Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 8 Present Enemies

Story by YiffyGreenDragon on SoFurry

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Warning: This story, but not every chapter in this story contains acts of a homosexual nature. If your squeamish and don't like homosexual sex depicted in graphic detail then don't read this story, otherwise enjoy.

Check out the story overview at the beginning of chapter 1

A few comments from me on chapter 1

Chapter 8: Present Enemies

When Seth and Vor woke the next morning they finished eating what meat they had leftover. The air was thick with a heavy fog, and neither of them felt like doing any more work scraping away moss. They spent the morning relaxing under the water fall, in the smaller pool. Seth sat on a rock with just his head sticking out of the water, and Vor did the same a short distance away. There was nothing to look at beyond the edge of the pool except for the wall of white fog, and Seth eventual worked up the courage to pick up the conversation from the previous day.

"So tell me about the humans," said Seth trying to sound happy and energetic.

Vor paused for a moment while he thought of how best to say what he was going to say. "Well right now our three peoples get along with each other. It wasn't like that when they first came here though."

"The God Sogna and his sister Sela left this world a long time ago, long before the humans showed up. Why they left we're not entirely sure. It's believed that they got tired of sharing the same world, and went out to find new ones for themselves."

"When they lived here they could prevented all, but the strongest of their enemies from opening passageways into our world. Sometime after our Gods left us a group of humans arrived through a portal from another world, from this plane of existence. Their world was being conquered by an evil human named Nas. He was already a powerful sorcerer, but he became even more powerful when he was given powers by a demon from a higher realm."

"Know body knows the demons name except for Nas. We do however know where the demon lives. Nas agreed to serve him, and in exchange this demon gave him incredible powers. This demon is from a world that is basically one giant swamp. He can shape shift into many different swamp creatures from his world, and some of these abilities he passed on to Nas. Since swamps are full of rot and decay, the demon had a natural ability to control and manipulate anything that's dead and rotting, and he rewarded Nas for his allegiance by passing some of these abilities onto him."

"The humans who escaped their world believed in freedom and living in peace. While Nas and his master take pleasure in the suffering of others. Eventual Nas conquered one city after the another on their world until only one city remained. When the enemy were at their walls, they were faced with the choice of either leaving their home, or face slavery and death."

"And they came here?" asked Seth.

"Yes exactly," answered Vor nodding his head . "Our world is very different than the one they came from. We didn't speak the same language, and they thought my people were nothing more than monsters. They attacked us with every chance they got. Their magic was powerful, and unlike anything we had ever seen before. There were to few of them to wage war against an entire world, and eventual after many years of fighting we defeated them."

"Most of them were killed in the final battle, but many of them surrender. By then we had learned each others languages, and they begged us to show mercy, and we did. That was over five hundred years ago and all 3 of our races live together now. It was said that it was hard at first, but they eventual worked out a system where we could live together in peace, and that leads me to my next story," said Vor.

"As you can imagine Nas wasn't very happy that his enemies had escaped, but at the time there was nothing he could do about it. He might have conquered his world, but holding onto it proved to be much more difficult. He spend hundreds of years quashing one rebellion after another. With the help of his demon master he brought the people under his control. Those rebels who would not submit were eventual wiped out."

"About 150 years ago he found where those survivors had escaped to. With his world secured, he invaded ours. We have been at war with him ever since. We have been able to hold him off, but we also haven't been able to make any progress towards defeat him either."

"Unlike the humans we build everything using stone. Can you believe that they actually build their homes using wood?" said Vor shaking his head.

"We didn't plan it this way, but when we build our homes we surround the area with a large, and very tall stone wall. The area inside is filled with gardens and fields, to provide food for the Sella, as well as the humans. The walls are usually about fifty feet tall, and it's to keep large predators out, and to keep animals from eating our crops. Fortunately for us the walls also acted as a great defense against Nas's armies.

"After about a hundred years Nas stopped attacking us directly. Instead he has been killing the animals which we feed on. I think he plans to starve us out, and so far it's working. My people have had to start eating plants to make up for the lack of available meat." Seth cringed as he remembered his own experience with eating plants.

