RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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A game fun for all ages...

i got the idea while trying to pick out powers for some of the Gnolbold shamans.

Kinetic Roulette!

A fun little game where you roll a 1d175 using some sort of number generator device, each player rolls the 1d175 to gain a power to use. I recommend having a third person as a referee though like your local Dungeon master, Here are the rules to this game:

  1. Some powers are automatic wins say like for example Cosmokinesis (Cosmic manipulation) vs String Manipulation unless a player can "Contest" it.

  2. If a player says "Contest!", meaning they thought of a way they can use their ability to win, no matter what it may be, the Two or more players have to Roleplay a battle using their abilities

2b. If a player isn't too fond of roleplay, you can discuss how your ability would work

  1. Certain Abilities have to be contested due to the equal amount of power they present like Aetherkinesis (Heavenly energy Manipulation) vs Netherkineis (Hell Energy manipulation)

  2. Do not get upset if you fail a contest, remember, certain abilities are automatic wins when dealing with another's ability. I do not recommend keeping score but the point of the game is to promote certain skills like communication, creative thinking, and problem solving skills.

  3. Have fun! This Game is meant for all types of RPer's, ranging from your Hardcore roleplayer to the Munchkin to the Loonie! This is also a good game to get your friends oriented to roleplaying!

Here is the list of abilities used for this game, Do not mind the duplicates of abilities, they just make it more exciting!

