Night Games

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Today turned out to be fairly decent for the apprenticing blacksmith. A few orders had come in and the work had been easily enough completed without incident and now putting away his tools and quelling the fires of the forge the collie sighed with relief. The requests he had received from the few customers he had were resting on the rack and would be able to go out tomorrow morning. Old lady Jelande's kitchen knife sat on the rack right next to the imperial knights second-in-command's broadsword. A smile framed the young canine's face when he thought about how much he enjoyed his work and how he couldn't wait to be praised by his master when the older stallion returned from his vacation.

It was a good thing to that the older anthromorph had taken this time away since his arthritis was acting up again and he let his student run the forge. The aging horse was as stubborn as his hammer and anvil and had refused to take time off until he was forced to when his hand began to cramp up on him one morning. It was just in time too since the high priest of the town's sanctuary had to go off to the next village over and could shepherd the stallion off to the neighboring town where the horse could get someone to look at his hands. Kinda strange too since the tiger cleric needed to go off to gather scrolls at the exact same time but then again who was he to judge how fate worked.

Stretching the kinks out if his back the collie yawned and sighed again before leaving the workshop and going into the front room. The room was cast in a quiet darkness since the sun had long since set and the apprentice had forgotten to light a candle. Not that it was needed since he could see perfectly in the blackness but it helped in case a last minute customer came in. Making sure to lock the front door the collie went into the back room and gathered up his wash clothes before going out the rear doorway. Since it was just getting into the evening the bathhouse would still be open and he could make it just in time to see his mate. A lecherous grin spread out over the collie's muzzle as he thought about his lover and how much he would be happy to see him.

With his towel over his shoulder and cleaning items under his arm the collie walked through the cool night letting the sweat dry under his fur. It was refreshing from such a long and hard days work not to mention rewarding as well. The cool wind made the nubs on his chest harden into small pebbles which caused small charges of lightning to run down his spine when his nipples rubbed against his sweat soaked shirt. It put the apprentice in just the right mood when his sheath began to fill out to ready himself for a long night of lovemaking with his mate, whether said mate wanted to or not. Oh yes, just thinking about his lover made the collie envision bending the other over and pounding into the cute rear of his over and over all evening long. The canine couldn't help when a chuckle broke from between his lips as he licked his fangs in anticipation. Once he got to his destination the collie walked in the bathhouse and nodded to the cheetah that ran the place. The thirty something year old anthromorph grunted before going back to counting up the books for the day while not giving much thought to one of his long time customers.

Laughing at the busy feline the collie headed for the larger pool area. Getting there and letting the steam wash over him the canine looked around and found his mate resting at the farthest edge pool with his eyes closed. Licking his muzzle unconsciously, the collie smirked before taking off his clothes and getting into the water without making a splash. Swimming was one of his personal favorite hobbies and the collie swam over without breaking the waters flow right up to his mate without the other anthromorph noticing. While still submerged he reached out and under the fox's long and bushy tail and shoved his index finger right up into the unsuspecting male's tailhole.

The yelp from the other was priceless and soon enough the vulpine was fumbling around while trying to keep from falling into the pool. The fox moaned when the slim digit wiggled inside of him even deeper and pressed against his prostate caressing the bundle of nerves. The collie found that he always loved to make his mate moan whether in bed or in the general public and fondling the other while in front of other anthromorphs never proved to get boring. However, the fox wasn't always so willing and a paw reached down to squeeze the collie's nose blocking out the passage of air. Figuring that he had better stop before he chocked the collie pulled his finger out of his lover's warm passage and surfaced from the overheated water to stare into vexed ruby eyes.

The fox didn't say anything but the look on his muzzle was more than enough to let the canine know that he wasn't pleased with the previous event. Well that would have to change the collie thought as he brought his arms up and around the other male and pulled the fox into his chest. Dripping wet chocolate and vanilla fur was meshed with equally wet cherry fur as the collie hugged his lover close to him and nuzzled the top of his head. The vulpine tried to stay mad but ended up relenting and reciprocating the gesture all the while brining his tail up out of the water and curling it around his mate's torso. The canine's own tail swished happily in underneath the water albeit at a much slower pace than normal.

The two males rubbed against one another for quite a few moments before backing away to look at one another but never releasing the other. The bright red eyes of the fox stared into the onyx orbs of the collie and the two smiled at one another before bringing their muzzles close in a kiss. Turning in the opposite directions the fox and dog found that their mouths seemed to fit almost perfectly with one another's and their tongues found companionship beside the opposing appendage. Licking and suckling on his perspective mate's organ proved to be fun for the two males and both made a contest out of who could swallow the other down before they had to break for air.