"With help from the humans we were able to find a way for us to eat plants without suffering the ill effects as badly. We can't eat plants raw, at least not for to long. But by boiling it, and mixing it with some meat, we were ably to keep our people feed. We weren't made to eat plants, and after eating it for fifty years my people have been getting weaker and weaker. My people did most of the fighting during the beginning of the war, but with every year we are relying more and more on the Sella, and even the humans. We have been trying to stop Nas from wiping out our food supply, but it isn't easy. He sends small raiding parties into the forest, and they slaughter every animal insight. They use poison arrows which can kill even the largest of animals. They also never kill any predators, because other predators help to do their job for them. Sometimes they kill so many animals that you can smell the rotting meat for miles."

"Why don't your people just attack, and destroy his base?" asked Seth.

"We've tried, but Nas has control of the sea. He is protected on a large island which he has stripped bare of all trees. We have ships as well, but he has many more than he do, and he is always able to stop us even before our ships can reach their shore."

"I saw a ship not that long ago that had crashed," said Seth, and Vor gave a sigh before continuing his story.

"Yeah that's how I ended up here," said Vor with a sad expression on his face. "Recently our food supply had been getting so low that we have had to turn to the sea. Even though I'm still young, I have a strong ability to use magic. Which is part of the reason why I can speak the human language. Some of them speak our language to, but many don't. I was helping to build a new fortress to protect our fishing ships when we were attacked. Many people were killed. Being that I was younger, and smaller, and less of a threat they took me prisoner; rather than kill me. Luckily their ship crashed during a powerful storm. I swam to shore, and have been here ever since."

"This place isn't exactly lacking in food so why are you so skinny?" Seth thought the question might be a bit to personal, but he was glade that he didn't look upset at being asked.

"Well my people normally hunt in packs, and this is the first time in my life where I've ever been around animals big enough to eat me. I've had to spend most of my time hiding. Even when I was able to kill something it wasn't long before something would try and take it away, and when we're in a group that would never happen." Seth had been attacked, and chased away from enough kills to understand where he was coming from.

After Vor had given Seth a short history lesson he spent sometime answering some of his questions. Eventfully the fog faded away, and both Seth and Vor had to get up and move around. They had spent more than half of the day talking about anything and everything.

Towards the end of their many conversations Vor told Seth a story that may have explain why their wasn't magic on Earth, and in a strange way it actually made sense. He told him that the great Gods were constantly getting bored, and were always looking for new things with which to keep themselves entertained. After billions of years of existence they had seen and experienced everything imaginable. They had observed countless battles, and magic had made conflicts predictable and boring.

Millions of years ago travel between the universes was common. The magical energy flow down from the high dimensions of both Great Gods, and radiated out from inside the many stars within the many universes. Which was one thing that Vor when into great length to explain. Apparently at least in Seth's universe the magical energy had been purposefully reduced to the lowest possible level. It meant that both Gods had to have stopped the flow of energy for it to have worked.

Seth could just imagine an all powerful cosmic being standing at his kitchen sink, and simply turning off the tap. He could guess that they did it simply to see what would happen. And what they got, at least on Earth, was technology. He could just imagine how entertaining it must be, after living for billions of years to see technology for the first time. One thing he realized was that if the tap had been turned off, then what would happen if it was ever turned back on again. And maybe it had been turned back on. It would certainly explain the vortex that sucked him into this world.

Seth and Vor spent the rest of the day scraping away the remaining moss from the rear section of their cave. There was still plenty of moss covering the other chambers that lead to the main entrance above the lake, but they decided to leave it be. Seth had just wanted to clear away an area around his bed wide enough to keep the bugs from finding him while he slept.

It took more than 3 weeks before Vor got over his nervousness of being around Seth. During that time Seth had done all of the hunting. He enjoyed having Vor around, and he usually couldn't wait to get back after a long hunt. When he wasn't away hunting they would talk or tell each other stories. Towards the end of their third week together Vor had actually opened up, and stopped seeing Seth an animal that might eat him. He was seeing him not as a half human, half dragon creature, but more as a fellow Vash, and a friend. He was a strange friend, but he still considered him a friend none the less.

Seth had brought Vor much more meat than he could eat, and after 3 weeks on a steady raw meat diet he was showing sighs of recovering from his brush with starvation. Seth could still see many bones protruding against his skin that shouldn't be showing, but he could tell that he was gaining weight, and gaining it quickly. His legs were getting thicker, and his knees didn't look as boney as they did when they first meet. His arms were still thin, but they no longer looked like the arms of a skeleton. He could no longer see the individual bones in his tale any more. Even though Seth could still see Vor's ribs, the area in between each rib had begun to fill in, and he could no longer see the upper ribs or breast bone of his chest.

