Duty Chapter 2: Bed Talk

Story by ArgoDD on SoFurry

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#4 of Duty

Reis tells Marcus about Joji.

As the two lay in bed, Marcus rested his head on the chest of his love. Listening to the thump of Reis's heart and feeling the motions of his breathing, Marcus couldn't help but think how life seems to run in circles. This was the place where their relationship began, and once again here they were, starting anew. Reis lowered his head, kissing Marcus's forehead.

"I love you."

It appeared that Reis started the renovations in his room, as they were all fully complete. The walls were repainted yellow, as they were once chipped and dry. Some of the furniture had been replaced. The rest was repaired, especially the bed as Marcus remembered it being rocky and with gashes, but now it was steady and sanded to a smooth and comfortable surface. The bookshelf was also a new addition that Marcus had noticed the day he arrived.

Marcus looked back at the wine bottle that Reis had placed on the bedside lamp desk--which was not the same lamp desk he remembered.

"Do you trust this guy?" asked Marcus


"The guy who stopped by earlier. Err...Joji?"

Reis raised Marcus's face to his, meeting his yellow eyes.

"I trust him with my life. Why?"

"Does his brother really own LaFleur Vineyards?"

Reis looked over to the wine bottle and then back to Marcus.

"He sure does. Joji's brother is Gus LaFleur."

Marcus lowered his eyebrows in a focused, curious frown. "Really? The guitarist?"

"Yeah, from the Highways Band."

"How could two brothers have two different last names? And look nothing alike?"

Reis smiled. "Same father but different mothers I think is what he told me."

"Has he ever introduced you?"

Reis chuckled. "Not yet. He tells me that he's on tour a lot and doesn't get to see him much. I think it bothers him because they're very close."

"He told you that?"

Reis nodded. "Why, do you not trust him?"

Marcus really didn't want to offend Reis in any way right now. They were together again and that's all that mattered. Reis finally seemed to be happier with himself, something Marcus had not seen in a long time, and he seemed to give this Joji credit for attaining this new esteem. Only a few days ago did Marcus promise to not be a controlling ass anymore; he promised that he would not do anything to hurt Reis anymore.

"I don't know," said Marcus "but if he's keeping you in step and away from your past, then I guess he can't be all that bad."

Reis smiled again, holding Marcus closer, squeezing his head to his chest. "I'm sure that once you get to know him, you'll start to like him. He's really helped me out."

Marcus grasped Reis's chest. "How long have you known him?"

"We've been friends for about two months now. But we first meet at the academy when I started. He would come up to do drills once in a while. I think he first noticed me when we were doing our mock raid. I pulled him out away from an incoming paintball. After the drill, he gave a debrief and said something like 'Mr. Northcote saved my life. Loyalty to your comrades is the only thing you honestly got in this business. So the rest of you would be better off if you follow his lead.' After that, he would always pull me aside during every exercise he headed, giving me tips and stuff like that. Later...we started talking about other things. Like mom, like the East Coast, like the house, like...well...eventually you. Then, about two months ago, came the gas chamber. He knew how nervous I was, so he again took me aside and said 'After this is over, I'm coming over to help you with the house. And dinner is on me.' And we've been friends ever since."

Marcus raised his head over Reis's. "When did you tell him about me? About us?"

"We were working on the kitchen pluming and he mentioned he thought that the reason why I wanted to get the bedroom done first was because I was expecting a girl. I asked how he knew I was...in a relationship...and he said 'A guy with your looks and your character obviously has a girlfriend.' And I said, 'Actually... I have a boyfriend.'"

Marcus's jaw dropped. "You told him that?"

"Like I was trying to say before...I'm done with keeping things from friends."

"Oh Reis," Marcus gave Reis's lips a soft kiss. When they parted, Marcus asked, "And what did he say?"

"He was surprised. I think he dropped the wretch and said, 'You're kidding!' But he smiled, put his paw on my shoulder and said 'Reis, I don't care if your gay, straight, or if you wanna marry a shoe. You're a good guy. And you're gonna be a great cop. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.'"

Reis paused for a moment and looked away. Then he sat up and sprung out of bed. Marcus pulled at his tail. "Where do you think you're going, babe?"

"We got to wash up," said Reis "it's almost six thirty."

Marcus popped right out of bed and followed. How could he pass up the chance to take a hot shower with his hot mate?