OR: Ralkya

Story by RaiRaijinn on SoFurry

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#6 of RH's Beastiary (Fantasy Races)

You know.... I had the idea for these wonderful 'ladies' in my sleep, They woke me up...

I was dreaming of these 'maidens' 'taking on' a Pegasus... WTF is wrong with my head!

Species Name: Ralkia (Elf-Harpy Crossbreed)

Origins/Homeworld: Multiple worlds and Planes, mainly acropolises and mountainous regions

Average Height: 5.5 feet to 6.5

Average Lifespan: 180 years

Intelligence Level: Sentient

Civilization Level: Tribal/Unincorporated

Civilization Age: 300 years

Population: 5000 or greater

Culture(s):The Ralkya are ruthless Hunters as they soar above the clouds themselves, spotting prey from high up in the Sky, pinning down onto any victim that they come across within their sight, leaving them helpless to the Ralkya's vicious nature; These airborne maidens aren't bloodthirsty murderers though, They have more preferred means of sating their 'desire' through a peculiar religion. The Ralkya are frequent Nomads, staying in one place for a season isn't their idea of making a home unless the 'Hunting' is excellent in that region, but some will migrate from roost to roost. They cannot stand excessively cold weather nor rain that lasts for days on end, otherwise they will relocate to a more suitable environment.

The Ralkya are highly sexualized culture, some people who have visited the floating islands in the sky will notice that in their tribes, they will craft sculptures of Phallic objects from stone or clay that are highly detailed then 'worship' these objects in a rather vulgar manner with their orifices. The Ralkya Race often kidnaps males that originate from a variety of races as the fathers of their offspring, unfortunately trapped on these skylands, without an escape, being constantly bred twenty-four hours every day. Sky beasts such as Wind Dragons or Air Elementals that visit these Acropolises are 'worshiped' by the Ralkya, helping maintain the Balance of the four elements...

The Ralkya that don't reside in these floating land masses often make a home in the mountainous lands on the world below, living by their lonesome, establishing a territory of approximately a few miles. The Winged maidens will stay in an area for a season until moving on to a new region to increase their chances of successfully recreating and procreating, the only occasion that they do stay is if they have offspring in their roost. This is the most likely time you will ever witness the Ralkya walking long distances is the scenario in which their children can't fly until they reach puberty.

Factions: Various tribes scattered throughout their worlds, Ralkya will mainly group together temporarily when hunting packs of their prey

Technology: Unknown, The Ralkya have the natural physique to take their targets without weapons but some have been occasionally seen wielding swords or spears as well as armor when pursuing game animals

Allies: Gnolbolds; these little raunchy bastards, who can be found in some of the roughest terrain possible, get along with the Ralkya Maidens because of a natural exchange that takes place between the two races: A lone Ralkya will roost and nest in their lair, being provided food as well as all the 'Male' company she could ever desire; The Gnolbolds in return get a Brood Mother 'substitute' that is capable of birthing a litters of Whelps alongside Eggs that may contain harpies that the prior generation will use as concubines or possibly use them to increase their ranks as long as inbreeding countermeasure doesn't take effect on the Harpy offspring. The sneaky little devils will utilize the fact that it becomes more difficult for a Ralkya to fly if she is pregnant or hasn't used her wings in long time, thus a number of the Airborne maidens will be contented with the fate of becoming a breeding tool, it is rather ironic of a fate...

The Ralkya generally like creatures that they can breed with or at least rape, they actually depend on the survival of certain sentient races.

Enemies: Orcs... well technically the Ralkya liked them at first but proven too difficult of a prey to sate their lust because these Greenskins can easily chase them off. Orcs if attacked by one of these maidens will rip their primary flight feathers from their wings then pin the offending Ralkya down on the ground, before attaching weighted shackles to their ankles and wrist to effectively ground them; fortunately for the Ralkya, these feathers grow back after a short time, unfortunately, they are broken in,Mentally and Physically, to be servants for the Greenskin in question or are auctioned off.

Goblins, The Ralkya do not like these short limey midgets for several reasons: Their attitudes are horrible, they don't bathe, they are often perverts that look at them when they are in the act of 'Hunting', their flying machines are noisy, and they have tiny 'tools'. A Ralkya would prefer killing these wretched creatures than mating with them, considering they are an eyesore to even glance at...

Hostility: The Ralkya will assault anything that is suitable prey for them

Physical Description: The Ralkya have plantigrade feet, with talon-like toes; hands with similar protrusions at their fingertips that enable to grab a hold of something tightly; they normally have hourglass body type to allow for aerodynamical flight; Four large powerful Angel-like wings, the upper set often larger than the lower set, protruding from their upper back; feathers on all areas of their body except around their elven-like face and around their groin; Ralkya have pointy ears like elves but are are significantly shorter.

Eyes: various eye colors. Ralkya eyes can shift from a regular pupil to one similar to a feline's eye, they have a white lenses to their eyes.

Hair: Ralkya have wonderfully silky hair, they often keep it long or in braided fashion.

Skin: Ralkya have smooth skin masked beneath their thick plumage that enables to fly smoothly through the air.

Sexual Dimorphism : the Ralkya sadly lack the Male Gender of their species as Ralkya are all predominantly female, males of this species are non-existent.

Sexuality: Ralkya possess a high libido, their almost Nymphomaniacs in a sense, concerned with mating and breeding as top priority aside from eating or caretaking of their offspring; luckily their libido slows down a bit as they age into their 40's, still a little promiscuous side though but rather damn attractive. Pre-pubescent Ralkya aren't this way though, they are rather timid until they reach the year of their transformation from childhood to an adult which is rather violent and messy, their sex drive kicks in, activating the hormones required to strengthen their minds and bodies for the act of forceful procreation/recreation. Ralkya will sexually assault any gender to be honest, if there isn't a enough males around, a Ralkya Maiden will attack a female to sate herself with, through grinding her groin against her victim's.

The best way to keep these lusty maidens at bay is to leave phallic statues in high places, such as church steeples or rooftops, albeit the Ralkya seem obsessed with the male 'anatomy' for some reason...

Reproduction: Ralkya are capable of giving birth or depositing eggs. They are quite proficient breeders...

Fertilization: They require male 'essence' in order to reproduce.

Gestation: Depends on the mate's species

Brooding (Average # of offspring): Depends on the mate's species

Abilities/Traits: (Work on later)