Seth guessed he was about 6 months to a year older than Vor. He wasn't sure exactly because he didn't know how long the days or years were on this world. As Vor began to regain his strength they started to go out to hunt together. Seth didn't use his wings, and kept to hunting from the ground with Vor, but Seth still did most of the more difficult work. The first time they went out together Vor asked him why he always ate the meat, and never the internal organs.

"Well I never thought about it before," said Seth. Seth watched Vor knell down over the animal they had just killed. He reach his arm into the dead animals chest from below it's rib cage. He buried his arm up to his elbow, and twisted it back and forth a few times.

"The insides are the best parts," said Vor as he pulled out it's heart. "Want half?" Seth had gotten used to the sight of blood, and even the sight of guts, but he had never thought about eating any before.

"Sure," said Seth feeling a bit brave, and after killing with his bear hands, and eating raw meat for almost 4 months he would give anything a try at least once. Vor bit the heart in half, and Seth watched blood come squirting out, and drip down his muzzle and neck. He then turned and offered Seth the remaining half. Seth took the remainder of the heart in his mouth, and swallowed it. To his surprise it wasn't disgusting like he had always imagined it would be. They took turns eating the dead animals internal organs, until their bellies couldn't stretch any more.

Vor had began to teach Seth his language, and to Seth's own amazement he found he was picking it up rather quickly. Normal every day conversations were opportunities to learn. His language had a lot of hissing sounds that you might expect from a race of reptiles. It was slow going, but Seth was eventual stating to pick up some words, and even make complete sentences. Vor was also introducing him to the basics of magic, which was even harder than learning his language.

As the weeks wore on Vor had become even more comfortable being around Seth. He began to show a more playful side which Seth had never seen before. He didn't mind at all, and was glade that Vor had stopped being scared of him. Many times Vor would jump on his back, or try and wrestling him to the ground. One thing Vor liked to do was pull on the end of his tale, encouraging him to chase him.

As they entered their second month together Seth had noticed Vor staring at him more and more. He hadn't thought much about it until now, because he had never noticed that it was him that he was looking at.

As they stood waiting for an animal to go for the fruit Seth had put out on some rocks in the middle of the river, he noticed it again. Vor looked away when Seth looked at him. 'That's odd,' he thought to himself. 'Lets see if he does it again,' he thought to himself.

Seth looked away from Vor, but watched his reflection in the water. As Seth watched Vor's reflection he could tell that he was definitely staring at him. Seth didn't move, and waited to see how long he would continue to stare. Unfortunately he was interrupted when a large two legged animal approached the bait. In a second they were both on it, and this time Seth let Vor go for it's throat which he ripped out with blinding speed.

They each ate their fill of raw guts and meat, and returned to the cave, each carrying a huge leg over their shoulders. The day wasn't even half over, and they both went for a short swim to wash the sent of blood off of themselves, and to relax.

Seth laid down on one of the large flat slabs of rocks at the base of the water fall, and spread his wings so he could take in the warm mid day sun. Vor soon took up his usual spot on one of the neighboring rocks, and stretched out on his back.

As a human he had never intentionally laid out in the sun to get a tan before. Now he had found he enjoyed the feel of the warm sun on his scales, especially on his outstretched wings. He knew it was because of his reptilian body, but the warmth still felt unnaturally soothing. As he laid there with a belly stretched to it's limit, he could feel the tension drain from his body, relaxing him even further until he dozed off.

He was woken by the high pitch screeching from a flock of flying lizards as they passed by over head. He looked over at Vor who was still asleep. As he looked at Vor it made him think back to when he noticed him staring at him earlier that morning, and he couldn't help but to think about it. He tried to think about a possible reasons why, but couldn't think of any, and eventually he gave up.

Seth had been staring at Vor blankly since he woke up. As he gave up on thinking about it, he found himself watching Vor's chest as it rose and fell with every breath. He hadn't realized it until he was intentionally looking at him, that he had definitely put on much more weight. He could see that his legs had began to grow thicker, and he could begin to see the muscles beginning to stand out above his knees. His calves were looking more shapely, and he could not longer see any of the bones in his tale.