Tonight the fox won the battle as the collie dove backwards first making the vulpine hum triumphantly. Pulling away from each other and then returning their nuzzling the collie and fox stood together in the steaming waters while letting the stress of the day drift away and off of them the same as the sweat and grim stuck onto their respect fur. It would have been heartwarming to see as the canine stood over his mate by a half inch counting the ears and crushed the bulk of the apothecary's larger build into his hold. It was an odd mix since one would think that the collie would be the bigger male since he worked tempering and forging steel all day while the fox spent most if not all of his day gathering herbs and mixing potions and drugs together but for the two mate's it was what it was. The fox was the bigger of the two by at least ten pounds of muscle while the collie was more lithe in appearance.

However, the collie was the one who found himself in charge of the two and often dominated the fox both in and out of bed. However, for tonight the smith would be the one to play submissive to his mate. The fox growled happily when the collie tipped his neck back and bared his throat letting the other know that he wanted to be dominated on this night. Fangs instantly latched on to the canine's throat and the collie couldn't help but gasp at the feel of teeth pressed up against his tender skin hidden under his fur. Brown paws drifted down into the water as the collie gave full control to his lover.

The fox murred happily and grappled the canine and the turned them both around so that the canine's back was against the pool's edge. Though he may have been the submissive one in the bedroom and out the fox had a kinky, if not masochistic appetite and loved to mix both pain and pleasure into the lovemaking between he and his mate. Still keeping his jaws against the other's neck, the fox pressed just a fraction harder against the flesh inside of his muzzle before releasing his mate and then bending him backwards onto the linoleum of the poolside. Laying completely still the collie groaned when sharp claws raked the fur underneath his tail sending up sparks of pleasure along with some discomfort up his spine Shaking his rear at the other the canine couldn't help but squirm as his fox used him like a quasi-scratching post.

When he was sure that his mate was thoroughly under his control the vulpine grabbed his collie's hips and then rubbed his stiffening sheath against the dog's tailhole. Since their lower half's were underwater the motions were somewhat slowed but nonetheless arousing as the fox's cock began to rise up out of its furry home and poke at the tight ring between the canine's rump. Grinding himself deeper into the back of his lover's butt the vulpine made soft crooning sounds as he let the sensitive nerves along his cock rub against the wet fur and along the crack of his mate's buttocks. When his eight inch length of maleness was fully extended the fox stepped back from the collie before looking at him and then cocking his head to one side. When the collie began to rise up he was met by a quick cuff to the top of his head and settled down back into place.

The vulpine grunted in approval before getting and idea. Moving back to his lover and raising the dog's fluffy tail from out of the water the fox rubbed his face against the water matted appendage before making his way down the length of it to where the tail and butt connected. The vulpine breathed in a deep breath as he swallowed up the raunchy scent of his sweaty lover down at his most intimate area even though it was mixed with the cleaning solution of the pool water. The heavy musk from the slightly sweat laden area was enough to get the fox's hips humping but the vulpine was able to control himself just enough to pull his mate out of the water so that his rear sat onto the poolside and poke his cock against lover's sac. The sensations for the collie were electric as his sheath had swollen and his maleness pressed out of his sheath while the subtle stabbing against his balls made the dog gasp and pant for air as he clenched his fingers against the smooth edge of the pool.

The fox chuckled darkly at his mate's antics before he snapped out and bit alongside one of the canine's taunt butt cheeks. The resounding yelp was like music as the fox felt satisfaction for his revenge. Not wanting to let up too quickly he held the collie between his fangs for a second before releasing him and then reciprocating the same gesture to the other cheek. Another yelp from the smith was his reward.

Pulling back and then licking the punctured area the fox listened to the soft croons coming from his lover and murred in sympathy. Once he was done with his ministrations the apothecary nuzzled his way to the center of the collie's anus and began to rim the pink rosette that lay hidden between. If the scent was strong from the outside than it was overpowering when he delved his black nose deep inside of his lover's hidden passage while he drilled his tongue further in. The smooth and clean tailhole was always a special erogenous zone for the collie but one that embarrassed him so the fox took full opportunity to make the other squirm while under his control.

The collie felt like his mind was going to shut down in another second if his mate kept up stroking him with his tongue. It never failed to make him groan and yip when he was touched down there and with that talented appendage of his fox running around inside of him was...

The fox pulled back once he had had enough playing and licked his muzzle in appreciation before he rose up over his lover until his chest and eyes was even with the smith's. When his cock was a fur away the vulpine sighed and then shoved himself inside to the hilt. The collie had to bit the inside of his mouth to keep from yelling out and no doubt brining in the cheetah from outside and that proved to be difficult in itself. The look on the canine's face brought a shadow of a smile from the fox's muzzle as he looked at the slightly pained grimace of the collie. Bending down and kissing his mate on the nose the fox made shallow and quick thrusts into his lover just enough to stretch the dog's anal muscles.