  1. Aciukinesis...manipulate sharpness

  2. Acoustokinesis...manipulate sound

  3. Aerokinesis...manipulate air

  4. Aestatekinesis...manipulate summer

  5. Agrokinesis...manipulate and generate plants

  6. Anemokinesis...manipulate air

  7. Anthokinesis...generate flowers by touch

  8. Aquakinesis...manipulate and generate water

  9. Arctikinesis...manipulate the arctic

  10. Asterokinesis...manipulate cosmic energy

  11. Astrakinesis...manipulate astral energy

  12. Atmokinesis...manipulate the weather

  13. Audiokinesis...manipulate and generate sound

  14. Autochromokinesis...manipulate colors

  15. Autometabokinesis...manipulate metabolism

  16. Autumnuskinesis...manipulate autumn

  17. Avikinesis...manipulate avian creatures

  18. Bibliokinesis...manipulate books

  19. Biokinesis...manipulate bodies

  20. Botanokinesis... manipulate and generate plants

  21. Brontokinesis... manipulate and generate lightning bolts

  22. Chromokinesis...manipulate colours

  23. Caelumkinesis...manipulate sky

  24. Captukinesis...manipulate size

  25. Cardiokinesis...manipulate hearts

  26. Cerebrumkinesis ...manipulate brains

  27. Chaetokinesis...manipulate hair

  28. Chelekinesis...manipulate your nails

  29. Chionokinesis...manipulate and generate ice

  30. Chlorokinesis...manipulate and generate plants

  31. Chronokinesis...move time in any direction

  32. Cibumkinesis...manipulate and generate food

  33. Cthonikinesis...manipulate nether

  34. Cogitokinesis...manipulate thought

  35. Chrono-Telekinesis...move others through time

  36. Cosmokinesis...manipulate cosmic energy

  37. Colubrumkinesis...manipulate snakes

  38. Clauditiskinesis manipulate locks

  39. Cryokinesis...freeze stuff and manipulate ice and snow

  40. Crystallokinesis...manipulate minerals and crystals

  41. Cytokinesis...manipulate cells

  42. Datakinesis....manipulate data

  43. Dendrokinesis... manipulate wood

  44. Dermakinesis.... manipulate and generate extra skin

  45. Echokinesis...manipulate sound

  46. Electrokinesis...manipulate and generate electricity

  47. Elementumkinesis...manipulate the elemental forces of the universe

  48. Electromagnetokinesis...manipulate electromagnetism

  49. Erebokinesis...manipulate darkness

  50. Ergokinesis...manipulate and generate energy

  51. Essekinesis...manipulate reality

  52. Etherkinesis...manipulate Aether

  53. Ferrokinesis...manipulate metal

  54. Figurakinesis...manipulate shape

  55. Filukinesis...manipulate thread

  56. Florakinesis...manipulate flowers

  57. Flora Ergokinesis...manipulate flora energy

  58. Flyrokinesis...generate and manipulate force fields

  59. Frigokinesis...manipulate and create snow

  60. Fulminokinesis...manipulate and generate Lightning Bolts

  61. Fungokinesis...control and generate fungi

  62. Genekinesis...manipulate genetics

  63. Geokinesis...manipulate the earth

  64. Geo-Thermokinesis...manipulate lava, magma, and volcanoes

  65. Gerontokinesis...manipulate the age of living organisms

  66. Glucokinesis...manipulate sugar

  67. Gyrokinesis...manipulate gravity

  68. Haemokinesis...manipulate blood

  69. Halokinesis...manipulate salt

  70. Hallucikinesis..manipulate illusions

  71. Heliokinesis...manipulate sunlight

  72. Hyalokinesis...manipulate glass

  73. Hydrokinesis...manipulate and generate water

  74. Hygrokinesis...manipulate vapor

  75. Hylokinesis...manipulate wood

  76. Hypnokinesis...induce sleep

  77. Ionikinesis...manipulate plasma

  78. IoniErgokinesis ...manipulate ions

  79. Kinetikinesis.... manipulate kinetic energy

  80. Konikinesis.... manipulate dust

  81. Lactokinesis...manipulate lactose

  82. Ligneokinesis...manipulate wood

  83. Linikinesis...manipulate thread

  84. Lipokinesis...manipulate your fat

  85. Logikinesis...manipulate logic

  86. Lunarkinesis...control lunar energy

  87. Magnetokinesis...manipulate magnetic/metal items

  88. Magnokinesis... manipulate magnetic and metal items

  89. Mathekinesis...manipulate math

  90. Mégethoskinesis..manipulate size

  91. Melanokinesis...manipulate ink

  92. Metallokinesis...manipulate metals

  93. Mnemokinesis...manipulate memories

  94. Molekinesis... manipulate molecules

  95. Molydbkinesis...manipulate magnetism

  96. Mycokinesis...generate and manipulate fungi

  97. Myokinesis...manipulate muscles

  98. Mystokinesis...manipulate magic

  99. Nanokinesis ...manipulate nanites

  100. Naturakinesis...manipulate nature

  101. Necrokinesis...manipulate the dead

  102. Negikinesis...manipulate negativity

  103. Nemakinesis...manipulate cloth and thread

  104. Neurokinesis...manipulate thoughts

  105. Nihilikinesis...manipulate nothingness

  106. Nitrokinesis...explode and recover afterwards

  107. Nixukinesis...manipulate pressure

  108. Nocikinesis...manipulate nerves

  109. Nosokinesis...manipulate disease

  110. Nucleokinesis ...manipulate nuclear substances, blasts etc.

  111. Odikinesis...manipulate hatred

  112. Oleokinesis...manipulate oil

  113. Omnikinesis...have all kinetic abilities

  114. Oneirokinesis...manipulate dreams

  115. Onychokinesis...manipulate your nails

  116. Opinokinesis...manipulate senses

  117. Osteokinesis...manipulate bones

  118. Paleokinesis...make living organisms older

  119. Paludemkinesis...manipulate wetlands

  120. Pannokinesis...manipulate fibers

  121. Papyrokinesis...manipulate paper

  122. Pathokinesis ... manipulate emotions

  123. Patho-Ergokinesis ...manipulate emotional energy

  124. Pensikinesis ...manipulate thoughts

  125. Pherokinesis...manipulate pheromones

  126. Pheumakinesis...manipulate lungs

  127. Photokinesis...manipulate and generate light

  128. Phyllokinesis... manipulate and generate plants

  129. Physikinesis... manipulate the laws of physics

  130. Phytokinesis... manipulate and generate leaves

  131. Picnokinesis... manipulate density

  132. Potentikinesis...manpulate superpowers

  133. Psammokinesis...manipulate sand

  134. Pulsakinesis ...manipulate all types of pulses

  135. Pyrokinesis...manipulate and generate fire

  136. Quintekinesis...Manipulate life force

  137. Quantumkinesis...manipulate quantum energy

  138. Quantakinesis... manipulate quantity

  139. Radiokinesis...manipulate and generate radiation

  140. Regokinesis ...manipulate vectors

  141. Retrokinesis...make living organisms younger

  142. Scientiakinesis...manipulate knowledge

  143. Scientikinesis...Manipulate the physical laws

  144. Seismokinesis...generate seismic blasts

  145. Sentiantkinesis...control sentience

  146. Solarkinesis...manipulate the sun and create mini suns

  147. Sonikinesis...manipulate sound

  148. Spatio-Chronokinesis...manipulate space and time

  149. Spatiokinesis...manipulate space

  150. Stakinesis...manipulate static

  151. Steatokinesis...manipulate your fat

  152. Stochokinesis...manipulate probability

  153. Sunakinesis...manipulate, generate sand particles

  154. Serqekinesis ... manipulate acid

  155. Symphokinesis... manipulate music

  156. Technokinesis...manipulate technology

  157. Tectokinesis ...manipulate tectonic plates

  158. Telakinesis...manipulate cloth

  159. Telekinesis...move objects with your mind

  160. Tephrakinesis...manipulate ash

  161. Terrakinesis...manipulate the Land

  162. Textakinesis...manipulate fiber

  163. Thanatokinesis...induce death

  164. Thermokinesis...manipulate and generate heat

  165. Thiriokinesis...manipulate animals

  166. Toxikinesis...manipulate and generate poison and toxins

  167. Tychokinesis...manipulate probability

  168. Typhokinesis...manipulate and generate smoke

  169. Umbrakinesis...manipulate darkness

  170. Unikinesis...manipulate the universe

  171. Urbanakinesis...manipulate urban areas

  172. Vibrokinesis...generate vibrations

  173. Vitakinesis...manipulate health

  174. Vitreokinesis...manipulate glass

  175. Xylokinesis...manipulate wood

If you find yourself unknowing of what you can do with some of these abilities, kindly look here