Even when Seth first meet Vor he could see the basic outline of his abs. Now he could not only clearly see them, but he could see them rising up against his scaly skin creating a noticeable eight pack. His arms had definitely gotten thicker as well, and he could actually see the slight curve of his biceps even while he sat relaxing in the sun. He remembered his shoulders had blended in with the rest of him, to the point that you couldn't even tell he had any, but now he could see that his shoulders were taking on a slightly and noticeably more bulging look. He could still see Vor's ribs, but he was surprised at how different his chest had become. His chest still looked flat, but he could see curving lines beginning to take shape, as his chest started to filled in. He looked Vor up and down several times, before he decided to get up, and go for another swim.

Seth caught Vor looking at him several more times over the next few days. It wasn't as hard to notice now that he knew that he was doing it. He stood waiting at the cave entrance as Vor swam across the lake, and made the climb up the cliff. As he was looking down at the lake he couldn't help but to turn his attention to the thing Vor had been staring at, his own body.

He hadn't examined himself, except for when he had first turned into a dragon. As he stood there he tried to compar how he looked now, to how he looked then, and was surprised at the changes. His feet looked the same, but his calves were much thicker, and were taking on a much more rounded shape. He could see that his legs had grown noticeably thicker, and he could see the long curving lines that the muscles in his legs created, that hadn't been there before.

As he looked further up is body he could see the muscles on his stomach were more defined, and much more rounded. Even after his transformation he could see the faint outline of his abs. Now he could see that those faint lines had grown more defined as he began to put on weight.

He then turned his attention to his arms. Even though his arms hung relaxed at his sides he could still see the slight bulge created by his biceps. He casually bent his arm and flexed it, and was amazed to see it rise up as much as it did. He laid his hand on his biceps, and was shocked, and partly amazed to find he could no longer get his hand around it.

He laid one arm back down at his side, and the other one on his chest. It was the first time he had looked down at his own chest since his transformation, but he could see that it was definitely different from what he remembered. He casually ran his hand along the base of his developing pecs, and was pleasantly surprised to feel how much thicker they had grown.

Immediately after his transformation his chest was just as weak and scrawny as when he had been human, and at that time he could see, and feel the ribs just beneath his poorly developed chest. But now as he ran his hand over his chest he could no longer feel his own ribs, instead he could felt nothing but the curve of hard muscle underneath his hand.

He took his hand off his chest as the last rays of the sun started to fad away, and at that moment he had figured out what Vor had been looking at, and for some reason it gave him a warming feeling.

He watched as Vor started to climb the vines leading to the entrance of their cave, and he pulled him up as he neared the top. By the time they made the short walk to the back of the cave the sky had gotten dark, except for the dim light that was being cast from the bluish colored moon that was shining through the trees.

Seth laid down on his own makeshift bed of sand covered with leaves, and Vor laid down on his. He felt tiered, but was unable to sleep. After about ten minuets he worked up enough courage, and got up. He walked over to where Vor was sleeping, and laid down against his back. To his surprise Vor rolled over, and looked at him. He wasn't sure how he would react, and he was surprise when he pulled himself closer. He leaned against Seth's body, and rubbed his lower jaw against Seth's neck and head.

He knew the gesture was a sign of affection, and it reminded him of the way a dog would rub his head against a human. He wasn't sure how to react so he pulled his head back, and gave Vor the same affectionate rub with his lower jaw against Vor's head and neck. Vor then tilted his head back, and rubbed against Seth's muzzle at the same time.

Other than shaking someone's hand Seth had never actually touched anyone before, let alone be touched. He found the sensation of having his neck and lower jaw rubbed to be incredibly enjoyable, perhaps even more than he though it should be. He didn't know why, maybe it was a reptile thing, he wasn't sure, but the feeling was intoxicating, and if he were a cat he would be purring. As he laid his head down, Vor gave him a more few playful pokes with the end of his muzzle, and Seth did the same.

Seth stretched out his arm, and laid it against Vor's back, and gave his a gentle squeeze, which prompted Vor to rub against his neck again. Seth stretched out one of his wings, and folded it over him, which only left Vor's head poking out. Vor eventual stopped shifting around, and found a comfortable position, and quickly fell asleep.

Seth had to many things going through his head. He tried to relax by concentrating on the noises coming from the nocturnal animals in the jungle around them. It worked for a while until he began to feel the steady rise and fall of Vor's chest against his own. He had never held anyone before, except giving a brief hug to a relative, but that didn't count. It wasn't the same as what he was feeling right now.