His mate was many things outside of bed but inside he was no less than huge with his eight inch cock and its three inch width having plowed inside of him. Like he did the collie felt so full and groaned out loud when he could open his muzzle after chocking down his shriek. His own ten inch cock rubbed against the moist fur of his mate's belly giving him some relief.

The fox smirked down at his mate as his ruby eyes clouded over with lust. He loved to make his collie scream and once they returned home he was going to see that he did, many more times. Right now however, the fox shifted side to side as he let the his cock spread the muscles of the canine's tailhole a little more to the point where he could slid back out without tearing the walls of his mate's anus. Pulling his hips away from the other the vulpine fully withdrew the eight inch length of his cock and let it stay out just a moment before sinking it back home. The tight insides of his collie made the experience euphoric so he repeated the action but this time keeping just the tip inside before diving back inside of that heated sanctuary.

The collie had to control his breathing as he dug his claws into the linoleum under his hold when he mate speared him again and then again. His tail had long since dropped to the side and hung like a dead weight all the while his lower half seemed to be numb from the mind blowing pleasure. Tongue lolling from his muzzle and drool dripping out the smith made quiet whimpers as he found his body temperature rising up along with his climax. It was almost premature but whenever his lover had control it proved to be a prelude to more pleasure to come.

The fox thrust again and again in and out of his lover while keeping a hold over the other's shoulders and gripping his arms hard enough to dig his claw into the brown and white fur. Looking into the black eyes of his mate and seeing that the canine was trying to fight to them from rolling up into his gave the fox a sense of pride that he could drive his mate this wild. Seeing the open muzzle of the dog the vulpine bent low and forced his tongue back inside of his lover's mouth and delved inside plundering that warm cavern the same as he was with the canine's tailhole. Sweat coated his body as the steam from the water and heat of his lover fueled his rising desire.

The collie gagged when he tasted his mate's tongue inside of his muzzle caressing his tonsils but try as he might to move his own organ around it was useless as the fox was in full control and saw fit to keep it that way. The only handle the canine seemed to have was his cock rubbing against the silky fur of his lover's chest and stomach when the fox rutted harder inside of him. The dripping head spewed clear fluid over the vulpine's midsection drenching it and making better friction for the collie to rub up against. He wanted to reach between and stroke himself but the strength of his lover's paws kept his arms in check.

Dragging his cock out once more the fox felt his knot began to engorge right to the point where it bumped against his mate's tailhole and was denied entry inside. Stopping and panting heavily the apothecary dragged his cock out of the canine beneath him and then stepped back. Instantly the collie lifted his head and looked at his mate in question but he was met not by an answer but by a playful smirk. Lifting his tail back from the water and then turning the canine began to think that the game was over, that was until he was bum rushed.

The fox wasted no time as he pressed his mate's body back against the poolside and then lifted his tail up to bend over across the linoleum. The position caught the canine off guard but even more so when his body was stabbed and then stuffed by eight inches of fox meat. The vulpine struck him the same as a wild animal would be with a lance and was then fucked as never before. While he may have been gentle before with his deep dicking this time the fox savaged his lover with quick strokes. His knot punched its way inside without paused making the collie yelp and groan. Paws resting by his side while his body was bent in half the apprentice smith could only take the cock as it forced its way inside of him again and again battering his prostate and making his cock spurt out clear pre onto his already wet fur and the poolside.

The fox had almost gone rabid save for the fact that he was in total control of both his mate and himself. Without breaking stride the apothecary reached paw around and took his lover's shaft into his hold and began to furiously stroke it in sync with his pounding. The heavy collie dick pulsed streams of clear fluid onto his paws making his stroking easier and quicker. Soon the fox could feel his balls draw up to his body and the on set of his orgasm rushing up over him. With his knot almost completely filled out the vulpine crushed his mate's cock into his paw just in time for him to howl out as his seed shot into the canine. The canine cried out as well but not for the same reason. With his mate squeezing him to deeply he couldn't orgasm and that made his body lock up and grip the fox's cock even tighter with his tailhole.

The fox kept up his orgasm for a full minute before he felt drained and released his mate. The collie sighed as he felt his climax approach but cried out when he was denied his own explosion. A few seconds before he was ready to release his mate had strapped a tight ring of leather over the base of his shaft and the pressure between his cock and balls denied his release. Turning his head and staring at his lover in shock the collie was ready to voice his complaint when he was cuffed on the back of the head for a second time tonight. The apothecary glared at him silencing the other back into his submission and in the back of the dog's mind he wondered just how long he would have to go without release tonight.