Remembering Peter

Story by Picklessauce69 on SoFurry

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This is a story short written by a friend of mine (NOT BY ME!). He's looking to get some feedback on the story and his writing in general if you would please, please, please take the time to read it after we put the time into it writing (him) and editing (me); it'd be appreciated. If I get more than 20 comments (not counting my replies or doubles from people) I'll do a raffle for a commission coupon- not sure for what dollar/word amount but it'll be something..

So please read, comment with constructive criticism, the more you write the better! Thank you for taking the time to be awesome people!

Oh and this is a tad gruesome, but not in any sex :)

There's nothing quite as disquieting, or anything disquieting than to lay on a persons chest and never feel them move. Like a giant doll, with emotions and ideas, and a personality so very artificial and fake. But real unto itself, as an idea, or in this case himself.

"Tell me about the wendigo, sweetie.." She said, curling up to him as his dead seed leaked from between her legs, cold like he was but she didn't mind. She liked warming him up, and the icy chill of his body made her wake up whenever she was with him intimately, and for hours after.

"Are you sure? I told you it's quite horrible.." He said, perfectly awake though the bags under his eyes suggested otherwise along with the other gaunt lines that marred his otherwise handsome face. His arm wrapped around her shoulders as he said, "Even skin walkers would agree with me about how horrible it is." Skin walkers. Women who murdered and occasionally cannibalized their family to gain power. Utterly lust filled creatures whose pragmaticism would make any accountant consider them strange and consumed with the hunger of locusts that inhabited their souls.

"Yes." She said, nodding, her cheek dragging against the porcelain of his chest giving her goosebumps.

He sighed and took a deep breath inwards for a longer tale, "It started about ten years after the Shift. People were disappearing from mountains up north, some claiming to have seen a monster of skin and bone trying to attack them. So naturally the police tried to take care of it and lord knows that at the beginning they were fucking useless."

"Lord?" She asked looking up, big eyes all innocent.

"It's an expression from my time, meant to refer to Jesus Christ, to express that if I am wrong the Lord shall smite me from heaven. Though I'll admit, there are better reasons to smite a man like me, than for being wrong." He said giving a passing knowing grin, before continuing, "So, they called in some of my people, including me, Harvey, and a group of mortals. Harvey was a vamp too, but the other three were humans, and we even took a skinwalker with us since we didn't know what the fuck it was that brought our attentions. She had her theories that it was a wendigo and it made more sense than anything else we thought of. So we went with that and made our way up to where the wendigo, we were calling it, was seen. Locals claimed the same thing from the get go when we asked them about it, helping out the theory however I still had my doubts. See, we didn't really know anything by that point and I was able to survive with my hide intact because I was paranoid, therefore was ready to split whenever shit went down. Since we didn't know what we were fighting yet half the time.

"Anyways, we moved our way into the mountains, me and Harvey eating the humans when it came time and carrying the heaviest stuff in return for the blood, while the skin walker went around in one of her many animal forms. Nothing as disconcerting as being hit on by a wolf bitch, who didn't even have the throat to make real human sounds. Just close approximations, like listening to a bag of gravel being used to beat the poor dog. And she thought it was sexy? Bleh, I might be wrong but I'm not into those kinds of bitches. I'm into Your kind of bitch.

"Looking for the wendigo wasn't that interesting, but none of it was before people started realizing that you could track us up. The skinwalker proved useful though, she could track the beast well enough, though evil does tend to draw evil to itself. Occasionally we would find a bleach white bone from some poor bastard in the snow, Harvey thought it was her eating them but I kept an eye on her, she was getting fat from the food she hunted and we provided so it couldn't have been her. Not enough room in her belly. We found it was all in a general area thankfully, about a ten mile circle around this one area. Probably wherever the wendigo was getting food from. At any time you could count the trees you could see with two hands.

"When we found the damn place we had been up for a little more than a month, and it was one of the humans who found it And immediately began to throw up. Nothing worse than the stench of sick up my nose now and if ever, but thankfully the scent of blood, if frozen blood was still strong in the air where the wendigo was resting. Like smelling a cheesecake and parmesan cheese at the same time, better but still not nice. Now it's nothing new to hear about these plane crashes in the middle of the fucking mountains and no one finding them, that was exactly the kind of thing we saw up there except it was incredibly disgusting and frozen.

"There were no fires, no lights, no sparks of electricity of turbines still turning that threaten any who walk in front of one. The ripped metal stopped in time and made still, clothing and wires softly saying in the air as the wind howled in our ears and before our eyes. But it was not white as you might imagine so high up in the mountains. It was brown, red, and black with specks of white from snow that would drop onto the ground and turn into a black dot before dissolving into a goo. The ground, the plane, everything was splattered in this rich red frozen darkness. Tracks of human feet coming to and from it forming black and red foot prints. On closer inspection, the brown being shit smeared all around, and the blood coming from prior victims only staying liquid thanks to the salt contained inside of it. And that goo covering everything, gritty but slick like you would imagine oil on rust might feel.

"Except the bones. Bones from dozens of people, more than the plane could actually hold, piled up all around it. But only the thickest like femurs and shoulder plates. They were completely white which is not normal for bones to be like. Bones are naturally tinted unless you peel and chew at the outside until it eventually turns white because you've peeled away at the outside revealing the white insides of the bones.

"So naturally, we made our own camp about a hundred yards away, enough that Harvey and I can keep a pretty good eye on it with some binoculars since neither one of us sleeps and have really good eyes. Which was boring as all hell, but it wasn't too bad. So Harvey and I did our thing, watching the Wendigo's camp for what was first just hours, then days...


Sliding her hand up the vampires chest the girl looked up at him studying his perfectly still form, "Sweetie?"