Seth blocked out the noises from the jungle, and tried to concentrated on what he was feeling. He could feel Vor's smooth scaly skin sliding against his own. He could feel how hard and firm Vor's body really was as his chest pressed into his with every breath.

As he thought about the reptilian person sleeping beside him, he realized he was naked. He never felt uncomfortable or embarrassed about being naked around Vor before, who was also naked, because there wasn't anything to be embarrassed about. It didn't matter because they were both reptiles, and a reptiles genitalia was internal. He couldn't rub his genitals against him, because unless he cut himself open, he wasn't even sure he had any. The feeling of holding someone's naked body against his was unsettling, and he began to stare off at the far end of the cave while the idea rolled around in his head.

He laid there unable to sleep until the sight of one of the moons pulled him back to reality. He felt a sense of relief as he realized it didn't really matter if he was naked or not. 'And why should I be, after all I'm not even human any more,' he thought to himself. And the more he though about it the more he realized he actually liked the feel of Vor's body against his. He gave Vor one last gentle squeeze, and was finally able to fall asleep.

Seth woke the next morning with Vor gently rubbing his head against his. The motion woke him up, and he lifted his wing, and unwrapped his arm from around him to let him up. Vor got up, and rose up onto the tips of his toes, and stretched his arms towards the ceiling.

Seth could hear the joints in Vor's back and shoulders pop as he stretched. As he watched Vor stretch he could see the muscles in his legs grow tight. He looked further up his body, and he couldn't help noticing how much wider his back had gotten. Vor brought his arms back down, and gave another loud yawn as he tried to wake himself up. He could tell Vor had just noticed him staring at him, and he looked away as he got up.

Both Seth and Vor were still full from the large meal they had the day before, so neither of them had anything to eat. There was a light fog in the air, but the jungle was still visible.

"Lets do something today," said Vor as he walked around with an energetic look to him.

"Humm sure, I have an idea. How about we find out where the river starts," said Seth, except he had said it in Vor's language. Vor looked surprised that Seth had spoken clearly enough for him to understand, and a happy fang filled smile came across his face.

"Yeah, but no flying unless you want to carry me," said Vor. Seth smiled, and patted Vor on his back, and they turned and walked out the rear entrance of the cave.

It took them several hours just to make it to the top of the highest water fall. He guessed it would have take a human probably all day to reach the top, and they had even taken their time. Seth had flown over the scene of cascading waterfalls many times before, but he had never actually climbed it. He was surprised at just how different it looked from the ground. As they reached the top, they both stopped to admire the view which stretched out far below them. They could see the huge trees hanging over the edges of the lake, and the river which flowed from the lake as it twisted it's way, and disappeared into the jungle. They could see the jungle stretching out for miles, and flowing up the sides of distant mountains.

They followed the river which was full of large boulders and sharp unexpected turns until around mid-day when they found the source of the river. What they found was a long lake wedged between two nearly vertical mountains, and the lake was so long that they couldn't see the end of it.

As they stood looking out at the lake, Vor spotted a group of lizards sunning themselves on some rocks along the shore, and start chasing after one of them. The lizards ran for their lives.

Seth watched as Vor run after one of them in a zig zag pattern, until he caught it under his foot. He could only stare as he watched Vor grabbed the lizard, and stuffed it into his open jaws. He could see the lizard thrashing in his mouth as he tilted his head back, and gulped it down. When Vor closed his mouth he noticed Seth staring at him with his mouth hanging open, and walked over to him.

"What?" asked Vor. As Seth stared at him he could see his stomach bulging in and out as the lizard thrashed around inside him, but it only lasted for a few seconds.

"You never eat anything alive before?" asked Vor and all Seth could do was shake his head, to shocked to say anything. "Small animals like that one are about all I ever had to eat back home. You should give it a try."

Seth was actual beginning to feel a bit hungry himself, and he started to look around for more of the lizards. Most had run off, and disappeared into the undergrowth, but he spotted a few who had climbed up a nearby tree. He spread his wings, and flew out over the lake, and circled back around towards the tree. He thrust his legs forward, and grabbed onto the tree trunk with his feet, and caught the lizard in his hand at the last second. After he had a firm grip on it he let go of the tree, and floated back down to the ground.

Vor had already ran up to him, as he stood there holding the struggling lizard. He looked at it for a minuet, but just couldn't bring himself to swallow it. Instead he bit it's head off and spit it onto the ground.

