
Story by Perrin Wolfbrother on SoFurry

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#2 of Predatory Lust

Each new meeting brings a little bit more knowledge

Hey everyone!

I'm still Lyon with my lovely avatar?user=48220&character=0&clevel=2 Gritou, but thanks to the magic of technology I can post the second part of this miniseries of mine, yay! Hope you are still curious about what is going to happen, and show me your curiosity with a comment *chuckle*

Thank you for this wonderful week-end we are passing together babe *hug*

So, you saw this creepy guy only two times, and you had some bad feelings, but you are still having the hots for him even with all that? And you would jump in bed with him? You gay guys are weird ^^ 04.35pm

You straights are worse than us with girls 04.35pm

Xander typed his text to his friend, not feeling bad for its shortness. Any text to Kurt would be shorter than his, after all, the fox being quite talkative both in person and in his written interaction. He had always been like that, since high school, and now that he was majoring in English Literature he had become even worse.

The jaguar wrapped his scarf tighter around his neck, the cold autumnal wind getting inside his clothes from every uncovered part. Even if he had lived in that city all his life, he was still not used to the coldness, probably a legacy of his jungle origins that still haunted him and his family. The amount of clothes made him look buffer than he was, the only advantage of the colder seasons.

He kept his phone in his paw, ready to answer his foxy friend's text when they came. It was quite rare for him to be free to talk, so he always made the best out of it, whenever there was the occasion. As the jaguar had foretold, his phone gave out a soft bling, his fingers deftly working on it.

That's defamation! We don't go to parties, hunting tails, banging girls even if we don't like them that much, apart from their bodies... Oh crap, I guess we do ;-P More seriously, if that wolf gave out bad vibes, you should be careful. 04.38pm

Xander chuckled at the concerns of his friend. The fox had been always very protective of him, since grade school, always supporting him in every occasion. He had been the one harboring him after his parents chased him out of their house, before his grandpa knew what happened.

The lanky feline used one paw to type his reply, slowly walking on the curb back to his own apartment, after a gruesome turn at work. He lived not that far from the store, still in a slightly better neighborhood, something he had always been grateful.

Kurt, don't worry, I am always careful. I have my grandpa's knife, remember? 04.39pm

He kept walking, though not as a fast trot, since he was still far away from his apartment. The feline preferred to walk to work, since it was merely 2 miles away; that way, he saved the money for the bus trips, money that went right in his bank account. For the same reasons he didn't have a car, an useless expanse for a fur like him.

Once again his phone came to life, causing a smile for the quickness of Kurt's replies.

It wouldn't be much of a protection, if your description of the guy is true. He is a muscle god, a Heracles reborn! But I trust your discernment. You always have been very sensible around guys you dated, after all. 04.41pm

That was the true, of course, event though he hadn't dated that much. His grandpa had instilled precaution in him, always saying that he should be careful with dates and romance; that was the biggest reason why he wasn't 100% sure about Fenrir.

I am, don't worry. Plus, I am not that convinced he is into me 04.41pm

The jaguar didn't break his walk, his goal getting nearer and nearer with each step. He passed the various shops without stopping, since he didn't need to do his own groceries, brushing against the furs walking in the opposite direction, all tucked and covered with warm clothes. He opened the received text right after he got it, his timing being perfect.

Not that story again! You might not be as big as your cousins, but you are still very cute! And this is a straight guy telling it, so you have to believe! You got enough attention during the years to be past this insecurity :-( And sorry, I have to go to work, catch up with you later! 04.43pm

Okay, have fun Kurt! 04.43pm

A sigh escaped his muzzle while he finally put his phone away, his paw remaining in his pocket to gather a bit of warmth. He did know what his friend told him, and his physical appearance wasn't really an issue... Well, maybe a bit, but he was used to it, after all.

Maybe that wolf was into twinks, and he kind of fell in the definition of one, both with his age and his body type. That would explain why he flirted with him, and all; still, he wasn't sure that he would go along with a date, the unsettling golden eyes made him shiver, and not in a good way. But when he thought about the big lupine pinning him down, having his go to his ass, that caused shivers of pleasure, and a stiffness in his pants.

His heart beat quickened when he saw a familiar, leather-wearing figure just a few strides away from him, exiting a shop as if he had been summoned by his horny thoughts. The wolf didn't seem to be bothered at all by the cold wind, staying defiant and tall, in all his muscled height; he didn't have any bag with him, so he didn't purchase anything in the shop. He looked around himself, his eyes fixing on the small feline figure, a predatory grin appearing on his muzzle.

Xander's ears danced on his skull, his mind quickly trying to find a way from meeting the big canine; he was just not ready for that! But Fenrir had already seen him, his powerful calves moving him toward the young clerk with an inevitability that left no room for actions. Steeling himself, he stopped his ears and forced his lips to curl in a faltering smile.