He looked over to her, and continued after looking at her for a few seconds before staring back at the ceiling again, "Not much happened during those weeks, so the live people started going crazy very quickly, the long times of boredom, keeping themselves alive and the feeling of being eaten from on a daily basis as well as being hit on by the bitch. One of them was caught fucking her in her wolf body. That was an interesting night, we busted his balls bad. No pun intended.

"Weeks turned to months and the only one happy about this was the skinwalker. Henry and I were starving ourselves some to keep the live people healthier. But they were still turning to stick and bone anyways, paling and turning all kinds of scraggly. We never saw the wendigo, but the fresh animal bones we found was enough evidence. The skinwalker taught us more about the legend of the wendigo. They are spirits, and as spirits are not bound by the mortal dimensions. Time, space, not really real things to them, they just pass though not noticing these kinds of things. Some people thought the wendigo was all just one spirit who inhabited all these people all over the United States, at the same time.

"The mortals were starting to attack each other as they became more sickly, both verbally and physically. And claiming to see the wendigo after they attacked each other. They never wanted to explain what it looked like though, instead they would just beg to go ahead and go home because the thing was inherently evil. Harvey and I didn't put too much mind into this, being inherently evil creatures as well, along with the skin walker. Should have though, these men and women had been with us for years before the expedition and if anyone would be used to the sorts of creatures we saw it would be them.

"Harvey and I were the first to find one of our comrades dead, just past the camp of the wendigo itself. The beats tore a man to shreds during the day ripping his skull apart and working it's way down into his belly spreading the gore like splatter painting. While we were examining it, several at the camp itself screamed as if the devil itself was on their tail. So we chased after them, and while I was running something occurred to me. The wendigo's victims were always completely picked clean and its remains cracked open and ate. Like a corpse after vultures have been at it for a while. But the wendigo ripped the victim apart, and this time it left the arms and legs. Sure piles of meat were left around but nothing much more than that but they were separate.

"At the camp we saw the skinwalker and the wendigo fighting each other, and the humans were cowering to one side of the camp. Only one of the youngest being able to take a gun and shoot the creature. The creature itself was a hideous thing made up of bone and flesh and the black goo all over it's body. Though where it didn't touch the wendigo was as pale as I was. It was huge, over seven foot tall and gaunt with limbs of bone and tight skin that occasionally you could see bone again through holes in the skin where it's own tightness and the fights it had been through ripped at its hide.. It had no belly but rather a place the goo dripped out of, you could see holes along it's stomach and crotch where it ripped at it's own flesh and consumed itself. Dripping out in amorphous lumps onto the ground, dark as sin even where the light touched it. And from where his groin was, one of the large holes gave way as it seemingly gave birth to a half eaten hand covered in goo and blood from it's own veins. Almost seeming to be still moving.

"Harvey and I were able to fend it off and chase it into the woods with the help of the skinwalker, though we clearly had underestimated the creature. It wasn't just a mindless eating machine, it had thoughts and was able to plan attack against the camp. Back at camp we started packing back up again readying to leave in the morning at the crack of dawn. Harvey and I keeping an eye on the woods to see to it that the beast didn't attack our camp again. Most were shaken up, the skinwalker however was not. She just licked her wounds clean and grinned at the mortals even winking at the one's who fucked her. Kinky bitch. So, most of the mortals went to bed early that night save the one who was able to fight the wendigo and actually landed some shots on the beast as it ran away. He insisted on cleaning the dishes from dinner that night which we and said okay to, since he had been the only one to face the creature. So we left him with a gun of his choice and he went about mess duties.

"When he didn't come back from the river with water to clean with, we got worried. Harvey stayed while I went to check it out, he went to the river but then off to the place where we found the corpse. I found him, eating at our comrades body, and his hand was smeared with the black goo as well from gripping at something. From the hand that was dropped from the body of the wendigo which I found at my feet.

"I grabbed him by the back of his neck and yelled at him, 'What the fuck are you doing? Are you fucking insane?!' He just looked up and nodded, 'We can't beat this thing. But it can beat itself. That's what the skinwalker said, at least she said in theory we can consume each other.' He was cold to the touch, a darkness at the edges of his eyes as he spoke. Unfazed by the cold anymore, clenching his jaw when he wasn't speaking, looking towards my neck and arms with a stare that would have made any vampires sire proud to see in their childe's eyes.

" Thankfully for the kid, or not so, the wendigo came onto the scene and charged towards us. I was able to fight it off, but only just while the kid ate more of the body to my displeasure. Which is ironic since I ate from him for his blood over the past couple of months. Anyways as I fought the wendigo, he jumped in, and the black shit began to drip from his mouth, eyes, nose, ears.. From wherever it could, the stuff dripped from him and onto the ground. He grabbed the wendigo and started to tear at it's arm as the beast in turn began to eat at his shoulder. Neither cried.

"I bolted the fuck out of there, grabbed Harvey and the rest of the live one's and got the fuck out of there as soon as possible. When they asked where the kid, Peter, went I just said he was claimed by the wendigo."

"So.. what happened after that?" The girl asked looking up at him, to which he shrugged and said, "No more killings. In my opinion, they ate each other until there was nothing left to eat. And when there was nothing left to eat, there was nothing left to 'be'. When another expedition was sent up they just found scraps from where the bodies were and the fight occurred. They empty coffins were laid to rest and the files were packed away. And it was agreed any time that a wendigo was found, the area was fucking destroyed, all organic life and inorganic life destroyed in it's territory."

"What is it? The wendigo really." She asked to which he said, "I think it's not some dead fucker, or a demon, but hunger. The representation of that aspect of human and animal nature that transcends life."

She nodded and rested her head on his chest again pulling in closer even though it was not for warmth