"I think I prefer my food to be dead first," said Seth as he took a bit out of it.

"Yeah, I would rather eat larger prey, but they're fun to chase, and if you chase them you got to swallow them," which didn't make any sense to Seth since it was just as easy to kill them first. He had to remind himself that Vor was born a predator, and eating live prey would be second nature to him.

"Why can't you catch them, and let them go?"

"My people only hunt when we need food. We might get enjoyment from hunting, but we never hunt just for the fun of it." Vor's people might seem like uncivilized animals to any human. But as Seth thought about what he had said, he remembered humans would often hunt for sport, and to him that seemed uncivilized.

"We should probably start heading back if we want to make it back before sunset," said Seth and together they turned and started walking back to their home.

The sun was just going down as they made it back to the top of the first water fall. "I have an idea," said Seth as he turned towards Vor. "It will take forever to climb down in the dark. It would be much faster if I carried you down." Vor looked excited at the idea of flying, and couldn't wait. He eagerly pressed his back against Seth's stomach and chest. Seth wrapped his arms around Vor's waist, and lifted him off the ground, and spread his wings.

When Seth had a firm grip on him, he leapt off the cliff, and glided down over the water falls. It would be to difficult and dangerous to try and land in the opening to the cave while carrying Vor. So he flew down, and landed on one of the rocks in the middle of the lake. When his feet were firmly on solid ground he let Vor slip back down to the ground.

"That was fun lets do it again," said Vor as he bounced around with excitement.

"Your to heavy for me to carry. We would have to climb back up to the top," said Seth as he watched the remaining rays of sunlight fading behind the trees.

Seth promised him he would try carrying him through the air again, but not tonight. They were both worn out from the long hike as they returned to the cave, and Seth laid down on the spot where he always slept.

As Seth laid down he lifted his wing up into the air, inviting Vor to lay down next to him. He took the hint, and walked away from his usual bed to join Seth in his. He laid down next to him, and he wrapped one of his arms around Seth's shoulder, and leaned into him with such force that he nearly pushed him over. Seth wrapped his arm and wing around Vor, and let himself relax. Vor nuzzled his head against Seth's neck, and Seth took his hand off Vor's back and gently stroked his head and ears.

Seth was calmly stroking Vor's head when he felt him pushing his leg against his. He lifted his leg up, and he let Vor slide his leg in between his. When Vor stopped fidgeting Seth laid his leg back down on top of Vor's, and he gave him a squeeze with both his arms and legs, as they both fell asleep together.

Seth woke the next morning with a warm comforting feeling as he felt Vor still sleeping next to him, and he could still feel the firmness of Vor's leg still between his. Vor stirred, and woke up, and they both exchanged a comforting look as they got up.

Seth was on his feet first, and he quickly stretched the stiffness out of his body, and vigorously flapped his wings a few times. Seth watched Vor go into a tall stretch, and he come up behind him, and wrapped his arms around him as he was still stretching. With one hand on Vor's stomach and the other on his shoulder, he pulled him up against him, and gave him a morning rub with his lower jaw. Vor leaned back, and rubbed the top of his head against Seth's chest and neck before he finally let go.

They were both still stuffed from the prey they both had eaten the day before. Seth playfully pulled on Vor's tail, and motioned for him to follow him towards the main entrance of their cave. As they neared the opening he wrapped his arms around Vor and lifted him off the ground, and flew with him out over the lake. He gained some altitude briefly before floating down into the water.

They spent most of the morning swimming together in the lake. Vor playfully jumped or climbed on him, as they splashed around in the deeper sections of the lake, and Seth did the same.

After a long and exhausting swim Seth climbed up onto his favorite rock, spread his wings and laid down on his back to take in the morning sun. Vor climbed up onto his rock, then just as quickly he hoped off. Seth saw Vor's head pop up out of the water at the end of his feet, and he pulled himself up onto the rock.

He watched Vor walk up to him being careful not to step on his wings with his clawed feet. He knelt down at the base of Seth's tale, and lowered himself onto his stomach and chest. He reached up and grabbed Seth's shoulders, and pulled himself forward until his head was resting on Seth's chest. Seth wrapped his arms around him, and he gave him a powerful hug, and then lessened his grip. Seth let Vor lay on top of him while they both took in the warmth from the sun.