"Hey Xander! Nice to meet you in the open air." The powerfully built wolf greeted him, his unsettling grin still present. He had extended his paw, so the jaguar obliged and took it, getting his tiny one crushed in the process.

"Hi s-sir. I-I am going home, I-I just finished working." The feline answered, his mumblings not caused by the cold alone. The lupine easily towered over him, even more so now that there wasn't a counter dividing them, of which the taller fur took advantage, getting closer to the other. He was so close that the sensible nose of the younger clerk could smell the manly musk of the dominant male, something that, to his deep shame, aroused him to no end.

"That's cool! I can walk you to your home then." Fenrir smiled, releasing the paw and falling at the side of the feline, so that he could follow him wherever he had to go.

"N-no need to do that, I-I live just a few blocks away, a-and you must be busy!" Xander protested, mixed feeling filling his heart. It seemed nice of the wolf to do that, accompany a fur he had met just for the third time, but also, it was kind of creepy, like he was stalking him... It didn't seem wise to let him know where he lived too...

"No big deal, I am free this afternoon!" The gray furred wolf laughed, slapping his back as to let him start walking. And, to his own surprise, the feline just did it, all the weak excuses dying in his throat.

"So, what do you do in your free time, Xander?" The lupine suddenly asked, while he followed his pray. The question took him aback, he wasn't expecting it, after all, and he briefly contemplated to lie and sound more interesting... But that would have been low of him...

"I stay in my apartment, connected to the internet, doing stuff." He answered truthfully, for the first time not failing on expressing his thoughts to the wolf. That made him feel euphoric, finally being able not to look like a dumb kid, even if he had just delivered a statement about his life's lameness.

"That's not okay; a young thing like you should go to clubs and have fun." Fenrir rumbled, even though he didn't seem that surprised, or that sad for him. That might be a good thing, after all.

"I don't like clubs..." The feline blushed, this time recurring to lying. He did like to go out and dance, but that stuff cost too much for him, money he couldn't afford to waste for silly things.

"What about friends? Do you hang out with them?" The big canine kept asking embarrassing questions, in his attempt to satisfy his strange curiosity. His arm brushed Xander's, a sudden spark of electricity passing through him, a feeling that was both pleasant and weird.

"I... I don't have any friends in town now..." He admitted, his ears lowering and his tail growing stiff. He didn't know why he told him the truth, maybe, deep down, he hoped the wolf got disinterested in such a loser, and left him alone...

"Not true, I am here, so you have one friend!" The wolf grinned, enveloping the scrawny cat in a one armed hug, squeezing him and rattling his bones. It felt kind of good to be treated like that; it had been a long time since the last one that hugged him...

"O-Okay, stop!" He shouted, not wanting to be harassed in the open by the lupine. He broke free and pointed to the tall apartment building they were in front of. "I arrived! That's my place!"

"It didn't take long!" The wolf exclaimed, his tail wagging behind him. "So, when is your next free evening?"

"Uhm, tomorrow. Why you ask?" Xander replied, curious to see what the question was going to lead to.

"I want to treat you with a dinner." Fenrir grinned to him, a paw raised to stop any attempt of refusing, one paw going to his pocket and retrieving a piece of white paper. "You don't have to answer me now, just phone me when you are sure. But remember, it's a time limited offer!"

Xander took the business card, a phone number written under the name, nothing else present, not even his job or address.

"Fenrir Mannaro..." He read, his tongue twisting around the words. He looked up at the wolf, his head tilted a bit. "Are you Italian or something?"

"Nope, 100% American! So, ring me when you come up with a decision!" The wolf almost growled to him, turning quickly away and leaving behind a confused and undecided jaguar.

***** *****

The restaurant was quite fine, but not too much, so Xander's guilty for not paying wasn't that big. In the end he had phoned Fenrir, accepting the offer, and getting in return the growled coordinates of the restaurant. He had chosen his outfit with some care, a white shirt he rarely put on along with a red jersey, and some brown pants; it wasn't much, but he wanted to impress his... date, he thought he could call the wolf.

Fenrir had been there at the appointed hour, still wearing his trademark jacket, leaving it on his self even once they got inside. This time the jaguar hadn't been nervous, well, not that much, maybe because he knew they were going to meet, and had prepared himself. They got sit and ordered fairly quickly, and now they were waiting for their food to come, silence enveloping them.

Xander was struggling to find the right subject for a conversation, but he didn't find anything interesting. Giving up, he went for a lame question, one that might get an honest answer.

"Y-you know what I do for a living, so, can I ask you what's your job?" He said, cursing himself for stuttering even that one word.

"You can. I manage my family's financial investments." The wolf drily answered, his ears flicking a bit. "You live in a pretty good neighborhood. Do you have roommates?"

