no backing out, and he didn't intend to. Wofana would more than easily any attempts at rescuing Vixena, and he knew it. He would just have to find some way to win, despite the odds.

Suddenly, Wofana disappeared, appearing behind Foxara, then knocking him sending him flying. Foxara looked around when he disappeared, then let out a yell as he was hit, flying into the trees. He landed on his back, then, after a moment, shakily got into a sitting position, feeling as though every bone in his body was broken, bruises all over him, as he groaned in pain. "D-dang..."

Wofana appeared in front of him, grabbing the fox and lifting him up. "Hey, Foxara, ever learned to fly?" Wofana then takes off, using his magic to soar high in the air, then plunged back towards the ground. "Lets see how you handle this!" He throws Foxara straight into the ground, causing him to let out a loud howl of pain. Foxara laid there, unconscious, as Wofana landed next to him, then picked him up and tied him to a tree.

"Hey, fox, wake up!" Wofana used a water spell, splashing Foxara, waking him. He looked around groggily. "Erg... Wofana..." Wofana splashed him again, fully waking him. "Aah! -nng-" He found himself tied to the tree, his feet off the ground. Every bone and muscle hurt like hell, and he was so weak, he could barely move. "Good, you're awake now. I wanted you to see this before I killed you."

He walked over to Vixena, who was still chained. He set her into a sitting position, then ripped off her skirt and panties. Both Foxara and Vixena looked on in shock. "No, what are you going to do to me?" Wofana laughed evilly, grinning. "What does it look like? I figure since you're as good as mine at this point, I'll just take the first of my reward now." Vixena started screaming. "NO! Please, I beg of you!" she yelled, crying, as Wofana started pulling down his pants.

Foxara watched, his mind filling with rage. "Wofana, DON'T YOU DARE!!" Wofana looked over to him, giving him an evil smirk, as he positioned the tip of his cock at her entrance. "Ah, shut up. I'll do as I please." Foxara looked on in rage, struggling against the restraints as his strength returned to him, fueled by anger, as the transformed wolf moved forward. Just as he was about to enter, it happened...


There it is. If you'd like to leave feedback on this, or any of the other chapters, feel free. I'd like your opinion. Ch.8 to be coming very soon.