After a few hours Vor started to gently stroke the right side of Seth's chest, which woke him up. As he watched Vor stroking his chest it gave him an idea. As Vor's hand moved across his chest he casually tightened his chest, and his pecs rippled and rose up under Vor's hand. Vor lifted his head off Seth's chest at the unexpected movement, and leaned back. He looked into Seth's eyes, and then back down to his chest.

Seth let his chest relax and flatten out, then he slowly tightened it again. Vor stared as he watched deep lines spreading out from the center of Seth's chest as his pecs bulged against his scaly green skin. Vor ran his clawed hand along the base of Seth's chest starting from the center, and working his way around to his arm pits. Seth relaxed again, and raised his head to let Vor nuzzle up against the side of his muzzle.

He could feel Vor's head against his, but he also felt the corner of Vor's tongue against the side of his face. The sensation caught him off guard, and he pulled his head back, and hit his horns against the rock he was laying on, as he pulled away.

They stared at each other for a few awkward seconds until Vor lowered his head, and gave him a very intentional lick across the end of his muzzle. Seth didn't know what to do, so he just stared at him, and let him do it again. After the third time the shock of it had started to ware off, and Seth sat up with Vor leaning back on his tail, in front of him.

Even though Vor was a reptile, he could still sense his intention, and it reminded him of how a dog would lick his human owner. He knew the gesture was one of affection, and he realized he was thinking like a human again. It took him a few seconds to remember that he was no longer human, and that he had a long scaly muzzle himself.

He was thinking about everything he was doing, as he slowly leaned forward and licked Vor across the side of his muzzle. He pulled his head back after licking him once, and he could see that Vor was waiting for him to do it again, and again he hesitated.

For a brief second he thought he was human again, with pale white skin and a normal human head. He knew licking someone like that just wasn't something someone would do. But he was no longer a normal someone, he was now part dragon. He leaned forward again, feeling his own tongue as it slid across his sharp teeth, and he licked him several more times.

The confused and worried look that was on Vor's face soon vanished as he leaned forward and licked Seth again. This time as Vor's tongue slid across the side of Seth's muzzle he pulled his lips back, and he let Vor's tongue slid across his teeth. Vor could feel Seth's thin reptilian lips part, and his own tongue rubbing against his sharp teeth. Vor moved his muzzle in an up and down motion against the end of Seth's muzzle, and Seth took the hint, and opened his mouth.

He could feel the tip of Vor's tongue against his, as Vor stuck his tongue into his mouth. They pressed their tongues together, and he opened his mouth even wider. As Seth spread his jaws further apart, Vor took it as a clear invitation to continue, and he opened his jaws a little further, and stuck out more of his tongue into Seth's open jaws.

Seth pressed his tongue against Vor's, and he could feel their tongues sliding together. Vor moved his tongue in and out, and Seth could feel Vor's tongue against the roof of his mouth. As Seth pressed his tongue against Vor's he could taste the saliva in his mouth.

They pulled their tongues out of each others mouths, and leaned back as they both realized what had come over them. He could tell by the way Vor was staring at him that he was looking for his approval. Vor was staring to look nervous in his own reptilian way, so he leaned forward, and nuzzled his lower jaw and neck against his. He knew the gesture wasn't something a human would do, and had he still been human, he knew he would have found it very odd. Only as a dragon, had he found that it had meaning, and as a dragon he found he liked it when they rubbed their heads together.

There was a brief, and awkward moment after they both realized that the other wasn't upset. They both stared at each other not knowing what to do next. Seth broke the uncomfortable silence by lifting Vor in his arms, and jumping into the water with him. Vor seemed to glow with excitement, and started to playfully wrestle with him in the water. He could hear Vor and himself laugh, as they took turns climbing onto each other, or trying to pull each other's tails.

They both chased each other around the lake in a game that was similar to a predator chasing prey, until they both ran out of energy. Vor climbed up onto a rock trying to catch his breath, and Seth climbed up and sat next to him.

"I'm hungry what about you," asked Seth between long deep breaths. Vor looked at him and his eyes lit up at the mention of food, because he had worked up an appetite from playing in the water for most of the day.

"Yeah now that you mention it I'm starving," said Vor as he jumped to his feet.