"N-no, I live alone." The feline responded, not sure where the conversation was going. The wolf seemed to be secretive with his own life, but curious about his own, which was strange but also... He didn't know, good? Because such a male specimen of a hunk, and that was new to him.

"How can you afford that? You must earn more than I thought." Fenrir stated, posing his chin on his intertwined paws, held up on his elbows. His golden eyes had been fixed on him for the entire time, without even blinking, and that was making him feel weirdly, even though he was getting used to that stare.

"I-I don't earn much. And the apartment isn't that big to have roommates..." He explained, and he was quite truthful. It had few rooms, only one bedroom and a big kitchen/living room, no space for another fur... he knew that perfectly.

"But still, the neighborhood is quite nice; the rent most cost a bit." The lupine persisted, each breath of his hitting the delicate nose of the jaguar, making it wrinkle at his pine-scented smell.

"I actually own it... I don't pay a rent..." Xander said, trying to sound minimal about it. It wasn't anything to boast about, even if it was really his only valuable thing in his possession... If you didn't count the silvery knife he had in his pocket. Both things were dear to him, too.

"Wow! Your parents most be loaded!" Fenrir whistled, appreciating the small fact he had just learned. Strangely, he didn't seem to like the notion of a rich Xander, judging from the tightness of his smile. "That doesn't explain why you work in a 7 Eleven!"

"They... they aren't loaded... They don't care about me at all... Actually, I'm dead for them." The jaguar didn't know why he just said that, revealing a part of his secrets to someone who was still a stranger to him. But he just did, maybe because he was rusty with the dating thing, or maybe because that didn't hurt him much anymore.

The wolf stared at him, pity showing on his features and in his eyes. That was actually the first genuinely good emotion he had displayed, a truthful compassion for the feline, for what he went through.

"What happened?" The simply, yet heavy question was uttered by him. Xander fixed his eyes on the empty plate in front of him, not wanting to look at his date while retelling those sad happenings.

"I... I was sixteen. I always knew I was into guys, and kept that secret until that moment. But I took the decision to reveal it to my parents, it was too... Hard to lie to them." He began his tale, stopping a moment to drink something. His mouth felt dry, probably because of the subject of the conversation, or maybe because the fur in front of him was so hot. "It was a Sunday. We were eating dinner, as always, when I... I took the courage and told them, right there and then."

"But they didn't like what you told them." Fenrir interrupted him, his paws lying on the table now, one starting to creep toward his own, spotted one, but still not having reached it.

"No. I didn't even have time to grab my things; they tossed me out in the street and told me I was no son of theirs." The jaguar sniffed, forcing his tears back, not wanting to cry in front of a date. That would be utterly pathetic.

"Then?" The wolf asked, now his paw really grabbing his own, and starting to squeeze it. Xander lifted his head, wanting to show that everything was okay.

"I stayed at a friend for a while. Until my grandpa got to know what happened. I wasn't present when he visited my parents, but they told me he delivered quite a speech to them, on love and how fucking dumb they were." He smiled at the memory. Even if he didn't see that, he could picture the frail yet still imposing old fur shaming his parents, showing what family it was.

"He must be quite the fur." The lupine grinned at him, not withdrawing his paw, but leaving it there. The paw felt hot on his fur, but calming, and even a bit arousing, even though the contact wasn't sexual.

"He was. He took me in after that, and left me his small apartment, when he passed away. It was all he had, and he gave it to me." The jaguar finished. His old grandpa had been wonderful, always comforting him and making sure he was happy. He missed him dearly, but the memories were there to comfort him, eternal and immutable.

"I'm sorry he isn't alive anymore." Fenrir whispered, tightening his grip on the spotted paw, his fingers diving in the flesh but not tearing the skin.

"I-I'm okay, I had plenty of time to get over his death." He admitted. Sure, it had been a terrible thing at the time, and the depression following his departure had lasted for many months, but his grandpa had taught him better than sulking on things he couldn't change.

"Still, you need some comforting..." The wolf rumbled in a very low tone. Unexpectedly, he felt a pressure against his thigh, creeping up to meet his crotch. He gasped at such contact, blushing furiously at the straightforwardness of the lupine, whose footpaw was now rubbing up and down his clothed and rapidly stiffening cock.

"Oh yeah, you need a lot of comforting, I am sure of that." Fenrir said, leaning forward a bit, while he kept his paw moving and teasing the sensible flesh of his date.

"M-maybe." The feline moaned his agreement, feeling that he really needed that kind of comfort now. It had been too long since he had something other than his own paw against his cock, and this contact was making him lust for something more.

"I think we won't wait for the food. We can have... refreshments at my place." The wolf rumbled, one paw rose to capture the attention of the waiter. Xander didn't have the spirit to disagree, any trace of hunger blasted away by lust.