
Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#1 of Underneath the Wars

An introduction by Dr Elizabeth Goan, the 'author' of this 'historical fiction' Written 2013


Morphs have endured over a hundred years since their original creation, but not without strife. The three major wars could be considered a single campaign, since they were rooted in the same cause, but the time between the hostilities gave people, humans and morphs alike, a hope that peace had been achieved. Thus, we remember each assault on morph existence as a separate war, defined by the American president that led each genocide. However, I shall not honor them by mentioning their names here. They shall live in infamy and shame, on their own.

This book is about those that do deserve to be honored. It is about the lives of the morphs and humans that lived during those wars. Specifically, we will follow one hyena in particular. Staff Sargent Anika Greenhill lived through eighty-three of the best and worst years in morph history and played her part proudly. I had the pleasure of interviewing her before she passed away last month and I offer here the story of her life and her perspective on morphs' collective struggle for survival. She was a proud spotted hyena and strong to the end. I am happy to have met her and been inspired by her; and I hope that you feel the same.