Seth smiled, and got up, and quickly grabbed Vor around his chest and stomach. Before Vor even know what was happening Seth was carrying him through the air up towards the entrance to their cave. He folded his wings back at the last second, and fell the last few feet to the ground, and set him on the cave floor. Vor smiled, and gave Seth an affectionate glance as he set him down, and started running towards the back of the cave, where they had left the 2 day old meat.

Seth watched him sprint off towards the back of the cave, and took to the air right behind him. There was more than enough room inside the cave for Seth to fly, but Vor had a head start, and beat him to their stash by a few seconds. Vor picked up one of the severed legs they had brought back 2 days earlier, and handed it to Seth. He took it with a thankful, reptilian, expression, and Vor started to feed on the other one.

Seth was still a growing dragon, and he had nearly eaten the entire leg. There was still a decent amount of meat left, but he had eaten far more of his that Vor had. The meat was a little over two days old, and was already starting to get ripe. After they were finished, Seth carried both legs by the feet, and flew deep into the jungle and tossed them, to let the scavengers finish them off.

As he flew back, he flew down, and landed in the small pool bellow the rear entrance to their cave. He yelled up to Vor, who quickly came to the opening, and looked down at him. Seth waded into the water, which was only about waist deep, and started to wash the blood off his hands and face.

Vor made the short climb down, just as Seth finished washing. Seth found himself a comfortable spot under the waterfall, and watched Vor as he cleaned himself off.

As soon as he was done he waded through the water to sit next to him. When Vor got close enough Seth spread his legs apart, and lounged forward, and grabbed hold of Vor's hips and pulled him close. He stared at Seth for a moment until Seth moved his head closer to his, and gave him an affectionate lick across his lips. Seth paused and leaned back to see how he would react.

Vor stared at him as he felt Seth's hands against his back, and leaned forward to return the gesture. Seth gave him another lick and let go of him, and walked out from under the water fall, and knelt down in the water so he would be at the same height as Vor.

Vor ran his hand across Seth's chest, and Seth grabbed him and pulled him closer. Vor put his hands on Seth's shoulders, and they both moved their heads closer together. Seth ran his tongue across the front of Vor's muzzle, and worked it in between Vor's lips. Vor opened his mouth to let his tongue inside. Seth moved his tongue into Vor's opening mouth, and could feel himself getting excited as their tongues pressed together once again.

As they moved their tongues back and forth, they both began to spread their jaws wider. Seth twisted his head in one direction, and Vor twisted his in the opposite direction, as they pulled their muzzles closer together. Both of them could feel their sharp teeth hitting against one another as they wrapped their jaws around each other's heads. When Seth could feel the back of his jaw hitting against Vor's, he stuck out his long tongue until it filled Vor's mouth. He playfully twisted his tongue around the inside of Vor's mouth until he pulled it back, and Vor did the same.

They twisted their heads back and forth, as they worked their mouths together. They held their embrace for a long time as they explored the inside of each other mouths. The new sensations filling their senses.

They moved quickly and slowly, and pulled away several times only to lock their jaws together once again. As Vor slid his tongue back into his head, Seth thrust his tongue as deep into Vor's mouth as he could, and hit the back of his throat. He could feel his neck stretching as Seth working his long tongue part way down his throat. When Seth stretched his tongue as far as it would go he started pumping it up and down Vor's throat. He pulled his tongue back, and moved it out of the way to allow Vor to do the same thing. He could feel Vor licking the back side of his throat, as he worked his tongue up and down. As Vor brought his tongue back into his head they both un-clamped their jaws from around each other's heads and started into each other's eyes.

Seth broke the silent stare by leaning forward, and licking the long trail of drool from the side of Vor's mouth. Each of them had been so focused on the other that they hadn't noticed that the sun had just gone down over the mountains. They both let go of each other as they realized how late it was. Vor dunked himself under water to wash off the saliva still covering his face, and Seth did the same.

"I'm worn out, I could fall asleep right now, what about you?" asked Seth, and Vor knew the question wasn't entirely about the workout they had swimming in the lake.

"Yeah, me too," said Vor with a chuckle.

They both made the short climb up to the cave as the sun disappeared behind the mountains. Vor laid down on Seth's bed, and rolled over onto his back, and Seth laid down next to him. Seth rolled over onto his stomach, and pulled himself closer to Vor, and laid his leg on top of him. He grabbed Vor's shoulder, and pulled himself part way onto his chest, and nuzzled himself against his head. Vor gave him a few affectionate licks before they comfortably fell asleep holding each other.